
~ archived since 2018 ~


This topic came to my mind the other day when I was browsing the front page of Reddit. Since they made the changes to that landing page recently lots of stuff from different subs is coming up.

There was something from some sort of reaction gif sub. It was basically a character from a film saying 'No' in a somewhat exaggerated way. And the poster had captioned it 'My reaction when she asks if she can stay the night so we can have sex again in the morning'.

Most of the replies were debating whether or not morning sex was enjoyable or worth it. There were a lot of replies so I didn't read them all but none of the ones I saw picked up on what I was feeling, which was shock that it was now considered normal to kick out someone you've had a one night stand with, without even allowing them to spend the whole night, and that staying the night was something you sort of had to plead and negotiate for. It seemed that this as a concept was totally accepted and normal now.

Admittedly I've never had a one night stand so I don't know how it's supposed to work. But I still believe that when I was younger it was common practice that if you had a ONS you at least slept there till the morning. It was such an established idea that it was a common trope in comedies, dramas and even adverts.

Is this really what happens now? Do women really hook up with a guy at 1am and find themselves walking the streets or clambering for an Uber at 2am? Are they really happy about this and prefer to go home to their own space, or do they just put up with it because that's the best they can get or because they feel it's what is expected?

The other thing that depressed me was watching the film 'Risky Drinking'. It was produced by HBO and it's an exploration of alcohol abuse in America. Amongst others it features a late 20s girl called Kenzie who split up with her partner a year before and has been drinking to excess on weekends to cope with her sadness.

In the film, while very drunk, she debates with her friends which of the boys she knows that she is going to sleep with. Eventually she has sex with one of them in a public toilet and confess that the sex was 'just OK'. There is no evidence that she gets any actually enjoyment from it or that she has any real feelings for this boy. We see her later on in the night, sobbing her heart out in her apartment because she is so miserable.

Drunken hookups have always been a thing, but watching Kenzie it felt like her and her friends had a very clinical approach to it. There seemed to be no passion, true desire or joy, it just seemed to be a sort of crossing off of a list of 'How to have fun'. It was as though that was what she thought she ought to be doing to have 'a fun night' so she just did it, even though her heart wasn't in it.

It just seems like socially everything is falling apart to the detriment of women.

[–][deleted] 16 points17 points  (5 children) | Copy Link

I'm under 30 and something that is happening less is actual dating. Netflix and chill, hanging out, hooking up etc seem more ubiquitous. There have always been couples that fell into a relationship but courting seems shorter, different, less personal as online dating evolves. It's not depressing to me as change of SMP is inevitable with technology.

I do feel for young girls that think "being the cool chick that doesn't care about labels" is more important than voicing their true desires. Myself and my friend circle struggled with this early in college.. 😑...SMH. Girls that like boys will always do things that they think will make boys like them better. Sometimes those tactics are damaging in the long term. General knowledge of RP/SMP/SMV (used to be common sense) goes pretty far in safeguarding women and our true desires in most cases.

[–][deleted] 4 points5 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

General knowledge of RP/SMP/SMV (used to be common sense) goes pretty far in safeguarding women and our true desires in most cases.


[–]cxj6 points7 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

Imo "being the cool chick who doesn't care about labels" is just adopting the male excuse for avoiding commitment because she knows full well the dude is out of her league and she will never graduate from plate status. The RP aware should interpret this statement as "I would rather be in an alphas harem than exclusive with a beta equal to my actual value."

[–][deleted] 5 points6 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Yes, exactly. Was listening to an episode of "Why oh Why" podcast and the narrator's relationship died after 2 years because the guy finally decided to tell her he never wants kids. On her last night in their shared apartment, he downloads Tinder. She opines he downloaded it so he could see if he can get the same feeling again. He retorts "No, to see if I still have it"...

She waited too long to have the kids talk because she wasn't sure he would want any with her. Consciously or subconsciously, she knew there was a chance that this guy is too good for her. A different scenario than the one we are discussing but IMO if a guy dates you for years, moves in with you and never talks about future plans together then you were an in between girlfriend...not too much more commitment than a plate.

[–]cxj2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Yeah. Generally when men want to commit they make it very clear right away, or at least fairly early on. They don't take years to do it if they are serious lol.

