
~ archived since 2018 ~


I found a pretty revealing New York Times podcast discussion about the sexlessness of the younger generation, especially among men. I thought it was worth sharing and discussing:

For anyone who can't listen to it due to regional restrictions or audio malfunction, here are some mirrors for the podcast:

The relevant part starts at 18:42.

(EDIT: I realize that this is a long post, so now I've tricked it out with fancy bold stylings to highlight the juicier bits)

I find it interesting how in this discussion, they seem to lay the blame at social conservatives .. and men, of course. But let's ignore the men for a second and go back to the conservatives. Ross Douthat (at around 19:30), tries to blame conservatives for.. wishing for less promiscuity. He doesn't explicitly blame them for the low levels of sex but words it in a "be careful what you wish for" kind of way, which is completely baffling to me. I think Ross is trying to frame this as some sort of ironic anecdote, but it really comes off as a lazy attempt to lay blame at conservatives when they realistically cannot be blamed for this. He says (and please excuse my quick and highly imperfect transcription of the discussion) "you can imagine the social conservative of 1985 wishing for less promiscuity.. and getting it. But the way we've gotten it has not been this remoralization of sexual life that conservatives imagine. It's been just this straightforward decline of relationships and marriage. The simple reason why sex is declining among younger people (but older than teens) is due to the decline or postponement of marriage. So the social conservatives have gotten their less sexually active before marriage society in a sense, but they've gotten it at the expense of the institution and social bonds that they imagined that they wanted to reforge."

I think that's a ridiculous thing to say, because conservatives never advocated for a decline in marriages, nor for a postponement of marriage until late 20s, for example. I'm pretty sure they were highly against teen marriages, but not against people marrying in college. On the contrary, it's all the liberals and feminists who encouraged women in college to not hurry in tying themselves down to a man and to advance their education, career, explore themselves, their consciousness, the world, to sleep around, and so on. The male partner part was expected to happen on its own, as it had since forever. But more on that later.

Then, Michelle Goldberg chimes in to highlight that young men are having much less sex than women and Ross responds to that at 21:25, by expressing scepticism in the rise of incel men. His argument for this is that there has been a lot of discussion and consternation about the general sexlessness of young people and that this is just one statistical point that shows that men are doing more poorly in some regard, so we shouldn't take it seriously.

I find this ridiculous. If anything, the statistics are inaccurate in the other direction. Without a doubt, women tend to downplay how much sex they're having, how many sex partners they've had, while men tend to overreport these numbers. It's not a complicated concept and anyone who's been around the block and is intellectually honest will actually admit that. But not these guys. I think it's a generational difference. I don't think they're willfully deceiving anyone. They just don't understand the current culture we live in, where women are running the show when it comes to dating and sex (aside from a small percentage of truly top tier men).

The moderator, David Leonhardt, then jumps in to say he finds the whole thing "to be depressing". That it's all a part of the overall breakdown in the health of our social interactions. And you see this refrain over and over. The general sentiment is: "this whole thing is quite unfortunate and depressing, but women and progressives have no blame in this and men and social conservatives need to take responsibility for it".

Michelle Goldberg then jumps in to say how this is a part of the rising mental problems (anxiety, depression) crisis that is affecting youths more and more, then goes on to agree with Ross in that we're not sure if incel numbers are actually growing (i.e. the NYTimes crew doesn't like this finding from the survey, so they're trying to write it off), but those incels sure are annoying and it's so horrible that they are able to congregate on the internet and discuss how much they're being deprived of sex. Then she goes on to say how these incels then become white nationalists, because they are targeted by those groups. Then, she at least concedes that "having large cadres of unattached men with not much to do is extraordinarily destructive".

Ross jumps in to agree with her, then says:

"This is where the argument for a certain kind of social conservatism where you want to structure society in such a way that the male sex drive is linked to personal responsibility. But this is unfair to women, because they shouldn't be cast into these passive roles and limits their personal choices too much".

"The difficulty is removing all rules and structure in how people think of what you're supposed to do in order to have a normal, healthy sexual relationship. You've created a dynamic where men seem to think that they're entitled to the levels of sex that our culture thinks are necessary for 'the good life', while having no clear, structured way to get there. And maybe that's just the price we pay to get there".

Here, Ross said something very substantial. He cut to the core of the malaise in our dating/relationships breakdown. This highly disturbed Michelle Goldberg, so she jumped in with what seems like a non sequitur:

"Progressives aren't saying you should ignore everything that makes a person a decent mate. They're saying that you actually have to treat women with more respect, more egalitarianism. And in fact, it is what you have to do to successfully pair up in the society we actually live in."

Maybe someone can explain to me how we go from Ross hinting at how hard it has become for men to meet women (if I were to speculate, he might be referring to the workplace and the internet) to Michelle saying "you shouldn't ignore everything that makes a person a decent mate". I feel like there are a lot of assumptions and a lot of things are being left unsaid.

Michelle goes on:

"Incels refused to learn that you have to treat women as equals if you want to have a family. And we can't blame that on progressivism".

Soon after this, David jumps in to ask Ross what he thinks social conservatives should do about this situation. The mod goes on to say that he largely agrees with them regarding the importance of the family unit, especially that 2 parents are better for a kid than just 1.

My thought here is - why is it the responsibility of social conservatives to suggest concrete courses of action when it's the progressives who have done away with numerous concrete institutions and social norms? Why should soc cons be left fixing the mess? Is it because they care more about stable families than the progressives and progs are expecting soc conservatives to fight for it indefinitely, like some force of nature?

The suggestion Ross comes up with is that colleges should segregate students by gender, so as to encourage a more traditional courtship culture in place of the hook-up culture. The same question is then given to Michelle, who responds (around 29:50) by saying, first and foremost, that "young men need to step up and that it's not the job of young women to make men better, to tame and civilize men. Young women shouldn't settle for the 'extremely cold and brutal sexual cultures that seems to prevail thanks to the hookup culture and apps. Women should demand more kindness and consideration and feel more empowered to demand more from the men they have sex with. There is a lot of evidence current sex culture is making women unhappy."

There is so much wrong with this. First of all, she falls for the apex fallacy and is completely unaware of the dynamics of the SMV/RMV. The majority of women online are chasing a small percentage of men. These men are sort of calling the shots, but they are only able to do so because all these women are eagerly openings their legs for them. While Michelle does actually and explicitly advocate for women to hold these 'fuckboys' more accountable, the irony, of course, is that these fuckboys are NOT INCELS, which is the GODDAMN TOPIC they're discussing. Once again, she's focusing on alphas and is ignoring the incels, after previously acknowledging that "having large cadres of unattached men with not much to do is extraordinarily destructive". When it comes to actually dealing with the issue, actually diving into details, she completely writes off incels, completely forgets that they exist and becomes very concerned with how many women's feelings are hurt by the fact that the hot badboys they hooked up with are not interested in being exclusive with them for the foreseeable future. She does not explicitly state this, but the members of this podcast reference older articles and the hookup culture a lot, so this is what I'm inferring.

Michelle goes on to say that "if women are empowered to expect more of men, maybe more men will rise to the occasion". As if women's expectations of men aren't sky high already! Example:

So let's recap. The topic of discussion is "young men are having dramatically less sex than women", which is followed by an acknowledgement that this is a bad thing, based on a lot of evidence from other countries. But Michelle's primary concern is that WOMEN ARE UNHAPPY, and I quote, "there is a lot of evidence current sex culture is making women unhappy." And it's the men's responsibility to fix it and they can only fix it by becoming more progressive and egalitarian. So there is an obvious and explicit acknowledgement that the current system isn't working, an implicit acknowledgement that we arrived at the current state of affairs thanks to progressivism, feminism, and women, but the responsibility to fix this mess falls on men and on social conservatives, even if everyone knows and agrees that they didn't cause these problems.

Notice how the problem was first identified with a lot of men being undersexed (i.e. a problem that MEN are having), which becomes a non-problem quickly, because the real problem is that WOMEN ARE UNHAPPY with the hook-up culture (that is only possible because women are enabling it). In other words, from Michelle's standpoint, men's problems aren't problems. Even after all the panelists have agreed that is a problem, she pivots away from it.

tl;dr: do you agree with the NYTimes panelists' viewpoints that men and social conservatives need to fix this situation? Do you agree that this is their fault? Do women have any responsibility?

[–][deleted] 17 points18 points  (126 children) | Copy Link

I think men should try all they can to become attractive in some way. However some men just can’t be Chad, and there’s nothing they can do to become it. I know from experience, I have done just about everything I can. All I’ve gotten are relationships, but I never got any casual sex.

No one is to blame, just the genetic lottery for giving you a bad hand. It’s a problem without a solution. I don’t hate women because they don’t think I’m hot and want to fuck me, I hate myself for not being hot enough no matter how much I try. Can’t make women be attracted to anyone, but some men just can’t become what is generally considered attractive. Still I don’t think they should give up until they’ve done everything in their power.

[–]WhiteningMcClean15 points16 points  (38 children) | Copy Link

It really doesn't matter, because attractiveness will always be relative. If every guy became hotter, women would just raise their standards. I'm pretty decent looking, but when I moved to a city that's larger and more attractive on average, dating became harder. If I were to move to Los Angeles, which is an even larger and even more attractive city, I'd have a worse time yet, despite being the exact same person.

I get that you don't want to blame women, but blaming yourself is stupid too. Unattractive to average guys had WAY less trouble dating a few decades ago. It's the same with income inequality. Just because you were born poor, doesn't mean it isn't getting harder and harder to work your way into the middle class.

