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DISCUSSIONNew and very confused (self.RedPillWomen)

submitted by Chevvron

I've very new to RPW and new to the philosophy of red pill in itself. I joined because TRP is a noteable contribution to my best friends (m) viewpoint of the world so I wanted to learn what I could. And this has left me very confused. I've subbed to both RPW and TRP and by what I've been reading, the two subs contradict each other terrible.

By all appearances, RPW is about teaching women to become submissive to men, accepting their feminine nature, and doing their part to attract a lifelong mate.

On the other hand, TRP appears to be about men changing their approach to women, in order to sleep with as many as desirable, then avoid commitment.

I've noticed that RPW contributors often are focused on looking their best for a man.

I've noticed that TRP often refers to women as "sluts and bitches" and will refer to any women who is dominate as "masculine", while seemingly having no interest in committing.

I know there has to be more than this because my best friend has pulled some valuable information from TRP but I'm baffled.

  1. Why do the two subs contradict each other?
  2. Where are these valuable lessons (i.e - lessons beyond "am I pretty enough" or "how many plates can I fuck") that people seem to get? Am I missing them? Am I justing this philosophy too soon?

[–]norahlady71 points72 points  (21 children) | Copy Link

You're right, they are super different. Honestly, even though I'm on RPW a lot, I would be wary of any guy who frequents TRP.

The concept of "taking the red pill" extends to far more than just sex/gender issues. It has to do with accepting harsh truths that may go against the dominant narrative of current society. It's about accepting reality and making choices to give yourself the best advantage you can to get the outcome you want.

I might love eating doughnuts and being lazy, and modern society might tell me that I don't need to be thin or fit to be a good person. The right guy will love me for who I am, not my body or the number on the scale. That sounds nice (blue pill). But in reality, if I'm fat, men won't be attracted to me. In general, humans are attracted to healthy, fit humans. So by "taking the red pill", I accept that being fat is a disadvantage, and I work hard to get fit so I have the greatest advantage to get the outcome I want (attracting men, getting the attention of a quality man to marry, etc).

On both TRP/RPW, we're trying to play the game of life to our greatest advantage. We accept biological realities observed in human history and in other animals. We believe that men, in general, have the drive to have sex with many young, attractive women. Women, in general, have the drive to find the single most fit male to mate with, and then attract and keep him. So, in general, the content on the two subs corresponds to those goals.

Hopefully this helps a bit? Feel free to DM if you want to chat more.

[–]Chevvron14 points15 points  (20 children) | Copy Link

Actually that lays it out very well, especially in contribution to other posts to the thread. Thank you for taking the time to spell it out.

[–]Helmet_Icicle3 points4 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

No ideology contains every existent truth. All ideologies contain flaws to some degree. If you have a brain, you concurrently have the responsibility to do your own thinking. It is up to every individual to investigate and accept as much truth as they can, wherever it makes itself available through whichever means.

You don't have to fully subscribe to something just because it contains a fractional amount of truth. Most people don't even share the same level of investment as the next subscriber. Certain dogmas resist this "cafeteria" notion of personal enrichment specifically because that individual investment begets a more mindful and situationally aware perspective.

[–]MissNietzsche0 points1 point  (3 children) | Copy Link

Is it not possible to construct an ideology with no flaws? Like, if they're aware of a flaw, why not change it to fix the flaw?

[–]Helmet_Icicle1 point2 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Universally? Not really, people are too different at our current stage of evolution. You either have something short and simple (Like "Love one another" reciprocal solidarity) that is more vulnerable to subjective interpretation, or get long and complicated in which case the size of the group is prohibitory. After a certain extent, people don't agree on what constitutes a flaw.

Also, maybe having a flaw is more efficacious than not having a flaw in pursuit of encouraging an individual's critical analysis and self-actualization.

[–]MissNietzsche0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Ah, so you don't think there is one true truth?

