
~ archived since 2018 ~


The Victim (self.marriedredpill)

submitted by RuleZeroDAD

I don’t know how this will be received, but I believe every once in a while, it’s worth reminding that we have to carry ourselves into a World hostile to an unplugged man’s life. Outside of our much focused and sometimes myopic quest of getting what we want out of this short existence, we forget that the self-deluded are all around us. Every rough edge to any circumstance has a tendency to appear like the head of a nail peeking out from some weather-beaten timber needing to be smashed flat.

The matter-of-fact, come along or get left behind mindset, is excellent for dealing with your spouse, kids, business associates, and friends. Men learn quickly that most people prefer to defer, and if they can follow your vision to a beneficial place, everyone is happy. Men understand that being the supplier of resources, be it time, fun, money or leadership, is a burden to be accepted. If a man is lucky, those around him provide value in return, and life is interesting.

My mother is a self-identifying victim. A Boomer hippie, she decided commune life in California was “more free” than collective life in the Midwest. I think it was the farming she grew to hate, when she really wanted drugs instead. So she and my father, the prototype soy “gentle” son of a WWII Marine, decided to leave me with “friends” at a Utopian style collective when I was three. No one from any state authorities knew my parents were gone, and a check from the government came to the residence to help the community take care of me. I went to school with the other children, and I was none the wiser until I turned six.

New regulations were passed as I was entering first grade, and every kid had to have vaccinations, or a religious reason to decline. Regardless, physical parents needed to be available to sign documents and appear at school to answer any questions. Needless to say, this was too much of an administrative burden on the group, and a number of us kids immediately became wards of the state.

I was in a group home until nine, when I was adopted. My adopted parents worked hard, gave me a very stable foundation, and I succeeded in their care. I thought that would be the end of any family revelations, but 40 years later, things changed.

Victims don’t understand burdens or value. Victims only understand pain. “Victim” has been allowed to become an identity for far too many people, including many of those into whom men pour vast resources. Our own desire to make things smooth makes men forget nuance, and become the hammer.

With this in mind, my mother reappeared needing something. I came to find out I am her only child and she has cancer. She has adult leukemia, with complications from Hepatitis C. My mom is a dirty whore with a blown immune system and failing liver. Of course science has come to the rescue of the Boomers with a Hep C cure, so all she needs is bone marrow from me to hopefully make her strong enough to put the cancer in remission to save her liver.

At first, my mother asked if I would donate a portion of my liver. I told her to fuck off.

Here is where nuance and setting an example for others came into play. If I would have cast myself as a victim, and focused on the numerous times some predator tried to grab my dick as a child in that group home, or getting beat up weekly for being “Orphan Boy,” I would have let the selfish cunt die a jaundiced emaciated death.

What I did, instead of focusing on this one person from my past, I registered on a national marrow system, so hopefully she will be but one of multiple people I help, because it’s what I choose to do. It’s altruism from my mental point of origin.

Of course, I was the bad person and aggressor in the end anyway. I don’t talk with my mother for obvious reasons, but from her long-winded facebook postings, she is heartbroken, I’m ungrateful, she did the best she could, I should be more supportive, a mother’s love is forever, I ignore her financial problems, I deny her the “right” to see her grandchildren, etc…

As surprising as her tone-deafness, are the responses to her posts in support of her nonsense. She has a complete support system of old, dried out, Caucasian whores (and thirsty old men) that tell each other every minute of every day that they are the victims of society. I literally saved this woman’s life, so that she may libel me.

The silver lining in all of this is that I don’t have facebook, and that I’m anonymous on Twitter. I’ve come to value my wife more through this experience, because she is the one who reads the garbage and summarizes everything for me. She’s very cute and careful about it too, which makes it fun. It also lets me know that she values my worth over the drama that could be generated for her hamster. I let her get outraged for me, and for some reason, having a common enemy also gets her in the mood.

We choose to be victims or not, and we choose our own tribe. Don’t let your past tear down what you are continually building.

