
~ archived since 2018 ~


In this post, many commented that the traditional gender role is awesome for women, because women don't have to work. (which is kind of a myth. Many women did work but they still had little to no control over the finances. But anyway.)

Do TRPillers not understand the problems that come with economic dependence and submission or do they just pretend not to understand? Do you not understand how this kind of economic dependence leaves women vulnerable to manipulation and abuse? Do you not understand how women were expected to obey the male authority, even in cases where the man was totally incompetent? Are we just going to pretend that economic dependence is some awesome thing that everyone should strive for?

Oh and btw, no, male and female sexuality were obviously not restricted to the same degree. It was much more acceptable for males to sleep around.

Also, because some of the commenters didn't get it. When I talk about traditionalism, I do not mean modern SAHMs, I am referring to a specific set of societal expectations that many Red Pillers evidently support. If you don't understand the difference between a choice and a societal expectation/obligation, then that's your own problem.

[–]NockerJoeKing Hater12 points13 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

There's a difference between not knowing and not caring. Economic dependence serves their needs right up until the divorce and if they can secure a prenup and take precautions, it can serve their needs even through then. Dependence can have it's benefits but the thrust of the argument isn't and shouldn't be that it's better for you. It's better for the guy making the argument than the alternative and he just needs someone to play along. If you want to be independent you can. If he can get someone willing to take that deal that's on him and her.

[–]Willow-girlProud 2 B an American farmer4 points5 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

If you want to be independent you can. If he can get someone willing to take that deal that's on him and her.

But it becomes all of our problem when he leaves her penniless and without the ability to support the children.

[–]FlyingResearcher4 points5 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

If we had fair child custody laws and social norms that treated men equally to women, then I don't think this would be a problem. If a man can work full time and take care of a family, then so can a woman. Especially if we're talking about 50/50 custody.

The reason we support women and their children is because they're too lazy to do that themselves. And instead of telling them to "woman up", we encourage and accept this kind of toxic behavior from women.

[–]GayLubeOilTrue Red Pill9 points10 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Here's a woman who would rather be economically controlled by an uncaring boss than submit to a man and have a family. From a strict Marxist perspective we have a prole who enjoys submission to the bourgeois and wants to be alienated from the other sex.

[–]sadomasochristnAWALT = Not red pilled8 points9 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

This is mostly a concern to women who make awful wives.

[–]HennythepainawayI don't even like Henny51 points52 points  (49 children) | Copy Link

You keep going on about neoreactionaries. I never learned how to read so can you explain your long buzzwords.

As for your question, most people work shitty jobs. Say your husband isn't a shit bag who abuses you both physically and financially (which you think is the majority for some reason), would you rather work 40 hours a week at a shitty job or be at home watching jerry springer or outside doing whatever SAHMs do. My mother was a SAHM so don't give that cooking and cleaning takes all day shit. She was also able to take longer vacations visiting families while my father couldn't take as much time off from his business. She does do some part time work now since her kids are older, but honestly she sometimes takes weeks off at a time because she feels like it. She won the godamn lottery from going from a successful father to a successful husband. If you told her times up, go work 40 hours a week, I honestly think that would break her.

Do you not understand how this kind of economic dependence leaves women vulnerable to manipulation and abuse?

Yeah some people have it rough. Vet your partners better

Do you not understand how women were expected to obey the male authority, even in cases where the man was totally incompetent?

The stronger person except for the last 100 or so years usually always had the authority. Color me shocked. They have DV laws now for that that get enforced pretty regularly.

Are we just going to pretend that economic dependence is some awesome thing that everyone should strive for?

If you won the lottery, would you be complaining that the you depended on millions of suckers for your new found wealth? For many people, if they didn't have to work so much, they wouldn't. You're acting like working for most people is a great experience.

You post here a bunch but only really in topics you start. Your worldviews are so strange and doom and gloom. I'm not pretending that the world is all sunshine and rainbows, but I feel like if I went on the subway with you, you would start giving me murder statistics for people who ride on them.

Let me ask you something. How do you feel about women who want to be SAHMs? The only people who hate on them are Feminists. No one else has a problem with them.

[–][deleted] 16 points17 points  (26 children) | Copy Link

A lot of people hate on SAHMs these days, not just feminists. Most men these days aren’t even willing or wanting their gf/wife to be SAHM for a number of reasons.

[–]MakeMoneyNotWar11 points12 points  (5 children) | Copy Link

There was a time when SAHM was a lot of work. Before modern appliances when you had to wash clothes by hand, clean the house with a mop and bucket, raise 7-10 kids, cook over a fire pit, and in a lot of cases help the men work in the fields. But all that is over. With modern technology, washer and dryer, oven/microwave, a car, and 3 kids instead of 10 (and even then it's only for the first 5 years until the kids go to school), it's not the grind it used to be. The amount of work a SAHM has to do now has so drastically gone down that tons of SAHMs spend their days lounging in front of daytime TV or going to yoga class. So from the perspective of the person working the daily grind, it's no longer fair.

[–]machimusMahogany Pill-1 points0 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

What do you do for work?

[–]MakeMoneyNotWar5 points6 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I'm a financial analyst.

[–][deleted] -1 points0 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

You're partly right honestly. It's true that SAHM definitely used to be harder, far more of a full time or even more job depending on household size (I say 'more' than full time because previously, you would HAVE to enlist the older children to take on chores and part of the childcare as well, such that it was more like a 1.5 person full time job). However these days it can be at a similar amount of work depending on what it is you do. The 'baseline' of having a running household is much easier to achieve, yes, but there's also a lot of 'extra' work that varies in necessity. For instance, I know a stay at home dad who does all of that but additionally takes care of all of the finances with active investing, scheduling socializing, taking care of kids, cooking, and working on improving their home, which is itself basically a full time job complete with a lot of manual labor. The difference is he 'can' do it because he enjoys it, however, he's certainly putting more than 60 hours a week into what he does, there are no weekends, and probably more effort by far than I put into my 40 hour work week.

So from my perspective it sort of depends on your partner, I think the wife in that situation almost has it 'easy' because she gets to go from the job she enjoys to a perfectly running household, yet the husband gets to do exactly what he enjoys so in that sense he has it 'easy', wouldn't you agree? Essentially I think the last sentence you have is the important thing. From the perspective of the person working the daily grind, they should believe they have it easy, and from the perspective of the stay at home parent, they should believe they have it easy. If it's NOT a win/win situation then it breeds resentment, anger, and failure. I know I'm more like the wife in the anecdote, I just hate household chores too much and I'm lazy at home, if I had to be the stay at home parent my partner would hate me. I vastly prefer going to my 9-5, doing some coding, attending some meetings, redditing on the job, and getting to relax the rest of the time. So to me, having a stay at home partner who was really good at it would be ideal. Of course, if I have one who is lazy (like me) and just does the bare minimum of cleaning, doesn't take personal pride in it, then that would suck. So. Yeah. "It depends on the relationship"

[–]duffmanhb18 points19 points  (18 children) | Copy Link

Because it pisses off a lot of men. In the past we put up with it for cultural reasons, and some privileges. Now the benefits of being a bread winner are completely gone, so why the hell should I go through the dredge of work and shitty labor, while she gets to chill at home pursuing whatever the hell she wants all day?

It builds a lot of resentment. In 2019, if you're a SAHM, life is good... OP makes it out to be women are with abusers and hate their lives... But most women aren't going to stay at home and trap themselves with an abuser.

Women usually can CHOOSE to work a low stress job or stay at home. To this day men still have to take the harder economic grind.... When a chick doesn't even at least try, it pisses off a lot of guys.

[–]machimusMahogany Pill10 points11 points  (16 children) | Copy Link

You ever stay at home with the kids all day? It's not chill, you're running all over the place and cooking and cleaning and engaging with them.

It may not be harder than working in a coal mine but it's at least as hard as an office job.

[–]duffmanhb11 points12 points  (11 children) | Copy Link

It’s fucking leagues better than going to work, being forced to grind out work, day after day, where taking too long a lunch gets you verbally lashed, office politics, and all the stupid shot that comes with most corporate office jobs.

I’d stay at home with the kids and be house husband in a god damn heart beat.

[–]darudeboysandstormSoup on the stove, bread rising, apple pie3 points4 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

Wow your job sounds miserable.

I like my work, its just fine.

[–]duffmanhb1 point2 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

My job is great. Unlike most Americans who hate their jobs, I can safely say I really like it. But ultimately it does come with stress, deadlines, leadership issues, pitfalls, and the fact I must be there at least 8 hours a day to keep the ship right. I much rather be with my kids and have the ability to blend in other things.

[–]darudeboysandstormSoup on the stove, bread rising, apple pie-1 points0 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I feel you, other than the 8 hours a day, I often spend more time than that, but I get to choose my hours so thats pretty cool and can do a lot from home.

No kids so that also helps.

[–][deleted] 2 points3 points  (7 children) | Copy Link

That’s only because you hate your job.

[–]Red__Blue14 points15 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

That’s only because you hate your kids.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

Nah, it's just a cop-out saying that being a SAHM is easier or "leagues better" for those that actually have good jobs that pay well.

[–]Red__Blue7 points8 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Nah, that’s ^ just a cop out.

[–]duffmanhb4 points5 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

I actually really like my job. It’s not like most Americans who have a job they don’t like. But even though I do like my job, I’d rather spend all day with my kids. In a heart beat.

[–][deleted] 9 points10 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

Sure, but being a SAHM/P isn't really about "spending all day with the kids". It's about chores, errands, and taking care of the household ON TOP of looking after the kids. You don't get paid, you get no respect, and probably very little appreciation because your SO is exhausted when they come home from work themselves. I'm not saying it's necessarily worse than a job but it's certainly not the "leisure day" that men here are claiming.

[–]sleuthoftradesPurple Pill Man0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

A large portion of women, at least the women I know, who left work to become a SAHM liked it more than working. My mom was like that. I'm not some blue collar McDonald's worker either, high salaried professional.

These days women want men to do chores, etc too.

[–]EyriskyltNeutral Bisexual0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Two friends of mine took their year's 14 days leave all at once (at different times of the year) to attempt a swap, becoming a stay-at-home parent while their S/Os took a part-time job.

From what I heard, all four of them much preferred to stick around at home and "do chores while taking care of the kids" rather than head out and work.

Anecdotal evidence, I know, but this whole comment chain so far has been assertions with 0 backing up, so.

[–]cxj75% Redpill Core Ideas1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

There’s also no real standards for productivity or outcomes, and there’s no real way to be fired .

[–]ianiemasns1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

True but the flip side to that is that people actually love their kids and they don't love their bosses/coworkers.

I often hear people speak fondly of raising kids, not so much of their time in the office.

[–]Daffan0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

That's ok, because kids grow up eventually and you don't have to deal. Also if you make them nap in the day than you can make the husband deal with them at night time while you watch Everybody Loves Raymond reruns at 3pm.

[–]HennythepainawayI don't even like Henny0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

It’s 3-4 years before kids hit pre school. You’re acting like it’s a lifetime grind and spending time with your children is awful.

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I can understand that perspective, there isn’t really that trade off that each sex used to have

[–]machimusMahogany Pill2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Most men these days aren’t even willing or wanting their gf/wife to be SAHM for a number of reasons.

