
~ archived since 2018 ~


Bluepillers seem to live in what I call a bubble. To them life is so simple that they don't know what redpillers keep bitching about all the time.

Want to find yourself a partner? Dead easy. Just go out there and be yourself. In no time at all you'll find the love of your life.

Want to have a one night stand? Nothing simpler. Just go out there and be yourself.

Hey, it worked for them. So it should work for everyone else. Right? Right?

Wrong. The blue pill bubble prevents the blue piller from seeing beyond their own narrow frame of reference. To them it doesn't occur to them that not everyone has had the same opportunities in life like them. That not everyone was raised in the same way. Or that not everyone has the same type of social skills.

For me redpill is much too extreme to adopt as a way of thinking, but I do appreciate they have both eyes open when it comes to dating and relatonships.

However I could never be bluepill either because of the bubble that the bluepill people surround themselves with.

Am i right or wrong? Do redpillers also live in a bubble?

[–]couldbemage37 points38 points  (78 children) | Copy Link

I'm someone that can get partners easily, but unlike BP ers I get that I'm lucky. So I have a certain amount of compassion for the guys that struggle.

[–]poppy_blublack midget wine mom 🍷19 points20 points  (77 children) | Copy Link

Totally disingenous. So called BPs don't have compassion for TRPs and incels because much of what they say sounds like misogyny to them. That's what they're being critiized for, not that they struggle.

[–][deleted] 4 points5 points  (76 children) | Copy Link

What's misogynistic about TRP?

[–]insultin_crayon16 points17 points  (36 children) | Copy Link

What isn’t misogynistic about TRP. That would be a smaller list.

[–][deleted] 8 points9 points  (34 children) | Copy Link

Telling men to not be pussies is pretty good.

[–]Dash_of_islamBidet 4 Life>Toilet paper unwashed proles8 points9 points  (33 children) | Copy Link

Come on.

Calling women emotional children and men as strong unemotional logitians is pretty mysoginistic.

Whether or not it is true is besides the point, holding this idea is mysogeny and most red pillers are mysoginistic to varying degrees. That's pretty undesputed

[–][deleted] 14 points15 points  (9 children) | Copy Link

whether or not it is true is besides the point



[–]Dash_of_islamBidet 4 Life>Toilet paper unwashed proles8 points9 points  (8 children) | Copy Link

Lol dude you missed the point. I was saying whether or not women are stupid is not relevant to being a misogynist. Misogyny is contingent on what you BELIEVE to be true (your belief could be true OR false and still be misogynistic).

Plus I am Red Pill myself, I was only pointing out the fact that beliefs are only ideas we hold independent of reality. I could be terrified of driving. That makes me neurotic. Whether or cars are dangerous is irrelevant since they are necessary to function if you live far from work.

[–]ThrowFaderEnlightened6 points7 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

deleted What is this?

[–]Dash_of_islamBidet 4 Life>Toilet paper unwashed proles0 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

Yeah I didn't realize I had the wrong understanding of the word misogyny at the time when I posted

[–][deleted] -1 points0 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

No you're missing the point. If cars are actually dangerous then it's not neurotic to be afraid of them, now take that logic and apply it to women being emotional.

[–]Dash_of_islamBidet 4 Life>Toilet paper unwashed proles1 point2 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

You can be a worrier Because whether the cars are safe or is irrelevant. If you live in a rural place, you can't avoid it. A worrier will worry even if it is dangerous but he must avoid worrying since there is no workaround.

Emotions are not under our control. That's why I said it doesn't matter if it's safe or not. You will still FEEL worried

[–][deleted] 5 points6 points  (22 children) | Copy Link

Women are more emotional than men, however. They have much more emotional expressivity, especially when it comes to negative emotions. Stating this fact doesn't mean you hate women or are anti-woman.

This is kinda the difference to me. In my opinion, sexism requires outright hatred or active anti-female actions, not simply stating a fact that might make women look worse.

On the same note, I'd argue you think feminism isn't misandric, even though it's outright anti-male.

[–]Dash_of_islamBidet 4 Life>Toilet paper unwashed proles0 points1 point  (21 children) | Copy Link

Oh I agree with you. Women are absolutely more emotional. And admitting that is mysogistic because being able to keep a level head makes men better in that regard.

Women still deserve basic human respect but it is true they get more emotional and as a result men are better since we are not creating drama all the time.

And yes these are all generalizations, I don't care about any snowflakes.

I'm red pill by the way, but I will admit when I am being sort of mysoginstic. I like the red pill because I think it's more true than blue pill. But if I think blue pill makes a good point, I will call it. 😱

[–][deleted] 4 points5 points  (20 children) | Copy Link

I don't understand your point.

Misogyny is the hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against women or girls.

I don't hate women. I don't base my opinions of women on hatred or any emotion, for that matter. Women are more neurotic and emotional, this is a fact, not some baseless form of bigotry.

[–]insultin_crayon2 points3 points  (8 children) | Copy Link

women are more neurotic

See, that right there is misogyny. Males murder, rape, rob, destroy, and assault at far higher rates than women- this is fact- but we are going to call women neurotic. You’re blatantly sexist against women but for some reason deny it outright, even though your statement and comment history proves that. Why deny? Just own that you’re a misogynist.

[–]Dash_of_islamBidet 4 Life>Toilet paper unwashed proles1 point2 points  (10 children) | Copy Link

Oh lol.

I didn't realize. I always thought misogeny was believing that men are better than women. And men can control their emotions better since we let the small things slide.

I always thought it was taboo to admit that men are inherently better than women at anything. But nothing wrong with saying women are inherently better (like reading emotions from faces. There was a Harvard study where women could guess what a person was feeling from a photograph of only their eyes much better than men could).

My mistake

[–]cxj75% Redpill Core Ideas1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Even assuming TRP tried to be PC, it would never be PC enough and would just be labeled as misogyny anyways

[–]azngirl768911 points12 points  (38 children) | Copy Link

AWALT. Dread. Women are children. Shall I go on?

[–]SilentLurker66610 points11 points  (27 children) | Copy Link

BP also has their own equivalent of AWALT... (it's call all men are pig/rapist/sexist, and then there's toxic masculinity and how they define every men behavior as toxic masculinity)

Not everyone runs the Dread game.

[–]poppy_blublack midget wine mom 🍷3 points4 points  (25 children) | Copy Link

Can you link us to a thread on TBP that suggests all men are pigs/rapists/sexist?

We’ll wait.

[–]SilentLurker6666 points7 points  (24 children) | Copy Link

Try these for size

Again... the problem with the BP bubble... they don't look outs into the world and are confined into their own little world... including just finding examples in this sub.

[–]flamingoinghomeIs three lizards in trench coat5 points6 points  (6 children) | Copy Link

Your third link is broken. The first article was about the double standard of Facebook allowing men to make comments like "women are scum" as hyperbolic venting, but when women engage in the same hyperbolic venting, it is flagged as hate speech. Nowhere does the article actually say or endorse the view that all men/women actually are scum (the author clearly states she believes both sentiments are hyperbole/venting), just that there should be a single standard about saying such things.

The second article is a scientific study saying that while gender relations have been steadily improving, most men still harbor some, probably unconscious, sexist beliefs. Hardly "all men are sexist rapists."

None of these are TBP threads.

[–]SilentLurker6661 point2 points  (5 children) | Copy Link

The second article is a scientific study saying that while gender relations have been steadily improving, most men still harbor some, probably unconscious, sexist beliefs. Hardly "all men are sexist rapists."

"But Men Are Still All Kinds of Sexist

Most men are not sexually assaulting women. Men consider harassment a societal problem, and are becoming more progressive about their gender attitudes with every passing year. But harmful attitudes persist among the majority β€” often in confusing ways. Take this data from a recent national survey of the gender attitudes of more than 2,000 Australian men. The study found that most men supported gender equality, but opined that women are naturally better at caring for children; they agreed that women are suited for leadership roles, but expressed frustration that women enjoy unfair advantages in the workplace. Similar studies have shown that men are less likely than women to endorse equal opportunity in the workplace, advocate shared household and parenting duties, and oppose a double standard for sex before marriage. While the following data illustrates that fewer than half of men hold particularly sexist values, it is impossible to miss the fact that far too many still do."

Nice Cherrpicking.

[–]flamingoinghomeIs three lizards in trench coat3 points4 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

While the following data illustrates that fewer than half of men hold particularly sexist values, it is impossible to miss the fact that far too many still do.

I mean, it's right there.

[–]poppy_blublack midget wine mom 🍷5 points6 points  (7 children) | Copy Link

I did say a TBP thread... didn’t I?

I’m not sure what a bunch of click bait articles have to do with TBP. If I linked to you random alt right and white supremacists websites as β€œproof” of TRP, I doubt you’d accept it.

Again...the problem with the RP bubble...can’t defend a point with any level of credibility so they attack with β€œu evul blooo!”

