
~ archived since 2018 ~


Throwaway due to poor OpSec in the past. I've been around for a while and she's aware of MRP but I'd prefer not to feed the hamster if I can avoid it.

My life has done a complete 180 in the last 1-2 years, due in no small part to the MRP philosophy. To put it all in context, me and wifey have been together roughly 15 years, married for half of it, with 3 kids (5, 4 and 2.5). Fortunately I was never a career beta - it was having children that made everything go sideways for me. I may not have bought into the "happy wife happy life" mentality of servitude but having no experience with children, I did let her take the lead when they arrived and that's when the trouble really started. Lots of fighting for a while - and I fought back hard, but it was just an angry version of DEERing. There was no universe where I would have remained married to her if something didn't give, but for the time being leaving was off the table because I didn't want to abandon the kids while they were so little. Somehow I ended up here, and it was the catalyst for everything that happened next.

For many the red pill is bitter one but for me it was refreshing. The truth behind it was immediately apparent. It took a huge weight off my shoulders because everything finally made sense. And then I got to work. Struggled with it at first and went a bit Rambo because I had internally shifted my mentality practically overnight. She eventually found out about this place, read all my posts and that precipitated a main event and many aftershocks - but because I wasn't a career beta any accusations that I was "faking it" or "following a script" were just met with a "shrug, if that's what helps you sleep at night." In either case, while fighting it on the surface she responded incredibly well over time, and it's gone far beyond the bedroom or my marriage - everything from my physique to my career has improved dramatically.

There was a recent situation that was the perfect demonstration of how night and day things are now compared to just a short while ago. Something that probably needs more emphasis to the new guys is how much your wife's behavior changes towards you when you man up - at first it's fight after fight and it feels like you'll be fighting an uphill battle for the rest of your life. The shit tests will never stop but they do ease up - it's not just you getting better at them. The part that I never fully recognized until recently is how much happier she clearly is now. Overtly she'd probably still say she wants no part of this MRP stuff, but her behavior speaks for itself. She's far less anxious and angry than before, we joke around like we're still dating, and it's like the discovery channel in the bedroom again. She was great in bed from the start so I've always known she's had it in her, but even just a year ago it felt like something that was lost and never coming back. I can only imagine how shocking it is to someone who's never seen what their woman is really capable of before.

But anyway, a few years ago we put new flooring in a room, and this year we did another - and the way they played out could not have been more different.

Back then: expecting that she'd fight me if she didn't like the choice, I just told her to pick it out. She begrudgingly picked a few from a website, I told her which one I liked, and of course she preferred another. Fight ensued - "why'd you even ask me then?" I say, and I tell her to just order whatever she wanted. The most expensive one of course (another fight), and I didn't care for it to begin with (but didn't say anything) - but I played along in the name of peace, even though the situation was anything but peaceful. When we received them she hated the color because it didn't match the pictures….and somehow that was my fault? Fight fight fight over literally everything, even though I was trying my hardest to avoid it.

Now: I ordered samples, decided there were only two I liked, and asked for her input. She didn't have a preference and didn't seem to want to think about it, so we left it there. I mulled it over for a day, then made a decision and ordered it online at work. She got a fraud alert on our CC - asked me if I knew anything about it, told her "yeah I ordered the flooring." Which prompted a solid shit test about how she didn’t think the discussion was settled - I simply responded with "is there a problem?" She shot back "It doesn't matter to you anymore anyway, does it?" Shrug and STFU, and instead of fuming and fighting about it. When we got back from work, it was like that little tiff never happened. That's one thing that still really takes me aback sometimes - how she can be shitty one moment, and standing my ground makes her visibly upset and ready to fight it out….and then moments later after not engaging, she's all smiles. Look at the difference already though - back then it was one fight after another and neither of us were happy, this year it was a single shitty moment that rolled off of me anyway, and we were both still in a good mood.

Back then: I asked her what she thought of the idea of us DIYing it together. She flipped out, saying I have no idea what I'm doing so why would I even suggest that, we don't have the time for it anyway, and told me to find an installer. I find a few installers on yelp, ask her what she thinks, she had a problem with all of them. She said to just go through Home Depot, I never questioned it, and we paid almost as much as the floor cost itself just to have it installed. I was furious inside about how much it all cost but I just wanted her to stop bitching and so I did exactly what she said she wanted. Even just picking the day to have it done was another fight - my constant deference to her was an attempt to please her because she always had a problem with everything….and yet she always found another problem. I was convinced she was just an impossible woman that refused to do anything but see the bad in the situation - I was utterly convinced it was all her fault.