Not least of all that life is really expensive, most people are underemployed, and you need that second source of income.

[–]AggravatingTartlet2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

The only people who hate on them are Feminists.

Feminists find SAHPs a viable life path if women or men choose it.

I've seen the red pill call them parasites.

[–]tickledpic6 points7 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Yeah some people have it rough. Vet your partners better

Doesn't she need money for food and life to do so? How is she supposed to get that money if she is supposed to take a man take care of finances? How is she supposed to put herself in better circles if she has no finances to access them?

She either has to work or take the first loser dude who hits on her. Or maybe trick dudes into paying her some chump-change so she could afford to put herself in better social circles.

If she chooses to work and finds her passion, is she supposed to sacrifice it in order to appease some loser mans (different type of loser) ego of being the sole breadwinner?

[–][deleted] 6 points7 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

The OP never read the PPD or TRP glossary, and keeps misdescribing things. Heck I doubt she ever read anything that was not politically charged. Keep the good fight, many of us are tired of explaining reality to her. That behavior of complete madness, not some youtubers, that move people to the extreme reactionary side. And I can only say it is ironic. And somehow Iconic.

[–][deleted]No Pill[S] -1 points0 points  (16 children) | Copy Link

You keep going on about neoreactionaries. I never learned how to read so can you explain your long buzzwords.

Neoreactionaries are people who oppose the values of the Enlightenment and support a system of paternalism and authoritarianism. It was been proven that there are strong ties between TRP and neoreactionaryism.

Let me ask you something. How do you feel about women who want to be SAHMs? The only people who hate on them are Feminists. No one else has a problem with them.

I don't care about SAHMs. Being a SAHM doesn't mean you're a traditionalist.

[–]verdantsound9 points10 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

not that i’m disagreeing, but proven where? Was there a rigorous study performed ?

[–]HennythepainawayI don't even like Henny7 points8 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

the values of the Enlightenment

I feel like you're not talking about Buddhism. What are the values of enlightenment? < I really want this one answered. If it's a cult, how much is membership?

2nd question:

How do you feel about women who want to be a traditionalist SAHM?

[–]YetAnotherCommenterPurple Pill Man, Sexual Economics Theory8 points9 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I feel like you're not talking about Buddhism. What are the values of enlightenment? I really want this one answered. If it's a cult, how much is membership?

The values of the Enlightenment are:

Reason (both empirical and deductive), the scientific method, naturalism, individualism (both methodological and moral... seeing society as a collection of individuals who act purposefully, and seeing the ultimate end of politics as the maximization of the flourishing and happiness of those individuals), liberalism (of the small-L, Declaration-Of-Independence variety), the rule of law, secularism, tolerance and pluralism, and a basic egalitarianism (i.e. the idea we all have an innate human dignity and an innate, equal set of rights).

[–][deleted]No Pill[S] -3 points-2 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

How do you feel about women who want to be a traditionalist SAHM?

I don't care about them. You miss the point, read the OP again.

I feel like you're not talking about Buddhism. What are the values of enlightenment? < I really want this one answered. If it's a cult, how much is membership?

No offense, but have you really never heard of the Enlightenment? Anyway, what I mean is that neoreactionaries oppose liberalism. (in the sense that they oppose democracy, equality etc.)

[–]HennythepainawayI don't even like Henny6 points7 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

No offense, but have you really never heard of the Enlightenment? Anyway, what I mean is that neoreactionaries oppose liberalism. (in the sense that they oppose democracy, equality etc.)

Lol the way you phrased it initially made it sound like were shilling some new age ideas. I thought your next line was gonna be lets drop some acid and live in harmony.

And equating the political ideas of the Enlightenment strictly to liberalism is so wrong. True conservatism (not the bastardization that has been going on for the last generation) shares plenty with the Enlightenment. Like honestly how do make the leap that the Enlightment strictly equals liberalism. Also, the way you phrased it, you made it sound like the Enlightment opposed paternalism [deleted] I'll say it again. You have such a peculiar train of thought, you live in your own reality.


I don't care about them. You miss the point, read the OP again.

You do care about them, because if they didn't exist, your OP would never have been made. You're talking about economic dependence and saying now that you choose to ignore the group that it most applies to. Maybe you should reread your post.

[–][deleted]No Pill[S] 3 points4 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

And equating the political ideas of the Enlightenment strictly to liberalism is so wrong. True conservatism (not the bastardization that has been going on for the last generation) shares plenty with the Enlightenment.

When I say liberalism, I don't mean what the Americans call liberalism. TRPillers are not conservatives, they're neoreactionaries. It's not my job to explain politics to you. Go read it yourself.

[–]the-lone-squidNot the edible squid8 points9 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Did you learn that this week in your gender studies class?😂😂😂

[–]FlyingResearcher3 points4 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

I don't care about SAHMs. Being a SAHM doesn't mean you're a traditionalist.

If you don't care about them then why are you talking about them so much?

I think you'll find that most men understand that being a SAHM has some give and take to it. Most men just understand that it is a much better deal than the alternative, which is something that you refuse to discuss or acknowledge.

Also your other thread has a bunch of unanswered comments from people, myself included. I know you got a lot of responses but you strait up just stopped talking to anybody after about 2 hours of posting your thread.

Instead of starting this one you could have gone back and responded to a few more people in your other thread...

[–][deleted]No Pill[S] 0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

This is not about SAHMs. Read the OP again.

[–]FlyingResearcher3 points4 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Try reading my post again, and maybe try responding to it. I think you're doing a lot of posters a disservice here.

[–]LeJacquelopeHaving a son is child abuse-1 points0 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

Neoreactionaries are people who oppose the values of the Enlightenment and support a system of paternalism and authoritarianism. It was been proven that there are strong ties between TRP and neoreactionaryism.

Strong ties? LOL there's absolutely zero sunlight between these two groups! Their Venn diagram is a perfect circle!

[–]ObeyTheCowGod3 points4 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

I haven't heard a neoreactionary thinker say you should lift to be swole and slay bitches, so I think their is some separation.

[–]ffbtaw2-1 points0 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

Bronze age pervert

[–]ObeyTheCowGod0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

Who is?

[–]ffbtaw20 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

He wrote Bronze Age Mindset which Moldbug has been shilling for. He has a twitter account if you'd like a taste. Very much about the swoleness.

[–]guy_24601-1 points0 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

You cant avoid this by vetting your partners better, because the problem isn't with the partner.

[–]Barely-moralMostly red though13 points14 points  (20 children) | Copy Link

I see the problems. I see the disadvantages. I also see the benefits.

I just compare them with the situation that is being dependant on your work/career/job and knowing the fact that most people don't get to choose a job they enjoy... I actually think that being dependant on a person that loves you is better than being dependent on the market.

[–][deleted] 2 points3 points  (7 children) | Copy Link

There is no guarantee that they love you, I’d argue many people in traditional relationships did not end up in those relationships out of love. And nowadays I think this is still true; people get married all the time to people they don’t love. It because they want to start a family. If he doesn’t love her, or worse, is abusive, is it really so great to be dependent on him? He has less reason to treat her as an equal.

Even if he does love her what if there’s something wrong with him like he develops a chronic illness leaving him unable to work? Then she may have to take care of him and they will have to rely on her income, but she doesn’t have a career so what she makes isn’t actually going to support them.

Also, if you hate your job, that is on you because it’s not impossible to change jobs or even your career altogether. The important thing that makes being in that position more desirable is that you have the option to leave that job because you have your own money and can save it and spend it how you like. A woman with no income of her own in a traditional relationship doesn’t have equal control of the finances, so if she wants to get out of her situation she may not be able too if her husband doesn’t want her to. Even if she does work, she will probably make very little since she’s working part time and she’ll be spending it on her family, not preparing to support herself if she wants to leave.

You have to compare the worst-case scenarios of both situations, not the worst-case scenario of one to the best-case scenario of the other. And if you compare the best outcomes of both you will see that they are equal. You can have a satisfying marriage, but you can also have a satisfying working life. Your career can be just as meaningful as a successful marriage to your happiness depending on what you do (teaching, research, healthcare are all career fields with the potential for high reward and relatively low risk).

[–]Barely-moralMostly red though2 points3 points  (6 children) | Copy Link

if you hate your job, that is on you because it’s not impossible to change jobs or even your career altogether. The important thing that makes being in that position more desirable is that you have the option to leave that job because you have your own money and can save it and spend it how you like

There are a lot of assumptions here.

A woman with no income of her own in a traditional relationship doesn’t have equal control of the finances, so if she wants to get out of her situation she may not be able too

Alimony, child support, division of marital assets.

You have to compare the worst-case scenarios of both situations, not the worst-case scenario of one to the best-case scenario of the other.

Worst case scenario for both cases: Starvation.

Best case scenario for being dependent on the market: You work and you avoid starvation.

Best case scenario for being dependent on a person: You don't work and you avoid starvation.

Being dependent on a person wins.

[–][deleted] 2 points3 points  (5 children) | Copy Link

I’d argue that it’s more nuanced than that. What negative outcomes are the most likely in each situation? If you are economically independent, you get laid off, then you are unemployed for a while until you can get a job of your choosing. You still have the option to get a better job if you hate that job. Anyway, you may have to work a few more years until you retire, but overall you are better off. You can make up for the setback by getting a raise or changing jobs every couple of years.

If you are economically dependent, there are so many negative outcomes where you are not provided for compared to the other outcome. You starve and you are unable to rectify the situation. You can’t save for retirement or pay medical bills. It’s worse than starving; its debt. It’s impossible to get out of it in many situations.

There are other worst-case scenarios for a dependent person: being a victim of abuse, for example.

The difference is that you have power. The worst case scenarios for a dependent person are much worse than the worst case scenarios for an independent person.

And the best case scenarios you chose ignore the fact that not working is not the key to happiness, or even a positive. Many people retire and then become depressed and hate it. It depends on whether you like your job or not. Your analysis only works if you hate working and love staying at home.

Sure, not working sounds like fun. However that doesn’t mean it’s actually better than working. A lot of people don’t enjoy childcare like they think they would. Your life may feel purposeless. A lot of people aren’t fulfilled by staying at home, so just not working does not make it a better outcome than the alternative. There are tons of early feminist writers who talked about his phenomenon. I hope you don’t discount everything I’ve written because I’ve mentioned feminism.

Also, your analysis depends on how you define work. It can be argued that childcare and taking care of the house are working, or at least equivalent to working in terms of the effect on your happiness. After all, we pay people to do those things. You don’t necessarily have a lot of time for leisure if you have kids. Your time is spent, cooking, cleaning, taking care of the kids, and driving them around. If you don’t enjoy those activities then that is equivalent to work you don’t enjoy.

[–]Barely-moralMostly red though0 points1 point  (4 children) | Copy Link

If it all comes to the subjectivity and preferences of the people involved then of course there is no way to determine if being dependent or independent is better. It all comes to the individual.

For that reason I will not take into consideration the arguments that involve preferences. Of course if you enjoy your job then being independent is fine. Of course if you hate staying at home and taking care of your family being dependent will suck.

The question is where do you put your trust. Risks are everywhere.

