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Ye Are Gods (self.marriedredpill)

submitted by redpillrobert

Perspective is everything. What else is the red pill but a change in perspective? What else did the red pill offer Neo besides a change in perspective?

Several years ago I managed to catch depression like one would catch a cold. My fiancee and I had just broken up and I had a terrible case of oneitis. I think it was the way she didn't seem to mind when I demanded the ring back. It stuck with me. I came back the very next day but she had moved on already. So I questioned my attractiveness and my worth constantly for months, and I became convinced that my sadness was a direct result of no longer being with her. I put her on that pedestal and built her up into a Colossus. Every day she would weigh on my mind. The romantic beast within me had been fed too well for too long and it was now calling the psychological shots.

It was an idea that made me sick and it was another idea that eventually made me well. Luckily for me I read this book that inspired me to close my eyes when I was feeling negativity and to imagine my body flying up through my roof, up through the clouds, and finally up into orbit around the earth where it was quiet, and there wasn't another soul but mine for miles. From that perspective I would look down upon the world, contemplate the many people in it and the myriad troubles they faced, and then I would talk to myself from that position, asking me honest questions about how I was seeing things and what I thought about how I was seeing things. It was a bit like praying, only I played the role of both parties. Rather than waiting on a voice to speak to me from eternity I simply became the voice, and said what I thought such a voice would say.

I found that after I started doing that, the need to do so began to lessen very quickly. At first I would do it several times per day. Within a month I was only doing it once a week. And within six months I wasn't doing it at all anymore. It wasn't necessary to put on those goggles when I knew damn well what I was going to see with them. The invisible became the visible. By reinterpreting reality from a new perspective that perspective became my reality. And just like depression was gone and my life turned around in virtually every way.

Many times in this sub specifically (not so much on the main sub) the more seasoned posters with some real wisdom to offer will go after somebody for being autistic in their advice, for missing the forest for the trees, for focusing on techniques rather than mindsets. They often quote the conversation between Neo and Morpheus we're all so familiar with by now "are you saying I can dodge bullets?...No Neo, I'm saying you won't have to..."

I know how frustrating that can be. I have always like self help books. Steps. Rules. I didn't realize what an I autist I really was, or at least had become. But there really is a better way.

I was watching the Netflix documentary, "Jim and Andy: the Great Beyond" the other day and holy shit, if you haven't see it, first of all, get ready to feel weird. But if you can brush that off you can see something truly brilliant happening. Jim Carrey did not PLAY Andy Kaufman in the movie "Man on the Moon" he CHANNELED him. He didn't sit around asking himself what Andy Kaufman would say or do in a particular situation. He looked in the mirror and FELT Andy Kaufman, and became him, and then everything he did, even if he KNEW that Andy himself would have made a different choice and even DID make different choices than he was making, something about his adoption of the character NOW was so real, so completely authentic, that he would do it anyway. Jim Carrey wouldn't show up at the set every day and play Andy Kaufman, Andy Kaufman would show up at the set every day and play Andy Kaufman. Jim Carrey was back in the trailer watching tv.

Anyway, there's a red pill principle in there somewhere. If you can get out of your head, sidestep the self-talk completely, and step right into the shoes of the man you know you should be, you don't have to wait for reality to catch up. You don't have to wait for your muscles or social circle or bank account to grow for the dynamic between you and your wife to slowly shift, for your sex life to slowly get better, nothing. You can get up from your computer right now, take a deep breath, look in the mirror, ask yourself who you want to be, and then you can just BE that guy the rest of the day, or for as long as you want, and get the results that guy would get. No kidding.

They say good things take time, and often they do, but with the mind, quantum leaps are possible. When I was 17 my best friend and I were workout buddies. I could bench 205 and his max was 175. He was tired of feeling weak so he went to the supplement shop next to our gym and asked the guy what the closest thing to steroids was that he could sell him. Some sublingual snake oil bullshit that tasted like ass was what he recommended. I laughed about it inside but felt sorry for him so I didn't say anything. The next day he comes running down the hall after gym class yelling "205! 205!" I said "205, what?" He said "I just benched 205! TWICE!"