Now: I told her I was going to DIY it. She asked if I knew what I was doing, and I just said "I'll figure it out." No argument back. I told her what day I was going to do it and I needed to focus with no kids around, and suggested she should take the kids to her parents house for the day. No argument, she made it happen.

Back then: The installers were late. Somehow that was my fault, she even blamed me for choosing them - even though she chose them! They took all day, disrupting our weekend plans, and when all was said and done it was a great job with a few minor flaws. She gave me so much shit over those minor little nitpicks even though I never touched a plank. She said she wished we never got it done and I flipped out. From start to finish I deferred to her on everything, yet somehow I was at fault for everything that went wrong!? Even though in the end it was an expensive floor, professionally installed and looked objectively great, it was a total shitshow from start to finish. Needless to say I didn't get any that night. Not like I've been getting any for months….and it would be dry starfish anyway.

Now: She took the kids to the in-laws, and I got to work early. I started pulling up the old floor and found out the hard way that it was a lot more work than I thought it would be, but I got it done. Knowing that I couldn't finish it all that day, I asked her if she could stay the night with the kids so I could work through. She said "I guess so" a little reluctantly, but said she needed sleepover stuff for the kids. I told her I needed to go to the store anyway, and that I'd bring clothes and pizza. Back then I probably would have even asked her which clothes to pick and what to get for dinner, and it would probably have been just another failed shit test - this year I just decided and she happily went along. I worked late into the night and through the next morning - and while I got it all done I made a lot of visible rookie mistakes. When she finally saw it, what was her reaction? "Looks great! I love it! Hmm...what's happened with that area in the corner though?" Told her how I didn't realize my mistake until far too late and I'd have to pull up the whole floor to fix it then "right" way, but that I'd find a solution. She said "Ok, I'll leave you to it…I really like it though!" I told her there was one last thing I needed to nail down on the floor, and Ill leave the rest to your imagination.

Overall - back then I deferred to her at every step, we fought at every step, and even though the finished product was objectively very good, it was a miserable experience for both of us and we both hated the end product because of it. This time I decisively acted from start to finish, we didn't fight at all despite it being twice as disruptive to our lives, and in the end, even though it was a less expensive floor and an objectively mediocre install and end product- both of us were stoked with how well everything turned out. Not to mention I'm a million times more satisfied with the floor because I built it with my own hands. The thing that made the difference was my mentality and how I approached the situation proactively, decisively and dominant instead of passively and deferential.

This is how much your life changes when you take charge of it. All of the bickering wasn't because she was an incorrigible harpy bitch, the dead bedroom wasn't because that's what's supposed to happen after marriage. The reason you're not getting what you want out of life - it was you, all along. Even when stuff goes wrong how you approach it makes all the difference in the end. This is just one example but I could give 100 more. Life is generally awesome now. It's far from perfect but I'm no longer a victim to my circumstances, and I never will be ever again.

[–]BluepillProfessorMarried-MRP MODERATOR29 points30 points  (11 children) | Copy Link

This is what owning your shit looks like. All we are saying is stop deferring to your wife all the damn time and stand up for what you want to do! It works.

[–]Tway5676 1 points1 points [recovered] | Copy Link

It took me a while to wrap my mind around exactly what that meant. If you had asked me back then I would have told you I was standing up for what I wanted, cause I wouldn't hesitate to fight it out with her on stuff like this. But in reality I was only fighting it out because I felt like I needed to convince her I was right - which put me completely in her frame. And of course it was all a big covert contract. I thought I was being a saint by always trying to put her wants and needs before mine, so how dare she give me so much shit!

First time I ever heard of the concept of the shit test was actually one of your YouTube videos. If there was a defining moment where things started turning around, that was totally it. I was never nearly as mad about the bedroom as I was about the constant disrespect, it felt so undeserved. Then I realized how she never used to give me so much shit way back in the day, and then realized it was because I didn't tolerate it. If she got nasty with me I used to tell her to check her tone and walk away.

I had a point of reference to look back on and the more I read, the more I realized how the times I've been most successful in my life have been when I was behaving in that manner, and wasn't checking to anyone else (but especially not her) for approval. Reframing her shitty attitude as a test of my confidence actually dissipated all the resentment I had towards her, because it was instantly obvious how insecure I had become, and she was just naturally reacting to it negatively, just as she used to react positively to my NGAF attitude when we were dating. It was a life altering moment.

