
~ archived since 2018 ~


I’m what you’d consider a beta male. Since young age I’ve struggled with social interaction. Always had low self-esteem, not physically gifted in any way, not particularly good-looking, didn’t have the nicest clothes, you get the picture. To make matters worse, I was bullied systematically. Even so, didn’t really make much of it as a kid, I guess I just accepted being miserable as fuck as my reality. However, when the hormones started kicking in, I started seeing life as a much darker picture. My peers were experience the wonders of young love, exploring new things, fooling around with the girls between classes – puberty seemed like a red carpet for them, while for me, it looked like a backdoor on a shady alley. It made me miserable not having a piece of that cake. I craved human contact and all I’d get to satisfy it was low resolution porn videos and pics. My first kiss was at 18, to my one and only girlfriend so far. I’m now 21, I’m still a virgin, haven’t been in a relationship for two years, only thing that changed is that porn is now HD streams over the Internet. Wanna now how my only relationship ended? She friendzoned me. My own gf friendzoned me. I feel fucking pathetic thinking about it. To spice things up, when I got to college, all ties I had with my high school colleagues were pretty much lost. I soon realized that no one ever called me or texted me, nor I would get invited to hang out, ever. I was left to find new friends on my own, and being the social retarded I am, you can guess that didn’t work out too well. The supposed best years of my life are already gone, wasted. I’ve since been diagnosed with depression, put on several drugs, saw multiple therapists and tried to commit suicide at least twice. Nowadays, the only human contact I have is at work, and whenever I’m not working I’m stuck at home doing nothing and feeling miserable about myself. I have nothing to live for, no friends, no money, no passions, no life goals, nothing. My daily routine consists of sleeping, working, jacking off and sit my ass at the computer burning my retinas out. Living the dream. My parents don’t care, they barely talk to me even though we share the same house. I honestly don’t blame them, my brothers came out just fine, I’m the fucked up one, why should they waste time and energy on me? I want to end it all, I really do, and that’s where you come in. I have no idea how and all the tips, tricks and hacks people often recommend all seem to boil down to pure snake oil. I want solutions, not hacks, I want to take the red pill and take over my life, I want to hook up, I want to make friends, I want to make people like me, I genuinely want to manipulate people into befriending me because I know that at heart, I’m a cool guy to hang with, I know I can be a great lover (yeah, my ex pretty much used me as a fuck doll, only thing is, there was no fucking for me), I know I can be a great partner but I’m just carrying too much mental garbage to achieve the life I want. I feel people who know me already perceive me as alpha, it’s just I get all the fame but none of the profit because of my huge handicap. So please, tell me, how do I get the red pill, because I’m seriously sick of shoving blue pills (and no, not those) down my throat. TLDR: I’m a failure at life, have 0 friends, almost no experience with girls, feel miserable and I’m sick of it.

[–]4ZA7 points8 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Write down a list of things you want to start doing that you know will make you better, and then do them.


  • exercise (just do it, everything improves when you do)

  • eat well

  • get outside

  • join clubs of hobbies you have

  • stop being outward dependent

  • talk to women (you have to fail to eventually succeed, its not that hard)

  • read books / listen to podcasts

  • learn / become interesting

  • be happy

[–]sideoftheham31 points32 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

Hit the gym Fool

[–]CharlieIndiaShitlord14 points15 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

I'm actually disappointed that this is the most upvoted answer here, it is the stock answer that people can agree with, because while it is correct, it basically tells the guy sweet fuck all.

Op is a hard case newbie.

Now read this: Confessions of a Reformed InCel

So, you're not the only one to come from rock bottom. You have a long way to go, you know this. Go to the main sidebar on /r/TheRedPill and start at the beginning. Digest and really think about everything and how it relates to you. You have a lot of thinking ahead of you, and a lot of work.

[–]sideoftheham5 points6 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

I feel you man but op came in with a "feel bad for me attitude". If it's that bad then working out should be one of the first things to take effect

[–]CharlieIndiaShitlord4 points5 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

He did come in with that, I felt it as well and I didn't want to read it. I actually ignored the whole thread for a while after reading the beginning. I came back when I realized that the guy likely is a hard case newbie.

Your intention and words were fine, but it wasn't what the guy needs to hear. Much love brother.

[–]nantucketghost4 points5 points  (0 children) | Copy Link


[–]jellowmeso88 points9 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

read models by Mark Manson. That's what I'm doing right now.