[–]johneyapocalypseTold Death to Fuck Off - MRP is easy mode25 points26 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

My mother is a victim, too.

I love her, but the victim-thing is gross and disgusting, even when viewed in the light of the disease that she is fighting against.

I first noticed the extent of her victim-hood when I was, myself, sick as a dog.

I registered on a national marrow system

Good, good man.

Edit: A few people have messaged me asking to write a post about MRP with a major illness. The only advice that matters is precisely what your post is about: don't be a fucking victim. It's pathetic.

[–]bowhunter611 points12 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Your mother abandoned you as a child and forty years later comes knocking to ask for a liver transplant and bone marrow? Man, I thought I had seen it all. Nope.

Good on you for taking the high road. Hopefully your generosity will help her and others that are much more worthy.

[–]RuleZeroDADMRP APPROVED[S] 10 points11 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

With the ubiquitous presence of the many DNA identification companies, selfishness and uncovered cuckoldry are just a saliva sample away.

[–]redwall929 points10 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

First off ... great post, man. Great focus on owning the stuff you can and letting go of the things you can't. Tough situation to come from. The stoicism coursing through your veins serves you well.

Some responses seem to have as their focus the OP's mother and how she played the victim card all the time. That judgement seems right given the circumstances. Yeah ... it sucks, and some people are just victims. Hopefully we see these examples and learn. Part of our job is to determine how best to live around these people; it's a part of reality. We are all going to bump up against "The Victim" in life.

I find it beneficial to assume that everybody has done the best they can - a "universal positive regard" concept as far as other people's actions go. I can then decide if they are worth my time and commitment without having to determine if they are trying their hardest or not.

For instance ... OP's mother did the best she could with what she was born with, what she was given, with her lot in life, etc... It doesn't matter if she could have done better or could have done worse.

Assert: She did the best she could. That assertion out of the way, I don't have to spin my cycles determining how she could have done better and judge her on other options that were available to her in the past. She did the best she could.

Then I can judge ... Does what she did line up with my value system? Was what she did a help or hinderance to me or my tribe or my mission?

Then I can act ... Invest or remove my time and attention.

To be sure ... we learn from other's mistakes. I'm not advocating a head-in-the-sand approach to the failures of others. We see others, we hopefully learn from others, and we definitely respond to others. What I'm putting forth is that the reactivity we should refrain from is lessened when we view others with something akin to universal positive regard.

I find this immensely helpful when dealing with my kids and others who are a part of my tribe. When my kids screw up, I assume they've done the best they could. They made the decision that best aligned with their interests (at the time). Given that assertion out of the way, it is then my duty (and delight when in the correct mindset) to help them understand how something else might have been better for their own interests. This universal positive regard concept helps me approach them from a cooperative, "how can I help you?" mindset as opposed to a damning, "how could you have been so stupid?!" starting point.

If I can approach the kid in a cooperative fashion, then the kid's ego is the only thing that gets in the way of his progress moving forward and my involvement/investment in his progress.

[–]PersaeusMRP APPROVED2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

very additive response to OP

agree that it is best to assume a "universal positive regard", i look at this in several ways. first, it's the simplest explanation for other actions. second, i've learned to assume "mistakes were made" is most likely the result of ignorance and/or sloth (both in all their forms) as opposed to malice.

i find your framework of

universal positive regard concept helps me approach them from a cooperative, "how can I help you?"

to be the best for children, for whom i have accepted a responsibility to lead and teach, and to my wife whom i've agreed to lead if i accept the tenets of the red pill.

beyond my immediate dependents it get's a little less compelling for two reasons. first, i have little responsibility for this person and i have to weigh the cost/benefit of dealing with their fuckery. second, and more important in OP's case past performance often indicates future results.

as i mentioned in my response to OP, one of my best friends completely disowned his mother years ago. no contact, no contact with beautiful grand children for her - explaining to kids why we don't go see grandma. as i love my mother dearly and we are like brothers, i challenged his paradigm strongly on several occasions. he went on to explain how his mother was a POS whore who had poisoned his life for years; and how he would not allow this poison to seep into his own family.

