
~ archived since 2018 ~




The Alpha Female is really the woman who best embodies what men’s evolved, biological imperatives determine what makes her an attractive breeding and long-term mate choice. Men’s criteria is very simple; fitness, youth, assertive sexuality, playfulness, conventional femininity and genuine desire to please him. Beyond this, submission, respect, nurturing (potential mothering qualities), a natural deference to male authority, humility, admiration and an unobligated desire to recognize that man as her complementary partner are just some of the long-term attributes that make a woman someone a man might want to invest himself in a family with.

Unfortunately all of this criteria is counter to the message ‘alpha‘ Females are taught are valuable today. They are taught that anything a woman might do for the expressed pleasure of a man is anathema to the Strong Independent Woman® meme. The presumption is that a desire to meet any of this criteria is a failure on the part of a woman who demands to be the ‘equal’ of a man. Even acknowledging the innate, complementary natures of men and women is an affront to the equalist narrative. Furthermore, any man who would base (much less express) his own decision making criteria as such is shamed via social conventions. The narrative is that he must be needy, or threatened by a “strong woman” or he must want this woman to be his Mommy substitute. All of this is a social mechanic meant to force fit that natural complementary criteria into the box of egalitarian equalism.

Value Added

I don’t write for a female readership per se. In fact, I don’t really direct my writing towards any audience, but in this instance I want to end here with a message for my female readers. Take this message to the bank: the sexes evolved to be complementary to each other, not adversarial. But that adversarial feeling you get when you read me describing some unflattering aspect of female nature is the product of your own Blue Pill conditioning that’s taught you the lie of egalitarianism-as-female-empowerment. If you truly want to ‘empower‘ yourselves set aside your self-importance, look inside yourselves and ask this question –

What is it about me that a man would find attractive from a naturalistic perspective?

What do I possess that a man would truly believe is Value Added?

That may feel a bit counterintuitive to you, but understand that the reason this introspection is alien or offensive to you is because you’ve been conditioned to believe that your masculine qualities are what men should find attractive about you. You turn this offense back on men and make it their fault for not finding your ‘alpha femaleness’ the root of their attraction to you. Is the idea of changing yourself, to add value to your package, for the pleasure of a man a source of anger for you? Why is that?

I see far too many otherwise beautiful women who destroy themselves on the lie of the ‘alpha’ female and a never ending struggle to perfect an equalist archetype in themselves. They rail on about infantile men, or bemoan that men are afraid to ask them out, or ask “Where are all the good guys nowadays?” Understand that these efforts to shame men into finding something attractive about you based on your masculine criteria for attraction will always fail; leaving you a lonely childless middle aged wreck all because you refused to accept that you need to be someone worth marrying.

Men and women are better together than they are apart. We evolved to be complements to the other. But, feminism, the Feminine Imperative and an endemic Fempowerment culture have taught you to believe “you are enough”, you are complete, you don’t need a man because you can satisfy all of your own needs. This is the most damning lie ever perpetrated on womankind – that you can be it all – and only when it’s too late do women realize that they’ve been had.

[–]RuleZeroDADMRP APPROVED11 points12 points  (18 children) | Copy Link

Man, a woman's Ph.D really gets my engines going!

Can't wait to fuck that 401k!

Men are not wired to seek provisioning, and as such, do not find a woman's ability to reason, lead, or make money arousing.

Women seeing successful men as the benchmarks of the current and future Sisterhood, are deluding themselves into believing men will simply conform to a new standard of sexy, which embodies masculine traits.

I'm not gay, so I won't fuck a man with tits, no matter how much I'm shamed for not preferring a woman's accomplishments over her visceral beauty.

[–]Rian_StoneHard Core Navy Red5 points6 points  (10 children) | Copy Link

The ladies weren't hearing it though. They had a meltdown and banned him, then went back to discussing the nuances of black male skeleton differences

[–]RuleZeroDADMRP APPROVED5 points6 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

So Trad-Con women are genetic determinists and racists.

Big fucking surprise.

I still won't fuck you Betty Crocker.

[–]PersaeusMRP APPROVED4 points5 points  (8 children) | Copy Link

Which ladies

[–]Rian_StoneHard Core Navy Red2 points3 points  (6 children) | Copy Link

Phantom and her red pill wives...

[–]PersaeusMRP APPROVED1 point2 points  (5 children) | Copy Link

do you have a link to the meltdown?

[–]Rian_StoneHard Core Navy Red3 points4 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

pretty sure it was deleted already, but essentially the rpw sub has the same tone


  1. Who the fuck do you think you are?

  2. This isn't tailored to a womans reading preferences

I've yet to hear substantive critique of it being untrue. My guess? It's not wrong, but you're an asshole for saying it | I'm not like that, and how dare you suggest it?

Though I guess you can't blame them. That chick who wrote the 'christian men like virgins with no debt or tattoos' got fucking raked through the coals, and I'm sure none of the rage was written by women were in debt, had tattoos, or a decent N count...

[–]PersaeusMRP APPROVED2 points3 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

RPW i never know what to think of, RPWi i find stays on their point pretty well. their point can be summed up in the top sticked post

it pretty much sums up, from a female perspective, why i would get married again if i had it all to do over again. having a family has always been part of my mission; and getting the best woman i can to do that with . . . the best woman would not be one that is too stupid or impulsive as to ignore her own strategy

not that they care, but i'm honestly disappointed in RPWi getting their panties in a wad over Rollo stating the obvious. further proof that we (men/women) are most definitely not on the same team.