I thought "Right. Your max bench jumped 30 lbs in 12 hours." Again, I felt sorry for him so let it drop. Until 24 hours later he comes running down that hall again yelling "225! 225!" I immediately called bullshit. After all, two days ago I could lift 30 lbs more than he could, now he's claiming he can lift 20 lbs more than me? I followed him to the gym incredulously and watched in complete disbelief as he pressed two plates two full times right in front of me.

For anyone who knows anything about steroids, you know that not even THEY can produce that kind of result overnight. Like literally no amount of steroids could ever do that. That's not how they work.

But I didn't know that. Hell I didn't really know anything. I just knew I just saw what I saw and it was real, and then something inside me snapped and I jumped on the bench myself and wouldn't you know it? I put that bitch up twice as well. 20 lbs more than my 1rep max had ever been.

The mind, guys. The mind is an amazing thing. I'm not a religious person anymore but I've witnesses physiological miracles, and been a part of them. I think the irreligious or formerly religious like myself disdain the concept or are very suspicious of it probably because we know that religious people like to use it as proof of God's existence, but for whatever reason it doesn't affect me that way. I still think God is bullshit.

But when you think about it all scientific studies have to test against a placebo group. Expectation fluctuates so much from person to person it can be really hard to control for and it can really fuck up your study--not because people are lying about their results, but because people who are taking sugar pills, but think they're taking cancer pills, have literally been known to see their cancer disappear during the trials. This is one of the reasons researchers will often do double and triple blind studies, so they can REALLY find out what works and what doesn't, absent expectations.

I realize I'm rambling, but I think I've made my point. Stop practicing dodging bullets. Stop tiptoeing around your progress and hoping that some day this will all pay off and your wife will fuck you again the way you want to be fucked, or your job will pay you what you want to get paid, or people will respond to you the way you want them to respond to you--whatever it is. Stop TRYING. Stop thinking it has to take time. Just channel it. Summon it. Again, I'm not religious, but if Jesus was a real person who did the things he did it wasn't because he practiced being a son of God every day. He probably didn't practice walking on water. Maybe he practiced public reading and speaking but no public speaking skill is going to move people the way he moved people--not a skill that can be learned anyway. That's something you summon. Consider that.

Psalms 82:6 says "Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High."

Believe that, and you're already there.

[–][deleted] 4 points5 points  (10 children) | Copy Link

It really is eerie sometimes...motivational speakers will often tell you that if you start down a path to a goal, that you will come to find that the universe is on your side. Does that mean it won't be hard/painful/you wont get hurt? No, but it means that you CAN do it. It is a viable outcome of your life. Simply start walking off your current path as if another is available, and another will appear where before there seemed like none.


The ability to make that switch, that barrier, that when boiled down to it is simply a single decision in your head of whether you will commit or not, is the only thing stopping you. For some reason the brain is SO afraid of taking a new direction, a new path, because it fears the unknown, that it will subconsciously block out that that path is even an option until you are explicitly told it is. And then it's like "I wonder why I didn't think that way before"...but then you'll still have to cross a barrier to move down that new path because "what if this" or "what if that".


Someone just posted that the key to positive reward is sacrificing short term relief for long term gain. And I find that even though I know at times that this is so, that if my mind is in a mode of wanting short term relief, the only way to change it into a mode of long term gain is to DO something to that end. Which puts the cart before the horse. Which is also why shit like making your bed first thing in the morning, lifting on a regular basis, and getting into the habit of getting out and having hobbies is preached here...because having the discipline to do those prompts the transition into that mental state to do more.


It has gotten to a point where an event will show up in my distant future, and my brain will start conjuring reasons it may be a pain and I won't like it, and I'll recognize that this is going on. And because I know in the past that when this happened, when my brain was hamstering that it didn't want to do this 'thing', and I did it anyway, that I actually got great joy from doing that thing...that I will now force myself to do those future things based merely on the premise that my own brain is lying to me, and I know there's a good chance I will excell at and enjoy that thing. And a majority of the time, I'm right. Fucking crazy.

[–]PurpleVeteranMRP APPROVED6 points7 points  (9 children) | Copy Link

if you start down a path to a goal, that you will come to find that the universe is on your side.

Fuck that. The universe doesn't give a shit about your goals, unless it's to pull you back down into the bucket of conformity and mediocrity.

