
~ archived since 2018 ~


[–]CainPrice64 points65 points  (51 children) | Copy Link

Abortion rights aren't about a woman's right to choose to be a parent. That's the side effect. Abortion rights exist due to a woman's physical bodily integrity. You can't force a woman to carry a child to term any more than you can force a woman to have an abortion. The only reason abortion rights became a legal thing was due to the mother's right to physical integrity out weighing the state's interest in the unborn. It had nothing to do with money or deciding to be a parent.

As an unavoidable side effect, however, a mother exercising her right to physical integrity also allows her to decide whether or not the father becomes a parent or not, which can cause the father to be financially responsible.

If we lived in a magical universe where women didn't get pregnant and carry children and the only rights at stake were whether or not someone becomes a parent or becomes financially responsible - no physical pregnancy, childbirth, abortion, or other medical procedures required - then abortion rights wouldn't be a woman thing.

There were actually some court cases following the abortion ones that related to in vitro fertilization. After divorce, wives who wanted to implant frozen embryos and husbands who said no. The husbands won most of those cases. Remove the mother's physical body from the equation and her overriding rights aren't a thing any more. It's not about money. It's a about physical integrity being a larger right than the other rights in play.

[–][deleted] 14 points15 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

That's the side effect.

Yes. I have said this before: the law separates pregnancy and raising a child in a way that obviously does not really work in real life, but that needs to exist for legal purposes.

[–]vaselineeater 1 points [recovered]  (1 child) | Copy Link

A man's bodily integrity is also at stake if he is forced to pay child support. He faces jail-time if he fails, or he will have to put additional stress on his body and mind in order to make enough money to provide child-support for 18 years.

So the argument works both ways.

And for everyone in this thread saying that 'Well, the guy doesn't have to nut inside a women, so it's his fault if it happens.' Guess what you silly goose, that exact argument applies equally so to being pro-life? 'Well, she doesn't have to have sex with a man, so it's her fault if it happens.'

Men are women are equally responsible for safe sex. Both bodies will physically suffer in different ways if they're forced to either carry to term or provide their labor for 18 years on threat of imprisonment.

The only difference is that the women has the choice to terminate, and the man doesn't. That is the only difference, and every other argument applies equally so to the man.

And so if she has the choice to terminate, then her should have the choice to terminate his support. She's equally burdening the state by not getting an abortion as well.

[–]slipstream8084 points5 points  (30 children) | Copy Link

That side effect is... well I don't see how it is a side effect. Its like saying the the side effect of dropping a nuke is blowing up a city lol.

Having an unwanted child can ruin a person's whole life.

[–]sublimemongrelBecky, Esq.11 points12 points  (29 children) | Copy Link

I think this user is explaining the legal difference here. Roe did not find the choice to opt out of parenthood some constitutional protected right. That is why if she chooses not to undergo an abortion then both bio parents have legal obligations (and rights I might add), assuming they are pursued.

The “side effect” is women essentially being able to opt out of parenthood, but the focus of SCOTUS decisions on abortion is weighing various rights, which for the woman is the right to control her body (falling under the right to privacy).

[–]officerkondoRedder Shade of Purple Man6 points7 points  (27 children) | Copy Link

Did you ever wonder why the right to privacy doesn't include owning whatever you want on your own property, such as a gun or cannabis plant? Or, get this: how about the right to conduct a private cash transaction of $15,000?

Those penumbras sure are tricky.

[–]sublimemongrelBecky, Esq.4 points5 points  (26 children) | Copy Link

Hmm I think you could make a constitutional argument for those things without having it be related to the right to privacy. But then you got the whole commerce clause thing I guess.

I don’t necessarily believe the constitution was intended to mean “all individual rights completely unhampered by any gov restriction whatsoever.” Which abortion isn’t either.

[–]officerkondoRedder Shade of Purple Man1 point2 points  (25 children) | Copy Link

But then you got the whole commerce clause thing I guess.