[–]party_dragon0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

That ideology is called science. And even in science, some (many?) people invest too much ego into specific theories so they hang on to them even beyond the truth.

[–]OhioGuyT 1 points [recovered]  (14 children) | Copy Link

I think part of the intent here is that, ideally, both men and women "play the field" when they're younger (men to sow their wild oats, so to speak, and women to take time selecting a desirable mate), then settle down when they're older (women somewhere between 25 and 30, let's say, men maybe 5-10 years after that). The system's out of whack right now, however, because women are waiting til well into their thirties to commit, and ideally seeking men about their own age, while men that age are also looking to commit... but to someone 5-10 years younger.

Another factor is that many men are coming into it with a fair amount of bitterness, because they've either realized they were taught to prioritize the wrong things throughout their lives (egalitarianism and personality over status and achievement) and are now hopelessly far behind in being able to attract anything lasting, OR because they believe the "system," as it once functioned, is irretrievably broken, and there's simply no use even trying to pursue anything lasting anymore - they believe the type of women who frequent this sub no longer exist. So they're simply taking advantage of their newfound knowledge of gender dynamics to play the field in a way they didn't get to do when they were younger.

[–]ImTheCaptainNow244 points5 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

Why do you think the men of TRP think women like those who are in this sub don't exist when this sub demonstrably exists?

[–]Sendextralives9 points10 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Look at the number of subs. We're about a tenth of their sub, and most of the women here are looking to improve an EXISTING relationship. They're off the market. So the number of available RPW, let alone ones in their area, are tiny. TRP is teaching men to be realistic, and realistically, RPW don't exist in great enough numbers to be statistically significant.

Also, working from the premises of "unicorns don't exist, AWALT" means that they're less likely to get blindsided by an awful women who plays at being an angel only long enough to get commitment. If they go chasing unicorns, they're going to get screwed over. The onus is on US to prove that we're Good Women.

Also, anger phase and posturing on the internet.

[–]ManguZa1 Star4 points5 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Because, most of the time, when they encounter this type of women irl, it appear that they are hypocrites. They "rode the cock carousel" but play the maiden with them. They act like RPW but use them emotionnally and financially. They manipulate and "divorce rape" them. There also the cheating and paternity fraud problems...

They have been so much deceived that it's hard for them to believe that there are others women who are honest. Like a woman victim of rape have a hard time to trust men.

[–]MissNietzsche0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Like a woman victim of rape have a hard time to trust men.

Wow, thank you for this simile

[–]pearlsandstilettosModerator | Pearl[M] 2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

ideally, both men and women "play the field" when they're younger

This is not recommended on RPW.

[–]Vellore9921 Star1 point2 points  (8 children) | Copy Link

women are waiting til well into their thirties to commit, and ideally seeking men about their own age, while men that age are also looking to commit... but to someone 5-10 years younger.

That is simply not true. Average age of first marriage is about 27 for women, and considering most couples date for 2-3 years before marrying, most women are pairing off with their future husbands around 24/25.

[–]pearlsandstilettosModerator | Pearl[M] 3 points4 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Comments complaining of the terminology "first marriage" will be removed and any additional whining about it will result in 2 days in the penalty box. This is how the statistic is measured in the linked article. If you have an issue with that statistic as something meaningful, provide a better one for discussion. Otherwise, you are just kvetching about your dislike of the terrain.

tag: /u/OhioGuyT , /u/TFWyourWaifuDies

[–]OhioGuyT 1 points [recovered]  (6 children) | Copy Link

"First" marriage, eh? Doesn't sound like much of a commitment.

[–]Vellore992 1 points [recovered]  (5 children) | Copy Link

What's your point?

[–]OhioGuyT 1 points [recovered]  (2 children) | Copy Link

"First" marriage, eh? Doesn't sound like much of a commitment.

[–]Vellore992 1 points [recovered]  (1 child) | Copy Link

Wow, glad you cleared that up.

