
~ archived since 2018 ~


I just came across thethe following post on /r/TheGirlSurvivalGuide

Disclaimer: im not trying to brigade and idk if the link breaks (sub)reddit rules

The user mentions that her husband is a redpilled man and this got me thinking about whatthe its like marrying a man and then him becoming redpilled afterwards, any thought?

She mentions in other posts that her husbands cheated on her with multiple women and that he claims her not using her "fluid sexuality" to get him threesomes is selfish. What compels men to act like this?

the cliche we all hear is that men r redpilled by their horrid shree wives but what compels men with adequate partners to form these attitudes? We never really hear the perpective of the redpill wives?

is this what all rpw are doomed to?

apologies I dont know how to add a flair on mobile

[–]DemonConsulting4" Dragon29 points30 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I don't think anyone on RPW wants to marry a TRP poster from reddit. They have way too much baggage and negative/defensive attitudes, when you can find the same positive qualities they offer with well adjusted men irl. TRP is also anti-marriage so they pretty much disqualify themselves from this dating pool.

As for men discovering TRP after marriage, there seem to be a few horror stories on MRP and AskTRP where someone torpedoed a perfectly good LTR or marriage, but as a whole men discover TRP when they're dissatisfied with their love life. So in most cases the relationship was already doomed if the husband was searching for advice online.

[–][deleted] 56 points57 points  (43 children) | Copy Link

RPW don't date TRPers.

Every now and then a woman would come into RPWi saying her SO had found TRP, and she was usually told to run for the hills.

[–]legaladvicequest35 points36 points  (32 children) | Copy Link

Yeah, TRP is a sexual strategy. Married men in monogamous relationships have only two reasons to touch it:

a.) they're looking for extra marital affairs or

b.) they have less of a partnership and more of a parent-child relationship with their wife that has to be maintained with exhausting sociopathic games

[–]tigermilk__ 1 points [recovered]  (18 children) | Copy Link

I've seen plenty of married dudes lean towards red pill when they're in dead bedroom situations, too.

[–]legaladvicequest14 points15 points  (17 children) | Copy Link

If your needs aren't being met and your partner doesn't see your problems as their problems... you don't have a true partnership. Partners look for the win-win at best and the compromise at worst.

[–]turtles_are_fun 1 points [recovered]  (1 child) | Copy Link

I needed this now thank you.

[–]legaladvicequest4 points5 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

bless you

[–]Eartherry-4 points-3 points  (14 children) | Copy Link

Priorities are a thing. My SO's dick isn't unimportant, just not a priority.

[–]legaladvicequest7 points8 points  (11 children) | Copy Link

Having a healthy sex life is important to you or it's not. Pick one.

[–]JezebeltheQueen5656Crushing males' ego since 19930 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

having a fullfilling, two-way sex life is. the way you describe it, it seems she has to make sacrifices for her SO.

[–]legaladvicequest0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

What part of "partners look for the win-win" did you get that from?

[–]Eartherry-5 points-4 points  (8 children) | Copy Link

That's not fair. A healthy sex life for me doesn't necessarily require anyone else to be involved. But masturbation isn't good enough for men, they need women to have sex with them, making his sex-life entirely her problem.

[–]legaladvicequest14 points15 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

If you're married to a partner and that partner demands monogamy and then decides that his sex life isn't her problem... do you see the problem with that? In a way, it's like she cages him and then doesn't feed him. You're saying that in a fair world a man can be expected to accept functional celibacy because his lover decides that she doesn't want to be a lover, but still wants to stay married. I reject your idea of a fair world. Any man who thinks his healthy sex life is important should leave a woman to whom a healthy sex life is not important. There are too many fish in the sea to accept such critical incompatibility; leave her and date new people until you find someone that wants what you want. To most people, sex is key to bonding and feelings of closeness. You've got one life; don't waste it in an unfulfilling marriage.

[–]wench_enabler8 points9 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

The desire should be mutual, otherwise it's a recipe for disaster. I would never marry someone that would hold sex from me like some hostage. Who doesn't want to be wanted?

[–]LeaneGenovaBreaker of (comment) Chains2 points3 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

It should be, but libido waxes and wanes. I don't think it's being "held" but more that the desire is just gone. Not even due to the other person.

I'd agree that sex is still necessary, but I think both partners need to be sympathetic to the position of the other. Maybe that means duty sex for one, and the other recognizes the extra effort of their partner.

[–]NalkaNalkayou call it virtue, I call it cowardice5 points6 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Masturbation is not sex nor a "sex life".

[–]Willow-girlProud 2 B an American farmer0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Be an orgy of one!

[–]JezebeltheQueen5656Crushing males' ego since 19930 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

it isnt, but you forget where you at, a TRP 2.0 sub posing as "neutral ground". pfft, keep being you, males are as important as cheetos is for healthy diet.

[–]JezebeltheQueen5656Crushing males' ego since 19931 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

judging by the downvotes, many males here are selfish sociopaths who think their fee fee's are more important than their partner.

[–]exit_sandmanstill not the MGTOW sandman FFS-1 points0 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

So you're not only not fun as parties (as we've already established), but neither in the bedroom as well.

[–]BajaBlast904 points5 points  (12 children) | Copy Link

they have less of a partnership and more of a parent-child relationship with their wife that has to be maintained with exhausting sociopathic games

The way I see it, the only people who would play exhaustive sociopathic games are actual sociopaths.

[–]legaladvicequest1 point2 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

Some people are jaded and act out. Some people are born fucked up.

[–]BajaBlast903 points4 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

That's why no matter what hurt I face I make a point to make sure it doesn't break me. Some people are born fucked up too. It's not their fault I guess.

[–]legaladvicequest2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

honorable aspirations

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (4 children) | Copy Link

If only sociopaths play mind games all humans are sociopaths.

[–]BajaBlast902 points3 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

Not all humans play mind games. A good majority of them don't. Plus, sociopaths like other forms of mental illness exist as a spectum with varying degrees. Obviously not everyone is a serial killer but that doesn't mean they aren't mentally ill.

[–][deleted] -3 points-2 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

The vast majority do, I guess there is a minority who does not but those will mostly be the socially inept.

[–]BajaBlast902 points3 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Or it's people who consciously choose not to play mind games? They are not all socially inept.

[–][deleted] -1 points0 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Most of it is subconscious.

[–]FlexxFortunato 1 points [recovered]  (3 children) | Copy Link

yeah and as men sometimes we have to beat ‘em at their own game just to survive in it.

[–]BajaBlast903 points4 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

If you have the need to "beat em at theit own game" you need to seriously evaluate your relationships and choices because this isn't healthy. Having Sociopathic tendencies is a mental illness.

[–]FlexxFortunato 1 points [recovered]  (1 child) | Copy Link

you missed the joke. must’ve been tangled up in your own narrative again…

[–]BajaBlast905 points6 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Yeah. I can't see the joke when there are people who seriously think like what "narrative"? I don't think you know ehat that term even means

[–]Here4thebeer3232No Pill10 points11 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I think that right there says all we need to know

[–]bonusfruit2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Both sexes want the information to stay at an advantage but only rp women seem to want their mates to remain oblivious to it

[–]Giraffeasauras2 points3 points  (7 children) | Copy Link

I am an RPW who is about to get married to a man who generally follows Rollo Tomassi's TRP principles. He does not post on the r/TRP subreddit because the men who actually follow the advice to be their best selves don't tend to stick around in r/TRP for long. r/TRP got worse when the PUA, incel, and MGTOW groups joined into the discussion on that subreddit. The r/TRP looks almost nothing like the source material for TRP that originated with Rollo Tomassi and a few other key authors.

[–][deleted] 13 points14 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

I had to ban Rollo from RPWi because he wouldn't stop spewing his self-important garbage all over our sub. No thanks.

[–][deleted] 6 points7 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

I was there when you did it! ❤️❤️❤️

He wasn't the only one you banned that day, if I recall correctly.

[–][deleted] 4 points5 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Hah yep I was a little trigger happy that day!

[–][deleted] 3 points4 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

But do you personally agree with Rollo?

[–]Giraffeasauras1 point2 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

Yes, I do. Do you?

[–][deleted] 3 points4 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Hell no.

[–]Giraffeasauras1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link


[–]goatismycopilotJohnI'monlydancing42 points43 points  (28 children) | Copy Link

Nobody wants to marry a terper, they all sound angry, humorless, and too much work.

[–]azngirl768914 points15 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Manipulative too. Et tu Brutus?

[–]SAC-Lawn_Gnome 1 points [recovered]  (24 children) | Copy Link

Are you describing trp or women?

[–]goatismycopilotJohnI'monlydancing23 points24 points  (23 children) | Copy Link

TRP men, they all sound shitty and time consuming.

