
~ archived since 2018 ~


I'll try to be as succinct as possible but I'll put a tldr at the bottom.

Went out before the holiday weekend with friends I've known since college.

One I will call "C". C is a beta Niceguy who has women on a pedestal. "C" is a hothead whether sober or drunk and has been in more fights than I can count he is also 6'2 and 260 lbs of adult country-raised grizzly bear. Never once in the 7 years I have known him has he ever turned this anger on a friend. We have been close friends, I've met his mother, we lived down the hall from eachother in college and are part of the same inner circle of friends in our group For all of these 7 years.

Last week we were having a good time no tension whatsoever, got some friends together including a girl I had met on tinder about a year ago but reconnected with through another friend that night. C didn't pay much attention to her Bc he was busy buying rounds of drinks for these girls at the bar that wanted nothing to do with him but stuck around as long as he was buying.

cliff notes: I heard that he struck out after 4 rounds and we changed bars. I ended up in another bar 1on1 with tinder girl. Bar closed, I was more interested in sleep than sleeping with the girl, C insisted we go to her house. Girl is laying her head on my lap and im stroking her head and leg on her couch as C debates the intricacies and politics of star wars With her. I got bored and told her I was going to sleep in her bed and went to sleep. I wake up to my other friend who was with us saying that C was getting upset. I just tell him to get him to lay down and then fall back asleep. I wake up to C yelling at her about Syrian refugees so I go out and tell her to go to her room to end the convo and then C starts yelling at me about "she has a bf how could you touch her?? How could you? that's wrong! What if it were you?"

I tell him I haven't even done anything and I was asleep but that beyond that she's an adult and can make her own decisions and he lunges at me and tears my shirt tryin to pull me closer. Other friend gets between us and I'm just telling him to get all his anger out on me. He keeps babbling incoherently about how wrong what I did was and how I should respect their relationship. Taking potshots at the side of my face when he can get an arm free. It ended with us leaving and C walking off into the night. He called me the next day but I didnt answer amd just told him I was with family. It was no fun making up excuses to my coworkers that day and family members all weekend as to why my ear was swollen black and blue and why my lip was busted open.

not sure what I'm asking here. Should I just not talk to the guy? Should I even let him apologize? I am going to see him at some point because he lives with a friend I see often and will be at all of the upcoming weddings of mutual friends so it's not like I can just ignore the situation.

TL;DR- white knight beta supreme friend of 7 years gets pissed that I would have the audacity to touch and get in bed with a random girl who has a boyfriend. Gets mad enough about preserving her honor to fight me physically over it. How should I handle it?

[–]Borsao66121 points122 points  (11 children) | Copy Link

"In vino veritas" - When drinking, I speak the truth.

This guy is going to suck you into his melodrama and get you rolled up some day when he gets in trouble for fighting.


You can die from someone else's misery—emotional states are as infectious as diseases. You may feel you are helping the drowning man but you are only precipitating your own disaster. The unfortunate sometimes draw misfortune on themselves; they will also draw it on you. Associate with the happy and fortunate instead.

[–]COLIE5318 points19 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

I wish I could upvote this 10 times for a proper use of the 10th law. This is exactly what this law is talking about and Im glad you cited it for OP. Hopefully he looks at this.

[–]Borsao662 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Thanks /u/COLIE53

[–]BPasFuck8 points9 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

This is the shit right here. Doesn't matter how out of his 'normal' self he was. He crossed a line. You have to enforce the boundary-- you will have more respect in the long run for doing so.

If he cleans his act up and comes 'round with a a real apology, you might consider accepting it. Otherwise, cut him loose bro. He's doing nothing for you.

[–] points points | Copy Link

I agree. Whatever the apology may be... (I really hope he doesn't try to blame it on booze) doesn't change that it happened. I can forgive him, I'm not hurt. Our relationship dynamic can't ever be the same.

[–]2redbluepilling2 points3 points [recovered] (0 children) | Copy Link

imo, you should be very firm and direct with him, remove the excuse of alcohol ('It's your true, uninhibited nature. Acknowledge why and fix it.') and leave it at that. If he attempts to rectify it / come with a sincere apology and reflection, so be it; otherwise, leave em in the dust. If they're not willing to be humble / self-reflective, it's not going to happen any time soon.