[–]TFWyourWaifuDies 1 points [recovered]  (1 child) | Copy Link

"First marriage" implies that there is going to be a second marriage.

[–]Vellore9921 Star0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

I was simply wording it as the study did. First marriages include marriages that end and marriages that don't. Including the word "first" when taking about age relevant.

My point was that the most women are marrying at 27, not mid 30s as /u/ohioguyT seems to believe. He just got sidetracked.

[–][deleted] 24 points25 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

For every 1 quality woman out there, men have to sort through dozens and dozens. This isn’t the 1800s where everyone is marriage minded and strive to be marriage worthy.

Your average, typical western girl is living the good life and not ready to settle down until she’s late 20s. Men are just taking advantage of this slut abundance society. If I were a man, I do it too. Whether for a short period of time or indefinitely until they find their wife material girl.

Human nature is interesting and because men and women are different we will have needs that contradict. The biggest difference is women carry children. Because of this, women have to have security and commitment. We can’t afford to get pregnant with an irresponsible man.

But birth control changed all that. I won’t elaborate because you know already.

[–][deleted] 23 points24 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

Hi! When I found TRP and RPW I was confused too. There are many contradictions. I thought, why would a woman want to be with a TRP man? Turns out, that's not the goal of RPW.

Men are the gatekeepers of commitment and women are the gatekeepers of sex. TRP teaches men how to get more sex, RPW teaches women how to get commitment from men. The type of women TRP is looking for are NOT RPW women, and vice versa. While RPW wants alpha, masculine men, marriage material men will have some beta traits.

The lessons do go beyond "am I pretty enough," though I think there's too much emphasis on it. It's teaches women how to be feminine, classy, and submissive. You can wear pink dresses and heels all you want, but if you curse, slam down beers, and nag your boyfriend you aren't feminine. Being submissive isn't being a doormat, but allowing your SO to take the lead and let him provide for you. There's also tips on cooking, working out, finding hobbies, making female friends, and keeping your home clean.

I would suggest reading the sidebar content so you get a better idea. The ladies here are brutally honest but give great advice, even if it's not what you want to hear.

[–][deleted] 2 points3 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

I have a question about this. How do you find a man that wants to lead and provide? I am 24 and nearly every guy in my age range that I have talked to, does NOT want to lead or provide. They want it to be 50/50. I have talked to men 23-29, they seem pretty adamant about this 50/50 thing.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

I would focus on men in their late 20s to early 30s. Younger guys usually aren't ready to settle down and get married, so why would they want to offer more than 50%?

I would make a post asking about this, others might have better advice :)

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

I am also not completely sure what young men mean by 50/50.

I am not able to take on the role that is the man’s role. I take the woman’s role. I have strengths where men are weak, and vice versa.

[–]Chevvron6 points7 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I always value brutally honest, thank you 😀

[–]sacchariferous23 points24 points  (19 children) | Copy Link

"The Red Pill" is a state of awareness. It's knowing the truth about how men and women behave and have behaved since the dawn of time. What you choose to do with that knowledge is how TRP and RPW came about.

TRP uses that knowledge to "game" the system. I won't go into much more detail about it, because I don't frequent that sub.

MGTOW gained that knowledge and chose to bow out of the game. They know the truth and decide they don't want to take part in it.

Married Red Pill (or whatever it's called) uses that knowledge to make the best out of their relationships.

We, RPW, use that knowledge to become the best women we can be, knowing what truly makes women happy and how the best relationships work. The current "system" is highly favorable to women, though your average modern feminist thinks she's a victim somehow. But, knowing this, it's *very* easy to stand out from the crowd.