[–]SAC-Lawn_Gnome 1 points [recovered]  (22 children) | Copy Link

TRPmen are just males emulating the behaviors of women then

[–]goatismycopilotJohnI'monlydancing10 points11 points  (21 children) | Copy Link

So TRP men have no agency then, okay.

[–]Mr_White119811Hugh Mungus2 points3 points  (20 children) | Copy Link

I thought TRPers were just "being themselves" instead of pretending to be someone they are not.

So shouldn't that make them attractive????

[–]Physiologymatters5 points6 points  (18 children) | Copy Link

I'm so confused

Isn't the whole point of trp to teach people how to act differently than they do naturally?

[–]Mr_White119811Hugh Mungus1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I was taking the piss out of "Just Be Yourself" advice which is the normal mainstream BP advice.

[–]Giraffeasauras0 points1 point  (16 children) | Copy Link

TRP is about being yourself, but striving to be the best version of yourself you can be. The advice is usually to lift (get physically fit and be mentally disciplined) and to focus on goals for self improvement instead of the end goal being to get sex or be in a relationship with a woman. By not making the woman your end goal, and being high value (read: confident, kind, ambitious, stable) enough to be able to get a date with a woman if you wanted to, by the time you are actually ready for a long-term relationship you are much more likely to make a stable and generally good partner because you aren't constantly panicking that this one woman is your only chance ever at happiness.

As a member of r/RPW who is marrying a man who generally follows TRP principles (from Tomassi, not from idiots on the interwebs...), I suggest you read "The Rational Male" on Kindle or in hard copy. It's a super interesting read. :)

[–][deleted] 7 points8 points  (13 children) | Copy Link

TRP is about being yourself, but striving to be the best version of yourself you can be.

No, it absolutely is not. How is it possible that you have read TRP and came to this conclusion?

[–]kragshotDon't mind me...I'm just studying all of you talking monkeys....0 points1 point  (12 children) | Copy Link

Uh...yeah, it is, in a manner of speaking.

Following the playbook will definitely have you change a significant number of your behaviors and outlooks on life. Some people will want to look at a system that makes you change who you were prior to encountering it as a negative.

But those outlooks were most likely pretty damaging anyway, if the person felt that they had to come to something like the Red Pill in order to try and improve themselves. But we seem to be living in a world where the masses believe that when a person says: "My life sucks, I'm miserable, and I want to change that," the general response is: "Oh, you're fine. Just keep doing what you're doing, and so what if you're're fine just the way you are."

But at the same time, we always read about people that reinvent themselves and end up the better for it.

What perturbs me more than anything is that we have a male philosophy that says:

  • Fitness and health are paramount for your well-being and attractiveness.
  • You need to focus less on relationships and more on your own interests, which in turn will make you more attractive.
  • Don't put women on pedestals; put yourself on one instead (self-confidence).
  • By the way; here's a list of things that make men more attractive to women. If you're so inclined, you should consider adopting some or all of them, as you choose.

An entire movement urging guys to work hard to make themselves more attractive to women and we have people crowing that it's the worst thing ever, since Jonestown.

I have never been so glad to be beyond today's dating nonsense and old enough that if I suddenly became single, that I could ignore it with no problem.

[–]Physiologymatters1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I wholeheartedly agree that everyone should strive to be the best version of themselves. When I think of TRP I think of the reddit community, I thought all of it is interconnected

[–][deleted] -1 points0 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

TRP is about being yourself, but striving to be the best version of yourself you can be

These are two contradictory ideas. Being yourself is limited, you want to be greater than yourself.

[–]goatismycopilotJohnI'monlydancing0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

No idea.

[–]Eastuss༼ つ ▀̿_▀̿ ༽つ0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

This isn't what OP asked.

[–]Willow-girlProud 2 B an American farmer30 points31 points  (37 children) | Copy Link

I think there is a difference between marrying a manly man and one who discovers TRP and starts LARPing as one to try to manipulate you (or others) into having sex.

[–]Atlas_B_Shruggin✡️🐈✡️ the purring jew6 points7 points  (6 children) | Copy Link


[–]prostate-apostate 1 points [recovered]  (5 children) | Copy Link

Just asking , do you know if your husband got raped when he was in jail ?

[–]Atlas_B_Shruggin 1 points [recovered]  (3 children) | Copy Link

no but i know he raped your mom and he said her pussy stank like dead fish

[–]prostate-apostate 1 points [recovered]  (2 children) | Copy Link

[–]Atlas_B_Shruggin 1 points [recovered]  (1 child) | Copy Link

take your video and shove it up your nigger ass, loser drydick mgtow nobody.

[–]LeaneGenovaBreaker of (comment) Chains[M] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Nope. Enjoy the ban.

[–]woyspawn-1 points0 points  (29 children) | Copy Link

This is what I don't get.

Sure trpers are posers, but from the woman perspective, what's the difference?

That they eventually break the act, or that their 'manliness' is subpar to the original version?.

And if you have to choose between a loser and a loser posing as a manly man, which one would have better chances?

[–]Willow-girlProud 2 B an American farmer6 points7 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

That they eventually break the act, or that their 'manliness' is subpar to the original version?.


[–]kragshotDon't mind me...I'm just studying all of you talking monkeys....4 points5 points  (15 children) | Copy Link

In other words...they don't want to be attractive to a guy that had to work to be attractive; they want somebody who is just attractive naturally.

And there it is in a nutshell....

[–]Physiologymatters1 point2 points  (14 children) | Copy Link

Trp is kinda like spanx. It can look great from the outside but what happens when you're naked?

[–]SkookumTreeRomantic relationships aren't necessary for happiness!0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

TRP is more like risky diet pills or some shit like that. There's a lot of horseshit present there.

[–]kragshotDon't mind me...I'm just studying all of you talking monkeys....0 points1 point  (12 children) | Copy Link

If you do RP right, it won't matter because you will have become better overall; more confident and comfortable talking to people (women), in better condition, and looking better. You will have reinvented yourself so that is who you will be.

But as I said in another post; that shit is neither easy or quick. Reinventing yourself is a process that takes dedication, determination, and time. It's not for the faint-hearted or weak-willed.

And this is what a lot of these fly-by-night failed RP tyros currently on the sub don't understand.

[–]Director-D0 points1 point  (11 children) | Copy Link

If you do RP right, it won't matter because you will have become better overall; more confident and comfortable talking to people (women), in better condition, and looking better. You will have reinvented yourself so that is who you will be.

That is what RP claims people will be, but that rarely is ever the actual result.

There are a lot more horror stories of people tanking their relationships due to RP than RP men actually becoming self-actualizing. It isn’t due to them “not doing it right, but it is due to many issues with the core of RP. That is mostly due to the core tenants of TRP’s being based on crap “research” (if it can even be called that), glamorizing dark triad personality traits, a lack of taking responsibility in many important aspects, an emphasis on “keeping score” in relationships, and the rampant misogyny in the community.

There is a reason women tell other women to “run for the hills” when they hear or see a guy spewing RP garbage. It isn’t because it works.

And why do RP if you just want self improvement? There are a lot of healthier ways to improve one’s self that doesn’t have the bullshit and actually helps in forming healthy relationships.

[–]kragshotDon't mind me...I'm just studying all of you talking monkeys....0 points1 point  (10 children) | Copy Link

I'm going to address all of your replies with one question...normally, this question is usually applied in the dismissive tone, but in this particular instance, it actually has a genuine foundation.

How do you know this to be actually true?

You have no real foundational evidence that dismisses any point that I have made.

Your "RP horror stories" claim actually supports my stance. These all come from men that are "failed RPs." I have openly claimed that RP is neither an easy or quick solution. So when you have a bunch of men rushing in looking for a "medicine show in a bottle solution" for their dating woes (which is what a lot of PUA and RP things have become as of late), they are going to end up at a loss. These failures are exactly what you all are seeing.

But the core principles work because they have been proven to work already. Who cares if you and those like you want to ignore or discredit the fieldwork and research. We're already living in a world where evidence is ignored in favor of feelings, so you're doing nothing wrong according to the current paradigm.

And again; you are only seeing the failures, while ignoring the guys out there that are actually doing the damn thing. For every guy out there "slaying pussy" as the term goes; there are two others just using what they learned just so they could go on normal dates unlike what they were doing before they adopted RP tactics because that is all that they wanted in the first place. These guys are going to look like every other "slightly-above-average attractive guy" that is slightly more successful in dating because, in the end, that is all that any average woman wants to see.

And why do RP if you just want self improvement? There are a lot of healthier ways to improve one’s self that doesn’t have the bullshit and actually helps in forming healthy relationships.

Okay...what are they? What other dating/relationship ideologies out there included confidence-building, fitness/nutrition/wellness, fashion/grooming/hygiene info, and a core psychology that for once, focuses on developing the male psyche for his own benefit, rather than the benefit of everyone else's?

