
~ archived since 2018 ~


There seems to be a demographic of dudes around reddit that feel their lives will not improve until women "take action" and fix it for them.

They ignore the adages about how hard it is to be loved if you don't love yourself first (meaning they just... sit around waiting for someone to come along and love them first?) They claim that the only reason men clean is because women nag them to (not only inaccurate, but also insulting since some men are perfectly capable of keeping house), they complain that women are selfish and lazy and incapable of love, but also seem to desperately be hoping a woman will come along and "sell him" on marriage.

"Women have women-only shelters, why aren't they building men-only shelters?" (Except they do nothing on their own to build men's shelters; just want women to build them.)

"Women have all these body-positivity movements, but no one says anything positive about men's bodies!" (Except they are also extremely negative about men's bodies - so they just want... women to have a male positivity movement for them?)

This isn't really a part of RP or BP that I can tell (though I'm still not entirely sure of what BP even looks like). So why is this narrative so prevalent? This shit wasn't happening 20-some years ago when I was a teenager. Dudes were less caught up on GQ "Chad" supermodels and they were more often trying to emulate the Don Juan models of trying to be... y'know. Interesting and competent and fun/memorable.

Is this just another product of kids getting raised on the internet or something? I literally can't fathom the sort of passivity necessary to sit in your room and just wait for someone to break down the door to come fix your life for you. If you don't go outside, you can't complain you don't get the benefits of the sun, yanno?

[–]wtknightGen X Slacker41 points42 points  (136 children) | Copy Link

This post ignores the fact that, when men’s rights groups form, they are often attacked by feminist groups for being misogynistic. Of course, the people who form these groups often ignore that the greatest enemy to these movements are not women but other men, who often have an individualistic, “take care of your problems like a man and stop whining” mindset.

[–]Atlas_B_Shruggin✡️🐈✡️ the purring jew27 points28 points  (69 children) | Copy Link

And civil rights groups, unions, women's liberation and other activist groups didnt? They often faced actual violence and kept going. This is such a bizarre argument for why men cant form mens rights groups

[–]Bntt894 points5 points  (55 children) | Copy Link

Yes but civil rights groups where attacked by racists and women's groups were attacked by mysognists. You can't really compare groups like the KKK to feminist activists, one is just a hate group while the other is supposed to be a egalitarian group.

[–]sublimemongrelBecky, Esq.7 points8 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

the argument being made is that other oppressed groups did not allow opposition to dissuade them, let alone not even try.

[–]incelicious1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Because they had the Soviets and KGB behind them, funding them and working political magic in order to destabilize the US.

[–]Bntt891 point2 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

And in those cases the enemy is quite clear though. Evil groups made themselves not only look evil but showed how ridiculous they where with their rhetoric. I'm not saying it is was easy for these civil rights and feminist groups to fight them they where being killed. However they where fighting a clear enemy. MRA shouldn't be fighting feminist they both are equal in their ideas and what they bring up, but being called a misogynist now carries heavy stigma now.

[–]sublimemongrelBecky, Esq.2 points3 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

I mean, it was probably a lot harder in the past then it is for MRAs now so stigma be damned like fight for what you believe in, no one is getting killed or anywhere near the same level of violence now.

[–]Bntt890 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Ya I get it, I see your point but i feel that it's a little disheartening for a group which has similar interests(feminist) to say that they are directly attacking their interests simply for existing.

[–]Atlas_B_Shruggin✡️🐈✡️ the purring jew11 points12 points  (47 children) | Copy Link

one is just a hate group while the other is supposed to be a egalitarian group.

no it isnt, its the advocacy of political and social rights for women

[–]sophii14 points5 points  (13 children) | Copy Link

The KKK wants to convince everyone white men are superior. Feminism wants to convince people that women are worthy human beings.

[–]banananutbranmuffin6 points7 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

Nope, they want society to revolve around benefiting women and women's betterment irrespective of how negatively that affects men.

[–]LillthOfBabylon0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

, they want society to revolve around benefiting women and women's betterment irrespective of how negatively that affects men.

That's what they are now. But definitely not in the old days.
Plenty of women want to help out men, but men typically dont want their advice.

[–]DrippyskippyMonk4 points5 points  (6 children) | Copy Link

Feminism wants to convince people that women are worthy human beings.

If you're talking about modern day feminism, then I have to upvote you for this statement as it is the best joke I have heard today.

[–]sophii10 points1 point  (5 children) | Copy Link

okay, prove me otherwise.

[–]DrippyskippyMonk0 points1 point  (4 children) | Copy Link

I've been down this road a 100 times so excuse me for my low effort post. Lets be honest, it doesn't matter what I say you will probably never understand the criticisms of feminism if your neck deep in the ideology. Please explain to me how shitting on men (manspreading, toxic masculinity, all men are evil) helps "convince people that women are worthy human beings". Please explain to me how feminism claims to be a movement for equality, but doesn't do anything for men and in fact actually hurts and attacks men. Just so we keep this in context, this is about the current wave of feminism.

[–]sophii10 points1 point  (3 children) | Copy Link

I’ve also been down this road a million times. Askfeminists have a great resource page at the top of their sub that informs on some feminist resources on men’s issues. You can go through there and see what actual self identified feminists say about men’s issues.

toxic masculinity drives men to hold in their feelings and turn to no one (increasing male suicide rates) toxic masculinity is probably also partially to blame for men going to prison more often and for longer. Toxic masculinity actually, as I learned about it as a little feminist 10 years ago, was actually supposed to be a cause to help men. If you go to actual feminist resources, you can see what we actually think.

If your going off of the memes on this site, and what guys have to say in the comments, then you’ll never understand what feminism is and you’ll continue to fight against a made up stawman.

[–]DrippyskippyMonk0 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

toxic masculinity drives men to hold in their feelings and turn to no one

I don't want to get too deep into this as toxic masculinity is a topic I have beat to death. While this is partially true, the problem with toxic masculinity is how it is used as rhetoric to attack men. I won't respect feminists talking about toxic masculinity until they start talking about toxic femininity and start taking it seriously. It is quite hypocritical in my mind to discuss one but not the other, which leads many to believe that calling a specific gender toxic is more of an attack. I personally don't agree with the usage and don't believe you should be calling either gender toxic even if they have inherent qualities that are considered negative.

If your going off of the memes on this site, and what guys have to say in the comments, then you’ll never understand what feminism is and you’ll continue to fight against a made up stawman.

I've done my research with regard to the gender war. I grew up left leaning, I was in a left leaning friends group in college where multiple women were feminists. I didn't know about men's issue or MRA's for the longest time until I started becoming skeptical of feminist agendas. I did my own research and sought out the "enemy". I spent time in MRA circles and really listened to them. I have never based my view of feminism on other peoples opinions or memes from this sub. When I mocked you regarding your statement that feminism is about convincing people that women are worthy human beings, its not because I hate women or am ignorant of feminism. It comes from a place where I have been on both sides and have done my research. The current wave of feminism has gone off the rails especially in the West.

[–]mwait3 points4 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Fucking lol

[–]Bntt890 points1 point  (32 children) | Copy Link

Yes which works on egalitarian principles if women are working for rights they believe that them being equal they deserve these social rights. Which means this group calling another group misogynist is much more detrimental then a KKK member saying that a black man isn't equal because he is subhuman. Feminism should be working with Mens rights because they both believe in the same principles, unless they believe women should be have more benefits then men.

[–]Atlas_B_Shruggin✡️🐈✡️ the purring jew17 points18 points  (6 children) | Copy Link

do you have any idea what resistance was faced by the civil rights movement? do you think it was the klan tweeting mean things about black people? do you understand the national guard had to be called out by the president to protect people for civil rights things? you think it was the KKK resisiting civil rights? it was the STATE governments themselves resisting it

[–]Bntt891 point2 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

You do know that you are the one who is comparing the two right? Not all resistance is comparable just like the groups shouldn't be compared. I'm not going to sit here and say that MRA have it as rough as civial rights activists that's stupid. But if a feminist group calls another group or a MRA group misogynist they are viewed in the same light as Klan's men. That is what happens today, not a couple years in the past. Your using an appeal to emotion for something that isn't even in the argument.

[–]Atlas_B_Shruggin 1 points [recovered]  (3 children) | Copy Link

you doi know youre telling me that MRAs cant build a mens DV shelter because someone will call them "misogynist", right?

[–]Bntt892 points3 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

Yes because it delegitimizes it I dont see how you cant see that? If a group is considered akin to klansmen men then who would want to help them or be apart of them? You understand what social stigma is?

[–]Atlas_B_Shruggin✡️🐈✡️ the purring jew10 points11 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

i understand that youre all grasping at straws to explain why men cant wont and dont help men

[–]Atlas_B_Shruggin✡️🐈✡️ the purring jew9 points10 points  (24 children) | Copy Link

why does being Called "misogynist" stop men from opening mens DV shelters?

[–]Bntt897 points8 points  (12 children) | Copy Link

It delegitimizes it, if the group needs to raise money to build it but the group is called misogynist do you think people will give funds? You also ignore the influence feminism has today.

[–]Atlas_B_Shruggin✡️🐈✡️ the purring jew7 points8 points  (7 children) | Copy Link

so youre saying that men wont donate to mens dv shelters if feminists call them "misogynist"

[–]Bntt893 points4 points  (6 children) | Copy Link

Yes because of social stigma it doesn't only have to be men donating to, women have money right? If a women hears that it is misogynist, they won't donate they will tell their friends not to donate either. They could even ostracize other men.

[–]Atlas_B_Shruggin✡️🐈✡️ the purring jew4 points5 points  (5 children) | Copy Link

ok so youre saying men cant help men without women?

[–]kandyapplezincel larping as a thot1 point2 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

if the group needs to raise money to build it but the group is called misogynist do you think people will give funds


other things that feminists have called misogynist that men seem to have no issue throwing money at: video games, comic book movies, porn, professional sports, etc. if you can't find room for homeless shelters in there then thats you not caring about the homeless for reasons other than being called misogynist

[–]Bntt892 points3 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

How are those things misogynist? They are organized groups working directly to attack women's rights.

[–]kandyapplezincel larping as a thot0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

they are CALLED misogynist by feminists

[–]incelicious1 point2 points  (10 children) | Copy Link

Because it doesn’t stop there. Access to funds will be cut off once feminists go after their funding sources by crying misogyny

[–]Atlas_B_Shruggin✡️🐈✡️ the purring jew2 points3 points  (9 children) | Copy Link

do you all understand things can be 100% funded privately

how will anyone "cut off " the funds you raise for a mens DV shelter?

[–]incelicious0 points1 point  (8 children) | Copy Link

I guess you haven't heard of "de-platforming". Crazy new trend to shut down political opposition from the private sector.

[–]Atlas_B_Shruggin✡️🐈✡️ the purring jew1 point2 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

what "platform" do you need to be a local mens dv shelter?

[–]Atlas_B_Shruggin✡️🐈✡️ the purring jew1 point2 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

SILVERMAN: Paige Flink is CEO of The Family Place. It's a Dallas nonprofit that's offered domestic violence help for decades.

