
~ archived since 2018 ~


Theres a few that come to mind like rationalizing, and attempting emasculation but what are some other things that come about?

[–]yeahnahimgood85 points86 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Doubling down on the lie, followed by crying to squeeze empathy from you

[–]AlmightyFiNeSseN19 points20 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

This. It happened to me just the other day looool.

[–]TravelingShitLord51 points52 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

Gaslighting and enough to blowup the country.

[–]NJA4242 1 points1 points [recovered] | Copy Link

How would that look in context?

[–]TravelingShitLord34 points35 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Lying and twisting the story to change the narrative. You perty much have to have absolute proof that she is full of shit before she will stop.

[–]Speedracer111118 points19 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Deleted to prevent doxing

[–][deleted] 46 points47 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

Here’s a great example:

My ex and I are about to go to the grocery store.

She gets a text from someone named “Clyde”

Half seriously I say, “haha who is Clyde, that’s obviously a fake name and take her phone.” This is mostly a joke to me at this point. I didn’t suspect a thing.

She freaks out and grabs the phone and takes off.

Now she’s got my attention.

So I enter the room where she is hiding. And I ask, “who is Clyde?”

She says: it’s a guy from the shoe store, I wanted to get some shoes for you for your birthday so I got his number for when they come in.

I say: what kind of shoes?

She says that they’re a specific kind of a shoe (forget the name now) because her story is obviously 100% bullshit. I knew that those shoes would not require any correspondence with the sales person at a “shoe store.”

Anyways I let her know that I know she is lying. Then she tells me that Clyde is the fake name of her ex boyfriend, but they’re not talking about anything important. Even still, she deleted all the texts...

It turns out it’s my fault she lied because I was previously upset the first time I found out she was talking to him. And since I was upset, she didn’t want to upset me. So she was lying to keep me happy :)

At the time I had my head so far up my own ass I believed her. Years later, I’m not 100% certain Clyde was even her ex. Could have been any other guy!

As the relationship went on there were more and more lies until I eventually ended things.

[–][deleted] 27 points28 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

Fucking hell. Isn't it amazing that being so beta in the past you'd actually believe that she was telling the truth?

I cringe so hard at myself for letting obvious reality slip right past me.

You know Clyde was ballz deep in your girl, right? That suave mother fucker got past the "um, I have a boyfriend" and ended up right in that pussy.

Good for him. And good for you for coming around.

[–]McVaghunter6 points7 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

That suave mother fucker got past the "um, I have a boyfriend"

Obviously Clyde did read the side bar lol

[–]BusterVadge6 points7 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Classic Clyde move.

[–]FranckShmibery9 points10 points  (0 children) | Copy Link


[–]jshtx211751 points52 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

  • Very often dead silence;

  • If you have caught her by surprise it takes a few moments for her to formulate a plausible response;

  • They will often flatly deny, deny, deny unless they are confronted with solid proof and then minimize the facts and truth;

  • Honesty is NOT a feminine virtue;

  • For women, it's all about manipulating your sense of reality so that it casts her in the best possible light;

[–]AshyBoneVR45 points6 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

For women, it's all about manipulating your sense of reality so that it casts her in the best possible light;

My God yes...

[–][deleted] 16 points17 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

More lies and eventually trickle truths followed by a bunch of nonsense emotions.

[–][deleted] 15 points16 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Trickle truth is most common. She'll give you a tiny piece of the truth, but not even close to the whole truth. That way she can hide her intentions.

Knowing those, it's easy to fill in her blanks.

[–]HopeFarmer27 points28 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

  • Accusing you of being unclear/vague in your suspicion -- Note that if you tell an honest, innocent person something like "your story seems inconsistent and I'm worried you were doing something bad," she will elaborate on her story and attempt to alleviate your suspicion. On the other hand, if the woman knows she really was doing something bad, she will try to corner you into making arbitrarily specific accusations that she can legitimately deny while withholding an explanation of what really happened. This is a trap in multiple ways because it also forces you to seem desperate and jealous in the hope of getting the truth. If a woman does this to you, do not feel tempted to think of more specific accusations. Just sit quietly and watch her talk. Doing this will cause dread and she is quite likely to give in, become frantic, or contradict herself.