But I'll answer your question..."...why do RP if you just want self improvement?"

Because it's a package that is actually tailored for men, for once. There are already a bunch of confidence-building strategies out there. Weightlifting-based fitness programs with nutritional tactics for gains is already a thing, as is focuses on male fashion, grooming, and hygiene. PUA has existed for decades and despite the countless attempts to discredit the core principles, it's still out there and it still works when done correctly. RP takes all of those things and puts them together in a cohesive format that doesn't pull men in several different directions while trying to achieve a singular goal.

The second reason guys flock to RP is that your so-called "healthier ways" included most of that hackneyed "be yourself" pablum that is always toted out and never works. The guys that take up the RP mantle have already tried "being themselves" and it has gotten them nowhere. Remember that famous saying that has often been misattributed to Einstein:

"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

As for the final answer to your question...if there was something out there better than RP, then guys would be doing it already. The uncomfortable truth of this whole discussion is that you can't separate a desire to be more attractive to your preferred group of sexual partners from any discussion of overall male self-improvement. RP is one of the few out there that doesn't sugar-coat that. As I wrote in another post: "Improve yourself; the rest will come." Let's just put it out there; I am implying that the rest includes positive attention from the opposite sex. When you get better about who you are and you become better at "that thing that you do," people will notice. When you become more internally confident about who you are and what you do, people will notice. When you become more physically fit and look better in regards to your grooming and hygiene, people will notice.

And those people will include women.

And incorporating all of these changes in yourself with a knowledge of certain behaviors that increase female attention...well, the result is rather self-evident.

That is why people do ain't got to like it. There's people that refuse to fly in airplanes too....

[–]Director-D0 points1 point  (6 children) | Copy Link

You have no real foundational evidence that dismisses any point that I have made.

To be fair, most RP methods don’t have foundational evidence that they do work. I think you have a lot more to prove than I do, but I will answer your questions anyways.

Your "RP horror stories" claim actually supports my stance. These all come from men that are "failed RPs."

I mean this sounds like the “no true Scotsman” fallacy. Where every bad thing that RP has been known to do is brushed off as “they aren’t true RP’ers”.

So when you have a bunch of men rushing in looking for a "medicine show in a bottle solution" for their dating woes (which is what a lot of PUA and RP things have become as of late), they are going to end up at a loss. These failures are exactly what you all are seeing.

Well RP is based on the old PUA crap which was the dating equivalent of “get rich quick” schemes. They use basically all of the same research and core ideas based on crap EP research. So it isn’t like they are completely separate things no matter how like to try to state that RP is beyond that. They use the same bad research and have the same core ideas.

But the core principles work because they have been proven to work already.

Except this isn’t true. Most MFT psychological research goes against RP ideas. I guess you can say certain things kind of work, but at the same time they enforce and encourage really bad traits that are negative traits for dating and healthy relationships. I will explain further.

One example is dominance in RP. Dominance is one aspect that is pushed in a lot in red pill advise columns and forums. It seems to work for members because most people that join RP tend to not be assertive at all. So while becoming more dominant, new RP members tend to increase their assertive actions also. Assertiveness in an attractive trait to women and lack of assertiveness in unattractive. So technically it helps them a bit, but unfortunately there is a difference between assertive and dominant actions.

Even though a timid person might do better with this advise than he did before, it still doesn’t mean it is good advise. Dominance is actually shown to be a negative trait when it comes to attraction. Dominant personality traits also tend to correlate with abusive actions in relationships as well as many other social issues. While the person might be more attractive than he was before because he now shows some assertive qualities, now the person has new negative traits of dominance. If that same person used good advise that just worked on increasing assertiveness instead of dominance (which most other good dating advise does), he would have been much better off.

There are a lot more examples I can talk about also where similar things happen. RP likes to promote dark triad personality traits, which overall effect a person negatively. It only seems to work since it sometimes brushes up against other advise that happens to work.

We're already living in a world where evidence is ignored in favor of feelings, so you're doing nothing wrong according to the current paradigm.

What? This isn’t true in the scientific community. I know. I had to publish research. It was a long process. Many of my colleagues were doing research on somewhat provocative work also. The university boards didn’t care if the work was provocative, but only cared if the research had good methodology and showed accurate results. The reason why EP research (the research that RP is based on) is not accepted by most aspects of the scientific community is not because it is controversial or politically incorrect. It isn’t accepted because it has garbage methodology and mostly is proven to be wrong.

For every guy out there "slaying pussy" as the term goes;there are two others just using what they learned just so they could go on normal dates unlike what they were doing before they adopted RP tactics because that is all that they wanted in the first place.

Do you have any evidence that there are people like this out there? I am not talking scientific evidence, but even some RP celebs would work. Anything.

I take that claim with a grain of salt. Firstly because this statement has no actual backing, and also because this is the same thing most scam groups claim when people notice their advise doesn’t actually work. Most “self-help” scam groups always claim the exact same things you are claiming. When people from every “get rich quick” scheme are asked questions about why most everyone that reads their book isn’t rich, they normally have a similar response. “The people who aren’t getting rich aren’t doing it right and there are two people for every one that fails”. But this a non-testable hypothesis and most people tend be failing. They just state that because the other person technically can’t prove them wrong but at the same time they have no evidence to prove it right. Why aren’t there more success stories? Why are success stories so few and far between if they really exist in big numbers at all?

Okay...what are they? What other dating/relationship ideologies out there included confidence-building, fitness/nutrition/wellness, fashion/grooming/hygiene info, and a core psychology that for once, focuses on developing the male psyche for his own benefit, rather than the benefit of everyone else's?

I mean, most all dating advise includes confidence-building, fitness/nutrition/wellness, fashion/grooming/hygiene info, and a core psychology that focuses on developing the male psyche for his own benefit. But I am guessing you want more specific examples.

I mean, if you want the best stuff there is a whole field of psychology that studies this in MFT psychology. It is an entire field of psychology dedicated to studying relationships and doing counseling and therapy for people who struggle with finding and maintaining healthy relationships. Their advise isn’t just coming out of their ass but also is backed by really quality research. They also know a lot about self-improvement since they normally have classes in understanding healthy human development.

But if you want more informal advise that is still good, I would suggest to you to follow the dating advise from “art of manliness”. That is a great website and group with really good moderation that has good articles on embracing your masculinity. They publish great articles with really solid advise that works specifically on male centered self-improvement. They also have dating columns with great information on how to be more successful in dating in a masculine manner that is healthy. I would check that out.

Honestly EHarmony or zoosk advise is better than RP also. They also enforce having good hygiene, dressing well, having hobbies, but they also enforce and try to encourage good communicative skills which RP tends to not do. Though I know most RP would hate those sites. I know that RP would hate those sites since those sites actually care about the ideas and opinions of women and don’t treat women as less than human like most RP advise does. But it is important to look to the benefit of both men and women in dating and RP completely lacks this. Good relationships form out of mutual respect and care for each other. If you don’t look at the other side of the picture when dating, you are missing a lot.

There are already a bunch of confidence-building strategies out there. Weightlifting-based fitness programs with nutritional tactics for gains is already a thing, as is focuses on male fashion, grooming, and hygiene.

You aren’t convincing me of why you chose RP if even you agree that these strategies are found elsewhere (and normally are better elsewhere).

PUA has existed for decades and despite the countless attempts to discredit the core principles, it's still out there and it still works when done correctly.

Not a great argument. Groups like Flat Earth theorists, anti-vaxxers, moon landing conspiracy groups, and anti-climate change groups have also been discredited but still have people flocking to them. Just because it has been discredited doesn’t mean people won’t be ignorant enough to believe them. There is also a reason why PUA, RP, and the “research” they claim is true is not accepted in the scientific community.

Also again, while you Think it works, it only does so because it sometimes brushes up against things that might help someone who is completely incompetent. And again it also also enforces and teaches a lot of traits that negatively affect attractiveness and relationships.

RP takes all of those things and puts them together in a cohesive format

It also has little and poor moderation unlike other places that also compile this advise which causes a lot of misinformation and garbage. Still not a good reason to also deal with the rampant misogyny and poor research. It also takes advise from all around and misuses and skews it to fit their ideologies.

[–]kragshotDon't mind me...I'm just studying all of you talking monkeys....0 points1 point  (5 children) | Copy Link

Alright...let's rumble. I've had a shit day but you deserve the best that I've got to give in the debate arena.

But before I begin, I feel that I need to elaborate that I am not defending the TRP sub here on Reddit. I am talking about the collective concept that has been labeled the "red pill" in regards to an ideology about male self-improvement which includes increasing dating advice geared toward men dating women.

To be fair, most RP methods don’t have foundational evidence that they do work.