[–]SilentLurker6663 points4 points  (6 children) | Copy Link

I did say a TBP thread... didn’t I?

1) And here's the double standard displayed by the BP... when it's RP... whatever someone said anything on this sub or one of the RP sub became the standard beliefs of all RP... but when it's BP... it's "NotALLBP"... 2) What's the point of discussing anything in this sub if it doesn't confirm to the real life?(again regarding the OP's BP bubble) It's like as if someone says that he's not as asshole because he didn't say anything mean on this sub, but acted like as asshole in real life. 3) BP often conflate between defining themselves as "people in /r/thebluepill sub or everything that's not RP as a way to evade criticism.. this has been bought up many times and even has its own thread... and this tactic is dishonest.

I’m not sure what a bunch of click bait articles have to do with TBP. If I linked to you random alt right and white supremacists websites as β€œproof” of TRP, I doubt you’d accept it.

1) Except these "clickbaitly" articles has been constantly bombarding their ideology in our social media as a way to spew the feminist agenda 2) I don't agree with the alt-right and white supremacist either... but what has this got to do with this thread? This discussion is that BP should step out of their bubble, and that includes having the critical thinking to see pass any propaganda whether it is from the left or the right.

Again...the problem with the RP bubble...can’t defend a point with any level of credibility so they attack with β€œu evul blooo!”

Sorry but that's more of an BP thing with their shaming tactic and their moral highground.

[–]poppy_blublack midget wine mom 🍷1 point2 points  (5 children) | Copy Link

BP also has their own equivalent of AWALT... (it's call all men are pig/rapist/sexist, and then there's toxic masculinity and how they define every men behavior as toxic masculinity)

Exactly what you said. Word for word.

When I asked you to provide examples of BP saying these things, you come back with examples of people saying all men are sexist and attempting to link it to BP. Anytime somene says something you don't like, that doesn't automatically make them "blue pill."

It is asbolutely 100% analogous to me taking a sexist comment by a conservative or a right winger (groups I happen to not like) and using it as example of TRP cuz "hey I disagree with all of them so I can lump them all together."

So once, again, please provide evidence to back up your orginal statement that:

BP also has their own equivalent of AWALT... (it's call all men are pig/rapist/sexist, and then there's toxic masculinity and how they define every men behavior as toxic masculinity)


Except these "clickbaitly" articles has been constantly bombarding their ideology in our social media as a way to spew the feminist agenda

I could produce millions of articles promoting sexist and racist ideology from Brietbart, PJ Media, etc. Doesn't mean I get to assign their words to a group they didn't sign up for, does it?

This discussion is that BP should step out of their bubble

If you mean that TBP regulars should step out of their bubble and try to see why misogny is rampant on TRP, MGTOW and incels threads, I don't disagree with that on the surface. But understanding the psychology of why people hold on to sexism and racism as a way to inflate their individual relevance in the world while also sheilding themselves from what they fear doesn't mean I'm going to give someone a pass on that sexism or racism.

AKA free speech until you disagree with me

Sorry but that's more of an BP thing with their shaming tactic and their moral highground.

You literally just did it to me...and I don't even identify as blue pill.

[–]dval92White Anglo-Saxon Hebrew0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

[–]idhavetocharge0 points1 point  (7 children) | Copy Link

I know that last link. Are you serious? Did you even read your own reference? This has nothing to do with the 'just be yourself' mantra. Its got nothing to do with this thread. Its not saying all men are pigs.

Its so ironic you would attempt to use that particular article.

[–]SilentLurker6660 points1 point  (6 children) | Copy Link

you real?

"So #NotAllMen doesn’t clarify anything. It doesn’t add to the discussion or develop it in any way. All it does is derail and dismiss the lived experiences of women and girls. And what the men who leap to remind us that β€˜β€™not all men are like that’’, are actually saying is, β€˜β€™I’m not like that.’’ Or to put it another way, they are letting women know that discussing misogyny makes them uncomfortable, and they’d like to be absolved of any blame before they will let women continue."

To elaborate... men can't say "I'm innocent, I don't do these things" because it hurts the female victimhood narrative. And yes... discussing misogyny makes men uncomfortable... because we don't like to be blamed for crimes we didn't commit.

Edit: Also hilarious... another user said the third link didn't work...

[–]idhavetocharge1 point2 points  (5 children) | Copy Link

Possibly that person had a bad connection. I have read the article, and recently. The link works just fine for me and I will let the article defend itself.

So #NotAllMen doesn’t clarify anything. It doesn’t add to the discussion or develop it in any way. All it does is derail and dismiss the lived experiences of women and girls. And what the men who leap to remind us that β€˜β€™not all men are like that’’, are actually saying is, β€˜β€™I’m not like that.’’ Or to put it another way, they are letting women know that discussing misogyny makes them uncomfortable, and they’d like to be absolved of any blame before they will let women continue

[–]azngirl76891 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link


[–][deleted] 4 points5 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

You mock this generalization 1 comment down this chain, so I don't really see your point.

[–]azngirl76895 points6 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

My point is- that it doesn’t matter if not everyone does it. You’re known for that misogynistic crap, that’s why everyone thinks you’re sexist.

[–][deleted] 2 points3 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

I don't give a fuck about public perception. That isn't what I asked.

I asked about "misogynistic" parts of TRP. AWALT definitely does fit, but I'm not sure how common that shit really is.

Applying this same logic, would you agree that feminism is mainly misandric?

[–]azngirl76892 points3 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Very. Read this sub.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

I do and still disagree. I also repeat my previous question:

Applying this same logic, would you agree that feminism is mainly misandric?

[–]max_peenorCertified TRP Shitlord2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link


You hate children? I don't. Children are awesome. Sluts are awesome too. They keep our dicks wet.

Women play dread on men 100% of the time. They can next and replace in a heartbeat.

And sorry, cupcake, you are not a unicorn. You are human. Embrace being human instead of rejecting it. Humans are genetic machines that do things to promote their survival. Given a long list of common attributes, we very often use the same mechanisms which match these attributes.

It seems like all the actual hate comes from the bloops.

[–]kittyclaw2001 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

What your describing is women biology. Biology is not misogynistic, its fact.

Alpha Fucks/beta bucks


AWALT is just a heuristic.

[–]dval92White Anglo-Saxon Hebrew0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

I don’t like RP’s strong claims about each of these’s applicability to every single woman on the planet, which ignores the reality of statistical distributions. Even if the distributions describing women’s personality traits having low variances is probably true (i.e. women are very similar to one another), unless the variance is a big fat 0 you are going to find women who are not averageβ€” it’s just going to be tougher.

That being said, and my own autism out of the way, their observations about female aggregate behavior are fairly accurate. Accuracy is more valuable than a judgment of β€œhateful” or β€œsexist,” which do not affect whether or not a claim is true.

[–]kittyclaw200-1 points0 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

AWALT=ceteris paribus

[–][deleted] 21 points22 points  (52 children) | Copy Link

I just doubt those blue pillers are as successful as they say. You know?...

I've met a sad whiteknight which would lie to my face about their success with my lesbian friend. Poor bastard. I know she has 0% interest in men. And I drank with her every weekend. But it seems he didn't know she is a lesbian.

For me redpill is much too extreme to adopt as a way of thinking

Well. It can be. Why do you think that is?

Do redpillers also live in a bubble?

If that was the case, red pillers wouldn't be always discussing with other people like in here. Did you see the connection between PPD and TRP?

[–]PuleaSpataru69|||22 points23 points  (51 children) | Copy Link

For bluepillers this is being sexually successful or having a wife

[–]exit_sandmanstill not the MGTOW sandman FFS26 points27 points  (35 children) | Copy Link

You're being facetious, but generally speaking you're right about the BP stance regarding "romantic success".

Here is what I wrote about this in another post:

You don't really get it - I am talking about the exceedingly low standards TBP has for "success" when it comes to dating.

Let me tell you of a friend of mine. If there was a wikipedia page about "beta providers", it would have his picture on it - he was a really decent, stable and also non-exciting guy: a guy girls would probably like to present to their parents, but not necessarily the guy who made them giddy with anticipation. He treated women nothing but decently all his life, the worst thing he did was the occasional bawdy joke.

His love life? He had a gf around 18 for 1-2 years (no sex, though) who liked him, but didn't really desire him, and hence broke up with him. His 20s were an odyssey of solitude, but a few years ago he reconnected with a girl from his class and they hit it off and are married now. From all I can tell he's reasonably happy and has achieved the European equivalent of the American dream.

Is this guy "doing fine"? Bluepillers will probably say "hell yeah". Redpillers will say that he never did fine because he was never able (despite his solitude) to achieve control over his dating life. He was always dependent on women being interested in him on their own (which he spectaculary failed at during his 20s) and never had any options. His odds are happiness may be pretty good (as far as I can tell, his wife is a pretty decent woman), but it's ultimately due to luck. Which is pretty much the bluepill mantra - "one day a woman will find you and love you for who you are". Luck at finding a woman who happens to take an interest in you for whatever reasons. Luck insofar as she doesn't need to make you jump through hoops because she not only expects you to check all her boxes, but also to be able to create a "spark". Luck that the woman who threw in her lot with you is actually a decent person.

