
~ archived since 2018 ~


I've seen this quite a bit recently on here and askMRP. A guy thinks his wife "never shit tests" him, wonders if she's special or some kind of unicorn. Or asks how to handle this "comfort test".

Trust me, if you've been a beta bitch for the past 5 years, been reading TRP/MRP for a month or two, started lifting 2 weeks ago, and just finally got laid for the first time in weeks, your wife has no need for your "comfort". Comfort tests are the result of dread overload.

You're just misinterpreting shit tests as comfort tests. Does she seem anxious, fearful or clingy when she's testing you? Those are usually comfort tests. But if she's needy, whiny, complaintive, snarky, or demanding, even if it's not directly aimed at you, then it's probably a shit test.

To illustrate, here is one of my wife's favorite shit tests:

She texts me just before I get out of work asking me to grab something from the store on my way home that she forgot, tells me what it is, but when I get to the store I find there are 2 or 3 different kinds of that thing. Then when I text her I don't get an answer. I used to sit and wait, standing in the isle looking like an idiot. I would even call several times with no answer. Then I would just pick one of them, and when I got home, she would get really upset, but not by getting angry at me, but she would act like dinner was ruined get all sad and mopey. On the surface it looks like a comfort test because I used to always try to comfort her and reassure her that dinner will be fine or that we can just order a pizza. But the shit test happened when I agreed to go to the store after a long day at work instead of telling her "tough shit, I'm ordering a pizza."

She hasn't done this in a while, mostly because it stopped "working". It's a basic manipulation where you set someone up to disappoint you so you can make them feel guilty and work harder to show "love".

Another example is that she used to poke her head in to my home-office while I was in the middle of something, and with a sweat, almost coy voice say "honey, you want to tuck me in and lay down with me for a minute?" It's one of those "ugh..." moments where you feel obligated and bothered that she would impose on you like that, but you feel guilty saying no because she's being so sweet and just wants you to cuddle with her to make her feel "loved". It's a shit test. She's testing to see if you'll drop whatever you're doing at her command. The sweat, coy voice is a cover and a manipulation.

Now I just respond in an overly-sarcastic, playful tone "nah, I'm good thanks, I decided I don't like cuddling with you anymore" and blow her a raspberry. She immediately brightens up with a grin she can barely hide and crosses her arms trying to pretend to be offended with an exaggerated and playful "humf! Why are you so mean to me? You know, you're supposed to be nice to me, that's what husbands are for!" To which I retort, "well, you know what wives are for?" in a wink-wink kind of way. Then she'll put on a cutesy, innocently seductive look, or she'll come over to grab my crotch or something.

You see the difference? Before I would comply, stop what I was doing, tuck her in like a fucking child, and cuddle with her for a few minutes before trying to sheepishly "make a move" only to get turned down with "I'm sorry babe, I'm just not in the mood, I just want to cuddle". Now I turn those shit tests in to dirty, slobbery, downright whorish blow jobs.

Comfort tests happen when you're so alpha that she's starting to get paranoid that you're cheating on her or thinking about leaving her for another woman. You'll know you're being comfort tested because she'll be blowing you and fucking you with great enthusiasm for a while only to collapse in frustration and anxiety, confessing that she feels like it's "never enough for you" or that she feels "inadequate". Those are comfort tests.

If that's not what's going on, you're probably just being manipulated in to failing shit tests that she's cleverly disguised as comfort tests. You should take some time to really think through some of the "comfort" tests you think she's giving you and ask "what does she get out of it?"

[–][deleted] 33 points34 points  (11 children) | Copy Link

When the shit tests stop, that's when you have a problem.

I apply the whole

You & your Actions = Shit

  • For example: You didn't get the right ingredient / You Always Go to the Gym.

I And My Feelings = Comfort

  • For example: I don't know if you want me around anymore / I feel like I'm losing you.

[–]RPSigmaStigma[S] 18 points19 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

I think that's a decent heuristic, but it doesn't always fit so neatly in to those categories. A better heuristic would be whether she's talking about your actions, or her feelings. There was a really good post on the main TRP sub about how to tell if a girl is open to cheating on her "boyfriend" (quotes because you never know if she actually has a boyfriend or not), and the gist of the post was that if she only talks about what her boyfriend does, then she sees him as beta and will likely cheat if you're alpha enough, but if she's talking about how her boyfriend makes her feel, then she's in love with him and probably isn't down for some strange.

