
~ archived since 2018 ~


[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

I like how everyone in the thread misses the entire point of what pk_athiest is saying...

If a woman picks up a book on nietzsche, reads it cover to cover then vomits up some quotes in a conversation, she is all of a sudden a fucking defacto genius because she took a small amount of time to discover some mainstream knowledge. Your average guy would have study 100x longer and harder to earn any badass genius points, just because men love having a reason to believe that some woman is intelligent.

Notice how all these guys pre-face their manstering with: "my girlfriend is [super smart because of x]..." and using whatever their gf told them as an excuse to continue fucking her and respecting her as an equal, it's almost as if they are going out of their way to believe someone is their equal. No man would ever go out of his way to find reasons that another man is his equal or superior in the realms of knowledge.

Smart guys that I know devour books and articles by the hundreds and base their information on whatever evidence they've discovered, they provide useful links and references even in spoken conversation.

"Smart" woman that I know use the old: "anyone who disagrees with me is a chauvinist" polically correct short cut to reaffirm whatever limited amount of information they've managed to discover.

And the beta males buy it because they desperately want to believe that women truly are equal... when they aren't.

Also I agree with pk_athiest, this isn't because women can't be as intelligent as men, it's because they're easily seen as equals while sliding by on 1/5th the effort a man has to put in.

[–]squarehouse 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

I'm sexist, chauvinist, but not misogynist.

I'd like to reclaim the term sexism. There can be benign sexism that tributes to the fact that there are fundamental differences between men and women deep down. Women aren't merely men with vaginas, the sexual differences go all the way down and up in a person, both physiologically and psychologically. As a speculative guess, a sort of abduction, the average in difference in height between men and women all across the world is about 8%. So I would premise the hypothesis that the differences between men and woman in total is about 8%. So men and women are about 92% the same. But that 8% is damn important.

I'm a chauvinist, I can't help it. Deep down, when I'm not fooling myself, I think men are better. But when I say this, I don't mean in the sense that I stereotype women as being lesser. I'll give women every chance, but when I learn that a woman isn't genuinely interested in the world around them, doesn't exhibit genuine curiosity, spends all her days thinking about material things, comparing and contrasting herself with other people, obsesses with fashion, crafts, and interior design, enjoys "recreational shopping" (something that shouldn't be a thing), I shamefully admit, I'm turned off. It's this shame that I'm struggling with.

But I don't hate women. I'm one of the few guys out there who is actually good for women: I lift them up, better their spirits, make them feel secure. I'm turned off by 50% of Heartiste's blog and 90% of Men's Rights because of where a lot of those men are coming from. It doesn't matter if we say similar things if they come from different places.

Women should be loved for what they are and not for what we need them to be. That's the primary lesson I get from The Red Pill.

When we say that women love assholes, we're not being judgmental and condescending towards women. We aren't being bitter about women. We are men who have already accepted this reality, we live in this reality. It's the process of taking the red pill that causes men to lurch backward most drastically, and they attack the messenger.

We're telling you that women aren't as "good" as you made them out to be, that they aren't these ideal creatures, these victimized creatures, that they complain about troubles that they've put on themselves. You've internalized the concept of patriarchy and by default perceive women as victims, as helpless creatures due to our societal structures. But when we explain to you the real power that women possess, the erotic capital of HB's, this strikes you as misogyny.

[–]johnnybigoode-1 points [recovered] (7 children) | Copy Link

I'll say it again, the red pill is about stereotypes.

The reality is this: Ask any 18 year old girl something about science, ask her what she thinks about philosophy. Get in a conversation about politics. You probably won't get much. Now here's the thing- your response will be telling here. "Well she's an 18 year old girl, what do you expect?" That's basically it. Because she's a girl, and she's young, we don't expect much of anything, do we?

Half the girls of my graduating class managed to get into really good universities here in Brazil - for the 14 girls, 7 went to get engineering majors, 4 went to psychology and the rest were geography and biology if I'm not mistaken.

My response is that 18 year is stupid. And that should be the argument.

But here's my honest question:

The problem with society forcing boys to have that kind of knowledge and for girls being study is patriarchy, the problem with some feminists is that they think the patriarchy can be resumed by 'white male straight penis oppression', and my problem with the red pill is that most users seem to simply generalize everything, make the world binary gender and talk all about Alpha like Brucie from GTA4.

I honestly think that everything people are trying to do with the RedPill is to rationalize conforming to patriarchy.

[–]pk_atheist0 points [recovered] (6 children) | Copy Link

First of all, you'll have to understand that, yes, red pill, as with all social studies, are work in generalizations.