[–]rus9384Misanthrope5 points6 points  (21 children) | Copy Link

I'm pretty decent looking, but when I moved to a city that's larger and more attractive on average, dating became harder. If I were to move to Los Angeles, which is an even larger and even more attractive city, I'd have a worse time yet, despite being the exact same person.

At the same time all those RP folks tell it's easier in big cities because there are more hot women there and it's easier to maintain abundance there. I believe almost all those guys who maintain abundance are plating 5/10 looking women though. Because only Chads can plate hot girls.

Also, he does not blame himself as well.

[–]WhiteningMcClean2 points3 points  (17 children) | Copy Link

The negative impact of a large city applies mostly to dating apps. If you're frequently out and about it's a bit different.

My point was mostly about being in a city like LA where people are way more attractive on average.

[–]rus9384Misanthrope0 points1 point  (16 children) | Copy Link

In dating apps if you leave in a small city you have a smaller pick as well. Well, it takes less swipes for a match, sure.

a city like LA where people are way more attractive on average.

I think this is the real point. It's not about population density but about its average attractiveness. If you place all those rural dudes and girls in a small area, they won't get much less matches.

[–]WhiteningMcClean0 points1 point  (15 children) | Copy Link

I assume you mean they won't get fewer matches per person. And that's incorrect, which is exactly my point. People, especially women, are more generous with right swipes in a less populous area. In a large metro you can always find someone new. The more rural, the fewer options they have. Not saying it's an effective or logical way of looking at things, but that's how it tends to shape out. I can go back to my hometown for a week and get better looking matches who message ME, compared to what I get in a month here.

[–]rus9384Misanthrope0 points1 point  (13 children) | Copy Link

Your assumption is incorrect, that can be seen in my first paragraph. They will, but the main factor is average attractiveness.

[–]ayywumao 1 points [recovered]  (12 children) | Copy Link

that can be seen in my first paragraph.

That's not how that works. Your words aren't something that 'can be seen', as if you saying it somehow makes it an observable fact.

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

Your words aren't something that 'can be seen'

Well, I guess I should throw my phone away and stop reading road signs

[–]ayywumao 1 points [recovered]  (2 children) | Copy Link

You should not act like you making an argument for something makes it materialize as fact.

Just cut the bullshit attitude.

[–]rus9384Misanthrope0 points1 point  (7 children) | Copy Link

"Can be read" if you like it better.

as if you saying it somehow makes it an observable fact.

Does not make sense.

[–]ayywumao 1 points [recovered]  (6 children) | Copy Link

that can be seen in my first paragraph.

Yes, that does not make sense.

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

Eh I kind of blame myself, but it’s not really directly. I just hate myself for not being hot enough is all.

[–]rus9384Misanthrope1 point2 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Hating yourself is bad. You should accept yourself. It's not something in your control. Work on anything you find important that is in your control, though.

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I’ve already done that. Hating myself hasn’t hindered my ability to progress in life, have relationships, pursue hobbies, get a career in the field I studied for with my dream company. Whether I hate myself or not, my life is pretty great outside of the thing I really want.

[–]reluctantly_red1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Los Angeles, which is an even larger and even more attractive city

Think you'd find that most woman in LA aren't really that attractive (most of the guys aren't either).

[–]wekacuckLife is settling.0 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

Women don't need to raise their standards because the casual sex market can be fully satisfied by the hottest of the men.

[–]WhiteningMcClean1 point2 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

What? You just contradicted yourself.

[–]wekacuckLife is settling.0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

I don't see a contraction. They already have access to the hottest. Like if we're talking guys who grade "A-" or better on the SMP, these "A-" dudes can already spin all the available women.

[–]OfSpock0 points1 point  (11 children) | Copy Link

It really doesn't matter, because attractiveness will always be relative. If every guy became hotter, women would just raise their standards.

Which is a moot point, because men are getting less attractive, not more. You're complaining about a problem which hasn't happened.

[–]WhiteningMcClean1 point2 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

I’m not complaining about it. I’m saying “men should pay more attention to their appearance” is not a solution in the slightest. And everyone is getting less attractive, women included.

[–]OfSpock0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

I'm not saying they should do anything. I'm saying the statement "If men become better looking, then women will still choose the top 20%" is both completely unproven and irrelevant since what is happening is that men are becoming less attractive.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (8 children) | Copy Link

Men haven't become less attractive they have largely remained the same. Its more that women's standards have increased much more than in the past. In the past men just needed to be the breadwinner. Now men must be college educated be a breadwinner be fit/physically attractive, be smart, be woke, etc etc.

[–]OfSpock2 points3 points  (7 children) | Copy Link

The statistics on how many men are overweight disagree with you. And the number of men in physical jobs has plummeted. Men, on average are fat and unfit and eat worse diets than they used to. About the only improvement is a drop in smoking.

A woman wanting a reasonably healthy fit guy has a lot fewer options than she used to. You can complain about women's standards whn men have fixed this problem.

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

The statistics on how many men are overweight disagree with you.

Despite it doesn't. Back in the 50's and such women where financially dependent on men which meant their paycheck was the primary factor than their looks. Now that women are no longer financially dependent on men their looks matter now.

You can complain about women's standards whn men have fixed this problem.

I am not complaining I am laughing all the way to my grave over this. As men aren't going to fix this as fixing it will only lead to body image issues something that is growing rapidly among men. But I do like how you ignore all the other things women want in men and only focus on the physical looks.

[–]OfSpock0 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

Men's looks have always been a factor. It's more a case of fewer women marrying for money.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

They where very much less of a factor before than today where they are a much bigger factor. And women still very much marry for money today. Hypergamy is still very much alive today. If that wasn't the case then women would be dating down and that even be dating blue collar workers but they aren't as women aren't dating down.

[–]OfSpock0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Some women always married for looks, some for money and some for necessity. The big drop out has been those women marrying for necessity.

[–]Reed_49830 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

Is an obese women (just as much, if not more women than men are obese) wanting a fit guy reasonable?

[–]OfSpock-1 points0 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

People usually pair up with someone similar to them, so she's probably going to have to compromise in another area in order to get that. People aren't really going to have much sympathy for her if she fails. Apart from that, what does reasonable mean? If she find someone, they're presumably both happy with the deal.

[–]Reed_49830 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Yup, I can pretty much agree with that. You're one of the very reasonable posters here.

[–]oneprettycoolcat2 points3 points  (14 children) | Copy Link

Most men can't be Chad. That's the entire reason Chad is attractive.

But yes, you shouldn't hate yourself for it. Hating other people is much more effective at making your life better.

[–][deleted] 3 points4 points  (13 children) | Copy Link

I just wish I was hot, no one else to hate for that, I can only blame myself. That being said it hasn’t really hindered any aspect of my life, just an undying feeling of misery.

[–]oneprettycoolcat3 points4 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

It's not really your fault, at least not if you're a guy. However, anger is a good motivator to at least not feel sad all the time, which is a horrible way to go through life.

That being said it hasn’t really hindered any aspect of my life,

Yes it has. There is tons of evidence that how attractive you are has a huge effect on how your life plays out.

[–][deleted] 2 points3 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

I was saying that feeling depressed about my lack of looks and height hasn’t hindered in me doing what I want, except when it comes to getting laid and women thinking I’m hot. I was still able to find relationships, hobbies, travel, be successful working for the company I wanted to for more than half my life. For a 26 year old I’ve done a lot, but none of it matters if I can’t be Chad. Still I have to live my life, but everything is just a consolation prize to me. I imagine if I was attractive I would have all that ten fold and women wanting to fuck me, but I still did okay. That being said I would give any or all of it up if you told me it would make me a Chad and have women just want to fuck me and tell me how hot I am all the time.

I never hated anyone, hatred and anger doesn’t work for me. If anything that would make me focus on it and never accomplish anything. At this point misery is just the default emotion, it doesn’t really stop me from doing what I want or need to do, whether I’m happy or sad about it, I’ll never be Chad and I’m doomed forever to feel that way.

[–]oneprettycoolcat1 point2 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

I never hated anyone, hatred and anger doesn’t work for me.

Fair enough. It worked for me, but I guess people are different. I went from hating myself because of my shitty genetic luck to just hating everyone else. The plus side of this is I actually get stuff done now rather than wallowing in my misery: I've got a great career, at least, though it's still pretty meaningless when you've got nothing really to look forward to but simply existing to spite people.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Whatever works for you man. No judgements here.

[–]IWantAllYourMoney 1 points [recovered]  (8 children) | Copy Link

Get your skin fixed. Get plastic surgery. Get hair transplant. Get jacked. Get leg lengthening surgery.

You can get chad as long as you have money. Go fucking make money and become the chad that you so desire to be. #GetMotivated

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (5 children) | Copy Link

I actually have great skin, the most acne I ever had in my teens was a zit in an random spot on my face once every 3 or 4 months. I am aware how lucky I am for that. I am absolutely going to get plastic surgery at some point, probably a chin, jaw, cheekbone implants to start. I have been trying to get jacked for 5 years and I can’t do it.

Leg Lengthening isn’t realistic and I don’t know why people keep thinking it’s a chin or jaw implant. Gor starters the cost is absolutely insane (hitting about 100k) it can probably take me well into my thirties to save up enough money, and at that point it’s a waste of time. Not to mention the risks are way higher than any other plastic surgery, the biggest being I could become crippled, and it would take months of physical therapy to be able to walk again correctly, which would mean I’m out of commission for that time. Don’t know about you, but I don’t know many people that can pay that money and be out of commission unless you’re like a millionaire who gets residual checks. And to top it all off it’ll give me maybe 3 inches or so, at 5’6 all things considered it’s a waste.