[–] points points | Copy Link

I try to surround myself with people I can trust and relax around. I always looked up to C's physical strength, he always has been the one to stand up for our group and in the past he has even gotten us out of house parties where other people started shit. Hes just a natural scrapper.

Up until last night he never Has turned that anger on any of his friends before. Even ones he knows less than me. I mean it when I say this is the first time anything like this has happened. He always fights, sometimes over girls, sometimes over basketball, sometimes over a football game, sometimes overy some body disrespecting him or some one in the group. He is a "B" tier friend and not someone I invite out often but this pretty much ensures that when alcohol or female company are involved, he won't be getting the invite because I believe like other have said that this will happen again. he isn't the same and his beta hopeless romanticism is fading from hope for the future to desperation and bitterness as he is getting older(27 post college) growing out of what I'm sure he sees as the rapidly closing door of his social window.

[–][deleted] 6 points7 points [recovered] (2 children) | Copy Link

He clearly has some insecurities of his own. Try to exploit him and bring him to your side by supplying him with the validation/reassurance that he craves.

You're already in a position of power since he made a mistake, exploit what value he brings to the group and have him under your wing. He already feels in debt to you, making him a vulnerable target.

[–]GhostRiderkempff0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

Upvoted for rp knowledge. ♂

[–]RedSovereign[M] 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Point granted.

[–]Borsao661 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Past behavior is the best indicator of future behavior.

Regardless of situation, this is a person that cannot control his emotions. Steering clear is the smartest move altogether.

[–]huge_gap14 points15 points  (5 children) | Copy Link

Cut him out. He makes you look bad and assaults you over a tinderslut. You don't want to surround yourself with people like that who get sloppy and get none. Surround yourself with self-respecting, attractive dudes.

I lucked out in school because I met a group of dudes who are all attractive and tall. We go out drinking together, have fun, and only help each other get pussy.

[–]Modbsutansalt4 points5 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

You don't want to surround yourself with people like that who get sloppy and get none. Surround yourself with self-respecting, attractive dudes.

This. You need to cut out dead weight like him and start surrounding yourself with guys that have a similar mission in life, ideally those who are better than you so you can learn from them.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

How to find them mod?

[–]Modbsutansalt2 points3 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Look to your local fraternities, meetup groups, and social circle. If you're in the DC/Baltimore reason, shoot me a message.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Im Bosnian, nothing similar as you guys have in USA

[–]ioncehadsexinapool-1 points0 points  (0 children) | Copy Link



[–][deleted] 26 points27 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

Fuck that guy, why be friends with a guy who will disrespect you like that after 7 years of being boys. Listen, peoples true feelings come out when theyre drunk, so now you know how he really feels without the mask of sobriety. Plus, you don't want to be around people who don't have your back when shit gets real. Trust me, based on personal experience cut this guy off, the same shit will end up happening down the road

[–] points points | Copy Link

if I didn't have connected friends I'd never talk to the guy again. I don't gain anything from his friendship other than company. I mean it when I say nothing close to this has ever happened. He doesn't even fight his friends when they try to hold him back. This is the first instance of something new for him, it will happen again.

[–]birdbiscuit0 points1 point [recovered] (0 children) | Copy Link

The language you use shows a separation. You say he didn't try to fight "his friends" when they held him back, but he certainly wanted to fight you...which (by this logic) means he does not regard you as being one of his friends. He is beat nice guy with a short fuse who sees you as competition. He will hurt your game. One bad apple spoils the batch and all of that stuff.

You can still be connected to the group and not have this guy in your inner circle. Be cordial and polite, but I don't recommend you hitch your reputation to this guy in any way. Dude clearly has some issues. You are his competition, and he just showed his he will respond to your continued red pill behavior in the future.

[–]machimus19 points20 points  (8 children) | Copy Link

Ugh, the beta meltdown is so unattractive. Still, he's an old friend, and clearly other things were bothering him that night. If I had to put money on it, I'd say he was already frustrated from getting shot down and used for free drinks and this was the last straw for his ego.