We are discussing a rather unique ideology; one where the group that is the primary focus of half of it's goal has a vested interest in denying that it actually works. You can't really go out and survey groups of women about being successfully picked up by a guy using techniques to woo them. The biggest, yet most uncomfortable issue lying with all things related to PUA is that if any woman admits that it works, then they also feel that they are admitting to not being in control of their own agency in regards to their sexual attraction to men.

And that is the funniest and most ironic thing in the world because men have openly admitted that this is true in regards to their sexual attraction to women for almost forever.

But with that being said, there are countless articles on the principles and science behind attraction ranging from basic behavioral tips to NLP and beyond. A huge number of them are basically parroting the stuff that the RP pages/blogs are already discussing. The difference with them though is that they tend to lean more toward PC language and catering more to female sensibilities.

I mean this sounds like the “no true Scotsman” fallacy. Where every bad thing that RP has been known to do is brushed off as “they aren’t true RP’ers”.

And I can turn that around by saying that "every bad thing that White people do is par for the course of the behavior of all White people;" and we know how untrue that is.

I have said before that if a male uses red pill ideology correctly then you aren't going to be able to tell them from any other male that is attractive and does well with women, because that is its entire point. Furthermore, no male that has done so is not going to risk everything that he has gained by openly admitting it and putting his name to it. So, it stands to reason that the ones that you can actually pick out as being red pill converts are doing it wrong because doing it right means that nobody can tell that you are doing it at all.

If a guy is not fat and sloppy/skinny and spindly but is instead ripped/swole, dresses/smells good, has confidence in his demeanor, and can easily talk to women; is it something that he was "born to" or is it "acquired behavior?" How can you really tell, if he does/says nothing that gives it away? Answer that question and you will have toppled my defense of the thing.

Most MFT psychological research goes against RP ideas.

And it would. A lot of the concepts of RP do not conform to the common ideology that supports our society. Male determinism when unchecked is not a popular or viable thing in our current system. The current ideas surrounding family and marriage tend to be far less accommodating towards the needs of men as opposed to women and children. Furthermore, if too many men "go off of the reservation," then it causes problems for society. Things as they are work best if men work hard, get married, and then work even harder to support their familes. If men stop giving a fuck about getting married, then it causes problems. While not all RP groups are anti-marriage, enough of them are so that it's problematic.

In addition, all RP variants promote men gaining enough self-confidence and the wherewithal to be able to walk away from a bad relationship rather than staying to make it work. Women are already responsible for initiating 70%+ of divorces...if you have men motivated to start walking away as well, then where will that leave the American community?

So, yeah...I'm not going to disagree with that statement. But as the saying goes; "the devil is in the details."

I've got more but Reddit has a word limit...stand by for part 2:

[–]kragshotDon't mind me...I'm just studying all of you talking monkeys....0 points1 point  (4 children) | Copy Link

(to continue from above)

Dominance is one aspect that is pushed in a lot in red pill advise columns and forums....

You did most of the work for me on that one.

If a guy is being overly dominant in a relationship to where it is a problem with his female partner, then he's doing it wrong. Like anything; you have to know where your limits lie. If you are dating a woman that prefers her man being "The Boss TM," then if you are not, then she's more than likely to walk all over you. On the other hand, if a guy is trying to boss around a woman despite the fact that she is very openly resistant to such behavior, then they are going to have problems. Most of the sites out there tell you that you have to pay attention, judge accordingly, and adjust as needed.

But, yes there are some extreme sources out there that get more than a bit out of control. One source that I often cite in regards to "wrong-minded male dating advice" is Shahrazad Ali's infamous book "The Black Man's Guide to Understanding the Black Woman." The height of the book's controversy is this particular passage from Ms. Ali (just to be clear; yes, this book was written by a woman):

Her unbridled tongue is the main reason she cannot get along with the Blackman...if she ignores the authority and superiority of the Blackman, there is a penalty. When she crosses this line and becomes viciously insulting it is time for the Blackman to soundly slap her in the mouth.

And you mention the entire "dark triad" thing...nearly all RP experts will tell you that it is for all practical purposes a "nuclear option," and in nearly all cases that you're better off just "nexting her" and moving on than employing it.

"We're already living in a world where evidence is ignored in favor of feelings, so you're doing nothing wrong according to the current paradigm." (from me)

What? This isn’t true in the scientific community. I know. (yours)

I'm just going to drop this article right here and let you suss the rest out yourself....

Why aren’t there more success stories? Why are success stories so few and far between if they really exist in big numbers at all?

As I said above; the few men that admit that it does work with their own names are not trusted as to be telling the truth and most women in general cannot admit that it does work because if any woman admits that it works, then they also feel that they are admitting to not being in control of their own agency in regards to their sexual attraction to men. And unlike pure PUA, the overall goal of RP is to not look like you had to learn anything to get where you are now. There will be of course, things that you can't hide about your transformation (i.e. fitness and grooming) but the other things like the increase in self-confidence are supposed to be more subtle in nature (i.e. the frog in boiling water analogy).

And again; you are not supposed to tell people about it with your own face and voice...especially other women. If they figure out that you are a "manufactured alpha," then it was all for nothing. Again, plenty of women in this sub alone, have supported that fact.

You bring up some examples of "better dating advice" sources. Well, first off, "Art of Manliness" is pretty much "red pill-lite" with more PC language thrown in to cater more to the women that come in and look around than to the men that are actually reading it. In fact, most of your dating sources are not really focused on male needs at all. They claim to be but at the same time, refuse to speak frankly about male problems with dating in particular and male self-confidence in general because they also have to cater to the sensibilities of the women that browse their information.

You claim that RP doesn't teach you how to talk to women...but that statement pretty much denies one of the things that it does. However, one of the things that makes RP unpopular with women in general is that it also encourages men not to put women on pedestals and go into an encounter with an emotionally-detatched attitude. It also is designed to diffuse the entire "women are wonderful" effect from the dating dynamic.

Case in point; "shit tests" and how to avoid or game them. EHarmony or Zoosk doesn't talk about dealing with those and they couldn't because if they did, it would offend the women that frequent their sites.

You aren’t convincing me of why you chose RP if even you agree that these strategies are found elsewhere (and normally are better elsewhere).

You have to remember...I didn't choose "RP" as it is called today, and I have said as much. Most of the principles that are called "red pill" today, I learned at the feet of a retired pimp back in the 70s. This old cat overheard a bunch of us guys complaining about having trouble with getting dates and took it upon himself to "lay the heavy shit down for us young cats so we didn't have to be stuck being squares."

What I have said is that a lot of what he taught me back then corresponds to what is being promoted as "red pill" ideology today. regards to "better sources," if it wasn't for who I was as a person, the things I learned and the source from which I learned them could have turned me into all kinds of wrong in regards to dating. Again..."toolboxes;" with one you can either be a carpenter or a serial depends upon who is holding it; either Mike Holmes or Dennis Rader (the BTK killer).

As for "elsewhere;" the PUA community is all but dead now due to the complaints of women and the efforts of genuinely misogynistic idiots like Roosh V pissing in the proverbial well. Calling yourself a PUA now will all but guarantee that you're going to get a #metoo accusation pinned on you like a yellow star back in 1938 Germany. Weightlifting; you have an entire movement of women that are all but fraudulently claiming that they don't like muscular men (all while creaming in their panties at the thought of Chris Hemsworth). You don't have to look any further than this very discussion in regards to more male-centric sources of male-focused self-confidence training.

And the remainder of your post is you once again, conflating the "TRP" sub-reddit with the entire "red pill" ideology.

But when it all comes to fruition there is one point that keeps being disregarded in most discussions about red pill ideology:

Red pill ideology is not and never was meant to be for female consumption. The red pill is not about "making life better for women." The goal of the red pill is very much a counter-culture movement meant to hack the entire male perspective on life. One of those things that it breaks is how men are controlled by the "women are wonderful" effect. It ain't nice; nor is it pretty. The red pill is a results-driven ideology. The goals are neither ethereal or nebulous; you know exactly what you will get out of it. To paraphrase the title of a well-known video about communicating/interacting with people (though it's framed to be about women):

"It is exactly about the motherfucking nail!"

But apparently, it isn't for you...I'm okay with letting people enjoy things (or not). There are enough guys in here that can attest to what I have written and possibly even expand upon it. All that I have done is report on my experience with it; both lived and observed.

You go and be good to yourself and your people, okay? I'll do the same.

[–]Director-D0 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

Part 2 of my reply since it didn’t all fit:

As for the final answer to your question...if there was something out there better than RP, then guys would be doing it already.

Well most people do take other advise. And it works. So guys are already doing the other stuff. RP is a very small cultish community also. So people aren’t flocking to RP like you think. Most people end up finding relationship and doing fine with other research. You are acting like RP is the only advise that is out there and the only one that works.