[–]IWantAllYourMoney 1 points [recovered]  (3 children) | Copy Link

How old are you? If you're still in 20s you can you definitely have enough time and energy to make 100k+ within a few years and get taller thru the surgery. Be frugal. Learn day trading. Work double or triple jobs. Etc. 5'9 is infinitely better than 5'6. I'm around 5'9, my little brother is 5'6. The difference is huge. Even if you would be in your 30s by the time you get this surgery it' ll be worth it.

[–][deleted] 2 points3 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

I’m 26, and no I really can’t realistically. I have student loans that I still need to get paid off which gets in the way. Im not drowning like a lot of people which I’m thankful for. I do have my savings and save a decent amount every paycheck, but realistically it would take me a lot of time, more time than you might think.I did the math quickly and it would take me 300 - 350 paychecks to get that kind of money. Day trading is just a scam, it’s a gamble at best and I really don’t like gambling. Working two or three extra jobs just sounds like hell. What kind of life do you live where you can just save up for surgery all the time because I’d like that life. Also does is your job just gonna let you take off months to get surgery? My certainly doesn’t, so I’ll have to save realistically an extra year of pay so I can just survive. It’s not realistic in my life, I’ll be in my 30s when I get this, and then what’s even the point? I’ll be 33 and trying to bang girls in their 20s? Fuck that, I’ve missed out on the best time of my life.

[–]IWantAllYourMoney 1 points [recovered]  (1 child) | Copy Link

Do you get laid often? Are you a virgin? Is your sex and dating life satisfying? If you're fine in that regard then I guess you wouldn't need this surgery.

But if you're struggling in your dating life and your below average stature is a major reason, then you;ll struggle even more in dating as you get older. That's why I think you should get the surgery even if you'll be in 30s by the time you'll be able to afford it because at 5'9 you can do better in dating even in your 30s; could do better as a 5'9 33 year old than your current 5'6 26 year old self.

But again, if you're doing ok in terms of sex and attraction then the surgery would just be luxury.

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Success honestly is a matter of perspective. To some I’m successful, to me I am. I have always been able to be in relationships, because relationships are based more on certain things other than raw attraction, which is why I don’t believe they are really any victory because let’s face it any dude can be in a relationship. In regards to looks, the threshold is much lower for a relationship.

I haven’t gotten any casual sex whatsoever, because I just don’t meet the minimum requirements for looks. I’m too short and my face has no sex appeal. That is what I want, so to me, I’m unsuccessful and extremely unsatisfied. My face isn’t good enough to get laid at 5’9, that is still pretty short all things considered. I would need a chin implant, a jaw implant, cheekbone fillers, maybe a brow ridge upgrade, a slight hair transplant( my hair is kind of receding, no more than 2, but no less than 1.5, but my hair is so thick that most people can’t tell and they even tell me how thick my hair is. I still get compliments on it).

Now all of those combined have less of a healing time and logistical problems than leg lengthening, which again requires a lot more than just getting it done. Let’s say it takes me 4-5 years to raise the money required to get it, then I have to wait another year to save some more money to survive all the time I won’t be at work. I also will have to pay a huge amount for health coverage because I won’t be working (in the states we don’t have universal coverage) and it is not cheap or affordable if you don’t have a job, then I have to wait another year or so to travel to the places I can get it done, then I get it done and while I’m not so worried about the pain, having to learn how to walk and the physical therapy can take months to do. All said and done at minimum I’ll be like 33 at maximum 36 at 5’9 and if I don’t get all the surgeries I said before, being 5’9 and having an average face isn’t exactly slayer material. I’ll have to go for women and their 30s I don’t want to just bang women in their 30s, or be that weird old guy at the club or bar trying to hit on hot chicks.

I’m just not meant to have the life I want, I’ve accepted it’s pretty much over for me. My life otherwise I guess is okay, I’m just always going to be unfulfilled. I’ve accepted it and I’ve been miserable for years, it just hasn’t hindered any other part of my life.

[–]Zippo-Cat0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

The fact that you even mention limb-lengthening surgery proves how worthless your advice is.

Are you female?

[–][deleted] 2 points3 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

I think men should try all they can to become attractive in some way.

I would say men shouldn't do shit when it comes to becoming attractive. They should instead do their own thing. They shouldn't do crap to become attractive for women. I say that a if women don't owe men anything and women don't dress up for men, then why should men do anything for women? Yes men want sex but so do women. But if men do things to become attractive to women all they are doing is giving women more power here.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

It’s not about having power, yeah you have power but you’re not getting hookups or have people validate your looks. What’s the point?

[–]reluctantly_red6 points7 points  (18 children) | Copy Link

All I’ve gotten are relationships, but I never got any casual sex.

Cue the tiny violins.

[–][deleted] 5 points6 points  (17 children) | Copy Link

Well to be fair I’m not really looking for sympathy.

[–]Salty-Bastard8 points9 points  (16 children) | Copy Link

You misspelled Symphony.

[–]wekacuckLife is settling.4 points5 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

lol this whooshed but I appreciate what you did there

[–][deleted] 2 points3 points  (14 children) | Copy Link

Whatever you say 👌🏻

[–]Salty-Bastard2 points3 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

Tiny Violins = Symphony. Get it? No?

tap, tap, is this thing on...?

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

I get it, I just ain’t laughin.

[–]Salty-Bastard3 points4 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

wipes brow, tough crowd...

[–]boomcheese442 points3 points  (10 children) | Copy Link

Cant you get sex within those relationships though? Why do you want casual sex?

[–][deleted] 7 points8 points  (9 children) | Copy Link

Because it doesn’t give me the validation I desire. I want many women to tell me I’m hot and want for fuck me because they find me hot. Casual sex to me is just sex because they find you hot, don’t need any personality or other factors to want it. Ain’t no women looking for a bf on tinder, they want dick too. It’s partly the sex, but more the validation of what that sex implies. I’d say it’s like 70% validation, 30% sex.

Also I find relationships are a waste of time and I just don’t desire them at all. I really don’t think relationships fill any void in my life, I have a close, supportive and loving family, great group of friends I’ve been friends with for over a decade, a satisfying career and hobbies. When I’m single I don’t really feel lonely, I just want women to have sex with and tell I’m hot. Tbh, the casual sex model every hot guy on here cries about sounds like the perfect situation for me. Problem is if I want sex then I have to be in one. That being said all of my partners have brought me to their parents, have told their friends and loved ones how wonderful of a partner I am, and even were noticeably depressed when we broke up (I was just sad I wasn’t gonna get sex for a undetermined amount of time tbh). That being said, i would give them all up for casual sex, even my current gf. I’m not even kidding, if you said to me that if I break up with my gf right now and I’ll be Chad and get casual sex every weekend, have women blow up my social media, stare at me when I walk by, give me things and just fawn over me, I’d do it immediately.

[–]chaddad90006 points7 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

lel, its hard to take this sexless stuff seriously when guys with girlfriends are bitching and crying they can't get laid like NBA stars.

[–][deleted] 4 points5 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

To be fair you don’t have to be an NBA Star to get laid a lot, lots of Chads out there aren’t famous yet get laid every weekend. It’s just because I’m not hot enough. It’s also not so much, but the validation that comes with it is what I care about.

[–]chaddad9000-1 points0 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

I'm glad when I was younger that was seen as an unobtainable rockstar/pro athlete thing. I knew plenty of Chad-types and they might have had hookups and fuckbuddies but they weren't pulling new girls like that. And yes, it is validating when a girl just wants to fuck. But it is also very not validating when that's all she wants to do with you.

[–][deleted] 3 points4 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

I'm sorry but you have a very warped and sad view on human relationships. I would not not want to be so vain as to just be some chick's dildo.

[–]natantantan5 points6 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

Lol it's not about wanting to be some chicks dildo its about wanting to feel truly loved and desired. What a close-minded, childlike interpretation of a deeply personal and emotional struggle 🙄

[–][deleted] 2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

You are desired but not truly loved. You are a pretty face to be some chicks dildo.

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

This guy is saying he wants casual sex NOT relationships, that's literally the opposite of 'truly loved and desired'

[–][deleted] 2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Different strokes, different folks my dude/dudette. As long as she thinks I’m hot I could care less. Lots of men have this choice and can do it, I’m just not enough to have that luxury. It’s the only thing I want.

[–]jackandjill22Red Pill misanthropic, contrarian1 point2 points  (7 children) | Copy Link

You shouldn't have to win the genetic lottery just to date.

[–][deleted] 2 points3 points  (6 children) | Copy Link

Sure but I’m talking about casual sex and getting laid a lot. Any guy can get a gf.

[–]PsychologicalLayer1 1 points [recovered]  (5 children) | Copy Link

His wallet for sure.

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

I don’t know. I’m pretty average looking and short, but I’ve been compatible with my exes and I’ve always been able to find a relationship. I am not by any means rich or successful and a lot of my gfs would variate who pays. I might have laid a little more of the time, but it by no means one sided. Any gifts she got me or I got them were equal in price , and usually not very expensive. I can get multiple gfs who genuinely are into me and I’m short and average looking (so below average) fucking anyone can. I just can’t get casual sex which arguably matters more.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (3 children) | Copy Link

I just can’t get casual sex which arguably matters more.

This is very much a 'grass is greener' sentiment lol. Plenty of incels would kill to be in your shoes. Maybe realize that as far as it goes, you are nowhere near the bottom of the heap... probably above average even if you can get compatible relationships (not based on $$) any time you want them.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

I am aware incels would kill to be in my shoes, and that is fine. I don’t discount their struggle, really though I feel incels are only going after the top 20% of women for relationships while not being in the top 20%. There is also a sense of personality problems they have, which relationships arguably based on. On those incel selfies subreddit, most are average. Average by no means is attractive, but as long as you present yourself as a good partner you can pretty much find a gf. Granted if you’re not hot you won’t get casual sex, but if a partner is what you want I really can’t see why you can’t get at least a gf who is on your level, even slightly above unless you’re in the bottom 10% of dudes.

