
~ archived since 2018 ~


Our Father, Who Art Red-Pilled, Brodin Be Thy Name, Thine Shit Be Owned.

The weekly OYS post has been, by far, the highest-value activity I've started since coming here.

Just the ritual of sitting down, taking stock, and getting feedback - even if nothing particularly major happened that week - is incredibly useful.

I wanted to thank everyone who regularly comments there. I am challenged every week by the things that regular men - men with jobs, families, lives - take the time to post. It makes a difference.

[Last week I was in a real tail-spin] (, thrown off by some pretty rough sexual rejections, then my wife bringing up her ex (and the subsequent downward spiral of comparison I indulged in).

I was feeling depressed, down on the marriage, frustrated, angry, bitter - all the typical shit. I was, at the very least, AWARE of why I was feeling these things, a big step forward from my bluepill self. Still, I was having a tough time managing those emotions. I made sure to vomit that into my OYS post.

The comments I got were varied in their takes, but almost all illuminated something I hadn't thought of. I'm going to try and distill a few of the lessons I learned here, in order to internalize them better.

I hope these lessons are general enough that they can be of help to guys who are still working the process, not quite new, but not where they want to be yet, either.

1.) Can't Escape The Anger Phase? You Haven't Really Swallowed The Pill.

"I get it..." No you don't. Not as much as you think you do. You are stuck between the two dichotomies. How you think it should be (the unfairness) and how it really is.

Hence...cognitive dissonance. You will never move further until you get beyond her past. Everyone has one. There's little you can do about it. So why let it bug you? Hypergamy is selfish, brother. There's only one way to combat it. - /u/ReddJive

I think the term "anger phase" is a bit misleading. I get the comparison to the "stages of grief," but phase makes it sound like a point of chronology, something you move through automatically as you progress.

This isn't necessarily the case, though. The anger (at least in my case) is directly connected to the active destruction of my blue pill fantasy life. That destruction comes directly from trying to swallow the red pill.

The fact is, I can intellectually talk RP, but I haven't fully accepted it. And most days, it doesn't matter - I can lift, game my wife, try to pass shit tests, etc, without a deep and abiding understanding of inter-sexual dynamics. After all, "trying to fix my marriage" and "trying to fix myself as a man, regardless of what happens with my marriage" have almost identical curricula.

When something comes up that reveals the gap between the blue pill fantasy and reality, however, the difference between understanding and accepting is thrown into sharp relief. When my wife brings up and is clearly thinking about her (shitty, abusive, garbagsecye) ex, my blue pill self reacts with righteous indignance - "How DARE she? I've been doing so much WORK! She MUST be a low value woman!"

I am reacting in this instance like she is changing the rules - we are all supposed to live a certain way, the blue-pill way; she's supposed to fuck me, I'm supposed to be happy, she's supposed to be attracted to these things and not those things. I'm attempting to control her, and becoming upset that she isn't controllable.

All of that is a foundation built on fear, insecurity, and a fundamental misjudgement of how the world works.

Meanwhile, RP me just shrugs his shoulders, thinks "AWALT," makes a joke, and fucks his wife a bit more dominantly when he gets home.

Swallow the pill - really swallow it - and the anger will dissipate.

2.) Your wife isn't attracted to "assholes" - she's attracted to FRAME.

Dude, she doesn't want a terrible person; she left him for you. She desires a man with frame, who imposes that frame on her. Find your frame, and your balls to impose it! - /u/man_in_the_world

You and dirty_pr are missing the forest for the trees. It is not necessary that you become a psychopathic asshole shitbird. It is necessary that you become your sole point of origin (aka FRAME). This means giving zero fucks about her past, present, of future. This means deciding your course, executing; and not worrying what she thinks about it. - /u/Persaeus

I was getting extremely torn up (in the butt-area) about my wife bringing up her ex. He was the guy right before me, was "alpha" in many of the ways I am not, but was also a demonstrably shitty person.

In my mind, then, this led to the reasoning:

a.) terrible people apparently have sexual success with my wife; 2.) I am not that person, nor am I willing to become that person, therefore 3.) I am fucked.

This, besides being self-pitying, was highly judgmental on my part. Obviously, you can't control who you're attracted to. It's not productive to blame my wife for who she fucked in the past.

What's more, though, I was framing this incorrectly, focusing on the fact that she fucked this guy, rather than on the fact that she left this guy, hates his guts, and married me. It's like winning the tournament, but getting hung up on the fact that I lost a match or two along the way.