I don't even know why we bother pretending we have a commerce clause. See Thomas' dissent in Gonzales v. Raich for a pretty good rundown of my thoughts on that.

I don’t necessarily believe the constitution was intended to mean “all individual rights completely unhampered by any gov restriction whatsoever.” Which abortion isn’t either.

I think it depends on the right in question. The text of the First Amendment is categorical: Congress shall make no law. On the other hand, the Fourth Amendment prohibits unreasonable searches and seizures, which implies that reasonable searches and seizures exist. We are making up the "right to privacy" as we go along, so it probably has limits - we just will never know what they are.

I am anti-substantive due process, in case that isn't loud and clear.

[–]sublimemongrelBecky, Esq.1 point2 points  (24 children) | Copy Link

Well historically the SDPC developed from like, the right to be able to contract - surely you’re not against that? Then we got to the “penumbra” jurisprudence with the right to use contraception and marry who you want and sleep with who you want and all that - are you against that too, at least as being a federal constitutional right?

Thomas fucked my biz up he’s on my bad side.

[–]officerkondoRedder Shade of Purple Man1 point2 points  (23 children) | Copy Link

Well historically the SDPC developed from like, the right to be able to contract - surely you’re not against that?

Well historically the SDPC developed from like, the right to be able to contract - surely you’re not against that?

Why "surely"? Do you see a "right to be able to contract" in the constitution?

Then we got to the “penumbra” jurisprudence with the right to use contraception and marry who you want and sleep with who you want and all that - are you against that too, at least as being a federal constitutional right?

Yeah, I hate the penumbras. For example, I can agree with the outcome of Lawrence v. Texas (gays can buttfuck in freedom) while finding the legal reasoning to be specious. As Scalia's dissent pointed out in that decision, what changed? Not the text of the constitution. The only change was in the social and political climate. Gee, I thought the entire idea of an independent judiciary with lifetime appointment was to be immune from such things. Ha!

To use a present example, I think that cannabis should not be a controlled substance. However, I do not want a SCOTUS decision striking it from the CSA. I would rather Congress de-schedule it as a result of observing the will of the several states, as shown by the increasing number of states legalizing medical and recreational cannabis since the 1990s. I get it, it's slow. Too bad.

Unlike most people, I don't think the SCOTUS's job is to get rid of laws I dislike and make up rights for things I do like. I can like the idea of buying condoms without thinking the right to do so is somehow hidden inside the constitution.

Thomas fucked my biz up he’s on my bad side.

What's your biz? Obviously law but I don't understand (unless you're not comfortable to give that level of personal detail).

[–]sublimemongrelBecky, Esq.2 points3 points  (22 children) | Copy Link

Why "surely"? Do you see a "right to be able to contract" in the constitution?

I guess it depends on which con philosophy you agree with. I for one believe that they wrote the 9th amendment with purpose, for example, and it’s commonly relied upon in the jurisprudence we are talking about.

It sounds like you’re fine with expansion of individual rights just by states not grounded in fed con law - yes?

To use a present example, I think that cannabis should not be a controlled substance. However, I do not want a SCOTUS decision striking it from the CSA. I would rather Congress de-schedule it as a result of observing the will of the several states, as shown by the increasing number of states legalizing medical and recreational cannabis since the 1990s. I get it, it's slow. Too bad.

I mean I’d be fine with that too - is there some big push to make this con protected?

What's your biz? Obviously law but I don't understand (unless you're not comfortable to give that level of personal detail).

Mass torts - I sue big pharma. In 2011 Thomas wrote the maj for pliva v mensing which in effect immunizes generic drug companies from PI law suits - something like 85-90% of people take generics, I literally turn down dozens of cases a week for this reason alone it doesn’t even matter how horrible the injury is. I don’t think senators Hatch and Waxman envisioned that when they created the amendment with the intent to pave the way for cheaper and more accessible drugs (I will get off my soapbox now).