I also never thought I was at the bottom of the heap, just average looking. I’m middle of the road, possibly even slightly below because I’m short. Can’t slay without the looks.

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

hmm from what you say I really don't think you'd have an issue getting ONS in a big enough city. I see ugly dudes get laid all the time (college town though).

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

I live in a major city on the east coast of the US. Trust me, they ain’t biting. Also didn’t happen in college either.

[–][deleted] 2 points3 points  (17 children) | Copy Link

It's normal to resent people who have it better than you, just like how the poor resents the rich. The incel resents the female.

[–]rus9384Misanthrope3 points4 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

The incel resents the female.

And Chad.

[–]YetAnotherCommenterPurple Pill Man, Sexual Economics Theory2 points3 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

This is something I've noticed a lot.

They talk a lot about how incels resent women. But they almost never pay attention to the amount of hate they direct toward the Chads. Elliot Rodger's manifesto was pretty instructive on that case. He HATED the Chads like you wouldn't believe. And he ended up killing more men than women.

But no, the hatred of women is always the centerpiece of these discussions re. incels.

[–]Zippo-Cat0 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

Because incels don't actually resent Chads. At least a lot of them don't. Because many Chads, by virtue of their experience, realize how shallow women really are. There are even sporadic mentions of the "Chad-Incel Alliance".

[–]Cunari0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

Why would incels ally with Chad's when chad features are non-transferrable? I've seen it happen. I just don't understand it...

[–]Zippo-Cat0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Because many Chads are blackpilled

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (11 children) | Copy Link

Nah, I would never resent those who have it better than me. That’s life, and they didn’t do anything to me. Just were better.

[–][deleted] 3 points4 points  (10 children) | Copy Link

That's the beta in you

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (9 children) | Copy Link

I was doomed from the start. Being alpha is predetermined at birth.

[–][deleted] 2 points3 points  (8 children) | Copy Link

Being physically alpha is predetermined at birth, but being mentally alpha is something you have to learn. Our primitive beta ancestors were tired of chad breeding with all the women, so they killed him, took the women and spread them out evenly. Thus, civilization was born.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (6 children) | Copy Link

But what’s the point of being alpha if you don’t look like Chad? My friend was pretty alpha, acted all the ways you’re supposed to, but he was below average. He wasn’t getting sex, all women did was think he was weird and dumb. Alpha personality without alpha looks is just a weirdo.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (5 children) | Copy Link

I agree, acting like chad won't make you a chad but that's not my point. Most betas are either bluepilled or like you, just accept their lot in life. Things won't change until betas as a collective actually do something about it, and I don't mean hitting on random hoes, I mean actually getting our revolutionary shit on.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (4 children) | Copy Link

Regardless of what I do, I’ve been able to accomplish a decent amount in my life, even if I’ve been miserable while doing it. I don’t really care to do anything revolutionary, I just want to be hot. Anything I do, no matter how revolutionary or life changing it will be, is just a consolation prize. Still I do what I must, I still do what is necessary, still stuck with my gf, still go to work and give it 100% and eventually leave once I find a place that will give me more money or get promoted. Is what it is.

[–]SocialObserver010 points1 point  (3 children) | Copy Link

You may not ever get to be Chad but your kid may. What's the biggest feature preventing you from being Chad?

Face? Do the best you can in your career and engage in a Beta Bux marriage with a young Stacy(8-10). Very attainable if you can make $150k> and are not totally autistic.

Height? Breed with a woman taller than you so that your kid will be a 6'2 Chad stallion.

It's time to accept you personally can never be Chad but you can sure help your kid be Chad.

[–]Zippo-Cat0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Sorry to break it to you but genes determine your brain and hormones(and therefore, largely your psychology) as well.

[–]RickWilsonsBuck 1 points [recovered]  (11 children) | Copy Link

Why do you need casual sex??

[–][deleted] 2 points3 points  (9 children) | Copy Link

Because it’s personally what I need. Because I need the validation that comes with it.

[–]RickWilsonsBuck 1 points [recovered]  (8 children) | Copy Link

No you don’t! Work on yourself FOR yourself. It’s not normal to need casual sex as validation especially for a man. It’s within you to be better than that, something just happened along the way to make you think otherwise

[–][deleted] 3 points4 points  (5 children) | Copy Link

Dude don’t tell me what to want. The only thing I want in my life is to be hot and to be told how hot I am, and to have casual sex. Without that, my life is miserable. I’m sorry if you don’t agree, but good news you’re not me. I already do work on myself for myself because regardless of what I do, it won’t get me laid. I’d give it all up for casual sex though, just say when and a guarantee that I’ll get it.

[–]RickWilsonsBuck 1 points [recovered]  (4 children) | Copy Link

I’m telling you what you want in order to be happy. The other shit obviously isn’t working

[–][deleted] 2 points3 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

Well to be fair, everything outside that aspect of my life is pretty great. That just means way more to me and without it I am miserable. I mean my life is really good otherwise, I just don’t have the thing I want the most.

[–]ayywumao 1 points [recovered]  (2 children) | Copy Link

I honestly think that would change after the first few casual hookups.

Your need for validation goes down because it's being fulfilled, but also because you realize it's not all that important in the first place.

[–]the_calibre_cat2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link


But he doesn't have that to know, and all the blues here can offer is a wagging finger and verbal shaming, as usual.

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Well regardless it ain’t happening, so I’m kind of stuck.

[–]the_calibre_cat0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

Are you a man?

[–]blackkindergods0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Cause loyalty means dick nowadays

[–]Purple_Talk[S] 0 points1 point  (5 children) | Copy Link

So you've never had a one night stand? How about a fling (defined by me as meeting up for sex more than 2 times, but less than 10 times)?

[–][deleted] 2 points3 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

Nope. No ONS, no FWB, no flings, no casual sex whatsoever. Any sex I’ve had is in the context of a relationship.

[–]Purple_Talk[S] 1 point2 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

Well, I have a mixed response to that. For one, I think that flings are really awesome (I have some of those under my belt but very few of the old school hookup & never ever meet again) and they definitely are a form of validation & gratification. But as a guy, you have to put a LOT of work to get them and I would argue it's not necessarily a good use of time. But if I were you, I would try to pull off a few of these, just to have the sexperience (misspelling intended).

However some men just can’t be Chad, and there’s nothing they can do to become it. I know from experience, I have done just about everything I can.

It's kinda true that not everyone can be Chad, bud if you lookmax, then you can be ahead of every non-Chad.

[–][deleted] 2 points3 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

At least you’re not telling me “hey man they’re not that awesome! Relationships are better!” or whatever everyone keeps telling me I should want.

I’m 26 I already tried to pull these, I was single for a year and half and still didn’t get one. And don’t you worry I put myself out there, and I was still unsuccessful. Hell the only reason I’m in a relationship now is to have sex. We’ve been together for two years, but I’d drop her for casual sex any day of the week, I won’t do that because I’m aware I won’t be able to get casual sex regularly and I get no benefit.

Also I’ve already lookmaxxed, in fact I’ve been lookmaxxing for over a decade. Since I was 15 I have put more work into my style than most people generally do. I have concentrated on what is/was trendy, fit and overall style. One of my side hustles is I’m a personal stylist and work as a wardrobe consultant for one of the local theatre companies in my city. I literally have to show I know what I am doing, because what person is going to pay a dude to pick clothes out for them if they look like they get their clothes from K-Mart. I have been getting flattering and trendy haircuts, only going to trendy salons for way longer than I’ve been caring about my clothes. I work out and have always stayed in a healthy BMI, tried my hardest to gain muscle but because of my overall frame I’ve gotten little definition and nothing else. I even went to a nutritionist and trainer to help maximize my results, and I didn’t even get close to the results I was supposed to. I eventually just stopped paying them because they were a waste of money. I’ve been lifting regularly for about 5 years, but I continue to go to make sure I don’t get fat.

Really what it comes down to is that I am 5’6 and have an average looking face. I’ve done all the lookmaxxing strategies I’m supposed to, hell I even made a side business from it, but simply put I’m just not attractive enough to get casual sex whatsoever. I’m stuck with relationships for sex for the rest of my life, I will never be Chad or even have close to what he has.

Sorry for the tangent, but I’d rather mention all of this now to get it out of the way.

[–]Purple_Talk[S] 1 point2 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

See my PM

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Saw and responded. I appreciate your idea, not sure why you couldn’t just post it here, but whatever. Either way not the solution I’m looking for, but again thanks for trying

[–]Santaclause370 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Couldn't have said it better myself

[–]Maybelowsmvman-repellant0 points1 point  (5 children) | Copy Link

you've gotten relationships tho...

sex within relationships includes sexual desire too

[–][deleted] 3 points4 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

Any average looking guy can get relationships. If you’re average and not getting a gf then something is wrong with you.

And it doesn’t, because for relationships women tend to be lenient on some things for their partner than a ONS. She’ll think her ONS is way hotter than her LTR in a visceral and purely sexual way, which matters way more than a relationship love.

[–]Maybelowsmvman-repellant2 points3 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

maybe but i think that's a male way of thinking? with the studies showing men preferred feminine faces for ONS. the only times I considered engaging in some sexual acts with new people without commitment (which never ended up happening because I decided against it eventually) was when I was going through a bad time and wanted validation. I just thought they looked alright enough but I didn't like their personality enough to actually want to date them (basically just randoms from my friendship group whom I knew wouldnt reject me) When I form feelings for a guy, I start seeing him as the most attractive person ever. Like my perception of his looks changes, he becomes taller etc. So I definitely thought and still think my ex looks better than those other options

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

It probably is, but to be fair the idea of casual sex is pretty selfish. I got no problem with selfishness or shallowness, I know I would do the same if that strategy would work for me.