[–]HobbesTheBrave2 points3 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

I was only fighting it out because I felt like I needed to convince her I was right - which put me completely in her frame.

Incidents like this one, it makes him as masculine as a schoolboy handing in homework to a teacher.

[–]wild_deer_man0 points1 point  (7 children) | Copy Link

Each time I think I got it I realize later how much more I still don't. This post made me realize that I do something similar: try to convince her that she should be happy doing things my way and later I sulk thinking she is just never happy...

How do you act when what you want to do clearly involves her, like a plan together, and she seems reluctant?

[–]Tway5676 1 points1 points [recovered] | Copy Link

Give me an example of what you mean. Like going out for the night? Planning vacation?

The crux of that question is why she's reluctant. Is it something you know she doesn't like to do? Something she's afraid of? Something she knows nothing about, etc?

[–]wild_deer_man0 points1 point  (5 children) | Copy Link

We've just returned from a vacation, and I had majorly failed in leadership by poor planning. But also seems to me like she enjoys very little outside her quite narrow comfort zone. Almost every suggestion I made was met with "but it is too hot/far/noisy etc." and when she did follow me, she usually doesn't seem to happy. I know I failed majorly in leadership because I did not have a solid plan I could show her beforehand. This is an extreme example:

We were in Delhi, which is dirty, stinky, noisy and every meter someone either tries to run you over or to scam you. But the city was also very beautiful and had a lot of interesting places which I wanted to explore. To me it seemed not only she could not enjoy any of it except malls with AC, but she had no interest in getting to know this foreign place with a lot of beauty.

What keeps nagging me is what if she is simply not the person to share more adventurous life with? I actually made up my mind that she is not, until I have read your post and this one

[–]Tway5676 1 points1 points [recovered] | Copy Link

The negativity is just oozing out of you, especially in the post you referred. You dragged her instead of leading her, and then you berated her for it. You did not need to show her a plan and have her sign off on it, at least not in my opinion.

First thing - you know her better than we do. Does she usually have a problem with heat or noise, or get tired easily? Does she normally enjoy travel and seeing sites?

If she has a narrow comfort zone, then it's up to you to make her feel comfortable when she steps outside of it. You can't go straight in the deep end then, ease her in. It sounds like you were completely ignoring the signs that she wasn't comfortable, and instead of reaching back and trying to address it, you just kept dragging.

[–]wild_deer_man0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

So take your example, because it is quite in the ballpark - wouldn't you expect your wife to make this math on her own: one of the seven wonders of the world + the fact that we made almost all the way there, tramps by far the heat and tiredness?

This is why I am angry - I cannot understand such backwards thinking. Is this really AWALT or just MyWILT?

[–]screechhaterMRP APPROVED0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Read MMSLP. Especially the part telling the girls sbout snack choices.

[–]screechhaterMRP APPROVED0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Read MMSLP. Especially the part telling the girls sbout snack choices.

What does he say about hormone levels getting checked ?

Notice both statements are about you leading

[–]Alpha_Engineer9910 points11 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Good FR, Great work.

When I first got married, I decided to rip up the existing fucked up carpet and install wood floors DIY. I faced constant shit tests from my wife about how I didn’t know what I was doing… It took me 2 full weeks working after work and she nagged the shit of out me. But looking back, I was a such a little beta boy, I was seeking her validation every 10 fucking minutes – asking her if thought the wood looked good "so fa"r, asking her if the wood looked shiny after I wiped off some excess glue that spilled on some boards, .. I even pointed out some locations where I couldn’t close the little gaps 100% of the way! I was being so fucking honest and nice and wanted to point out my little imperfections to her. She verbally raped me the entire fucking time. God it was pitiful. And I was living in a dead bed room. That was 10 years ago.

I’m 3 years into my MAP now, and It’s a totally different scenario when you learn how to OWN YOUR SHIT. Treat her like a fucking little child and cum bucket… that’s what she really is. Don’t point out the little fucking mistakes, it’s normal, she won’t even notice. I recently got new granite countertops, the installers did a great job, but when they installed the new top, one of the drawers wouldn’t shut b/c it was hitting the stove top which wasn’t aligned anymore b/c the thickness of the top was different, the molding underneath in the island was now too low and a huge gap was above it, and a bunch of little things…. But It wasn’t the installers fault. Natural law of cause and effect. The blue pill me would have told her everything that went wrong and would have got verbally fucked and nagged that it was somehow my fault. The red pill me just fixed the little shit without having an urge to tell her (cut a notch in the back of the drawer so it shuts now – you can’t even see it- fixed the molding, new chalk etc. She loved the new counter tops.