FLINK: First, we thought it was an aberration. We weren't sure what was going on, but it just got more and more expensive.

SILVERMAN: Flink was spending $150,000 a year putting male victims in hotel rooms. She and some other shelter managers across the country say it now makes financial and therapeutic sense to provide a safe space specifically for men. The day after Jeff and his daughters finally left home, Flink opened the first such shelter in Texas.

[–]banananutbranmuffin3 points4 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Oh grow up already, feminist groups are not "egalitarian" groups, they're essentially lobbying groups for women.

Feminist groups for women are like AIPAC for Israel.

[–]Bntt890 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

I dont care

[–]incelicious0 points1 point  (5 children) | Copy Link

It’s not that simple. Those groups had large financial and political backing from the KGB, and later, the CIA. Women’s groups get large funding from billionaires like Warren Buffet and George Soros and adoration from the media. They’re not fighting against the “Patriarchy”, they are the foot soldiers of it (look up the CIA’s involvement in and subversion/infiltration of feminism, particularly Gloria Steinem who is a known CIA asset)

[–]Atlas_B_Shruggin✡️🐈✡️ the purring jew3 points4 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

the local fucking womens shelter in germantown does not get funds from the CIA and KGB, it has fundraisers and gets some state local and federal grants

i cannot beleive the knots you mental patients are twisting yourselves into to pretend some men cannot open a mens DV shelter

[–]incelicious1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

lol just the simple act of opening something exclusively for men will have a crazed mob of screeching harpies, their white knights, and their corporate sponsors ready to de-platform and mass media shame.

What I said was, previous generations of feminists and civil rights activists had lots of communists (and eventually the CIA) on their side. Now they have corporate sponsorship from billionaires because it fits an agenda.

[–]crackrocksteady7buying gf0 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

I'd love to see what men who would want to go to a men's DV shelter would look like

[–]Atlas_B_Shruggin✡️🐈✡️ the purring jew4 points5 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

the truth is it would be at least 75% gay men running from male partners

[–]Tomatoccino2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Or their fathers, ime.

[–]bonerdude420-1 points0 points  (5 children) | Copy Link

You don't think civil rights groups, unions, women's liberation and other activist groups protesting/complaining about the backlash they were receiving on the path to their goals was a part of the process to reach their goals?

[–]Atlas_B_Shruggin✡️🐈✡️ the purring jew5 points6 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

protesting/complaining about the backlash they were receiving on the path to their goals was a part of the process to reach their goals?

yes, but MRAs claim they LITERALLY cannot act because there will be negative response

do you even understand what im saying at al?

[–]bonerdude420-1 points0 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

I am sure some members of civil rights groups, unions, women's liberation and other activist groups spoke in those terms at some point also (many still do after the fact).

[–]Atlas_B_Shruggin✡️🐈✡️ the purring jew1 point2 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

yeh. no.

[–]bonerdude420-1 points0 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

no u

[–]Atlas_B_Shruggin✡️🐈✡️ the purring jew2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

n o one talked like this even 25 yrs ago, this is whiny internet MRA bs where people are petrified of women writing mean tweets about them

my mother was a civil rights activist and worked with operation PUSH, no one was like these men are here, they were facing real threats, not mean facebook posts

[–]ThisIsJustATr1buteHas what plants crave9 points10 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Women went into these things assuming and expecting not just backlash but violence. They were aware how countercultural it was. Men being unable to act without full social approval is some weird entitlement thing.

[–]sublimemongrelBecky, Esq.12 points13 points  (31 children) | Copy Link

While true, women’s rights groups also faced backlash initially. Probably for a long time although idk the full history or anything. Which isn’t to say you don’t have a point just that it shouldn’t be insurmountable and shouldn’t stop people from advocating. I believe that MRA groups have had some questionable leaders IIRC, which could also play a role.

I also agree with the other poster who is saying be strategic about it. Something like advocating for help for suicidal men, or men’s homeless shelters would probably be a good place to start. I can’t understand what would be controversial about that.

[–][deleted] 3 points4 points  (17 children) | Copy Link

While true, women’s rights groups also faced backlash initially.

The history of feminism is rife with racism/

Many men are anti-feminist but pro woman.

[–]sublimemongrelBecky, Esq.10 points11 points  (16 children) | Copy Link

Many men, including manospherians, are racist af now.

Many men are anti-feminist but pro woman.

Yeah and plenty of people are not fans of MRAs yet pro men lol

[–][deleted] 6 points7 points  (5 children) | Copy Link

Many men, including manospherians, are racist af now.

This is my single biggest problem with the manosphere.

I really, really hate it. Seriously.

[–]sublimemongrelBecky, Esq.6 points7 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

A lot of them just seem angry so it kinda makes sense idk 🤷‍♀️

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

Again and 1,000x's over, it's the angry ones that you hear, for the most part.

[–]sublimemongrelBecky, Esq.3 points4 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

I’ve been around for a while now, I’ve seen reasonable ones. Most seem to some extreme angry though.

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Can't disagree with you there !

[–]incelicious1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

What's wrong with angry? Aren't feminists angry? The bitter and angry shaming tactic is lame.

[–]incelicious1 point2 points  (9 children) | Copy Link

Yeah and plenty of people are not fans of MRAs yet pro men lol

Oh? Do you have examples? Because I have a feeling you are referring to things like the Gillette commercial attacking "toxic masculinity". That whole campaign is inherently anti-men.

[–]Sociallyfunctional 1 points [recovered]  (8 children) | Copy Link

If gillettes marketing team thought they'd make more profit by running an ad showing a lumberjack backhanding his wife who interrupted him whole he shaved they would have done that

"Anti men" lol, more like "pro profit"

[–]incelicious0 points1 point  (7 children) | Copy Link

You’re erroneously assuming all marketing campaigns are successful. Some are complete disasters.

Looks like the ad didn’t do too well on Gillette sales and may have even backfired. Nothing like attacking your #1 demographic, aye?

[–]Sociallyfunctional 1 points [recovered]  (6 children) | Copy Link

Lol wtf, the entire premise of that article is gillette sales were trending down before the ad was released and you can't blame the decline on the ad

FYI women make up a huge portion of proctor & gambles sales, it is absolutely a smart marketing move to position themselves as a "woke" company, how is this not blantanly obvious

"Its grooming business, which includes its Gillette brand, continued to lag, although its sales declines moderated from the prior quarter." So fucking what, they own everything from tide to venus to olay, women women women spending money on the parent companys products

They're looking big picture financials, and a couple of butt hurt dudes are a small price to pay

[–]incelicious0 points1 point  (5 children) | Copy Link

I also noticed the commercial was a huge hit with insecure internet fat guys that like to talk tough on Reddit. But yeah, running it during the Super Bowl certainly would have netted more than just a few butthurt guys, you know with the ratings that the Super Bowl pushes. But hey, P&G is doing well so they can afford a colossal fuck up like that, despite pulling in a few roasties and Soylent swigging man-boys that don’t shave anyway just talk shit on the internet. It’s just a really scummy tactic to shit on one demographic in order to try to pull in more of another. Getting woke doesn’t really pay off. It did for Nike, but then again the black American demographic is their primary consumer.

But don’t let Gillette’s little woke foray defeat get you down. Tyrone will still come and mash your hairy armpit feminist girl and you’ll still get to play your Nintendo Switch in the meanwhile.

[–]Sociallyfunctional 1 points [recovered]  (4 children) | Copy Link

Lol are you calling me an Internet fat guy

Idk what you're on about, companies do things w the intent of driving profit- whether a tactic works or not is irrelevant to the convo. They analyzed their market share and convo around their brand and decided this ad would be a smart move... doesn't matter if they fit it right or not, the point is they're not ideologically anti male, they're amoral and will pay lip service to whatever they think will drive sales

Their board of directors is like 9 men and 4 women

Guaranteed none of them gaf about "men" or "women", they gaf about $$$$ otherwise they wouldnt be in that position to begin with

[–]exit_sandmanstill not the MGTOW sandman FFS1 point2 points  (12 children) | Copy Link

Something like advocating for help for suicidal men, or men’s homeless shelters would probably be a good place to start. I can’t understand what would be controversial about that.

As long as mainstream society is less outraged over a Labour MP in the UK ridiculing men's issues (like increasing male suicides, lower life expectancy relative to women, male victims of domestic violence, low educational achievement by working class white boys and male experience of child custody cases) than over the (mostly online) blowback that were the result of her antics, I would label that as wishful thinking on your part.

Usually it goes like this: someone attempts to raise awareness on men's issues; feminists either attack them outright or mock them, then they (the feminists) get the usual online hate, and then everybody is "ZOMG toxic MRAs we need moar feminism" and the original issue has been successfully discredited.

[–]sublimemongrelBecky, Esq.8 points9 points  (11 children) | Copy Link

I mean there are already homeless shelters for men are there not? There are also efforts to help boys in education I believe. I don’t think all efforts are necessarily so controversial although I’m sure there’s some ridicule.

[–]oneprettycoolcat1 point2 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

Yes, they are called prisons.

[–]sublimemongrelBecky, Esq.1 point2 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

There’s a bunch of homeless shelters in my city that take men in

[–]oneprettycoolcat0 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

Yeah. They have barred cells and guys with guns.

[–]sublimemongrelBecky, Esq.3 points4 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

No man these are real homeless shelters google it in your own city I’m sure there’s some

[–]Atlas_B_Shruggin✡️🐈✡️ the purring jew3 points4 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

no, there are hundreds if not thousands of free charity homeless shelters in the US, you know that, right?

[–]exit_sandmanstill not the MGTOW sandman FFS2 points3 points  (5 children) | Copy Link

My point is that it should be political and social suicide to pull off this, the same as it is to do the inverse.

If that was the case, a lot of the issues we're talking about would gradually taper off and vanish altogether.

[–]sublimemongrelBecky, Esq.6 points7 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

I mean ok, we have a shit ton of men who say equally ridiculous things who get backlash for it but also still remain in office. Stuff like that happens there are definitely crazy politicians.

[–]exit_sandmanstill not the MGTOW sandman FFS5 points6 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

I doubt you could gender-flip that scenario.

In October 2015, Phillips sparked a social media storm after she mocked the Conservative MP Philip Davies for trying to get a debate about International Men's Day. He cited men's issues like increasing male suicides, lower life expectancy relative to women, male victims of domestic violence, low educational achievement by working class white boys and male experience of child custody cases.[36] Phillips openly laughed and pulled faces while Davies spoke, and then stated that: "You’ll have to excuse me for laughing. As the only woman on this committee, it seems like every day to me is International Men’s Day."

Which is also what the guy said.

Davies responded by stating that, "If a male MP had reacted in that way about the need for debate on International Women's Day, there would have been hell to pay. It's entirely possible you'd be removed from Chambers or have the Whip removed. I'm surprised she finds that a laughing matter."

[–]sublimemongrelBecky, Esq.8 points9 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Alabama almost re elected a pedophile and we have politicians who speak of “legitimate rape” and how you can’t get pregnant and all manner of related things. No, it’s probably not identical but still, we have our fair share of crazies who continue to have some political popularity too.