[–]Reed_49830 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Spot on, pretty much derailed this dude's "only the most attractive men in the world are picked for casual sex" theory.

[–]Zippo-Cat0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

sex within relationships includes sexual desire too

More like sexual desperation.

[–]iceicle99946 points47 points  (157 children) | Copy Link

"Men are at fault for everything, women are victims, and western society is prude and traditional!" There, I just summed up what this sub and most of the internet thinks in one quote.

[–]rus9384Misanthrope4 points5 points  (156 children) | Copy Link

society is prude and traditional!

The part of the quote I agree with.

[–]iceicle9999 points10 points  (47 children) | Copy Link

Doesn't surprise me that a redditor thinks that, but I never see a good explanation for why anyone thinks that way beyond circlejerking of talking points. Western society is the most liberated pro-sex pro-female society to ever exist in human history, just because not all men can be perfect archetypes doesn't mean it's prude or traditional.

[–][deleted] 3 points4 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

Western society is the most liberated pro-sex pro-female society to ever exist in human history

No it's not. Women competing over Chads and offering them pussy for free != sexually liberated.

Women in the west are huge prudes when it comes to openly talking about sex.

Sexual liberation manifested as women feeling free to offer themselves up, free of shame, to the men they are attracted to, which is the same (20, 30, 40% whatever) minority of men, and then complain that men (that minority of desirable ones) are assholes for taking women up on the offer of free pussy.

[–]iceicle9991 point2 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

I didn't mean that western society is the most liberated in the sense that everyone (and I mean everyone) is having a huge orgy. That is gross and women don't want that and neither do I and I don't think you do either. Women are free to be as promiscuous as they want in any way they want. They can even do it on camera for everyone to see! It just so happens that women are very sexually selective, go figure. Not only do most men not want to be cucks, most men have a hard time being disrespected in any way. Western society is having a hard time balancing out the changes it's going through with making sure that men are still satiated.

[–][deleted] 3 points4 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

But this is not about having an orgy or men being satiated.

It's about women who think that since a drunk/high 9/10 guy fucked her once she has a chance at a LTR with said guy.

It's about women who ride 100 dicks and then act like prudes when they see some random dude in swimming gear at the pool.

It's about thots who can't hold an adult conversation about reproduction even though they're the town Chad bicycle.

Men and women are different enough that focusing on liberating sexuality without taking care of the male hierarchy problem has landed us here.

Men want women. Men easily accept new women in their social circle.

Men do not easily accept other men in their social circle.

Honestly if you're not an alpha male in the modern society you are better off giving up on finding a partner.

Everything is so centered on looks and status that you won't stand a chance to even make yourself heard.

[–]iceicle9990 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

The only thing people are really going to tell you is to man up and opt in, etc etc. And that being a man is easy and all those other talking points. I don't think women ever intended for men to be "sexually liberated" in the way you are referring to. They either don't care, or they think it's good that the lower value men are dealt with while they have a free path to pursue/get pursued by the guys they want. And women are very good at changing appearances as they go. You will notice even a red pill guy thought it was unfair that men on average would rather not date sluts. The situation still boils down to women and if they get male approval or not.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

It's not as if being okay with dating a slut will open up the average and below male's dating pool significantly.

And yes, the only things people tell you are to man up, lift, change hobbies, earn more money, get a bigger house, flashier car, etc. Basically, flaunt your provider attributes.

[–]rus9384Misanthrope1 point2 points  (30 children) | Copy Link

Western society is the most liberated pro-sex pro-female society to ever exist in human history, just because not all men can be perfect archetypes doesn't mean it's prude or traditional.

I omitted the word "western" intentionally, because that's what I think of all societies. Except some kind of hippies, maybe, but they are weird in wearing their uniform and lacking basic neatness.

I see so often the hypocritical guys who wish to get laid with multiple girls easily while at the same time blaming sexually liberal girls for their sexual behavior. And many women still feel some kind of social pressure. Do you know women behave much more sexually liberal in vacations?

[–]iceicle9994 points5 points  (28 children) | Copy Link

I was just talking about western society. Women are sexually liberated, they can do anything they want such as go into porn or have casual sex with tons of guys and they are not oppressed because guys may not want to date them after that. Which is often, I noticed, what people mean when they say "women still feel some kind of social pressure". And then you factor in that not all women want to take part in those things. As for the hypocritical guys, it's the same thing. They are not oppressed just because women may not want to date them for whatever reason.

[–]rus9384Misanthrope0 points1 point  (27 children) | Copy Link

And then you factor in that not all women want to take part in those things.

I factor that before. Some women initially don't have any desire to participate in those activieites but many do not do that just in order not to fuck up their dating perspectives. You know, I wanna create an almost Brave New World society, just without forcing people to break their relationships and shitting on people below them in social hierarchy. And without cultism (like Ford cult).

[–]iceicle9992 points3 points  (26 children) | Copy Link

I appreciate you admitting that is what you meant as opposed to beating around the bush with it (as is what people often do here about this topic). But all I can really say is that women and everyone else will have to accept that men have a right to our own standards and a right to judge women for whatever reason we see fit. That does not mean women are oppressed or whatever redditors say, just because men don't want to date or marry promiscuous women.

[–]rus9384Misanthrope0 points1 point  (25 children) | Copy Link

men have a right to our own standards

And a right to be hypocritical. I don't really believe in rights, on the left other hand. To my understanding, rights simply are things done by humans that are seen by society as those which should not be prevented.

Oppression is not an accurate term, pressure is a better one. As an alternative example, when you have to work in order to get money, that also is pressure. There is pressure on women, I don't think you are gonna deny that.

[–][deleted] 2 points3 points  (13 children) | Copy Link

There is pressure on women

So? Is the final goal the elimination of all pressure?

Is the goal for men to be so cucked that it becomes the norm for a man's wife to have children with other men?

Why even get in a relationship or marry at that point?

What do I get out of it? I have to pay for my wife to fuck other men and raise the resulting kids? Why?

At that point adoption is by far the better moral choice (and the more cost effective choice). If I'm not going to have my own kids, might as well give a chance to kids who never had one, no?

Except adopting as a single dad is almost impossible because "single ugly man trying to adopt = pedophile".

[–]rus9384Misanthrope0 points1 point  (12 children) | Copy Link

Is the final goal the elimination of all pressure?

Why not? Let everyone could get what he wants just by magic wand waving.

Is the goal for men to be so cucked that it becomes the norm for a man's wife to have children with other men?

Should be no marriage. No marriage, no cuckoldry. Skipping next two paragraphs.

At that point adoption is by far the better moral choice (and the more cost effective choice). If I'm not going to have my own kids, might as well give a chance to kids who never had one, no?

So, you thought adoption is the worse moral choice? It actually is seen as a kind of altruistic act, so it always is seen the better moral choice.

Except adopting as a single dad is almost impossible because "single ugly man trying to adopt = pedophile".

This is where we need to consider restructuring the society.

[–]iceicle9990 points1 point  (10 children) | Copy Link

There is pressure on women

Sort of, but not really. Like we agreed on, you are saying they have it hard (for lack of a better term at the moment) because guys won't date them if they are promiscuous. But men are free to judge women however we want, and women are free to do whatever they want. Certain men not dating promiscuous women doesn't stop hordes of women from going into porn, being hookers, or whatever else they do. Reddit and lots of other entities try to frame this as a "women have it so hard!" issue, but that's not what it's about at all.

[–][deleted] 3 points4 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Women have it hard because men won't accept raising kids they didn't make and/or accept that their wife doesn't find them sexually attractive and wants to fuck other men.

Newsflash, most men, even weak beta males, do not want to be cucks.

[–]rus9384Misanthrope0 points1 point  (6 children) | Copy Link

Reddit and lots of other entities try to frame this as a "women have it so hard!"

Not hard, but still I wish social attitudes to change.

[–]Reed_49830 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

A small minority of women go into porn and most hookers are hookers out of purely economic reasons.

[–]DaphneDK42King of LBFMs0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Do you know women behave much more sexually liberal in vacations?

That's absolutely true. I've often told guys to seek out vacation spots. American girls are especially slutty when in Europe. Although they can't hold a candle to the Brits. Here's a Brit girl with a turtle in her pussy, after a week of partying

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (10 children) | Copy Link

Someone clearly never looked at the US.

[–]iceicle9990 points1 point  (9 children) | Copy Link

Yeah, I have. The nation where so much porn is made it's almost unfathomable, and displays of raunchy behavior are commonplace in media.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (8 children) | Copy Link

If you have then you would know how uptight the US is about sex.

[–]iceicle9990 points1 point  (7 children) | Copy Link

It's not. Just because you say that on reddit doesn't mean it is. Yes, there are social conservatives who try to stop other people from doing/showing X and Y, doesn't mean they succeed in any way.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (6 children) | Copy Link

Ya it is in comparison to other countries. There's literally two cities in the US where women can go topless. Prostitution is only legal in one state and even then its very much restricted. You can say otherwise as much as you want that doesn't make it otherwise.

[–]iceicle9990 points1 point  (5 children) | Copy Link

I can and will say otherwise. All the porn that exists and all the sexified presentations in media contradict what you say. Just because it's not totally promiscuous to the core doesn't mean it's a prude traditional society, you spend too much time on reddit where people think that men not dating sluts means women are oppressed. Also, people are free to try to change laws instead of bitching on reddit about mean conservatives. But speaking for myself, I'd rather not see some guys or fat woman's disgusting body, public nudity is not something I support.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (4 children) | Copy Link

Strawman much? More so you clearly don't live in the US and yet you think you know what its like here.