Up to you which way to go with this, I'd be the bigger man and set a time to meet and have a beer and talk about his anger issues.

[–] points points | Copy Link

i think you are right about there being an underlying cause. I heard he broke down crying later that night something about his mom and dad. I think his mom cheated on his dad or the other way around and that hate got projected onto me.

It was more than alcohol. It takes a 30 pack to get this guy drunk and he didn't have nearly enough to be as incoherent unless there was a lot of emotion there to blind his actions too.

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points [recovered] (3 children) | Copy Link

I have a bro that randomly raged at me once out of nowhere. I gave him some space. He eventually apologized and came back. We haven't really spoken about it. I think he just knows he can't ever talk to me like that again.

[–]Iappreci8thegr8r8m8 1 points1 points [recovered] | Copy Link

How did that conversation go? Did you just lay down that his actions were unacceptable and that it would never happen again or did you listen to what was behind the outburst?

I am meeting with him tomorrow after work to hear what was going through his head but I don't really want to forgive him. That kind of disrespect is not the result of alcoholic influence. There was some reason that it was me that night. There is something that he is either jealous of or an opinion he secretly harbors against me.

Did you uncover anything or just tell him he was entirely wrong and that it was the last time it would happen in your friendship?

[–]GhostRiderkempff1 point2 points [recovered] (0 children) | Copy Link

It's easier just to forgive him. It's just words anyway.

Look, I've seen enough of life not to be perturbed by this sort of thing. Jettison him like I and /u/bsutansalt said elsewhere ITT, or, if you feel like it, kidnap him like /u/Dickwheel said.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Honestly I never had to overtly say anything to him.

Basically it was a typical shit talking session through chat, he started taking things seriously. I didn't realize this until after he exploded. Instead of exploding back I asked if everything was alright in his life. He never answered and I just disappeared for 3 weeks until he finally contacted me. He never officially apologized. He never had to. Him contacting first was acknowledgement that he messed up.

Honestly bro, I'd just forgive him. If you've been boys for that long, I think you're allowed a couple fuck ups in a relationship.

I know in TRP we're all about cynicism, but we're also about growth. I think this is an opportunity for you and the homie to both grow and mature a little bit. You with learning to forgive and him with learning a new boundary.

Personally I don't think tearing into him is going to do anything for you though.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

Makes sense. A lot of people are saying cut this guy out. But to be honest, I disagree. It's not easy to cut a friend out of your life and we all need help at some point in our lives. At least he tried to ring you to apologise. personally, I would give him another chance. Try make him cut down drinking, tell him not to be such a pussy and relax. If he tries this shit again or he is too draining on your life, then he has to go. Hope things work out

[–] points points | Copy Link

He needs anger management and he needs to read No More Mr. Niceguy so he can get a soft nudge into the rp truths that he is the cause of his sexual frustration and failure with women.

[–]GhostRiderkempff1 point2 points [recovered] (0 children) | Copy Link

Do not talk about rp. Try ridiculing his Mister Nice Guyness.

Remember the guy who helped Mattress Girl carry the mattress upon which she was supposedly raped?

Yeah, that wasn't him.

[–]GhostRiderkempff6 points7 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

You don't need a "friend" like that in your life. Accept his apology but don't call him or go out with him again.

Oh, and speaking of marriage, I don't see him getting all bent out of shape over the effects that divorce has on innocent children. He's a typical hypocritical White Knight, selective in the causes he defends.

[–] points points | Copy Link

He is a hypocrite. Her boyfriend wasn't a problem when she invited us to her house. Where was the "no you shouldn't hAve 3 guys over at your house while your bf of a year is 3 states away visiting his family". He decided that it wasn't her that decided she wouldn't mind cheating g on her ltr with a dude she went on one date with a year prior (me), it was my fault for somehow tricking her into cheating and taking advantage of some poor beta who sent her 3 texts that night along the lines of "I am thinking of how lovely you must look tonight, my darling"

I'm lost on your second point. What does the divorce-effect on kids have to do with it?

[–]GhostRiderkempff0 points1 point [recovered] (0 children) | Copy Link

it was my fault for somehow tricking her...