[–]LillthOfBabylon0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Alabama almost re elected a pedophile

Honestly, you guys really have no proof of that. How odd that he wasnt accused of pedophilia until an election came up. Did you also believe Christine Ford? Because even rape victims didn't believe her.

we have politicians who speak of “legitimate rape”

Boy. This is a serious strawman. I love how you can only find ONE EXAMPLE of ONE POLITICIAN saying that.

we have our fair share of crazies who continue to have some political popularity too.

What world do you live in where Todd Akin is popular?

[–]kandyapplezincel larping as a thot0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

did Davies fight to have her removed?

[–]Gravel_RoadsJust a Pill[S] 14 points15 points  (11 children) | Copy Link

Feminist groups have faced plenty of backlash, violence and threats for their efforts, too, though. Prominent feminist women are sent steady streams of rape and death threats on a pretty regular basis. They just do it anyway. Why do you think it's so hard for modern men to stomach the idea of "facing opposition"?

[–]Atlas_B_Shruggin✡️🐈✡️ the purring jew12 points13 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

This is unfuckingbelievable

[–]PanderjitSingh_k13 points14 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

No. Feminists claim to face threats.

They very rarely document them or report the matter to authorities.

[–]lefactorybebe13 points14 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

What are you talking about? Just type it into Google and there's all kinds of articles about the FBI investigating threats against outspoken feminists.

One woman (just a regular ass woman) got into an argument with a guy at a protest, so some mra guys got together and released her phone number, address, work location, everything, and she got tons of threats. She brought it to the attention of the FBI and they found the threats so credible that they had her and her family leave her house for two weeks.

[–]poppy_bluBeware the freight train10 points11 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

They very rarely document them or report the matter to authorities

You know this how?

[–]sugarcurious 1 points [recovered]  (1 child) | Copy Link

His feelings

[–]poppy_bluBeware the freight train9 points10 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Muh fee fees!

Muh stem degree!

[–]wtknightGen X Slacker1 point2 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

I don’t think they get the same “support for the underdog” that other movements get. Men are not seen as underdogs.

[–]Gravel_RoadsJust a Pill[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Honestly everyone tends to see themselves as the underdog. It’s just that men at least get to be the protagonist of 90% of all “underdog” stories in movies and games. I’m saying this as a white man. I’m given a lot of “success” narratives to relate to that other demographics still have to wait years between opportunities to.

[–]Bntt890 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

Again you can't compare hate groups to well established, egalitarian groups. How is it reasonable to compare civil rights groups getting attacked by KKK groups compared to well established egalitarian groups like feminists.

[–]Gravel_RoadsJust a Pill[S] 2 points3 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

I'm not sure I understand what you're saying. I didn't say anything about hate groups or the KKK. I just said that in the course of fighting for their rights (which, whether or not you agree, they felt was important to them), feminists (both male AND female) have faced death threats and violence. They just considered it worth the risk to fight anyway.

[–]Bntt890 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

I'm saying that their is a difference between the resistance these groups faced and the people who resisted them. An idiot who thinks women are inferior is different from a feminist. Today if a feminist says that your group is misogynist you are akin to an idiot who thinks that women are inferior. Making you ideas loom like they are not even worth considering. While the resistance groups for feminist just hated them to hate. I'm not going to sit here and say that MRA get death threats like feminists did but can you at least acknowledge that socially if a women's rights group calls another misogynist it has social repercussions?

[–]Eastuss༼ つ ▀̿_▀̿ ༽つ3 points4 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Before feminism we had socialism. Men just do not understand why any of this is necessary, this is why men's right will never catch up, nobody is really into it, we solve everyone's issue genderlessly or we don't. Socialism already advantaged women more than men though, which is even funnier.

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

[–]RadChadswell 1 points [recovered]  (12 children) | Copy Link

Then be strategic. Don't form a men's rights group (which address a wide variety of issues, some of which are perceived as misogynistic, some of which turn off other men). Form a men's shelter. Stick to a simple mission. Accomplish it. More will support that.

Will everyone support it? No. Who fucking cares. Have balls and initiative. Use male virtue to conquer this problem.

[–]wtknightGen X Slacker6 points7 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Yeah, starting small at grassroots level first is good advice for people sincerely involved in men’s rights issues.

[–]------__------------5 points6 points  (10 children) | Copy Link

With what funding it's all earmarked for women's shelters

[–]RadChadswell 1 points [recovered]  (9 children) | Copy Link

"I can't start Facebook because all funding is already earmarked for Microsoft, Apple and Google".

You go solicit new funding and sell your idea until someone bites. There is money in the US alt-right. It helped Trump get in power, and it could be tapped to help men's causes.

[–]------__------------2 points3 points  (8 children) | Copy Link

Those are private companies shelters are funded by the government. Do you understand the difference?

[–][deleted] 3 points4 points  (5 children) | Copy Link

How exactly do you think govt funding works?

[–]------__------------1 point2 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

How it works in the UK is they ask for it in parlement and whoever has the best sob story (ie women; the masters of sob stories) gets it. I assume it's the same in America with Congress or state legislature in place of parlement

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

My biggest takeaway from your comment is that France has annexed the UK

[–]------__------------0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

That happened in 1066

[–]Tomatoccino0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

How it works in the UK is that you rattle tins, sell baked goods, hold raffles and hope your cause gets pulled out of the lottery barrel.

[–]Gravel_RoadsJust a Pill[S] 3 points4 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

The government offers subsidies to shelters that meet specific criteria. The government is not the primary source of funding. It’s mostly paid from grants and donations.

[–]banananutbranmuffin0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Yup, it was antifa or some other radical group that attacked a woman who was going to speak at a men's rights conference.

[–]OatsGYOWMGTOW0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

but other men, who often have an individualistic, “take care of your problems like a man and stop whining” mindset.

You called?

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Whiteknight... are you becoming the red knight?

[–]LillthOfBabylon0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

they are often attacked by feminist groups for being misogynistic.

  1. Most people aren't feminists.
  2. Most people, today hate feminists and will report on every little thing feminists do.
  3. Men's groups do end up being misogynistic. Even the men on The Red Pill movie were sexist.

Of course, the people who form these groups often ignore that the greatest enemy to these movements are not women but other men, who often have an individualistic,

No. People bring that up too, but they dont want to listen.

[–]Dwarf900 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

If The Red Pill was that bad, why feminists wanted to stop it from being aired?

[–][deleted] 5 points6 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Its easy to live a mediocre life and expect everyone to sort your shit for you than sor it yourself.

Most guys are mediocre at best.

Unfortunately we havn't had any decent war or plagues lately to keep the numbers down.

[–]Eastuss༼ つ ▀̿_▀̿ ༽つ41 points42 points  (42 children) | Copy Link

(Except they do nothing on their own to build men's shelters; just want women to build them.)

It's not women, or women's money, which build the women's shelters. It's not a zero sum game, more female shelters means less unisex shelters. And men still do not understand why there's so much awareness on women's shelters when 3/4 of the homeless are men and nobody cares, suddenly why everyone does care when it's women. That's the kind of confusion that leads to this.

(Except they are also extremely negative about men's bodies - so they just want... women to have a male positivity movement for them?)

Men simply do not understand why women need a body positivity movement when fat girls still have higher SMV than average men.

This shit wasn't happening 20-some years ago when I was a teenager.

You mean all this feminist rethoric didn't happen 20-some years ago therefore men weren't counter reacting in confusion?

What changed is that people are a lot more BP and female narrative than before, and sons are being raised as inhibited women. It's as simple as that.

[–]Gravel_RoadsJust a Pill[S] 20 points21 points  (34 children) | Copy Link

It's not a zero sum game, more female shelters means less unisex shelters.

No it doesn't. It means there are more shelters in existence. Most shelters are unisex, and as you've said, there are more homeless men than there are homeless women. This means that unisex shelters serve more men than women. However, because women are uniquely vulnerable to assault from men, the rates of male-on-female violence in shelters is very high, which makes many women reluctant to utilize these services. So there are other alternatives made available to them. Women-specific shelters were created to solve a problem, and address rape and assault proplems in co-ed shelters.

What problem would be solved by creating a "male-specific" shelter? What would it be protecting men from? Women are reluctant to use co-ed shelters because of the high chance of male-on-female assault. This specific threat doesn't exist for men -- they tend to also be the primary attackers of each other. An all-male shelter wouldn't be sparing them from this reality. It would just be cutting their funding by being a smaller project with a smaller clientele.

[–]katymarxPurple Pill Woman12 points13 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

We have male only shelters here as well as rehab programs, halfway houses, etc. They are more geared towards addiction and general homelessness than domestic abuse as a cause and I’d like to see more of those programs around. Men used to hold the financial purse strings and women were far less employed and had much less financial security. Now is different and an abusive woman can wipe out the accounts of her victim trying to leave to control him into staying or becoming destitute. Seen it happen myself.

[–]idhavetocharge9 points10 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

An abusive man can wipe out someones accounts to control them exactly the same as a woman can. I don't know why you would even bring that up, its not gender specific to financially screw over another person. Hell, we have identity theft, you don't even need to KNOW the person or even be in the same country.

[–]Eastuss༼ つ ▀̿_▀̿ ༽つ5 points6 points  (30 children) | Copy Link

I know the arguments. But how they perceive it is instead of solving issue with male homelessness, we instead put more money into protecting the women into never being homeless, as if women were so protected it was absurd that women ever become homeless, but men not.

Indeed "male-specific" shelters makes no actual sense considering sexual dynamics. Maybe there has been issue with unisex shelters favouring women though, don't know.

[–]idhavetocharge8 points9 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Its obvious you have absolutely no experience or even knowledge of how shelters work. They work on a 'first come first served' basis and they are usually full of men.

In my town we have one mens shelter with around 60 beds. One women+children shelter that has 16 beds total. And one womens domestic violence shelter with 8 beds.

Tell me again how women are receiving some sort of free pass that men are not.

Check your own town. Go see what is really out there and available. Better yet get off the internet and volunteer at a few of these places so you can see whats REALLY happening.

[–]sophii15 points6 points  (6 children) | Copy Link

it’s first come first serve at unisex shelters (I was briefly homeless) they have women’s shelters like she said to solve a recognized problem in the system. If there was some kind of issue with men being in co-ed shelters there would be more men’s only shelters i’m sure. I understand that there are real pressing men’s issues, but when guys on here fight about this stuff it feels more like they are fighting for sympathy points than trying to do something useful for society.

[–]Eastuss༼ つ ▀̿_▀̿ ༽つ0 points1 point  (5 children) | Copy Link

If there was some kind of issue with men being in co-ed shelters there would be more men’s only shelters i’m sure.

I don't think there are problem for men in co-ed shelters. But it's a mistake to think that society would accommodate for male issues if they existed.

I understand that there are real pressing men’s issues, but when guys on here fight about this stuff it feels more like they are fighting for sympathy points than trying to do something useful for society.

There's a need for gathering attention in such movement.