[–][deleted] -1 points0 points  (107 children) | Copy Link

Well, the problem doesn't seem to be that society is prude and traditional, but that it isn't prude and traditional enough.

[–]rus9384Misanthrope0 points1 point  (106 children) | Copy Link

Men in traditional society still jerked dreaming about random women they saw outdoors. You are not going to solve the problem by conservative methods.

Honestly, conservativism is like conserving the anus with a plug, just in order to fix the diarea. We both know this fix is bad for the butthole.

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (105 children) | Copy Link

So what? It's not about jerking off or fucking whores. It's about creating a society that can function.

While societies that work on conservative norms are imperfect and flawed, they are functional.

[–]rus9384Misanthrope1 point2 points  (104 children) | Copy Link

Now you are telling me there is a problem with modern society. There is, but it's not in any way worse than before. People believed in Heaven and similar stuff because the life was shitty. Shittier than it is now.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (103 children) | Copy Link

Than before as in when? What are you talking about?

I'm talking about general stability.

[–]rus9384Misanthrope1 point2 points  (102 children) | Copy Link

And what is unstable nowadays?

[–][deleted] 3 points4 points  (101 children) | Copy Link

Aging populations, decrease in marriage and ltr's, rapid demographic shifts, 1/3 of men being deeply sexually unsatisfied, 40% of women on antidepressants, etc.

[–]rus9384Misanthrope2 points3 points  (100 children) | Copy Link

Aging populations

That's because medicine becomes better and people focus on quality of offsprings versus quantity of them. You can read on r/K selection and while humans are generally considered K selective, they still act more r-like in scarcity conditions.

decrease in marriage and ltr's

That's not bad, I want non-exclusive sexual relationships to be more common.

rapid demographic shifts

What kind of? Immigrants overwhelming the country?

1/3 of men being deeply sexually unsatisfied

That's because women are not sexually liberated enough to satisfy these dudes. I am not saying that the ugliest men will ever be satisfied though. And they never were. Also, how do you know these stats are better than before, e.g. medieval age?

40% of women on antidepressants

I think we need to analyze the causes. Probably, stress at the workplace is a great factor. Another point, antidepressants were not used before, because there were none.

[–]-OpportunityCostI don't care about your problems10 points11 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Every time I see stuff like this I just laugh. Of course they think its men's fault. "There is a lot of evidence that sex culture is making women unhappy." It is making men unhappy too. Everyone on this sub knows that the top 20% of men are winning while the 80% are losing and women are unhappy cause they can't get a relationship with a top 20% man.

[–]Reed_49830 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

No, that's a contested view even here.

[–]passepar2t7 points8 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

The New York Times is decent at reporting international news but I wouldn't listen to their opinions and panels if I were you.

[–]Purple_Talk[S] 5 points6 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Agreed 100%, but let's also acknowledge that they are highly representative of mainstream opinion, so it's interesting to hear what they have to say.

[–]MMDTwomen, try to use your brain15 points16 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Women should not be allowed in this topic. They simply have no idea what they are talking about and will only make a discussion worse

[–]blackkindergods7 points8 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Incels don’t exist on their radar hence Michelle laughable take. All her Op Ed’s are low iq just like most everything the NYT publishes.

Women having an opinion here is like men having an opinion on women’s contraceptives which as we all know we men are not allowed to have since were aren’t women

[–]blackkindergods3 points4 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

The NYT is a gaslighting rag, not as bad as fox or breitbart but is it absolute trash.

I encourage men not to give them clicks or an ear much. Nothing to say to women, critical thinking is anathema for them.

[–]Reven3113 points4 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Women think because they have some bullshit sociology or psychology degree that they're too good to fuck someone who works a blue collar job. And because colleges are about 60% women now that leaves a ton of fucking guys simply out in the cold. I assure you though, they are not too good. This is a classic dunning kruger effect in action. In fact, I would go as far as to hypothesize that women suffer from dunning kruger to a greater extent.

[–][deleted] 2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

But Michelle's primary concern is that WOMEN ARE UNHAPPY, and I quote, "there is a lot of evidence current sex culture is making women unhappy."

Once again, men's issues only get considered when it affects women negatively. Female privilege strikes again. If men are hurting and women are not affected...well, too bad men. Figure this out yourself despite having all the shit dumped on you without any help, and only in a feminist-approved way thay will probably do more harm than good.

And it's the men's responsibility to fix it and they can only fix it by becoming more progressive and egalitarian.

Progressives aren't saying you should ignore everything that makes a person a decent mate. They're saying that you actually have to treat women with more respect, more egalitarianism.

The solution to feminism's failings is more feminism! /s

Actually this is more like women making a huge mess at the expense of men, feeling 110% entitled to it with 0 empathy for what it has done to men...then expecting men to clean up the mess.

But this is unfair to women, because they shouldn't be cast into these passive roles and limits their personal choices too much".

Limiting men's personal choices too much doesn't seem like a problem either?

Young women shouldn't settle for the 'extremely cold and brutal sexual cultures that seems to prevail thanks to the hookup culture and apps.

Young women shouldn't settle for the 'extremely cold and brutal sexual cultures that seems to prevail thanks to the hookup culture and apps.

Think of those poor women pumped and dumped by Chad. Repeatedly. Those poor women are just physically incapable of removing OLD apps from their phones or keeping their legs closed around Chad. In fact, women better demand Chads behave better for their benefit so their all important personal choices are not infringed upon.

Remember, men. Women are delicate snowflakes who need men to make better choices on their behalf.

Can they really not see that removing women's agency, that placing all the responsibility on men is infantilising women in a way that makes RP's 'oldest teen in the house' metaphor seem complimentary? If women are incapable of behaving like adults, why are they given the rights of adults?

[–][deleted] 8 points9 points  (9 children) | Copy Link

I can't take anything social conservatives have to say about sex seriously. Their primary "tools" are to stigmatize behavior that's become the cultural norm, and old timey moralizing. Stigmatizing doesn't even work. Unwed mother shame produced a lot of abortions (horror!) and completely failed to stop out of wedlock births. Stigmatizing divorce? Cool make people pass on marriage (the only "approved" way to fuck) while also not putting a dent in divorce rates 👍 On top of that rich social conservatives don't even believe their own bullshit. They're off pre marital fucking, causing/ getting abortions, cheating, divorcing, and blowing Grindr dick along with the rest of the Western world who isn't lying about it.

So I guess no. The answers aren't there because they're too in love with stigmatizing normal stuff because they hate it to have a reality based conversation. Maybe when they catch up they'll have good input but for now: lol

[–][deleted] 9 points10 points  (5 children) | Copy Link

Stigmatization worked for the entirety of human history. It doesn't work now because it doesn't exist anymore. Whores aren't shamed, they're praised.

You're doing the exact same thing as the people in OP's post, you're blaming social conservatives for not fixing problems they didn't cause.

[–][deleted] 3 points4 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

Stigmatizing hasn't worked, and in some cases backfired. Spelled that out pretty clearly above. I'm not saying it's on them to fix, I'm saying they CAN'T fix it.

Nobody but dithering blowhards writing articles cares if they did/didn't cause what they perceive to be "problems." They're out participating in the SMP as down and dirty as the rest of us, while trying to hide behind the Bible, morality, and outdated cultural norms at their convenience.

They can't "fix" it. They aren't even capable of owning their own participation in current sex culture. They're going to swoop in and solve what? Societal 'sex problems'? How? By pushing abstinence only in schools more? Trying to criminalize abortion so the whores (whores they're fucking btw) have to carry even rape and incest babies (looking at you Alabama HB314) to term?

They wouldn't even know where to begin. Moreover the ones it works for are content to virtue signal while getting laid on the DL.

[–]Ithinkthatsthepoint6 points7 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

stigmatizing hadn’t worked

Open a history book

[–][deleted] 5 points6 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

Stigmatizing hasn't worked, and in some cases backfired.

When was this?

They can't "fix" it. They aren't even capable of owning their own participation in current sex culture.

I'm confused about what you understand by "social conservative". I think you have in mind this stereotype of a Republican politician that talks about social norms in public but cheats on his wife in secret, and you believe that this hypocrisy is therefore inherent to social conservatism.

[–][deleted] -1 points0 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

If you don't have any notion of social conservatives stigmatizing unwed mothers or pre marital sex when they had cultural dominance idk why we're talking. It is known.

Yes, I do believe that hypocrisy is inherent to social conservatism. Current events being what they are and their pet issues never changing despite how cultural norms do is evidence enough. But even look at rp. This is the only pet political ideology talked about there and what are they after? To fuck as many bitches as possible with no regard to "society." Which brings me back to they can't solve what they need a strategy to even understand.

[–][deleted] 2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

If you don't have any notion of social conservatives stigmatizing unwed mothers or pre marital sex when they had cultural dominance idk why we're talking. It is known.

And the premarital sex and unwed mothers rates were in larger number?

Current events being what they are and their pet issues never changing despite how cultural norms do is evidence enough.

I don't know what you mean by this.

To fuck as many bitches as possible with no regard to "society."

I don't think you understand TRP at all if you say this. Most guys on there are interested in how to be sexually attractive to women, not how to improve society in any way.

[–]Purple_Talk[S] 0 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

Stigmatizing divorce? Cool make people pass on marriage (the only "approved" way to fuck) while also not putting a dent in divorce rates

You're saying that people started marrying less partly because divorce was stigmatized by social conservatives? You literally just made that up because it sounded good.

