
~ archived since 2018 ~


They are here watching us. Those who choose to disregard the Red Pill praxeology are reading our tales and picturing us taking a flame thrower to our relationships as if our intent is to just watch it burn. They chit and chat in their Blue Pill sub-reddit debating what new level of despicableness we have sunken to today.

And then there’s another camp that reads our utter insanity to test the waters and see what we so-called misogynistic, shitlords are up to…while secretly hoping, just maybe…we have a magic key to help them un-fuck their own depressing, sexless marriages. Yup, there are those reading this right now that are so desperate in their marriages that they have landed here…The Married Red Pill…

Here's the thing, pretty much all the men here would love nothing more than to fix their sexual desert of a marriage with a nice, Blue Pill chat over some warm, chamomile tea after the kids are fast asleep. How great would it be if we could just logically spell out to our wives our want to have sex with them on a more regular basis. Oh and lets spice things up while we’re at it…that would be really fun! What a relief it would be for her to eagerly and lovingly understand our basic male needs, smirk and head over to the bedroom and engage in some passionate lovemaking where both husband and wife are left fulfilled and glowing. Ah, a hapless Blue Pill boy living in the Blue Pill FANTASY World.

Guess what? I’m willing to bet just about every one of us misogynistic, shitlords tried this open and honest communication. Many, many times…and it did not work.

So we regrouped and rethought our approach. Perhaps we just didn’t explain it well enough in the last conversation because emotions kept getting in the way and we didn’t explain ourselves clearly. Oh, perhaps a nice, loving letter. Yes, a well thought out letter telling her how how we miss her touch and truly love her will help. Letter sent. Nothing changed. Odd, she loathes our honest neediness even more it seems... That can’t be right though… Just think on it more.

Hmmm. Maybe be of additional help around the house more. Find ways to ease her burdens. Yes, the talk and the letter along with helping more around the house. She will surely now know we love her and she will want to share in bountiful lovemaking where both husband and wife finish fulfilled and glowing. Why wouldn’t she? Nope. Nope. Nope. What idiots we were.

None of it worked…for those of us here at least. It was a fool's errand run on seemingly good intentions. And now we're getting ticked. You see, the Red Pill did not corrupt us. All on our own we started to wake up to the fact we’re Blue Pill boys living in a Red Pill World. We just didn’t have the proper language to explain it….yet.

So we began our search. And down the rabbit hole we went...until we landed here. Where it’s all explained. Where it all finally makes sense. This magical yet disturbing place where we realize we haven’t been owning any of our shit. And then that moment...when we recognize and become so deeply embarrassed by all the trite schlock we’ve attempted out of ‘love’ and want for physical intimacy with our wives. We were pathetic, misguided chumps. And it stings.

I’m betting most of us didn’t want to end up here. This was a last resort. Hell, most of us would have been fucking ecstatic as hell if the so-called Blue Pill methods worked. You see, this Red Pill nonsense is a lot of work. You have to go to the gym at least 3x times a week to become more physically attractive. You have to get your household finances in order to ensure your family is properly provisioned. You have to refocus on work to avoid becoming mentally lazy. You have to work to be a better father to your children. You have to make an effort to attract new male friends who positively influence your life. You have to proactively plan and decide events for your family that they will enjoy. You have to finally do the work to be an attractive man so you wife finds you worthy of fucking. In short, you have to be Masculine.

In hindsight, it’s so utterly simple and pure. It’s the way it’s always been. Hell, some of us knew all this when we first attracted our wives. But time, kids, or complacency got in the way. We were simply mistaken to think the basics of sexual strategy had changed. Nope.

And now that my eyes are re-opened, I wouldn’t have it any other fucking way...

TL;DR: Not anymore.

[–]triclops4116 points17 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

What about the tearful victim puke about how we don't feel loved? That one almost worked! If she only understood how much my sensitive feelings are in terrible pain, we would passionately embrace and make love for hours!