Overall most of your argument is “RP works because I said so and it is good because it compiles information”. Both aren’t very compelling arguments since RP has not been proven to be good by any scientific community (or even by the non-scientific with all the horror stories out there) and many other groups compile the same or better information without the bullshit.

You asked me for examples and explanations for everything but your entire comment showed no actual proof that RP really works. Also judging by your generalizations of everything not RP (saying it is just advising to “be yourself”), I can only assume that you didn’t look to any other dating advise at all.

You also failed to address the rampant misogyny, misinformation, and lack of moderation in the community. How can you even trust anything in RP with those glaring issues?

[–]kragshotDon't mind me...I'm just studying all of you talking monkeys....0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

You also failed to address the rampant misogyny, misinformation, and lack of moderation in the community. How can you even trust anything in RP with those glaring issues?

If you are talking about the TRP sub, then I have pretty much admitted owned up that it's not what it used to be. They, themselves are openly complaining about the issues with the influx of incel posters diluting any real discussion.

As for the're the one trying to prove a negative. I obviously can't produce any real evidence of it working simply because of the very nature of the red pill ideology. Any evidence produced in this sub would be purely anecdotal because nobody here is going to give out their real name/identity. I could tell you how it worked for me and there are several other guys in here that could do the same, but you could just as easily claim that we are all lying and living in our parent's basements.

If you have to tell somebody in real life that you underwent a transformation in order to change yourself from "a loser that couldn't attract a girlfriend" to "a guy that women dig being with," then that defeats the entire purpose of the transformation...because as we have already seen in this sub; women don't want guys that "learned how to be attractive;" they just want "guys that get it naturally."

The logical extrapolations that I have presented hold water, especially when leveled against several tests (Occam's Razor among others) but if you are invested in not acknowledging the veracity of a thing, then it doesn't matter, does it?

[–]Director-D0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

If you are talking about the TRP sub, then I have pretty much admitted owned up that it's not what it used to be. They, themselves are openly complaining about the issues with the influx of incel posters diluting any real discussion.

I’m not just talking about the influx of incels. I am talking about many of the core ideas of RP that have been there since the PUA days. Ideas like AWALT, women’s nature being illoyal, illogical, manipulative, immature, and basically being adult children but somehow still master manipulators of a af/bb strategy. It is ridiculous. That isn’t something that just came up recently. Those are core ideas of why RP does what it does. None of those ideas are founded on actual good research, it is ridiculously misogynistic, and most all of it is just straight up wrong.

you're the one trying to prove a negative. I obviously can't produce any real evidence of it working simply because of the very nature of the red pill ideology. Any evidence produced in this sub would be purely anecdotal because nobody here is going to give out their real name/identity.

Firstly, why can’t you produce real evidence for RP advise working? There is lots of research on dominance and other RP ideas in dating (they actually prove RP ideas wrong though which is why I am guessing you are avoiding it). You should be trying to produce evidence that RP methods works. I don’t think you have done your research though since you don’t seem to know what other groups are even saying about dating (thinking they only say “be yourself”).

And No, you are the one who needs to prove that it works first. You still have the burden of proof. You can’t just make claims like “for every one failed RP man there are two successful ones” without proof of that. If someone told me “try this medicine, it will fix all your issues”, I would ask, well what does the research say about that medicine? It isn’t my duty to prove the medicine doesn’t work. It is his duty to prove it does work.

You are trying to shift the burden of proof to me when most of RP has not provided any proof for their claims.

Another example: It is like if I challenged a fraud psychic saying that he did not actually have magical powers that allow him to communicate with the dead, but then his rebuttal is that He doesn’t need to provide proof for his communication with the dead but instead I need to prove that he can’t communicate with the dead...... that is ridiculous and isn’t how research or arguments work.

Claims need to be proven. Most other groups that give advise have MFT research or other solid research backing up their claims showing that they work.

because as we have already seen in this sub; women don't want guys that "learned how to be attractive;" they just want "guys that get it naturally."

Is there actually any legitimate proof to this statement or is this another unfounded RP claim? You sure have a lot of claims, but no proof of anything you are saying.

The logical extrapolations that I have presented hold water, especially when leveled against several tests (Occam's Razor among others).

Occam’s razor is not proof, nor is it a test, nor is it science. That is just the idea that the simplest explanation is the correct one, and that statement isn’t true for many situations about human interaction since there are so many complex moving parts that make up human thought and action.

I’ll show you how to provide evidence/proof though. You first need to show research or anything backing your claims.

For example. I claimed that dominance is actually a negative trait when it comes to attractiveness and dominance is also correlated with more abuse, violence, and poor relationships. Here are some articles that back up my claim. I will cite them in APA format. I would check out those journals and articles at your local college library. If you are a college student, you might be able to get them from another schools library if you ask about them or they might be found in your schools research database. Otherwise I would check your local library to see if they have those journals these articles are a part of. They are all great psychological research journals.

  • Bernard, J., Bernard, S., & Bernard, M. (1985). Courtship Violence and Sex-Typing. Family Relations, 34(4), 573-576.

  • Burger, J. & Cosby, M. (1999). Do women prefer dominant men? The case of the missing control condition. Journal of Research in Personality 33 (3), 358-368.

  • Jensen-Campbell, L., Graziano, W., & West, S. (1995). Dominance, prosocial orientation, and female preferences: Do nice guys really finish last? Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 68 (3), 427.

See? I actually had a reason for making that claim. I wasn’t just pulling a claim out of my butt with no backing.

So far you haven’t shown that RP methods are the best in any way. You are just using the “no Scotsman fallacy” to try and dismiss most of RP that prove my point further and are trying to claim that RP is the best method for dating while not having anything to back that up.

[–]meomeowmeoww 1 points [recovered]  (2 children) | Copy Link

Sure trpers are posers, but from the woman perspective, what's the difference?

To make it more relatable to a man, think of it as a woman acting nice until she gets married and then turns into a raging harpy after she gets the ring and papers. You didn't sign up for that did you?

[–]woyspawn1 point2 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

RP doesn't preach virtue but open sociopathic behavior. Shit like letting your multiple partners know of each other.

I can't relate to your example because it should start with marrying an harpy. Whatever comes next was rotten from the beginning.

If the questionable parts of RP work, you can only blame it on women. If it doesn't work, then why the indignation?

[–]Physiologymatters2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Behaviour is supposed to be a gauge of what is inside someone- trp's insides and the behaviour they are trying to exhibit are mismatched, which some women probably don't mind but to other women it's a huge turnoff

[–][deleted] 3 points4 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

And if you have to choose between a loser and a loser posing as a manly man, which one would have better chances?

Ew. Neither. I'd sooner marry a woman.

[–]yaseedog will hunt0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

hi there ;D

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

hey bb

[–]damaskrose 1 points [recovered]  (4 children) | Copy Link

Manly men aren't manipulative, they're not even capable of it.

[–]woyspawn1 point2 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

You may say that manly men don't manipulate their partners. Sure. But, for me, the archetype of a "manly men" has "cunning bastard" as one of it's requirements. It's needed to be able to climb most hierarchies.

[–]Director-D0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

But, for me, the archetype of a "manly men" has "cunning bastard" as one of it's requirements. It's needed to be able to climb most hierarchies.

Not true. Good social skills, leadership skills, and work ethic are things that are more important to get you higher up in workplace and social groups and is much healthier for yourself and more enjoyable for others.

[–]NalkaNalkayou call it virtue, I call it cowardice0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

Everyone manipulates.

[–]gasparddelanuit17 points18 points  (25 children) | Copy Link

Swallowing the RP, whether that means being a TRPer, RPW, MGTOW, MRA, PUA or none of these, essentially just means that you believe there are profound biological differences between the genders; that, generally speaking, there is a male nature and female nature that are distinct. It does not describe how you respond to this information. You could be a faithful married RPer or a single RPer who spins plates. There is not one prescribed mode of behaviour. The RP is simply about uncovering the underlying dynamics between the genders. It's up to the individual how they decide to use that information. Some individuals may use it exploitatively, whereas others may simply use it to improve their lives.

What compels men to become RPed is the discovery that it more closely reflects the world they see and experience around them than the BP narrative they have been sold throughout their lives. It is the antidote to the cognitive dissonance they have been experiencing all this time, but did not know how to resolve. It helps them recognize that they have been living a lie and a more impoverished existence than what life could offer them or what they want. It is an endorsement of their uncertain suspicion that there is better in life than having to live according to the expressed wishes of women and gynocentricism.

[–][deleted] 12 points13 points  (10 children) | Copy Link

This is all fine, but does not address the central point of the OP, which is about a woman's experience when her husband discovers RP. The terps and merps here universally hamster that it is a good thing for a woman when her husband goes RP, and that any woman would rather be married to a RP man than to a beta schlub, but this is their interpretation of her experience.