[–]sophii11 point2 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

Wouldn’t it be more concrete to fight for causes that have statistics behind them? You may risk making your own cause look silly by fighting over things that don’t matter. I’ve seen the feminist cause do it to itself in a way. The only way I stay true to my beliefs through all the bull I see online is re-checking the facts, looking at others sources, taking to people who disagree with me, and getting to the bottom of what the proven facts even are.

[–]Eastuss༼ つ ▀̿_▀̿ ༽つ0 points1 point  (3 children) | Copy Link

The only example of MRA protest I know happen IRL are anti male genital mutilation, and the rest of the main MRA points are backed up by statistics. So, IDK. In the case of homeless people, MRAs react badly to the idea of their money being used to help women when men have it worse statistically, but the idea that it is the public money used may be wrong. I personally do not know and can't talk for them.

[–]sophii11 point2 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

Men have it worse on the metrics your looking at, there are lots of metrics to take into account. I could bring up women’s higher rates of abuse, assault, rape, and lower pay scales, genital mutilation and forced slavery. I could say the same for womens issues as far as statistics backing up our cause. I just don’t know why the men’s rights movement wants to be an anti women’s rights movement instead of just promoting their good alongside our good. Why does it have to be a battle? we can take care of homeless men AND women. We can end male AND female genital mutilation.

[–]Eastuss༼ つ ▀̿_▀̿ ༽つ0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

Men have it worse on the metrics your looking at, there are lots of metrics to take into account.

MRA will deal with the metrics that are bad for men just like Feminists deal with the metrics that are bad for women. The issue is when Feminists start spreading lies about how men are privileged when both men and women have their own shit.

I could bring up women’s higher rates of abuse, assault, rape, and lower pay scales, genital mutilation and forced slavery.

If you look at USA or Europe

  • genital mutilation is a male issue in first world, male and female genital mutilation are both issues in 3rd world.
  • Abuse and assault are male issues equally, the difference is that perpetrators are mostly male too, thus why feminists think that it's not a notable issue.
  • Lower pay scales is a debunked issue, women choose to not work as much as men, women avoid careers, the issue is not about discrimination, but about life balance. Feminism wants to push women into being more career oriented, when we should push men to have more balanced lives instead.
  • Forced slavery sounds like an universal ungendered problem, or you have to clear up what you mean by that

I just don’t know why the men’s rights movement wants to be an anti women’s rights movement instead of just promoting their good alongside our good.

Feminism's core definitions imply that men are privileged and oppress women, or have build a structure that does so. What MRA reproaches to feminism is to have an apex fallacy on what men's life looks like, and reproaches that feminism tries to set women's life up to what a minority of privileged men have, and then to brand everything in the name of equality.

Feminism also undermines MRA because they think it shadows women's issues. For example, they're against an international men's day because it's intolerable to suggest that men might have it bad.

Then Feminism's methods are arguably bad too. Sexism and misandry may be used to ensure "equality".

We can end male AND female genital mutilation.

I would really like to hear what feminism official opinion on male genital mutilation is.

[–]sophii10 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

they have a recourse page at the top of the feminist page. I’ve been smoking so I’m not going to respond to all of this right now, but you make a lot of great point and i’m physically excited to research your points. In many places in modern day american women have as many if not more rights than there male counterparts. but for now I’ll say you make a compelling point that men’s rights can be valid. I just still believe in women’s rights as well? maybe I’ll edit in the morning.... but i’ll go find an official stance from the material they supply. Brb.


I apologize for low effort :( but as you can see in the stance feminists are super inclusive

[–]Atlas_B_Shruggin✡️🐈✡️ the purring jew23 points24 points  (21 children) | Copy Link

Lol there are almost no women in unisex homeless shelters because homeless shelters are full of dangerous men. You think yheyre full of women and theres no room for the men?

If you say "more womens shelters mean fewer unisex shelters", ypure saying it's a zero sum game

Womens DV shelters take nothing from unisex shelters, theres hundreds of both all over the country

WOMEN build staff and fundraise for womens shelters all over the US

There is not a SINGLE barrier to men building mens private mens shelters

[–][deleted] 4 points5 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Lol there are almost no women in unisex homeless shelters because homeless shelters are full of dangerous men.

You'd think this would be obvious.

[–]Eastuss༼ つ ▀̿_▀̿ ༽つ-1 points0 points  (19 children) | Copy Link

ypure saying it's a zero sum game

I said it's not? I've got confused then.

WOMEN build staff and fundraise for womens shelters all over the US

Weird way to say women nag until men do it lmao

[–]Atlas_B_Shruggin✡️🐈✡️ the purring jew9 points10 points  (18 children) | Copy Link

eird way to say women nag until men do it lmao

ok, but this is just not true

It's not a zero sum game, more female shelters means less unisex shelters.

this sentence contradicts itself

[–]Eastuss༼ つ ▀̿_▀̿ ༽つ0 points1 point  (17 children) | Copy Link

Yeah I meant it's a zero sum game.

[–]Atlas_B_Shruggin✡️🐈✡️ the purring jew5 points6 points  (16 children) | Copy Link

right, how is it a zero sum game, how to womens DV shelters take away from unisex ones?

[–]NiceGuyNumber40 points1 point  (15 children) | Copy Link

Funding is limited. Every dollar spent on X cannot be spent on Y.

[–]Gravel_RoadsJust a Pill[S] 0 points1 point  (13 children) | Copy Link

Funds are made for different things. The funding to my shelter isn’t threatened by the existence of other shelters. Funding is adjusted every year based on how many shelters have been built and whether those shelters are passing a certain number of inspections.

[–]Elle1111110 points1 point  (3 children) | Copy Link

Women are still 4x as likely than men to be murdered by their partner is it’s not as if all these extra shelters are helping

[–]Eastuss༼ つ ▀̿_▀̿ ༽つ0 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

Weird that you argument in favour of not having shelters for women lol

[–]Elle1111110 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

It’s not? My argument is that women need more shelters.

[–]Eastuss༼ つ ▀̿_▀̿ ༽つ0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

it’s not as if all these extra shelters are helping

Sounds like an argument suggesting female shelters are useless. Which is obviously false and I understand this isn't what you mean, but you still said it, lol.

[–]Dwarf900 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

And then those sons suffer from trans fantasies like me.

[–]Eastuss༼ つ ▀̿_▀̿ ༽つ0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

you wish to be a woman?

[–]Dwarf900 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

If there was a way to magically turn me into a complete woman I would definitely do it. But the modern technologies are not advanced enough to do it.

[–]poppy_bluBeware the freight train9 points10 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

This shit wasn't happening 20-some years ago when I was a teenager.

You just answered your own question. Boomer parents raised a generation of kids to never think for themselves, never take action unless forced to and to believe they deserve to be worshipped for merely existing.

[–]ontherailstoday8 points9 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

A lot of them are dedicated STEM types who have a totally unrealistic idea of how personal, social and economic change is made to happen. I mean if people are concerned it might as well be fucking magic... the way they see it women wanted things and then women sung a song of complaint to the universe and the universe just created those things, there was no struggle and no pain and no sacrifice and no need to persist and to take time and extend effort and work to understand what is actually happening and agree on plans and suffer setbacks and form new plans and... well you get the picture. Sort of like how people who can't be bothered with understanding tech stuff just try to offload all their tech problems on the people who can be bothered and in doing so sometimes don't appreciate whether the problem will take 30 seconds or 30 hours or 30 years and 3 billion dollars to fix, they just want the special super secret magic held by that other person to be applied to it and the situation fixed.

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

A lot of them are dedicated STEM types who have a totally unrealistic idea of how personal, social and economic change is made to happen.

LOL, blaming the STEMlords I see.

[–]TwentyX41 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Well... let's be honest. Most women didn't do anything to get their advantages, and most women will complain about stuff and not do anything about it. You talk as if women were somehow doing stuff to make it happen, when the reality is that at least 95% of them were bystanders watching it happen. At most, they were paying lip service. In that sense, men complaining about not getting stuff (while also not doing anything about it) and women complaining about not getting stuff (while also not doing anything about it) describes at least 95% of men and women.

[–]RadChadswell 1 points [recovered]  (7 children) | Copy Link

So far most replies seem to be

"but WAAAH, there's an obstacle, how do I overcome an obstacle?"

"someone else failed, trying is pointless"

"but they have it easy, I want it easy GIMME GIMME"

"talking on reddit is the only effort I want to make, someone else should do the rest"

Must be internet passivity, RP soycucks.

[–]angels-fanCrooning over hellscapes3 points4 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

Exactly what I think.

"But... But... Someone pulled a fire alarm 10 years ago. WHAT MORE CAN WE DO???"

[–][deleted] 8 points9 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

You must admit that fire alarms are pretty disruptive. Tough to overcome.

[–]angels-fanCrooning over hellscapes3 points4 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Feminists overcame much worse in their fight for equality.

[–][deleted] 7 points8 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Impossible. There is literally nothing worse.

[–]Gravel_RoadsJust a Pill[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I’d sure be embarrassed to even hear myself using excuses like that. If I was that easier discouraged I’d probably still be delivering pizza in Omaha

[–]tgertcherTake The Grimace Pill0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Don Juan

Because women are coddled by society, and men think they should be too.

[–]Nobodykers11 points12 points  (8 children) | Copy Link

Men are jealous of women's strong herd mentality.

E: Reddit cant call me an incel now that i have silver.

[–]ffbtaw23 points4 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

This past century of so has been the first time in at minimum millions of years that the male's physical stature didn't provide them a strong 'hard power' advantage over the female. The females were able to make up for it through social power imbued by their 'herd mentality' and other forms of soft power. With the emergence of the welfare state, birth control and the state's monopoly on violence men's advantages mostly disappear (with the exception of those granted to a select few by greater male variability) but women's social advantages remain.

I can't blame men for coveting that advantage.

Realistically the only way to balance the equilibrium is to return closer to our original state of nature (transhumanism is wishful thinking).

Forget the red pill, take the Ted pill.

[–]Nobodykers1 point2 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

I think are modern society is superior. Its not like men are doing really bad or anything. At least not in my country. The US is a bit more fucked maybe.

[–]ffbtaw21 point2 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

I think are modern society is superior.

But is it sustainable?

[–]Nobodykers0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Nobody knows

[–]wtffellificationWe all love women2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

weird comment but not irrelevant

women always belong to a group; WAHMEN. men either have to find their own pack/tribe to belong to, or die trying as distinct individual alienated entities

[–]Gravel_RoadsJust a Pill[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I don’t actually disagree lol

[–][deleted] -1 points0 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Herd mentality is an understatement, more like collective hivemind instincts

[–]swaghetti__yolognese3 points4 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

It's not that. It's more 100 women come together and decide that eventhough they disagree on a lot, they stick together for that 1 thing they agree with eachother on.

That's not herd mentality or collective hiveminds. It's being pragmatic. After that 1 thing is done, a different group of women might take up the mantle on something else, because those who accomplished that 1 thing are now happy. The rest need to agree on what their new 1 thing is. And so it goes, incremental progress. Bit by bit.

[–][deleted] 7 points8 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Bro you made it all too complicated. Its real simple.