You can trust the market, an non-thinking, non-feeling machine that cares about you only as a cog in the machine. Or you can trust a human that you of course took the time and effort to properly vet so you know how trustworthy that person is and how much that person loves you.

There is no independence, you can be dependent on the market or be dependent on a person of your choosing.

If you have the second option available to you I think it is the better option. Not by far, not for everyone. But I would rather trust in someone I vetted than in the whims of the market. The market does not care about me, the market just wants someone who does the job right. It is not the same in the other side.

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

Well it has to involve preference. Working vs not working is a very simplistic way of looking at it and doesn’t translate to the real world at all. After all, people do have preferences.

So you think nobody has any control over their financial decisions? How is being “dependent on the market” by having your own job equal in the amount of power you have to being dependent on another person who provides for you? It’s obviously not equal if you’re not both earning money.

It’s not about trusting the market. Everyone is dependent on the market whether or not they choose to be. If your spouse is dependent on the market, then you are also indirectly dependent on it. The difference is you have to trust the judgment of another person as better than your own judgment, assuming his is the kind of traditional relationship where the man has financial control. Just because that person loves you doesn’t mean they will make good financial decisions for both of you. And this ignores the part where people fall out of love and leave each other.

The person you vetted is just as susceptible to the whims of the market as you would be, if not more so depending on how cautious they are. A lot of people make bad financial decisions and blindly trusting someone is not smart in my book. Having a good character, being the kind of person you want to marry, does not necessarily predict how someone will handle finances.

[–]Barely-moralMostly red though0 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

Just because that person loves you doesn’t mean they will make good financial decisions for both of you. And this ignores the part where people fall out of love and leave each other.

You vet to reduce those risks to an acceptable level.

A lot of people make bad financial decisions and blindly trusting someone is not smart in my book. Having a good character, being the kind of person you want to marry, does not necessarily predict how someone will handle finances.

Vetting again.

Everyone is dependent on the market whether or not they choose to be. If your spouse is dependent on the market, then you are also indirectly dependent on it.

Yeah. And that "indirectly" matters a lot.

Again, the market does not care about you. You can't count on the market to have your best interest at heart. It is the opposite when you are dependent on a person that loves you.

The difference is you have to trust the judgment of another person as better than your own judgment

Again... vetting. You have your own judgment when you decide who is your partner. Your judgment comes into play in both situations.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

Yes but they’re not equivalent at all. If the market doesn’t “like” your husband, you’re just as screwed as before, when you were relying on yourself alone and the market didn’t “like” you. Really you’re better off in a dual-income relationship if you care about economic risk.

What you’re saying doesn’t make sense logically. Again, it doesn’t matter where the income comes from, either way the income is “dependent” on the market. You’re either relying on yourself or another person as the source of income, not the market or the other person. And who is better at looking after your interests than yourself? Do you think your husband is more capable than you of making financial decisions that benefit you? Then you probably have a self-esteem issue.

[–]Barely-moralMostly red though0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

who is better at looking after your interests than yourself?

Literally anyone that cares about me more than I care about myself.

Do you think your husband is more capable than you of making financial decisions that benefit you?

Oh I wish I was in that situation. I was born in the other side of the road. I am the male half of the equation. And of course I am more capable than miss moral when it comes to make financial decisions for her benefit.

[–]AnotherUserName106986 points7 points  (5 children) | Copy Link

that loves you

That’s the crux of the situation isn’t it? Unfortunately, it’s not infrequent that people get drunk on power and abuse it. I would NEVER advise a woman to be financially dependent on a man, you can never know what will happen. It’s far too easy for things to go awry.

[–]Barely-moralMostly red though5 points6 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

It is a high risk, high reward scenario. I don't recomend it to risk adverse people.

[–]largepaycheckaddict4 points5 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

Really? All a woman needs to do is come up with the evidence of abuse, contact a divorce lawyer and she has alimony and child support to pay the bills.

For the most part, Men don’t get this privilege. It’s very rare that a woman marries a man who earns less than her.

[–]Barely-moralMostly red though2 points3 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

I agree, divorce, alimony child support... all of that is good for women. But they still lose time and youth. And those are pretty much invaluable. It is still high risk for them. Even if men don't get those privileges.

[–]largepaycheckaddict1 point2 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Oh well everything comes with a price. Such is the tragedy of life. Woman loses her youth, man loses his youth and finances and is probably more prone to a heart attack.. It’s high risk for everyone. So should humans just stop reproducing and die out cause of that?

[–]Barely-moralMostly red though1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

It is on the individual human. I know I am not getting married and I am not having children just to avoid the risks involved.

[–]Willow-girlProud 2 B an American farmer3 points4 points  (5 children) | Copy Link

I actually think that being dependant on a person that loves you is better than being dependent on the market.

That's probably true but how often is it the case? A lot of women (like my mother) were dependent on men who didn't love them. My father treated my mother like a servant. I can't remember him ever saying one kind word to her. He went out drinking and whoring every weekend. He beat her when she objected. He beat me, too, although now that I'm older I see she was careful to keep me out of his way as best she could. She felt she had to take it because she was terrified of returning to the poverty she had grown up in. She had a miserable life and died young.

[–]ZodiacBrave98Open Hypergamy Triggers Me2 points3 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

My condolences to your mother and you. Aren't the laws and enforcement much better today though, that this is much less a concern?

[–]Willow-girlProud 2 B an American farmer2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

i think so. Hope so anyway!

[–]Barely-moralMostly red though1 point2 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

It is a high risk, high reward bet. Sometimes it doesn't pay.

[–]Willow-girlProud 2 B an American farmer2 points3 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

"Don't marry at 17, and get more than an eighth-grade education" is my best advice.

[–]Barely-moralMostly red though0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Sounds like good advice.

Some people want to avoid risks. I am one of those people.

Those people should avoid taking high risk, high reward bets.

[–]cassandrarose396 points7 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Women have to have a boss they are in submission too also.

Women also end up with men who can’t hold jobs, drink all the money away, gamble it away, or drug it away.

You act like there’s zero manipulation or control issues with women who are in marriages where both work.

The traditional model offers a lot of protection for women as opposed to the above situations.

We aren’t even talking about a high percentage of couples anyways. Most men aren’t bringing in enough to support a stay at home mom. The ones who are have to have a high degree of success, responsibility, and stability. Doesn’t exactly point to a bad deal?

[–]guy_246015 points6 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Yes imo.

Part of the issue is what people want quite often ends up being something they dont want. contradictions abound, or if you prefer extremes.

I'm not in doubt that a woman can pressure a man until he changes into a man a woman finds unattractive, all by increasing traits people would consider positive, because there are limits.

Does anyone really think a man wants a totally submissive woman? Unless thats your kink I'd say no. Equally no one really wants a totally docile man either. (note relevance to topic in connotation of adjective selection)

need is the factor that makes people vulnerable to abuse. I've pointed out the "niceguy" pattern exists where people who dont have many friends try to manipulate their way into friendships that end up being one way interactions.

A lonely guy and a girl that is struggling financially to keep a roof over her head is a disaster for each party.

I dont really care to squabble about who has it worse in that scenario, because it ends up being a pointless argument. The end up each trying to exploit a vulnerable party. Neither party truly likes the other, they just wants something the other can provide.

Its problematic though, because the same need that is corrosive is what facilitates the majority of relationships imo.

Avoiding that dependence is sound advice, but at the same time if feels likely to see people die alone. A conscious choice to avoid this is why I considered myself mgtow in the early 2000s long before I was aware of it or trp.

Consider how successful women complain about how few guys meet their standards, most recently not enough "economically attractive men"

Its well documented that women who have a good career still expect a man to earn more than she does. exceptions and anecdotes exist, but generally its the case though.

Lonely men are more than happy to bribe women for intimacy (of any kind) and so many women are happy to be on the receiving end of that.

See any discussion on who pays for dinner for a demonstration.

People want the positives and not the negatives of traditional roles.

[–]CMOAN_MAYNE3 points4 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

That’s why alimony and child support became a thing.

You can secure a SAHM’s (or dad’s) financial security through the legal process.

Obviously there are problems and no system is perfect. The trade off is getting to raise your kids instead of being forced into corporate slavery while someone else does.

People say “but it’s a choice to work”. Is it? Families have required dual incomes for a while now. Social pressure pushes women into the career life since society is so hostile towards SAHM’s.

And this is where I disagree with RP’ers - I don’t care which parent stays at home, but it should be economically viable for one of them to do so and it isn’t.

[–]ZodiacBrave98Open Hypergamy Triggers Me4 points5 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

The red pill issue is women want both the benefits of independence ( Her own job and money) and marriage (we share everything).

You can construct a fair version of 'marriage' using business law : defined contributions and shared profits, where the Corp (marriage) owns the assets (kids and shared moneys). Very contract centric (Jewish marriages are similar to this).

We don't have that. We have All-Or-Nothing. Women want 'Real Marriage'TM .

So Women want the 'All' and TRP Men want the 'Nothing'.

[–]AzihayyaWhite Knight, the Voice of Femnai4 points5 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

From what I've seen, most people espousing tradcon values don't care about women, or equality--they're obsessed with this idea that the West is in decline and that reproduction is too important to be left to individuals.

[–]DaphneDK42TEMC (Trans Exclusionary Male Chauvinist)6 points7 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Yes, you seem to misunderstand the argument. The argument isn't that women had it worse than they have it today, but that they didn't have it worse than their contemporary men had it. And it wasn't men (or THE PATRIARCHY) who made life miserable for the women. You talk about a time in the past which doesn't exist any more. Women were dependent on men, men were dependent on women, and everybody was a lot more dependent on their families. The kind of independent lifestyle which is possible today was not an option for the vast majority of people. Life for a lot of people sucked a lot more. Probably wasn't super great being a coal miner in 1920 either, or being shipped off to the trenches.

[–]crackrocksteady7buying gf2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Dont care

[–]eboy4hire3 points4 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

Shit, if you pay for my whole fucking life, and I just gotta do chores, abuse me all you want. lmao

[–][deleted]No Pill[S] 4 points5 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Sp I guess if your parents threw some food your way, you would be happy to depend on them your whole life?

[–]eboy4hire2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

My parents are different because I think they expect more out of me. I wouldn't want to burden them for that long. Assuming I had no feelings like that, I wouldn't mind being financially dependent on somebody. I wouldn't even describe the arrangement as financial dependence though. To me, it'd just be some people going to work for me so I don't have to so I can just chill around the house and do what I want to do.

[–]downvotesanimalsCertified not responsible for the oppression of women3 points4 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

If you really wanna go there, it can EASILY be argued that men are those now economically dependent and submissive. Why? Well despite the average man making more money than the average woman, women on average spend more of their partners' money than they do!

Globally (patriarchal societies included), women account for 64% of spending decisions. The number is higher in developed countries.

There's certainly a stronger word than 'economic submission' for this phenomenon, but that's another matter.

[–]Eastuss༼ つ ▀̿_▀̿ ༽つ21 points22 points  (55 children) | Copy Link

Do you not understand how this kind of economic dependence leaves women vulnerable to manipulation and abuse?