I think the same distinction applies to tests from your wife/gf. Talking about what you do or did, and it's probably a shit test. Talking about how you make her feel is probably a comfort test.

[–][deleted] 3 points4 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

I agree with your point and think it's what I was trying to say. I think it's just the semantics of the sentence structure used.

[–]RPSigmaStigma[S] 2 points3 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Right, I know what you're saying, and I know you know what you're talking about, I just wanted to clarify since a lot of new guys here read something and take it as a black and white fact. I've been on a bit of a crusade recently to crush this mentality and force newbies to flesh out their thinking with more nuance and subtlety.

[–][deleted] 2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

It's a deep rabbit hole, where nothing is as simple as being 'black & white'. TRP living is like a Masculine Wonderland. I edited my original comment to clarify a little.

[–]ThorMonkey2 points [recovered] (6 children) | Copy Link

Could you please elaborate on why there's a problem when the shit tests stop?

My wife has never been prone to delivering shit tests even when I was a fat waste of skin. I'm in decent shape (lifting for last 21 months & good diet), have been running lots of dread since before I got here and learned what it was called, and get sex whenever I want with any act I want on the table.

I'm pretty confident my SMV outstrips hers and she really doesn't think she can do better.

Is there something else I need to be watching out for when there's no shit tests happening?

[–][deleted] 11 points12 points  (5 children) | Copy Link

You can't say it better than Rollo did: " Women’s shit testing is a psychologically evolved, hard-wired survival mechanism. Women will shit test men as autonomously and subconsciously as a men will stare at a woman’s big boobs. They cannot help it, and often enough, just like men staring at a nice rack or a great ass, even when they’re made aware of doing it they’ll still do it. Men want to verify sexual availability to the same degree women want to verify a masculine dominance / confidence. "

If she isn't testing if you're her Alpha, she probably doesn't care. The opposite of Love is not hate, it's apathy.

If your fucking well and have a solid Marriage, you probably just don't recognize the few shit tests she is throwing at you.

[–]ThorMonkey2 points [recovered] (4 children) | Copy Link

Thanks. Perhaps I'm so used to getting comfort tests (and there's definitely lots of those) that I'm overlooking and/or mischaracterizing the shit tests. I'll definitely be more vigilant in watching for these.

[–]RPSigmaStigma[S] 2 points3 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

Could you give an example of one of these comfort tests? I mean, it's possible that she doesn't shit test and only gives comfort tests, but it seems improbable. The fact that you get whatever you want in bed is a good sign, so maybe in your case it's true, but just to be sure, post a few examples and we'll see if we can dissect them. If anything, I'm just curious to see what it's like. For science, or something. :)

[–]ThorMonkey1 points [recovered] (2 children) | Copy Link

The comfort tests are usually just negative self talk like "I feel like I'm not good enough for you", "I feel like I'm not doing enough for you" or excessively throwing out "I Love You" looking for a reciprocation. I give her the I love you back about 2/3 of the time, otherwise I pull a Han Salo and give her something like "I know" or "Of course you do, why wouldn't you?". Other ones include approaching me with sad eyes saying "I'm so lucky to be with you" and looking for hugs and validation.

Now that I think a little harder about identifying shit tests, they may be there but just stated in a more subtle manner than most women. For example, I've got a birthday coming up and she's been repeatedly pushing a very expensive restaurant and I've been ignoring her.

[–]phoenix_md 2 points3 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

What's the result of her comfort tests? Do you limit yourself or alter your plans to comfort her? If so, then these are shit tests.

[–]itsgavinc 10 points11 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Ha. Good post. The guy who thought his wife never shit tested him then went on to say that she acts crazy many times a month, so crazy that he has to eliminate contact with her or something like that.

Listen gents: her HYPERGAMY dictates that she find the best partner for her. She shit tests to make sure she has a valid partner. Therefore, do NOT be discouraged when she shit tests you right before sex, or after sex, or anytime at all. It means all is going according to plan and she is confirming your top dog status. Embrace the tests.

EDIT: A quote from Rollo: "Women's inborn hypergamy will predispose women with even the most secure attachment to their mate to shit-test him."

[–]Tqbfjotlds8 points [recovered] (2 children) | Copy Link

It's a basic manipulation where you set someone up to disappoint you so you can make them feel guilty and work harder to show "love".