  • Randomly citing perceived problems with you or making "hypothetical" excuses for things that she denies -- She may say she doesn't feel like you value her or that you don't express your expectations clearly. She won't say she slept with that guy but what she is saying definitely sounds like an excuse for sleeping with him. If she's making excuses without admitting to the crime, she is trying to rationalize something that she has already done. Withholding the actual confession is just a form of damage control.

  • Asking why you care or why you can't just move on -- In most cases, people are very accepting of general curiosity. If you ask a random friend what he was doing last night, he will try to answer and probably won't stress out about your reason for asking. If a woman cares about you, she should theoretically be even more trusting and open with you than this random friend. If you ask a woman something and she instead gives some vague answer while questioning your motive for asking, she is guilty and trying to dodge the issue.

  • Saying she doesn't remember -- Watch out for this especially if alcohol is involved. No one is as forgetful as a lying woman. They don't really have the constant gaping holes in their memory that they say they do. They aren't that different from you. If someone claims to be this forgetful she is lying. This amnesia is often paired with the "why do you care so much" response. When she says "I don't remember" what she really means is "yes, I did it but I had special tingles so it doesn't count."

  • Revealing something concerning in an artificially casual/nonchalant way -- For example she might tell you a totally mundane story about how she had fun visiting her friend last night, then a couple days later she reveals some detail she left out like "lol I just got a text from this guy who tried to hit on me and my friend that night." Then you might ask why that guy has her number and suddenly she gets defensive and confused about why you are asking. This is the beginning of "trickle truth." The idea is that she tells you something small so that she can claim she tried to tell the truth but she presents it in a way that forces you either to accept it and seem passive, or to keep probing and seem desperate. In either case the lie will drag on and she will have crushed you and sucked out your soul before you have any chance of getting the whole truth. The appropriate response is to next immediately when she does anything that violates a boundary. Make sure you know what your boundaries are IN ADVANCE. Don't let her confuse you about your boundaries. She will try.

[–]_MysticFox 1 points1 points [recovered] | Copy Link

God damn. How did you learn this shit?

[–]Brandony19923 points4 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Experience, usually

[–]jehkahb0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Thank you I needed this

[–]Werewolf35b8 points9 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

When cornered, things were done, yeah, but for completley different, unrelated (to logic) reasons. Which somehow justify the crime.

Second is shifting blame. They are never responsible for anything. Ever.

Edit: oh yeah, I forgot. Everything g they have done is "in the past" and you are a raging asshole for not letting it go. Evrything- was the past!

[–]DeepRedSunglasses8 points9 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

They will look you in the eye and say "No, I didn't do that." You'll be able to know it's a lie because it's the only time they will make sure to look you square in the eye; when they are threatened. They won't think much of the lie afterwards. For her what's important is enjoying whatever benefit you provide with the smallest sacrifice possible out of her. If pressed, they will antagonize you by asking why you would think such a thing about such a nice little girl and why they would deserve such a thing. You won't be the first AFC who's asked them whether or not they act selfishly, she knows the drill.

[–]mrpthrowa7 points8 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

just tell us what you saw

[–]catapotium-rubrum6 points7 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

In any order.


-How dare you question her honesty?

Self pity

-people are so mean to me, they don’t believe me and I can’t act any way I want to without being questioned.


-please like me. I’m really likeable.

[–]user_none5 points6 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Deflection and redirection.

[–]AstuteBlackMan6 points7 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

Silence Lie more Blame the man(worst one that actually effects men)

Basically what children do.

[–]NJA4242 1 points1 points [recovered] | Copy Link

Basically what children do

This is something I actually googled prior to making this thread. A lot of the things honestly line up

[–]AstuteBlackMan3 points4 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Yeah I realized early that it's a lot similar. This is Ali's a reason as to why they're great nurturers.

[–]1walawalawa5 points6 points  (6 children) | Copy Link

usually it's OVER-reaction.

[–]NJA4242 1 points1 points [recovered] | Copy Link

What does the red "1" mean next to your name?

How would you handle the confrontation?