And when women are "economically independent", they are free to go get manipulated and abused by bosses and superiors instead, just like men since the ends of times. It's just the same thing, except now she has to do a man's work instead of a woman's work, which eventually will make enough women unhappy.

Do you not understand it's the same thing everywhere for everyone? Do you not understand how this kind of sexual dependence leaves men vulnerable to manipulation and abuse? Do you not understand how now men have to obey female authority, even in cases where the woman is totally incompetent? Do you not see how men had to deal with their incompetent wives before too?

Like, this is just one sided bullshit right here, just gtfo.

[–]rus9384Misanthrope16 points17 points  (16 children) | Copy Link

And when women are "economically independent", they are free to go get manipulated and abused by bosses and superiors instead, just like men since the ends of times.

It's easier to quit a job than to get divorced when no-fault divorce was not a thing.

[–]Eastuss༼ つ ▀̿_▀̿ ༽つ13 points14 points  (11 children) | Copy Link

I don't think it was ever easy for men to quit a job when they were providing 100% for their wife and kids.

[–]rus9384Misanthrope8 points9 points  (10 children) | Copy Link

If he could find another job, he could quit his currect job.

[–]duffmanhb6 points7 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

An unemployed man was the most shameful thing in the world. It was viewed as being a failure who can't support family. Wives would have to crawl back and live with her parents and shit. It was awful.

Men just put up with shit jobs, because it was far greater than dealing with the aftermath of leaving a job because they simply just didn't like it.

[–]rus9384Misanthrope1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

A man still had a possibility to search another job and change the job when he found it.

[–]FlyingResearcher3 points4 points  (7 children) | Copy Link

Tell me where these easy 20 hour a week jobs that pay a living wage are.

It's usually just one bad alternative vs another.

[–]rus9384Misanthrope0 points1 point  (6 children) | Copy Link

I am not talking about 20 hour a week jobs. He was talking about boss being an asshole and you always can change that job for another where a boss maybe is not an asshole.

[–]FlyingResearcher1 point2 points  (5 children) | Copy Link

The key word there is maybe.

And it's not like women don't also have this choice if they don't like their husband (although you'd think they would have figured that out before they got married).

[–]rus9384Misanthrope0 points1 point  (4 children) | Copy Link

The key word there is maybe.

Maybe is better than having no chance at all.

Today women have that choice, but we are not talking about now.

[–]FlyingResearcher1 point2 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

Men also had things worse back then than what we have now.

I didn't live back then so I can only offer speculation about who had it worse, but it honestly doesn't matter when things were shitty for everyone, men and women included.

In the modern world though there's really no competition though. Women have things better hands down and it's almost an exercise in denialism to claim otherwise.

[–]rus9384Misanthrope1 point2 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

But men's lives became better... for some reason.

So, women have it better, you are literally agreeing with the OP.

[–]largepaycheckaddict3 points4 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

Why would a woman get a divorce if there was no fault? She’s just bored? That’s like trading in a 2019 Mercedes Benz so you can go drive a 1991 Toyota Tercel with 300,000 miles around.

If it’s simply for freedom from her husband, then sorry you don’t get a prize for that. Freedom comes with a price-individual autonomy.

[–]rus9384Misanthrope1 point2 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

Why would a woman get a divorce if there was no fault?

The problem is it's hard to prove the husband is an asshole.

[–]largepaycheckaddict2 points3 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Is he an asshole though? Or are the women in a lot of these situations simply just delusional and behaving like spoiled children. Often times it seems like both parties are at fault and have a lot of growing up to do.

[–]rus9384Misanthrope1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Assholes still exist. Both parties are at fault but should we keep people who are wrong together?

[–]Tomatoccino8 points9 points  (18 children) | Copy Link

Workers can unionise; your wife can’t.

[–]Eastuss༼ つ ▀̿_▀̿ ༽つ10 points11 points  (10 children) | Copy Link

Workers couldn't unionise much before (and still can't when they're middle class, lmao). And wives are protected now.

[–]Tomatoccino2 points3 points  (9 children) | Copy Link

America’s anti union culture is their own fault.

What is your wife protected from that you want to expose her to? Your fist?

[–]Eastuss༼ つ ▀̿_▀̿ ༽つ5 points6 points  (8 children) | Copy Link

My wife is protected from poverty if we were to divorce while I was the only provider.

I'm French, low workers have unions, middle class are literal slaves. Earn too much to be considered needing help and to complain, earn too little to really be privileged and have power over the society, gets taxed like hell.

[–]Tomatoccino-1 points0 points  (7 children) | Copy Link

You don’t have clerical unions or service unions anymore? How is she protected from poverty? If you lose your job, her and your children lose your income, too. If you divorce her, she gets child support if and only if you pay it, and superannuation from your fund if she takes you to court. If you take your middle class job to a non EU country, she gets nothing.

[–]Eastuss༼ つ ▀̿_▀̿ ༽つ2 points3 points  (6 children) | Copy Link

How is she protected from poverty?

Marriage separation + eventual child support + social helps are here to protect her. She won't swim in money, but she's never getting homeless and underfed, no matter what I decide to do.

[–]Tomatoccino1 point2 points  (5 children) | Copy Link

Is social security enough to pay rent in France? It isn’t in England.

[–]Eastuss༼ つ ▀̿_▀̿ ༽つ1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

If the woman has no plan to work, clearly it won't be sufficient for long. But raising a kid on minimum wage is doable, my mother did that with me.

[–]alby3331 point2 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

We have housing benefit in England loads of families exist solely on benefits in the UK.

[–]Tomatoccino0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

In sink estates in the north, living on chips and can’t afford heating.

[–]FlyingResearcher0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

In the US you get welfare, food stamps, child support, free cellphones, and subsidized rent (where the government pays part / all of your rent).

Not sure if it's the same thing in France but don't underestimate the kind of life you can live with all this.

I also don't think it's necessary bad that we have some of these things, but that is beside the point.

Men make up the vast majority of chronically homeless, but women refuse to acknowledge this as a form of discrimination (against men) or privilege (for women).

I would gladly swap genders for the alternative if that were a realistic option.

[–]DandDsuckatwriting 1 points [recovered]  (2 children) | Copy Link

Workers can unionise; your wife can’t.

I'd argue feminism is in many ways exactly that.

[–]Tomatoccino1 point2 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

You’re welcome to argue that; but in your household, where is her union rep?

[–]FlyingResearcher2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

That's probably just the judge at the local courthouse that will give her most of the man's money, both at present, and long into the future.

[–]cxj75% Redpill Core Ideas1 point2 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

Oh my god the uphill bloodbath it took to unionize against hired thugs, mafias and literal mercenaries , this was not some simple thing or easy in any way

[–]Tomatoccino0 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

And then you threw away the hard work of your forefathers in the 1980s. Crazy.

[–]cxj75% Redpill Core Ideas0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

I was born in the 80s

[–]Tomatoccino0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Collective “you”. It’s like workers want to be screwed over these days.

[–]idhavetocharge2 points3 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

That sounds awful. How about women just opt out and not bother being wives? I would rather look for a new job than live as a mans unpaid house maid.

[–]Eastuss༼ つ ▀̿_▀̿ ༽つ1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

IDK elsewhere but in france you can verse a salary to your wife so that she pays taxes and has money on her own outside of the joint account, which is important in case of separation.

But "unpaid" is a big word to describe what was happening before.

[–][deleted]No Pill[S] 4 points5 points  (16 children) | Copy Link

Would you want to be a dependent child all your life just to not be exploited by your boss? Like, if your parents threw some food your way, you would be happy to depend on them your whole life?

I somehow doubt it. Stop being full of shit. You know very well, that economic dependence is awful most of the time.

[–]largepaycheckaddict3 points4 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

I think the problem here is that this is your perspective on the dynamic of marriage. A husband feeding his wife a few crumbs and saying “no more”. It rarely works that way. Why would a woman choose to marry a man who behaves like that? Most functioning marriages are much healthier than this and provide a quality of life that makes both parties better off than when they were single. That’s why they marry. The man provides a woman with a quality of life that was not attainable when she’s single. And the man in return has a wife to keep him company, provide children to carry on their lineage etc..

[–][deleted]No Pill[S] -1 points0 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Yea , bs. In the kind of society that TRPillers want, (where women mostly don't work and are completely dependent on men) it often works exactly as I describe.

[–]largepaycheckaddict4 points5 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Ok I guess women should go work in offices be dog mommies and the human race should just stop reproducing then. GG

Honestly you sound bitter over the fact that you haven’t met a good man. Maybe the reason for that is your bitterness.

[–]Eastuss༼ つ ▀̿_▀̿ ༽つ10 points11 points  (10 children) | Copy Link

Relationship between husband and wife isn't like the relationship between parents and kids. The wife always has some power because she runs the house and manage the expanses. Falling into a scenario where you're manipulated, abused, vulnerable, and powerless, also boils down to the woman's incompetency. It's the same for men who work, if they're incompetent they end up being slaves++.

You're the one full of shit.

[–][deleted]No Pill[S] 3 points4 points  (9 children) | Copy Link

Falling into a scenario where you're manipulated, abused, vulnerable, and powerless, also boils down to the woman's incompetency.

"It's women's fault if they get abused".

Relationship between husband and wife isn't like the relationship between parents and kids.

It's EXACTLY the same as long as you're economically dependent.

[–][deleted] 8 points9 points  (7 children) | Copy Link

"It's women's fault if they get abused".

It kind of is. I dated a verbally abusive woman. When she started getting physical, I ended it.

Since that relationship was my choice, I can't really ascribe responsibility to anybody else, can I?

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (6 children) | Copy Link

But people who end up in abusive relationships don’t necessarily see that their partner is becoming abusive until they are dependent on the abuser. Often times the abuser does not become abusive at all until then. Sometimes it’s because he develops a drinking problem and becomes violent with her. Other times it’s because he becomes drunk on power and realizes he can get away with more. A truly manipulative person is subtle and doesn’t fight you directly; you will not know you’re being manipulated especially if you haven’t dealt with someone like that before. Do you think most women who stay in abusive relationships nowadays got married to people who were abusing them?

[–][deleted] 2 points3 points  (5 children) | Copy Link

Well I suppose I shouldn't overgeneralize, there's a lot of different ways people find themselves victims. It's hard to blame a kid for getting abused by their parents (they have no choice, they're born into it) but if you're an adult walking open-eyed into a messy relationship with someone who's clearly a bad partner and prone to anger and violence, it's harder to justify.

[–][deleted] -1 points0 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

That’s exactly what I’m saying that you’re not getting, most of the time abusers don’t reveal their true selves until the person is dependent on them. It’s not obvious that they are prone to anger and violence. Also, there are a lot of ways people can be abusive that don’t involve physical violence at all. It’s not that simple. You are basically blaming victims. I’m guessing you’ve never interacted with a truly manipulative person, then.

[–][deleted] 2 points3 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

Well... parents, employers, friends, romantic partners, etc.

But who else can I blame but myself? It's not like anybody else is going to step up for me.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

That’s the thing though, if you are in a weak position you are subject to abuse. Right now, you’re not in a weak position and you are able to stand up for yourself. People who end up being abused are not always able to fight back. It’s totally different for a dependent spouse to be abused than it is for someone to try to manipulate you while they have very little power over you. To ignore that is to be a victim-blamer.