An odd type of maybe exception I can think of is my current gf, who I really like and got exclusive with right away, but am unsure about marriage because she doesn't want kids and I might. It's not that I don't think she's "good enough" but rather that we may want different things.

[–]jack_hammarred25 LTR 4yrs1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I'm under 30, too. 2 years being single, 3 degrees at 3 different schools in 3 different states, 4 years roommates, 5 years total in college.

Staying the night (or day) after casual sexual activity for either male/female is never a sure thing. It seems that sharing bodies is sometimes easier than sharing a bed, personal space, or a good night's sleep and the roommate's personal space. This is really common now, and taking a ride home post canoodle doesn't necessarily equate to negative connotations. IMO, for casual encounters of the sexual kind it's preferable. While my friends and I were single, we were advocates of transparent communication about expectations beforehand, it was still respectful to be prepared with a ride home and a "hey I made it home safe" text after the fact. This was expected of both parties. It's definitely backward compared to typical RP goals, and the general notion of intimacy, but ONS (at least for us) were mainly about mutually satisfied physical needs with respect of boundaries. You want your jollies off, you aren't ready to hold down a relationship beyond the physical, and you've got 15-24 (grad/undergrad) credit hours and a full night of practice, meetings, study groups, and chores. "It's not you, it's the college hustle."

Some of us are stupid busy. So online dating is better than sliced bread. Pre-screening when the time works for you. Developing awesome "single serving friendships" for a multitude of situations. Finding someone attractive, pleasant, interesting, and available who is worth your precious free time when you have it is part of the college hustle that some people don't have the energy for.

Courting is much less serious due to the college hustle. Dating these days can mean we buy the expensive frozen pizza and watch documentaries instead of the free pizza from callout meetings and the same Netflix series everyone knows by heart... much less real pants and a real restaurant. Making a good impression is more than how well styled and rested we are, after all. My friends and I are obviously not always grubby urchins with Fendi bags under our eyes who dress solely in cotton and Lycra, and I know I'm still unfamiliar with the demands of parenthood on top of full time jobs on top of marriage. But having newly entered the 9-5 world, I look back slightly clueless as to how I survived college so well. If I wouldn't have been in an LDR I'm not 100% sure Man and I would be so solid and happy given how ambitious we both were in our respective fields. Real courting requires time, effort, energy, luck, and talent I don't think many college aged people think they can afford, or can afford.

But because of that, I think we maintain a relationship with our SO's for longer periods of time before marrying, and maintain a marriage for more time before having children. We work through individual life transitions while dating, study each others' behavior, meet each others' "chosen families" long before we meet the parents. I've read some interesting things about pre-marital cohabitation and other behaviors having detrimental effects on perceived commitment to/importance of marriage, but everyone I know who has spent more time in each progressive stage than a quick 2-3 year turn-around between dating and babies seems incredibly well adjusted, stable, and fulfilled... high school sweet hearts, online sweet hearts, casual sex turned love story, alike.

I think what's scary or unnerving about it is how different it is than what you experienced, and how it seems personally and outwardly disrespectful at first blush.

Great post and discussion :) thanks!!!

[–]bunniebell10 points11 points  (5 children) | Copy Link

I was raised with some traditional values, like male chivalry, female oversight of home life, and that men need the ability (education or honed skill) to immediately support the family after a few years of marriage, even if the woman is the main breadwinner. No living together before marriage, etc.

Dating various men my age (I'm in my 30s) proved to me that everything I was raised with is now nearly obsolete, except in wealthier circles.

I ended up marrying (my 2nd husband) the perfect man for me...who is 20 years my senior, because of that. I couldn't stand the crudeness and rudeness of men of my generation. The rare man that DID fulfill most of my expectations of men were snobbish and expected perfection of the woman they dated.

It's just bizarre. Like another commenter here, I blame society. I blame the economy forcing all able-bodied adults to work to support the household (no adult at home to constantly teach children manners & kindness); the feminist movement (men adopting feminine characteristics and being babied by their mom, sex becoming meaningless, chivalry frowned upon for being sexist); globalization, which makes it probable that romantic distractions will occur due to the ease of meeting tons of new people; and the immediacy of everything, translating into immediate fulfillment of any wish--immediate free porn, immediate credit to buy anything, immediate breakups by ghosting, immediate sex with condoms, immediate divorce, etc.

One night stands always included an overnight stay, in my direct and indirect knowledge.