Are all of them wrong? Probably not. Are all of them right? Definitely not.

Generally, most women's preferences would proceed in this order (list is not inclusive):

  1. A natural high beta

  2. A guy who has discovered TRP and turned himself into a facsimile of a high beta well before she ever met him, so that to her, there is no difference between him and a natural high beta

  3. A guy who discovers RP several years into the marriage and pulls the rug out from under her

Women value authenticity in this realm far more highly than men do. It makes sense; childbearing is a HUGE investment of time and energy and physical resources for women, so they want to know exactly what they are getting into, and exactly what kind of man whose children they're carrying. This always seems difficult for men to understand, because most men don't care whether their wife actually is a sex-crazed nympho or just pretends to be a sex-crazed nympho, but most women would rather get pregnant by a guy that they know is a mid-range beta than by a guy who pretends to be an alpha.

So yes, it is deeply disconcerting for the vast majority of women when their husband discovers RP and starts doing about-faces. It is disconcerting in a way that men don't seem to understand. As far as the practice of TRP/MRP goes, that's fine. It doesn't matter if they understand. But in debating the theory, as we do here at PPD, the lack of understanding is fair game for discussion.

[–][deleted] 7 points8 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Yep. There's also nothing uglier than a man suddenly demanding respect and deference when he hasn't earnt it.

[–]gasparddelanuit-1 points0 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

This is all fine, but does not address the central point of the OP, which is about a woman's experience when her husband discovers RP..... But in debating the theory, as we do here at PPD, the lack of understanding is fair game for discussion.

My reply does address the central point of the OP. She wanted to know why a man turns red and what it is like being married to a man who was blue and then turns red. I explained why men become red and that there is not a universal response when this happens. For the married man or man in a LTR, they may become assholes, as in the example she gave, they may become more attractive to their partners, they may require more from the relationship or they may leave. As I said, it comes down to what the individual chooses to do with this information. There are no prescriptions.

Also, I never said anything about a lack of understanding not being fair game for discussion. I think I actually helped the OP understand the RP and men's mind-set better.

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

whatthe its like marrying a man and then him becoming redpilled afterwards, any thought?

Literally the first discussion point in the OP.

[–]gasparddelanuit0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

whatthe its like marrying a man and then him becoming redpilled afterwards, any thought? 

Literally the first discussion point in the OP.

Yes, and like I said, there is not one effect of or response to the RP. It could go in the woman's favour or it could go against her, depending on how the man reacts to swallowing the RP. Essentially it comes down to how anyone might react to having more knowledge, money or power. All of these things can be used for good or evil.

[–]maplehobo-1 points0 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

Generally, most women's preferences would proceed in this order (list is not inclusive):

  1. A natural high beta

  2. A guy who has discovered TRP and turned himself into a facsimile of a high beta well before she ever met him, so that to her, there is no difference between him and a natural high beta

  3. A guy who discovers RP several years into the marriage and pulls the rug out from under her

Wrong. All women preference would be an alpha who is also a beta. That would mean a high value man who is also comitted to one and only one woman. As you can see this is a paradox, a walking contradiction, and cannot happen, so they have to compromise. Some women go for the beta, others try to chase alpha. You are assuming that most women want the beta. We can't never know because an alpha will hardly commit. But if he did, wouldn't women still prefer him?.

[–][deleted] 4 points5 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

Actual alphas - not TRP STEMlord stoic faux alphas or frat boy Chad faux alphas - are out there, and they do commit to women, but only a very few women are interested in actual alphas for relationships. The vast majority of women want high betas: good-looking men who exhibit enough alpha characteristics to maintain attraction while also providing a good amount of beta comfort.

This is not controversial. "Beta" doesn't mean "weak and spineless and unattractive." And "alpha" doesn't mean "universally attractive and appealing."


That would mean a high value man who is also comitted to one and only one woman. As you can see this is a paradox, a walking contradiction, and cannot happen,

What are you talking about? High value men commit to one and only one woman all the time. You are describing a high beta, an alpha bucks.

[–]maplehobo0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

I feel like you are making up terms to fit your narrative. Alpha means attractive high value man, beta means secure less value man. These terms are relative to each other. There isn't one true "alpha man". If all men became disgusting slobs, then the alpha would be the one who took a shower once in a while. Women want the alpha because why not? Wouldn't you want the best deal you can get?. The ones who get the alpha are the ones who bring same value to the table.

What are you talking about? High value men commit to one and only one woman all the time. You are describing a high beta, an alpha bucks.

A beta is still a beta. Sure, there may be some alphas that commit, but if the woman is subpar, then the relationship is on shaky ground.

[–][deleted] 5 points6 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

An alpha is a man who displays more alpha characteristics than beta. Strong frame, say, and little inclination to provide warm fuzzies. Here is an interesting OP about this issue; the first comment is mine. Most women don't want a man like this.

Most men who display more alpha characteristics and lack most beta characteristics are not what most people would call "high value." The man you keep describing is a high beta and has sufficient beta characteristics to offset his alpha characteristics and keep women from being terrified of him.

[–]Giraffeasauras-3 points-2 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

I am a woman and would much rather be married to an RP man who is continually striving towards self improvement and is confident enough to lead the relationship. I've dated kind guys in the past who were BP and way too beta for me. The whole "you can't negotiate attraction" part of TRP rings so true in my life.

[–][deleted] 4 points5 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Yes, you are describing the first or second choice in my hierarchy.

[–]themanmohr11 points12 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

I’m glad to see someone else who understands this TRP is often misunderstood and it’s all lumped in as an ideology when in reality it’s just a recognition of reality with many different philosophies women tend to trash it though because it stops men from being their doormats and encourages a healthy codependent relationship between men and women

[–]gasparddelanuit1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I’m glad to see someone else who understands this TRP is often misunderstood and it’s all lumped in as an ideology when in reality it’s just a recognition of reality with many different philosophies women tend to trash it though because it stops men from being their doormats and encourages a healthy codependent relationship between men and women

I think that it is mainly BPers who intentionally and unintentionally misunderstand the RP. I wouldn't pay too much attention if they are trolling or arguing in bad faith.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

it stops men from being their doormats


and encourages a healthy codependent relationship between men and women

I disagree, it's a sexual strategy that's best for men. Not necessarily for women.

[–]TheChemist158Non-Feminist Blue Pill Woman1 point2 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

there are profound biological differences between the genders; that, generally speaking, there is a male nature and female nature that are distinct.

See, that would be a pretty big problem with me. First of all, virtually no RPer actually comes to their worldview with objective and observations. Usually it seems to be more about anger and dehumanizing/vilifying women then any persuit of truth. Secondly, and more importantly, I want my SO to judge my nature based on my actions, but his idea if women nature in general. In some ways I follow the RP idea of female nature, and in other ways I don't. Why try to use your uses if a generic woman to figure out me? Use your knowledge of me to figure out me. An insistence otherwise it's only going to spell disaster. Such as me yelling "English mother fucker, do you speak it?!" When he gets me expensive jewelry after I tell him I don't like it.

[–]gasparddelanuit0 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

there are profound biological differences between the genders; that, generally speaking, there is a male nature and female nature that are distinct. 

See, that would be a pretty big problem with me. First of all, virtually no RPer actually comes to their worldview with objective and observations. Usually it seems to be more about anger and dehumanizing/vilifying women then any persuit of truth. Secondly, and more importantly, I want my SO to judge my nature based on my actions, but his idea if women nature in general. In some ways I follow the RP idea of female nature, and in other ways I don't. Why try to use your uses if a generic woman to figure out me? Use your knowledge of me to figure out me. An insistence otherwise it's only going to spell disaster. Such as me yelling "English mother fucker, do you speak it?!" When he gets me expensive jewelry after I tell him I don't like it.

No human endeavour is without fault, but that does not mean one should deny biology. If it is a reality, one should try to look at it if it advances one's knowledge. Obviously, that's never going to be done perfectly.

We all want all sorts of things, but people can't be controlled according to our own whims. If there is useful information out there, people will seek it and seek to use it to their advantage. With any known tendencies amongst a particular demographic, one always has to use it in context. One need not act on it at all, but one will be inclined to do so if its predictions consistently come to pass.

The bottom line is that people will seek and use whatever information is helpful.

[–]TheChemist158Non-Feminist Blue Pill Woman-1 points0 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Pardon my forwardness, but that's a whole lot it words to say nothing.

[–]gasparddelanuit0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Pardon my forwardness, but that's a whole lot it words to say nothing.

Your forwardness is excused.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

Excellent said.

It's funny that the term "Red-Pilled" stopped meaning the emancipated human (man or woman) who has deep knowledge of gender dynamics and uses their reason before they make crucial choices in their love life, e.g. getting married. It now means the manipulative dick due to the idiots larping on r/TheRedPill. It's like the term "Incel", which used to mean "involuntarily celibate" (that's what "In" and "Cel" abbreviations stand for after all in that word), but now it means the misogynist (even Kayne West was recently accused of being an Incel lol).