What about the cost of a divorce? The stigmatization of divorce has been largely done by lawyers, who make sure to divide up assets and child custody in a manner that is highly unfavorable to men. I'm not saying that is the only reason why people marry less, but it is surely much more valid than a fictitious one.

[–]the_calibre_cat1 point2 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Leftists are never wrong and never to blame. If leftists could take responsibility, they wouldn't be leftists. That is the line of demarcation between left and right, is being able to say "I fucked this up, I made this bed and now I lie in it."

As a rightist, the right has fucked up a lot. We don't have a monopoly on morality and intellectualism, not even close. We've never explicitly or implicitly claimed that, though, unlike the other side.

[–]ForeverNandrolone0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

I’m only mildly conservative but...

We’ve had huge social changes in the last 50 years and things are feeling weird and out of control.

In my opinion, we should back off on the changes, slow things down.

But if you tell a leftist “hey you’ve changed things a lot and there seems to be lots of unintended consequences and things seem out of control. What do you think we should do about this problem?”

The leftist will say “The problem is we haven’t changed enough, we need more changes!”

Huh!? That’s crazy talk.

[–]YetAnotherCommenterPurple Pill Man, Sexual Economics Theory2 points3 points  (13 children) | Copy Link

I don't see how men (in general) "respecting women" more is going to cure the incels of involuntary celibacy.

The simple fact is being a good person or improving your moral goodness, in and of itself, doesn't get you laid. It doesn't make you more sexually attractive. Being a more chivalrous person doesn't either.

This whole idea that the incels just decided to 'disrespect women' and this made them incel is bullshit.

The quicker we can admit that we don't live in a Just Sexual World, the quicker we can work towards lessening the pain people feel over it.

[–]sketch1620004 points5 points  (12 children) | Copy Link

The quicker we can admit that we don't live in a Just Sexual World, the quicker we can work towards lessening the pain people feel over it.

The thing is, we only try to pretend it's a Just Sexual World when we're talking about how women behave in the dating market. People stereotype men as being shallow, superficial slaves to their instincts and libidos to a fault and chauvinistic objectifiers of women. But women, oh no, their sexual preferences and behaviors are all just and pure and merit based.

So of course, if you claim to be a "Nice Guy" and you still have trouble with women, then welp, you can't be that nice because if you were, women would want you, obviously. Of course Chad, who shoves poindexters into lockers for fun, must actually be a tortured beautiful soul deep down which girls can just magically see, not that he's just a hawt 6'3" dominant jerkass that has a nice body and gives women tingles. Of course, it's men holding women to all these impossible beauty standards, never mind the fact that fat girls can get way more attention than a lot of average weight dudes. But no women don't hold men to equally shallow standards (and worse) never mind that most of the guys that women are after just coincidentally happen to be attractive to compliment their "great personalities."

[–]YetAnotherCommenterPurple Pill Man, Sexual Economics Theory1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Agreed entirely. Women are just as shallow as men and the idea that their affections are distributed according to moral virtue is utter horseshit.

[–]Reed_49830 points1 point  (10 children) | Copy Link

never mind the fact that fat girls can get way more attention than a lot of average weight dudes.

For casual sex.

Also, I see feminists and fat activists talking about fat shaming and unrealistic beauty standards mostly related to runway models and the advertisement industry. These are probably mostly run by men, but it's not related to men rejecting fat women romantically.

[–]sketch1620000 points1 point  (9 children) | Copy Link

For casual sex and relationships.

Women have better average potential at participating in the mating market across the board.

[–]Reed_49830 points1 point  (8 children) | Copy Link

I don't see this in the real world. Most couples are looksmatches, you're probably going to tell me you regularly see fat chcks with fit boyfriends, and not the other way around, like I've seen a couple "men have the hardest fate" posters insist?

[–]sketch1620000 points1 point  (7 children) | Copy Link

Most involuntary celibates, foreveralones and involuntary virgins are men. Celibacy and datelessness is not evenly distributed between the genders. Whether or not couples looksmatch is not the issue.

It's not a question of whether fat girls are ending up with fit guys. It's that the number of fat girls that struggle to participate in the market at all is absolutely dwarfed by the number of men (fat and otherwise) that struggle to participate at all.

[–]Reed_49830 points1 point  (6 children) | Copy Link

Men have higher sex drives, so more men will be distressed with the situation of not getting laid. There are more voluntarily celibate women than voluntarily celibate men. A 25 year old woman can date a 35 year old man while his equivalent - a 35 year old woman might be a single mother who's absolutely fine with not having sex with anyone.

You implied fat women have an easier time finding relationships than "a lot of average weight dudes". I doubt this. First of all it's very vague. How many are "a lot of average weight dues". Second, who are these fat women having relationships with. Other fatties I presume. It's not easier for a fat woman to find a normal weight dude than for an average man to find an average weight partner.

[–]sketch1620000 points1 point  (5 children) | Copy Link

First of all it's very vague. How many are "a lot of average weight dues".

"A lot" meaning that women, in general, (including fat ones) are almost always going to have better prospects than men, in general, despite what is implied by the cultural narrative that fat women suffer unique social consequences for thier weight.

Said another way, fat women are at a disadvantage, but only in comparison to other women. They still blow men out of the water as a rule. Like comparing a poor kid in the United States to anyone living in Somalia.

Second, who are these fat women having relationships with. Other fatties I presume.

Again, looksmatching isn't the issue. The point is that, as women, a greater proportion of fat women will be able to participare in the market in some capacity (including LTR) compared to nearly any classification of men. Yes, some or most of these may be with men of similar attractiveness but that is definitely not a given.

Meanwhile, a greater proportion of men will be left unable to find a mate at all compared to likely any grouping of women. It's a female privilege.

[–]Reed_49830 points1 point  (4 children) | Copy Link

I'm specifically talking about LTRs. For every woman that partners up in a relationship, a man also must partner up. It's a 1:1 ratio, unless several women are in a harem of one man, which most women would not want. Or several women have relationships with one man, one after the other, but that would still leave all but one woman, at a time, single, unless she partners up with another man. So how is mathematically possible that a greater proportion of women participate in the relationship market than men?

It's not comparable to a poor kid in the US and a Somali. Like I said, for every woman in an LTR, a man must also be in an LTR. And they're not all partnering up with Chad, they're fatties.

[–]sketch1620000 points1 point  (3 children) | Copy Link

I'm specifically talking about LTRs.

Which means that you're ignoring 90% of what human mating is to support (what appears to be) your opinion that women are not privileged in the dating market. A LTR is one out of many possible endpoints to the entire complex of human courtship, and not even a really convincing case for your argument since, as you note (and then promptly dismiss as it doesn't align with your mathematical possibilities,) a convenient, monogamous 1:1 scenario is far from a rock solid assumption to make for most of the population.

Like I said, for every woman in an LTR, a man must also be in an LTR. And they're not all partnerin up with Chad, they're fatties.

To which I reiterate, it's not about looksmatching. It's about the fact that women on average have a better chances at participating in the market at all compared to men. You seem to be fixating on this idea that unless a woman ends up in a LTR with a Chad, then all of her advantages in persuing that goal don't count as priveliges somehow. Or perhaps that (in your experience) fat women usually pairing up with fat men somehow means that this is a zero sum thing and there are absolutely no "leftovers."

[–]sublimemongrelBecky, Esq.5 points6 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

Encouraging women (and men for that matter) to get an education and not rush into young marriage isn’t a bad thing IMO, and in fact statistically those types are less likely to divorce. As a feminist who grew up in the 90s I never got some message from feminists, women or “society” for that matter to be promiscuous.

Your post is pretty long so I didn’t read the whole thing but I mean it sounds like three people’s opinions on the subject and nothing more really. If you spend time here you will (happily?) see a bunch of people’s opinions that women are to blame for this if you even think it’s a problem and it’s on both genders to “fix it”, and a bunch of debate about those concepts.

[–]Purple_Talk[S] 0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

Encouraging women (and men for that matter) to get an education and not rush into young marriage isn’t a bad thing IMO, and in fact statistically those types are less likely to divorce. As a feminist who grew up in the 90s I never got some message from feminists, women or “society” for that matter to be promiscuous.

What about the "slut walks"? Surely a lot of girls view that as an encouragement of promiscuity.

[–]sublimemongrelBecky, Esq.1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

If you think that had some big influence on any generation I highly doubt it.

[–][deleted] 6 points7 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Why won't Chad commit when I gave him my pussy for free?

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

I thought that Ross Douthat was NYT's designated conservative.

[–]the_calibre_cat1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link


[–]NeedingAdvice861 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Well they consider Stalin and Mao to be pragmatic middle of the roaders so I suppose a Democrat-supporting progressive would be "conservative".

[–]Purple_Talk[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

I believe so, but he seems to be playing the devil's advocate here.

[–]NeedingAdvice861 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

It is the NY, of course, everything is the fault of conservatives, Republicans, Christians or any other progressive opposition in every case....including letting progressives have their way and fucking things up royally is ultimately the fault of the conservatives for allowing progressives to get their way.

See Obamacare website roll out or Venezuela for recent examples.

[–]wekacuckLife is settling.1 point2 points  (13 children) | Copy Link

Isn't it pretty obvious that people who are socially conservative (i.e. those who do not persue pre-marital sex) would be sexless longer as marriage is delayed?

I think there's an added challenge that as people reject/delay marriage, they stay on the market. Presumably in the past as the most desirable partners would be removed from the market, attention would shift to those "next in line", if you will. But if nobody is leaving the market it will stagnate until people age out.