[–]largepaycheckaddict1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

It kind of is to a degree. I can empathize with women who grew up in abusive households who may not know any better than to date an abusive man, but ultimately it’s her responsibility to correct that- not live like a helpless perpetual victim.

Also like attracts like. Some people in abusive relationships are there because they are rotten people themselves unfortunately.

[–]realArthurFleck0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

I would be happy to mutually depend on someone I loved and sought lifelong spiritual union with, yes. Your materialist mentality is what has made the world so miserable.

[–][deleted] 2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

First of all we’re not talking about mutual dependence here. We’re talking strictly about when the woman is economically dependent on her spouse. The man may be dependent on her for other things like taking care of the house but those 2 things aren’t equal; if she stops doing those things he is not any worse off because he can do it himself or hire someone to do it for him. Whereas if the man stops providing for her, what happens to her?

What happens when he has a mid-life crisis and no longer loves you? In the past and within more conservative societies they would stay together. Nowadays people leave each other but the dependent person is in a much worse position.

Caring for your own future well-being by having your own assets and ensuring your own independence is smart, not materialist. You can still love all you want and have meaningful relationships, you are just so much better off in many possible outcomes. Having power over your situation is actually really important to happiness.

[–]YetAnotherCommenterPurple Pill Man, Sexual Economics Theory4 points5 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

I see that instead of trying to address individual arguments which are directed towards you in replies, you're making new posts. Okay, I can let that slide since you're getting lots of responses.

I'm neither a TRPer nor a Neoreactionary, however your points have the following problems:

In this post, many commented that the traditional gender role is awesome for women, because women don't have to work. (which is kind of a myth. Many women did work but they still had little to no control over the finances.)

Which indicates something I have emphasized in my reply to you. What traditionalism are you talking about here?

From what I see, most TRPers and the like define "traditionalism" in terms of early-to-mid-20th-century Anglosphere gender roles. Those of the generation immediately before the sexual revolution, and perhaps the generation before that, within the US, UK, Australia, New Zealand and Canada.

You, on the other hand, seem undecided about which "traditionalism" we're talking about. Some of your arguments about what "traditionalism" includes sound more like Saudi Arabian gender roles, or perhaps those of an hypothesized pre-modern tribe of hunter-gatherers, or those of early Pagan civilization, rather than those we're used to in the early-to-mid-century-modern West.

If you want to talk about "traditionalism," define a specific time and place, and perhaps outline the tenets of this traditionalism.

Do TRPillers not understand the problems that come with economic dependence and submission or do they just pretend not to understand?

I can't speak for them, but I think the issue is that being in the labor market isn't necessarily a ticket out of economic dependence or submission. Aren't you a progressive leftist? Surely you should know about the abuses of employees by employers.

For some women, especially intelligent ones with in-demand skills, housewifery is a pretty bad choice. But for a lot of women, the question isn't "slavery v. freedom" but rather "financial dependence upon spouse v. financial dependence upon employer." You can fairly argue the latter at least has the advantage of competition for one's labor and thus a wide variety of alternate employers with relatively low switching costs... but in a world of no-fault-divorces the same is arguably true of the former as well.

Oh and btw, no, male and female sexuality were obviously not restricted to the same degree. It was much more acceptable for males to sleep around.

What society are you talking about here, and in what time period? And did this vary by social class?

Because from what I can see, your statement only really makes sense regarding the traditional sexual moralities of most ancient civilizations, and in Islamic civilization.

Rome and Greece had monogamous marriage as an institution but there were workarounds to it, mostly available to higher-class individuals.

Western Christianity's primarily sexual morality was heterosexuality-within-the-bonds-of-holy-matrimony only, equally constraining to both men and women. Higher-class individuals had access to more workarounds/exceptions than lower-class individuals, but I don't see (for example) the Roman Catholic Church promoting promiscuity for men or believing in alternatives to heterosexual PIV within the bonds of monogamous marriage.

Not to mention, your argument that female sexuality was restricted more than male sexuality is completely untrue when the subject of homosexuality is brought up. Homophobia has historically been deployed much more against male homosexuality than female homosexuality. So-called "homophobia" is typically homomisandry.

When I talk about traditionalism, I do not mean modern SAHMs, I am referring to a specific set of societal expectations that many Red Pillers evidently support.

Well what do you mean by traditionalism, then?

What are the items within this set of expectations? Can you list these expectations? Could you perhaps give an example of cultures/times/places in which these specific expectations have been the normative ones?

[–][deleted]No Pill[S] 2 points3 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

You, on the other hand, seem undecided about which "traditionalism" we're talking about. Some of your arguments about what "traditionalism" includes sound more like Saudi Arabian gender roles, or perhaps those of an hypothesized pre-modern tribe of hunter-gatherers, or those of early Pagan civilization, rather than those we're used to in the early-to-mid-century-modern West.

No, what I describe fits the West perfectly. Do you really think there were no cases were women were exploited because of their submissive position?

Western Christianity's primarily sexual morality was heterosexuality-within-the-bonds-of-holy-matrimony only, equally constraining to both men and women. Higher-class individuals had access to more workarounds/exceptions than lower-class individuals, but I don't see (for example) the Roman Catholic Church promoting promiscuity for men or believing in alternatives to heterosexual PIV within the bonds of monogamous marriage.

In western societies, male promiscuity was definitely much more acceptable than female promiscuity, that's well-known and well-documented. I am not talking about Saudi Arabia or ancient Greece. I'm talking about the West. It's completely naive to think that in practice men and women were treated the same way.

What are the items within this set of expectations? Can you list these expectations? Could you perhaps give an example of cultures/times/places in which these specific expectations have been the normative ones?

That women should be obedient towards their husbands just because. Yes, that describes traditional western gender norms.

[–]YetAnotherCommenterPurple Pill Man, Sexual Economics Theory3 points4 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

No, what I describe fits the West perfectly. Do you really think there were no cases were women were exploited because of their submissive position?

I never said women were never exploited. But what you describe certainly doesn't perfectly apply to the West. Some of the norms you package into the concept of "traditionalism" seem to be contradictory of other norms packaged into the concept of "traditionalism" and some don't seem to be particularly relevant at all to modern Western civilization.

In western societies, male promiscuity was definitely much more acceptable than female promiscuity, that's well-known and well-documented.

By whom? According to what standards? During what time periods?

To the extent that male promiscuity was accepted more, part of that was due to the remnants of ancient Pagan ideas of sexuality, that had lingered on within our culture, but this is not consistent with Christian sexual morality, which is heavily influential upon our culture.

There is no single "traditionalism." Or at least it is fair to say that the praising of "studs" and the shaming of "sluts" is not an essential component of "traditionalism." The Roman Catholic Church shames both male and female promiscuity, so if RCC morality is a type of "traditionalism" that means the Promiscuity Double Standard is not an essential component of traditionalism.

It's completely naive to think that in practice men and women were treated the same way.

I never said men and women, as a whole, were treated the same way. I said that one of the institutions which defined traditional sexual morality believed that promiscuity was wrong irrespective of the sex which engaged in it.

That women should be obedient towards their husbands just because.

Is that the sole and essential characteristic of traditionalism? Or are there other components to it?

What would you is the minimum set of ideas necessary for a code of sexual morality/gender-related conduct to count as a kind of "traditionalism"?

[–]Whiteliesmatter12 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Depends on how far you go back. The farther back you go, the more humanity was subject to nature. Back then, given the constraints of biology and what childbirth/reading meant for a woman, husbandry was probably in women’s favor. As hospitals, breast pumpers, birth control, a declining birth rate, became a thing and machines started doing most of the heavy lifting and physical strength became less important in labor, it probably wasn’t in most women’s interest.

But dependence isn’t objectively bad, and it doesn’t always end up as an abusive dynamic. Not even usually. Most men in the husband role feel responsible, not privileged. And responsible weighs on you. It is a totally valid choice to choose dependence over responsibility. I do a job where I could work for myself, but I choose to trade some freedom for my work being responsible to pay me a base salary, which takes a ton of stress out of my life, but is worth the costs to me.

The three women closest to me in my life have tried working and tried being dependent. One is working a highly paid job now, one is working an average paid job and one is a SAHM. They all say they would prefer to be looked after than have to work. And I understand that. Working for The Man isn’t super fun either. And being an entrepreneur takes everything you have as the marketplace is generally ultra competitive. In most cases you need to run as fast as you can just to stay in the same place. Working for The Man is a role of dependency as well. Just on a different person. And in most cases with higher expectations and more conditionality.

In any case being in a dependent position is a double edged sword. On one hand if the husband is responsible and a good person, then it is a very privileged situation. If the husband is nasty then it is obviously better to be independent. Same situation as with work and the boss.

[–][deleted] 2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Do you not understand how this kind of economic dependence leaves women vulnerable to manipulation and abuse?

Of course it does. But first, you don't have to bother with dating red pillers. Secondly, women are free to pursue careers, but they have to suffer like the rest of us for having to work 40+ hours a week for shitty pay.

You can keep your job and that's fine. But until women can earn more than a man, be okay with supporting him and not let this destroy the marriage, it seems it's better for men to earn more.

You can press on the 'but he can manipulate her' button all you like. But men are the ones more likely to be manipulated so what did RP do? They refused to get married.

You are welcome to have a job and say no to marriage if you fear being manipulated that much. But it serves neither you nor the people who enjoy that dynamic to tell them they're taking a huge risk. You take a risk by driving to work everyday but that doesn't stop people from owning cars despite there being more motor vehicle accidents than women being manipulated by a higher earning man.

Most housewives are not married to an abusive asshole. They preferred being at home with the kids so they compromised (something most modern women are incapable of doing). You cannot be a good mom/wife/worker all at once because no woman can have it all, barring extremes. If you sleep better at night being married to your job, so be it. But no one's forcing women to marry anyone let alone be financially dependent on them.

Also, having a parent at home is not the worst thing for a child's development. Good luck convincing women not to take a lifestyle shift that privileges them even more...

[–]Esk1mOz4mb1kFormer Nice Chad2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

If you equate being RP to being a shitty old fashionned trad you got it wrong.

RP is about understanding differences between men and women. When used right RP is a powerful tool for men to adapt to the way society has changed. I'm personally glad women are now equal to men legally and socially, that's just fair.

Many shitty dudes have gone to TRP to whine because their traditional model is dying, they now have to work to be of value instead of having a system do that for them.

[–]AngelFire_3_14156Red Pill Princess2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

OP, you seem to be almost obsessed with finding fault with anything Red Pill, as if it's a threat to your very existence. Your view of Red Pill is unreasonably narrow, almost to the point of being ridiculous.

If you look for opportunities, then you will find opportunity,

If you try to find fault with anything, then you will find nothing but faults.

Just a little wisdom from Stoic Philosophy.

[–]Pontifex_Lucious-II7 points8 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

Most do. Do women realize economic responsibility for a family may lead to starvation?

[–]idhavetocharge7 points8 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I don't even understand what you are trying to say. Are you saying a man will starve if he has a stay at home wife? If so, why wouldn't she get a job?