[–]officerkondoRedder Shade of Purple Man0 points1 point  (21 children) | Copy Link

It sounds like you’re fine with expansion of individual rights just by states not grounded in fed con law - yes?

Yeah, the states pretty much get to do whatever they want. That goes both ways, of course, given that they have the police power.

I mean I’d be fine with that too - is there some big push to make this con protected?

I wouldn't know because I don't follow weed activism. I just think this is how the constitution requires it to be done. I think abortion and gay marriage should have been handled the same way, by the way. Then maybe supreme court justice confirmation hearings (not required by the constitution, I hasten to add) would not be shitshows.

I don’t think senators Hatch and Waxman envisioned that when they created the amendment with the intent to pave the way for cheaper and more accessible drugs (I will get off my soapbox now).

I know of the case but don't have a constitutional opinion. The good think is if the court interprets a law the way the legislature doesn't like, they can always amend the law.

This is what I don't get. If you're on the losing side of a SCOTUS decision, you have options: (1) change the law or (2) change the constitution. Thomas (sorry) said as much in his dissent in Lawrence v. Texas - he thought the anti-sodomy law was stupid and if he were a member of the Texas legislature, he would vote against it. But, he wasn't so he couldn't. I guess the legislative process is too hard because you have to convince a lot more people than five to get what you want.

[–]slipstream8080 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Gotcha. I have more to say on the subject but, no point.

[–]entertainerthird3 points4 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

Do you think if it were possible to extract a fetus and grow it to maturity in a lab abortion would then be ruled illegal? Do you think women would now be OK with their choice to be a parent/pay child support taken from them? Or would men and women now both be able to opt out of responsibility?

[–]CainPrice2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

That's an interesting question to ponder. If, instead of abortion, a fetus could be safely removed and raised in some kind of artificial womb, which is total sci-fi at this point in time, I think in at least some states (over time, because there's some legal precedent to undo), a kill-the-fetus old-school style abortion would become illegal.

Because at that point, we wouldn't be weighing the mother's right to physical integrity against the state's/unborn's interest, or against the father's interest in determining whether he becomes a parent or becomes financially responsible for a child.

At that point, we'd be weighing the rights of the unborn to live against the rights of both parents to decide whether to become a parent and whether to be financially responsible. I couldn't see a lot of states saying, "Well, we can save this fetus' life with absolutely zero harm to the mother, but Mom says it would be really expensive and inconvenient if it were born, and she's the boss, so we're just going to kill it instead."

[–]kandyapplezborn in '91 👸 💅0 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

no because who tf is gonna pay for that

[–]elduckbell0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

The mother

[–]aznphenix0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

So the state in some cases?

[–]DevilishRogueKnows more than you8 points9 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Abortion rights aren't about a woman's right to choose to be a parent.

That is exactly what they are.

Abortion rights exist due to a woman's physical bodily integrity.

This argument fails because if it is valid then the fetus also has the right to physical bodily integrity. It is tantamount to one Siamese twin deciding to separate even if doing so will kill the other. It is literally contradictory to grant bodily autonomy to one party and not the other.

You can't force a woman to carry a child to term any more than you can force a woman to have an abortion.

Abortion is illegal in many places so this certainly isn't true. Similarly a woman incapacitated or otherwise uncommitted until the term limit for abortion is passed cannot elect to abort after that limit.

The only reason abortion rights became a legal thing was due to the mother's right to physical integrity out weighing the state's interest in the unborn.

To pretend that this is anything more than an excuse is to fail to understand the paradox of when the rights of a fetus become the rights of a human being a subjective matter.

It had nothing to do with money or deciding to be a parent.

It had a lot more to do with this than bodily integrity.

As an unavoidable side effect, however, a mother exercising her right to physical integrity also allows her to decide whether or not the father becomes a parent or not, which can cause the father to be financially responsible.