[–]gasparddelanuit0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Excellent said.

Thank you.

It's funny that the term "Red-Pilled" stopped meaning the emancipated human (man or woman) who has deep knowledge of gender dynamics and uses their reason before they make crucial choices in their love life, e.g. getting married. It now means the manipulative dick due to the idiots larping on r/TheRedPill. It's like the term "Incel", which used to mean "involuntarily celibate" (that's what "In" and "Cel" abbreviations stand for after all in that word), but now it means the misogynist (even Kayne West was recently accused of being an Incel lol).

Yes, these are unfortunate developments, but totally predictable, given the misandry and gynocentricism that pervade Western society.

[–]Eartherry-1 points0 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

RP men recognized their innate desire for women was compelling them to appeal to them. They realized that women aren't interested in their struggle to make her like him so they decide to stop being nice to women altogether.

Women don't respond, so they decide to have nothing to do with them altogether. Women still don't respond, so they blame society, one that they say they built for the benefit of women, for giving women the ability to not have to respond. Something they see as no different than appealing to women for favor, just like they used to do.

[–]kragshotDon't mind me...I'm just studying all of you talking monkeys....0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

All you are doing is looking at the Red Pill failures and counting them as the totality of the entire Red Pill experience.

If somebody has truly learned everything that they need (note that I say "they need" not everything in total) from their RP experience, then most women (that are susceptible to a given approach) won't even notice that they are a "manufactured RP" as opposed to a "natural RP." They will just go out into the world, date the women that they wish to date and life goes on.

If you look at the RP gurus, they will be the first to tell you that the transformation is neither easy or quick, and it's not for the faint-hearted or weak-willed.

What you and others are seeing are the male masses flooding in thinking that the RP is a bottle of gunk from a medicine show:

"That's right; step right up, gentlemen! This right here is the famous Red Pill Tonic! It'll cure all that ails you; asthma, balding, erectile dysfunction! It'll straighten your teeth, clear up your acne, and make you put on 30 pounds of pure muscle...just one swig a day for a week and it will change your life! And most importantly, it will drastically improve your 'most essential male pheromone excretions, making the ladies come to you in droves! Step right up and buy your bottle today!"

Except that it never claimed to be a medicine show or any sort of "cure-all" for male dating problems...except that the fact is that if you do everything that you are supposed to do, then it will almost certainly improve your your dating life as it is a definite fact that improving your overall health, hygiene, confidence, conversational skills, and grooming/fashion, individually, will make you more attractive to women overall. So what happens when you find a package that if followed allows you to improve all of those items?

But I digress....

The point again is that most of these men that you are seeing in the current TRP sub and other places, spouting all of that woman hate and nonsense are RP failures. It's not working for them because they are not doing everything that they are supposed to be doing, for whatever reason (i.e. lazy, heart not really into it, rushing the process, etc...).

[–]gasparddelanuit-2 points-1 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

RP men recognized their innate desire for women was compelling them to appeal to them. They realized that women aren't interested in their struggle to make her like him so they decide to stop being nice to women altogether.

Women don't respond, so they decide to have nothing to do with them altogether. Women still don't respond, so they blame society, one that they say they built for the benefit of women, for giving women the ability to not have to respond. Something they see as no different than appealing to women for favor, just like they used to do.


[–][deleted] -1 points0 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

It does not describe how you respond to this information.

I don't know about that. If you realise that all women are assholes and only out to take advantage of you, it pushes to a response.

[–]gasparddelanuit0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

I don't know about that. If you realise that all women are assholes and only out to take advantage of you, it pushes to a response.

This goes to what I said earlier in this thread.

"I think that it is mainly BPers who intentionally and unintentionally misunderstand the RP. I wouldn't pay too much attention if they are trolling or arguing in bad faith."

[–]Pesky_GibbonPurple Pill Woman2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Yeah, I would pass on any TRPer for marriage-related purposes. Friend that I sometimes sleep with? Maybe. Nothing more serious than that.

[–][deleted] 8 points9 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Marrying anyone who believes in these dumb ass pill philosophys is going to be nothing but terrible.

[–]tiger1296A little bit of both8 points9 points  (9 children) | Copy Link

TRP men are usually the incel hillbully type, marry one of those you're basically in a abusive relationship with a man baby.

TRP is meant to be a guide for dating and having short term affairs, a long term thing just isn't compatible with TRP philosophy, in fact most of it warns against it.

[–]Giraffeasauras-1 points0 points  (8 children) | Copy Link

Rollo Tomassi (author of The Rational Male I, II, and III) has been happily married for a long time and has a daughter. TRP philosophy is not against marriage, it is against committing to marriage without being prepared for the possible fallout given the % of couples who divorce. He absolutely recommends getting married if you are a man who can handle himself and commit to sticking with your wife through thick and thin. He just posits that in order to do that as a man you need to be self-confident and willing to lead and take calculated risks. He recommends that if you are an "incel hillbully" type to NOT get married and tries to teach them how to be happy with themselves and their own accomplishments instead of them focusing all their energy on women who aren't interested in them. Funnily enough, improving yourself and working to be the best version of yourself that you can be is actually attractive.

TRP is not a guide for dating. It is a premise about the ways in which men and women interact in Western society. Incel is not part of TRP. The only reason incels from the r/incel subreddit started posting on r/TRP is because Reddit nuked the r/incel subreddit for being toxic and generally awful.

[–][deleted] 7 points8 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

Your interpretation is so wrong that I don't even know where to begin. TRP is against marriage. It has always been against marriage. Some members may be married. That does not mean that the philosophy of the subreddit is not 100% against marriage.

Hell, MRP is anti-marriage. A good percentage of its mods aren't even actually married.

[–]woyspawn0 points1 point  (3 children) | Copy Link

Maybe anti marriage in the sense of avoiding getting divorce raped.

But there are plenty of mentions to LTR. Assuming you 'never get married', where does a LTR transforms into the equivalent of a marriage?

[–][deleted] 4 points5 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

An LTR never transforms into the equivalent of a marriage. Ever.

There is a reason that TRP/MRP advises men to avoid marriage. It's because it is qualitatively different from an LTR in very important ways. (There is also a reason that RPWi, and sometimes RPW, advises women to insist on marriage.)

[–]woyspawn0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

Besides property division rights, I don't know of any difference between a common law relationships and marriage.

It's a huge difference, because it sets a bigger exit barrier that may incentive to seek sorting out issues.

On the other hand, if you need the coercive power of the state into your relationship, why would you choose that partner on the first place?

[–][deleted] 3 points4 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I don't know of any difference between a common law relationships and marriage.

Common law barely exists in the US anymore.

if you need the coercive power of the state into your relationship, why would you choose that partner on the first place?


[–]sublimemongrelBecky, Esq.6 points7 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

TRP is absolutely against marriage in general. That certain individual RPers aren’t isn’t incongruent with TRP since it’s supposed to be a “toolbox” and up to the individual to decide. But in terms of what the community generally preaches, it is anti marriage.

[–]kragshotDon't mind me...I'm just studying all of you talking monkeys....2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Please note that she's promoting Rollo's version of RP; not what is being promoted in the sub right now.

Tomassi has been promoting his viewpoints for a lot longer than a lot of the folks claiming to be RP gurus, so that has to be taken into consideration.

[–]tiger1296A little bit of both1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

The new wave trp movement and general men's empowerment movement is spear headed by incels though, traditional red pill philosophy has been compromised and warped by angry mentally disturbed right wing aligned men, and it simply isn't the same

[–][deleted] 2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

he claims her not using her "fluid sexuality" to get him threesomes is selfish. What compels men to act like this?

Idk might as well ask my first girlfriend why she called me selfish because I didn't want her fucking other guys while we were together. Life's a mystery, some people are cunts.

[–]onemanfortress1 point2 points  (5 children) | Copy Link

You must ask yourself first what compels men not to act like that.

But anyways:

1st: Men like threesomes.

2nd: Women like men who have threesomes.

A man who has threesomes or fucks many women is the contrary of a man who fucks only one woman or none.

Tell me again how many women you know who like virgin men or less experienced men.

But its irrelevant because we men like sex with many women, and we only commited in the past as a sacrifice, because society rewarded it.

Now there is no reward for it, on the contrary. So we know that men who marry are weak.

This answers your question. But if you want the full answer you would have to study female and male nature fully and without bias.

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

"Women like men whobhave threesomes"

...well hate to burst ur bubble but the fact this woman (and most women) consider(s) her partner having a threesome to be a worrying thing disproves your point

not liking virgins =/= wanting your man to fuck other women

[–]onemanfortress1 point2 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

Lmao female hamster right here. Do you feel good by saying that. Females dont want nice guys. So im sorry to burst your bubble, when you do a threesome and you disapprove that your man is fucking another woman in front of you, you will also feel more attracted to him.