What created TRP was enough men who said "fuck that" and started looking for an alternative.


I'm 99.99% sure this guy doesn't give a fuck that you think he's not been successful. That's what you guys don't seem to get.

Oh, I know my friend well enough to know four things:

  • he's probably as happy as he could be
  • he definitely wasn't in the decade from 20-29
  • he definitely wouldn't be happy had the girl who married him turned out to be a hag like my grandmother or a psychopath like the mother of another friend
  • he would have been prone to fall for a woman like my grandmother or the mother of that other friend

This is the bluepiller problem. For you, "doing fine" is a snap-shot out of the life of a person. Fuck it if a person's past has been miserable, blind out the bad prospects in a person's future - what matters is that s/he's happytm now!!!

Also enough of the check all her boxes and spark shit, relationships are a two way thing, she only holds the power if you give her it ( again don't have to be RP to stop this from happening).

I hope you're not that naive that you don't think that people who operate from a scarcity mindset (like my friend above) are decisive and outcome-independent enough to pull the plug from a toxic relationship.

[–]PuleaSpataru69|||16 points17 points  (7 children) | Copy Link

the exceedingly low standards TBP has for "success" when it comes to dating.


[–]ArcticFoxBunny3 points4 points  (6 children) | Copy Link

RP women are happy with a sad marriage with a man who chases skirts and they provide sex for him not from love and desire but to compete with other women. Who has low standards again?

[–]PuleaSpataru69|||6 points7 points  (5 children) | Copy Link

RP women arent the mirror image of RP men. They dont date the men from redpill. They dont put up with cheating. One of the basis of RP women is VETTING. Getitng a good husband.

I would say golddiggers dont care about cheating, not RP women.

[–]ArcticFoxBunny3 points4 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

I know that. I’m pretty sure it’s you, I saw you comment that your husband is the love of your life, but you believe you aren’t his and his ex is the love of his life. That’s a very low standard and sad.

[–]PuleaSpataru69|||1 point2 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

I am romanian. I moved from Romania to USA and I also took my mom with me. I went from an apartment in a building to a house with a yard and we built a small house for my mom in the back yard. I get trip abroads, nice things, a nice car. The house is in both our names and the car in mine. He provides for me and my mom.

THERE IS A PRICE TO PAY FOR EVERYTHING. This is the price I have to pay for everything else I get in return. I am realistic, not greedy.

Lots of people want to have it all. I am practical.

[–]ArcticFoxBunny3 points4 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

I am very practical too, and I’m glad you have security, I just wouldn’t settle for a guy who considered someone else to be his peak romantic experience. If it works for you it’s fine, but you’re in no position to preach about other people’s low standards.

[–]PuleaSpataru69|||0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

My point is there is a price to pay for something worth having. I wouldnt allow a broke dusty to be in love with someone else.

[–]poppy_blublack midget wine mom 🍷4 points5 points  (26 children) | Copy Link

Don't people generally date and marry their looks match?

Like are you admitting that TRPs and incels are just men who are mad they can't punch above their weight and treat it like its some anti-male social injustice?

[–]PieceBringerPurple Swag7 points8 points  (14 children) | Copy Link

How could you get that from the comment? He's just saying that red pullers are looking to take control of their livess.

[–]exit_sandmanstill not the MGTOW sandman FFS7 points8 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Yeah, I got a nasty Cathy Newman-vibe from Poppy's comment.

[–]poppy_blublack midget wine mom 🍷3 points4 points  (12 children) | Copy Link

By writing off any man who is successful as a miserable beta?

You define that as β€œtaking control of your life??”

[–]MirrorMirror_OTWfuck your optics4 points5 points  (11 children) | Copy Link

I'd argue it's certainly trying to take control of an aspect that most men find important in their lives, regardless of whether everyone agrees with the conclusions that TRPs come to.

It's like how people that are really into fitness will often look at fat positivity with disgust. The reason is because the foundational philosophies of these groups are inherently opposite. One says you need only accept yourself as you are and that external forces convincing you to be more are negative, while the other says the desire to be more is natural and that only through legitimate effort can you obtain that desire.

[–]poppy_blublack midget wine mom 🍷1 point2 points  (10 children) | Copy Link

Actually no that would be like someone who wants to lose weight claiming that fit people are really just miserable so therefore it’s not something to aspire to.

[–]MirrorMirror_OTWfuck your optics2 points3 points  (9 children) | Copy Link

Sorry, I was typing on my phone and accidentally sent my last post about half way through writing. Would you mind going back so our discussion can make sense?

[–]poppy_blublack midget wine mom 🍷0 points1 point  (8 children) | Copy Link


[–][deleted] 5 points6 points  (6 children) | Copy Link

No, they don't. Women always have an issue when it comes to dating, because they either can't really tell what they're actually attracted to, and they assume that men are attracted to the same things they are.

[–]poppy_blublack midget wine mom 🍷2 points3 points  (5 children) | Copy Link

That’s your opinion?

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

Yea, it is. You see this a lot, even on this sub.

[–]poppy_blublack midget wine mom 🍷2 points3 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

Thank you for being clear that it’s opinion and not fact.

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

Something can be both an opinion and a fact. They're not mutually exclusive.

[–]poppy_blublack midget wine mom 🍷0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

They’re not mutually inclusive either

[–]exit_sandmanstill not the MGTOW sandman FFS0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

[–]poppy_blublack midget wine mom 🍷-1 points0 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Got a point? If so, make it.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

you been hanging around jezebel too much.

[–]poppy_blublack midget wine mom 🍷-1 points0 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Work on your ad hominem game, bro.

[–]Willow-girlProud 2 B an American farmer4 points5 points  (12 children) | Copy Link

Two out of three people in that pic look like they're having a great time! The third guy -- well, it isn't hard to figure out who the actual husband is, eh?

[–]PuleaSpataru69|||1 point2 points  (11 children) | Copy Link

Actually I have no idea who the husband is. They all look the same.

The point is you shoudlnt be happy fucking any of those people.

[–]Willow-girlProud 2 B an American farmer7 points8 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

Why not? It's hard to judge a person's character from a photo of course, but they don't look toxic to me. The woman has kind eyes and the guy mugging for the camera is a hoot! Vogue probably won't be calling them up for a cover shoot anytime soon, but then they won't be calling me, either, lol.

[–]PuleaSpataru69|||5 points6 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

What does character have to do with looks? Criminals get pussies wet while nice guys helping grandmas cross the street dont. Sluts get all the attention while nice girls get ignored because they're boring. Attraction has nothing to do with character. Good character works against it I would even say.

Kind eyes??? What do kind eyes mean when you're 300 pounds?? And you people are calling me a troll! You cant be serious. Ask most men on the planet whether she's attractive or not.

A hoot? Looks like he's about to prep the bull.

[–]Willow-girlProud 2 B an American farmer1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I can't speak for all people's preferences, only my own, and I like kind-hearted, fun-loving, life-affirming, non-toxic people, myself. Again, it's not really possible to judge people from a picture, but I'm not seeing anything here that would automatically make me rule them out as friends or lovers, if I were in the market for such. (The lady's size doesn't bother me at all; I prefer Rubenesque women aesthetically, although I suppose in a relationship, I might have some concerns for her health.)

The guy on the right looks a bit grim, hence my joke that he's probably the husband, and possibly not as much into this scene as the other two. But that's just speculation and quite possibly he's just mugging for the camera, too. I do think polyamory is difficult to pull off (no pun intended) and it's why I don't "go there" anymore despite being bi. It usually seems to result in jealousy, resentment or hurt feelings, and who needs that? But I won't knock the people who can manage that kind of relationship successfully; more power to 'em. To each his/her/their own!

[–]NullOverLoad 1 points [recovered]  (1 child) | Copy Link

Looking at the first guy and the 3rd guy, the situation they are in and the physical state of the woman, I can tell that they have a very different outlook on life to me and definately different idea's of fun. So I really wouldn't want any of them as influences in life as none of it would I find positive. And my outlooks and goals in life probably are not something they could relate to.

[–]Willow-girlProud 2 B an American farmer0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

And that's fine! There's a lid for every pot, as the old saying goes.

[–]poppy_blublack midget wine mom 🍷3 points4 points  (5 children) | Copy Link

Why don't you post a picture of yourself so we can judge whether anyone should be happy fucking you.

[–]PuleaSpataru69|||3 points4 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

Well, I am ugly. That;s why I am slim, I work out and I have other advantages like being more than a decade younger, I was a virgin,etc. I knew I needed to compensate.

Me being or not being attractive doesnt matter anyway. The message is still true.

[–]poppy_blublack midget wine mom 🍷5 points6 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

Me being or not being attractive doesnt matter anyway

Then maybe you ought to cease judgement on other’s looks.