[–]31337z3r02 points3 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Decent book, but has to be taken somewhat with a grain of salt. It makes the assumption that you can afford to do a lot of what the book goes over, so I had to disregard a good bit of it (completely gut and recreate my wardrobe? Are you fucking kidding me?).

[–]SenorPuff2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Do it over time. He's not wrong, you have to be mature and apply it when it needs to be applied and hold off on the stuff you're actually unable to do.

His whole point is honest living. If you legitimately can't afford to live like a millionaire playboy, don't.

[–]neptronix2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Hey, welcome to my early life. I sprouted serious manboobs at 12 years old. Balooned up to 250lbs. Was always shy and socially awkward. The only thing that kept me going was a gift with computers and some occasional drug experiences that let me out of the dark place that was my head. My childhood and teenagerhood were awful.

Dad was never around and never taught me to be a man. Mom was a feminist. I only learned what i know about being a man from various girlfriends and what they begrudgingly told me i was lacking in.

Had my first girlfriend at 23 - seriously. Never had an orgasm in a woman's presence until i was um.. 28?

The cards were stacked against my manhood, big time.

I'm 34 and married now. Did a low carb diet and dropped all the extra weight. Work longterm as a web developer. Learned how to take proper care of myself at 28. Finally hit the gym at 30. Sad, but true. Found out about redpill 2 weeks ago. Hey - baby steps are better than taking no steps at all.

What to do? you need to be socialized and learn how to deal with people. Go to college. Go join special interest groups on or whatever. If you fuck up socially, find another. Keep trying.

Lift some iron. Even a low testosterone, estrogen dominant, small dicked man will feel more like a man when dominating something heavy. It works for all of us.

I did it, you can do it too.

[–]Glennus6262 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

You have a WHOLE BUNCH of time where you could be lifting weights. The benefits are almost too many to list, but the most important ones are that you will feel better about yourself as you see your efforts lead to you being stronger. Women will notice you. Your confidence will soar.

The second thing I would suggest is getting rid of the victim mentality. I know you've attempted suicide, so you're probably in a fragile state, but you need to move on. Realize the impermanence of shitty circumstances when you work to change your life.

Lift heavy weights. Eat right. Get off the computer from time to time. Say hello to as many people as you can on a daily basis. Make it a rule, even if you don't know them. You will soon find that your social anxiety will lessen, and you can approach women without as much trouble.

[–]ThaDilemma4 points5 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Start lifting and start reading theredpill sidebar.

[–]yizolo1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Haven't been to this sub in a while, but you could use this:

We all came from shitty BP existences. We were there, and we worked/are working to change that. I'm going to tell you the same thing me and most everyone else here had to learn. The same thing you will see parroted throughout this network:

Read the Sidebar

Learn. Lurk the main site. Get angry. Lift weights. Nobody here is going to hold your hand and let you know everything is going to be ok. Swallowing the pill is hard. You won't get spoon fed. You are a man. You are expected to stand on your own two feet and figure this out for yourself. Let us know if you have a sticking point, but you need to put in a real effort to change before anyone is going to spend time helping you.

[–]RemyPrice2 points3 points  (5 children) | Copy Link

You don't want help.

You want to complain.

[–]neptronix6 points7 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

He's at rock bottom, dude. Right when people are ready to learn. This comment is not constructive.

[–]a_broken_zat6 points7 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

People have to hit rock bottom. The rock bottom is the point in which every struggling person makes the decision that impacts the rest of their life. It either makes or breaks them.

TDLR: You are the only thing holding you back.

[–]RemyPrice-2 points-1 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

This sub is not his tampon, and I'm not his gay best friend.

I'm the older brother that will tell him to stop bitching and sack up.

[–]arinot2 points3 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Then tell him things he can do Don't just tell him the obvious

[–]RemyPrice-2 points-1 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I don't help crybabies that haven't read the sidebar.

We can't coach hypotheticals. Waste of time.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

This is something you are going to have to do alone. The discipline comes from action not from any outside source of motivation. Do it and you will find yourself in a sustainable upward momentum. If you don't really want it, then make excuses. Not that you need excuses for anyone but yourself- you are a man now, nobody is going to look out for your success and happiness but you. Maybe your mama, but she doesn't know shit.

[–]Ubernicken0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Some people here suggest going to the gym - a good start. But the core to really breaking away from that beta male rut is to have a goal bigger than yourself. Have an aim in life, something big that you want to achieve before you die (think Fight Club) and work and strive towards it.

[–]AnonymousAndLovinIt0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Some may not like my comment, but the truth is; the life you described sucks. And if you feel like crap, I can't blame you, and I wouldn't want that to happen me.