[–]RPWolfUnplugging6 points7 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Great Post and honestly makes me appreciate my wife just a bit more. She is adopted as well but not once has ever played the victim card. She was raised by great trad-con adoptive parents. She always wondered about her real parents and at times I think I was more curious then her just for medical reason with our boys. Welp, opened up that can of worms. It put her in touch with other siblings she never knew about. She went form an only child to 1 of 10 siblings. The entire time she never played the victim but man if I didnt watch her new found siblings drone on and on about how life dealt them a shitty hand. She doesn't even talk to most of her new siblings as they are just energy vampires. It turns out her father was a alpha who knocked up 5 different women and her mother was a dirty whore product of a Catholic School.

[–]ChokingDownRPMRP APPROVED6 points7 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Check out the frame on this stoic mother fucker. The most pathetic part is she's probably convinced herself that she did the best she could . Women (especially victims) are masters of rewriting the point that they even believe it themselves. Keep up the good work.

[–]screechhaterMRP APPROVED5 points6 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I was an alter boy that fucking hated to go to church because the priests fucked me repeatedly.

My own father abandoned me. My stepfather beat me until I was hospitalized, several times.

Children are victims. Raped people are victims I’m a survivor not a victim.

I yawned when I heard my father past. Laughed when I heard about my stepfather.

Just the facts, ma’am.

[–]SorcererKingMRP SAGE - MRP MODERATOR11 points12 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Thank you for posting this. A very powerful, obviously very personal narrative.

Take note, you faggots. You can't change what happened yesterday, but you can change how you feel about it today, and what you choose to do tomorrow. Victimhood is for people who've already given up.

[–]Redpillbrigade178 points9 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Wow. You mother fuckin go-getter you. I wish I had 0.2% of your big heart. Way to go bro. Haters gonna hate. But you sleep well at night having lived in accordance with what’s most important to you. Kudos.

[–]PersaeusMRP APPROVED3 points4 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

Don’t let your past tear down what you are continually building.

a powerful message, and one that i have to remind myself of frequently.

As surprising as her tone-deafness

not surprising at all, very common and my mind when to this narrative about 2 paragraphs into your story. my dad had same issue with his dad who flew the coop at 2yo. same with a best friend who had to disown his mom after his mom would keep dragging the entire family down to support his addict brother.

I registered on a national marrow system

have you donated yet? not a trivial procedure as it involves general anesthesia

[–]RuleZeroDADMRP APPROVED[S] 3 points4 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

have you donated yet?

Yep. Got the hole in the hip to prove it.

[–]PersaeusMRP APPROVED1 point2 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

any issues with weakness/recovery once the anestesia wore off?

[–]RuleZeroDADMRP APPROVED[S] 2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

No, but the needle is no joke and it aches afterwards like hell.

[–]AechzenMRP APPROVED1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Solid post.

My mother-in-law is a Victim, (but she doesn't have it as bad as OP's mom). She's divorced three times, and acts like none of those had anything to do with her actions. I've heard some wretched anti-male shit come out of her mouth, and I played it cool, interested to see what she'll say next. Good to know where I stand.

[–]NMMNG_11 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

This is what stoicism looks like. Helluva post.

What I did, instead of focusing on this one person from my past, I registered on a national marrow system, so hopefully she will be but one of multiple people I help, because it’s what I choose to do. It’s altruism from my mental point of origin.

Talk about OI. You Sr. have chosen to add value, literally at your expense. This is Frame, folks.

[–]RStonePTOfficial Counterfeit Goods2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

deleted What is this?

[–]SteelSharpensSteelMRP MODERATOR1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Solid post, RZD.

[–]InChargeManMRP APPROVED0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Good on you man.

[–]RedPillCoachMRP APPROVED0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Thank You for this!

[–]red-sfpplustells 1000 lb club pussies to fuck off-1 points0 points  (25 children) | Copy Link

First, I like the context of your post.