Glass houses, doll.

[–]PuleaSpataru69|||4 points5 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

What does glass houses have to do with anything? What I said is true regardless of who says it. How is what I said any less true?

[–]poppy_blublack midget wine mom 🍷4 points5 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

That’s an American idiom: those who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. Meaning don’t judge others unless your shit is above reproach.

[–][deleted] 5 points6 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

This is a little evasive. Would the government, your boss or a stand up comedian be able to get away with the same argument? If you see a shitty looking car, regardless of how bad yours is, you know what you're looking at is a piece of shit. The glass houses argument is meant to highlight hypocrisy. But puleaspartarus69 admitted to being ugly and it's not like only beautiful people get to pass judgement on unattractive people.

[–]Yonderlander7 points8 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

Nobody said it was easy

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

No one ever said it would be this hard.

[–]ArcticFoxBunny1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Oh cold play needs a sense of humor.

[–]poppy_blublack midget wine mom 🍷12 points13 points  (14 children) | Copy Link

"Bluepill" isn't a ideology. It's just a sub of people making fun of people who post on another sub.

But I'll accept that you and others use "bluepill" to refer to default conventional thinking about sex, dating and relationships. Essentially, anyone who has success using this conventional thinking is therefore "blue pill."

What that essentially translates to is people who posses the traits that are attractive and/or desriable in a given society will find it easier to get sex, date, and have quality relationships. Those who don't will need to work harder.

That's hardly sounds like some Macheveillian conspiracy. It's just life.

[–]the_calibre_cat4 points5 points  (6 children) | Copy Link

But I'll accept that you and others use "bluepill" to refer to default conventional thinking about sex, dating and relationships. Essentially, anyone who has success using this conventional thinking is therefore "blue pill."

I would dispute this. Conventional thinking about sex includes some of the core concepts of RP. Blue pill is mostly about maintaining the left-wing social narrative in terms of dating, because anything that isn't left-wing is evil.

[–]poppy_blublack midget wine mom 🍷1 point2 points  (5 children) | Copy Link

Blue pill is mostly about maintaining the left-wing social narrative in terms of dating, because anything that isn't left-wing is evil.

Specific examples please

[–]the_calibre_cat3 points4 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

Literally this entire website

[–]poppy_blublack midget wine mom 🍷6 points7 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

Specific. Examples. Please.

[–]the_calibre_cat6 points7 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Keep pretending this isn't a thing

In the meantime, I'm not going to waste my time indulging left-wing denialism. You can pretend your crew doesn't excommunicate people from deviating from the faith, or you can recognize the reality of the problem. I don't have a horse in this race, so I'm not going to comb through Reddit on my phone to satisfy the two billionth left-winger asking "SOURCE?"

[–]ThrowFaderEnlightened1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

deleted What is this?

[–]exit_sandmanstill not the MGTOW sandman FFS0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

[–]Whodunnit88Survivied Purge Week 2018[S] 2 points3 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

Bluepill is an ideology.

[–]poppy_blublack midget wine mom 🍷2 points3 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Where is the link to the sub or site that describes blue pill ideology? I’d like to see it.

[–]peterlongcLove.Is.The.Drug0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

it's an attitude then

[–]peterlongcLove.Is.The.Drug0 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

you are correct that BP is more passive. more prone to fall into the trap of creating their identity based on negative stances towards others [this is really bad when it comes to being truly attractive as a man]

[–]poppy_blublack midget wine mom 🍷0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

more prone to fall into the trap of creating their identity based on negative stances towards others

I'll give you that. But you're going to try and convince me you don't think RP does this?

[–]peterlongcLove.Is.The.Drug0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

no. i would agree with that suggestion as well. though i'm suggesting that they tend to do it less, RP is trying to change itself somehow. BP generally is quite content with itself.

[–]exit_sandmanstill not the MGTOW sandman FFS0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

"Bluepill" isn't a ideology. It's just a sub

TBP is extremely ideological.

[–]neualgae 1 points [recovered]  (4 children) | Copy Link

The vast majority of people date. Most people marry. The average age for losing virginity is like 17-18. I agree there's some race/class effects in there, plus socially competent people tend to surround themselves with other socially competent people, but people who are completely romantically and sexually isolated into their 20's are the minority. If they think they're the typical cases, they're the ones in a bubble.

[–]Zippo-Cat8 points9 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

There are real relationships based on sexual attraction and fake relationships based on desperation and convenience.

Consider the amount of cultural circlejerking and gaslighting about how dating someone for their physical attractiveness(i.e. a real relationship) is "shallow" and ask yourself: which one is more common?

[–]Maybelowsmvman-repellant4 points5 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Most of the couples ive seen around me in the 20s age group seem fine aesthetically. I guess the "dream" of being a man in his 30s dating a 20 year old is unlikely though. Most people date within their age group (2 years or so difference on average), but older people in their 50s ish may reach a 7 year difference in age on average

[–]SilentLurker666-2 points-1 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

[–]DXBrigade6 points7 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

You can be a blue pill and not be popular with women. You can be unpopular and disagree with the negative mindset of RP. You can be a virgin and not be an incel.

[–][deleted] 9 points10 points  (8 children) | Copy Link

I've been wondering, is there maybe a class difference? Like when you mentioned opportunities and what not, maybe part of the distinction is access to wealth/opportunities/etc. People for whom society is working well, I would think, are less likely to question society. I mean sure there are those seminal stories of the sexless millionaires turning to pickup artists to learn game, but by and large, I don't think that's representative.

[–]Salty-Bastard9 points10 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

You may have a point. African Americans have always been pretty RedPilled, WC/MC white boys are just waking up to the concepts.

[–]StunningLaughScrooge did nothing wrong10 points11 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

There most definitely is. TBP is white collar White man stuff whereas TRP is blue collar White man stuff mixed up with Black and Brown man thinking. It's mad how snobbish TBPers are given they are Whiter than sour cream.

[–]Willow-girlProud 2 B an American farmer1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I prefer the term "whiter than Wonder bread" myself.

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

In my experience people with money and who revere wealth are some of the most naturally rp people around. Some of the stuff my mom said to me when I was dating used to comically shock me, she'd crack up and leave it at "you'll see." as I sputtered like an imbecile. If you aren't with the program by nature, you're the one who stands out.

[–]furcryingoutloudRed Pill Man4 points5 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

people with money and who revere wealth are some of the most naturally rp people around

Nothing further from the truth. I know so many millionaires that are so bright, sky, ocean blue that it becomes painful to see. I can look for it if there is any interest, but I saw a video of this guy, a very, very rich guy, who in the video smashes the blue into a pulp so blue it's actually painful to watch. Grant Cardone is the name, heh, it just came to me.

I have a personal friend who's lost his mind over a woman 30 odd years younger than him. He's lost all control over his fortune to this woman who should have been a pump and dump. I have another personal friend who spends ungodly amounts of money on another woman half his age. And I see no problem in spending money on them, I see a problem in at any point in life, believing this bullshit that a woman half my age is going to fall in love.

They were friends. I can't really stomach them any more. That level of blue pill kills me. Call it a bubble, call it what you want. But I say everyone lives in a bubble. We create our own lives and that in itself is a bubble. Being red pill doesn't make anyone special. It just makes you more aware of the rules of the game. This way, when you live in your own bubble, you get to choose who steps in and who stays out.

Blue pillers make every attempt to live within the restraints set by society which incidentally are designed to protect women and fuck men over. But even without that, you can see the blue pill in married men, it's that 1000 yard stare they get after 10 or so years of marriage which mainly consists of the woman working each minute at emasculating the man. And no, it makes no difference what class they are. 90% of men fall into the deep blue ocean of blue pill.

My point is that the longer a man stays with a woman, the bluer he gets. Women will subconsciously work to emasculate you at every turn. EVERY single woman will do this. Dump you when they realize you're not going to turn blue and dump you if you do turn blue. There is an expiry date to every relationship. Accept that and live accordingly. Which is why I laugh when I read youngsters talking about finding that one unicorn. Hehe, knock yourselves out.

[–]above_theclouds_0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

I agree, look at all the young tech millionars in sillicon valley. Very bluepillish and they will shape society much more to think like them. Look at Google etc.

A conservative mindset is not acceptable and while they tell how diverse they are, the opposite is true. If you think our current generation is already mostly blue pilled, it will be nothing compared to the future.

[–]furcryingoutloudRed Pill Man0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

The blue is strong my friend. Stronger than people think.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

It's like you didn't even read "in my experience" my post started with. But sure, your post totally negates the experience of growing up where and how I did. How silly of me. Lol you got butthurted. Just checked: downvoting doesn't make everyone's experience exactly the same, but I'm sure it made you feel better πŸ˜‚

[–]VaultGuy1995Red Pill Man5 points6 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

When I was blue pilled I never got laid at all because I was so concerned about doing everything right that it took away from the moment. That's changed to an extent in the last few years, but I often still find it hard ri just go out and get laid. "Just be yourself" was the biggest lie I was ever told, because it only works if you've already got a stellar personality and looks and not if you're still a loser or a work in progress.