Men see women complain about something and get handed lots of free stuff by SoCiEtY. Autistic men think they can then complain and also get stuff from society, but this fails, because 99% of human beings think (at least on some level) like you... and kind of instinctively dislike when men do this.

Sometimes, as in your case, it comes out as a bunch of "arguments" on the internet trying to "explain" why men doing this are "wrong"... but thats just a bunch of memes lol. In reality what matters is that ppl just dont like men the way they like women. Thats why women complaining is valid but men not. Everything else is just a rationalization cherry on top of the ice cream that is pre-rational decision making that weak men suck.

[–]Gravel_RoadsJust a Pill[S] 2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

If it helps, I hate when women complain and wait for other people to solve their problems for them too

[–][deleted] 10 points11 points  (16 children) | Copy Link

Is this just another product of kids getting raised on the internet or something? I literally can't fathom the sort of passivity necessary to sit in your room and just wait for someone to break down the door to come fix your life for you.

It's the result of treating boys like defective girls, mollycoddling and lying to kids about what dating entails.

Things like not letting kids play outside and be social, telling them to just be themselves, giving out participation trophies without a clear winner and discouraging boys from being boys ("use your words, feel your feelings, have more pills to kill creativity and turn you into a zombie").

This passivity works for girls who don't have to lift a finger to get shit done, if they're attractive enough (most of them). They can sit back and let love come to them. They can be themselves and someone will still want them. They can use their words and no matter how misandrist the language, they'll get a pat on the back for doing nothing but talking (empowerment!).

So what you have are a bunch of feminised, weak, overweight boys who wish love would land in their laps. They're too afraid to take risks because everything from outside play time to education is sanitised and overprotected. They never learned that risks are important because it can lead to greater rewards.

Accomplishments by men are never celebrated as aspects of their masculinity so they don't see exploration, innovation and creativity as part of who they are. This is why grown adults need 'safe spaces' at universities because conflicting ideas hurt their feelings. This is why Millennials feel entitled to salary increases despite their performance at work. This is why just being social, and competent when socialising, is becoming harder.

Technology has essentially privatised social interactions, which is why you see the dysfunction creeping in. But what we need is to let boys play sport and teach them how to be men: act, compete, channel violence and aggression into positive outlets, and resilience.

My personal opinion is that it's part of a conspiracy because it's far easier to rule a weakened, softened society that is divided because of identity politics. But we'll see how long this lasts before another war breaks out.

[–]RedPill-BlackLotusRed Pill Man2 points3 points  (12 children) | Copy Link

Nah, good times produce weak men. There is a saying that goes with it. We are just at the tail end of the good times part.

[–]exit_sandmanstill not the MGTOW sandman FFS0 points1 point  (11 children) | Copy Link

Why can't it be both? The "conspiracy" he mentions is the result of times having been too good for too long.

I mean, do you really think that helicopter parents and SJWs would have been a thing 50-100 years ago?

[–]RedPill-BlackLotusRed Pill Man1 point2 points  (10 children) | Copy Link

I mean, do you really think that helicopter parents and SJWs would have been a thing 50-100 years ago?

No, but I'm sure if you did some research, people back then did some very retarded shit.

And a lot of children died back then In farming and industrial accidents. The helicopter thing didn't just pop up for no reason you know.

You think parents 100 years ago had to worry about the hookup culture, opioids, Instagram, SSRIs, the internet, the over sexualizing of society, and all kinds of other shit my ignorant ass cant come up with yet.

No they didn't.

And you could beat the little shits back then. We can't do that now. It suxks.

You dont have to helicopter if your pound them into submission a few times. Men respond to hostility and violence. We are raising weak men.

[–]Uncommon_Sensed_1238 1 points [recovered]  (6 children) | Copy Link

Sorry to intrude, just wanted to wish you the best and say goodbye. I've been banned on r/marriage and could not figure out how to PM on phone. I actually may be banned from here too so I don't know if you will get this.

[–]RedPill-BlackLotusRed Pill Man0 points1 point  (5 children) | Copy Link

I'm really going to miss you. I have some of your responses to other people saved and your opinion on things is valuable.

Some of the things you have said have made me consider other viewpoints and has made me a better man, and husband.

They banned me too.

If you ever come back under a different handle let me know. I'd recognize your replys anyway.

See you around. I will be thinking about you from time to time. I wish my sons had more grown woman around them like you.

Say hi to your husband for me.

[–]itiswr1tten 1 points [recovered]  (3 children) | Copy Link

Who deleted?

[–]RedPill-BlackLotusRed Pill Man0 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

She always deletes her posts. She does it at the end of every day. Her advice and insight was always what people need to hear, not what they want to hear.

[–]itiswr1tten 1 points [recovered]  (1 child) | Copy Link

I don't know who this user is

[–]tgertcherTake The Grimace Pill0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

I think children need to be forced to socialize whether they like it or not. Humans are social creatures. Even if you don't like sports or bars or parties, it is important you do these things for normal social development. It's pretty damn hard to get laid or even get any friends if you don't like people. As a matter of fact, I think introversion is caused by formative experiences. If I had been forced to play sports my whole life or had been forced to be social, I wouldn't even be on this sub. People need social interaction, and this is coming from someone who is a bonafide introvert. It is unnatural to not be social.

[–]lilacluna5480 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

I agree that children need to be social but I dont think that it makes introversion completely avoidable. I wish it did. I had friends growing up, played a sport and did extracurriculars, Ive even done the bars and the parties on occasion. Yet Im still introverted and not always great at talking to people.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Beating the kids when they can't fight back yet can backfire in the end though.

Many of the previously submissive kids are now the grown adults who have beaten up their now older and weaker parents without repentance at all. doesn't always work.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

My personal opinion is that it's part of a conspiracy because it's far easier to rule a weakened, softened society that is divided because of identity politics. But we'll see how long this lasts before another war breaks out.

It seems that way, but it's not. There is no conspiracy, it's just how things are shaking out.

Even strong men like mechanics are getting weaker, but they aren't about to give up their impact wrenches.

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

It seems that way, but it's not. There is no conspiracy, it's just how things are shaking out.

Humanity's progress seems to be towards a goal we're not even sure of yet. But we're still on track. Look at what things have become universal and you'll notice a pattern: things that strengthen and empower citizens get ignored or outlawed. Even collecting rainwater can land you in hot water in certain states. Things that weaken or remove power from citizens gets priority: governments want backdoors into operating systems, moving towards surveillance capitalism, stricter gun laws, various types of entertainment and distractions at a price, a voting process that creates the illusion you can change things by just scribbling a mark on paper while the rich and powerful continue with business as usual.

If voting worked, they wouldn't let us do it.

Even strong men like mechanics are getting weaker, but they aren't about to give up their impact wrenches.

That's because they're overweight on a diet of processed food that lacks the nutrients they need. That and they could hit the gym now and then to get stronger.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

things that strengthen and empower citizens get ignored or outlawed.

I see it differently. We were basically serfs since civilization began. I doubt, voting is a shit show, esp. when you go higher up. Local elections matter more, school boards and city councils.

various types of entertainment and distractions at a price

Now we're on the same page. The reason I don't see it as a conspiracy is that the powers that be are viciously competing with one another.....the end result, of course, is more softness and weakness.

As Carlin said a long time ago, America's pasttime is consumption. Fuck baseball, consumption, people spending money they don't have on things they don't need.

My best friend is a savvy trader who would like to retire early, but just had a daughter. I made it as clear as I could: consumerism is now the biggest threat of his life, and will use his daughter to exploit the shit out of his careful gains.

[–]------__------------11 points12 points  (15 children) | Copy Link

"But feminism helps men too" explains all of above

Inb4 not all feminists

[–]Gravel_RoadsJust a Pill[S] 7 points8 points  (14 children) | Copy Link

Uh I didn't mention feminism at all. Are you trying to use "feminimism" and "all of womankind" interchangeably? Or are you just confirming that yes, you think women should be responsible for saving men from themselves?

[–]------__------------3 points4 points  (13 children) | Copy Link

Yeah pretty much women and feminists are the same thing apart from when it's inconvenient for women or feminists

All through school we got "you must help and respect the womanS" I guess a lot of men thought this would be a reciprocal arrangement

Also dating and women's shelters etc are decidedly feminist topics

[–]Gravel_RoadsJust a Pill[S] 10 points11 points  (12 children) | Copy Link

All through school we got "you must help and respect the womanS" I guess a lot of men thought this would be a reciprocal arrangement

Some women do help men. Women protest incarcerations, women are involved in "anti-circumcision" efforts, women volunteer to help the homeless. And some women don't. Some are civil rights activitists and some are literally racists. Womankind is a pretty big demographic and not all women are expending their energy on the exact same issues. However, womenkind does seem to also have a goal of working together to solve women-specific problems when it needs to. It sounds like you're saying "men don't help each other because they expect women to do it for them".

Also dating and women's shelters etc are decidedly feminist topics

Women's shelters, yeah. I don't see how "dating" is a "feminist" thing. Even non-feminists date and talk about dating.

[–]------__------------5 points6 points  (11 children) | Copy Link

Whenever men do try to help eachother women protest it and call it mysoginistic

There is no government funding to help men because feminist are so intent on their war on the patriarchy (aka men) narrative

[–]Gravel_RoadsJust a Pill[S] 3 points4 points  (5 children) | Copy Link

Whenever men do try to help eachother women protest it and call it mysoginistic

Can you give me an example of this happening?

There is no government funding to help men because feminist are so intent on their war on the patriarchy (aka men) narrative

You're using "feminism" and "all of femalekind" interchangably again. And even if they were entirely unified, you are also confused about how funding is allocated. The only purse strings "feminists" have their hands on is for the money they accrued by their own efforts.

What funding are men trying to gain access to that feminism has obstructed their access to?

[–]NiceGuyNumber42 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Can you give me an example of this happening?

You're using "feminism" and "all of femalekind" interchangably again.

Because women benefit from feminism even if they don't support it. Technically, feminism even tries to benefit women who don't support it.

And even if they were entirely unified, you are also confused about how funding is allocated. The only purse strings "feminists" have their hands on is for the money they accrued by their own efforts.

Lol feminism only works with support from the taxpayer AKA men.

What funding are men trying to gain access to that feminism has obstructed their access to?

Shelters for the homeless and victims of domestic violence comes to mind. Go ahead and Google the ratio of male to female homeless, and then Google the number of shelters available for each group.

[–]PanderjitSingh_k-1 points0 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

Most money spent on feminists comes from hard working men via the government.

[–]Gravel_RoadsJust a Pill[S] 2 points3 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

How are they acquiring this money from the government?

[–]------__------------2 points3 points  (1 child) | Copy Link


Government funded adverting

Ring fenced funds for women's issues

[–]Gravel_RoadsJust a Pill[S] 2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

So they filled out the necessary paperwork and applied for it like any other shelter? Because those grants are awarded to any project that meets the grant-specific criteria. What’s a “ring fenced fund”?

[–]PanderjitSingh_k1 point2 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

And generally feminists will attack men’s efforts by pulling fire alarms, blockading buildings, bomb threats, false accusations, air horns, media smears.