[–][deleted] 8 points9 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

Until one of those posters is willing to come here and blow me on the regular, I really could care less about their opinions.

If you have one, own the consequences. I'm sure that idiot girl that got talked into having a 'break' with her rich boyfriend (who pays for her life behind her back anyways) isn't exactly being supported by the internet mob that fucked up her life, now are they?

[–]bogeyd6MRP MODERATOR6 points7 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

I approve of the trading of blowjobs for opinions.

[–]TrekneckMarried2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Could be the new bitcoin

[–]Gizmo-Duck6 points7 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

it's frustrating to listen to women fight against this stuff then turn around and complain that their boyfriend or husband isn't doing the exact things we promote.

they think this is all about manipulation and tricking them into sleeping with us when in reality, it's all about improving ourselves. becoming better leaders, husbands, fathers, and men.

if they all took a half second to look at the actual results, they would be trading thier panties for a set of these books to give to thier potential men.

[–][deleted] 10 points11 points  (5 children) | Copy Link

Oh god.. "communication".

Before I found TRP/MRP, I realised the only communication that work is to just punish the unwanted behaviour? It can be simple stuff, like clothes lying all around. Throw them somewhere out of sight without a word. Slowly they will learn if they don't want you to mess with their things, they better take care of them. Of course it can backfire, so beware.

Communicating about sex is just laughable. r/sex will tell you how "communication is key". Boy, they couldn't be more wrong. You can't force desire, it's as simple as that.

[–]IVIaskerade11 points12 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Communication about sex is integral to a relationship. For example, when you hungrily run your eyes over your wife after you walk in the door, you're communicating that she looks good. When you give her ass a squeeze as she's cooking, you communicate desire.

Communication is key, as long as you do it in a way she understands.

[–]suddenlytrp1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I would argue it's also key in bed, whether spoken or not. Sure you can rail away, bust a nut and be done, but I enjoy the hell out of getting my SO off, and taking keys from what she says and does is key. I'm sure /u/alpha_as_wolf meant that being okay, and was referring more to the sexual therapist style conversations. I think anyway?

[–]FearDearg2015Married- MRP MODERATOR2 points3 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

Communication is key, it's just that blue pill dudes communicate the way the Disney channel told them to, instead of clicking down a channel to the discovery channel.

Like the bloodhound gang said : "do it like they do on the discovery channel"

[–][deleted] 4 points5 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Yes, right! I mean "talking about it" type of communication.

[–]FearDearg2015Married- MRP MODERATOR3 points4 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

AKA blue pill communication

[–][deleted] 8 points9 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

Nice satirical rant.

Funny thing about TRP is that arguing and fighting go away. Additionally, I have never communicated so clearly. Just last month my wife was persistently grouchy so I was consistently busy. My life rolled on. She tried so hard to pick a fight with me to no avail. The suggestion of communication came up so I went briefly overt:

You have been a bitch and are no fun to live with, I won't live like this. I'll be happy and that's that.

A couple broken records....bam...instant sweetness.

AWALT....they need their bad behavior to see a future with you not around. Happily ever after is TheBluepill drug that artificially lowers your testosterone

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I'm honestly surprised she isn't checked out too. I really doubt that if she hasn't tried any mate retention strategies at this point, she just won't

why in the hell still fight at this point?

[–]sexyshoulderdevil75% Liquid Sarcasm[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Thanks man. Before the red pill, I'd been trying to cut back on my sarcasm and satire with people in real life. It can be abrasive if delivered incorrectly. Now I'm just agreeing-and-amplifying like a motherfucker BUT I'm smiling and laughing as I do it. And people eat it up...especially the women.

[–]Quarter_Century_Club2 points3 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

Excellent breakdown on blue pill marriage. This exactly the route I took for 8 fucking years and it got me nowhere. What has always been perplexing is sex is almost always mutual pleasure for all parties involved so why wouldn't my wife want to fuck me if I'm well groomed, in decent shape and taking care of business the way she likes it? On top of that, I'm doing chores, catering to her 24/7, doing stupid husbandry bullshit. There's literally NO reason not to fuck me!