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

This doesn’t make sense. You can easily prepare food nowadays and work at the same time. You don’t have to be in the kitchen all day long.

[–]abaxeron✴️Indian Programmer2 points3 points  (24 children) | Copy Link

Do TRPillers not understand the problems that come with economic dependence and submission or do they just pretend not to understand?

"You will have access to my resources on my terms and conditions" is not "dependence and submission"; it's common sense. Stay single, work for yourself, and bow to no-one - is a choice that those women had, but very few made.

Do you not understand how this kind of economic dependence leaves women vulnerable to manipulation and abuse?

"You will spend my resources under my supervision and with my consent" is not "manipulation and abuse".

Do you not understand how women were expected to obey the male authority, even in cases where the man was totally incompetent?

If between two of us, you are a better car driver, it does not mean that my car must automatically belong to you entirely. If it's mine, and for some weird reason you want to drive it, you will either drive it as I tell you to, or get out.

You're also leaving one crucial part of the picture: tradcon marriage implies that a man accepts a woman "with her circumstances". Which means that right after saying "I DO", he becomes responsible for all her accumulated debt, all her existing children, and all contracts she is currently binded by.

If you don't understand the difference between a choice and a societal expectation/obligation

YOU don't understand the difference between "expectation" and "obligation". Ban on forced marriages is one of the EARLIEST civil laws instituted in Europe.

Oh and btw, no, male and female sexuality were obviously not restricted to the same degree. It was much more acceptable for males to sleep around.

What evidence for that do we have?

[–][deleted]No Pill[S] 1 point2 points  (18 children) | Copy Link

Stay single, work for yourself, and bow to no-one - is a choice that those women had, but very few made.

Yea, because that's so easy. You realize that women had fewer opportunities back then, right? They wouldn't just trust women with any job. In general, most of the jobs for women were shitty and low-paying ones.

"You will have access to my resources on my terms and conditions" is not "dependence and submission"

Yes, it is. By definition, they were dependent and submissive. Many were also raised to believe they had no other choice.

YOU don't understand the difference between "expectation" and "obligation". Ban on forced marriages is one of the EARLIEST civil laws instituted in Europe.

What is "forced"? Is it only forced if you literally drag the wife to get married against her will? Is it not forced if the woman is raised and brainwashed to believe that she should be a certain way?

[–]abaxeron✴️Indian Programmer2 points3 points  (17 children) | Copy Link

You realize that women had fewer opportunities back then, right?

No. Unironically.

They wouldn't just trust women with any job.

Women are objectively not good with "any job". Being a natural-born frail weakling is a huge limitation; and back before women voted themselves and over-inflated government, demand for accountants and state clerks was miniscule. But, it's not my fault, it's none of my business, it doesn't mean that to make things fair, we need to artificially put me at disadvantage.

In general, most of the jobs for women were shitty and low-paying ones.

While most jobs for men were shitty, low-paying, and dangerous.

Yes, it is. By definition

So, you admit that by YOUR (mystical) definition, being INdependent means using other people's resources without their consent?!!!

Many were also raised to believe they had no other choice.

Even if true, not my problem; and if we implemented legal norms of traditional marriage back, bringing back "socialization" of 17th century would be impossible without destruction of the Internet.

What is "forced"?

"Forced" is "without consent".

Is it not forced if the woman is raised and brainwashed to believe that she should be a certain way?

By this broad definition, EVERYTHING is coercion and enforcement, even if you go to a grocery store and choose one dairy product over the other. IT DOES NOT MEAN that dairy industry marketologists all need to be imprisoned for rape and abuse of women. It means that your definition is insane.

Finally, apparently you read my prev. comment before I made a tiny edit:

Oh and btw, no, male and female sexuality were obviously not restricted to the same degree. It was much more acceptable for males to sleep around.

What evidence for that do we have? If you have any evidence for cheating patterns in pre-20th century era, I'll love to see it.

[–]Willow-girlProud 2 B an American farmer1 point2 points  (16 children) | Copy Link

. Being a natural-born frail weakling

You are joking right? I have worked grown men into the ground. I trained a 20-something man to do my last job when I was leaving; he quit during the training period saying the work was too rigorous for him.

[–]abaxeron✴️Indian Programmer1 point2 points  (15 children) | Copy Link

You are joking right?

I wish I was. This post is based on data from 2012, when a gym became as widespread part of a town as a church used to be 100-150 years ago. Whatever "socialization" and "gender expectations" factors might be at play here, they probably shrunk enormously.

I have worked grown men into the ground. I trained a 20-something man to do my last job when I was leaving; he quit during the training period saying the work was too rigorous for him.

.... Yeah, after talking to him and your boss, and seeing how both totally confirmed your story, I have no reason to... Oh wait, no, I did not talk to them, and since we're all anonymous here, there's nobody to confirm your story. I don't want to say "you're lying" because it implies malicious intent. But I have as much reason to believe you as to believe "field reports" posted on TRP, or elaborate ten-paragraph short novels posted in /r/relationships from throwaway accounts.

[–]Willow-girlProud 2 B an American farmer4 points5 points  (14 children) | Copy Link

That's fine; believe whatever you want. Women's strength is different from men's strength, though. We are set up to sustain a pregnancy and bear a child about every two years for a 25+ year reproductive window, and to nurse that child to weaning age after it's born. Consider what that requires of the human body. "Frail weaklings" need not apply.

[–]abaxeron✴️Indian Programmer0 points1 point  (13 children) | Copy Link

We are set up to sustain a pregnancy and bear a child about every two years for a 25+ year reproductive window

about every two years for a 25+ year reproductive window

Women's marital fertility historically (pre-1790) was 5.1 children per married woman in Scandinavia versus 6.8 children per married woman in Belgium; surprisingly, going by British numbers, fertility per married woman was higher among nobility than among commoners (probably, because nobility had house servants, including wet nurses). Your dirty napkin math gives fertility of 12.5 and more. I.e. your estimate is two times higher than known reality. I think it's safe to say that your estimate of how strong women are ... well, probably is too. Even generously going by highest known estimate of historical fertility rate, expanding to mid-19th century - we get Russia with estimated fertility of 7.08. Not 12.5 and more.

The "frail" part comes from a couple papers I read that analyzed women's proneness to bone fractures and other injuries under physically demanding conditions (even when compared to men adjusting for body size/weight differences); since I don't have it bookmarked currently, I didn't elaborate on it.

[–]Willow-girlProud 2 B an American farmer2 points3 points  (10 children) | Copy Link

Do some genealogy and a different picture emerges. You will see that huge numbers of children were quite common, even the norm, prior to 1900. "Averages" are deceiving because they factor in all the women who died in childbirth (or for other reasons) after only 1 or 2 kids. If a married woman survived into old age, she generally had a mind-boggling number of pregnancies along the way. Note: not all pregnancies result in a live birth. Also, the number also may have been constrained by men going off to war or other external factors. The only time my grandmother didn't have a baby every two years just like clockwork was the time granddaddy was in prison, lol.

[–]abaxeron✴️Indian Programmer0 points1 point  (9 children) | Copy Link

Do some genealogy and a different picture emerges.

I did; my grandparents had between 2 and 7 siblings. None had 11 or more. Despite all of them living to the East from Hajnal line.

"Averages" are deceiving because they factor in all the women who died in childbirth

~1% per childbirth; with very dense concentration around the first birth. Anecdotes are even more deceiving.

Note: not all pregnancies result in a live birth.

Spontaneous abortions of 3-week-old fetuses quite often happen without the woman even noticing it. Classifying them as "burdens" is dishonest. Stillbirth rates in Europe were somewhere between 2.5 and 5%. Spontaneous abortions on late stages of pregnancy are very statistically unlikely (unless someone forces the pregnant woman to do heavy lifting and/or jumping... which is an insane thing even by historical standards).

[–]Willow-girlProud 2 B an American farmer1 point2 points  (8 children) | Copy Link

I did; my grandparents had between 2 and 7 siblings.

I don't know how old you are but you really have to go back to pre-1900 (around the advent of modern birth control) to get a clear picture. BC obviously changed everything, lol.

An interesting anecdote: my GGM married at 16 and had 6 children by age 26 ... and no more for the rest of her long life, although there is no family record of her having been ill. By all accounts, she was a hale and hearty farm woman! Her fecundity came to an end right around the time contraceptive information and devices started becoming available (~1915) and (perhaps not coincidentally) the family ceased practicing Roman Catholicism around the same time. Now I wonder, were my GGPs early adopters of birth control?! All of the old people in the family are gone now so there's no one to ask, but I strongly suspect they were.

[–]Willow-girlProud 2 B an American farmer1 point2 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Oh, regarding the bone fractures: did you know that if a woman isn't getting enough dietary calcium during pregnancy, the fetus will actually leach calcium from her bones, leading to a loss of bone density? It's speculated that this may be one reason why women are more prone to osteoporosis.

[–]abaxeron✴️Indian Programmer0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Yes, I've heard that; in my Eastern European wastelands, it's recommended to get all your teeth fixed before getting pregnant (otherwise, it's believed, even tiny cavities can easily cause insane complications). Putting aside that it does characterize a fetus as an autonomous being rather than the one that a woman's body "magically constructs" inside herself (i'm mocking the duality of radfems who in the next breath will call a fetus "parasite"), good thing we're living in the times when all kinds of food are cheap!

I unfort. don't have a breakdown (pardon the pun) of fracture rates among women who gave birth and women who didn't.

[–]Willow-girlProud 2 B an American farmer1 point2 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

What evidence for that do we have?

Well, when my father died and we cleaned out the house, we found one of those enormous brandy snifters filled with matchbooks from strip clubs!

[–]abaxeron✴️Indian Programmer2 points3 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

O__________________O's like 5 layers of "irrelevant" and "not-evidence" one on top of the other; how do you do this?!!!! "Holy shit, the late mister had a COLLECTION OF THINGS; must have been a perv and a cheater!!"

[–]Willow-girlProud 2 B an American farmer2 points3 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

He also had his car stolen while trying to solicit a prostitute in a skitchy neighborhood.

The funny thing is that when we found his extensive porn movie collection (this was pre-Internet), my husband at the time was like, "Alright! Free porn!" I was horrified. I didn't have an objection to porn, really, but watching the same stuff my father had ... used ... seemed weird and creepy to me, lol. I threw them all out.

[–]abaxeron✴️Indian Programmer1 point2 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

He also had his car stolen while trying to solicit a prostitute in a skitchy neighborhood.

Cool; so, we have an anecdote of one guy trying to cheat and failing. All what is left to support HL's hypothesis is prove that in the same time period, not a single woman cheated. And we'll end up with the necessary conclusion of "men cheated more than women", and will conclude further that it was "more acceptable" for men to cheat than for women.

OP claimed it with absolute certainty. I just want to know where this certainty came from. For you, it came from personal anecdotes, it seems. That's quite sufficient response for me.

The funny thing is that when we found his extensive porn movie collection

Either you think that a guy watching porn is cheating (which we will disagree on and leave it there), or this paragraph is the 6th layer of "irrelevant". If there is a scientific consensus on causal link between porn and cheating, it's only reasonable to conclude that men of the pre-TV era probably cheated less than they do now.