Now, yes - admittedly, I won this genetic tournament through a BB strategy, one which has had side effects I'm not particularly happy with. But I've fucked my wife alot more than this guy ever will, and besides - the past doesn't exist. It's gone.

The self-pity line of thinking also misses the forest for the trees. The lesson isn't "My wife loves shitty dudes." The lesson is "My wife responds to a strong frame, so much so that she'll even stay with a shitty dude, as long as he holds frame."

My wife is a very strong personality. She's been on her own for a long time, never knew her biological father, hated her abusive step-father. She left home in high school and never looked back. She's worked her way up, learned to do everything herself, and has had to fight for everything she has. I respect the hell out of her for that.

Because of that history, I always thought she was a dominant personality. But I no longer think so. I think my wife has a very strong submissive side - but she sure as hell is not going to reveal that side to just anyone.

She's been hurt by authority figures all her life; she's learned the hard lesson that she can't trust the people who are supposed to take care of her. To open up and allow herself to be vulnerable, she needs to know - not just think, but know - that I not only am capable of taking care of her, but that I have her best interest at heart.

She's seeking a strong frame. And while I was willing to prostrate myself at her feet and provide literally unlimited amounts of relationship comfort, I didn't demonstrate that I had the inner strength to protect her. I fundamentally misunderstood the question she was asking, and nearly all of her relationship troubles stem from that fact.

3.) Focus on Progress, not on End Result.

Unfair is the kid born in Chad Africa. Fuck your unfairness. Also, your physique is so skinny fatty meh - /u/weakandsensitive

Patience! You're not anywhere close to the man you can and intend to be. With your super-butler BB anti-frame and your dadbod, you're not yet anyone's type; there's no greener pasture out there for you yet, and I suspect that yours will green up nicely when you're worthy of a green one. - /u/man_in_the_world

I've noticed a pattern in how I feel about my own progress in MRP - I'll work hard, start to get some validation, feel good, and then...something will burst the balloon. A comment, a bad day, whatever - then I get frustrated, sad, depressed, etc.

Of course, as the comment above points out - this is whining, pure and simple. Beyond that, I'm getting frustrated because I'm comparing where I want to be to where I am, and that's not productive.

The fact is, I'm not in great shape yet. Sure, I'm better than I was, but I'm hardly Dick Hardbody (Chad's cousin) yet. I still fuck up, still lose frame, still dress like shit sometimes. I shouldn't get up my own ass on the one day an ab shows up, parading around the house while "casually" lifting up my shirt in the one very particular way that reveals my lonely, single ab.

That doesn't mean I need to wallow in frustration, however...because things are improving. It's far more useful (and motivational) to keep track of where I started.

When I first came to MRP, I:

  • hadn't had sex in a year in a half
  • wife was depressed and having massive trouble taking care of the kids
  • got almost no physical affection from my wife
  • was 15 pounds overweight
  • weakest I'd ever been
  • almost never saw friends
  • hadn't done anything creative in nearly a year
  • was buying clothes specifically to hide my love handles

As of today, I am:

  • having sex about once a week
  • wife massively stepped up, doing much better with the kids, moods much improved
  • much more casual physical affection/hugs/etc
  • Hit my target weight, eating better than I ever have, slowly adding muscle
  • Hitting personal bests every single week, lifting 4x/week
  • Seeing friends regularly, becoming the guy who gets everyone out and re-establishes connections
  • Hitting a creative stride, producing more than I have in years, big events coming up
  • Clothes fit better than ever, dressing better, exploring personal style, grooming game on point

In every way, my life and marriage are better. If you had told me 6 months ago that I would be where I am, I would have laughed.

The goal is not to be complacent, but also not to abandon what's working just because I can't go from zero to hero quickly enough. There's always more shit to work on, always a struggle, always stress and challenge....because that's what makes you grow.

Nothing worthwhile is easy. Nothing worthwhile comes quickly.

4.) Don't Avoid The Hard Shit.

If he is a loser, a piece of shit, is that an objective one? Or is this you pissed that someone who didn't spin his wheels in the sand, driving in the wrong direction got to enjoy the trip to Disneyland, meanwhile you're stick in Delaware?