[–]vanBeethovenLudwig4 points5 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

I couldn't stand the crudeness and rudeness of men of my generation.

I just have a really funny story about men our generation (I'm late 20's). I went on a date with someone a year older, and I put my best girl game - flirted, made him feel like a man, looked hot...because I also wanted to test him and his morals. Anyways, after the date he asked if I wanted to go back to his place, which I politely declined, then after dropping me off he asked if he should come upstairs, which I also politely declined.

So I leave him hanging and he texts me saying he's crazy about me and how I can't do this to him blahblahblah, why don't I want to see him, then I start texting him about going to church and family values and how I don't feel the right intentions with him. And so cue him trying to court me "properly" but I've totally lost interest in him because he's shown me he's not a family man in the first place (or at least didn't consider me seriously if he wanted to bed me the first date).

If you're a woman with any sense of morals or conservative family upbringing, it's so easy to scoff at how men "court" women nowadays.

[–]bunniebell3 points4 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

I'm awed by your awareness and ability to act on it! I believe one of my qualities is compassion, and I extended that to men that I dated--to my detriment. In a similar situation, I'd brush off the same behavior as, "Oh, he's just a horndog like all men." Then I would waste a year dating a man who immediately gave me a red flag.


[–]vanBeethovenLudwig2 points3 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

I'm awed by your awareness and ability to act on it!

Thanks! This awareness didn't happen until I was late 20's though because early 20's I just wanted to be validated by guys. I think the more sense of self worth you have and the stronger your moral code, the easier it is to turn away men who are just trying to get into your pants.

[–]bunniebell2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Yes, and even with a health self-worth and good moral code, a woman can get tangled up with the wrong men. One of my big traits is compassion. I believe most everything is forgivable and I give most people the benefit of the doubt. I like this quality in myself--but it certainly made it difficult to say goodbye to an otherwise good man when a red flag was raised

[–]ThatStepfordGalEarly 20s, LTR1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

This. All this. I feel you! I was born in a country where there were older, better values and though I'm not religious I still like those values. I've moved to Australia now, for many years and the values here are just...ugh? I'm lucky to have found my SO, but he is so so rare in this society and so am I. It was a large coincidence in the first place.

[–]TempestTcup points points [recovered] | Copy Link

Walks of Shame have been around since I was in college in the early 1980s, and I assume that they have been a "thing" since the dawn of time :)

[–]blushinglillyMarried 5 ys, Early 30s[S] 11 points12 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

I've heard that expression too, but I thought what that meant was that you were easy to spot because you were walking home in the morning because you were still in evening going out clothes.

[–]TempestTcup points points [recovered] | Copy Link

WoS is pretty much any time a woman is going home bowlegged, LOL!

[–]blushinglillyMarried 5 ys, Early 30s[S] 5 points6 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

I see, maybe I've lived a far more sheltered life then I've realised?

[–]laurenkkmid 30's, married 7(17 total)4 points5 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Nah, that's how I always interpreted it.

And/or showing up to work in the same clothes you wore yesterday.

[–]jack_hammarred25 LTR 4yrs2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I mean, username checks out :)

WoS is an appearance that clearly states you got something last night and possibly have regrets about your choices of partner, location, or lack of planning. If no regrets? It's the Stride of Pride. The Stagger of Swagger.

[–]Rivkariver11 points12 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Family fell apart. Divorce became no fault. Without family structure society falls apart. Socialization isn't about family, it's almost the same dynamic as gangs/lord of the flies. Like, not literally, but you have to make a bunch of random friends to be your family in a sense. There isn't order.

Family used to protect women from guys who didn't want to date but only use. Those men were seen as bad news. Once Upon a Time the girl's dad/brothers/male cousins etc would have a few choice words with a man who used her like that.

Women were more protected in that sense.

Now with women's "liberation" it's supposed to be that women can do the same stuff as men, sexually, which isn't really possible.

You're absolutely right that it's much harder without positive influences. RPW used to be an idea that was actually bolstered by society. It takes discipline, family and institutions helped.

Nowadays expecting a woman without those supports, a woman steeped in secular culture growing up, to somehow buck the entire society and come up with all the RP concepts on her crazy.

It's MUCH harder to figure this stuff out yourself and then have the strength to be countercultural...takes mental energy and the courage to be who you are when many people scorn it and want to influence you in the opposite way.