It isn't so much a side effect as a direct consequence. And there is far less to justify an unwilling father being financially responsible than there is for a mother to be able to ignore the bodily integrity of the fetus.

After divorce, wives who wanted to implant frozen embryos and husbands who said no. The husbands won most of those cases. Remove the mother's physical body from the equation and her overriding rights aren't a thing any more. It's not about money. It's a about physical integrity being a larger right than the other rights in play.

Except as I am sure you are aware when mothers have ignored the court rulings and stolen sperm the father has become liable and the mother has faced (virtually) no consequences. All of which is irrelevant so long as men are not able to make use of safe haven laws to relinquish parental responsibility anyway.

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Abortion is illegal in many places so this certainly isn't true.

Not in the United States, it isn't, and it is US law that the comment you are responding to is referring to.

[–]AngerInducer 1 points [recovered]  (4 children) | Copy Link

Nothing you've said is an argument against the OP. It remains the choice of women whether to have a child, so why should it be a man's responsibility?

One answer is to say that people are automatically responsible for genetically related descendants. But say in the future it's possible to steal DNA with a handshake and create someone else's baby...

A far better argument is that people should be responsible for their choices, not use of their DNA. Then, if women have access to abortion, it is a woman's choice and responsibility.

I also have no doubt that if artificial wombs become available that suddenly feminists will consider parental rights, and not merely abortion, to be essential.

[–]CainPrice1 point2 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

Child support is a separate legal issue. It's not granted to a custodial parent to reward her and punish the man. It's granted to the custodial parent to ensure that the child is cared for. Child support is legally the child's property. In the absence of the ability to garnish child support, men would be free to knock up as many women as they please, then just shrug and say, "I'm not paying for shit. We're not married." And if Mom can't afford to raise the kid, it becomes a state burden.

Now that's pretty in theory, but the unfortunate reality is that child support isn't actually child support in most states. It's wink-wink-nudge-nudge mother support.

Child support doesn't take actual costs for raising a child into consideration (e.g., documented rent, food, schooling, clothing, medical, extracurricular activities, and other child costs, and divide by two). Child support takes a statutory percentage of the man's salary, independent of how much the mother makes or needs, and independent of how much it actually costs to raise the child, making it a very lucrative business for the state and for women who are poor or uneducated. Educated, upper middle class women would find child support to be not enough money to maintain the lifestyle they like, but lower class women who luck out and get a non-deadbeat dad can do pretty well on child support checks.

[–]sublimemongrelBecky, Esq.1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

In my bar state both parents income is taken into account. I thought most states did it that way?

[–]officerkondoRedder Shade of Purple Man1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

n the absence of the ability to garnish child support, men would be free to knock up as many women as they please, then just shrug and say, "I'm not paying for shit. We're not married."

If only women could control whether a man knocks them up.

[–]Pope_LuciousSeparating the wheat from the hoes2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

the State could easily acknowledge the woman has the final say and allow for financial abortion by the man. But that would leave the State on the hook of the shitty decisions for women, so men get thrown under the bus.

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

Men don’t have a right to financial integrity?

[–]CainPrice1 point2 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

No more than women do. A widow, or a single mom who can't find dad to get money, isn't allowed to starve her child to death. Women have to take care of the children at their own expense, too.

The problem with child support isn't that it costs dad money unwillingly. Nobody, man or woman, really -wants- to pay what it costs to raise a child. It's that if a woman plays the game right, it costs dad enough money to support the child -and- mother. That shouldn't be possible. The ideal situation would be documenting child costs and splitting them 50-50, not taking 30% of dad's gross income off the top and giving it to mom to do with as she pleases.

[–]ffbtawPurple Pill Man0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

No but they can drop them off at a safe haven or give them up for adoption.

[–][deleted] -1 points0 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Forced parenthood for dad only is what gets me. I’m ok with the kid getting his or her needs met, but I take offense to the leeching like you do.

How about this proposal:

If it was forced paternity, the dad’s child support is only a loan the mother has to repay when the kid reaches the age of majority.