She doesn’t need to know the details. Even if she knew the details and how much work actually went into it, she wouldn’t appreciate it anyway. She only wants the prize at the end of the race. Women can do that - wait at the finish line and just choose CHAD.

The new me understands that life is not black and white, there’s a lot of grey area, and most of the work gets done in the grey area. There is no answer in the back of the book. That’s why you need to be a fucking man and OWN YOUR SHIT, if not, you will drown in the greyness of it all.

[–]screechhaterMRP APPROVED6 points7 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

Congrats on learning to own your shit

Next time, do a sample run after the the demo and then throw that shit out

[–]Tway5676 1 points1 points [recovered] | Copy Link

I don't follow. You talking about buying extra planks to learn with, then trashing those and doing it right from the start?

[–]screechhaterMRP APPROVED3 points4 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Yep. I own a manufacturing plant. I preach repeatedly to run tests, get what you want, then let it rip.

Whether in the field or plant, test runs pay for themself. But, you have some experience now, so that will help

[–]gvntrGrinding0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Spot on.


The more planning and testing on these projects you do the better. Work it out on paper, watch the Youtube videos again and again, do your trial run, dry assemble, paint test patches, build prototypes.


Understanding that there is always the risk it will have to be redone. Even pros have to redo stuff sometimes.

[–]Popeman793 points4 points  (7 children) | Copy Link

Thanks for taking the time to write. Your examples are great because they are very concrete, and similar to a lot of things men in relationships can relate to. It's crazy to see how little rationality goes into women's reactions. Rather, it's more them responding to the frame you set.

Your example of the flooring in particular would be hilarious if it wasn't so true:

  • Let her make decisions on everything and spend as much as she wants, for a great result? She'll be unhappy.

  • Make the decisions yourself and have everything under control, although for imperfect results? She's extatic.

[–]Tway5676 1 points1 points [recovered] | Copy Link

It's only irrational at face value. When you realize it was never about the floor to begin with, but rather about if you still have a pair, it's quite rational.

But even then, another epiphany came from a sidebar book. I forget which one, maybe someone can help me out. It was about how desire can't be negotiated, but it drives the point home by framing it in terms men could understand. Like do you look at a beautiful woman and contemplate "hmm, nice rack, symmetrical face, good weight" - and then rationally decide to be attracted? No, you look at her and your dick gets hard or it doesn't. It's not even rational or irrational, there's no thought process whatsoever. It just happens.

So it made sense that attraction would be just as automatic for her, just with different triggers. For her it's much more about how you act than how you look, but it's not like she's rationally thinking it through either. Something inside her compels her to test, and the same something gives her the tingles when you stand your ground.

So I stopped trying to think of it in irrational vs rational, it's just some hindbrain shit that she can't resist any more than you can resist your own programming.

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Excellent comment and good for guys stuck in an anger phase.

[–]CNNDoxxedMe0 points1 point  (4 children) | Copy Link

My takeaway from OP and your comment in particular is:

  • expect her be involved in decisions (or even worse, defer to her) and she will resent your lack of leadership.

  • take care of everything yourself while letting her shirk responsibility, effort, and still get to reap the rewards and she will be happy.

So a TLDR would be "let her kick back and take it easy and she'll be happy"

I know on here we like to talk in terms of "owning your shit" and "taking charge", but the opposite side of that coin (aka seen from her POV) is "giving her a free ride".

[–]Tway5676 1 points1 points [recovered] | Copy Link

No, you've got it all wrong. She's not your enemy.

-It's fine if she's involved in decisions, especially when it's her strength. I'd generally say she has a better aesthetic sense then me. That's why I asked her which if the two she preferred. She didn't have a preference, so I just decided. If she had a major objection I would have heard her out, etc. She gets the choice to opt out of decisions for the most part, but that's fine - since being decisive should be one of your strengths anyway. Just because you're leading doesn't mean you're not listening.

  • I did not take care of everything in this situation. Not by a long shot. I may have handled installing the floor entirely myself. She handled three kids and all that entails, feeding them, cleaning them, entertaining them, etc - and even adapted to the situation with an impromptu sleepover. She did her part, and I did mine. She may not have touched a plank but I would never have been able to get it done in a day if she didn't handle the kids by herself, and she did it like a pro.