[–]sugarcurious 1 points [recovered]  (3 children) | Copy Link

Bomb threats? When has a feminist group ever made a bomb threat?

[–]NiceGuyNumber43 points4 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

Feminist individual makes a bomb threat to stop a group of men meeting after Gamergate

[–]kandyapplezincel larping as a thot1 point2 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

"feminist individual"

the identity of the person isnt mentioned at all

[–]NiceGuyNumber40 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

The Twitter account was deleted, so I guess we'll never know. I had assumed the person tweeting a bomb threat at the anti-feminist Gamergate meeting was a feminist, but i could be wrong and some other group is threatening male meetings.

[–]sublimemongrelBecky, Esq.7 points8 points  (22 children) | Copy Link

It only appears to exist here where the gender war is raging. Apparently, men’s problems are women’s responsibility to fix too

[–]NiceGuyNumber48 points9 points  (20 children) | Copy Link

Women's issues couldn't have been fixed without men. Unfortunately, men fixed women's issues first and now Briffault's Law comes out.

[–]sublimemongrelBecky, Esq.2 points3 points  (19 children) | Copy Link

Yes it’s true women needed men’s support but I mean think about the rights that women didn’t use to have like voting, not being able to own property, etc. If men didn’t provide support by voting and/or legislation than women would have had a near impossible time obtaining those.

That being said I’m sure there are many women currently who would be supportive of certain of men’s issues - they might provide support through voting or legislation themselves. I still think men need to drive their efforts though if they seek to be successful.

[–]NiceGuyNumber42 points3 points  (18 children) | Copy Link

I agree that men should drive the efforts. The issue is that men are more likely to support women's issues than vice versa. Men's issues are openly mocked (see that politician laughing about male suicide rates). It's hard to get anything done with less than half the vote.

[–]sublimemongrelBecky, Esq.5 points6 points  (17 children) | Copy Link

Plenty of past issues have been openly mocked or even met with outright violence and yet advocates have still persevered. These days people may laugh or yell but you gotta start somewhere 🤷‍♀️

[–]NiceGuyNumber42 points3 points  (16 children) | Copy Link

I'm aware. I'm pointing out that the group that needed help before now refuses to return the favor. Just an observation on the nature of women and Briffault's Law being applied on a societal scale. Feminism really was a huge shit test.

[–]sublimemongrelBecky, Esq.5 points6 points  (15 children) | Copy Link

Well, many MRAs seem openly hostile to feminists/feminism so I’m not sure what they would expect.

[–]NiceGuyNumber41 point2 points  (14 children) | Copy Link

You could say the same about many feminists and their views towards men.

[–]sublimemongrelBecky, Esq.4 points5 points  (13 children) | Copy Link

I would not think those feminists would be the ones complaining that men won’t herald their movement. I don’t think rad fems want anything to do with men although admittedly I am not well versed in their movement.

[–]NiceGuyNumber4-1 points0 points  (12 children) | Copy Link

Lol feminism has always been women complaining to men to act differently. It's always been "men should do X" or "men should let women do Y." Regardles of their opinion of men, it's always demanding something from men.

[–]HighResolutionSleepMen have always been the primary victims of maternal mortality.0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

I am extremely close to saying fuck it and embracing full-on sociopath mode.

Nobody matters except me.

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Where Does This Trend of Men "Waiting For Women To Save Them" Come From?

The pit of hell.

[–]HighResolutionSleepMen have always been the primary victims of maternal mortality.1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

We get it, nobody cares about men and expecting them to is cringe because they never will.

[–]LillthOfBabylon1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

feel their lives will not improve until women "take action" and fix it for them.

Because they dont understand that women aren't asked out by Chads all the time. There's plenty of women who take the initiative.....with guys they like.

hoping a woman will come along and "sell him" on marriage.

Most men like the idea of marriage, or at the very least an LTR.

"Women have women-only shelters, why aren't they building men-only shelters?" (Except they do nothing on their own to build men's shelters; just want women to build them.)

Also, that women are more likely to be in mortal danger.

This isn't really a part of RP or BP that I can tell

It's part of the manosphere, which TRP is a subtype of.

Is this just another product of kids getting raised on the internet or something?

Yes and pornhub.

If you don't go outside, you can't complain you don't get the benefits of the sun, yanno?

People tell them this, but they dont listen.

[–]wtffellificationWe all love women2 points3 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

i dont think men are collectively hoping to be saved by a female counterpart

they are just hoping for a miracle because many deem a miracle more likely to happen than any positive result that would be brought on by effort they put into self improvement

[–]tgertcherTake The Grimace Pill1 point2 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

It's why incels have such high standards. Realistically they know that no matte what they aren't getting any, so they figure it doesn't matter how high their standards are. So they just insult every woman that isn't 10/10 even if they would worship a girl like that irl.

[–]wtffellificationWe all love women1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

as far as i know they insult 10/10’s just as much. so in this sense they are pretty indiscriminatory

[–]wtffellificationWe all love women1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

as far as i know they insult 10/10’s just as much. so in this sense they are pretty indiscriminatory

[–]Clipsez2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

"Women have women-only shelters, why aren't they building men-only shelters?" (Except they do nothing on their own to build men's shelters; just want women to build them.)

This is pretty much bullshit. There was a guy who ran a men's only shelter and was basically laughed at when he applied for aid resources that were readily available for women's only shelters.

He ended up committing suicide (something that also predominately affects men) due to all of the stress:

I don't know where you're getting your information but no one is waiting for women to create men's shelters, that's malarkey.

[–]Mr_SmoogsThe 2nd most obnoxious poster here5 points6 points  (62 children) | Copy Link

I can make observations about the labor market or marriage market without “waiting for someone to fix it” or whatever.

If I say there’s a massive economic problem in feminism as an ideology because it

a) ultimately diminishes the birthdate and

b) requires a growing population and economy to sustain a welfare state.

That doesn’t mean I am waiting for someone to save us from it. In fact, merely stating that or something similar is growing awareness of that thing. It’s doing some part, however small, that can ultimately lead to change. You don’t have to be a political activist to speak of political change.

You seem to be under the incorrect impression that you must be a political activist to make observations about the political climate or else “you are just waiting for someone else to come save you.”

[–]Gravel_RoadsJust a Pill[S] 7 points8 points  (61 children) | Copy Link

I didn't once mention feminism. You did. Birthrates are fine, the population of the planet is continuing to grow. it doesn't bother me as much as it seems to bother many westerners that people might be less white in the future. Genetic diversity is healthy.

This isn't about politics at all. I'm asking why men of today are more passive and less proactive, and why they use the excuse of "women are doing things for women" as a way of saying "and they should be doing it for US MEN too!" Especially when the things they want women to do FOR men are things they, as men, are not willing to do for each other.

[–]exit_sandman 1 points [recovered]  (17 children) | Copy Link

Birthrates are fine, the population of the planet is continuing to grow.

They're not, we are below replacement rate and the population is only growing because places where the last thing they need is more people have decidedly not-fine birth rates in the opposite direction.

[–]poppy_blu 1 points [recovered]  (16 children) | Copy Link

people have decidedly not-fine birth rates in the opposite direction.

AKA brown people

[–]exit_sandman 1 points [recovered]  (15 children) | Copy Link

If crying "tHaT's RaCiSt" is the first thing that comes to your mind when someone dares to comment on the problems issues like the average # of life births per women being around 5-8 brats in certain regions of the world, you're part of the problem.

And despite all your complaints about anti-black racism in here, I strongly doubt that you of all people would want to invite a nine or ten digit number of native Africans (who would gladly like to leave their continent for various oftentimes quite understandable reasons) into your borders.

[–]poppy_blu 1 points [recovered]  (14 children) | Copy Link

I’m not racist


I bet you wouldn't want those nasty Africans in your neighborhood.

I lived in Africa BTW. And there are plenty of African immigrants in my neighborhood. In fact, they are officially the most educated group in the entire US. More than whites, more than Asians.

but I’m not racist.

[–]Aryan_Jihad 1 points [recovered]  (1 child) | Copy Link

Picking the upper class of Nigerian Igbos and claiming they represent Africa is like saying the Queen represents the average Brit. Grow a brain.

[–]-TheGreasyPole-Pissed Off that Reddit Admins killed my old account[M] 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Stay off the race stuff, and be civil.

[–]exit_sandman 1 points [recovered]  (11 children) | Copy Link

Nice strawmanning honeybunny.

[–]poppy_blu 1 points [recovered]  (10 children) | Copy Link

You mad?

[–]exit_sandman 1 points [recovered]  (9 children) | Copy Link

Nah, you're just talking out of your ass and then go on the offense despite having no leg to stand on. I mean, this little gem alone

And there are plenty of African immigrants in my neighborhood. In fact, they are officially the most educated group in the entire US. More than whites, more than Asians.

makes it glaringly obvious that you're either arguing in bad faith or have no idea whatsoever what large-scale immigration from the third world would look like. Though my money is on the former because, as I said, whenever you're caught talking nonsense you're mounting clumsy counterattacks like these.

[–]jax006 1 points [recovered]  (7 children) | Copy Link

Duh, obviously all of them would come over with student visas go study civil engineering

[–]Mr_SmoogsThe 2nd most obnoxious poster here4 points5 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

Birthrates are not fine. We aren’t talking about world population either. Western nations require a growing population and economy to sustain a welfare state. That’s just the truth. And western birthrates are declining. Shrugging the problem off doesn’t make the problem go away. In a feat of irony only you could pull off, playing ignorant and shrugging off economic problems is being guilty of the very thing you are disparaging men for. You are indeed asking someone else to fix a problem.

You are mistaking a critique of something. If feminists are going to continue to claim that feminism is for men too, then you really can’t complain when that statement is critiqued. Nor is critiquing that statement a claim that someone should be doing something for men.

[–]Gravel_RoadsJust a Pill[S] 4 points5 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

If feminists are going to continue to claim that feminism is for men too, then you really can’t complain when that statement is critiqued.

You keep using "feminism" and "all of female kind" interchangeably, and it's causing confusion. Women are not born into this world with a fully formed consistent definition of feminism that they then go their whole lives dedicated to. Some say feminism is good for men as well as women. Some say men can't even BE feminists. Most women don't think about feminism at all, much less whether it helps men.

Why do you keep bringing up "the welfare" state as though I'm supposed to have a strong feeling about it? The financial situation in our country is broken and most of the country's wealth is lining the pockets of a minority of men in the country. It's because of this financial disparity and environmental insecurity that young people are having less kids, not "feminism".

[–]Mr_SmoogsThe 2nd most obnoxious poster here3 points4 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Again, if some feminists are going to continue to claim that feminism is for men too, then some men are going to continue to prove that incorrect.

And lmao no. The poorest have the highest birthrates. What are you even saying? Why would you even want to have such incorrect opinions?

It’s not even controversial that female independence results in lower birthrates. And that wouldn’t be a problem if the same women didn’t also advocate for a welfare state.

[–]iamsachafierce4 points5 points  (32 children) | Copy Link

Birthrates are fine

So you just stick your head in the sand? Google Europe birth rate or Japan birthrate. Just because humanity as a whole is growing doesn't mean there's isn't a massive problem with the developed world's birthrates. The US is skating by with immigration but that's bringing it's own problems.