Some say you want to complain, and personally I think it's human to look for empathy. I've been where you were, and it felt really, really bad.

That said, I'm assuming you don't want things to keep going the way they are. You want to fix it, right? You want to actually feel good about yourself, right? The first step is having a positive outlook, and then plan to change.

If you have enough will power, you'll be in a better place very soon.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Definitely read:
48 Laws of Power
The Rational Male
No More Mr Nice Guy
Bang/Day Bang

Join a gym, do 5x5

Eat ketogenically

Pick 6 hobbies: 2 physical, 2 creative, 2 strategic/mental. Spend free time researching and practicing them. When you have a solid understanding, join a/some club(s). Socialize here.

How much money do you make? If it's under 50k, find a way to work somewhere better. Maybe go back to school to get a better degree, maybe play office politics, maybe send out applications to other companies. Frequent /r/financialindependence, /r/personalfinance, and get into minimalism.

Find a way to study English. There are an innumerable amount of books on the subject. Use proper syntax/grammar, expand your vocabulary, and start writing a journal.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Lift and learn to fight. Those are the two most masculine activities that will develop both your spiritual and mental frame. Just understand that it's going to take a lot of time and effort to start seeing results. Especially when it comes to the MMA. We're talking years. But I promise if you can excel at those two things your life will change in ways that you cannot imagine.

Very few people lift, let alone know how to fight. Seperate yourself from the pack.

[–]Desmond_Winters0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

I think your problem is that you are comparing. In general, all of your problems seem to come from the fact that you are comparing yourself to others as though they are some sort of "guide" or "model" that "normal" people should follow.

There is a quote that I cannot find for the life of me right now, but it goes like this: "The surest way to unhappiness is to compare yourself with others." The real quote is a lot more eloquent and I'd be grateful if anyone could find it.

Point is, there will always be another man out there who has fucked more girls, can lift more weights, can be more macho, or whatever. What is the significance of their accomplishments and abilities on your personal life? What does it matter what they can do that you can't? Who cares if they've done amazing shit. It doesn't have an effect on your life, unless you want it to.

Stop comparing yourself and focus on improving yourself because, frankly, life is short and anything can happen. You're wasting time thinking about what other people have.

Take a serious look at yourself and your life situation and think about what you can do. Nothing anyone can say here will make a difference unless you decide to start making changes.

For most people, myself included, fitness was a major game-changer. The second I started liking my body my confidence skyrocketed and it was like someone lifted a veil from my conscience that was clouding all aspects of my life.

You just have to start.

[–]injinRP0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Bro... I am 28 and I just swallowed The Red Pill recently. Time is the most important resource because you can't replenish it BUT when it comes to TRP, just be thankful that you don't get to die being a Beta.

[–]monzzter2210 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

The first step is organizing your thoughts, preferably into paragraphs.

[–]LerbiTRP0 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

What the hell do we care if you tried committing suicide twice? You're an internet stranger. You seem to be in a dark spot though, so I would recommend

  • Getting good quality sleep. 8+ hours.
  • Gym. Cardio, mostly, but if you start liking the atmosphere, by all means hit the weights (cardio makes you feel good, weights not so much).
  • if you have time after work, go to a damn coffee shop for starters. Sit down, take it all in. Maybe approach a couple women.
  • for your obvious lack of self esteem, I'd recommend buying new clothes. Look sharp, get a good haircut, keep your facial hair sharp. When you can look in the mirror and be happy with what you see, great.

Honestly, the above is mostly my life. Perhaps go to a bar to meet friends, but work works too.

Good luck!

[–]shart_work 1 points1 points [recovered] | Copy Link

Couldn't disagree more about weights making you feel bad. Seeing your lifts increase each week gives you a sense of accomplishment and makes you feel mentally and physically stronger, boosting confidence. Also, having a muscular physique makes getting girls attention easy.

[–]LerbiTRP-2 points-1 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Thanks for your input.

[–]Merica911-1 points0 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Only take the red pill when you can no longer digest the blue pill. The red pill is addicting.

[–]kotaimo-1 points0 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Go and post this in /r/theredpill (or w/e it is), if thats what you want to do. Even though there might be some overlap in interests and topics on these subreddits, they are NOT the same. Let's keep the TRPers on their own island, thaank you. : )

[–]real-boethius-4 points-3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Start by making some effort to communicate effectively with other people. Paragraphs for example.

You don't want to take the red pill. You either take it or not. Start by reading the sidebar in theredpill.

You can kill a man, but you can't kill an idea.

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