Second, stop playing victim.

she is the one who reads the garbage and summarizes everything for me.

This is the most high level faggot shit I have seen from you in pretty much forever. You might as well be FB stalking her yourself. Just cause you are one person removed, doesnt mean you are still not party to the crime.

I ghosted my wife, her entire family and ANY mutual friends we had. BAM - GONE. And anyone who is left? I told them the first time they try to tell me what Mrs. red-sfpplus is doing, they would get ghosted next.

My life is to fucking busy to worry about someone that is not part of it.

That shit needs to stop right now. You are still engaged, and letting it consume your mental rent space.

she may libel me

No fucking shit. AWALT, and AMALT, and ALL ENEMIES ARE LIKE THAT.

She is your fucking enemy. Unless you are planning on going to war with her, then knowing her current status has ZERO value for you.

SM stalking is the gayest motherfucking thing there is, and I am disappointed that you engage it in.

[–]johneyapocalypseTold Death to Fuck Off - MRP is easy mode3 points4 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

Bro, dude just told his (potentially dying) mother to fuck off when she asked him to donate a body part and (potentially) save her life.

Then he went and (potentially) saved her life anyway.

Nothing in this post remotely resembles RZD playing the victim.

Ignoring what's being said about him would be disadvantageous... kind of like you ignoring the court room in your current legal battles... kind of like like my son putting his fingers in his ears and saying "I can't hear you."

[–]red-sfpplustells 1000 lb club pussies to fuck off-1 points0 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Perhaps I should have been more clear.

Me stating him playing the victim was directly related to the SM shit I ranted about after I said stop playing the victim.

Stop playing the victim in regards to SM and the people who talk about you on there.

[–]RuleZeroDADMRP APPROVED[S] 2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I use the SM stuff as a jumping off point with my wife.

She's mentioned the facebook thing three time in 12 months, and we ended up fucking each time.

If I'm guilty of having a pizza cheat day, so be it.

[–]PersaeusMRP APPROVED2 points3 points  (14 children) | Copy Link

from the OP,

I let her get outraged for me, and for some reason, having a common enemy also gets her in the mood.

i think the point of the SM part of the post went over your head. RZD doesn't give two fucks what FB bitches or his whore mother thinks of his values. it does however provide drama (aka tingles) to his wife though. the point is that a man operating in his own frame profits (tingles/mood) from the storm swirling around him.

[–]red-sfpplustells 1000 lb club pussies to fuck off0 points1 point  (13 children) | Copy Link

It didn’t go over my head. I just dont believe it.

Even if its true, let her get her tingles from some other drama source.

[–]PersaeusMRP APPROVED2 points3 points  (12 children) | Copy Link

believe what you want

when tingles fall from the sky i don't go "not these tingles"

your STBX is your sworn enemy right now, and looks like rightfully so. RZD has no enemies because none of these people can hurt anything but his non-existent feelz.

[–]RuleZeroDADMRP APPROVED[S] 4 points5 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I'm just the Mayor of Fewerfucksville.

It's good to be the Mayor.

[–]redwall921 point2 points  (10 children) | Copy Link

because none of these people can hurt anything but his non-existent feelz

This is a gem. I feel like this is the goal of RP for us. And other times it seems like a vague concept. This idea of non-existent feelz is stoicism fleshed out in life IMO. Is it the ideal for the RP man?

Sticks and stones...words...

[–]PersaeusMRP APPROVED2 points3 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

non-existent feelz

to put a finer stoic point on it, the feelz are not non-existent. they are to be experienced without being overwhelming or controlling. i attempt to look at these feelz in the third person as though i'm outside of myself. just like surfing a wave, you don't control the wave but you control your actions on it.

[–]redwall920 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

feelz .... are to be experienced without being overwhelming or controlling

I like this concept. This is talking in a CBT realm.

However, I do believe that emotions are workable and trainable - not like the muscles or the mind, though. But by training the muscles and the mind. Controlling emotions directly is like the surfer trying to control the wave. I agree there.