[–]blackedoutfastRed Pill Man9 points10 points  (12 children) | Copy Link

only a tiny number of those sexless people in their 20s are doing it voluntarily for socially conservative reasons. the ones who don't want to participate in premarital sex for religious or cultural reasons simply get married earlier.

the vast majority of those dudes who are virgins or sexless don't want it. for them it has nothing to do with avoiding pre-marital sex combined with delayed marriage, they WANT to have sex, but they CAN'T for whatever reason. the dumbass liberals in this panel are just trying to shift the blame for this issue.

it's obvious to anyone who isn't retarded that society isn't becoming more conservative in terms of sexuality, it's the exact opposite. the rise of post-sexual revolution hookup culture is driving this. as marriage becomes less important, and slut shaming itself becomes socially taboo, it intensifies what RP calls the 80/20 rule.

it seems like we are moving away from the norm, but the fact is all this marriage and monogamy stuff is a relatively recent development in human history. we're just reverting back to something closer to our natural state, where the natural male and female sexual imperatives are the driving force.

men want to have as much sex with as many women as possible because sperm is cheap, we don't have to worry about getting pregnant, and that's the most efficient way of passing on our DNA to the next generation. women want to have sex with the best possible man, because she can only have a limited number of children and every time she has sex, she risks getting pregnant and having a kid. this is very risky for medical reasons and will be a huge burden on her resources, so women don't want to waste it on a low quality guy who will father a less than ideal child.

but just because someone wants something doesn't mean they will get it. you can't have everyone successfully following their own sexual imperatives, it just doesn't work. without societal restrictions on sexuality, women will all pursue the best men, and men will have to compete with each other to be that best man. the men who win are able to pursue their male sexual imperative. but many men will fail and be sexually frustrated. society developed marriage and enforced monogany to deal with all of those men, but now that isn't really happening anymore.

[–]Purple_Talk[S] 3 points4 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

only a tiny number of those sexless people in their 20s are doing it voluntarily for socially conservative reasons. the ones who don't want to participate in premarital sex for religious or cultural reasons simply get married earlier.

the vast majority of those dudes who are virgins or sexless don't want it. for them it has nothing to do with avoiding pre-marital sex combined with delayed marriage, they WANT to have sex, but they CAN'T for whatever reason. the dumbass liberals in this panel are just trying to shift the blame for this issue.

it's obvious to anyone who isn't retarded that society isn't becoming more conservative in terms of sexuality, it's the exact opposite. the rise of post-sexual revolution hookup culture is driving this. as marriage becomes less important, and slut shaming itself becomes socially taboo, it intensifies what RP calls the 80/20 rule.

This, so much! I wonder how long it will take for the media to start acknowledging these truths?

[–]wekacuckLife is settling.0 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

these truths

You mean overprotective parenting allowing kids to fail to socialize beyond the internet and nevertheless granting them easy access to "sex" in a way that doesn't require them to develop or use social skills?

[–]Nodoxxintoxin2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Oooo, we must have been posting similar theories at the same time. Yes, this is exactly what I think is going on.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

This is the real answer.

[–]wekacuckLife is settling.1 point2 points  (6 children) | Copy Link

Maybe. I think many are also discouraged from marrying young and encouraged to be ready to support a family first. It's not a secret that early marriage is not ideal. I'm sure the more fundie end of the spectrum is marrying young. I'm not sure how many young fundie-type girls there are. I think these guys are possibly very conflicted about mixed messages.

I am projecting of course.

The real question here is who are these guys? Are these guys merely sexless or are they kissless and dateless.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (5 children) | Copy Link

I'm not sure how many young fundie-type girls there are.

A lot. I know a great many of them through church.

[–][deleted] -1 points0 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

Do they take it up the ass to keep their virginity though?

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (3 children) | Copy Link

Excuse me?

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

I am not Catholic but dude, you need to get off the internet if you think that is what most girls are doing.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

LOL dude it's a meme from the mid 2000s. I don't doubt a few catholic girls are doing this but most are probably still relatively devoted.

However I'm too unattractive to date. I'm fat, weird, nerdy (and not even "good" nerdy - pretty bad at math) and boring and lazy.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Nobody really wants to tell 30% of men "you're too ugly even for a fat whale".

The few people who do it instantly regret it and get roasted.

[–]AutoModeratorMarried to Littleknownfacts[M] 0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link


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[–]diffdedbedGreen Eyed Devil3 points4 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

NYT bashing conservatives for a left caused issue? No way!

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[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (6 children) | Copy Link

You need to invest less time listening to idealogical zealots and paid shill “intellectuals” whose sole purpose in life is to reinforce the leftist progressive agenda, at the expense of common sense, reason and the well being of any “privileged” (scapegoat) demographic.

but women and progressives have no blame in this and men and social conservatives need to take responsibility for it".

This is their message on every single politicial or social topic they encounter. What makes you think sex would be any different?

If you want an actual nuanced view on sex and relationships, get the perspective of experts. Marriage counselors, sex therapists, men who seduce lots of women. While still biased, they at least have some real world time and experience spent on the topic to back their views. Rather than just a bevy of sociological studies that happen to reinforce their heavily politicized viewpoints. People who interact with the people theyre describing in real life have a harder time coming to facile self serving conclusions about them

[–]Purple_Talk[S] 0 points1 point  (5 children) | Copy Link

I appreciate your input here, but you have to understand that me posting this here doesn't mean I agree or look up to NYT when it comes to this subject. I just shared it because it's relevant to the subject and important. You don't have to agree with NYT on anything, but you can't deny its importance.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (4 children) | Copy Link

The importance of “mainstream” “objective” “journalism” outlets like the NYT is in extreme decline. When internet powered alternative news sources began to crop up in the early 00s it was already a death knell for traditional print media. In order to survive, old media conglomerates have degenerated into highly partisan clickbait, catering to a very specific idealogical segment of the population. Basically cashing in on the credibility they built up over generations and funneling that cred into support for the democratic party in order to stay relevant. Problem is, that credibility is dwindling precisely because of this unsustainable strategy. Progressives are the only ones still clinging to the myth of news media informing the public rather than manufacturing opinions for them. Everyone else is tired of having their intelligence insulted

The NYT as it currently exists is fox news in print form aimed at liberals. Not a solid basis for discussion so much as fodder for mockery for anyone with two brain cells to rub together. Theres a reason the NPC meme was so threatening that Twitter had to clamp down on it. Nyt, cnn, etc are becoming so transparently partisan that trying to link “articles” from them is the equivalent of unironically posting state media propaganda from soviet russia and expecting people to respons to it. This material you’re worked up over is emblematic of nothing save yet another blatant attempt by a powerful, agenda driven, niche elite to brainwash the masses. The public is increasingly aware of this, which is why journalism is the least trusted profession in America and “fake news” a major issue.

[–]Purple_Talk[S] 0 points1 point  (3 children) | Copy Link

Spare me the redpilling, bro. I agree that NYT has a liberal slant, but don't make a fool of yourself and compare it to Trump News Network, a.k.a. Murdoch Propaganda Network, a.k.a. Faux News.

EDIT: Also, don't quote me on this, but I'm pretty sure NYTimes is doing quite fine financially and does not have to make anything more sensationalistic to drive sales.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

Liberal "slant"? Lol. The only difference between NYT and Faux News is the former being part of a larger, subtler, more widespread and more insidious system of propaganda. To the point where individuals like yourself become so enmeshed in it that you mistake its lens for reality. A citizen under Mao Zedong probably thought Pol Pot only had a leftist "slant".

The conservative worldview is being propagated by ONE network, whereas the progressive worldview is being propagated by almost every major media outlet EXCEPTING that one network. Celebrities, journalists, social media company employees and CEOs, professors, sociologists - all tend to be much more progressive than the rest of the country, and leftists have the nerve to complain about ONE dissenting cable TV network? One that isn't even that good at its job? Hilarious stuff.

[–]Purple_Talk[S] 0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

To the point where individuals like yourself become so enmeshed in it that you mistake its lens for reality.

Save your hyperbole for someone else, please. I could argue with you about this forever, but I don't think you're capable of nuance. If you don't realize that that statement you said applies for you with regard to Fox News, then you are beyond help. I am far more of a centrist and I'm far more nuanced than you, but I think this argument we're having is very unproductive. You're convinced that Fox News is not a garbage propaganda network that has an incestuous relationship with most Republican administrations and you're also convinced that anyone who even looks at multiple political viewpoints and sources must be a 'libtard'. So go ahead, keep thinking that and keep living in your fantasy world. Go find someone else to 'redpill' about how your propaganda news network must be the inalienable source of truth, just because it's the only major conservative network.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

I AM convinced that Fox News is garbage, I shit it on it. The only difference between me and you is that the only slightly more sophisticated opinion manufacturing outlets run by the left are sufficiently sophisticated to work on you. Fox is a giant cudgel being clumsily wielded by the right, NYT is one of many scalpels being slightly less clumsily wielded by the progressive left, but both have the same goal of determining, rather than informing, your worldview.

The fact that the NYT and other major media outlets are more effective, numerous and subtle than fox should make you more, not less, wary of them. Fox hardly registers as a threat, it aims at stupid uneducated people. Nyt is propaganda targeted at people of average and above intelligence, making it far more dangerous.

[–]TEXSQUIRE 1 points [recovered]  (4 children) | Copy Link

Women control who gets sex, men control who gets commitment.

[–]sketch1620002 points3 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Attractive men maybe. Average and lower men don't control shit in the SMP.

[–]the_calibre_cat2 points3 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Men control fuck all, there's your red pill, you've been fed a love of bullshit about "equality", enjoy the rest of your life

You can kill a man, but you can't kill an idea.

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