[–]ImTheCaptainNow24 1 points [recovered]  (12 children) | Copy Link

If the current system (what TRP calls blue pill) is very favorable to women, then why would we need RPW? I feel this is a gap in red pill ideology. There's a lot on TRP and RPW about how the current social climate unfairly favors women. It makes sense to read this on the TRP. But when I read the same sentiment on RPW, I'm confused. If taking the red pill really means being aware of our biological imperatives and engaging in amoral sexual strategy, then shouldn't red pill women be thrilled that in this day and age we can have sex with as many alphas as we want while we are young and beautiful, bear their genetically superior offspring, and then rely on alimony, child support, welfare or our equal wages won via feminist activism or naive beta providers once we are past The Wall?

On TRP, men take full, amoral advantage of understanding our biological imperatives, even if it means treating women like absolute trash. But on RPW, women don't want to take advantage of their understanding. They talk about how to respect men, how to make them happy, how unfairly men are treated, how to support them, etc. If RPW was truly an analog to TRP, we'd all be sitting around on RPW trying to figure out how to trick some beta provider into supporting us while we find new alphas to fuck on the side.

[–]ManguZa1 Star4 points5 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Women have two strategies : hypergamy and double.

Men have two strategies : playboy and patriarch.

The thing is that the sexual norm today is for men to be patriarch and women use them knowing that. TRP push men on the other strategy, and protect them from being used.

Women today use mostly the double strategy, ie marrying a ressourceful guy without loving him (and she had more sex before him than what she offer to him/she cheat on him/she divorce rape him). RPW encourage the hypergamy strategy, with proper vetting, for more fullfilling relationship (but potentially lesser genes).

It's a balance.

[–]JanuaryArya8 points9 points  (8 children) | Copy Link

If taking the red pill really means being aware of our biological imperatives and engaging in amoral sexual strategy, then shouldn't red pill women be thrilled that in this day and age we can have sex with as many alphas as we want while we are young and beautiful, bear their genetically superior offspring, and then rely on alimony, child support, welfare or our equal wages won via feminist activism or naive beta providers once we are past The Wall?

If we are going to make generalizations about “men wanting to sow wild oats” I’d like to make the argument that “woman want a man to be submissive to”

While some people might find the idea of alimony rape to be “easy” or “a great way to live off free money” that seems like a horrible way of life. First I’d have to secure a relationship, then have a kid? Then fail at my relationship, followed by arguing through lawyers and litigation to settle on a portion of his income, It probably feels like the amount was too low no matter what it was. Then I’d have to carry on some sort of acquaintance with this guy that I’ve failed in a relationship, am dependent on, and most of our interactions will be defensive, irritating, unsatisfying and cause me to dwell on negative emotions for some period afterward. Not to mention that I’d have a kid without a father and no one to have sex with.

I’d much rather have good man, who I could confidently submit too, even if I was financially dependent and my “monetary allowance” was less than alimony dude’s. I’d prioritize a peaceful loving home life over banging alphas and having genetically superior (this always sounds so funny to me) children. As for why I don’t want a magical blue pill guy, who would rub my feet, and pay for things, and let me get another lap dog, well it’s because I don’t respond well to unearned affection, and I’d lose my sexual interest in a heart beat.

[–]ImTheCaptainNow24 1 points [recovered]  (7 children) | Copy Link

I don't disagree with anything you've said. I choose marriage and commitment and the whole shebang too.

I'm just confused as to why red pill women choose the nice, harmonious option that respects and values the opposite gender, and why red pill men choose the soul-sucking, adversarial option that involves tricking, manipulating, and using the opposite gender (which also sounds like a ton of work, by the way).

The fact that TRP is so bent on using and degrading women, and RPW is so bent on respecting and appreciating men makes me feel that saying red pill is an amoral sexual strategy based on our true biological imperatives is just a way to cover up plain misogyny. I don't understand why everyone on both of these subs vilifies feminism and the current culture because it's so unfair to men, but then the men on TRP are treating women like absolute shit, and that's somehow better?

