
~ archived since 2018 ~


“Cleanliness is godliness” -Billy Corrigan

Women are affected by smell so much more than men are because their sense of smell is so much stronger than ours. Think of it as almost a superpower that you don’t have. Ever notice how certain smells bring back memories and the emotions associated with those memories. The smell/memory/emotional nerves are all interconnected in the brain, so learn to give your woman feelz by giving good smells, and don’t turn your woman off by bad smells.

Basics Okay, this sounds like common sense but apparently not so obvious for everyone. You must shower every day and get everything clean. Get in there with soap and wash that crack, crotch, pits, feet, in between toes, even if you have a hard time reaching it. Shower after the gym (you lift right?). Wear clean clothes every day. Don’t re-wear your favorite shirt again because whether you realize it or not, it smells.

Faggots- trim the nails on yours hands and feet. How would you like to get clawed in the vagina from some Neanderthal? If you do dirty jobs like fixing cars, wear gloves, or in the very least, clean the dirt out from your fingernails. If they won’t get clean, cut the dirty part of the nail off. Women notice that shit. Unless you play guitar in a kick ass band, or are some kind of renegade coke dealer, trim your nails regularly.

Use a Q-tip and clean out your ear wax- Yeah, really, every day. Cut your nose and ear hairs so nothing is sticking out. Get some really small scissors or an electric trimmer, don’t use the scissors from your desk at work.

Get a good haircut that fits your style. I shave my head but I’m told women like a man with a stylish haircut and trimmed facial hair. Trim your neck, back, chest, and pubic hair. Chicks don’t want to fuck a hairy sasquatch. I got this thing on Amazon for my back hairs because I can’t reach between my shoulder blades.

Use moisturizer for your face or anywhere that gets dry skin. You don’t want to have skin flecks or peels visible. I need it on my forehead especially. You may also use one that has a masculine scent. Use a good cologne as well, others have covered this in detail

Oral hygiene- this is my real area of expertise I believe in what works, not philosophy or bullshit ideas with no scientific basis. Do not use a “holistic” dentist that tells you fluoride is poison and silver fillings will kill you. They want your money by changing out all of your silver fillings that have lasted for years but are now somehow harmful. The fact is that drilling out silver fillings releases more mercury into your body than just leaving them in place ever will. And they won’t tell you that white fillings may have BPA, an actual cancer causing chemical.

Find a dentist that you trust has your best interests in mind, not someone just starting off, and not a dentist that performs every procedure under the sun (nobody does every kind of procedure well, that’s why they have specialists). There is no recognized specialty of dentistry called “cosmetic dentist” or “implant dentist”. People call themselves that but it just means they like doing those procedures, it doesn’t indicate more training or skills. Don’t let the hot girls working in the front office convince you to have treatment you don’t need. Get a second opinion if you want and be wary if the dentist gets pissed (the staff may be pissed but the dentist never should).

I’m not a fan of these big corporate dental offices with tons of doctors and many locations. The dentists are employees who don’t have to build and maintain a reputation in the community. They have lower prices because it’s made up in volume with more aggressive/invasive treatments than usually needed. Find a dentist that seems legit, doesn’t upsell, and has a good reputation in the community.

Don’t take your teeth for granted. I have many patients (men and women) that are very attractive until they talk and I can see how they are essentially crippled dentally. It is really sad. If you get fat, you can work out, lose weight, and get attractive again. If you lose a bunch of teeth, you will never be the same, it’s permanent. It’s a lost part of your body that doesn’t grow back. You only get one set of teeth. You can be attractive again but it takes a long time, costs a fortune, and is really hard. OYS and have good oral health.

Bad breath- comes from bacteria on the tongue that release sulfur or from foods/drinks that you ingest. Gum or mouthwash doesn't really help, you still have bad breath. The best ways to avoid this issue is to brush after every meal, use a tongue scraper daily, and don’t get cavities or gum disease. And avoid certain smelly foods. Personally, I avoid garlic and onions and some Asian/Thai sauces when I want to get close to my girl, but you do you.