I do not shy away from the hard work of the gym where I am at times put down and trampled by the weight. The work of controlling my muscles, exercising them, and growing them produces good things (and good emotions a lot of times).

I think that the core of CBT hits well when it says that emotions are not invalid. All of your emotions are valid. The thoughts behind the emotions are either rational or irrational. Like your surfer/wave concept ... you can't control the wave; you can't control the emotion. But you can control the thoughts you are having about your current circumstance (or past or future). It is hard work. The gym is a great tool for doing so; music works for me on a mental level.

Seems kind of like the sex. Focus on the sex, and it's slip through your fingers. Focus on the real work, and the sex will come.

The work of training our thoughts is what we can focus on. Your woman's feelz are her to manage. Your feelz are yours to manage. I believe we can do so if we use the right tools.

Make it practical? OP's parents cut the rope when OP was a toddler. Sucks, right? For sure. What can OP do about it? He can think about it which we all see can easily develop into a victim mentality. Or he can think about it differently and come out the way he has. Everything about his life was made-up in that sense. He chose to make up a story for his life that has worked well for him. He believes his story. He doesn't believe his biological mom's story. He may or may not believe a story that indicates he deserves pity to some level. He could choose to believe a story where he has a right to revenge for the shit.

Whatever he chooses to believe is the way he thinks about it (at the time). And the more consistently he trains his mind to think the story he chooses to believe, I submit that the more consistently he will experience the wave of emotions that are a joy to ride on as a surfer.

On the flip side ... the more haphazardly his thoughts change from story to story. The more turmoil he will experience in his emotions. There will be no waves to ride ... only sadness and despair as it feels like his world falls apart day after day on the extreme.

If he chooses to believe some story that paints him as the victim, and he can believe that consistently, then there will be waves to ride. But I believe that his relationships will fail left and right as other healthy people around him choose to step away.

But in the end ... he's made up his story just like we've all made up our stories. It really seems to make life more enjoyable (ie better feelz waves) when we make up a story that works well for us. If it's all made up anyway, then make it good.

[–]RuleZeroDADMRP APPROVED[S] 2 points3 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Congruence is much more important than stoicism.

I exhibit what some might characterize as stoic qualities, but I don't intentionally bask in Zeno or Epictetus quotes in an ice bath to do so.

Mean what you say. Act the way you want to be perceived. Don't deceive yourself.

It's simple, but not easy.

[–]redwall920 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

bask in Zeno or Epictetus quotes in an ice bath

You should start an Instagram account.

[–]red-sfpplustells 1000 lb club pussies to fuck off2 points3 points  (5 children) | Copy Link

You say that until you get arrested for false DV.

You say that until your kids get pulled from school by CPS and questioned.

You say that until your front door gets knocked on by CPS asking questions about being a fit father.

You say that until your cunt wife files motions in court to have your kids taken away.

You say that until that same cunt drives by your house at night to stalk you and your GF.

You say words dont hurt. Fuck it they cant.

[–]redwall922 points3 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

My wife was arrested for DV (after she called the cops).

My wife spent a week in a mental institution for making credible threats of suicide (I called the cops on this one).

My kids have asked "where's mommy?" while she was away.

My kids were asked "where's your mom?" when she lost her teaching job at their small school.

I've had social services show up at the house to question the family.

My wife has filed for separation in the past and painted a picture for me of life after we split.

You say words dont hurt. Fuck it they cant.

I never said words don't hurt. I'm asking if non-existent feelz are the ideal for us here. How do we reduce ourselves to actions with no feelings? Should we do so? Or should we strive to drive our feelings to match our own judgement of our own actions?

I'm not trying to deny any pain you've been through red. Sticks and stones ... words ??? I know which would have been easier to handle the past two years for me personally.

[–]red-sfpplustells 1000 lb club pussies to fuck off0 points1 point  (3 children) | Copy Link

Whatever man.

Try being on the receiving end of all that, be guilty until proven innocent (because you have a cock) and then come back here and tell me words (and lies) cant fucking hurt.