I think Rollo says it better than I in his post:

generalization: reasoning from detailed facts to general principles


Like it or not generalizations are useful and we use them all the time to see the forest for the trees. It’s not isolated abnormalities in a system that we use to describe the circumstances of that system, it’s the whole. We study majorities to assess overall condition, not isolations. That’s the scientific definition of generalities, but when they refer to things that are close to us we tend to put ourselves into the generalization and cop the “not-in-my-case” menality. We’d like to think that our experiences are unique and special (and they are, to us), but in the generality we’re simply statistics. So the word ‘Generalize’ gets a negative connotation and the person using it is vilified, because it’s an afront to our “special” conditions.

Now I quote from your post:

society forcing boys to have that kind of knowledge and for girls being study is patriarchy

The reason I disagree with this is because it takes the wrong view of evolution. Yes, evolution. Consider the sexual marketplace as a free market. No external forces. Just people deciding who they want to have sex with.

Now consider for a second the facet that in our culture (which is a description of our interactions) men are considered losers and will not be prized with a wife if he does not have a career and income.

Whether or not men like it, having a good job is critical in the sexual marketplace. So men get jobs. In fact, men enjoy doing jobs. Men like success. They're programmed to like success, because they're rewarded for it. They're rewarded by women. Women like men who are successful because they can provide for the kids. It's a cycle of reward, and I'm not blaming either sex- in fact I'm not blaming. I'm describing the system as it stands.

There is no patriarchy. There is a sexual marketplace which rewards women for being sexy, and men for being successful. Women aren't forced to do what they do- they choose their lifestyle. If I was told I didn't need to work ever again, why would I? After I bought a dishwasher, I stopped handwashing dishes. After getting a successful husband, you can have kids and not worry about money.

Now of course, there's a limited supply of highly successful men, but all it takes to snag one is being very attractive as a female. Which is funny because.. it's women who I find are unattractive who are far better versed at conversation and are more intellectual. There's a reason most comic book nerd girls aren't usually "attractive" in the mainstream sense. It's because hobbies are what somebody develops to enter a niche or increase one's worth in the sexual marketplace.

[–]NorseGod 1 point2 points  (5 children) | Copy Link

You say this is based on generalizations: women are stupid, vapid, money-grubbing, etc. My problem is that this sub simplifies things too much. It takes those generalizations and turns it into "treat all women as if they are that stereotype". I have a wonderful partner right now who has very little resemblance to your "this is what a woman is like".

How is this sub helpful if there is no flexibility beyond the broad and over-simplified generalizations? I mean, to look at the way guys talk in here, I wouldn't blame women to just use men for their money. You have no problem blatantly stating that you only use women for their bodies and sex. What a dispassionate, almost sociopathic view of life.

[–]squarehouse -2 points-1 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

My problem is that this sub simplifies things too much.

Sometimes we're just not the best communicators. We link to Rollo's blog, for instance, because he communicates things better that we can.

For instance, women aren't gold diggers, they are hypergamous. But since "hypergamy" isn't a word that most people know, we try to explain it more simply. But then when we try to explain these concepts more simply, we get the accusation "this sub simplifies things too much."

Lot's of women have a great deal of intelligence, but because of their emotions and their social role, they find a self-imposed stupidity as more advantageous than a self-developed intellect. They also lack passion for the many things that their intelligence could be exerted on, and so that ability is wasted. But you'll see the difference when a woman starts making hypergamous calculations, she becomes a genius.

How is this sub helpful if there is no flexibility beyond the broad and over-simplified generalizations?

Sure there is. Again, if we belabor to explain the point, most guys will just skip what we're writing. Read the blogs for more depth if you want to. Contribute yourself.

[–]NorseGod 2 points3 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

I explained my experience with some awesome women as a counterpoint and got downvoted. Makes it hard to get excited to contribute. I'd rather pick and choose the good stuff from seddit than end up fighting here.

[–]squarehouse -3 points-2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I just looked at your user history, I don't see any negative scores currently. Generally, don't complain about downvotes on reddit. We all get them from time to time.

[–][deleted]  (1 child) | Copy Link

[permanently deleted]

[–]squarehouse -1 points0 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

All women? Most women? Which women? Based on what data? Your experiences? Your girlfriends?

Those questions sound rhetorical. Why even bother if you don't even care about the answers.

This sub is for beta men to whine to each other about how certain women in their lives exploited their beta personalities. Big shit. You think you're a psychologist? You're a misogynistic whimp.

Strange. Your post sounds more like whining than anything I've written. If this is your attitude, just leave.

You can kill a man, but you can't kill an idea.

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