You know what she's into, you know what gets her off, but you refuse to go there. Consider your ego wants to defend your life choices, more than it wants you to be happy, driving down to disneyland instead. - /u/stomepimpletilists

Make a list of all the household tasks that you do, and identify the ones that you really think that your wife should be doing instead. Of those, identify the ones that you could simply refuse to do without causing undue harm to you or your children (for example, ones that mostly benefit her, or are nice but not essential). These ones represent enforcable boundaries that you can impose without your wife's consent. Pick one of these, and tell her that you're no longer going to do that one. Hold your new boundary and hold your frame, and see what happens. - /u/man_in_the_world

do this, this is all the drama you need for awhile. your relationship has plenty of natural drama setting boundaries; and establishing you as a captain. - /u/Persaeus

If you look where I've made the most progress - lifting, dress, grooming, initiating, etc - these were all relatively challenging areas for me to grow into.

The areas where I've had the least success - specifically, holding frame, assertiveness and direct conflict with my wife - are extremely challenging areas for me.

While I've made some progress on the hard stuff, if I'm 100% owning my shit? I've worked on those things less. Because they're harder, and the payoff for success is less immediate (Initiating well gets me sex. Holding frame against my wife might lead to sex at some point, but it mostly just makes the house tense).

I think I had so little frame when I started MRP that ANY gains felt massive. Starting from 1 and getting to 10 is a 10x improvement - and the effect can be massive.

But if that 10 is out of 100, you can't stop there - you need to keep pushing. And if I'm being honest, I've avoided the hard work that takes, in favor of easier gains elsewhere.

If you have not checked out "Slaying The Dragon Within Us" by Jordan Peterson, I highly recommend you take 15 minutes to watch it now.

Here's the summary: Whatever scares you most - whatever you feel the urge to avoid, because it's uncomfortable, or hard, or painful - THAT'S what you need to be working on right now.

The fear, the difficulty, all that is life telling you: "Here is the challenge you need. Here is what will force you to grow. Here is what will give you the skills you most need to live fully.”

The discomfort is a feature, not a bug. Lean into it.

5.) Read the sidebar? Re-read the goddamn sidebar.

You aren't going to like my response, because you probably think you have done it already.

I was having trouble with some things that I PM'ed u/UEMcGill about. His suggestion to re-read WISNIFG has been of tremendous help to me. The book WISNIFG really addresses approval seeking. What I missed the first time I read it, was the beginning chapters that outline the reasons for the way things are done. I missed the most basic meanings of the book, looking for very specific ways to assert myself. - /u/FireTempered

I read the sidebar when I first joined up here, but I hadn’t revisited anything from there.

After this comment I went back to WISIFG, which was not a personal favorite of mine the first time around. And just like Fire Tempered predicted, a lot of it hit me right in the fucking face.

“The right to be the final judge of yourself is the prime assertive right which allows no one to manipulate you. It is the assertive right from which your other assertive rights are derived. Your other assertive rights are only more specific everyday applications of this prime right.” - WISNIFG

Being your own judge is a simple enough concept, and it’s referenced on here so often it’d almost become non-sensical to me. “I’m my own judge - got it, yup, no problem.” But what does that actually mean?

The repercussions of being your own judge are,in actuality, profound - you no longer allow others to tell you you “should” do something…and, in turn, you let go of the ability to tell others they “should” do anything.

Your wife doesn’t have to have sex with you - she isn’t breaking some rule, if it wasn’t explicitly stated or agreed to up front. YOU aren’t your wife’s judge - SHE is. This is why getting butt hurt after sexual rejections is emotionally manipulative - you’re guilting your wife into having sex with you, hoping the guilt she thinks she’ll feel after turning you down is worse than the prospect of just fucking you and getting it over with. And lo, many a starfish is born.

Before I re-visited WISNIFG, I was thinking about posting on here, asking for advice or examples of how RP guys divide up their household chores with their stay at home wives. How often should I do the dishes? Am I doing too much? Is it unbalanced?

But of course, it doesn’t HAVE to be balanced at all. It doesn’t have to be anything. I can earn all the money AND do all the chores, if that’s what makes me happy. I can do anything. There are no rules, no “shoulds”, no gods, no masters - only actions, and consequences.

The goal is to pursue a set up that makes both my wife and I happy. If we can’t do that, we’ll deal with that conflict - either by splitting up, or by compromising if we think the marriage is of higher value than what we lose through compromise.

I don’t have to ask the internet for a guide - I just need to be assertive in asking for what I need, and be honest and open about the conflict that ensues.

All of this was like a lightbulb going off - and I’d read this book already. Hell, I had all these passages ALREADY HIGHLIGHTED. Obviously, I thought they were important the first time…but in the avalanche of MRP posts, manosphere blogs, and other books I’d just forgotten it.