[–]KikiYuyuPurple Pill Woman18 points19 points  (34 children) | Copy Link

I've never seen anyone claim being yourself will get you a random hookup. Being yourself is what gets you a partner you're compatible with and who actually likes who you are.

[–]NullOverLoad 1 points [recovered]  (6 children) | Copy Link

Does it., Ive seen plenty of guys claiming this who are single. If its so effective why are they single?

There is consistancy in any of the claims.

If its so great. Go "Be Yourself" then write a field report highlighting how that bought you to meeting someone.

Then repeat the process 20 - 30 times, to prove that it wasn't just fluke.

Then maybe we will believe this advice instead of calling it out for the shit it is.

[–]KikiYuyuPurple Pill Woman4 points5 points  (5 children) | Copy Link

If its so great. Go "Be Yourself" then write a field report highlighting how that bought you to meeting someone.

Being yourself isn't about meeting as many people as possible. It's about forming a real relationship. How many times I gotta say I'm not talking about hookups or acquiring as many women as possible??

If you wanna bang lots of chicks and have no commitments, be a super stud. If you want an actual relationship, be yourself.

[–]NullOverLoad 1 points [recovered]  (2 children) | Copy Link

How many times I gotta say I'm not talking about hookups or acquiring as many women as possible??

Its not about acquiring women.

Its about being able to introduce yourself to a woman you find attractive.

You may be stood in a grocery store one day and the woman of your dreams is stood near you. If you are not able to introduce yourself in a non creepy way, then you would never get to know her.

It has nothing to do with just banging chicks and having co commitments.

[–]KikiYuyuPurple Pill Woman4 points5 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

How do you know she's the woman of your dreams if you don't know her? I don't get it.

[–]NeedingAdvice860 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

That is not how dating is for men...

Want to discover how it is for men.....dress frumpy and ask 15 really attractive\successful guys on the street to go home to meet your parents and have dinner.

Notice I didn't say dress up and go ask really attractive guys to go home to fuck because even really attractive guy would likely take you home and fuck you if they have the time.....may never ask your name or call you ever again, but they will fuck you if are half way understand the scenario you have got to ask them to do something which you would have to convince them would be a good idea or fun.

You miss the point that by in large even attractive guys have to face tons of rejection to find your unicorn that you seem to think is just simply going to walk in the room, start chatting and then you instantly connect and you get married.

You do know that you have to have dates\sex\mates in order to find your real relationship....actually I don't think you do because most of your post seem to be just theory unrelated to how the real world works.

You don't have relationships with people that you are not attracted toward...this is silly.

[–]KikiYuyuPurple Pill Woman0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

ask 15 really attractive\successful guys on the street to go home to meet your parents and have dinner.

Literally no normal or smart person would say yes to that.

even really attractive guy would likely take you home and fuck you if they have the time

Not every man is into fat chicks, or casual hookups.

You miss the point that by in large even attractive guys have to face tons of rejection to find your unicorn that you seem to think is just simply going to walk in the room, start chatting and then you instantly connect and you get married.

Lol literally never said any of this. Never said rejection wouldn't happen. Never said future wives just fall into guy's laps. Never mentioned any instant connections.

You don't have relationships with people that you are not attracted toward...this is silly.

You don't have to be a super stud to be attractive. There are other ways to be attractive besides looks. There's no point in wasting time on people who only care about appearances.

[–]exit_sandmanstill not the MGTOW sandman FFS7 points8 points  (12 children) | Copy Link

Being yourself is what gets you a partner you're compatible with and who actually likes who you are.

If that was actually true, people wouldn't react so negatively to this bullshit advice.

[–]KikiYuyuPurple Pill Woman8 points9 points  (9 children) | Copy Link

How is it not true lol? Pretending you're someone else makes for a stable LTR? I don't think so.

[–]says_harsh_thingsRed Pill - Chad7 points8 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

There is a big difference in pretending to be someone else and actually going out and being someone else.

[–]KikiYuyuPurple Pill Woman4 points5 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

Whichever, if someone becomes attracted to you while you're faking your personality or lying, it'll come out later if it's more than a one time thing. For example if you pretend you're super into poetry to impress ladies and you bond with a girl over a supposed mutual passion for it, it's gonna hurt the relationship later.

If someone doesn't like you for who you are, it's not meant to be. Simple as that.

[–]ICantQuitReddit2 1 points [recovered]  (1 child) | Copy Link

I don't think you realize how hard it is for most dudes to put themselves into a situation where they have an actual good chance of romance happening if they are themselves. If I act like myself, I don't go outside much or talk to people much to begin with. I find most social gatherings boring and tiring. I also wouldn't do any escelations because I'm shy and passive and uncomfortable with most things, even though dudes need to make some kinda move as they're most of the time expected to do the chasing, and girls have more options already trying to chase them.

And that's just meeting potential people at all. If I'm myself, women don't find me attractive. They find me fun to be around platonically, but they don't find the way I present myself or behave attractive. My body language looks weird and I'm uncomfortable by default. I'm too much like a boy, or too femine. I trigger the mother instinct, not the wife instinct. You can be openly insecure and be yourself as a chick and do fine. As a dude it's too off putting.

You said "if someone doesn't like you for who you are, it's not meant to be". That means it's not meant to be with practically every girl. Either I'd have to accept being alone, or change myself to fit into something that both can meet new women, and is attractive to women.

I think most dudes who don't fit the biological desire of women will give in to their own biological deside for intimacy and change themselves for women. They won't be a lie if they genuinely end up changing. It's not like they're constantly pretending. They're working on themselves to be something else. People aren't static even normally. People can grow as well as change.

Thing is, do I want to change into someone attractive? Knowing none of these people would have loved me earlier even though I didn't suddenly become a better person? All I did was conform.

[–]KikiYuyuPurple Pill Woman-1 points0 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

There's a difference between becoming a better person and faking who you are or trying to fit into a style you personally don't like. Pushing yourself to be more social doesn't change your personality or interests.

[–]exit_sandmanstill not the MGTOW sandman FFS3 points4 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

I am talking about the issue that "being yourself" gets you a partner in the first place.

[–]KikiYuyuPurple Pill Woman3 points4 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

Well it won't get you just any partner, obviously. You'll end up getting one that likes you.

[–]peterlongcLove.Is.The.Drug1 point2 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

people have to like themselves before they want someone that would actually like them. otherwise it's tooo uncomfortable and can't be trusted

[–]MozzerDozzer 1 points [recovered]  (1 child) | Copy Link

people have to like themselves before they want someone that would actually like them. otherwise it's tooo uncomfortable and can't be trusted

And yet people who hate themselves get partners all the time and often partners stick with them (for various reasons).

[–]peterlongcLove.Is.The.Drug0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

It's true. But you don't have to really like your partner or yourself to stick with them. Often these people end of hurting one another when their true feelings come to light. Of course, there are times that people start together from a bad place internally and work together to support and help one another ; sadly I feel this is the less common reality

[–]BiggerDthanYouBluetopia-1 points0 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

If that was actually true, people wouldn't react so negatively to this bullshit advice.

It's a common piece of advice because most people consider it to be good advice. The fact that a few outliers like incels and TRPers disagree doesn't mean that it is also bullshit for normal people.

In other words: just because the special-ed kids of the manosphere hate regular education and require special education this doesn't mean that regular education is bad.

[–]exit_sandmanstill not the MGTOW sandman FFS0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

I think I can live without a child rapist (or really pathetic troll) giving me life advice, thank you very much.

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

Most men are interest in sex. Regardless of where or how.

[–]KikiYuyuPurple Pill Woman8 points9 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Not sure what that has to do with what I said. What you say really does seem to be the case, though.

[–]SilentLurker6662 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

This thread is like a rehash of all BP/RP argument, but as the Okcupid study has show (and never been refuted or directly acknowledge by BP).. that women have a higher and skewed standard when it comes to mate selection then men.

[–]the_calibre_cat0 points1 point  (10 children) | Copy Link

You can't do this if who you are is lame as judged by women

[–]KikiYuyuPurple Pill Woman5 points6 points  (9 children) | Copy Link

Because women are a hivemind who make unanimous decisions, right? Come on.

[–]the_calibre_cat-1 points0 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

RP is basically arguing that there are behaviors, generally, that women find more favorable than others. You can be yourself, but men could easily be people that women don't desire. Men often would be. RP is basically saying, "don't be these people if you wanna fuck," and they're right about it.

Women aren't a hivemind but uhhh... men aren't the ones who invented contemporary feminism.

[–]KikiYuyuPurple Pill Woman1 point2 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

RP is basically saying, "don't be these people if you wanna fuck," and they're right about it.