[–]JanuaryArya7 points8 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

I think men and women in modern society start out equally far from the goal post of a “stable, healthy relationship.” Women are entitled, they don’t understand why they are attracted to certain guys, give it up on the first date to others, and suddenly find their libido tanking once they found Billy Beta. They just don’t get it. Men have a different problem. They try to be nice generous, good listener, open wallet, patiently orbiting so that they are “respectful” and then they find out their fat wife is sleeping with her personal trainer. Very discouraging.

So men find TRP and go through this period of selfishness. They need it to cure a the blue ideologies they are ridding themselves of. Women find RPW and go through this period of self reflection and preparation of submission. It’s a way to rid themselves of their previous entitled Prince Charming fantasies. Now a TRP man doesn’t need to stay fully selfish and degrading of women, he can if he wants to I guess, but after some time the exercise in selfishness should have him seeing reality more clearly. Similarly RPW In nun mode have to figure out that you can’t just be pretty and docile and submissive to just anyone, you have to clarify your goals and also come to your own reality. These exercises is changed perspective should get you to the goal post.

I think TRP even though it is meant to be the embodiment of the whole spectrum of men’s red pill, is actually full of new members, and therefore, angry members. I’ve been reading that sub for my own perspective on personal growth for 7+ years. Now that it’s banned, even though I go over there much less frequently, the content seems to have taken a huge dive. A lot of it is weird and pathetic, not the way I remember TRP of the past.

TRP starts out with game, or MGTOW, but if you try to apply TRP to marriage and LTR’s you play on hard mode instead. I find more interesting and relevant material in marriedredpill than I do on the main sub. That’s why I finally graduated to RedPillWomen because it aligns with my goals now. I was jaded in my own way previously and just stopped believing in love at all. Lucky for me I got passed that.

[–]missiesmithy0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Well said, sister.

[–]drunk_fish11 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

It's not better, those men on TRP are going through stuff and I can't really speak for them but there's always a lot of talk about the anger phase and that must stem from their lack of success with women over a period of time.

From a woman perspective though, some of us are here having been raised with feminist ideals and in the end came to the realisation that 'having it all', bearing all of the 'mental load' and bossing our husbands around like they're children doesn't actually make us happy at all.

[–]LuckyLittleStarModerator | Lil'Star[M] 0 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

No moralizing

[–]ImTheCaptainNow24 1 points [recovered]  (1 child) | Copy Link

There's a lot of moralizing on this sub, but it's all in favor of men. When women post about how guilty they feel for riding the cock carousel, no one tells them to stop moralizing.

If sexual strategy is amoral, then why should anyone feel guilty over anything they do?

[–]pearlsandstilettosModerator | Pearl[M] 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

All red pill communities work from the same wellspring of knowledge, but how that information is used can often look so dissimilar that newcomers mistake each sub as a separate entity that bears no relation to another. The most obvious example of this? TRP and RPW. Men and women alike often misunderstand how and why these two subs specifically are inexorably tied to each other. Think of ‘step one’ as understanding RP ideas, and step ten occurs when someone can effectively incorporate and adapt those ideas into their personal life. On this scale, understanding the RP sexual strategies for both men and women, as well as why they are both at odds and in harmony with each other; falls somewhere around ‘step twenty.’


Whether it bothers you or not, the subs are associated. However, TRP was not created for you and there is no reason for you to concern yourself with them. You could try to understand this better by spending some time reading the linked post above from the sidebar.

You could also consider the Laura Doyle concept of focusing on what is on your plate. TRP and their behavior is not on your plate. Clutching your pearls over them on RPW will not benefit you in any way.

cc: /u/LuckyLittleStar

[–]ManguZa1 Star-2 points-1 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Well it's better. Because TRP men stick to individuals considerations, and prone honesty in relationship. Feminism on the other hand use men with hypocrisy, and try to politically attack men as a group.
That said, better don't mean okay when some men in anger phase let their words going too far. At their discharge they unwind in a non mixed reddit group and don't ideologically attack women anywhere (unlike feminism who do that everywhere).