There’s a lot of material aimed at new guys here, which makes absolute sense. Hopefully these lessons are helpful to guys who are a bit further along, but still not where they want to be.

Cheers everyone.

[–]PersaeusMRP APPROVED15 points16 points  (6 children) | Copy Link

My wife is a very strong personality.

I think many men choose a woman with more masculine-personality traits (NAWALT, it is clearly a spectrum) because he views her as more understandable and less scary. This strong woman "settles" for the less masculine BB for the same reason; he is not scary . . . nor exciting. Not surprisingly this leads to a deadbedroom. Other than changing woman, the only way to succeed is to out-masculine her. Hypergamy requires that she see you as the best man attainable; and obviously a bigger man than her.

Holding frame against my wife might lead to sex at some point, but it mostly just makes the house tense.

Your single biggest problem is that you are still scared of your wife's emotions; and her golden vagina. Fix that and the rest of this bullshit will fall to the side.

[–]RuleZeroDADMRP APPROVED8 points9 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I think many men choose a woman with more masculine-personality traits (NAWALT, it is clearly a spectrum) because he views her as more understandable and less scary. This strong woman "settles" for the less masculine BB for the same reason; he is not scary . . . nor exciting.

It's almost like lesbian bed death.

Neither partner is masculine nor feminine enough to turn the other on.

[–][deleted] 5 points6 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Your single biggest problem is that you are still scared of your wife's emotions; and her golden vagina. Fix that and the rest of this bullshit will fall to the side.

These are big. Once you recognize the full extent of it, it is easy to fix.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (3 children) | Copy Link

love this. seeing this with my best friend. he married a girl for her strong personality but she's so masculine, already calls herself the "alpha female" with her beta husband. she actually says that shit. its bound to fail due to the pussy nature of things....

...funny thing is i totally agree, all you have to do is not be scared of their lovers emotions or her pussy/holding back sex. thing is most men i know who are simp married bitches don't care about the sex, they are over the sex, the wife is older and uglier and they've had alot of sex already. its always fear, just fear of being yelled at and mistreated emotionally when they fuck up. funny thing is these women rarely hold power. if you're married and have cash, and in europe or USA, you're fucked, but often these men are poor, or just regular guys, the girl could try to divorce rape him but he has nothing ,he's surviving in the marriage like she is. all they have to do is just stand up to her, because most of these women know they are SO lucky just to have ONE normal nice beta guy with no money to marry them because chances are NO ONE will want to marry them as the wall approaches. granted this doesn't work if your wife is banging and can easily get a new guy, but most of the wives i see acting like this are simply old and post wall already, all you have to do is threaten them with the dating market, oh you treat me like shit, well how about we break up and i force you to take your ugly post wall face to the market and see if you can get anything better than me. for 75% of women they'll snap into line because deep down they know they are lucky to have any guy support them.

[–]PersaeusMRP APPROVED0 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

most men i know who are simp married bitches don't care about the sex, they are over the sex, the wife is older and uglier and they've had alot of sex already

i assume most of the men you speak of are older (> 50 or 60). i wouldn't bet that most of these had a lot of sex because simps don't get that after the wedding cake has been consumed.

i agree with your general observation though. i know a few onary old guys that "got that monkey off their back" (referring to sex/validation drive); and now they got the old mare on the run. however, most continue simping right along.

why i wonder? keeping it simple, #1 would be "stupid is as stupid does". combination of lack of knowledge and a well worn rut. i think many fear dying alone. it's one of the main reasons i can't stand the church crowd. bunch of old blue haired females bossing around their men.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

I think i meant more they've had sex with that one woman/wife enough already. Even if hes a simp loser..most women will give him a few months of sex to get the ring on her the time hes a total married simp slave....the best part of what she has to offer is gone.. so ill never get why these blue pill losers still listen to their shit even after thats gone..

Ive beem fortunate in sex. Mostly good looking women. Never married. Never got a girl pregnant..after a few amazing bangs i was over it. I still like a good cum for sure....but i can handle and control so it doesnt lead me to a fear based marriage. I think most of them fear dying alone.. these men have convinced themselves a life of doormat shitty life with a shitty wife is worth thr sacrifice so you have kids to care for you whn youre dying...

[–]PersaeusMRP APPROVED0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

after a few amazing bangs i was over it

that's where you and I differ. at 48, i still love to fuck.

i love big buts and i cannot lie

[–][deleted] 5 points6 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

You have made some nice gains and should stay the course and continue to grow. congrats.

