
~ archived since 2018 ~


I've had a few situations where things are out of my hands. I understand that with most things, one should always fight for the dominant position. A few moment's ago, i couldnt see a way to stop from looking like the inferior person. the story is as follows:

I work with computers and have great relationships with my coworkers. unfortunately, i had privileges revoked due to paperwork errors of a higher echelon. I am unable to do my job without those privileges, which i have to ask to be reinstated by the people in that upper echelon. Of course I am being pressured by my supervisor to urge the upper echelons to fix my accounts, but just right now, i got a call from one of their people that pretty much just beat me down, telling me to stop annoying them, to stop emailing them, to just wait. when my supervisor asked what they called about, i simply said "they told me to stop emailing them and to wait." one of my coworkers blurted out "well if they did their job, the emails would stop."

what mindset should i have had when relaying this information. i know my face was pretty blushed. was there no other way to receive the upper echelon's call without feeling like im the one at fault?

[–]drFink222 7 points8 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

You are not at fault at all, they screwed up and need to fix it. Keep bugging them, tell them that you can't accomplish any tasks or work that you have. I'm not saying to call/e-mail them more than twice a day, but remind them (maybe even politely) that they fucked up and need to fix shit now. The squeaky wheel gets the grease.

[–]GaiusScaevolus 5 points6 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

In general when dealing with people, your best move is to show them they really do want you to have what you want. It's generally important to project a calm and confident demeanor. Don't run around throwing blame at them, but if the subject is broached, do maintain a firm sincerity that the error was theirs.

  1. Call them up and remind them that the calls would stop and the company could resume doing it's actual job if they would do as you have requested.

  2. If they respond rudely, go in person and demand the issue be fixed. A lot of keyboard tough guys fear actual confrontation.

  3. If all else fails, go over their head. Have them get a reminder from their boss to get off their asses and fix the problem.

(DISCLAIMER: Gauge advice to your situation as appropriate. Don't blame us if you get too big for your britches and get sacked.)

[–]thehigheststatusmale 1 point2 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

It isn't an upper echelon. It is another branch that serves a managerial role. You're a acting like a baboon lower on a totem pole. We are humans. You can reason with them. Call out their bull shit.

[–]CioCZ1 points [recovered] (1 child) | Copy Link

Well, how would one tactfully do that to the person who youre asking the "favor" from. The person that put me down is the person to contact for the issue i had. As much as i'd like to call him out, it would probably work against me, since if this issue isnt resolved, i could potentially lose my job.

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Who is the person who is responsible for your output? Is it your supervisor, or do you report to multiple bosses? Pick the senior most person you report to, and try to show them how the output they need is getting impacted. Then describe the situation and see if you can enlist them to make the request for you.

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Don't stop the emails altogether but reduce the frequency. It's quite annoying to be spammed with emails when you're fixing something. Your coworkers aren't going to give you advice with your best interests at heart. They will just complain/ruminate with you then go about their day. Your coworkers and supervisor are all aware of the situation; that's all you need to do by them.

Your pestering is the equivalent of a dude continually texting a girl that flaked on him and speed responding.

Give them a full week. When you're going to be penalized or given shit for poor work, reply with this scapegoat that you have poor tools. Keep relationships in good terms and it won't be held against you.

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I would not have been embarrassed in that situation, although I don't think you're feeling embarrassment exactly. Hear me out.

It sucks when someone you have to answer to gets shitty with you and it makes you feel bad even if you're not at fault. You're going to feel bad - no matter what.

When you have that shoved on you and it's outside of your control, it can be instinctual to fight that feeling. Normal day to day life doesn't typically feel too bad so you don't want to accept the bad feels - it seems somehow unnatural and you go through a small panic not wanting to accept that you have to wait out feeling shitty.

If that's the case, all you really have to do is accept that you're going to feel shitty when you get yelled at, even if you didn't deserve it, and that it's ok and normal to feel shitty when shit happens. The correct course of action is to accept that something made you feel lousy, wait out that feeling, and see it as a something that happened rather than a reflection of who you are.

It sounds weird, but it's a real thing. And surprisingly once you get what this means then "feeling bad" about stuff like this somehow stops being so overwhelming when it does happen.

You can kill a man, but you can't kill an idea.

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