  1. You decide to make the change.
  2. You make the change.
  3. The universe catches up.

[–]johneyapocalypseTold Death to Fuck Off - MRP is easy mode8 points9 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

Good, level-headed comment, with one proposed modification:

  • You decide to make the change.
  • You make the change.
  • The universe catches up stays the same and continues to not change (or care) while your perception of the universe changes... which is enough to convince you that change has taken place and more than enough to matter... to you... which is all that matters.

[–]hystericalbonding0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

Frame, your reality

ie, taking the red pill.

[–]johneyapocalypseTold Death to Fuck Off - MRP is easy mode2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link


What the fuck do I really care what's going on in the rest of the universe anyway? Beta-fucking-centauri my ass.

I care about my universe and my universe is made up of one thing: me.

[–]InChargeManMRP APPROVED1 point2 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

I think he means more like "you make your own luck", which I agree with.

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I respect /u/PurpleVeteran 's fire. I don't believe the universe is sentient and does things for you. It's a figure of speech to go along with the idea of paths opening where there was none before.


Your brain is dominated by the fight or flight response, and the will to live until tomorrow. Fight can easily be compared to ego. Someone does something unfair? Fight. Women/wife shoot you down? Fight. You've been emasculated? Fight. Why do we DEER? Fight.

Flight can be compared to the inability to choose or even see a new path. Starting a new business is scary. Flight. Approaching those girls could end badly. Flight. Going to the gym makes me look weak and I don't know what to do. Flight.


We teach here to take over this hard wiring to improve and do the things that our brain constantly is afraid of doing because it's not thinking about becoming a captain or having OI or abundance. Your brain does not have the same agenda as you. It just wants to make it until tomorrow. And it wants to fuck. Priorities in that order.


It's fascinating...the layman's version of what's happening in your brain as I understand it is that different structures are continuously analyzing incoming information. It compares all this information to past events. It down selects pertinent events that it sees can either have a rewarding or punishing effect. Then 'advises' the forebrain on what to do. It does all this with various neurotransmitters that all carry a certain message.

But when it encounters a new event? Something it hasn't seen before? A new path? Fuck no that's scary. What could happen? Well...death...maybe. This is what Peterson describes as the chaos. The unknown. Encountering the chaos, either by encountering a new scenario or having your current formula shattered sends your hamster into overdrive. So much so that your brain will short circuit every new path immediately to "nope, we don't want to do that, in fact, I'm not even going to allow this possibility into conscious thought." How many PUA texts or videos or in your own experience have you seen a rejection and then heard/thought "I'm not dead. They just rejected me but im still alive." It's quite literal. Your brain thought death was an outcome.


And if you think about it, really, how many times have you ever encountered something new and weren't worried about it? But then after the fact, you thought "hey that was awesome." As if your brain somehow selectively forgot all the bad things, the worrying, the possibly deadly outcomes, the nervousness.

This is why I said I've honestly noticed this pattern in my own head. And so I've started to not only take new paths, but purposely dive into new paths BECAUSE I know when my brain gets that "oh shit what if I die from ____" feeling, that it's that fight or flight kicking in...and in the universe...those barriers and threats really aren't even there. It's not so much that the universe is on your side as it is: the universe was never against you. You aren't special. No one is throwing up barriers to hold you back. To think that you couldn't drop your shit and go be a millionaire, a player, a coach, an intellectual, an artist, an entrepreneur in a decade is you thinking you're so special that the universe (reality) has singled you out and is against you. It's not. It's not for you either...but motivational speakers will tell you that to override the default thought that it's against you...they'll tell you that to make you feel that you can choose to do whatever it is your mission is, and other than the normal hardships and risks can do it. What did Marcus Aurelius say?

"Because your own strength is unequal to the task, do not assume that it is beyond the powers of man; but if anything is within the powers and province of man, believe that it is within your own compass also."

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

You choose to experience the universe as though it’s a big bad threatening machine separate from little old you. The subjective is the only reality personally experienced. Choose your experiences; take responsibility for everything that happens good and bad.

[–]PurpleVeteranMRP APPROVED1 point2 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Everything and everyone around you is waiting for you to fail, or more likely, doesn't give a fuck.

According to objective reality, you are a bit of flotsam subject to and responding to forces outside your control. It's all cause and effect, entropy and predestination.