[–]LuckyLittleStarModerator | Lil'Star[M] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

If you are here to debate about what RPW should or should not be, then you should take it to /r/PurplePillDebate

[–]probably_wont2 points3 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

What is your opinion on MGTOW?

[–]ZegiknieEndorsed Contributor5 points6 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Personally I respect them. There have always been monks, no need for religion to justify that choice. They should do what they want. There's no WGTOW because women typically have a much stronger desire to couple bond and the required effort is lower. But I respect single women, too.

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

There's no WGTOW because women typically have a much stronger desire to couple bond

I know plenty of gals who choose to remain single.

[–]sacchariferous0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

I don't really have an opinion of them. I'm glad the entire male population isn't MGTOW, because I would like to get married someday, but, to each his own! I've known a couple of guys who are MGTOW and they seem to be very content with their decision, so I can't fault them for that.

[–]ZegiknieEndorsed Contributor1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

This :-)

[–]Redpetrol17 points18 points  (6 children) | Copy Link

  1. There are thousands upon thousands of contradictions.
  2. My opinion is that essentially rpw seems to about removing the shame society and a small aggressive branch of feminism has put on women assuming a supportive (submissive) role in a relationship over one which is demanding or pressurising relationships and suffocating modern male masculinity.

In short, do nice things for your husband and don't be afraid to let him take the lead and feel special.

All stems from ideas that men and women don't put enough time into understanding what each other wants and what they can give.

EG. Women want to be adored with attention, security. Men want to be adored with loyalty, respect.

[–]Chevvron5 points6 points  (5 children) | Copy Link

That doesn't really answer why the subs seem to work against each other. If it's a shared philosophy, why aren't they hand in hand?

[–]Redpetrol11 points12 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Well calling it a philosophy is reaching.

It's some theories about social structure and people put so much weight and belief into these ideas being full proof. Like most things in life there are far more grey areas and half truths than full blown facts.

They don't go hand in hand because people overcomplicate all of the ideas, and it's now turned into a collaborative idea that is evolving and changing constantly.

How can a "philosophy" tell both genders to suit themselves and not contradict itself?

[–]Chevvron1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

That's fair. Thank you for elaborating.

[–]Eclectic_Epileptic5 points6 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

What connects both subs is the general idea of red pill: Taking approach which goes contrary to what lots of people are signalling.

[–]Chevvron1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

That makes sense, thank you.

[–]TFWyourWaifuDies0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

In a sexually liberated system, the interests of men and women are not aligned.

Sacrifice is required from both parties, in the form of female's hypergamy and male's polygamy, to create stability.

[–]girlwithabikeEndorsed Contributor5 points6 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Have you read this post from the sidebar yet?

It's really difficult to read a few posts on the front page of each sub and decide what they are about. You have to get more into the sidebar and the wiki to get a fuller picture.

[–]Chevvron2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I use mobile and haven't accessed any yet. I'll start there. Thank you.

[–]ManguZa1 Star19 points20 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

It's not the same public.

RPW public is women who want to succeed in finding a man/keeping a man.

TRP public is mostly young men who try to learn how to seduce and divorced men resentful about their ex wife.

But the evopsy core principles are the same.

[–]sonder_one1 Star11 points12 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

The "Red Pill" is about accepting truth instead of rebelling against it. That's it. What you do with that truth is going to vary.

TRP is men trying to optimize their outcomes given the truths, RPW is women trying to optimize THEIR outcomes given the truths. That leads to different behaviors.

Also, since the world is so anti-men and anti-truth right now, many men find that being harsh in the direction opposite PC narratives is cathartic, helpful, or both. For example, men predisposed to putting women on pedestals (that's a lot of men) self-medicate by veering in the opposite direction: women are terrible people.

[–]PrincessKek1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Referring to the latter half of what you wrote. Do you think it's kinda like 3rd wave feminism? In the sense that instead of women respecting that men are the other half of a symbiotic relationship but instead women go the opposite way and call men terrible ppl.