Tooth decay (dental caries) is the most widespread chronic disease worldwide. Tooth decay and gum disease cause bad breath, tooth loss, and dental disfigurement. Unless you are a bad-ass hockey player, no hottie is going to want to fuck a dude with a jack-o-latern smile. I see patient's almost every day (men and women) who are losing teeth and require replacement by very uncomfortable and expensive means. Alot of this would be preventable if they just owned their shit.

Stop making excuses. The tartar on your teeth is not built up because you have bad genetics, or “my mouth just makes more tartar than other people”. You just don't brush and floss like you should, that’s it. You don't get cavities because of having soft teeth. There is no such thing as soft teeth. You get cavities because of what you put in your mouth and by not taking care of them. OYS

Cavities are caused by bacteria on the teeth. The bacteria eat carbohydrate, they doesn’t care what type. It can be complex carbs like bread, sucrose from sweets, fructose from fruit, corn syrup from soda. They eat it and secrete acid onto the teeth which dissolves them. When enough of your tooth is dissolved away by the acid, bingo, you have a cavity. So, acid is bad for the teeth. If you eat natural foods with carbohydrates like organic stuff, you will still get a cavity. I call it an organic cavity.

Any drink with bubbles is acidic, doesn’t matter if its soda, seltzer water, whatever, it’s acidic. Lemon water is acidic- you get the point. Plain old water or milk is better for your teeth.

The other variable that is very important is how much time the teeth are exposed to the acid. It’s like radioactivity, more time of exposure causes more damage. You eat/drink anything with carbohydrate and the teeth will be exposed to acid as long as it takes for you to eat/drink that item. But, if you brush your teeth after eating/drinking something, the acid exposure will be drastically shortened.

Another important factor is mouth dryness. People that have a dry mouth will have more risk of cavities. This can happen from many medications (antidepressants or blood pressure meds) or just age. I have seen this in myself as I get older.

What toothbrush do I get? It's not the toothbrush you have, it's how it's used. My advice is to use a soft bristled brush that is not too big. If your bristles splay and your toothbrush "wears out", you are brushing too hard.

Periodontal disease/gum disease- This is an infection of the gums that causes bleeding, soreness, and bad breath. When bacteria collect along the gumline, they cause inflammation that can lead to bone eroding from around the roots of the teeth. The end result is tooth loss.

It can run in families- if your parents had it, you are more likely to get it. Smoking and diabetes will make it 3-5 times more risk of disease. There is no cure but it can be managed with treatment (similar to other chronic diseases like diabetes). The best way to prevent periodontal disease is regular flossing, in addition to brushing and regular dental cleanings.

Crowded/misaligned teeth- So called “clear braces” like Invisilign or one of the others can help, but only to some extent. They can help with mild problems but you need traditional braces if your case is more involved. They probably won’t tell you that because they want you to sign up and collect your money. Have realistic expectations. Your teeth will go back to their original positions if you don’t wear your retainers.

Discolored teeth- Everybody wants white teeth. You can do whitening with the at home products but they only do so much. Keep in mind that existing white fillings and crowns won’t whiten, only your natural teeth. Your dentist can sell you a take home tray system with an acid gel that works pretty well. The trays you wear at home will have the biggest effectiveness. There could be some sensitivity afterwards.

Full disclosure: I am a dental professional but this advice in no way should be considered as creating a legal doctor/patient relationship. You must see a dentist for recommendations and treatment regarding your specific situation.

[–]rigidobscurity5 points6 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

Nice write up. One other thing I’ve personally had is bad breath from slight acid reflux. It’s not full on GERD but it’s enough to cause an odor that dental hygiene doesn’t fix. I found this out via an Ear Nose and Throat Dr (ENT). The fix is just a simple acid reducer.