One thing I think you are stuck on is the previous cock that was inside your wife.

Its rarely as personal as guys make it. It has no bearing on your value and she was just being herself and got gamed and the fact that you are stuck here is something not lost on her and is holding her back from submitting further.

She should be thinking about your past and if there isnt one, your present and future.

Build up to be the man that doesn't need her, he needs a good woman and that job can be fulfilled by lots of bitches and she should feel grateful you are still around.

Women dont want passion security. Start a fight here and there. Make her work for your attention and stop worshipping the princess and wondering what those other guys have

[–][deleted] 5 points6 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Great FR. You just keep making more "discoveries"..... I am amazed at your progress in just 6 months. I remember when I posted this to you. Seems you learn quicker than I do.

Several comments here about getting to work and thinking less and doing more, pushing your limits. Makes sense for you now, just do it.

[–]screechhaterMRP APPROVED3 points4 points  (1 child) | Copy Link


Get her out of your head. Get a fucking grip. You are riding the roller coaster of peaks and valleys.

Yes, the gains are incredible. Kill your ego and truly feel the gains.

No, no, dont walk away. Did you see blimpblamps post in askmrp. ? Don't walk away cause your fixed and don't need to post. Post because it keeps you honest and sharp.

This is a journey. Take it strong and steady. It's not a race.

Ya I fucked my wife more than any of her exes did and probably dehydrated her lately, but WTF ? Who cares ? It's about you. Yes. Your grabbing of the low hanging fruit, building upon it and laying a rock solid foundation. You should be so unshakeable, that she regularly leans right into your chest and falls asleep there or just lays there constantly.

The mighty fucking oak. That unshakeable frame. She can push prod poke. But it doesn't bend. And, it certainly does not measure its successes by anyone else.

Live by your rules, rules that are honest. Rules that you create from within fir our fulfillment. No, there is no one else with the answers but you.

[–]PersaeusMRP APPROVED0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

that she regularly leans right into your chest and falls asleep there or just lays there constantly

this struck a chord, because it is something wife started doing in the last several months after countless years of not. i lay in bed on my back; and she just lays her head on my chest and falls to sleep.

[–]spexerMRP APPROVED2 points3 points  (15 children) | Copy Link

nice FR - a lot of good wisdom and insight.... a great read for those starting on the path.

One point of contention:

What's more, though, I was framing this incorrectly, focusing on the fact that she fucked this guy, rather than on the fact that she left this guy, hates his guts, and married me. It's like winning the tournament, but getting hung up on the fact that I lost a match or two along the way. Now, yes - admittedly, I won this genetic tournament through a BB strategy, one which has had side effects I'm not particularly happy with. But I've fucked my wife alot more than this guy ever will, and besides - the past doesn't exist. It's gone.

I do not agree that you should bend your neck backwards to find a perspective to put you at peace with the fact that you were a the BB choice.

I hold on to that unflattering award to fuel my fire every workout. There is no amount of breadcrumbs she can offer me to make that poorly earned title worthwhile in my book.

What I can do is continue my transformation into the better me... one that she, if she would of met this new me back in the day, would of chosen as her last ride on the cock carousel, not the beta provider for when the ride is over.

Of course, by living in your own frame, this renewed attraction of her is pretty irrelevant.

[–]RuleZeroDADMRP APPROVED1 point2 points  (14 children) | Copy Link

You become AB for yourself. Fuck what women think.

[–]spexerMRP APPROVED-1 points0 points  (13 children) | Copy Link

you do it for you.. thus my last line:

Of course, by living in your own frame, this renewed attraction of her is pretty irrelevant.

[–]RuleZeroDADMRP APPROVED1 point2 points  (12 children) | Copy Link

Let me DEER for a moment.

I posted that way, because in MRP the AB is seldom mentioned. That designation of "Alpha Bucks" is ideal for men and women, but guys like OP who are self-diagnosed BB don't see the positive of the starting point, only that they were a "safe choice." But for the woman who settled for you, why be mad at biology? Be Brad Pitt and not Corey Worthington.

[–][deleted] 2 points3 points  (11 children) | Copy Link

Well, pre 2015 brad bitt

[–]RuleZeroDADMRP APPROVED5 points6 points  (10 children) | Copy Link

He'll be fine.

Somehow young, hot and tight will land on his dick to sooth the loss of a post-menopausal, double mastectomy, social justice warrior.