[–]Willow-girlProud 2 B an American farmer0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

My father was just a hound dog, lol.

[–]LeJacquelopeHaving a son is child abuse4 points5 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

Do TRPillers not understand the problems that come with economic dependence and submission or do they just pretend not to understand? Do you not understand how this kind of economic dependence leaves women vulnerable to manipulation and abuse?

TRPers call this betabux and they say that men in this situation are wide open to being cuckolded, among other dreadful things that women do to these men.

I for one can't stand it. I much preferred career women, and married one.

[–]FlyingResearcher2 points3 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

Too bad these kinds of women are a vanishingly small minority.

My wife works but it's obvious her main strategy in life was to find a man, not to build her career. If I didn't make it clear that I expected her to continue working, she would have probably quit her job and insisted on being a housewife.

Studies show that this is the case for a solid 80% of women.

[–]LeJacquelopeHaving a son is child abuse1 point2 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Well TRP does say career women are bad for raising kids, so they're part of the society wide discouraging element.

[–]FlyingResearcher1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Yeah I don't get that. Like maybe there are differences in our biology that would make traditional gender roles make sense. But if we're talking about equality, and especially the kind of equality championed by feminists, then I think it's about time women started ponying up and keeping their end of the bargain.

Which obviously includes working and supporting yourself on your own merits, not taking advantage of and mooching off men.

[–]brander201 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Do you ever wonder if your particular insistence on categorising TRP is counterproductive towards your aims? I get the animosity towards the sex and gender roles, but I'm not sure you've realized the inconsistencies within the TRP's fully before you've ascribed your political narratives on to it and moved onto conversing with its most vocal. I think you're conflating political leanings with misogyny to such a degree that you're missing out on the universal aspects of misogyny within different cultures and political institutions. When TRP equates it's dogma with rightwing, neoreactionary ideals, it's not alone, hasn't been alone, and will continue not to be alone so long as typical biological males are invited to or forced to organise societies.

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

Economic dependence must also include abolition of alimony and child support, which I didn't see advocated by TRP, or at least it is not generally accepted.

[–]Willow-girlProud 2 B an American farmer4 points5 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

You're kidding right? You've never heard them wax poetic about the justice of "financial abortion"?

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

You are talking about a situation when a woman becomes pregnant but the man doesn't want to be a father? Do they stretch it for married couples with children in which the men choose to leave and they wouldn't be forced to pay child support?

[–]Willow-girlProud 2 B an American farmer2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Most seem to resent child support and alimony under any circumstances.

[–]AzkikRide The Tiger1 point2 points  (8 children) | Copy Link

You are at your most vulnerable when you are "independent."

[–]Western_Profession0 points1 point  (7 children) | Copy Link

How come

[–]AzkikRide The Tiger0 points1 point  (6 children) | Copy Link

A woman's immediate security comes mostly from proximity to familiar men. For this reason, any woman "striking out on her own" is far more vulnerable than a man under the same conditions. This is why I think a significant number of feminists become feminist, in order to put either their rivals or their victims in compromising circumstances.

[–]Western_Profession0 points1 point  (5 children) | Copy Link

Women are much more likely to be raped or assaulted by someone they know than a stranger

Looks like familiar men spell less security than strangers lol

[–]AzkikRide The Tiger0 points1 point  (4 children) | Copy Link

When I say "familiar" I don't mean friends or acquaintances. I mean "of their family."

The more a woman relies on just random dudes she knows, the more vulnerable.

[–]Western_Profession0 points1 point  (3 children) | Copy Link

Doesn't change the fact that you're more likely to get raped by a spouse or boyfriend than a stranger. Reality doesn't reflect women being at their most vulnerable while independent.

[–]AzkikRide The Tiger0 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

Exposure times to individuals in each category are important to account for. It's most likely to be an acquaintance.

Reality doesn't reflect women being at their most vulnerable while independent

No it does. Where are the women's fathers/brothers/cousins in these cases?

[–]Western_Profession0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

No it does. Where are the women's fathers/brothers/cousins in these cases?

She cut contact with them after they raped her.

[–]AzkikRide The Tiger0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

There's no solution to being dealt a losing hand. Which, from your link, happens less than by strangers, looking at the totals.

[–]ForeverNandrolone1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Women can have two viable options.

Work a career or raise a family.

Having a career is pretty self explanatory and I don’t think think that TRP opposes it other than careers can often be unrewarding.

Raising a family usually means being dependent on a man somewhat. This does put women in a vulnerable position. There are ways to reduce that vulnerability. Women need to taught how to be more feminine so that they attract better men and they need to learn how to vet men better.

Feminism only pushes one of these things: career. And vehemently opposes the other. And it appears that feminism believes that all men are pieces of shit all the time and that’s why feminism is bullshit.

Raising a family can be very rewarding and many women want it. And if feminism actually cared about women it would encourage women to have families if they desired and teach them how to accomplish that goal. Feminism doesn’t do this because at its core it’s a Marxist movement meant to destroy the family.

[–]largepaycheckaddict1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

If things back then were way worse for women than today, then why is the economy complete and utter shit for working and middle class people when in the past, the job market wasn’t totally flooded with women because most married a man who provided for them at least to a degree where if she worked it was only temporary or PT. a family could be provided for on a salary that only required a highschool education at the local factory or mill in town in the past.

Now in our liberal state, women have hundreds of thousands of dollars in student loans for advanced degrees that yield no job prospects capable of paying off their debts.

More and more women resort to degrading sex work to make ends meet. I specifically knew a woman who worked as an escort to pay for her graduate school tuition.

It seems like a popular complaint from women that they can’t seem to meet a guy worth staying with due to his lack of income or professional status. This is resulting in a majority of women being bitter and single where in the past only a small minority of spinster types never met a man and married.

Overall this age of gender equality is incredibly narcissistic and devoid of natural order. Both sexes are getting increasingly angry, not building families together, and living this atomized existence of materialistic consumption that stirs up mass mental illness and drugs consumption to correct that- this all only benefits the machine that exploits us all.

Ultimately any choice in life requires sacrifice. If you want to be a modern career woman, that sacrifice may be the ability to have a good husband, family and sense of security and provision that comes with. If you want to be a good wife and family woman, the sacrifice that comes with that is not having the chance to pursue a career and make a name for yourself in whatever respective field. As for men, the same deal. A family man may have to throw away his dreams of pursing music or arts for the sake of providing for his family. He might have to sell the motorcycle and stop hanging out with the boys at the bar every weekend too.

What I’m trying to say is there’s a degree of economic dependence in things no matter what you do whether you are relying on a husband for a pay check or a predatory exploitative boss. Or if you own your own business, getting financially ass raped for tax dollars. There is no easy way out of this.

To me the traditional nuclear family is the best option for what you put into it, so I will pursue that route.

[–]xiaodre1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I'm sure they do understand the problems. The question is what values they assign to a situation like what you describe.

[–]Atlas_B_Shruggin✡️🐈✡️ the purring jew1 point2 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

they dont care whats good for women

[–]max_peenorCertified TRP Shitlord0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

Women don't care what's good for women so why should we?

[–]Atlas_B_Shruggin✡️🐈✡️ the purring jew0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

you shouldnt, why throw that at me?

[–]XtoDoubtMen Do It Too2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

You can't be taken care of, loved, supported, and get to live your life in the way that maximizes your happiness and also get to pull the rip cord whenever you feel like it an ruin a man. In the exceptional cases where the woman either makes a mistake and marries the wrong man or he changes for some reason, the reality is no woman in this country would ever starve. She'd have to pick up the pieces like men who are economically destroyed by divorce today. Why should women accept this? As I argued in the other thread, it seems to make them happier long term.

[–]idkwhattoputhere0002 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Not only that, but they also like to quack all the time about how women are golddiggers and expect the man to do all the effort and put in all the money and how they divorce rape men etc... yet they literally favour gender roles that are in support of such behaviour?

[–]AnotherUserName106983 points4 points  (9 children) | Copy Link

I am honestly baffled by these comments. It’s like these guys want to stick their fingers in their ears and pretend this shit doesn’t happen. Says a lot about their naivety and ignorance.

[–]FlyingResearcher1 point2 points  (8 children) | Copy Link

I don't think anybody is doing this when they say SAHWs are privileged.

If anything people like OP are refusing to look at the whole picture, meaning more than just the potential (and nowadays rare) negatives of it.

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (7 children) | Copy Link

I don’t think the negatives are rare nowadays. I’d like to see some evidence of that.

[–]FlyingResearcher3 points4 points  (6 children) | Copy Link

What negatives are we talking about? Domestic violence is rare, and has strong gender parity (meaning women are equally as abusive to men as the reverse, and by some metrics are even worse).

Palimony / alimony / child support / subsidized rent / food stamps are a thing nowadays. So being economically dependent isn't really a thing. If anything, men are beholden to, and economically dependent, to their wives. If she gets pissed off and leaves you in a fit if rage, it's your financial independence that becomes threatened, not hers.

Actual studies show that women divorce men more often than the reverse specifically because of this power dichotomy. Women are the ones who clearly hold all the cards over men here, not the reverse.

Like what negative aspects do you think are common, and why do you think they outweigh the obvious privileges that women have here?

[–][deleted] 2 points3 points  (5 children) | Copy Link

When I looked it up, it’s about a 1:2 ratio of men affected by domestic violence to women affected by domestic violence. I’d say that’s a big difference, and to be honest I’m not discounting the effects domestic violence has on men, but isn’t it more likely for a man to be able to seriously injure a woman than the reverse? I’d like to see the research that shows it is equal in numbers and severity.

Yes, she may get some economic support if she leaves, but it’s not the same as having your own source of income. There’s no guarantee of support, you’re still dependent on the man and many things can happen to him. You have no savings, and no career so you probably don’t have insurance. You have to start over at a low-paying job usually when you are much older. You may not have a degree so you’d have to go back to school which isn’t always possible. If you have to pay for expensive things like medical bills, etc., or you want to give your kids a good life you probably don’t have the money to do that. You could easily fall into debt if an economic crisis happens. It depends on how much you’re getting but overall you are not better off than a woman who always worked and saved. It only seems like it’s a privilege to be dependent if you ignore all the bad possible outcomes.

[–]FlyingResearcher3 points4 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

I’d like to see the research that shows it is equal in numbers and severity.

I don't have all the links and sources that some other posters have, but this has been discussed here at length in the past.

Women are victims more often than men largely because lesbian relationships tend to be far more violent then gay male and heterosexual relationships. I think there's also research showering that girls are more likely to be abused by their mothers in comparison to sons, and that mothers make up some huge majority of child abuse cases, which also gets factored into some of these studies.

See here for an example of what the numbers start to look like when you only include heterosexual relationships between husbands and wives:

Other studies show that men are more likely to be seriously injured and hospitalized by women then the reverse.

And that just includes physical violence. If you include yelling and verbal / emotional abuse, women are even more likely to be the purpetrators then men are.

And even that doesn't include the fact that men have fewer places to go when they are abused, and that cops often arrest men even when the woman is the one who was being violent.

isn’t it more likely for a man to be able to seriously injure a woman than the reverse

Women haven't been shamed and conditioned to not hit or abuse men like men have for women. Many women do not even view their actions as abusive, whereas if a man did it, people would recognize it as abuse strait away.

but it’s not the same as having your own source of income

No, it's better. That's the point that is being made that is often ignored here.