[–]HopeFarmer4 points5 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

Stay calm and consciously distance yourself from the interaction. Assume from the beginning that the worst case scenario is true and that none of her emotions are sincere. Be 100% prepared to walk away and never look back. If she cries, get angry that she is manipulating you; do not allow yourself to feel sympathy. Do not under any circumstances get tricked into apologizing. Take note when she brings up anything irrelevant or accuses you of something unrelated, point out that it's irrelevant, and return immediately to the issue at hand. Do not tell her you are willing to accept anything that you don't want to accept or offer a compromise to "make things work." If she continues to be manipulative, or if she fails to provide a satisfactory and complete explanation, force yourself to assume the worst case scenario and act accordingly. Be prepared to raise every question and complete your entire investigation during the first confrontation. She will only improve her lies and destroy all evidence if you give her any additional time, so you will never be able to trust her. Do not give her any hints of your suspicion before the confrontation. If you feel any uncertainty, assume she is lying and the truth is at least as bad as you expected.

[–]NJA4242 1 points1 points [recovered] | Copy Link

What do you do following the confrontation? Lets say the next time you see her

[–]HopeFarmer3 points4 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

If you found that nothing is wrong, you can just do nothing and never mention it. It's not ideal but sometimes you need answers. Anyway, this is very unlikely if you had reason to be suspicious.

If you were right then you shouldn't really care what she thinks of you. All women will lie but you can't continue to show respect for her after you catch her lying or she will only lie more and lose respect for you. Just treat her like a random acquaintance you don't care about. Don't seek her out and don't offer her any redemption or validation. Don't even give her the satisfaction of additional drama or a fight. Just be stoic and confident in your decision.

[–]NJA4242 1 points1 points [recovered] | Copy Link

Thanks brother I appreciate the responses. I just wanna clarify, in the second paragraph its over right?

Obvious exclusions like cheating in an LTR aside, a lie about something they did to take advantage of the situation/you. Is this a demotion thats permanent or potential to earn the trust back in your eyes.

Also how would you deal with the large sigh you get from a scenario where it proves AWALT?

[–]HopeFarmer4 points5 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Yeah in the second paragraph it's over.

If the lie is serious enough to affect you in any major way then I'd be extremely hesitant to give her any chance. You really need to handle that decision on a case by case basis though. If the lie involves anything like cheating/sex or betrayal, then it is absolutely over. You should still stay calm and stoic though.

If the lie is something significant but more superficial like if she gossiped about your personal business, disrespected you slightly, or used you for something, then she could possibly still be a plate. This can only work if she sincerely apologizes (very unlikely unless she practically worships you) and is willing to accept whatever you offer. Just make sure that you continue to maintain an abundance mentality and that you don't convey in any way that you are ok with what she did.

[–]XT3M34 points5 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

  • anger
  • how dare you believe them over me
  • blame throwing
  • force acceptance ( if you don't falter and back down)
  • begging for forgiveness

[–]bluepillcarl4 points5 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

"it was none of your business"

"you're an asshole"

[–]bumbuff4 points5 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Reverse and amplify. Or deflect and amplify. Always amplify though.

[–]aretardation3 points4 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Doubling down on the lie, then they get fake angry to shift the blame, then crying for empathy, then trickle truthing when there's no way to escape the lie, turning to placing the blame for lying/whatever they did to you.

How far you make it through this list depends on how long you press and don't accept the bullshit. Most times they don't have to make it past the second or third stage

[–]LateralThinker132 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link


Deny - obvious Attack - change subject by attacking you (usually emotionally/verbally) Reverse Victim and Offender - finds a way to blame you, cast herself as victim

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Playing dumb as in she doesn't understand

Playing afraid by explaining how some insecurity made her lie

Lying more


[–]accountfortrp0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Sticking with the lie and blocking your number

[–]RedPilledRoaster0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Subject change, continuing to lie, crying, ignoring, etc.

[–]Nomfwic0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Anything that shifts responsibility away from them can be expected.

Sorry. Will be expected.

This can include : crying, denying , blame shifting , gaslighting, creating drama, undermining reality and many many more.

[–]Kennen1Trick0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

My favorite of all is the rationalizing of her actions as an attempt to make you jealous, or rest your commitment. Basically if you have them more attention this wouldn’t have happened.

Here’s a good way to tell if a woman is lying: Is she talking?

[–]mabden0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link


[–]chim_city0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

"oh my god no, gross, how could you even think that?"

Because this is the 17th time this has happened, I have 5 eye witnesses, and cell phone camera evidence.

"its not what you think" or "its none of your business" or "we weren't together then" or "I don't have to answer to you"

[–]Armydude190 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Running for president and losing

You can kill a man, but you can't kill an idea.

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