[–]TurdDoctorHard Core Red[S] 2 points3 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Good addition, also tonsillar stones will cause bad breath.

[–]miserablesisyphus1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I also had GERD and I used to experience tonsillar stones pretty often--it pissed me off so much. Changing my diet pretty much got rid of both of these.

[–]simbarlionMRP APPROVED6 points7 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

How would you like to get clawed in the vagina from some Neanderthal?

Absolute Gold.

[–]aherrns0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Normally my vagina is kinda far from that. But I get your point.

[–]SBIIISAHDs are the epitome of sex4 points5 points  (7 children) | Copy Link

A few bits I'd like to add on skin hygeine...


Use moisturizer for your face or anywhere that gets dry skin

Better still, use an SPF moisturiser - I use SPF 35 even though it rains / is cloudy most of the time, but if you live in a sunny climate, up this to 50. Make this your daily - bare minimum - day cream.

If you are really pale - like I am - you might consider using a tinted SPF moisturiser. I'm not talking fake tan here - I'm talking about a moisturiser with a very light tint that gives you a touch of tan without making you look like an uranutang. My recommendation is BB Tinted Moisturiser by LAB Series. Use it sparingly.

Anti-Aging products

I've been using these since my early 30s. I'm 46 now and my skin looks better than pretty much any man I know of the same age despite decades of cigarette smoking. If you aren't using this shit now, start today. You might have great skin now, but in 20 years time, you'll look back and thank me.

My top tip anti-aging products are...


Apply a good serum each morning - the best quality one you can afford - before applying moisturiser. They deliver nutrients to the skin and help prevent wrinkles and dark spots.

Recommendation: DTRT Bright Idea. This stuff is the fucking shit of serums.

Eye Cream

Again, apply each morning before moisturising - vital for redcing wrinkles and crows feet. Apply again at night time after cleansing for a double whammy.

Reccomendation: Perricone MD


At the end of the day, clean your skin properly with a cleanser to get rid of dirt and grime and dead skin cells.

Reccomendation: LAB Series Face wash

Night Cream

Moisturise again after you cleanse your skin to keep it moisturised. This cream doesn't need to be an SPF unless you sleep outdoors in the sunshine, which is highly unlikely.

Again - get the best you can afford.. something nutrient dense. When you sleep, your skin recovers and regenerates - just as your body does when you sleep after lifting - so give it something that will nourish it while you sleep.

Recommendation: Brickell Night Cream

You might think that all this is a bit gay and that men look good with wrinkles. That's fine - and is, in part true - but when you hit 50 and your face starts looking like your ball sack bacause you were "too manly" to apply product, don't say I didn't warn you.

[–]RPeedEverything is GAY / Dreadful '195 points6 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Piggybacking a skin tip:

I used to get "blackheads" on my nose. Everyday. No amount of scrubbing used to remove them. Apparently it's genetic and there's a more correct term for it but lots of guys get it.

Anyway there was a Reddit LPT to change your pillow case every day (flip it over to half the washes needed) and your skin will improve. Use a clean towel if you don't have time to change the pillow case.

Fuck it works. Had clear skin ever since. Not just my nose pores but all over improvement.

[–]Westernhagen0 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

Any specific recommendations on anti-aging products for skin?

[–]SBIIISAHDs are the epitome of sex0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

All the ones I mentioned above. I've edited the post as it was a bit unclear.

Also found one that is perfect for MRPers.. it's called Alpha Beta

[–]Westernhagen0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

I needed to read more carefully. Hadn't had coffee yet. =)

Great info!

[–]threekindsofluckyGrinding0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

I've been rocking moisturizer, cleanser and anti-aging serum. Hadn't considered some of these other additions.

[–]egc6Grinding0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

Was hoping someone would mention skin care this week sometime. I've been shaving my head for about 6 years now. I've started to notice my skin is looking less than stellar this year. 6 years ago I would just use some aftershave and occasionally face lotion. I am not consistent with it.

