
~ archived since 2018 ~


I'm not one for New Year's resolutions. I think you should do what needs to be done, regardless of what time of the year it is. After all, you don't get to wait until January 1st to die, so why should you wait until then to live?

With that said, I appreciate the power of the New Year's resolution. Personally, I have no problem with it. My biggest issue is that people don't stay motivated. The initial fire of starting a new life wears off relatively quickly and before you know it, most gym memberships opened on January 2nd have been closed by February 14th (facts--you can look this up).

People give up on making beneficial changes all the time. We only notice the failure of resolutions because the New Year's Resolutions has become such a joke. Well here's a quick tip to keep you from giving up on whatever goals you set--New Year’s Resolutions or not.

Focus on getting a super specific small win

Your goals are probably too big and too vague. Specificity is a quick and immediate fix. Lengthening the time frame while increasing the specificity makes it much more likely that you’ll succeed.

You don't want to just lose weight. You don't want to even lose 5 lbs.You want to lose 2% body fat in 8 weeks. That's it. It's a measurable, specific, and it's an easy win.

You don't want to write a novel. You don't even want to write a short story. You want to do 4 pages of a rough outline in 3 weeks.

These seem like tiny goals that won’t make a big difference, but you’re forgetting two things.

A little in the right direction is better than nothing at all. Success builds momentum Using these two ideas combined is how I’ve made significant changes in my life. Everything from building my relationship, to getting sober, to boxing and making a little money online. They tell us to aim for the moon so that a miss lands us among the stars, but at the start it’s better to focus on just getting in the rocket ship.

The trick is that you've been tricked

I once read that kids like the piano more than the violin because it's easier to make the piano sound good. I've learned both (piano way better than the violin, but still a relative novice on both) and it's true. The violin is painful to learn. It's physically challenging as well. It takes a lot of work to make it sound good. With the piano, not so much.

It's very easy to make the piano sound nice. You want your goals to be like the piano. Easy to sit down into and make sound good. This will motivate you to continue. It will give you confidence that you can actually make more more progress. If you notice that you're just a little slimmer, you'll feel confident and motivated to lose a little more weight.

Each quick win not only makes it easier to get another quick win, but it also builds momentum. You feel more confident that you can tackle things of increasing difficulty. Eventually your whole life changes because you are gradually making improvements. Rather than looking at the mountaintop, you focus on the next step on the path in front of you. Get excited about completing that (and you should, because MOST people don’t visit mountains--let alone climb them), and you’ll get addicted to the feeling of success.

What We Learned From Drug Dealers

This is what it boils down to. You want to make it easy to get addicted to success. The old drug dealers in the 80's used to give the first hit of a drug for free. They knew that their product was so good and so powerful that you’d be back, hooked and begging for more. Of course they started you out with the weak and cheap dope--novice users can’t handle the stronger shit. But eventually, nothing but the purest cut stuff would satisfy you.

This is how to not be a failure in 2018. This is how to not give up. Start with small hits of cheap success and keep improving so you can increase the strength of the dose. Eventually you'll have such great momentum and ambition that you'll be driven to accomplish great things. You'll only be satisfied by the strongest dope.

Whether you're starting today or waiting until January 1st to change your life, focus on breaking your goals down and getting the small win. The small wins give you the confidence to chase bigger wins. What started as 2 lbs is 30 by the end of you year. What started is 4 page outline is a best selling novel.

Small goals turn into big dreams.

Speaking of turning small goals into big dreams, check out Christian McQueen’s course on making money online. He severely discounted it for Black Friday. Unlike other frauds who make money teaching you how to make money, Christian made his money in the dating niche. He even offers a 1 year money back guarantee in case you decide you’re not interested.

Check it out. While I am affiliated with McQueen, he gave me nothing to promote the course. I do it because I got great results from it. Feel free to ask write me any questions.

there doesn't seem to be anything here

You can kill a man, but you can't kill an idea.

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