Women dont feel attracted to well behaved men. Because they want strong offspring, that will reproduce and dominate.

So the fact that you hate me or him, does not prove you are not attracted. On the contrary females are often attracted to what they cant tame, and they will hate themselves for it, and they will hate the man but they crave that. Its just nature. Hypergamy, hybristophilia, 80/20 rule. GO MGTOW men, only have sex, do not commit or cohabitate.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

I thought incel posting was banned

[–]onemanfortress0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Funny how people who shame incels are incels themselves. Thats why you are in purple pill you cant find a man lmao. You are a female incel.

[–]KeffirLimeSo you're saying...1 point2 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

what compels men with adequate partners to form these attitudes?

Because they're not adequate partners.

Most men who stumble into TRP are trying to find out why they can't make their wife happy, why their wife won't fuck them, why she seems to walk all over him, or why his married life is going completely off the tracks in it's entirety.

The purpose of the RP is to give him the tools that help him build a life that works for him. More often than not this means a change in approach from the husband, which leads to a change in the marriage dynamic.

For some change is good, for most changing from being the doormat for years on end is too much to overcome.

[–][deleted] 11 points12 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

Having affairs, trying to manipulate your spouse into doing something theyI've find repulsive and calling her a cunt dont sound like being a doormat and from everything shes posted I cant see what sort of horrors she may have put him through....

why is it that no matter a man does its justified because it mustis have been due to his wifes nonapparent evils?

[–]flamingoinghomeIs three lizards in trench coat10 points11 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Having affairs, trying to manipulate your spouse into doing something theyI've find repulsive and calling her a cunt dont sound like being a doormat and from everything shes posted I cant see what sort of horrors she may have put him through....

Yeah....he HIT a BABY. His own SON. Can't we all agree that this guy is BAD?

[–]KeffirLimeSo you're saying...3 points4 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I'm not commenting on this particular case for obvious reasons .(one sided, no back story, no in depth info on what their relationship was like before/after TRP).

I'm commenting on why married people generally come to TRP and adopt it's philosophies.

[–]AutoModeratorMarried to MRS_DRgree[M] 0 points1 point  (48 children) | Copy Link


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[–]flamingoinghomeIs three lizards in trench coat16 points17 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

That poor woman! :( I...I can't believe her (thankfully ex-) husband would hit a baby! (to say nothing of the affairs, drunk driving, coercing her into going to swingers clubs, calling her a cunt, etc.)

Is this really what TRP guys are like? I'd always thought they were just grouchy jerks, but shit, this is something else.

[–]goatismycopilotJohnI'monlydancing6 points7 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

I would have had to stab him with one of my better kitchen knives for hitting a baby. But since half this sub is lawyers I am sure I could find some fool to represent me.

[–]flamingoinghomeIs three lizards in trench coat2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

If I were on that jury, all I'd have to hear was "your Honor, he hit a baby" and I'd be thinking Justifiable Homicide at most.

[–]SpaceWhiskey🍃 Social Justice Druid 🍂11 points12 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

That poor woman ☹️

[–]wekacuckLife is settling.4 points5 points  (43 children) | Copy Link

I post this here because it seems to be a relatively red pill/mra nut job free zone


[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

the cliche we all hear is that men r redpilled by their horrid shree wives but what compels men with adequate partners to form these attitudes?

Their wife may be adequate, but they find themselves unsatisfied because of the hyper-sexualised culture we live in and the permissive culture we live in permits them to express their destructive, tyrannical behaviour and infact rewards them in some ways (after all, this is a form of preselection, making him an increasingly desirable mate).

is this what all rpw are doomed to?

It's what women are doomed to period until we let parents have the final say in who their daughters have relationships with and put people to death for adultery.

[–][deleted] -1 points0 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

This sounds like the toupee fallacy.

"I can always spot a terper because they are all badly LARPing alpha qualities"

Well... What about the guys that actually incorporated RP theory into their lives and simply made themselves a better, more masculine man, but otherwise seems fine?

I doubt anybody would know that I lean red.

[–]TheBookOfSeilAn ounce of Snu Snu is worth a pound of cure0 points1 point  (8 children) | Copy Link

TRP is a sales pitch. It is marketing a certain type of life that men should be living, and can live, if they read the pamphlet and follow the directions outlined inside.

TRP is a product promising men something, much like the anchor arms commercial in that Spongebob episode (If you’re unfamiliar with it, look up “anchor arms” on YouTube. I tried but could not find one that wasn’t edited).

[–]RedForEducation 1 points [recovered]  (7 children) | Copy Link

It's the first ever bait and switch that is beneficial to a man.

[–]TheBookOfSeilAn ounce of Snu Snu is worth a pound of cure0 points1 point  (6 children) | Copy Link

Can be*

Could also be pretty harmful, too.

[–]RedForEducation 1 points [recovered]  (5 children) | Copy Link


[–]TheBookOfSeilAn ounce of Snu Snu is worth a pound of cure0 points1 point  (4 children) | Copy Link

Think of TRP like a gun.

A gun can be used for good, such as hunting for food. It can also be used to do harmful things, such as murder innocent strangers.

The person holding the gun determines how it will be used.

[–]RedForEducation 1 points [recovered]  (3 children) | Copy Link

Someone else in this sub called it common sense.

[–]TheBookOfSeilAn ounce of Snu Snu is worth a pound of cure0 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

Which unfortunately not everyone has.

[–]RedForEducation 1 points [recovered]  (1 child) | Copy Link

A gun...

[–]TheBookOfSeilAn ounce of Snu Snu is worth a pound of cure0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

What about it? Not everyone has one of those either.

[–][deleted] -1 points0 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

That sounds like a lot of bullshit to be fair. Especially the dude hitting the baby (TRPers would laugh at such a pathetic loss of frame). Also, lol at the comments. "I'm at 34 with 2 kids and my bf is smoking hot!!", yes, I totally believe that

That said, I would never advise a woman to marry an RPer. In fact, I constantly tell my sister to avoid men like me

I think marrying cynical people is a terrible idea, for both genders

[–]LeJacquelopeHaving a son is child abuse0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

(TRPers would laugh at such a pathetic loss of frame)

Laugh, or cringe?

[–]Eastuss༼ つ ▀̿_▀̿ ༽つ-1 points0 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

What compels men to act like this?

The fact they're polysexual?

RPW typically don't marry RP men, two individuals who are privileging their interests first, and who have antagonist interests, can't possibly form a balanced couple.

[–]allweknowisD13 points14 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

the fact they’re polysexual

What a ridiculous reply.

Polysexual doesn’t equate to trying to emotionally manipulate your partner into threesomes just cause you wanna act like a big alpha man

[–]Eastuss༼ つ ▀̿_▀̿ ༽つ-2 points-1 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

If I focus on your post, what you describe is nothing less than what women do by default in relationship: emotionally manipulate men to get shit. It just happens that when men do the same they're evil and deviant. Though apparently the actual post you refers to is actually deeper than that?

In any case, it boils down to who ever have the most power, illusive or not.

[–]allweknowisD8 points9 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Must be a sad life when you think a relationship is nothing but a power play.

But you do you

[–]Eastuss༼ つ ▀̿_▀̿ ༽つ0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

This isn't what I think it is, life is power play, there's no bypass. You must be pretty naive. We haven't yet achieved to discard our basic instincts nor achieved abundance for all humans. The only way we can convince ourselves we're better than that is by thinking cooperation puts us out of this, but cooperation only happens when powers are balanced.

Power play isn't sad.

[–]blackedoutfastRed Pill Man-2 points-1 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

there are two sides to every story.

why do you assume that it's all the husband's fault? why do you assume that she is an adequate partner? she could be a horrible bitch of a wife.

women especially tend to try to frame things in a way that puts them in the best light. and when a relationship is struggling, no woman is ever going to admit that it is mostly her fault.

[–][deleted] 2 points3 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

So if you read what she wrote in her other posts, the hubby is a violent drunk. Is this mostly her fault?

[–]blackedoutfastRed Pill Man0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

see, you're assuming that her side of the story is the whole truth and 100% factual. and maybe she is telling the truth. OR maybe she is exaggerating and spinning everything to make her husband seem like a terrible monster while she is a completely innocent victim. there's no way to know for sure when you're only hearing from one person in the conflict.

i did see another comment by her where she mentioned being in and out of therapy for her whole life. that's a pretty big red flag that she might not be the most reliable narrator.

angry women like yourself always love to accuse men of gaslighting, but women gaslight just as much.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Angry women like who?

You can kill a man, but you can't kill an idea.

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