Again, I already said the "be yourself" rule doesn't apply if you just want sex. Be yourself if you want a healthy LTR. Be a stud if you want hookups.

Women aren't a hivemind but uhhh... men aren't the ones who invented contemporary feminism.

Women aren't the ones who invented the blackpill. What's your point?

[–]N0blesse0blige-1 points0 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

Not a hivemind, but certainly a hive mentality in some respects, for example as women tend to be attracted to men because other women are attracted to them.

[–]KikiYuyuPurple Pill Woman0 points1 point  (3 children) | Copy Link

I wouldn't call that hive mentality, but more herd mentality. Hive implies that original thought is impossible.

[–]N0blesse0blige0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

original thought is impossible.

... ah, never mind.

[–]ICantQuitReddit2 1 points [recovered]  (1 child) | Copy Link

I did read at places women conform more to social norms and feel more peer pressure.

I don't think original thought for them is impossible at all, but man don't they put a lot of effort into showing they have it sometimes.

[–]N0blesse0blige0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

tend to think more about the group instead of themselves.

They think more about how they appear to the group.

[–]equanimous_samsarasyrup of ipecac2 points3 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

The map is not the territory therefore everyone lives in a bubble. Some even argue that there is nothing that exists independent of these bubbles, but that makes for one hell of a slippery slope (no pun intended)

[–]peterlongcLove.Is.The.Drug0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

keep popping them and see what happens ;) maybe the slope goes up, not down

[–]shonenhikada2 points3 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

Blue Pill and Red pill are taken from the matrix. Blue pill live in a dream world and believe all the BS society tells them about love, relationship and women. Red pill take critical analysis, study behavioral pattern in male/female relationship as practical field exercises on what works to come to a conclusion on how things really are.

[–]themoderationPeople Over Pill4 points5 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Lol. They named themselves that,bro. It doesn’t mean anything beyond the evident superiority complex.

[–]ThrowFaderEnlightened0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

deleted What is this?

[–]peterlongcLove.Is.The.Drug0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

take both. realistic idealism

[–]catemlBlue Pill Woman7 points8 points  (14 children) | Copy Link

'Dating and relationships are super easy, just be yourself and you'll get laid and be in a loving relationship in no time.'

-No one reasonable, ever, definitely never seen it on here.

I think you're misunderstanding what 'blue pill' (which we use as a useful short hand for people on reddit who know about red pill and don't think its right, but basically it means 'everyone else who doesn't ascribe to what a small section of people on some corners of the internet think', and that includes conservatives/traditionals who put more stock into gender roles and dating ideas, the whole 'lets just go ahead and label them red pill because I'm sure they basically believe this' is a bit silly) means.

For example this:

Or that not everyone has the same type of social skills

So someone that is not 'red pill' would say 'It would benefit a person who struggles with social skills to work on improving their social skills. There are plenty of methods and resources for people that want to improve their social skills.'
Someone who is 'red pill' would say 'It would benefit a person who struggles with their social skills to swallow a dubious doctrine about hypergamy and keeping frame and shit tests and some 'pick up artist' stuff and then use that in order to improve their social skills'.

Based on what I've seen of the red pill types on here, there are many that would say 'The red pill (small internet community that has made up this theory and rules) are the only thing that recognise people with bad social skills need to improve them and give them any advice on how to do that'. This is frankly bullshit made up by people attempting to sell their ideology. This post seems to be coming from the premise that they are correct in saying this. They are not correct in saying this.

[–]Whodunnit88Survivied Purge Week 2018[S] 4 points5 points  (6 children) | Copy Link

I see the whole "just be yourself" line on here all the time.

[–]catemlBlue Pill Woman6 points7 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

Not 'JUST be yourself'.

For a start, to an extent it is sometimes good advice. If for example you go on a date nervously overthinking everything and figuring out how to act, you're just going to come across like a weirdo and none of the positive things someone might actually like about you will come through. I mean, there is still a good chance they might not be into you, but at least you've given them something to be into.

At other times, that isn't the advice someone needs. While 'Its a bit stupid to have a relationship by pretending to be someone else because then whats the point?' is true, dating/sex/relationships are also complicated and emotionally difficult.

Sometimes it seems like the red pill stuff is basically deep down about protecting yourself from emotional hurt and difficulty. If she didn't like what you did, you 'lost frame' and a total stranger who knows neither of you can tell you how. If she breaks up with you, it's because 'hypergamy' and has nothing to do with you or her - you analyse it under red pill theory and spin some plates.
But rather than protecting your feelings and your ego by clinically putting it into some weird unfalsifiable social theory, you could - like - just deal with what happened. Maybe she didn't like you, maybe that isn't your fault, maybe you did something wrong, maybe you didn't - real life intimate interactions are the product of a million different aspects meeting at a point in time, not reducible to some made up alpha/beta bullshit.

Sometimes it's hard and it hurts to think for yourself, but if you're actually going to get anything out of life, you have to.

[–]peterlongcLove.Is.The.Drug0 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

capacity for independence requires a stable foundation. many have lost/never had that foundation. agreed?

[–]catemlBlue Pill Woman-1 points0 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

You mean like.... having some fucked up attachment shit going on or something?
Isn't that what therapists are for?

[–]peterlongcLove.Is.The.Drug0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

i mean that people generally need to find their identity in groups first to have any sense at all of who they are. there's not really just a shortcut from childhood to full-blown self-actualized adult (for the vast majority at least)

[–]ThrowFaderEnlightened0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

deleted What is this?

[–]NeedingAdvice860 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Just look up....a 30 post thread badgering that changing oneself will only end up meeting people who really don't like must "just be yourself" so that you can have a true relationship.

<rolls eyes>

[–]flamingoinghomeIs three lizards in trench coat2 points3 points  (6 children) | Copy Link

Based on what I've seen of the red pill types on here, there are many that would say 'The red pill (small internet community that has made up this theory and rules) are the only thing that recognise people with bad social skills need to improve them and give them any advice on how to do that'. This is frankly bullshit made up by people attempting to sell their ideology. This post seems to be coming from the premise that they are correct in saying this. They are not correct in saying this.

Yup. Nobody "blue pill" claims that relationships/dating/etc. are easy and effortless--they just say you should get a shrink and join Toastmasters rather than resort to acting like a Jersey Shore cartoon man and adopting garbage-tier evopsych as your religion.

(there are also a fair amount of bloops, myself included, who think that advising lonely guys to rack up ONS's like XP in a fucking video game is stupid and misses the point, so they tend to throw out the stuff on casual sex--especially since the casual sex these guys describe sounds so utterly joyless)

[–]catemlBlue Pill Woman5 points6 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

especially since the casual sex these guys describe sounds so utterly joyless

I know right? Sex is supposed to be fun. How have they somehow made sex not fun?

Some of the PUA types are the worst/funniest for this. Like 'You have now completed a sex. Success! Pat yourself on the back'. If you need sexual 'conquest' for validation to the point that you've removed any of the actual enjoyment point of sex from the equation.... maybe the answer isn't to further hone your skills but to wonder why you need to have someone let them put your penis in them in order to feel self worth.

[–]SocialObserver013 points4 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

You're obviously a woman so you don't understand how important sex is for guys. How could you? You don't have testosterone bursting through your veins 24/7.

And TRP is not about having ONS. If she's attractive, why would you only smash for one night. TRP is about having a rotation of attractive woman(say 7-12). This is peak TRP.

It's also not about validation(maybe it is a little bit). It's because sticking our weanies into girls' vaginas feels very good.

[–]catemlBlue Pill Woman1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I was referring to RooshV and the other PUA types who talk about sex like they get no actual enjoyment from the act of sex.

I have no problem with people having lots of sex with consenting partners, however that works out for them. Lying to people is bad, but apart from that... whatever.

No one really sounds like they're enjoying themselves is my point. Because as you said, surely that is the point?

[–]the_calibre_cat1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link


[–]flamingoinghomeIs three lizards in trench coat0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Some of the PUA types are the worst/funniest for this. Like 'You have now completed a sex. Success! Pat yourself on the back'.

OMG this! I wonder if these guys are even that into sex at all, or it's just the best proxy for "winning" they can find. Like....this is not pleasure. This is not hedonism. This is level grinding on an MMORPG.

Edit: Thanks for the silver!

[–]SocialObserver011 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

TRP would also recommend toastmasters. You're conflating TRP with PUAs. They overlap in some ways but they are NOT the same.

[–]celincelinNeeds to be taught not to rape1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Hey, it worked for them.

That’s a wild assumption.

[–]LUClENSociology of Sex &Courtship1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Ehh, that's what the PUA and Seddit dudes say, too. Getting angry on the internet has gotten me zero admirers. Going out there and meeting people has been far more effective

[–]ArcticFoxBunny1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Are you saying blue pill people have some kind of normie privilege?

I think it’s a mistake to give red pill too much credit for simply having their eyes open or observing relationship concerns and fears.