I did a little research and saw some people recommending shea butter as a moisturizer for bald guys. It has the equivalent of 6-10 SPF that is natural as well. Only been using it for about 3 months now. Got any opinions on that as far as skin care? If it is lacking I'll switch to something else after this has run out. I tan naturally enough and rarely burn.

I just bought some DTRT based on your recommendation for the dark spots I'm starting to get and general care. My wife has some cleanser I should start using at the end of the day as well.

[–]SBIIISAHDs are the epitome of sex0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Never tried shea butter but my missus swears by it. If it works for you, then stick to it - a lot of natural products are as good as some of the branded products you can buy and better than a lot of a lot of products that contain Parabens, alcohol and other shit you don't want to be rubbing on your skin. I use coconut oil as a beard oil - I melt a batch of it and mix it with cedarwood oil, then let it solidify again. Coconut oil is a great natural moisturiser and cedarwood smells great.

Bee Bald moisturizer is decent if you fancy giving it a try - has a 30 SPF and is pretty cheap. I lean towards more expensive moisturiser for my face but a good cheap one for the head (I'm bald too) does the trick.

Be careful with the cleanser - if your wife has a similar skin type to you, you're OK, but you should choose a cleanser to suit your skin type - there are cleansers for oily skin, dry skin, sensitive skin, combination skin and normal skin and the ingredients are (supposed) to target each particular skin type, so if you have dry skin you shouldn't use an oily skin cleanser as it will dry it out even more.

[–]RPWolfUnplugging2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Is this the time where I rehash the ball shaving discussion from last year??

**cough** CREMO **cough**

[–]bogeyd6MRP MODERATOR1 point2 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Where do you stand on molars getting a root canal vs. extraction?

[–]TurdDoctorHard Core Red[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

There was some bogus "documentary" on Netflix (call Root Cause I think) about the supposed dangers of root canals. Netflix took it off because its basically a fringe idea with no real science behind it and stokes unfounded fears. It's dangerous because the gullible lay person doesn't have the knowledge to understand just how wrong it is.

To your question, it depends on the specific situation. I'm of the camp that you should go with the easiest solution to the problem that will hold up over time. Get a root canal if the tooth is otherwise healthy and will last. If the tooth is structurally compromised, cracked, or been through hell and back, cut your losses, extract, bone graft and implant (or not if it is a second molar and you won't miss the tooth)

[–]SuperCrazy070 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

What do you think of charcoal toothpaste? I saw some articles (ads) with glowing reviews and googled it.

Basically, a quick search said that iso long as you regularly brush with normal toothpaste (I.e. contains fluoride), go for it.

I bought a tube two weeks ago and have used it a few times along with normal brushing.

I can definitely notice my teeth are more lubricated due to the oil. But, I haven’t noticed an increase in whitening (primary selling point).

Am I not being patient enough or is this just advertising bullshit?

[–]TurdDoctorHard Core Red[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I don't know alot about it because its new and kind of "trendy" in social media. I'm skeptical and it concerns me putting this black colored stuff on your teeth, seems gross.

[–]jacksarmy0 points1 point  (6 children) | Copy Link

Cheap option for whitening is Crest strips, great reviews on Amazon and I thought they worked well

[–]TurdDoctorHard Core Red[S] 0 points1 point  (5 children) | Copy Link

I would agree but keep in mind that they are less effective on crowded teeth because of poor adaptation of the strips.

[–]hack3geMRP APPROVED0 points1 point  (4 children) | Copy Link

Can you buy the same gel you get from a dentist online? I heard you can but don’t know what it’s called.

[–]Cloudy_PirateDREAD Pirate Roberts1 point2 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

I’ve done both. Online is definitely cheaper, but the gel needs to be refrigerated to maintain its effectiveness. It’s effectiveness degrades at room temp. So you run a risk of buying degraded product if you buy it online. I definitely would not buy online in bulk.