Imagine if you could assume most real life women you met would want to discuss RP ideas, talk about examining themselves, talk about doing good things for their men. Instead you can bet many women would discuss how dumb boys are and how career is the biggest priority.

So yeah, it has changed.

[–][deleted] 6 points7 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Nothing is falling apart. Women (and men!) have always made stupid decisions and will continue to make stupid decisions.

[–][deleted] 9 points10 points  (5 children) | Copy Link

It just seems like socially everything is falling apart to the detriment of women.

Eh, ONS and drunken hookups have CONSEQUENCES. Like crying after you let some dude fuck you in a stall or hailing a cab at 2 am after a ONS.

If you don't want these consequences then don't do things like that. It's not "everything falling apart to the detriment of women". That's women being detrimental to themselves.

[–]blushinglillyMarried 5 ys, Early 30s[S] 12 points13 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

If you don't want these consequences then don't do things like that. It's not "everything falling apart to the detriment of women". That's women being detrimental to themselves.

I can certainly see the truth in what you are saying here.

At the same time I feel that a lot of vulnerable young women are finding themselves in society where there are no positive influences and that any young women who thinks differently finds herself swimming against the tide.

When I was young I didn't drink and I didn't do casual hook-ups. I don't regret it, but I paid a price for that decision which was a certain amount of social isolation because I wasn't doing what many of the other girls of my generation were doing. I didn't fit in and while I was treated politely, I was also somewhat shunned because I wasn't joining in. It's hard to stand up against that and I only did it through a combination of having a naturally stubborn and somewhat introverted personality.

It seems that standards of behaviour have fallen even further in the passing years. For example I doubt that those women who didn't want to socialise with me because I wasn't in with the drinking gang, would have expected me to shag a random in the toilets. I think they would have been pretty appalled by that. And yet, it now seems that is considered normal.

How can we expect better of a women of 20 today, when almost everything in the media is reinforcing the idea that this sort of behaviour is normal?

Also, how have we ended up in this negative spiral where standards are falling lower and lower?

[–]astrared24, single12 points13 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I'm inclined to agree. Whilst I agree that women have got to take responsibility for our own actions, we've all been vulnerable at one point. I can't help but feel sorry for that woman you describe in the documentary - it sounds like she's going through some grief (splitting up with her partner) and has no one around to encourage her to get through it in a healthy way.

[–][deleted] 5 points6 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

In general, human character around family/relationships overall has declined. There used to be family protection via "courting" and now you just fly to Vegas with what's-his-name on a drunken whim.

I think it's caused by career women who also have children and by careless marriages and divorces. Women have harmed themselves in all sorts of ways they can't or won't see on the Feminism March to "equality"....the trade off being your kids having zero skills in the family-making department.

Western feminism all but begs you to whore it up and divorce yourself from the consequences. Their message is "we can do whatever we want and no one can say we messed up!"

[–][deleted] 4 points5 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I agree with you. I often felt isolated because I did not partake in these things before I was married, but I don't regret it one big. I wonder what kind of baggage I'd be carrying to my family had I lived differently, or even if I'd be married to my husband today! I do think it's sad that many young women feel like they must do these things because they are surrounded by it, but then it just makes them miserable.

[–]TryhardPantiesON2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I am quite late to this party but meh....

Eh, ONS and drunken hookups have CONSEQUENCES. Like crying after you let some dude fuck you in a stall or hailing a cab at 2 am after a ONS.

One night stands and hookups is what some women consider "empowering", it isn't empowering at all, in fact it's all the opposite, having self respect, a high self esteem, building a reputation and having strong character is what empowers women.

[–]cynicalhousewife points points [recovered] | Copy Link

I am 30 now. I have noticed a huge shaming and health and safety culture that never used to be there when I was growing up. Parenting has really changed, and not for the better. Parenting used to be a lot more relaxed.

I remember having all sorts of adventures as a kid in the 1990s, and I remember when it wasn't scandalous to give a child the occasional bag of Cheetos and some coca cola.

In fact when we had a school party that was what we had there, now those sorts of treats are banned from many schools, and kids are not even allowed skipping ropes or to practice rough play in some schools.