Because they identify a problem, many young men are drawn to it, but the solution they propose is missing the mark.

[–]naturethug7 points8 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

My take is that the blue pill is a knee jerk response to the red pill. Red pill to me is men that are angry and sad about their experiences that have created hurtful narratives to comfort themselves.

(And even if you remove my opined β€œhurtful” that’s probably still 100% accurate).

So the BPers are kinda taken aback by the lack of grace these guys display (since some of the shit is pretty crass) and so taunt them because they think it’s a way to combat it.

It’s like the angry self sabotaging Trump supporters. I think that empathy was on the table at one point, since their lives are falling apart around them. And here was a guy who was talking to them (at least out of one side of his mouth). But now, I just feel anger that their ignorance is affecting others.

So when the red pillers are gaining momentum and causing more societal harm, my response goes from empathy to contempt.

[–]SilentLurker6664 points5 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

So the BPers are kinda taken aback by the lack of grace these guys display (since some of the shit is pretty crass) and so taunt them because they think it’s a way to combat it.

the RP has a way of saying this.. it's call shaming language. 1)Why should we display grace when society didn't offer these men the same courtesy? 2) Reality doesn't get confirmed to your "grace"... reality is the harsh brutal truth and it's sad that snowflakes can't handle these truth. That's part of the 'bubble' that OP was talking about... people not willing to get out of their comfort zone because they are afraid of 'being hurt'.

So when the red pillers are gaining momentum and causing more societal harm, my response goes from empathy to contempt.

1) RP never cared or want your empathy, lol. 2) This has been raised many times.. but BP failed to show what social harm RP beliefs has done other then it hurts BP's feelings and their fantasy narrative.

[–]ArcticFoxBunny0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

Just because something is harsh doesn’t mean it’s true.

Happy people are magnanimous, not withholding of courtesy.

You say people won’t get out of their comfort zones out of fear of getting hurt. That’s red pill to a T. Just become a stoic and unfeelingly hold frame, never care for someone.

[–]SilentLurker6661 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Just because something is harsh doesn’t mean it’s true.

I'm perfectly fine with this. People should take out emotions in their argument and instead view it with logic and facts.

Happy people are magnanimous, not withholding of courtesy.

Citation needed... also the individual define their own happiness. Who's determining the happiness of RP other then themselves, except to be met with the shaming language and moral criticism of BP?

You say people won’t get out of their comfort zones out of fear of getting hurt. That’s red pill to a T. Just become a stoic and unfeelingly hold frame, never care for someone.

Disagree... also Stocism isn't about ignoring one's feelings, but realizing that feelings doesn't change the situation and one should take action instead to improve their lives instead of dwelling on their feelings.... This has been bought up multiple of times and BP still continue to attack the strawman.

Also "being a better person, going out and meet girls" is consider "not getting out of their comfort zone out of fear of getting hurt"? I'm lost for words here, and all I can say is actions are louder then words.

never care for someone

RP realized that they need to take care of themselves first and foremost because society doesn't care for them... but that's not really within the scope of the discussion.

[–]Regal_NewtBlue Pill Woman3 points4 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

You would be wrong.

Nobody thinks relationships are easy. We think that they're difficult because it's hard to find compatible people, not because of some asinine fictional power imbalance between men and women where women control men, and "beta males" and "alphas."

[–]Whodunnit88Survivied Purge Week 2018[S] -1 points0 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

The blue pillers sure act like relationships are easy.

[–]NeedingAdvice861 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Keep in mind that most of that is from PPD women that are attractive enough to get some offers\dates but have made really horrid mate to them getting a date or sex is easy enough that they bash on people who are doing things to increase the number of women that they date in order to make a good choice but then they also think relationships are difficult because most have made some pretty horrid choices. Most have made these horrible choices because they get the offers without doing much introspection or improvement. When the relationship goes down the tank then they also throw the blame over to their ex because they have seldom had to work on their own shit to improve their personalities or ego or anything...why would they since they were getting enough offers naturally that it never occurred to them that their relationships suck because they never did any TRP like self improvement to themselves or any introspection wondering why THEY are such shitty partners.

So when they say it is easy they are taking about their life of sitting around while an occasional offer comes strolling into the really unleashes their disdain for people who have to work to increase the number of people that they meet.

[–][deleted] 2 points3 points  (36 children) | Copy Link

You’re confusing blue pill with someone who is just functional. You can be red pilled or otherwise, still do all of that stuff, and still be pretty discontent

[–]Whodunnit88Survivied Purge Week 2018[S] 5 points6 points  (35 children) | Copy Link

i've never seen a redpiller be delusional as a bluepiller though.

[–]Russelsteapot42Non Pill7 points8 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

They're delusional about other things. If you don't see that, you may be delusional about the same things.

[–]Whodunnit88Survivied Purge Week 2018[S] 2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

as a. as a. redpillers are delusional about some things. but not at the level that bluepillers are. bluepillers like to deny that dating can be hard in such a way that i sometimes wonder if they are trolling. because surely no-one could be that dense?

[–]allweknowisD2 points3 points  (31 children) | Copy Link

The term delusional is subjective. If you lean more RP then you’d find BP more delusional and vice versa

[–]Whodunnit88Survivied Purge Week 2018[S] 2 points3 points  (30 children) | Copy Link

I think it's because the bluepill view gets enabled by the white knights.

[–]allweknowisD3 points4 points  (29 children) | Copy Link

And you only see them as β€œwhite knights” cause you disagree with them. Again, subjective

[–]Whodunnit88Survivied Purge Week 2018[S] 2 points3 points  (28 children) | Copy Link

I see them as white knights because they enable toxic bluepill behaviour with their spineless support.

[–]allweknowisD0 points1 point  (27 children) | Copy Link

... you’re literally just proving it’s subjective. If you weren’t red leaning, you wouldn’t have an issue with it. Nor would you call blue pill toxic.

Which what even is TBP? It’s a sub to laugh at TRP, not an ideology like TRP claims to be

[–]Whodunnit88Survivied Purge Week 2018[S] 2 points3 points  (26 children) | Copy Link

That's silly. I don't have to lean either way to find a problem with bluepill. it is clear that bluepillers fail to see others reality.

tbp is an ideology. a weak one, but still an ideology. to deny that is absurd. simply absurd.

[–]allweknowisD1 point2 points  (25 children) | Copy Link

I don’t think you know what TBP is if I’m honest... because it doesn’t exist.

And yet again, subjective. It’s all your opinion that you’re saying here. Someone can think the exact same about TRP

[–]Whodunnit88Survivied Purge Week 2018[S] 2 points3 points  (24 children) | Copy Link

of course it exists. anyone who denies the blue pill is promoting cowardice. weakness from reality.

[–]peterlongcLove.Is.The.Drug0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

BP does tend toward dreamer territory, no question.

[–]PuleaSpataru69|||3 points4 points  (17 children) | Copy Link

I am amazed at the bluepill copes. It truly blows my mind everytime. How they choose to ignore reality. I am amazed on a daily basis about my mother. And how she still doesnt know why my dad left her. Redpill made me realise everything and understand everything.

[–]BiggerDthanYouBluetopia1 point2 points  (16 children) | Copy Link

How they choose to ignore reality.

Studies are generally in line with my perception of reality and everytime I post some studies TRPers always show that they are choosing to ignore any evidence that goes against their preconceived notions.

[–]PuleaSpataru69|||2 points3 points  (14 children) | Copy Link

Really? Cause I find studies as well as real life experience to show redpill reality. For me finding the redpill was like finding a code. Everything in my life made sense and I understood WHY. One of the biggest redpills was why my father left me. It makes perfect sense now and before I thought he was just a deadbeat father. The truth is, it makes perfect biological sense to forget about the child he had with a subpar woman while investing all of his resources including financial into his chosen child with a better woman. Same as animals ignore weak born cubs and feed the stronger ones. Same as a herd leaves behind the injured member, or how the new alpha kills the old alpha.

And I explained to her with facts to make her understand. And she still chooses to be bluepilled at 50. It's mindblowing to me.

What bluepill studies have you shown?? I'm mighty curious because I can't imagine any bluepill action leading to good.

[–]azngirl76892 points3 points  (13 children) | Copy Link

I can’t imagine why telling your mother she’s subpar and deserves to be left wouldn’t go swimmingly! /s.

Girl you can’t be that socially stunted...

[–]SilentLurker6661 point2 points  (5 children) | Copy Link

Girl you can’t be that socially stunted...

and they say RP has not empathy... meanwhile BP mocks someone who's been abandoned by her father... wow....

[–]azngirl76891 point2 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

It’s the truth, who thinks that telling someone they are β€œsubpar” is going to go well???

[–]SilentLurker6661 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Girl you can’t be that socially stunted...

it is really the truth that she's socially stunted? What do you know about her, or are you just projecting?

[–]SocialObserver010 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

Some people are subpar. Or do you think everyone deserves a participation trophy?