Right, right, women are helpless before the onslaught of your charms. Right out of the WK playbook.

Divorce hurts children. But among his friends, how many of those upcoming marriages of mutual friends are going to last more than a decade? Where is the outrage?

[–]drallcom34 points5 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Sounds more like someone who can't handle alcohol very well.

You can either let him apologize and you continue or you stop seeing him.

I would not like to be friends with a fighting hothead.

[–]rhettdu2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Not sure why you're lying to protect this guy. If he's man enough to mash your face, he's man enough to answer for it.

let him apologize because that's what the bigger man does. But I don't see any reason to continue being friends with him.

Alternatively, confront him. Why does he think it's okay to assault a friend like that, under any circumstances?

[–]Homosapiensized1 point2 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

Your friend is a fat cock blocker. I would have dropped him for being a Fatass because gluttons don't make good friends nor good people. But after this, I hope you realize to move on.

[–]KumonRoguing0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

6'2 and 260 could also be in great shape rather than obese.

[–]Homosapiensized0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

98% of the time that is obese. From op's description, the dude doesn't come across as a professional body builder.

[–]GIFtoGasm1 point2 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

This has happened to me numerous times with less or more detail.

It will happen again, I promise you. This guy will flip switches constantly. Sounds like alcohol is going to make him downed spiral too with drama that he is letting fester in his mind.

I broke off friendship with the guy who kept trying to fight me over his own issues and my life has been drama free since. Just my two cents. Good luck.

[–]Iappreci8thegr8r8m8 1 points1 points [recovered] | Copy Link

Yeah. I mean it when I say it has never happened before or anything even close. It WILL happen again. He is 27 and is watching the distance grow between himself and the social buffet of his college days and all the hope and self-promises of bagging his unicorn are turning into desperation and bitterness and he is doing anything he can to turn that pain outwards rather than inwards to change himself. It will only get worse.

[–]GIFtoGasm0 points1 point [recovered] (1 child) | Copy Link

Can only show the horse the water, can't make him drink.

Red pill is a very dangerous life style for people who don't welcome change or the weak who can't focus in on the harsh reality we live in.

[–]GentLemonArtist1 point2 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

don't get exiled over something shit like this. you should have answered the call and kept frame.

next best option is keep frame and be the bigger man about it. btw, the friendship is 90% done but how you handle it will dictate whether you get outcast or he does.

[–]BlackHeart891 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Beat his ass.

Nah. But seriously. If he's a good friend, I'd just reason with him. You can typically reason with men. I didn't bother reading the life story, btw.

[–]afroose2 points3 points  (5 children) | Copy Link

How dare you let him touch you ? " hit me to calm your anger " that's what bitches say you are not a fucking punching bag , you deserve respect, don"t spend your time around this fucker.

[–]Axoc2 points3 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

How dare you let him touch you ? " hit me to calm your anger " that's what bitches say you are not a fucking punching bag , you deserve respect, don"t spend your time around this fucker.

This is a frame-related issue. There are two solutions. You can either keep perfect frame, which actually looks borderline psychotic and might scare others but is used to intimidate the beta. Have you seen The Dark Knight? Remember the interrogation scene? Whenever Batman would hit the Joker, the Joker would laugh and taunt him. In this situation, "cmon man take your anger out, hit me. Haha, cmon man, that's it?" etc.

This serves several purposes. First, it makes the beta feel like he doesn't win. Keeping with the TDK scene, you can see this. Batman gets more and more angry and out of control as the interrogation goes on. Second, no matter how badly you are beaten, as long as you don't have a hospital trip or broken limbs, nobody thinks you're REALLY hurt. In TDK this wasn't a concern because your attention was distracted by the dilemma, AND the idea that that scene would be the end of the Joker was ridiculous. Third, if/when the police get involved, you have every eye witness (and a noticeable difference in bruising) backing you up saying that you never threw a single punch while the other man assaulted you. Again, going back to TDK. This scene was orchestrated by the Joker to prove to GCPD that Batman could not be trusted and was not some force of nature. He was a man who could be broken and could go too far. They couldn't rely on him blindly anymore, as he had the potential to damage, torture, and possibly kill suspects. If that scene destroyed the trust of their heroes, imagine what that scene would do to regular police when they see it committed by a total stranger.