And as far as men are passive, you realize there are taxes right? Who contributes the most taxes? It's outrageous that you say men are passive when men as a whole provide more for society that can be quantified. So they believed in the BS that society was gonna look out for them and then got Charlie Brown'ed when they got older

Wake up and actually pay attention. Society is failing, birthrates are falling, life expectancy is going down. These are the canaries. We are in a crisis but until it all collapses people will continue to ignore it

[–]badgersonice7 points8 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

What difference does it make who pays the most taxes? Is it your suggestion that because men pay more taxes in total, women should just birth more children in gratitude? Even if women did want to offer gratitude to men for all of men’s supposed magnificence (which is ridiculous), they wouldn’t just dumbly thank men as a whole with the gift of more babies, because many many men avidly do not want children.

In the real world, women make the decision of how many children to have based largely on their own economic circumstances, not based on some sense of gratitude for the mere existence of men. Unfortunately for the pro-higher-birthrates people, the practical economic incentives for women to have more children are minimal. Men don’t generally value or select for women to have children (many select for looks and little else). Its well known that many men can’t or don’t want to support a wife and children (and many resent the idea of even paying to feed their own children). Children are a net cost and a massive economic burden to the mothers, and maternal labor is not as highly valued or paid as other forms of work.

So all in all, becoming a mother is a net economic cost for many mothers. Until there is a more substantial economic incentive for mothering multiple children, the birthrates will not increase. Well, aside from just banning abortion and birth control so that women will be forced to bear children they don’t want and can’t care for. But many more neglected, hungry, or abandoned children isn’t exactly what I’d call a thriving society.

[–]OfSpock1 point2 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

Is it your suggestion that because men pay more taxes in total, women should just birth more children in gratitude?

Isn't it the other way around. Poor women with children are the recipients of WIC etc.

[–]badgersonice1 point2 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

Yeah, and that makes his comment even weirder. Children are expensive, and a lot of them require additional support beyond what the mother alone can provide—including WIC, snap, public schools, after school programs, school lunches, etc. So he’s whining that he thinks women don’t have enough babies, but then also whining that men will have to pay some of the taxes that will support those babies. Basically, he wants women to have more children, but wants women to bear the responsibilities totally alone. He wants the benefits without having to pay any costs. Not surprising, but still hilarious.

[–]OfSpock0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

I've had someone on this board tell me I should have had one more child so that population would grow to pay for the retirement of old people. So, my husband and I should pay a lot of money so someone else doesn't have to?

[–]badgersonice0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

You owe it to all those other taxpaying men to use your womb, lady. Lol

[–]poppy_bluBeware the freight train10 points11 points  (9 children) | Copy Link

Who contributes the most taxes?

If women keep out earning men in the future the way the millennials are now, we will.

Besides as many times as I’ve asked for the data to back up “women are net tax takers,” I’ve not once seen it.

life expectancy is going down.

It’s highest it’s ever been.

This is why no one takes the manosphere seriously. Beliefs are more important than facts.

[–]iamsachafierce0 points1 point  (8 children) | Copy Link

15 seconds on Google.

This is why no one takes you seriously anymore. Cause you don't know what you're talking about

[–]poppy_bluBeware the freight train8 points9 points  (7 children) | Copy Link

“But Anderson said the latest data suggest this mortality trend is heavily influenced by the ongoing drug epidemic and a rising rate of suicides nationwide. And many people dying as a result of those two causes tend to be younger than in recent decades, he said.”

People are still living longer but the numbers are offset by a growing incidence of younger people dying prematurely.

15 seconds on google

But you have to read beyond the title.

[–]iamsachafierce0 points1 point  (6 children) | Copy Link

Umm.. lol? Obviously. What did you think life expectancy meant?

The big question is whhhyy

[–]poppy_bluBeware the freight train4 points5 points  (5 children) | Copy Link

With life expectancy you need to segment the data to get an accurate picture as to how to solve it. For example LE is down for whites without a college degree but up for basically everyone else. Drug abuse, gun violence and chronic stress are big causes.

[–]iamsachafierce0 points1 point  (4 children) | Copy Link

So we can pinpoint one particular group that's struggling? Now let's address it.

[–]poppy_bluBeware the freight train5 points6 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

Alternative careers with security for people not going to college. Quality affordable health care. Tax incentives to keep blue collar jobs here (as opposed to just cutting taxes for the rich and not asking for anything in return).

Oh and not voting for party that fucks you over every chance they get because you want to hear that brown and gay people are responsible for all of your problems.

[–]Mr_SmoogsThe 2nd most obnoxious poster here6 points7 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

She’s being ignorant and in a feat of brilliant irony, is being passive and wants someone else to fix the birthdate problem 😂

[–]Gravel_RoadsJust a Pill[S] 6 points7 points  (14 children) | Copy Link

The US is skating by with immigration but that's bringing it's own problems

The US has always been made up of immigrants. It has always brought problems.

Who contributes the most taxes?

You think women don't have to pay taxes O_o?

they believed in the BS that society was gonna look out for them and then got Charlie Brown'ed when they got older

What sort of "looking out" were they expecting? Were they of the opinion they wouldn't have to do anything at all in return? I certainly wasn't raised being taught that. Is it a new thing they're teaching kids in school or somethign?

Society is failing, birthrates are falling, life expectancy is going down.

We're definitely on a downward dip in quality of life, in many areas. This is more due to wealth disparity and financial corruption than it is women "not taking care of men enough".

[–]iamsachafierce 1 points [recovered]  (13 children) | Copy Link

You're a troll.

The US has always been made up of immigrants. It has always brought problems.

So ignoring the point.

You think women don't have to pay taxes O_o?

So ignoring the point.

What sort of "looking out" were they expecting?

So ignoring the point.

This is more due to wealth disparity and financial corruption than it is women "not taking care of men enough".

.. wut? Completely unsubstantiated bullshit.

Keep that head in the sand, you're doing great! /s

[–]Gravel_RoadsJust a Pill[S] 5 points6 points  (12 children) | Copy Link

Seriously. What “looking out” were you assuming you’d get? Men from my generation legit were not taught this.

Also, how am i ignoring the point about immigration? I’m the grandchild of immigrants, myself. My whole family is. Most people are. Unless you’re pure-blood native, so are you.

[–]iamsachafierce 1 points [recovered]  (11 children) | Copy Link

Immigration isn't the point, birthrates are. You're inability to understand proves either incompetence or trolling. I've already took my guess. I'm not engaging until you address at least one point

[–]Gravel_RoadsJust a Pill[S] 3 points4 points  (10 children) | Copy Link

You didn’t make a point. You quoted my questions and instead of answering them you kept repeating “ignoring the point”. But you won’t say what the point is or why.

[–]iamsachafierce2 points3 points  (9 children) | Copy Link


[–]Gravel_RoadsJust a Pill[S] 3 points4 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

White Americans not breeding doesn’t mean human kind is dying off. If the human majority is a little browner in a hundred years that’s fine.

[–]-TheGreasyPole-Pissed Off that Reddit Admins killed my old account1 point2 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

The birthrate of the current citizens is irrelevant on its own.

IF a country has a sub-replacement birthrate, but they "import" immigrants from those countries with higher birthrates, then they're going to have the same continuously growing population that they'd have if all the births are native.

They even get an advantage out of the deal, in so far as "the other country" paid for all those years education/training/food/shelter for a non-productive child.... and then the country they immigrate TO gets to reap ALL the benefits of them being a productive worker without the costs.

If you don't have an issue with immigration, then there is no issue with birth rates either so long as you allow in enough immigrants to fill you country's gap (I'm assuming the US in your case)

[–]reluctantly_red0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

The US is skating by with immigration but that's bringing it's own problems.

Problems? You mean like better restaurants and prettier women? Those are problems I can live with. :)

[–]NeedRealityShockSerious senior0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

Birthrates are fine

Keep telling yourself that when the government can't pay you the pension you were promised.

[–]Gravel_RoadsJust a Pill[S] 2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

The government has been wasting my taxpayer money on shit I don’t want and am often directly opposed to for years. I’d be an idiot if expected to get what I’m due even if birthdates weren’t down. They’d find some other reason to tell me it was someone else’s fault

[–]ImsomnilandNo Pills thnx0 points1 point  (4 children) | Copy Link

This isn't about politics at all.

Then I think OP you don't understand what politics is if you think you think it's not about politics.

I'm asking why men of today are more passive and less proactive

You provided no proof for their being more passive and less proactive, you just provided anecdotal evidence that there seem to be vocal people online and that somehow translates into passivity.

[–]Gravel_RoadsJust a Pill[S] 0 points1 point  (3 children) | Copy Link

How is it not passive to sit back and wait for someone else to solve your problems for you? I didn’t like a lot of things I was told I’d have to deal with. So I rallied all my strength and changed my own situation. There is literally no other option.

[–]ImsomnilandNo Pills thnx0 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

How is it not passive to sit back and wait for someone else to solve your problems for you?

What evidence do you have that all of these men are just "sitting back and waiting for someone else"? All you have is proof that people online are vocal but being vocal and doing something are not mutually exclusive. In fact it's usually the opposite--people who are doing something about the issues in their own life usually are annoyingly vocal about their pet passions/rage online.

People complaining online is not evidence that people are passive.

[–]Gravel_RoadsJust a Pill[S] 1 point2 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

I keep asking dudes what they’re doing personally and so far I’m pulling up nada. Are you doing something to aid the plights of men?

[–]ImsomnilandNo Pills thnx0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

I keep asking dudes what they’re doing personally and so far I’m pulling up nada. your whole post is based upon the couple of times you asked (supposedly male) questions of internet strangers? Yet even more proof that your whole argument is nonsense.

Are you doing something to aid the plights of men?

I believe the whole premise of your post is false. I don't believe that men as a whole are either complaining or waiting for women, specifically, to make their lives better and I don't believe they're sitting passively on their butt as your handful of internet questionnaires have led you to believe.

[–]-OpportunityCostI don't care about your problems1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

It is definitely a product of kids getting raised on the internet. There has always been a hierarchy of men getting the most sex and relationships towards the bottom where there is little to no sex and relationships. The internet has just taken that and expanded it 100x. Young men growing up nowadays can see that if you really are a good looking guy then you can get a girl to come have sex with you on an app in 10 minutes. This becomes super depressing to young guys because they feel like they are missing out and get the "why even try" mentality. It can lead to an endless cycle of becoming depressed where the bottom is the incels who just sit in their room and do nothing all day. Also I think that men are just getting sick of seeing all the women are perfect and men are trash attitude in the media. It just leads to more of a society where people don't give a shit about each other. I really think in 10 years we will become like Japan where so many men have just given up and resort to not even trying.

[–]incelicious1 point2 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

You're absolutely right. The Benevolent sexism of needing to save women has to stop. Then no one will sit around waiting to be saved. Everyone will need to take responsibility for themselves. Agency for all.

[–]Gravel_RoadsJust a Pill[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Sounds ideal.