[–]azngirl76891 point2 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

I don’t think everyone needs participation trophies but damn she doesn’t need to be mean to her Mom for no apparent reason.

[–]PuleaSpataru69|||0 points1 point  (6 children) | Copy Link

It's the truth. I am too, but I admit it. She's been in and out of mental hospitals all her life, she'f fat, she's hairy while his next wife is a doctor and slim. He upgrated. She needs to see the truth and change what she can now.

How am I socially stunt? Should I let her waste whatever is left of her life being mediocre at best and not make her achieve her potential?

Comfort is the enemy of progress.

Facts dont care about feelings.

[–]azngirl76890 points1 point  (5 children) | Copy Link

If you keep putting your mom down like that, she will just stop talking to you. You’re being mean as fuck.

I don’t care if you think you’re helping.

[–]PuleaSpataru69|||0 points1 point  (4 children) | Copy Link

It's the truth. Lol, she'll stop talking to me? :)))))))))))

I brought her to USA from Romania. I build her a second small house in our yard while she liveD in a small ugly apartment building in Romania.

I took her to visit over 20 countries while she never left the country before.

I paid her medical bills, a face lift, new teeth. New clothes, shoes, bags,etc. A few designer things.

I pay ALL of her bills, food,etc.

I gave her a fresh start on a new continent with a clean reputation. But she needs to learn from her mistakes back home so she has another life here.

She wont talk to me anymore? HA HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

[–]azngirl7689-1 points0 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

That doesn’t make you a better person. You chose to spend money on her. Don’t break your arm patting yourself on the back.

[–]PuleaSpataru69|||0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

I know people in their 40s still taking money from their parents. I'm not a financial parasite so yeah, I am better than most kids. I didnt get as far in life so young by telling myself I'm good enough.

[–]azngirl76890 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

You doing stuff for your mom doesn’t put you in a position where you can be nasty to her. You doing basic adult things, doesn’t make you better than anyone. Maybe you should tell yourself you’re good enough every once in a while.

[–]the_calibre_cat1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

no they aren't

you just ignore the studies that are inconvenient to your narrative, as does the bulk of the blues

[–]insultin_crayon1 point2 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

That’s not a bubble. That’s called optimism, positive thinking, and working towards a goal. Red pill is the true flawed thinking. Red pillers live in a miserable bubble where males are infallible and women are all harpies trying to take their precious resources. It’s a shit mindset and existence.

Yes, you are wrong.

[–]Whodunnit88Survivied Purge Week 2018[S] -1 points0 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

there is optimism and there is delusion.

[–]insultin_crayon2 points3 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

TRP is delusion at its peak dude

[–]Whodunnit88Survivied Purge Week 2018[S] 0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

Not as deluded as blue pill.

[–]insultin_crayon1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link


[–]VermiciousKnidzzBlue Pill Man1 point2 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

RP is a bubble. life is less complex when all men are quantized into two groups of alphas/betas, women are all hypergamous sluts, etc

its easier to deal with rejection when you say "AWALT" rather than "people are complex and unique"

RP is exclusively black and white thinking. black and white thinking is a coping mechanism.

[–]ThrowFaderEnlightened0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

deleted What is this?

[–]AutoModeratorMarried to Littleknownfacts[M] 0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link


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[–]ffbtawPurple Pill Man0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Blues are blind to their Blue Privilege. Blueness is a scourge that must be eradicated.

[–]EvanPetersDoubleRed Pill Man0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

The bubble you are referring to, is frame.

The way they view reality.

[–]TheWhitestOrca0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

You’re wrong. People typically understand that it’s not always so easy to find love. It doesn’t even come easy for most blue pills.

[–]Vekit0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

if you are willing to accept what is out there and it doesn’t always comply to your rules and willing to play someone else game to get what you want while not losing yourself, TRP is much better than TBP. I had lived the bluepill for my entire life till my late 20s, Holyshit,things change when you gained total of yourself.

[–]jintanaBlue Pill Woman0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Most of what red pillers are bitching about is their own behavior. If that’s a bubble, I’m happy to live in it.

[–]hajimenothrowaway0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Ehh, blue pill for a sexual alpha sounds like the best way to be imo. What’s important to me is happiness and results. If you could get it without red pill, fuck the red pill. Yes, they may get fucked in court one day o cheated on, but blue pills believe that can happen to. If they do not need red pill, leave them be, people looking for answers need them. People who aren’t looking for answers are content for now.

[–]MGTOWtoday0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

First and foremost, I understand the science of evolutionary psychology. This tends to reinforce a RP view of the world. As far as I can tell, BPers are just scientifically illiterate.

[–]Million-SunsMarriage is obsolete0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Red pill exaggerates.

Blue pill minimizes.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

What colors for pills aren't taken yet? I'd like to create my own pill.

[–]ThrowFaderEnlightened0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

deleted What is this?

[–]whatdidshewrite0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

The thing is, if you go out there and be yourself you’ll probably have a harder time finding someone than if you make an effort to be appealing to people. But if you do find someone, you can be reasonably certain they like you for you and not something you’re pretending to be

[–]SavingMasculinitySAVINGMASCULINITY.COM0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Blue Pillers seem like privileged people with money, hence why they are able to apparently have no trouble dating (gold digging whores).

Being yourself DOES work...if yourself is attractive (and being attractive isn't just about looks, there are many facets which make a man attractive including confidence.)

[–]blackedoutfastRed Pill Man0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

the real problem with BP thinking is that it's based on the false assumption that people have a true, fixed, unchanging, 100% authentic "you" and that any deviation or attempt to change/repair/improve/conceal this "true" personal identity is inherently evil.

and while certain kinds of dishonesty, misrepresentation, and manipulation can be morally bad, the real problem is that they are simply incorrect. that absolutely authentic "true" you doesn't exist. if you keep removing the metaphorical "masks" you don't eventually get to the truth, it's just more masks all the way down. what you see as your "true self" is nothing more than one more mask that's ao tightly affixed and effective that it even fools yourself.

people tend to think of those "masks" as a bad thing, because it would be better for each of us individually if everyone was 100% true and authentic. in terms of evolution/reproduction, the choosy partner obviously would prefer to mate with a legitimately high value mate than a low value one who was merely mimicking a high value rival.

but those masks aren't really the same kind of unchanging, fixed, physical characteristics. they're just a side effect (along with consciousness itself) that arose in humans around the time that we stared developing agriculture and much more complex societies and raw, subconscious, animal-like instinct wasn't able to cope with all the complexity. the closest thing to an absolutely authentic "true self" that anyone of us has would involve acting purely on those animal instincts, and that obviously wouldn't go over well in civilized society.

when BPers go on about how they or someone else was a social/romantic success because they started "being themselves" they couldn't be more wrong. what that person was really doing was fully embracing a particular mask that was very effective. they do honestly believe that they are being true and authentic and real, but they are really playing the same games and using the same deceptions and concealing their true motivations just like any RPer. if they weren't doing all that unauthentic stuff, they wouldn't be successful.

[–]matrixpush0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

At this point, they serve as counterbalances to each other.

BP conditioning is far more common.

[–]waxedmintfloss0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

I don’t see it as a bubble or mindset. If anything it could be boiled down to seeing and treating people as individuals, not formulas.

[–]Eartherry0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

The red pill is made up of men who are looking at this whole thing only from their own perspective. They believe women are acting against men's best interests so see no problem with making their ideology work for men as well as against women.

The blue pill gives advice that also takes women's perspectives into account. They understand that women wouldn't want to be subjected to what red pill men have in store. With blue pill tactics men have about the same chances while women are thought of as rational actors.

[–]SpaceWhiskeyπŸƒ Social Justice Druid πŸ‚[🍰] 0 points1 point  (4 children) | Copy Link

I don't see BPers saying getting relationships or hooking up is easy, I see people talking about how to be successful you need to be willing to put the work in, make changes, and do the damn thing. As a BP person I don't make fun of unsuccessful people who are trying their hardest to succeed and taking criticism seriously, I make fun of people who don't try at all and come up with excuse after excuse to murmur out into the comforting void of the internet and their male-flavored safe spaces for validation. Or the people who lie to themselves and tell themselves that going out one time and sulking in a corner constitutes as trying and that because model-level women didn't approach them and start sucking their dick there's no point.

[–]NullOverLoad 1 points [recovered]  (3 children) | Copy Link

You sound more Red Pill than Blue Pill to me.

If you were BP you would be telling them its fine to sit in the basement being themselves as one day they will find a special woman,and dont worry if she has 10 kids, its means you have won as a man.

[–]SpaceWhiskeyπŸƒ Social Justice Druid πŸ‚[🍰] 1 point2 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

Weird strawman you got there.

[–]NullOverLoad 1 points [recovered]  (1 child) | Copy Link

Hey this is the result of listening to BP people on Reddit.

From what I read on Reddit, this is how they live.

[–]SpaceWhiskeyπŸƒ Social Justice Druid πŸ‚[🍰] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link


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