You're on the same team. Don't forget that.

[–]CNNDoxxedMe0 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

I get your points. It wasn't my intent to set up an enemy dynamic, just to state that anybody given those conditions would be happy.

Taking care of three toddlers is a lot of work (have a 4yo myself, and have taught preschool in the past), but it's work that would have to have been done anyway. Once you have kids, taking care of them becomes a baseline state of affairs. And it's not as if she was locked in a room by herself with them all day; she was at her parents' house and I assume they would be helping out.

And on top of that you go to extra effort to bring them pizza and clothing.

Was that a cool leader-y thing to do? Yes, of course. But it also fits in the slot of 'making her life as easy as possible while shouldering as much burden yourself as possible'.

Whereas installing a floor by yourself is an extra project (on top of everything else you do to keep the house running normally). It involves a lot of time, planning, and learning new skills. It's not something you do regularly. It's not a mandatory action (like caring for your own children).

My main point is: yes, we are being leaders, renaissance men, and owning our shit, and the result of that is our wives get to focus on much fewer (generally routine) tasks. It's only natural that they would be happy about the situation; not because of the qualities you're expressing, but for the result - how simple it makes her life. She's getting a sweet deal.

If we were to reverse the situation and suppose our wives handle all the major house projects, they cook occasionally, they handle the finances, they manage/handle the kids' routines, they work and earn the majority of the household income, they keep themselves in great physical shape, they don't expect us to contribute much in terms of opinion or decisions regarding the house or anything else in life....and after all of this...they still want to lay us like tile every night. How happy would we be? Like pigs in shit.

This isn't a detraction from anything in your post, but it's more like "well, duh?"

[–]Poofysmoof0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

The man explains the situation that you get when you own your shit. There is a lot more too it. I didn't go back through his history but women can become deranged people, extremely entitled and very unappreciative. He may not be the type to share the rest but I'm sure the sex was amazing that night. Before the pill I'm sure that wasn't the case, shit maybe a kiss in 3 weeks was the best he'd get. The best place that you want your partner is as the fun loving women she was when she was trying to get you too commit. Things like this happen in my life also, but I do get lazy and have to kick my own ass because the whole family reacts. It's good to come here and realize you have to be the man, is it easy? Fuck no, sometimes it may down right suck to OYS but we are here because we want to save the relationship. You said "of course she'd be happy with that situation." Well that's exactly where you want them. When they are happy with you like this it's tingles that they have for you. Not some fake feelings like they get when you buy them some new jewelry or you take them for another vacation. You are displaying your worth what it's like to be with a man such as yourself. Don't forget this is something we'd all do anyway but done differently the tone going into and the after affects are completely different. It's the same with self care, we are going to live why not live with the best version of ourself. In this state, a Bj, sex, foot rub, back massage, her cooking tonight, etc. are all on the table but you know what stays off and once it starts arising you'll know your going on the wrong track with her, nagging, shit test, the complaining all the bullshit with none of the benefits.

[–][deleted] 2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Nice to see a man stand up to the beat downs he's received since birth from a liberal effeminate pussified society trying to turn healthy males into vaginas. Welcome back.

[–]denisgomesfranco0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Great article, Tway5676. I'm working on internalizing that myself.

[–]Barvazon0 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

Thanks for the writing.

As a young man, I would love it if you can answer my question -

Is she worth it? Is marriage worth it?

[–]Tway5676 1 points1 points [recovered] | Copy Link

Hard for me to say without having fully gone down the other path. I actually like my wife as a person and see her as more than a hole to jizz into or a child that needs to be constantly manipulated on a molecular level to optimize her behavior. Of course I understand AWALT on the most fundamental level, but at a higher level they're all different and not interchangeable, and I'm attached and invested in mine. She's also the mother of my children so while I can always find another woman to replace her, we're inextricably linked through our shared bond with our children and the life we built together. If you want to be completely reductionist about it then it's ultimately nothing but a narrow form of oneitis, but it's an affliction I recognize and choose to manage and live with. None of us would even be here if we didn't see the value in it.