[–]AutoModeratorBiased Against Humans[M] 0 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link


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[–]diffdedbedGreen Eyed Devil3 points4 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Outside has great graphics but the game is a grind and way to long a respawn timer.

[–]tgertcherTake The Grimace Pill0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Outside's progression system is super broken tbh

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (13 children) | Copy Link


[–]Bekiala2 points3 points  (12 children) | Copy Link

I would argue that the idea of women saving men came way before movies were a thing.

Consider the best selling Bronte novel, Tenant of Wildfell Hall. Although it was more widely read at the time of its publication than the novels written by by Anne Bronte's sisters, it is now relatively unknown. I credit this to the fact that the book was suppressed first by the author herself and then by her sister. The story postulates that a woman can not save a man no matter how virtuous she behaves. This was considered a shocking and completely untrue situation at the time the book was written and resulted in the story being suppressed.

On the other hand we women, sure want to be saved/rescued on many occasion. When I was young, I fantasized about a man being a kind of combo mother/therapist . . . sigh . . . not realistic but it was a lovely delusion while it lasted.

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (11 children) | Copy Link

True, whole manic pixie dream girl trope and that. social skills should be taught more in class.

[–]Bekiala0 points1 point  (10 children) | Copy Link

manic pixie dream girl trope

I actually am not familiar with this trope. I'm old so more familiar with novels. Could you explain more.

[–][deleted] 3 points4 points  (9 children) | Copy Link

Manic Pixie Dream Girl or MPDG, is a term coined by film critic Nathan Rabin after seeing Elizabethtown. It refers to "that bubbly, shallow cinematic creature that exists solely in the fevered imaginations of sensitive writer-directors to teach broodingly soulful young men to embrace life and its infinite mysteries and adventures." A pretty, outgoing, whacky female romantic lead whose sole purpose is to help broody male characters lighten up and enjoy their lives. 

[–]Bekiala1 point2 points  (8 children) | Copy Link

Thanks . . . .I think many women (myself included) have a bit of a fantasy to be this kind of woman. It is a bit of a hero complex . . . I suppose it is the feminine version of the "white knight." . . . now I'm thinking of Lord Byron and wondering if the various women in his life, Caroline Lamb, Anabelle Milbanke, Clair Claremont, wanted to rescue him.

I love trying to tease out what makes people today different and what has been true for eternity.

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

I'll be honest i know so little about books that i have no idea if there are female examples in there.

[–]Bekiala0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

No worries. The books and people I mentioned are a bit niche; no reason why you should be familiar with them unless you have an interest in that direction.

Could you give me a few examples of movies with the Manic Pixie Dream girl type character?

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Natalie Portman's character in Garden State is one of the best examples,

[–]Tomatoccino0 points1 point  (4 children) | Copy Link

Literary examples are more dream and less manic; Belle rescuing the Beast; Jane bring out Rochester; heck, even Lady Sybil rescuing Sam Vimes from himself.

[–]Bekiala0 points1 point  (3 children) | Copy Link

Wait, who is Sam Vimes?

[–]Tomatoccino1 point2 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

Have you ever read any Terry Pratchett?

[–]Bekiala0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

No I haven't but of course have heard of the author . . . .not even sure if it is a him or a her>

[–]ffbtaw20 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

low T

[–]HighResolutionSleepMen have always been the primary victims of maternal mortality.0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

I'm going to try to give an honest answer on this one: because we're sold a narrative about how we're moving forward to The Great Egalitarian Unity where imagine all the people sharing all the world, but it's overwhelmingly obvious that nobody actually gives a fuck about men as a class. A lot of men don't have any other group identities that the intersectional Left Tribe cares about, and also aren't particularly conservative or libertarian in disposition, and so you have a lot of men who have no political home, and so nucleate around the common identity that is unserved by any other political party.

That's my estimation of the activist side of the manosphere, though. I don't belong to the licentious hemisphere and never will.

[–]Xemnas810 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Firstly you conflate feminist lobbies with women.

Secondly men and women are meant to be a team

[–]JezebeltheQueen5656Crushing males' ego since 19930 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

those men dont want women to save them, they want women to abandon their lives completely to serve them. it is a sort of a isolation tactic. makes women feel responsible for his wellbeing. most common tactic: fake suicide attempt.

any reasonable woman would leave such men in the dust.

[–]JasonPegasiRed Pill, Behavioral Economics, History, EQ0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Man-children started out as a sitcom stereotype and ended up becoming a real thing.

Humans are not good at moderation especially when it comes to modern super-stimuli like video games, social media and television. There is no built-in biological mechanism that says "Too much dopamine" but there is one that is always saying "Get more dopamine". Combine this with a historically low ability for males to express their evolutionary role in society since levels of danger and violence are low and men are no longer the only workers, and you get binges of escapism more common amongst men than women. Your life can easily fall apart around you when you're not even paying attention to it because your time and energy goes into escape.

[–]Barely-moralMostly red though0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

They claim that the only reason men clean is because women nag them to

All men do are the things that get them laid and the things that don't significantly reduce their chances of getting laid. (I am making a generalization, I am talking about the majority)

The man that does not act in that way is a man that will not have children so the genetic fuck up that made him that way will dissapear from the gene pool.

If men could get laid by being lazy assholes living in cardboard boxes they would. We would have evolved to be that way.

they complain that women are selfish and lazy and incapable of love, but also seem to desperately be hoping a woman will come along and "sell him" on marriage.

Marriage and love are not the same. Why would you confuse those terms? You can love without being married. You can be married without love.

[–]DREADC0RSAIRNo Pill | Just Dead Inside0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

Couldn't you make the same exact argument about women? Where are all these men begging to be saved anyway? I literally have never spoken to anyone on Reddit who matches your description so im going to need statistical evidence.

[–]NeedRealityShockSerious senior1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

[–]CainPrice0 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

Modern men are much more feminine than they were 50 years ago.

So instead of sucking it up and handling difficulty, they wait to be told what to do, and wonder why nobody has established programs to help them with routine difficulties like we do for women.

The idea that they're not women and they're not supposed to need that shit is lost on them. Instead of seeing the fact that women need that shit and men don't as an advantage, they see it as unfair inequality and demand that they be lowered to the level of women.

[–]tgertcherTake The Grimace Pill0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

I agree. I'm honestly not as masculine as I would like to be, and I'm apparently tough by boomer standards. Older men or guys in my family always say that kind of shit. I play video games and watch fucking superhero shows, so if I'm tough I hate to see what a guy that's considered a pussy is.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

The hyperagency argument is weak and is getting old. People who make these arguments are worse than any feminist.

[–]Dumberjack0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Most "feminists" don't actually do anything other than bitch on the internet either.

You didn't see it before because the internet didn't exist and all these whiny losers couldn't commiserate together in the loser communities they've built. There was also no way to tell the activists that they were idiots when you heard on the news that they were protesting the way that Barbie (a fictional cartoon) looked, you just had to tell whoever was in the room with you at the time.

[–][deleted] -1 points0 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

It's mostly because their mothers and other woman in their lives have brainwashed them into thinking they need to get a woman to be their best selves which is definitely not true. It also gives an excuse to be lazy.

[–]handklap-1 points0 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

I think what you are referring to relates to the mainstream - media, corporations, government, etc. Of course, some random guy can go out there and start addressing men's and boy's issues as an individual. But as a whole, feminists have been very, very successful at silencing and otherwise no-platforming men's groups. They simply do not have a voice in the mainstream.

So in this sense, they are correct. Elected and corporate leaders will not address their concerns unless they get the go-ahead from women and feminists in particular which isn't happening. These civic and corporate leaders know they have to deal with a lynch mob otherwise.

[–]Gravel_RoadsJust a Pill[S] 3 points4 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

But as a whole, feminists have been very, very successful at silencing and otherwise no-platforming men's groups. They simply do not have a voice in the mainstream.

How do you marry this idea with the fact that most politicians, CEO's, news anchors and "corporate leaders" are all men? Do you categorize Donald Trump and his ilk as "feminist" somehow?

[–]handklap1 point2 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Simple. Men govern for women. Women govern for women.

It is so odd to me how women see all these men in power and then make this bizarre leap in logic to assume this maleness somehow benefits other men - it doesn't. Look at education, media campaigns, government policies, how our tax dollars are spent - everything is so one-sided in favor of women and girls.

PS: Trump was elected primarily due to exactly what I'm talking about. All those rust belt voters kept getting told how privileged and racists there were and that their problems with their jobs and their families and their mortgages aren't real problems.

[–][deleted] -1 points0 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

I think men just want to feel like they're valued members of society, instead of walking meat puppets to be used for labor and sperm. A lot of this is just a symptom of being displaced in this new western landscape.

[–]Gravel_RoadsJust a Pill[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I honestly can see how it’s feel that way. Which is part of why I don’t understand why straight dudes don’t form a stronger more supportive community. I honestly only really find it in queer-friendly circles. All my straight male friends seem genuinely isolated by comparison.

[–]Planetof12-1 points0 points  (13 children) | Copy Link

Self-love is useless. Why do people keep talking about it?

[–]Gravel_RoadsJust a Pill[S] 1 point2 points  (12 children) | Copy Link

It only really comes up when people say they want to be loved, but don't really consider what there is to love about themselves. If you can't even like yourself, I'm not sure why anyone else would be able to.

[–]Planetof12-1 points0 points  (11 children) | Copy Link

Why should I like myself? I'm just a vessel for myself.

[–]Gravel_RoadsJust a Pill[S] 0 points1 point  (10 children) | Copy Link

When you are around people you like, do you want them to like being around you?

[–]Planetof120 points1 point  (9 children) | Copy Link

Yes, but you never like someone because they like themselves. It's a non-factor.

[–]Gravel_RoadsJust a Pill[S] 1 point2 points  (8 children) | Copy Link

It’s more of an exercise in self-awareness. People enjoy each other’s company because of their unique personality features. These same features are also what repel people from us. If you look inward and don’t see anything you like about yourself, it’s hard to know what value you have to offer in a social setting. This makes social interactions very difficult, and flirting almost impossible

[–]Planetof120 points1 point  (7 children) | Copy Link

I cannot experience myself as others experience me. So it comes to null

[–]Gravel_RoadsJust a Pill[S] 0 points1 point  (6 children) | Copy Link

Hey man if you’re content don’t let me tell you how to live. I’m a super-gregarious artist type so empathy just comes naturally to me, but it’s deffo not the only way to live.

[–]Planetof120 points1 point  (5 children) | Copy Link

How do you know empathy comes naturally to you? I learned that none of us can really know ourselves. It's best not to have an opinion at all.

[–]Gravel_RoadsJust a Pill[S] 0 points1 point  (4 children) | Copy Link

Sounds zen. I’m the opposite- I prefer to have strongly formed conclusions because it strengthens my resolve. I know I have natural empathy because I don’t tend to struggle in understanding the perspectives of others. I can pretty accurately predict the impact I will have on others and calibrate my behavior to exercise control of what I want this impact to be. I did require years of self-honestly and firm behavioral awareness to achieve the latter tho.

You can kill a man, but you can't kill an idea.

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