... and then Red Pill rained down the hard truth on me like a monsoon of cinder blocks. Rationale Male's Year One article on mating really put that situation above in the correct perspective.


If only there was a way to communicate all RP knowledge to the masses before they enter into a LTR/marriage.

[–]opening_eyes1 point2 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

I went to a wedding of an old friend recently. I am seriously considering sending him anonymously by mail an sd card full of the pdfs and audio books with an explanation letter

[–][deleted] 2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Ian Ironwood has a great article for this very purpose.

[–][deleted] 2 points3 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

How great would it be if we could just logically spell out to our wives our want to have sex with them on a more regular basis.

  Before I popped the question my soon to be wife and I were fucking once, twice per day.

4 months into my marriage I sat down on the couch with my wife and let her know that I was unhappy with the frequency of sex (less than once per week) in our marriage. She trickle sexed me two more times before shutting the valve off completely because an argument over... Denial of sex! Along the way she did say that it was a lot of pressure put on her. What pressure? The one time I communicated to you my needs like an adult. Luckily for her I knocked her up quick.

I landed here and have a long way to go to unfuck everything.

[–]marxistbacon 2 points2 points [recovered] | Copy Link

Denial of sex!

And that's just the beginning.

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

She's too superficial to let her self go, just yet. And since she's threatening separation and divorce, she needs to hit the gym to lose the baby weight to attract Chad.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Strong frame coupled with overt fat shaming will help to keep the pounds off her. I openly will say things to my wife like " its impossible for him ( the husband or boyfriend) to find her ( some big fattie we might see or know) attractive. No guy likes looking at that - its gross and repulsive." Subliminally its sends a strong message to my wife to keep herself in shape.

[–]Sadbeary2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

"We were pathetic, misguided chumps. And it stings."

Funny coz it is true.

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

The type of guy who believes that having "the talk " will magically open her legs.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

top comment : "We know you're a feminized pussy beta-boy and will never give us grandchildren unless it's with a fatty or a 'darker' woman... So we'd like to apologize for raising you under liberal feminism and taking away your manhood. We might as well have just had your balls removed, considering how you turned out."

[–]Njncguy2 points3 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Well said and you dead on make your point.

[–]sexyshoulderdevil75% Liquid Sarcasm[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Thank you fellow Shit-Lord. May you rule over your Kingdom with an iron penis.

[–]SPICY_BUTT_MILK3 points4 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

And now that my eyes are re-opened, I wouldn’t have it any other fucking way...

There's the big takeaway for those who doubt all this. Redpill/Bluepill is not fringe belief, it's just terminology, a shorthand to describe the natural laws of human attraction (as well as how it works out in the animal kingdom btw). Why would a person not want to live in accordance with their basic biology? It's a useless, losing proposition to fight it. You can't go back.

Is it work to maintain physical attractiveness, dominance, just plain being interesting? Yep. But look at it this way "bluepillers", you likely live in a comfortable Western society. Your basic needs are easily met. You aren't running through a forest trying to simply survive. All you have to do is get off your ass and live a life. Most of our social cuntiness these days is because people have forgotten that they are alive, part of the natural world, and insanely lucky to not be living like a wild animal somewhere. Going to the gym three times a week is easy compared to hunting to survive. Almost nobody knows the difference anymore so they focus on bullshit and forget how to be a real man or woman. In other words, who are you after some sort of Cormack McCarthy-style apocalypse? If all you've done with your life is beat off in front of your computer while planning your next Magic The Gathering game, you'd be the first to be eaten, and regardless of how built up and protective our society actually is, you are not fit to have anyone love you or fuck you. This is the best time to be alive ever, but biology is still the same as it's been for the unfathomable amount of time we've been a species. You need to be strong, smart and skilled to mate successfully with someone of quality. Even if you decide you want to eschew involving yourself with the opposite sex, you will be far more content in your own mind and life if you constantly work on improving yourself until the day you die.

