
~ archived since 2018 ~


I often write about the positives of my life.

I write about how well my son and daughter are doing, how great my wife and I are doing, and that my life, as a whole, is awesome.

Today, I want to talk about the deep valleys I’ve walked to reach these peaks. I want to do this not so I can feel that fresh stab of past pains in my heart, but rather, because I want men to see, there is a light at the end of the tunnel and you just need to keep walking through hell to get there.

I’ve been there. I get it.

I’ve been in the car, unable to hear the sound of music or wind because I’m so lost in my head. Heart pounding, pulse in my teeth, with the loudest voice in my head saying, “What would happen if you just pulled the steering wheel into that tree, pole, or median…?

I’ve been in the shower, the only place I could truly be alone and just sat on the floor, staring at the drain, letting the hot water scald me while I regressed into the abyss of my mind wondering, “Where did it go so wrong…?

  • I’ve punched through the walls.

  • I’ve had the drunken nights.

  • I’ve screamed into the pillows.

  • I’ve cried my eyes out until there wasn’t a drop left to shed.

I’ve told myself, “It wasn’t supposed to be like this, I did everything right, there’s no point to this fucking life…

I’ve reached the point where I didn’t care if I was alive or dead.

The point where my only relief was sleeping because that was my only escape from reality. All I wanted to do was retreat to the realm of unconscious and even there I was at risk of attack from the self-hate and loathing which I felt in my day to day existence.

Retreat only prolongs the pain; it kicks the solution to the suffering down the road.

I decided to stand up and choose risking death on my feet than to continue ‘living’ another day on my knees.

I did this alone.

I should have had my brethren there to help me.

Society has recognized this and in an attempt to deconstruct and eradicate the masculine man, they’ve made it so men cannot find one another.

This is why I’m writing.

This is a rope being thrown to you, hoping you find it and climb out of the hole before you choose to end it all, or worse, quit and remain ‘living’ in your grave.

Living in a constant state of anxiety, fear, and self-repression isn’t living at all, it’s barely existing and it is this state which I’m hoping this piece helps pull men from.

You don’t have to be Perfect, you have to be you.

The anxiety, suicidal thoughts, depression, and self-hate stem from the thoughts of how things ‘should be‘:

  • You look at who you are and you compare it to how the perfect self would be.

  • You think of your life as it is and how you feel your life should be.

  • You’ve said the nice things and walked the righteous path, yet the ‘asshole’ is winning and here you are, chopped liver.

Listen to me now brothers, your life is exactly how it should be and you are who you’ve decided to be.

At any point you could make the decision to flip the switch and start living a genuine life. It isn’t easy and it isn’t quick, but it beats living another minute hating the fact that you’re still awake.

We can destroy that voice inside telling you how terrible you are, how inadequate you are, how stupid you are…

We can silence it through action.

Read the entire Piece on the blog:

I’m much more active & available on Twitter:

Final Note

I’ve joined the ranks of men who will be speaking at this year’s 21 Convention. It’s the 10th Anniversary, if you haven’t already seen the post on TRP here it is:

If you want to get tickets, you can do so through this link:

[–]bogeyd6MRP MODERATOR6 points7 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

This post reminds me of the song "Just Give it Away" by George Strait.

Edit: You and stone will be in the same room. Hit the gym and see who can lift more. Then the loser has to buy beers.

[–]SgtSilverBack0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

That's one of my garage working songs along with Waylon, Willie, Coe and motherloving Merle "Are the good times really over"

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

If he were American we'd have an issue as there can only be one U S Sailor.

He's Canadian, should be a good time.

[–]SgtSilverBack2 points3 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Learn to tell the difference between society throwing you a rope while drowning so that you can hang yourself and men throwing you a rope to see if you will pull yourself out.

One says "Here is a rope, we will help you if you do as your told. We will give you everything you need if you follow and forget about wanting something more than what we offer."

The other group says "Here is a rope, we will be an anchor but you have to do the work, show us you want more for your life by fighting to save it. IF you can do that then we will be here to show you how to be yourself, whatever that may be. We will be here to show you how to want more for YOU.

One is easy grab the rope, but leads to a prison like life of emptiness.

One is hard and requires work to show you truly want the freedom that comes with a new life.

Men of MRP which will you choose.

U/ made your choice.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Solid distinction.

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

If more guys could see posts like this that simply answer the question: "Can it get better?" That alone would provide a spark enough to go looking for an answer. From there, as you said, the anxiety, the fear, the depression; all that comes from ignorance. And ignorance usually takes a negative connotation, but I read one definition of it that I particularly like.

Ignorance - Unknowing of the ways of the world.

That's it. The fear, the anxiety, the depression comes in most simply from us not connecting with what we're actually feeling, what we actually want, and what's the most effective way to get there.


Think of almost every guy that's joined RP ranks. They have the same story: "I tried this and this so many times and it didn't work." Most blue pill guys, when faced with failure, will simply try that same solution harder. Not even stopping to think if it makes sense or if there's a better way.

Good luck at the 21 Convention.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Thanks man, this is my first live event.


[–]ilfj0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Indeed a inspiring post. It's not worth ending it all by ending your life rather taking our life. It's not worth being a sacrifice sheep to a worthless people. Fight on men. Life's fat more work than the current situation. Fight on men you are a warrior. Fight on men it's more satisfying to laugh at the face of adversity. Fight on it worth to die in a war. Fight with the ultimate thought "It's victory or death."

[–]ilfj0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Hey man, What did you mean by "living another day on my knees?"

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Part of truly swallowing that bitter pill is abandoning former belief systems that limit a man.

Nothing limits a man like his ego. Nothing.

I still have to remind myself how inconsequential I am as a man and how any value I have is created.

Yes, failure is an option, happens all the time and anytime you feel the ego trying to protect yourself from failure you gotta stop just like a car careening into a slide.

Allow your intrinsically worthless ass to fail

[–]KINGahRoo-1 points0 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Congrats on the 21 convention spot

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link


You can kill a man, but you can't kill an idea.

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