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (9 children) | Copy Link

What, a 40 year old, surgury laden mother of 5 kids from africa wasn't his best option?

Jenifer aniston is still single eh?

[–]RuleZeroDADMRP APPROVED0 points1 point  (8 children) | Copy Link

Nope she's with a ripped dude.

This guy.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link


He looks like a buddy of mine back home. Wonder if this guy is also passive with women?

[–]PersaeusMRP APPROVED0 points1 point  (6 children) | Copy Link

i like the tat on the side of the torso, seen several of those lately and thinking of getting one.

[edit] his tat is questionable . . . more the placement

[–]RuleZeroDADMRP APPROVED0 points1 point  (5 children) | Copy Link

His look from Charlie's Angels 2 is the best from him.

He's shredded for the HBO Series "The Leftovers" as well.

He's my age and body type aspiration, hence knowing too much about a dude.

[–]man_in_the_worldMRP APPROVED2 points3 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

But if that 10 is out of 100, you can't stop there - you need to keep pushing. And if I'm being honest, I've avoided the hard work that takes


But of course, it doesn’t HAVE to be balanced at all. It doesn’t have to be anything. I can earn all the money AND do all the chores, if that’s what makes me happy.

And there you go again, hamstering another excuse to avoid the hard work? Run, rodent, run!

[–]resolutions316!!CAUTION!! Runaway bus potentially ahead[S] 1 point2 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

This was straight from WISNIFG - that not all compromises need to be EQUAL, just acceptable to both parties.

It's actually more in the the direction. I often discount the work I do outside the house and worry about whether I'm doing "my share" of the household stuff. I need to let that go and just focus on what I actually want.

[–]man_in_the_worldMRP APPROVED2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I'd suggest prioritizing things that only you can do, or things you're much better at, to spend your limited time on.

  • Your business.

  • Father time with your kids.

  • Tasks for which your (eventual) greater strength is an advantage.

  • Things for which you have special or considerably greater expertise.

Essentially interchangable tasks like washing the dishes should be done by her while you spend more Daddy Time with your kids.

[–][deleted] 2 points3 points  (6 children) | Copy Link

Been 6 months already?

Not going to lie, I remember your first few posts. Looking here, I don't even recognize that guy as the same person.

Good news though, you've been faking it a while, making it happens, sneaks up on you. everything else being on point of course. You'll look back, and you'll see guys making the same dumb mistakes, and get a little cold at em, because now, it looks so easy. Just do X.

Luckily, you can look back at your map, helps you remember.

[–]ReddJiveMRP APPROVED3 points4 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

you've been faking it a while, making it happens, sneaks up on you.

and this why OP needs to back off the Reddit and start doing. Remember me? I did this. Posted and asked. studied and read. I used to obsessively refresh hoping for new wisdom. a new post that would shine the light better then before.

I don't remember who told me to GTFO but I eventually stopped, the reddit. There was work to be done. It was then when I was alone and unafraid that i learned and through action grew. I realized the light that was needed was me. I just had to start doing.

[–]sh0ckley0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

back off the Reddit and start doing. Remember me? I did this. Posted and asked. studied and read. I used to obsessively refresh hoping for new wisdom. a new post that would shine the light better then before.

Thank you for this. It's why I've been around less than when I started. I find myself having to catch up on several days or a week worth of posts and just skimming them.

Others experience was distracting me from developing my own. I found myself over identifying with other guys' problems and convincing myself I had those problems too, when I didn't.

Doing less Reddit has actually helped me build frame.

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Same here, I remember your early posts. I did not think you were going to stick around. I'm sure that's what many thought of me (maybe still do). You kept at it no matter how far you were behind. Keep at it still.

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I'm sure that's what many thought of me (maybe still do).

Nope, you are just too damn hard headed to quit. That's a compliment.

[–]resolutions316!!CAUTION!! Runaway bus potentially ahead[S] 0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

Partially why i try to post regularly - I want to look back and be amazed at where I came from.

I always appreciate the feedback. I've read most of the blog, too. Cheers for all that.

[–][deleted] 3 points4 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

It's the #1 reason we are here.

Guys swapping notes.

[–]WisdomTangoFoxtrot1 point2 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

So I keyed off a couple of things in here, where we have very similar situations:

My wife is a very strong personality. She's been on her own for a long time, never knew her biological father, hated her abusive step-father. She left home in high school and never looked back. She's worked her way up, learned to do everything herself, and has had to fight for everything she has. I respect the hell out of her for that.