[–]The_LitzMRP APPROVED1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

But....but ....its manupalitive! My dear wife would never do that to me! I won't swallow the pil, we are equals!

[–]Redneck001MRP APPROVED1 point2 points  (11 children) | Copy Link

I think you guys take for granted that we're married to simple, easy-to-manipulate, low self-esteem women. If we were married to a 20-something year old grad student college girl with no life experience pushing an agenda, this shit would never work.

[–][deleted] 3 points4 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

sarcasm -right?

[–]Redneck001MRP APPROVED2 points3 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

You tell me

[–][deleted] 2 points3 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Sarcasm. Gaming a coed you don't live with is like child's play when compared to the game involved in a marriage relationship with a hardened housewife

[–]jimmyharbrah0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

That shit is fucking hard mode. Some days it feels like you go to battle for two days just get laid. But if you don't get up and go to battle every day? Your relationship, your marriage, is fucked.

[–]Sadbeary0 points1 point  (6 children) | Copy Link

lol nice sarcasm

My wife has a PhD and holds a senior role at a major global company...eats up my RP behavior with a spoon and is as "happy as the day we married". She literally used the word "tingles" to describe how when I kissed her this morning the 'tingles' went all the way to "there"...she is demure and just pointed. She must be ovulating.

[–]Redneck001MRP APPROVED0 points1 point  (5 children) | Copy Link

My wife fights me for dominance pretty much all the time. Then, if I'm doing it right, she'll just submit. She swears she's never been happier in our relationship.

Probably because she's banging Chad on the side.

[–]Sadbeary0 points1 point  (4 children) | Copy Link

Probably because she's banging Chad on the side.

"Never been happier" because she has Chad as well now? Not something I'd want to think about

[–]Redneck001MRP APPROVED1 point2 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

My sarcasm just isn't working today. There's always tomorrow.

Had fun at a Halloween party this weekend. Was in mixed company with the wife, a girl asked me what I did. Told her I was a struggling actor, she's probably never seen any of my films. Then said "I don't know, maybe you have, do you watch a lot of porn?" She smiled and said "yeah."

I said "gay porn?"

Told her my stage name was Chad Thundercock.

I was dressed as Wolverine.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

You can take this a bit further, next time leave out the "gay" porn part and offer to get her a part in your next film. Ask her to send you some nudes.

Not saying you need to follow up with it but if you want to see the feral hypergamey in action then just push to the edge and leave yourself the plausible deniability you need. Personally, I now expect zero loyalty from a woman in the same way I know my dog will happily take a t bone steak from a stranger when im not around.

Fit fortyyear old men who spit out game drench the milfs panties

[–]Redneck001MRP APPROVED0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

We had fun with it. The wife was embarrassed/amused, the girl played along, the guys in the group were entertained. The girl made up her own stage name, bantered some more, and hugged me as I was leaving.

I have no interest in following up. Just a funny, entertaining guy at a party.

The gay porn line is just something I throw in because the person (girl or guy) ALWAYS say "yeah, I watch a lot." Its the punchline, and delivery timing is key.

I give no fucks, and in my case, nothing drives that point home like being comfortable in my sexuality.

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link


[–]TrekneckMarried0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Spend all this time trying to throw blue pills at the wall hoping they'll stick, only to find out that one red pill I found stuck the first time, with just a bit of effort and ongoing maintenance to keep it in place.

[–]MRPguyMarried0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

It is a lot of work. Having children is a lot of work. They require constant attention and diligence is required to ensure they are acting in a way that is appropriate.

Our wives are the oldest teenager in the house.

[–]_raisinMarried-4 points-3 points  (11 children) | Copy Link

Your TL;DR does nothing for me.

[–]sexyshoulderdevil75% Liquid Sarcasm[S] 4 points5 points  (10 children) | Copy Link


You can kill a man, but you can't kill an idea.

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