It's probably not going to be a popular opinion but I often take breaks from being fully immersed in MRP stuff because it results in a tunnel vision that takes some of the fun and mystery out of life. The philosophy is etched into my worldview and I know the specific tools and techniques are there when I need them, but I don't live and breathe it every day like some of the other guys here. Don't take that as me disparaging them in any way, they're are all big boys and I respect a man's right to live his life however he sees fit. I'm eternally grateful for the guidance they've provided, but once I feel like I'm generally headed in the right direction I like to put the GPS away and chart my own path, if you follow my drift. Maybe it's not the most efficient way of optimizing your life, but I still like to stop and smell the roses without thinking about the physics behind why the rose smells so good. There's nothing wrong with a little mystery as long as you're still able to drop the illusion and focus when shit gets real.

I don't regret getting married, I like having a proper family even if it means I have to accept certain limitations. I think that sometimes gets lost in the hyperfocus on husband-wife interactions - marriage is about more than that. It's also the bond between the whole family unit and the joy of watching little versions of you grow up into their own people and eventually spawning even more little ones. Being married and assuming your faithful means forfeiting the opportunity to taste strange pussy every other day, but there's a completely different kind of pleasure in sitting at the head of the table at thanksgiving and appreciating the totality of the life and family you've built.

If I could do it all over at the very least I'd have waited a few years longer and been even more selective physically, but even then it's not like she's going to be 23 forever. Knowing what I know now I'd also have never slipped into betadom, but that's neither here nor there, because there's nothing wrong with making mistakes as long as you learn from them.

To answer you succinctly - that's something you're ultimately going to have to decide for yourself, and there's no need to rush into making it or settle, cause it's not like the world is running out of women in their 20s anytime soon, and there's nothing stopping you from bagging one in your late 30s as a fully realized man.

[–]Barvazon0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Your well written posts are very appreciated.

[–]gvntrGrinding0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

Great post. I have made all the same mistakes involving DIY and the house.


These days my Frame is "How does this improve my SMV by adding go or improving to my skill stack?" Such as the example of being able to lay a floor. One of my primary goals is improving my skills in all areas.


This is how I try to prioritize the honey-do list. Is there some payoff for me in terms of learning something new or getting to the next level on something I already know. Maybe the next thing on the list is not her priority, but I follow my priorities.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (7 children) | Copy Link

While you're owning your shit. It also sounds like youre a fantastic slave. By this I mean you worked 24 hours, spending your own money on the project whilst she sat back, did little and got pizza brought to her. She steps in and gives a couple validation treats and points out something she'll use against you in the future.

There has to be a better way.

[–]Tway5676 1 points1 points [recovered] | Copy Link

There is a better way, it's called stop being a bitch and get out of her frame. Everything you just said was victim puke.

I put the floor I wanted to put in a room I decided needed a new floor, and I decided when and how to do it. In no way was it to appease her, she would have much rather had me do other things with my time and our money. I had peace and quiet to work in zen mode, it was very challenging at times but I enjoy a good challenge and it was very fulfilling when I was done. This wasn't a sacrifice to me, it was my preference. How the fuck is that slavery?

She had her hands full with the kids, but she could have been at the spa all day for all I fucking care, because I was doing exactly what I wanted to be doing and no one stood in my way. There was not a single microsecond where I thought to myself about how unfair it was, because I was too busy working and creating to waste my mental and physical energy on faggot shit like that.

The alternative to me bringing pizza to her was paying more for someone else to bring pizza to her, cause that's how pizza works. Getting it along the way was the optimal solution, simple as that.

I don't care if she hated it, because I liked it....but the point is that she ended up liking the floor she didn't pick more than the one she did.

I still haven't gotten around to fixing that issue because there are higher priorities, but she hasn't brought it up once. I'm not sure how you think she's going to "use that against me." I don't do stupid score keeping arguments like that anymore. Whenever she sends that shit my way it goes in one ear and out the other.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (5 children) | Copy Link

I guess the missing key here is that I would have to install a floor. I've done it with a friend and i hated it. (Hardwood). If you loved it, then good.

And that score keeping bit is good advice. But it can still feed her hamster when she is looking for a reason to ride another cock, or justifying basically anything against you.

[–]Tway5676 1 points1 points [recovered] | Copy Link

Fuck her hamster. If she wants to ride some other cock that's her loss, there's no shortage of young women eager to ride mine.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (3 children) | Copy Link

That's not giving any fucks.

I would care because STDs, parental fraud etc.

[–]Tway5676 1 points1 points [recovered] | Copy Link

As long as you operate out of a position of fear you're never going to get very far in whatever you want to do.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

Your words are true. I haven't got far.

You can kill a man, but you can't kill an idea.

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