...and this...

Because of that history, I always thought she was a dominant personality. But I no longer think so. I think my wife has a very strong submissive side - but she sure as hell is not going to reveal that side to just anyone.

You could be describing my wife to a T. However, you are 100% right, there is weakness here in her. A lot of it. They say the best defense is a strong offense, and that is my wife. Observe this more. Not for targeting her weakness and destroying her...but for ideal points of entry to assert rock solid frame of where you are not weak.

Swallow the pill - really swallow it - and the anger will dissipate.

Chad. The alpha widow boogeyman. He's already had his way with her, left her satisfied, and now she has to deal with you. When I feel my BP subconscious wrestling with me, I literally feel like I'm dreaming in color. However, I was Chad. My wife was a plate before I married her up. Break the code on the above...and you will have the levers you need.

But you need to be physically stronger than her and stronger than other men. So lift. The mental and intangible perceptions of the product of lifting are worth every minute doing so.

You've got it. BP is comfort. BP is another cheeseburger and soda while sitting on the couch watching reality shows not talking and wondering if she is thinking about Chad's dick sliding into her. RP is embracing the suck, getting lean and ripped, and driving your own Chad cock into her.

[–]BirdManBrrrr0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

You could be describing my wife to a T. However, you are 100% right, there is weakness here in her. A lot of it. They say the best defense is a strong offense, and that is my wife. Observe this more. Not for targeting her weakness and destroying her...but for ideal points of entry to assert rock solid frame of where you are not weak.

My wife as well, very similar. Despite being a noob at all this, I'm starting to watch her compensate for me having no frame or being a whiny little bitch by simply cutting me off and going back into "strong, independent woman" mode. She'll definitely drop subtle hints about my behavior and wanting the strong, stable, protective man but in the absence of it she'll treat me as a roommate and nothing more. She's had enough of weak men in her life already, I suppose.

[–]AechzenMRP APPROVED1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Swallow the pill - really swallow it - and the anger will dissipate.

Making a plan, following it, and then getting results is really effective at ending the anger for me.

I lifted for a while. I got stronger. I kept lifting, I got even more strong. Bonus was I also ran faster. That wasn't even a goal of mine.

I wanted more money, I applied to jobs, I got the promotion I wanted. Working less for more money is winning.

you got there eventually with your third point.

I went back to WISIFG

I knew after reading NMMNG that I would need to read it again, and I made another pass about six month later, and plan a third read probably for the end of this year. I just finished my second pass through MMSLP recently. I hadn't considered rereading WISNIFG, but thanks for the suggestion.

[–]mrmoosesnoses1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Thanks for this post. Last week, I was struggling with "am I doing this right?" "What are the rules for how to respond to this?" kind of stuff. You summed it up nicely. There are no prescriptions. We learn from the source materials (all that on the sidebar more) and apply as is congruous with what each of us wants out of life/what makes us happy. You helped me to that conclusion. Thanks.

[–]ReddJiveMRP APPROVED5 points6 points  (36 children) | Copy Link

You done?

you talk too much.

here's your cardboard cookie on the gains you've made.

my suggestion to you is to stop reading Reddit and come back in a week and post in OYS. Come up for air, you're in the weeds.

[–][deleted] 8 points9 points  (33 children) | Copy Link


The initial joy found in sharing these thoughts is understandable as there are few places a man can talk about this shit.

But at some point, they should just be mental observations.

A moment of insight where you stop, pull out your compass, adjust coordinates, then get back to the grind without telling the world about it.

[–]RuleZeroDADMRP APPROVED4 points5 points  (31 children) | Copy Link

Observing everything with a smirk is its own reward.

[–][deleted] 2 points3 points  (30 children) | Copy Link


Although, it got me in a lot of trouble in bootcamp

[–]RuleZeroDADMRP APPROVED0 points1 point  (22 children) | Copy Link

But yet you want more. What does that say about you?

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (21 children) | Copy Link

Actually got some bad news today.

Shoulder injury from my time in the navy disqualifies me from commissioning.

My decreased range of motion and the job I want are not going to jive.

Had to pull the plug today.

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (6 children) | Copy Link

Shit man, thats fucking brutal. This a permanent category, or can you retest after surgury/rehab?

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (5 children) | Copy Link

I could retest

But another surgery runs the risk of further damage due to more scar tissue.