The other solution is to beat the man. This is a problem because OP was blinded by what he thought was friendship. He would pull punches, if not literally, then metaphorically. If you fight a man, you have to break him. Not literally, but you have to break both his reputation and his spirit. Otherwise he will keep fighting you at later dates, or he will begin to spread rumors about you. If his reputation is destroyed, people will see him as a salty beta. If his spirit is destroyed, he will only do this when the fight or you are brought up by another person. If he realizes his reputation is broken AND his spirit is broken, he won't even say anything other than, "I hate that guy" etc.

Either way the "friendship" is done. He should be kept around as a "plate" because of his place in OP's friend circle. OP should not be there when drinking with the man unless it is 100% men. If women begin to come around, OP should call a taxi, Uber, friend, etc and leave. Arguably, OP should never drink with the man again. I think the drunk man would apologize and in his mind, "make things right". While it would feel good and happy to believe that, we should all be aware that he could have another beta meltdown at any point and unless he unplugs himself, he can never be as close to OP as OP previously thought/hoped he was.

[–]AskTRP Endorsed Contributorbicepsblastingstud2 points3 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

Life is not conducted on a Hollywood set. One punch can leave serious, permanent damage.

I enjoy boxing as a hobby, and getting hit with a mouthguard in and hands up is one thing. Letting somebody beat on you is beyond stupid.

[–]Axoc1 point2 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Letting somebody beat on you is beyond stupid.

The implication is that OP can actually take a hit from the guy. If he's up against a guy who can leave serious permanent damage with one punch, then obviously he needs to leave. There's the whole Fight, Flight, Freeze. I only discussed Fight and Freeze. Flight is a perfectly acceptable response, but there is no need to if the guy isn't going to damage him.

After reading your post and then re reading the OP, I realize I missed the part where he mentioned he had bruising on his face. I also made the mistake of forgetting OP's description of the guy because I've ingrained beta=weak, which is honestly a dangerous mistake. I assume this means that the guy was decently strong/took things to the ground, both situations that OP should have fled from or restrained the guy during.

A Fight situation is your absolute last resort, and punches and limb breaks are your absolute last resorts in that scenario. You can always Freeze to take hits from a weak dude or Flight from a strong dude. You can always pin, restrain, etc if you're forced to Fight. When the cops arrive, showing them that you restrained the other guy -DO NOT SAY PIN, SAY YOU ASSISTED HIM TO THE GROUND AND RESTRAINED HIM FROM FURTHER VIOLENCE - will help your case immensely.

[–] points points | Copy Link

Staying friends with a guy who has shown the capacity to assault you is like staying in a relationship with a girl who cheated on you. Rest assured that everyone in your friend group knows, or will know soon, that he attacked you. Every time you hang out with him from this point on, you'll lose respect from everyone you know.

How can you still consider hanging out with a guy willing to try and dominate you so overtly? You're like a battered woman, coming back for more.

[–] points points | Copy Link

I am with you. I can't chum around with the guy like it never happened. He attacked me. And he wasn't just "knocking some sense I to me", he had the same look in his eyes I have seen over and over at the people that have found themselves in his crosshairs. If he wasn't restrained by my friend and couldve gotten a hold of me he would've put me in the ER.

What about these weddings? The people are closer friends to me than even he is but they are close to him as well? How do I handle that necessary interaction?

[–]itsbooming0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

I'm wondering if a little toot wasn't invovled with C.

[–]Tiway220 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Fuck him I'd get the law involved what a shitty person. Fucking assault over nothing. He deserves to pay.

[–]yourredneckfriend0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

I had to cut contact with a friend for a similar reason. He would become a grade a ass hole when drunk. He never took it out on me, but some of my friends were targets. he chose other b.s. ways to get to me. I just couldn't trust him when drinking. I like to drink with my friends. He is no longer my friend.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

as C debates the intricacies and politics of star wars

I know there are some beta things I used to do that I cringe at now.. but C'MON MAN

[–] points points | Copy Link

it was bad. He was talking about sub-plots and fan theories. I stopped talking after the conversation strayed from whether the movie was good or not.

