
~ archived since 2018 ~


[–]--cunt20 points21 points  (9 children) | Copy Link

Unpopular RPW here, I am all for abortion. If I got pregnant right now it would literally kill me. Even if I could have a healthy pregnancy, fiancé and I are not financially or emotionally ready for children. I wouldn't put that stress on our relationship, and I don't want our children to feel resented. It's not my place either to say "Well my situation would be okay.... but abortion is not good." Nothing is worse than a broken marriage and a broken family, and unwanted children cause that. I do agree that slutwalk and things like that are silly. Nobody likes men OR women who sleep around. It's gross.

[–][deleted] 9 points10 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I'm personally pro-choice as well - I'm of the opinion that one can be personally against it and think that it's immoral and wrong, but it is no one's place to enforce their beliefs on others. I feel about it the same way I feel about banning gay marriage, marijuana, etc. I've traditionally considered myself a libertarian, but more and more I think I'm trending toward republican due to the agendas being pushed by the left that I'm not okay with laissez-faire-ing away.

The ridiculous marches going on today prove that feminism is not about equality or women's rights, it's about promoting a gynocentric, misandrist narrative.

[–][deleted] 10 points11 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Yeah agreed, this article wasn't very well written or researched. The author ignores the fact that most women who get abortions are women who have already had children. Linking abortion with random sex seems like kind of a desperate move, especially when there are lots of legitimate things to dismantle regarding this women's march, like the false pay gap/false rape stats/false domestic violence. The author also ignores people who are married but want access to contraception, it seems like in her view birth control=slut and abortion=slut. Kind of a stretch. It's kind of like saying that since I'm pro-driver's license I'm pro drunk driving and mowing down children in school zones.

[–]melindamaga1 point2 points  (6 children) | Copy Link

Nothing is worse than a broken marriage and a broken family

I would say that death is worse. If you are physically incapable of having a healthy pregnancy you should get sterilized in my opinion so that you will not have to end an innocent life should you conceive accidentally. Not only can sex lead to pregnancy, even with the use of birth control, but isn't reproduction the whole purpose of sex in the first place?

I'm confused - thought this was a traditional ladies forum?

[–][deleted] 10 points11 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

I'm confused - thought this was a traditional ladies forum?

You can be traditional (as in traditional gender roles) and still support a woman's right to choose. Not everyone in this forum is devoutly religious. I was raised protestant (much less strict on things like abortion than catholics, for example). If I became pregnant today, I would get an abortion. I am not married. I am not financially stable.

It is not fair to bring a child into the world that I do not want at this point in my life and that I would be unable to adequately care for. I absolutely want children in the future, but in the confines of a loving marriage.

I don't believe in divorce. I don't think many men would marry a single mother. I do not believe that growing up with a single mother is in the best interests of a child. You can argue that a first trimester abortion is death (I disagree), but do you really think it's better to bring an unwanted child into the world?

isn't reproduction the whole purpose of sex in the first place?

No. It's also for intimacy with your partner, to form a bond.

[–]melindamaga-2 points-1 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

I'm so shocked and disappointed with this faux-traditionalism! The traditional role for women is that of a wife and mother. From afar I witnessed the splitting of 'red pill wives' from 'red pill women' and I may be wrong, but I thought that the difference causing the split was that 'red pill wives' saw that women's roles are to be wives and mothers whereas 'red pill women' saw it ok for women to be flings and plates and such.

Surely you don't have to be religious to know that it's wrong for a mother to kill her baby! I mean if a woman is cold-hearted enough to kill her baby she could never be a loving mother in the future with a more convenient child because she just isn't a loving person. Certainly a woman in the scenario you describe could give her baby up for adoption so that he/she wouldn't have to die?

[–][deleted] 5 points6 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Disapproving of plates/flings has nothing to do with one's stance on abortion. They are completely separate issues, I can't believe this even needs explaining. You so conveniently ignored the points laid out in my post that explain why it is harmful to bring an unwanted child into the world.

As was previously stated, I do not believe that first trimester abortion is murder. The only person talking about killing babies is you.

It is impossible to be a wife if you are not yet married. Many women on this sub are in LTRs. I disapprove of having children out of wedlock and my stance on that will never change. Having a child out of wedlock is the exact opposite of the "traditionalism" that you speak of.

You can be traditional and not religious. Or you can be traditional and religious and be pro-choice. You're free to have your beliefs and I am free to have mine. I really don't care if you think my view is "faux-traditionalism".

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I suggest you read more from the sidebar and learn more from the endorsed contributors and mods. Your view of this sub is only partially correct

Above all being a redpillwife is not a one size fits all. We are not all religious, or conservative, we don't all have kids, some of us are even the breadwinners. So of course we are not all going to have the same view on issues as hot as abortion.

[–]--cunt6 points7 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I have a Mirena IUD, which if I get pregnant while I have inserted will likely result in an ectopic pregnancy, which the fetus would not survive anyway- on the near impossible chance I were to get pregnant. Actually it's more likely that I would get pregnant if I were to get sterilized! (Failure rate of female sterilization is .5% while hormonal IUDs have a failure rate of .2%)

Sex for me right now is not for reproduction at all- it's about intimacy, pleasure, providing pleasure for my fiancé, closeness, fun, etc. We are enjoying this phase of our life - just us!- before he is done with his schooling and we can afford to start a family.

It was my understanding that RPW was a place for women of all backgrounds and walks of life with one thing in common- that they put their relationships and partners first by following "traditional roles" in their relationship, not necessarily every aspect of their life! :)

[–][deleted] 8 points9 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I've had 2 older women I am friends on facebook express their discontent for the lack of inclusion of pro life women in this march. Both consider themselves feminists, but I would venture to guess since they are older they are a little out of touch with today's feminism.

They both make the point that feminism is becoming more selective of who's allowed in and by kicking out pro life women they are kicking out the women who haven't been born yet who could be saved by pro life movement.

I appreciated their perspective on the march.

You can kill a man, but you can't kill an idea.

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