That said, the most recent one I got through Amazon was fine. EDIT: Opalescence is the product name

[–]hack3geMRP APPROVED1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Yeah that is what it was called - I had read about that somewhere.

[–]TurdDoctorHard Core Red[S] 0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

I don't know the exact details because I do whitening, I do know that the gel is an acid, think it ranges from 15-25%, and it should be held in place by a custom made plastic tray that fits over the teeth, the tray keeps the acid off the gums so they don't get a chemical burn. That's why it's better to get if from your dentist. I don't know how it would work otherwise, but maybe there's something out there that I haven't seen. If you have trays from a prior treatment in a dental office, just use that with gel you buy elsewhere. But be careful how long you keep it on the teeth so you don't get sensitivity. Don't go to sleep with the tray in, that's too long, start with a couple hours for a week or two and adjust as needed.

[–]Cloudy_PirateDREAD Pirate Roberts0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Yes, you need custom made fitted trays from the dentist. Whitening is considered cosmetic so dental insurance doesn't cover it (at least mine didn't). I try to do at least 30 min, but 1-2 hours is better. I can't imagine leaving them in overnight.

As an aside, my saliva is very high in calcium. It naturally prevents cavities, but it tends to leave deposits on my teeth that build up around any food particulate on my teeth. These deposits are extremely hard and very difficult to clean off. I've found that the whitening gel does a great job of removing the tiniest bits of particulate so the calcium has nothing to stick to and my teeth stay much cleaner. The whitening is just a extra bonus.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Also , if you live in the states, buy a toothpaste from Canada (online) to get the brands with Novamin in them. Here's why.

[–]QuickMcRunfast0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

Who tf is billy corrigan

[–]TurdDoctorHard Core Red[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Ever hear of a band called Smashing Pumpkins? Song called Zero. Check it out.

[–]hidemyface1234Dreadful '190 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

More hygiene/grooming items, some beyond personal:

Deal with dry cracking feet - skin creme + vasoline and then put on socks. Use a pumice stone on them in the morning.

Throw out gross skid stained underwear

If you have a beard wash it and use something to make it soft

Have your barber cut off long eyebrows

Wear deodorant everyday

Clean gym clothes frequently, buy more if you don't do laundry often

Personally I shower twice a day, once after morning workout, once before going to bed

Deal with nail fungus (Google natural therapies, talk to your doctor)

Throw out all trashes often (women's super smell can't stand it)

Clean your bathroom often

I often tell obese people their first "exercise" program is to clean their whole house and organize their shit. The NEAT expenditure is likely to rival any weak "cardio" they can do at the gym and it will lower cortisol to have a clean environment

[–]TaipanshimshonMRP APPROVED0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

Whitening - what’s your opinion on the in office whitening systems out there?

[–]TurdDoctorHard Core Red[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

I don't do these, but my understanding is that the in office systems (Zoom, others) are done in 1-2 hours and can help. They use more aggressive so post-tx sensitivity is more likely, and I have heard that the effect can fade more quickly over time. I like the take home trays because you have more control over the treatment, use it longer or shorter depending on how the effects/side effects progress. You can also do a touch up later on if needed you just need the gel.

[–]SKRedPill0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

The tongue is by far the root cause of bad breath because of all the stuff that sticks to it. It needs to be cleaned out multiple times a day, especially after stuff like coffee, milk, dairy or anything that sticks. A clean tongue is pink, with no stains or crusts on it.

Get a good tongue cleaner or just use your toothbrush.

I'd also advise an extra dose of toothpaste just for the back teeth alone as they're more prone to cavities.

Also check out what tonsil stones are and pop them out. They usually come after throat infections.

Another reason for bad breath is that people are chronically dehydrated. We need to drink enough water to pee a few times a day and especially in the morning.

You can kill a man, but you can't kill an idea.

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