[–]PrincessKek1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Imo: I wish guys and gal could identify that their the other half of the same coin. Then, appreciate each other for it.

[–]FwoGiZ4 points5 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

both are about being better at finding what you need/want in a relationship

both strongly encourages personal and individual betterment of oneself

You seem to put a lot of emphasis on the negative which there will inevitably always be... as in anything in life, it's better to just take what's good and leave the rest.

Here's a tip I could give you since you are just starting to discover the philosophy?

I am guessing you are a women? I think one of the most important thing is to find out early what you REALLY want. I know ultimately you'd want both a VERY fufilling career AND a family but I find that you still have to pick one. Fufilling career is good if you like to party, travel, live life to its fullest. But if you go that path, your family might suffer. If family is REALLY important for you, then you can still have a career but it should totally be as a secondary/supportive role.

Hope that helps. Cheers

[–]pt55 points6 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

As far as sexual strategy is concerned, here's a breakdown of what "the red pill" is:

You're seeing opposite sides of the same coin. One thing you'll see written in the red pill world often is that "sexual strategy is amoral." For women, this amoral sexual strategy is sleeping with the best possible candidate(s) (most often by one male at a time) while securing the best providership available to them from said candidate(s). For men, this means sleeping with as many young beautiful women as possible and only committing (a.k.a. granting providership - for the sake of having domestic duties taken care of and having children if desired) to ones that show increasingly rare submissive traits and the lowest number of previous sexual partners possible (ideally zero). You can see where the two strategies overlap - that's where the two worlds of TRP and RPW collide. "Red Pill" (whether focusing on women or men) is the study, exploration, and implementation of how (generally speaking) men and women "work," their wants/needs/desires, how they interact, and how to benefit from that dynamic.

Men inherently want to fuck as many young beautiful women (not the same individual women, but the same age range) for as many years as they can. TRP focuses on maximizing this potential and points out how not to screw up that goal (don't settle down unless it benefits you, don't be a beta bitch in the short term even though you may want to be one because you'll be worse for it in the long term, internalize that you are the prize, fuck sluts but don't get serious with them, avoid marriage because it doesn't benefit you, etc.)

Women inherently want to be taken care of and have a secure relationship to raise children in. RPW focuses on maximizing this potential and points out how not to screw up that goal (do things that attract good men, don't be a slut even though you may want to be one in the short term because you'll be worse for it in the long term, dress modestly, be submissive and attractive and pleasant to make your partner want to stick around long term, etc.).

Both sides recognize the other as simply doing what's best for their kind, but amorally focus on their own strategy while lending insight to the other. Ideally, eventually certain sacrifices are made and the two sides meet in a constructive way - this is the relationship dynamic that is optimal and lasts a lifetime. The woman suppresses her hypergamy among things, the man suppresses his desire to sleep with other women among things, they learn to be happy with each other while challenging each other, raise a family together with the man at the head of the household as the dominate masculine provider and the wife is the submissive feminine caretaker, and everybody lives happily ever after.

[–]Phoenixston2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

  1. I’m a man who enjoys reading both subs. I will admit that the male TRP sub is full of many guys who are incel, MGTOW or in the anger phase of realizing innate human nature. Hence the boorish attitudes towards women in general.

My opinion is that TRP and RPW reflect two different sexual strategies. Men are biologically designed to impregnate many women whereas women are biologically designed to be impregnated by many fewer men. The realities of childbearing necessitate a need for a long term mate to help provide for the woman and offspring as the woman is presumably taking of the role of childrearing.

The distinction between many partners and few is what distinguishes TRP from RPW. Otherwise, you’ll notice that the importance placed on masculine and feminine roles is consistent across both.

  1. I wouldn’t say there are philosophies to learn so much as biology, human nature and psychology. I would start by reading the all time top posts on RPW if it’s the female sexual strategy that interests you.