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

Alright, I looked it up and it seems like it is even-sided. Usually people are fighting each other. However the worst kind of domestic violence is still usually perpetrated by men.

I don’t see how it’s better. Please explain that to me? If you think it’s better just because she’s not working, then maybe you didn’t consider all the reasons why it’s not better in spite of that?

[–]ShotgunTRP0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

"I concede.... but im still right and youre wrong 😤"

[–]FlyingResearcher0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

The second point might just be a matter of opinion but you can expand on why you feel that way if you want.

Obviously it's better to have your own money. But if you still have your own money and you didn't have to work for it, I don't see how that is any worse, except maybe that you might feel guilty about it.

Most money in society is spent on women; more money in total is spent on things that women want in comparison to things for children, and things that men want (it goes in that order: women, then children, then men last, even though men work for and produce most of that money).

And women are very close to owning two thirds of all wealth in the United States, largely because of this culture of mooching off men and then getting large sums of money in divorce.

Like what's worse, getting money for free that you didn't work for, and that you maybe feel guilty for? Or working hard to earn an income only to have someone else spend or steal the fruits of your labor?

[–]DissonanceBadger2 points3 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

TRPillers care about maximizing sexual attraction, not social dynamics or practicality. As long as female sexual attraction is based on being submissive to a high value dominant male, then that is how it’s gonna have to be. So it’s not that they don’t understand, it’s that they don’t care.

[–]Willow-girlProud 2 B an American farmer1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Yup. There is no downside for them to female submission.

[–]Willow-girlProud 2 B an American farmer1 point2 points  (8 children) | Copy Link

Do TRPillers not understand the problems that come with economic dependence and submission or do they just pretend not to understand?

They don't care. It is not their problem.

[–]wtknightGen X Slacker1 point2 points  (7 children) | Copy Link

They probably should care if they hate feminism so much because that attitude just makes feminists more negative towards men and more willing to verbally attack them.

[–]crackrocksteady7buying gf3 points4 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

because that attitude just makes feminists more negative towards men and more willing to verbally attack them.

so what they do that to men just for existing

[–]wtknightGen X Slacker1 point2 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

So men are just completely innocent victims to women in your mind?

[–]FlyingResearcher2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Do you think women are just completely innocent victims to men?

Especially in the modern world I think the pendulum has swung heavily against men, if it even ever was in their favor to begin with.

[–]crackrocksteady7buying gf0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Verbal attacks dont make a victim in my mind but sure I guess

[–]churnthrowaway1234561 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

They don't care because they seek dominance and love hierarchy.

[–]Willow-girlProud 2 B an American farmer0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

People serve their own imperatives.

[–]wtknightGen X Slacker0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Ideally people should compromise. It causes problems when people aren’t willing to do that.

[–]ScootsScoots 1 points [recovered]  (3 children) | Copy Link

Of course they do, that's the point.

It's an attempt to balance the playing field.

Unless you wanna give up that divorce rape, you better get back to that dependent position.

You can't play both as a dependent and an independent person.

You women need to actually start taking on the responsibilities of an independent person and giving up your pussy pass if you want to be respected. As it is now, you're the kid in the room who we have to humor and it's gotten reaaaaaallllly old.

"Yes Linda you're strong and independent and the hardest worker here even though I just had to do your job for you because you cant lift the 40lb bags of dirt in the garden shop."

I dont miss retail.

[–][deleted]No Pill[S] 1 point2 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

Divorce rape happens because men marry economically dependent women. Alimony exists for women who don't make enough money. Start marrying careerists if you have a problem with it.

[–]ScootsScoots 1 points [recovered]  (1 child) | Copy Link

Simply not true. Careerists get alimony and exorbitant child support too. You can have one and be respected, but not both.

[–][deleted]No Pill[S] 2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

No, they don't. If both parties make about the same amount of money, neither gets alimony.

[–]WhisperTotally LARPing. Really.1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

TRP is not neoreactionary, so the rest of your question makes no sense.

[–]AutoModeratorBiased Against Humans[M] 0 points1 point  (4 children) | Copy Link


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[–]ThroneofTimePurple Pill Man3 points4 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Red pillers don’t seem to know history very well.

[–]AzkikRide The Tiger2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Qualify this.

[–]cxj75% Redpill Core Ideas1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

LMAO bitch stop reinventing the wheel this is PPD not gender studies 101 with a bunch of teenagers.

Even the regular blues aren’t showing in this thread they’re so tired of it

[–]chomponthebit0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Religion, marriage, and laws against infidelity were created to control women’s hypergamy. Women are 100% sure the child is theirs, men...? Not so much

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Damn, I have seen some stubborn people on both sides of the pill, but you have definitely got to be the worst of them all. You make a post with no intention of changing your views or having a debate. It’s like talking to the Donald Trump wall.

[–]leftajarRational Behaviorist0 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

Dependence goes both ways.

The traditional housewife is dependent on her husband for financial and emotional support, yes.

But he's also dependent on her to nurse and monitor the children, run the household, and manage their social lives.

Anti-TRPers only focus on the first type of dependence while completely ignoring the latter. They then pretend that somehow, the team functions better if nobody is ever dependent in any way. As if, sports teams are comprised of individual players that don't cooperate or rely on each other whatsoever.

[–][deleted]No Pill[S] 0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

The traditional housewife is dependent on her husband for financial and emotional support, yes.

But he's also dependent on her to nurse and monitor the children, run the household, and manage their social lives.

Yea, that's a false equivalent. The one who has the money controls the relationship.

Women are essentially dependent children in traditionalism.

[–]leftajarRational Behaviorist0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

You're close, but not quite.

Children are dependent on someone. That someone can either be their mother, or a $12/hr daycare employee. The data is pretty clear, that the former is associated with much better outcomes for children.

Like, this isn't about men getting served by their wives, it's about facilitating the proper raising and emotional growth of young children, which does not occur in daycare. If you care about children, as I do, the conclusion is stay-at-home motherhood is the best scenario.

[–]DevilishRogueKnows more than you0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Do TRPillers not understand the problems that come with economic dependence and submission or do they just pretend not to understand?

It is you that seems not to understand that the problems you imagine to exist don't. Women control the overwhelming majority of spending, are the overwhelming recipients of the greatest share of benefits, and use soft power to ensure their effective position of dominance in terms of financial control with the state enforced ability to back that up with hard power via life long alimony and child support plus the marital home and half the assets in the event of divorce.

Your stereotype about the oppressed housewife doesn't reflect reality. And whilst abuse does still happen it is extremely rare, harshly punished, and very much a result of the choice of the woman in question.

[–]Saza_King0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Did you even read the comments on your last post? No one argued that dependency is good 100% of the time. They were saying that women will pursue what ever gender rolls benefit them. If a woman can find a situation where she doesn't have to work, she'll do it.

[–]Spartan_Hoplite0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

/Do TRPillers not understand the problems that come with economic dependence and submission or do they just pretend not to understand? Do you not understand how this kind of economic dependence leaves women vulnerable to manipulation and abuse? Do you not understand how women were expected to obey the male authority, even in cases where the man was totally incompetent? Are we just going to pretend that economic dependence is some awesome thing that everyone should strive for

What you miss is that the societal order in which husband is head of the family and a breadwinner while wife is a SAHM who cares about the household and obeys her husband is based on Christian values and historically the basis for it in European society was Christianity. Obviously, Christian values forbid manipulaltion and abuse of women, so if we take the model in toto (wife stays at home and obeys her husband, husband loves and cares about his wife), it works perfectly and is the best possible model for women who can fulfill their main societal role as mothers while enjoying protection, provision and leadership of her husband. Sadly, it was done away with by sexual revolution (although the way for this disaster was paved even earlier) and we live the dire consequences.

[–]Rabidstuffy0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

This is why women were taught how to choose a good husband, and focusing on the men and boys for growth, was the past. The boys would grow to men, and they would lead their wives. Whom they cherished and protected.

Women would be taught to choose wisely, and their choices would be guided by a community that cared about their future and the future of their happy laughing little toddling babies.

There's no reason we can't get that again. Recognize what has been taken from you, grieve for it, and claim your birth right.

Human nature doesn't change.

[–]FairlyNaiveRed Pill Man0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

I know way women who want to SAHM then men who want to have one IRL

Also "Feminism made you free. Now go and be free" @ /u/RStonePT

[–]whibbleymoondanc0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

I talked to my grandmother who was 98 when she died, about life after WWII when men returned to jobs and women returned hone. She said most people she knew enjoyed working but wanted to be gone and raise families. As for finances, most women she knew were in charge of the finances and the men worked and handed over the paychecks. Obviously this is one woman’s experience and not every woman of the era. I was talking with one stay at home mother last week as she was walking around my neighborhood. She was with her mother and said that she was bored and lonely at home. Her mother said that there were so many other women at hone for play dates with the kids and that women don’t do that any more.

[–]SFWonlyInvest0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

? Do you not understand how this kind of economic dependence leaves women vulnerable to manipulation and abuse

I’m down to dismantle the welfare state, let people truly be equal and see who rises to the top.

[–]Kos_-_Omak0 points1 point  (5 children) | Copy Link

Children are vulnerable to manipulation and abuse at the hands of their parents. Dogs are vulnerable to manipulation and abuse by their owners. Elderly and mentally incompetent people are vulnerable to manipulation and abuse by their caretakers.

It sucks when it happens, but that's still better than the alternative: giving complete autonomy and independence to people (and dogs) who are inherently incapable of handling the power and responsibilities that go along with it. A child without adult supervision will wander out into traffic. An untrained dog without a master will bite people. Elderly people left alone will fall and break their hip.

It's the same for women. They need someone to control them. They need to have someone that they can submit to and obey. They actually want this too, and all the feminist BS is really just a way to test men so women can be sure that the man is strong enough for her to submit to.

Most of the problems in society exist because men are no longer allowed to control women in the way that they need to be controlled.

[–]Willow-girlProud 2 B an American farmer4 points5 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

It's the same for women. They need someone to control them. They need to have someone that they can submit to and obey.

Get outta here with this B.S.! You just made this ENTJ woman squirt coffee out her nose.

"Most of the problems in society exist" because men like to get in pissing matches. How many women have started wars?

[–]Kos_-_Omak0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

How many women have started wars?

Many, but women are too inept to ever become the kind of leader who controls armies, so they start wars indirectly by manipulating the men who do.

One of the most famous wars in human history was caused by a woman.

[–]AnotherUserName106982 points3 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

It's the same for women. They need someone to control them. They need to have someone that they can submit to and obey. They actually want this too, and all the feminist BS is really just a way to test men so women can be sure that the man is strong enough for her to submit to.

You are fucking delusional. Women are autonomous human beings who can and do take care of themselves all the time. You sound like the kind of person who justifies abuse.

[–]Kos_-_Omak0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

All you have to do is take a look around and see that women are clearly incapable of taking care of themselves. Women are only happy when they are controlled by a strong man.

You can kill a man, but you can't kill an idea.

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