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

Ah, who doesn't love games where the stakes are 'for blood'

Which way you leaning? How risk taking is TFA?

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

I'm drawing the line on this one.

I know I could have the surgery & then try out for the commission & schools which would physically push me, but should I?

I've decided no.

[–]RuleZeroDADMRP APPROVED0 points1 point  (13 children) | Copy Link

Sorry to hear. Is there a (legal) civilian equivalent?

Hit man doesn't count.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (12 children) | Copy Link

for an officer? What job title requires levitating above everyone?

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link


[–]RuleZeroDADMRP APPROVED0 points1 point  (10 children) | Copy Link

Vegas magician?

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (9 children) | Copy Link

Actually, that's pretty apt.

Can't entertain, hides expensive things on a daily basis, finding it randomly later. Constantly avoids getting stabbed in the back by assistants and peers, great at talking to crowds, levitation, and a 'flamboyant' lifestyle...

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (6 children) | Copy Link

Really? I turned into the racehorse, put on the blinders, plowed through.

Went home and had a beer. It was like the movie old school when will farrel had a debate. Was a 10 week blackout moment

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (5 children) | Copy Link

I couldn't stop smiling.

Every fucking morning the RDC would walk in (we're at attention in front of our bunks) & he'd get to me & just know I was going to smirk, then he'd fucking scream DREW ON YOUR FUCKING FACE I'M SO GLAD YOU'RE SO FUCKING HAPPY MAYBE YOU'LL FIND SOME GOD DAMN MILITARY BEARING WHILE YOU'RE DOWN THERE!!!

Every morning

I loved it

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (4 children) | Copy Link

Lol, I wasn't even awake until 'hands to supper'

I've never been as North Korean. Glad you found fun out of it. Must haven been flashbacks from my days Raking hay. 16 hour days in a tractor driving circles teaches you to turn off your brain and just do things

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (3 children) | Copy Link

Drone status

Must have helped you out during marching, fucking hated the redundancy without progress.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

It helped with that freakout moment eveyrone had around week 6. Remember that moement, when people stopped being polite, and started being real?

Lots of angry stressed out kids. I was Jacks calm center.

Sounds like a less entertaining version of your sado masochism

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

We had a few breakdowns

There definitely was a moment where guys stopped 'playing nice'.

I just did what I had to do & laughed at the absurdity of it all.

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

...without telling the world about it.

This is a skill many men don't have.

[–]resolutions316!!CAUTION!! Runaway bus potentially ahead[S] 2 points3 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

I get it. At some point, I probably won't need to post here, like FA pointed out below.

For now, though, I still feel the need to process through writing.

[–]screechhaterMRP APPROVED2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Keep processing. Remember, less is more. Get to the point. Sharpened tip of the spear cuts to the core.

Find a safe place for a journal of what triggers thy hamster of falling into her coaster of emotions and frame

It's enlightening to look back. Just like a lifting journal

Don't think your so special you hand reached enlightenment. Soon as you do, you'll trip

[–]weakandsensitive1 point2 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

Why is this gay post so focused on your wife?

[–]screechhaterMRP APPROVED2 points3 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

We still stuck on the "fix her, so she will fuck me more go 'round."

Needs to take the pedastal, ego, make hamster and onetis out back and bury. The ex boyfriend fall into her frame to his waist means he still needs a fall arrester.

Any cures for this "mind Fuck it to death go 'round" he can't seem to unchain himself from ?

[–]resolutions316!!CAUTION!! Runaway bus potentially ahead[S] 1 point2 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Any cures for this "mind Fuck it to death go 'round" he can't seem to unchain himself from ?

I'm really not sure there is such a thing, other than just grinding it out, bit by bit.

I've thought a bit about cheating, but it honestly makes me uncomfortable and I certainly wasn't high enough SMV to really pull it off, anyway. Hiring an escort is a possibility, but similarly uncomfortable with that.

[–]weakandsensitive1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

you can't get strange because you haven't tried at all. you're too much of a pussy to try. let's call it what it is - not hamstering " cheating, but it honestly makes me uncomfortable and I certainly wasn't high enough SMV to really pull it off, anyway".

Regular people get laid too.

[–]BobbyPeruMRP Approved0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Well thought out post - refreshing. I don't have much to add - some good points in the comments.

[–]iamtheswoop0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

I think the best thing of MRP is having people rip you to shreds and be brutally honest. This helps people OYS much faster in my opinion, and I love your breakdown of each item

You can kill a man, but you can't kill an idea.

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