This sentence is gold.

[–]BluepillProfessor 7 points8 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

A recent post on Dalrock has a Churhian proclaiming that men are like 3rd graders compared to women because they have "like a PhD in emotional intimacy."

No, they have a PhD in BASIC MANIPULATION. MRP only gets men up to High School level emotional manipulation but it is usually enough.

[–]phoenix_md 5 points6 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

That kind of talk from the pulpit burns me up. I've spoken several times with my pastor to cut that "women are superior" crap. Thankfully he got the message and has stopped, but I fear the mindset has taken over in most churches.

[–]cholomite 8 points9 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

Good post. This shit is so tricky sometimes. Something I try to think about when im unsure is what kind of reaction I'll get if I just fuck with her or give an IDGAF type response. If her response to me not caring or saying something stupid is anger or "sad anger", its a shit test. If her response to me not caring is sadness with no anger, comfort test. Obviously its hard to predict the future sometimes and every test is different, but I've found it to be a pretty reliable method.

[–]RPSigmaStigma[S] 1 point2 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

"sad anger"

That's a perfect description. I've been trying to find a way to describe that for a while now. Thanks.

[–]cholomite 3 points4 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

After she figured out I didn't care if she got mad at me anymore she tried to disguise her anger as sadness. It really tricked me for awhile until I realized the underlying emotion was still anger. Sometimes she reminds me of the raptors from jurassic park. "Clever girl..."

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

This could be a whole post.

"You make me feel so sad! and you don't love me!" tears

On the surface this could easily be confused as a comfort test... but when the underlying reason for the action is manipulation or the "real" emotion is anger... well obviously a shit test.

[–][deleted] 5 points6 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

First of all, your wife is a bitchy pain in the ass. Mine too, AWALT. Good thing neither of us derives self esteem from how we stand in relation to a bitch.

Second, I have also felt stingy with my comfort provision lately. Id rather be respected and appreciated and I err on the side of comfort diets

[–]RPSigmaStigma[S] 3 points4 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Hah! Well, she used to be a bitchy pain in the ass. Rarely does she pull this kind of shit anymore, though. Occasionally I have to correct her attitude when she's feeling a little irritable, but I haven't been asked to go to the store for her in some time now.

And yeah, "comfort diets", I love that. My attitude is "bitch, you know you my girl, why you trippin?" (That's Patrice O'Neal's voice in my head, I don't actually talk like that :P)

[–][deleted] 3 points4 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

I'm glad you posted this as I started coming to this realization last night. I've been sick for a few days and was trying to sleep, and she came into the bedroom a few times to "show me something" or ask something, or get a hug, whatever. "She's clingy and just needs a little comfort," I thought. The fifth time or so I realized she just wanted to see if I would drop what I was doing (getting much needed sleep) for her. I told her to take a shower and go sleep on the couch because I needed my rest. She didn't bother me again (though she complained through texts I didn't wake up to).

[–]PM_MEYourFavBodyPart 4 points5 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

It is downright fucking infuriating when they revert to an attention-deprived toddler state. Especially if their demands are counter-productive to either your or your family's well being. (WISNIFG!) It's like when my kids are acting up and during a post-discipline debrief, I have to admit that I don't want to yell at/punish them, but what they're doing is unacceptable.

[–]plein_old 3 points4 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

God I love this sub. This shit is golden. (Just found mrp today)

[–][deleted] 2 points3 points  (5 children) | Copy Link

Nice post.
It took months before my wife started the comfort tests. It didn't take active dread, just OI. She recognized that she was no longer in control. She needed comfort that the changing dynamics of the relationship weren't portending the breakdown of our marriage.

[–]Deeprize 0 points1 point  (4 children) | Copy Link

What is "OI?"

[–]MentORPHEUS 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Outcome Independence.

[–]ZeeyardSA 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Have you read the sidebar?

I suggest you start

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Outcome Independence.
Example: You initiate sex and get rejected. A mindset of outcome independence means you do something else instead without getting angry, upset, or directly putting any pressure on your wife to change her mind. You already have better things to do then than lay in bed wallowing in self pity. If you've got a full and interesting life separate from your wife, then you also have better things to do than rewarding the denial of sex with extra attention, so you get out of bed and do something else. Go lift, meet friends, read, whatever.

[–]Deeprize 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Got it! Thanks.

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