I also remember when it was OK to give your child a spanking. I remember when I was about 6 and a boy in the school court yard was being naughty, and his mom pulled his underpants down and spanked his butt in front of all the teachers and no one batted an eyelid. Whilst not everyone will personally agree with that brand of parenting, it's been normal to spank your kids throughout most of human history, and it still is in many cultures around the world, and I believe it should still be allowed. I feel sorry for today's children and parents. Children also seem more spoilt, pampered and worse behaved than ever. You can't treat kids like mini adults. The authority of parents has been so undermined and everything is child abuse.

There is also this culture of treating children like delicate, sensitive snowflakes. Children's TV shows have been so dumbed down, I remember when they would sneak in the odd adult joke, now that isnt allowed. Now all children's TV shows are heavily censored and full of Marxist propaganda, and you have parents calling in and complaining that everything is offensive.

There is also a culture of rewarding people for nothing, and people who don't work hard for something believe that they should have the same things as someone who does.

Dating and marriage and the relationships between men and women have been completely sabotaged in so many ways I don't even know where to begin. Men are afraid of being labeled abusers, because now anything can be labeled domestic abuse. You seem to get 2 extremes of opinion, one is that unless men put women completely up on a pedestal, they are monsters. The other extreme is that all women should be completely equal to men in every way, and women are crazy incompetent bitches if they are not.

All levels of virtue signalling and validation seeking in every sphere are at all all time high. I think people have always had this tendency, but it's been aplified by the internet.

Law has become extremely complicated. Everyone is scared of being sued by someone. as a result we have this extremely restrictive culture where everyone is on edge. More and more crazy policies and laws come out every year.

TV is just one big freakshow. It's all about who is the biggest laughing stock, who is the most depraved and what can make you cringe and judge the most. I remember TV when I was a kid. There was some element of the circus on TV, but it wasn't so extreme and prevalent.

24 hour access to all sorts of porn and cam sites has ruined dating and sex. I met my husband several years ago now and this was prevelant even when I was dating. Men are obsessed with anal sex and general kink. I also didn't appreciate the pressure to shave every bit of hair off down there because it gives me BV infections and it's itchy and horrible, but so many men in the last decade or so readily expect it. I just feel like sex is now about being adventurous and filthy rather than connecting with a member of the opposite sex that you like and find attractive. It's about what new and exciting things you can try, instead of just being happy to be intimate with someone. I stopped dating many men because they were just too filthy or concerned with my grooming habits. The same agenda is now being pushed into women with series like 50 shades of gray.

I am sure there is more, but these are just the examples I can think of off the top of my head.

[–]vanBeethovenLudwig1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

You can't treat kids like mini adults. The authority of parents has been so undermined and everything is child abuse.

I hear a lot of complaints from mothers that say children are increasingly younger and trying to negotiate. At least in my generation, negotiating might happen around teenage years, but she has a daughter that's 8 and already starting to negotiate (and apparently her peers also do the same). It's a bit frightening, actually...

I also wonder if it's due to parents trying to befriend their own children. I struggled with this with my mother - she wanted to be like sisters and talk about shopping and makeup but then I would dispose of her authority often because I didn't see her as an authority figure anymore.

[–][deleted] 5 points6 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

This stuff is so depressing! Maybe I'm delusional but I can't believe that humanity has just plain become degenerate. I kind of think it a has an economic explanation. After all many, many middle and upper class young people are stuck in extended adolescence because they spend years and years in college, graduate school, interning, doing entry-level jobs. They're not adults, they don't have real homes or bank accounts, they can't afford to marry and start families, but they're not children either. Thinking of it that way, it's not shocking that commitment would be seen as a dangerous taboo and that girls would go to such lengths to try and bury their natural desires. (Not to mention men suppressing their own desires! Very unsettling that all those men were saying they didn't care about having sex in the morning!)

[–][deleted] 7 points8 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

which was shock that it was now considered normal to kick out someone you've had a one night stand with, without even allowing them to spend the whole night, and that staying the night was something you sort of had to plead and negotiate for. It seemed that this as a concept was totally accepted and normal now.

i dont want to shock you but this is what it was like 30 yrs ago too lol

"the walk of shame"

[–][deleted] 5 points6 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

Was it usually the same night or the next day?

[–][deleted] 3 points4 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Mix, sleeping in a strangers apartment without your makeup and getting ready stuff and leaving in the morning blows

[–][deleted] 2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Thats true! Maybe an uber in the middle of the night is preferable lol

You can kill a man, but you can't kill an idea.

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