————————- A note for clarities sake: None of this is to say that men cannot be truly satisfied by a long term relationship.

[–]INNASKILLZ2K182 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Yeah, you have to filter out the masses of young men in TRP, who are either in anger phase, or think RP is all just about 'fucking women'.

It's not all about that, at it's core. Much of RP is about waking up to the idea that modern feminism and society as lied. There has been a message that for some reason, masculinity is bad. Many young guys but into the idea that they should be emasculated, put women on pedestals, treat them like princesses, and don't be like 'those horrible manly men'.

We take on the message, and wonder why women don't want us, dump us, fizzle out attraction, and end up liking the 'strong jerks'.

The healthy part if RP, is about rejecting this modern feminist message. Understanding that it gets us nowhere. Many guys don't cotton onto the fact that true RP is about becoming strong again, reintegrating our masculine. Being leaders, assertive, boundaries. Working out physically, and having a mission in life.

This is what women are inherently attracted to. If we want to get our needs met, understand basic biology and attraction.

Those guys who call every woman 'sluts and cheaters' are only really there to learn how to get more sex.

True RP is much deeper than that, and about becoming the best man you can be.

We are also made aware of the true nature of people, and a lot of women. Don't pedestalise someone, and whilst LTR and marriage is possible, some women are best kept for sex. Sorry, but same as many men will never be suitable partners.

We do vet, in RP too, though. We are taught to vet, and be careful and choose wisely. We are also taught that if we want to maintain attraction, in an LTR, we have to keep up our game.

There are no fairy tales. Everything takes work, with the correct knowledge of how things work.

[–]MrTrizzles0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

TRP is largely comprised of guys learning how to be men. And just as important, how to attract and seduce women. Just being able to have regular sex is a giant leap up, which is why you see it emphasized to a far greater degree than LTRs. But relationship threads are there if you look. (That’s not to imply that LTRs are preferable — many men will be quite content with a steady stream of plates forever amen.)

[–]caneyfan0 points1 point  (4 children) | Copy Link

It’s a matter of perspective. RPW (female perspective) is about being a great gf/wife/partner and standing out from the craziness that is modern society. Attracting a high value man that would appreciate and make a commitment to such a woman (to men in today’s world it’s akin to “wow they do exist”). That is the norm. Which brings me to TRP (male perspective).

A man needs tools and guide to help navigate the 100-1 ratio (not actual figure but you get the picture) of a woman that is worthy of commitment and not getting burned in the process. So yes, you play the field and know what to look for and not settling down due to misjudging what a quality woman actually looks/behaves like.

A matter of perspective. I (m) frequent both the subs because it helps me better identify what a “good woman” will look like in the process of navigating the wilderness that is our feminist society. That’s my view on why the differences between RPW vs TRP. Same ideology/theory but viewed from different landscapes due to perspective of the sex.

[–]ImTheCaptainNow248 points9 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

That sounds really nice to say, but there are very, very few posts on TRP that have anything to do with identifying a good woman (unless by "good woman," you mean someone hot who you can sexually use and discard).

[–]spacebeerpickles5 points6 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Yeah, honestly that seems practically absent from that sub and certainly not a feature of it.

[–]caneyfan1 point2 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

I don’t disagree regarding majority of posts. I guess it’s what you take away from it. I tend to put my focus on the female nature side (things from sidebar) about importance of holding frame, leading, not being needy, horror stories of being cheated on, dealt with being cheated on, preventing being cheating on, how to maintain frame in LTR....and on and on. A lot of guys posting are young and haven’t experienced enough life to think about anything other than sex sex sex. Again, it’s just based on what you take away from it and filtering out what’s not relevant to you. I, personally, gain wisdom from both subs all the time, seeing life from the prism of their experiences.

[–]ImTheCaptainNow242 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Thanks for sharing your perspective. It's nice to know that some of the men on TRP feel that way!

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