The first time my other friend woke me up he said that C wasn't just talking star wars anymore, he was legitimately getting upset at the girl when she said something about the lore he disagreed with. I told him to shut it down and tell everyone it was time to go to bed.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point [recovered] (0 children) | Copy Link

He was talking about sub-plots and fan theories.

Jesus Christ

[–]egoisenemy0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Reddit has a tendency for a scorched earth policy but I think that it applies here somewhat. Even if he got on his knees and apologized, it'd be nice but considering how much he fucked up in this instance, it won't certainly be the last. You can be friends with him in name, but it'll eventually come to be a pain in the ass. This guy is trash.

[–]EmDeeEx140 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Congratulations, you just lost a friend. Move on. Or keep him around. BUT understand of your ideals crash like this, it will happen again.

[–]slurmfactory0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

You know exactly what to do. Cut him out.

[–]Sir_Distic0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

You should give him a chance to apologize. Since you'll often see him in social settings no need to burn bridges.

But he needs to be reminded to respect you like you've respected him for 7 years.

[–]GraphicSeniorNudity0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Sounds like he has a serious anger problem more than he has a serious beta/white knight problem.

It also sounds like he was drunk, and that he's a violent drunk.

I don't think this has as much to do with the girl as it might seem like.

[–]Senior ContributorSkorchZang0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Man, that's fucked up. You see a lot of inner pain in the blue pill guys. He's raging like a caged animal, you were simply the closest conduit for that energy to vent itself somehow.

His real anger is obviously at the girl, but he would never lay a finger on her for obvious reasons, nor even let himself think that this is what it really is.

If you got the big heart to forgive a guy like that, good on you dude. However I would demand and not forego the chance to rearrange his face a little too, just to make it even. If his answer is a giddy grinning happiness, you might just gain a loyal friend/comrade for life for your trouble out of this unpleasant experience.

[–]Apexk90 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

I don't think it had anything to do with her, but himself

I think he was cheated on by someone he really cared for and what you did plus the alcohol brought out that reaction

[–]MuhTriggersGuise0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Should I just not talk to the guy?

This. Drama is one thing. Explaining split lips and bruised and swollen ears is another. Don't hang out with dudes with the emotional maturity level of two year olds. Drunk or not.

[–]Albacorewing0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

I have seen this story many times.

Your friend has an alcohol problem, and he is a mean drunk too. If he needs thirty beers to act that way, he has been a heavy drinker for a number of years. You cannot fix this. It will never get better.

He is an alcoholic. You cannot fix him.

Give your friend the heave-ho, seriously, unless you want sooner or later to get seriously injured over some trivial nonsense, or get your car and property vandalized, or you get snagged by some sort of criminal or civil liability because of this guy.

[–]Clint_Redwood0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

get rid of him

[–]BenOfMahogany0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Ugh, I remember I almost fought my friend once over similar bullshit.

Glad I will never be that guy again.

[–]TomFoo0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Next your friend. No need for explanation or goodbye. This may be common as you continue in your TRP ways. If he reaches out, he better apologize intensely.

[–]SW98760 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Fuck that guy.

[–]randarrow0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Brothers fight over stupid shit. Is this guy brother material? Call him on his shit and forgive him. Is he not? Ghost him.

[–]11NV0K3R-2 points-1 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

Well first I think you're a shitty friend. I know that we here at trp say not to talk about trp, but if you have a bud of 7 years and see him clearly be abused like this (and let's be frank, you've seen it happen more than once, then again I don't know your dynamic so maybe you have tried to turn him) and not say anything I think you're not a pretty good friend. I personally don't give a shit and I speak my mind and if the friend stops being a friend oh well he can waste money on chicks by himself.

It's obvious he was salty as fuck that he blew cash on girls and they bailed on him while you weren't doing shit and "disrespected" the "sanctity" of a relationship.

TL;DR Don't let your friend blow cash money on slags.

You can kill a man, but you can't kill an idea.

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