Cause from where I am sitting, our experiences are apples and oranges.

[–]redwall922 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I have no desire to trade my apples for your oranges.

Although there are days when I might. I haven't cut the rope. Seems like it would have been easier (and maybe better/wiser). I would have had full custody with little-to-no alimony. Sometimes I FEEL like I made the wrong decision about a year and a half ago. But that's the past. And I don't revisit it that often. Not helpful for me.

You've got oranges man. You're the only one that can handle them. Can't anybody else. Like the OP ... his lemons came out well enough. Doesn't matter where you're sitting ... wishing his lemons were apples wouldn't have helped him.

[–]redwall920 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

Was thinking about this a bit more...

Whenever I find myself in a frame of "nobody knows what this is like" ... that's a red flag for me. Sometimes I don't hear it; seems like it's the hardest to hear when I'm the one saying it. But it screams unicorn.

There aren't any unicorns here.

When I hear myself identifying as a unicorn, that's when I know I have work to do on my thoughts. Active work. I've failed in lining up my thoughts with my story. Or maybe my story isn't working for me, and I want to change it. Whatever it is ... the IDGAF-a-meter has red-lined; time to shift something - most likely my thoughts (something I can control).

I could sit here at my keyboard and type out all the stuff my wife has said and try to prove to you that my apples have an orange hue. But that's a waste of time for both of us.

When I hear myself talking like a unicorn I know that my fucks are bleeding out. And I need to figure out why. The active work for me at that point looks something like .... Is there a problem? Is it my problem? Is it past/present/future? What's working/not working? What action steps can I take to get where I want? Sometimes the gym is enough to plug the fuck-leak; but that only works for a time. The mental work is more to the core. MAP-style work needs to be identified.

Then do the work.

Sure ... you've got oranges; I've got apples; OP's got his sparkly lemonade. We've all got work to do.

[–]red-sfpplustells 1000 lb club pussies to fuck off0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Why you keep attacking me bro?

Think I care how big your dick is? No, I dont.

Back the fuck off.

nobody knows what this is like

I didn't say that. But don't fucking try to compare what your WIFE has gone though to me and attempt to empathize based off the same, cause you fucking cant. It didn't fucking happen to you. When you get the cuffs slapped on your wrists, come fucking talk to me.

Then do the work.

I do motherfucker, day in and day out.

We've all got work to do.

Then go do it and start shit with some other n00b, as I am done with you.

[–]InChargeManMRP APPROVED2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

You might need to get your levels adjusted...

[–]redwall920 points1 point  (5 children) | Copy Link

If the kids play in the toilet, then shut that shit down. If that's what you're saying, then great. Seems like SM is toilet-level play in your opinion.

My kids do things sometimes that I wish they didn't do. My boy may have a girlfriend that I see as not worth his time. My daughter may take up underwater basket-weaving. My wife may spin her wheels on something that (to me) is clearly not in her best interest. I'll still listen to them summarize their day; may (or may not) wade in as I see fit for the people in my tribe.

[–]red-sfpplustells 1000 lb club pussies to fuck off0 points1 point  (4 children) | Copy Link

What the fuck does ensuring your tribe is cool have anything to do with stalking people who are not in your tribe or life?

Autistic today bro?

[–]redwall921 point2 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

I keep my Autistic strictly relegated to Saturday mornings.

His wife is his tribe. If she chooses to spin her wheels on SM and summarize to him (or spew on him if you want to call it that), then he may (or may not) listen. He may choose to kick her out of his tribe because she's a social media stalker. But he hasn't yet.

[–]red-sfpplustells 1000 lb club pussies to fuck off1 point2 points  (2 children) | Copy Link


Maybe I am off base on this cause my level of drama and general fuck SM attitude sans this whore place.

You all can have this win.

Savor it.

Savor iiiiiittttttttt.

[–]redwall921 point2 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

You admit defeat? This is going to be on your ex's feed in no time. Weak move, bro.

[–]red-sfpplustells 1000 lb club pussies to fuck off1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link


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