Your subjective reality, on the other hand, is shaped by you. Are you an actor or victim? Do you react, or do you act? Are you outnumbered and overwhelmed, or an island of purpose and restraint? Do you make excuses for failure, or pick yourself up and say "Nice one Universe, let's try it again."

[–]Rian_StoneHard Core Navy Red2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Everything and everyone around you is waiting for you to fail, or more likely, doesn't give a fuck.

My ego appeasement is more important than your success. This is something I'm reminded of often

[–]cBIGONE0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

1000 times this. This should be first sidebar material. Might be too real for newcomers though

[–]88Will88 1 points1 points [recovered] | Copy Link

This is a nice attempt at a post but it is not a MRP post. If you posted this as life tips or get motivated they may well lap it up. For me this has nothing to do with sexual strategy, it is more like a diary entry or your musings.

[–]sh0ckley2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I enjoyed the content, but you are correct.

[–]ReddJiveMRP APPROVED1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I got lost at the Jim Carey stuff.

My latte was pretty good though.

[–]bogeyd6MRP MODERATOR0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Agreed, plus if you dope does it make you the better athlete?

[–]hystericalbonding2 points3 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

I realize I'm rambling

Then divide it into parts with headings, like jacktenofhearts, or separate posts.

You started with a useful technique for emotionally challenging situations - learning to become an observer of your own reactions and behavior. Several schools of philosophy and psychology provide similar techniques. It's a powerful method for overcoming impulses, bad habits, and personal demons.

You went on with Yoda's, "Try not. Do, or do not. There is no try." It's a step beyond faking it until you make it. "This is who I am now."

Another tool for the abrupt change in mindset is to think of your previous problems as characteristics of who you used to be. Instead of being the guy who's losing weight and fighting a porn addiction, just be the guy who used to be fat and watch porn. Instead of being the introvert who's learning social skills, be the guy who used to be afraid to approach people. It changes how you perceive that twinge of anxiety or self-doubt. As an observer of your own reactions, you'll notice that brief anxiety when you approach someone or get a weird response, but you'll understand it's because of the way you used to be. It's not who you are now. It becomes an intellectual curiosity, background noise, easily discarded.

[–]johneyapocalypseTold Death to Fuck Off - MRP is easy mode3 points4 points  (0 children) | Copy Link


Then divide it into parts with headings, like jacktenofhearts, or separate posts.


You started with a useful technique for emotionally challenging situations - learning to become an observer of your own reactions and behavior. Several schools of philosophy and psychology provide similar techniques. It's a powerful method for overcoming impulses, bad habits, and personal demons.


You went on with Yoda's, "Try not. Do, or do not. There is no try." It's a step beyond faking it until you make it. "This is who I am now."


Another tool for the abrupt change in mindset is to think of your previous problems as characteristics of who you used to be. Instead of being the guy who's losing weight and fighting a porn addiction, just be the guy who used to be fat and watch porn. Instead of being the introvert who's learning social skills, be the guy who used to be afraid to approach people. It changes how you perceive that twinge of anxiety or self-doubt. As an observer of your own reactions, you'll notice that brief anxiety when you approach someone or get a weird response, but you'll understand it's because of the way you used to be. It's not who you are now. It becomes an intellectual curiosity, background noise, easily discarded.


[–]sh0ckley1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

This is awesome.

There is a difference in my mind between “self help” books and “self improvement” books. They might be the same books but my perspective is what’s different.

Amen on the religious angle. Pun intended.

I believe in God but not by my understanding of how the Catholics see God (vengeful) or of how the Christians or new agers do (God loves you, “the universe is on your side”)

God doesn’t give a fuck about me.

And I am talking about the opposite of love: not hate, but indifference. Life goes on. That’s what He wants.

So how did my life get better? I fixed myself. And MRP was not the only resource, albeit a primary one. Even still, MRP did not “save” me anymore than God did. Nobody was coming to do that. Not my parents, not the women I’ve been with and not even my friends. I leaned this fact by looking to those places for answers and having life punch me in the face because:

God doesn’t give a fuck about me.

A man who owns his shit will own the results:

Knowing the hand of cards I was dealt, and learning to maximize it’s potential.

[–]rp_newdawn0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Beautiful post, saved the wisdom for darker tunnels in the future. Thank you for sharing your wisdom, I’m looking forward to trying your mental visualization technique.

[–]thatboyjeff0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Someone call the virgin police.


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