[–]Rian_StoneHard Core Navy Red1 point2 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

100%. I made a post back when I still engaged PPD, something to the effect of "UMC aspiring women are natures socially acceptable sociopaths"

Of course they would hate everything about an RP man, it's taken from the same playbook...

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

That playbook is rather disingenuous and seems to be more of an ego smokescreen than a real concern. Being so solipsistic that you can not understand someone or are unwilling to unless they write in your feminine primary reading preferences only proves Rollo's other blog posts of the feminine primacy of our declining world.

[–]Rian_StoneHard Core Navy Red1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I'ts not as if he sits in a basement and mentally masturbates this stuff. I've seen how the sausage is made. He literally goes out, collects a bunch of interactions, then writes posts around it from an evo psych lens.

Ever wonder why everyones comments get a post of his linked? It's because he's been having the same 50 conversations for the last decade, and can point to exactly how it plays out.

[–]wekacuck0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Looks like it was RPWi. It's not RPW and they ban men for the same reasons MRP and AskMRP ban women. It's not like RPWi can post here without expecting to be banned.

WOMEN: post on r/mrpw, you will be banned on sight here

Or not. Last I checked MPRW was shutdown and nobody's bothered update our sidebars.

Rollo should have at least read the RPWi sidebar. He didn't even set his flair.

[–]PersaeusMRP APPROVED1 point2 points  (6 children) | Copy Link

Man, a woman's Ph.D really gets my engines going!

see the linked Atlantic article for proof. nothing ground break; but pretty much proves Rollo's thesis here from one end to another.

i don't know how good of a job the researcher did in separating correlation/causation/co-variance (i suspect not all given the quality of the starting data set); but i was a little surprised (from my own preferences/perspective) that women with higher education levels were not more valued. i am assuming the effects were not separated and that observations that higher education is negatively correlated and Asian women are positively correlated are just stand ins for the qualities that Rollo listed.

[–]RuleZeroDADMRP APPROVED2 points3 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

A lot of Asian women are hot, submissive and educated.

Men select for the first two of those variables, so the co-incidence of "attractive and educated" doesn't necessarily give value to education, but demonstrates men will overlook the negative (or neutral) quality to get some good ass.

I think if "smart and ugly" were a recognized cohort, you would find that sapiosexuality is largely a myth created by men to game educated women. Feigning interest in her mind.

Men don't prioritize witty banter over a pretty face, regardless of the inane shit coming from those lips made for sucking dick.

[–]Rian_StoneHard Core Navy Red0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

My thoughts exactly.

If a girl has quality X and is ugly, would you fuck her?

so far the only X I've ever seen is 'tight body', called the infamous brown bag girl.

[–]RuleZeroDADMRP APPROVED0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Howard Stern has used a phrase for at least 15 years to describe that X Woman.

"Butterface". As in "Her body is fantastic, but her face is a disaster." Also known as 50 Meter hot.

[–]PersaeusMRP APPROVED0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

A lot of Asian women are hot, submissivefeminine/classy/composure and educated.

any one that knows a few Asian women knows that the submissive part is a shiny fascade.

i agree with you and Rian that sexual (physical) attractiveness is the prerequisite, and everything else follows.

i will say that "basic bitches" has always been a glaring hole in my game. i have certainly fucked my share; but of all the women i have ever dated LTR 1 out 10 does not now have an advanced degree of some sort.


hahaha, quite truthfully i have only seen women use this word to refer to themselves.

[–]turbospeedsc0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

Well, i did use the fact that one of my plates had a Phd and was extremely intelligent to brag to my friends and pull other plates, the kind of preselection women got from this beautiful and very smart woman was incredible, she got me from 2 plates to 6.

[–]PersaeusMRP APPROVED0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Can confirm an effective strategy

[–]SteelToeShitKicker2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Glad to see someone else also saying this. It's quite possibly the biggest myth / misunderstanding in the manosphere.

[–]SteelSharpensSteelMRP MODERATOR2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

These on-point essays are really hitting the truth.

[–]triclops412 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

The 'Alpha' Females that I see are as pitiable as BP Men; it is sad to see someone genuinely trying, but wasting years with a strategy doomed to fail.

[–][deleted] 6 points7 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Some women can balance femininity with masculine success -those are the keepers. What she is like at home with me or when out with me is what I value with her, besides a nice rack.

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

This posting has created quite the number of deletions and removals.

Hamstering in massive proportions - it's the medium not the message that offends...LOL!

I'm saving this message for my daughters so they can find a balance between career success and success as a woman.

[–]ReddJiveMRP APPROVED0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

a natural deference to male authority, humility, admiration and an unobligated desire to recognize that man as her complementary partner are just some of the long-term attributes

and at some point you will have to face her challenge. These things are not natural for her. Hence shit tests, comfort tests, and all the rest.

Today we call it feminism. 400 years ago it was survival instinct of finding the most powerful male or being taken captive by one. The game doesn't change. The tools are the same.

I am not sure why any of this surprises any one.

You can kill a man, but you can't kill an idea.

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