[–]abaxeron✴️Indian Programmer11 points12 points  (6 children) | Copy Link

Because a woman's body belongs to herself, and a man's body belongs to the state.

[–]DemonConsulting4" Dragon2 points3 points  (5 children) | Copy Link

Everyone* gets to keep their body, the state does however frequently take parts of people's property in the form of money.

*(Notable exceptions in many countries: prison, mandatory military service and/or a draft, pregnancy past a certain date)

[–]abaxeron✴️Indian Programmer3 points4 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Oh, almost forgot:

pregnancy past a certain date

How many women got put into prison and served full sentence for terminating their own pregnancy past a certain date? (with the exception of Nazi Germany and Ceaușescu's Romania, it's something around zero)

[–]abaxeron✴️Indian Programmer2 points3 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

the state does however frequently take parts of people's property in the form of money.

The vast majority of taxation is tied to income and not property. We'd live in another world if it was tied to property.

[–]DemonConsulting4" Dragon0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

Is your income not considered part of your property? Also property tax for owned real estate/ land is most definitely a thing, though you might argue that it is not high enough or that monetary reserves should also be taxed.

Though I'm not sure what this has to do with the discussion. The fact of the matter is, the state does not infringe on your bodily autonomy with child support, instead it takes a certain amount of your money to pay for the child. This amount is most frequently tied to your income, a lot like income tax.

[–]abaxeron✴️Indian Programmer2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Though I'm not sure what this has to do with the discussion. The fact of the matter is, the state does not infringe on your bodily autonomy with child support, instead it takes a certain amount of your money to pay for the child. This amount is most frequently tied to your income, a lot like income tax.

I usually use my body to produce wealth. I don't just wish it into existence or get paid for being somewhere; I have to work, i.e. mostly do things for someone else that I otherwise wouldn't; I have to subject my body to additional movement, additional discomfort, occasionally probably wear dumb uncomfortable clothes etc.

[–]mareenahBlue Pill27 points28 points  (22 children) | Copy Link

In my opinion, he shouldn't at all have to be responsible for an unwanted child and has every right to 'abortion' of his own without consequence or judgment. But the usual argument against 'financial abortion' is that once the child is out there in the world, it's a done deal and the child needs to be fed and clothed, and the individual's responsibility for the kid lessens the burden of the state.

[–]WestsideMoonWalkerChonks Pheel the Phonk14 points15 points  (15 children) | Copy Link

Pretty much. The choice is between not supporting the child, using state resources to support the child, and using resources of the parents to support the child. The first is a non-starter for obvious reasons, and the 2nd would likely only happen in the event of a universal basic income type system. In the US that just isn't happening.

[–]flamingoinghomeIs three lizards in trench coat12 points13 points  (13 children) | Copy Link

I honestly think the 2nd option is the best of the lot. If a politician had the nerve to actually explain to people in America how their taxes are spent, I think a lot of the anger at benefits for poor people would be redirected...

[–][deleted] 10 points11 points  (5 children) | Copy Link

The useless middle eastern wars of the past decades, that have lined the pockets of a small group of people, could have instead funded universal Healthcare, paid off all student debt (thus stimulating the economy), housed homeless veterans, and more.

[–]flamingoinghomeIs three lizards in trench coat7 points8 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

YUP. Cut back on the bloated war-profiteering military escapades, and Americans might actually start living like citizens of the richest country in the world.

[–]celincelinNeeds to be taught not to rape0 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

Can’t have veterans without wars. Checkmate.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link


[–]celincelinNeeds to be taught not to rape0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

You're wrong, by the way. "Stimulating the economy" by spawning hordes of retards with useless degrees, aha.

[–]Pope_LuciousSeparating the wheat from the hoes0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

66% of the budget is Medicare, Medicaid, and social security.

[–]WestsideMoonWalkerChonks Pheel the Phonk2 points3 points  (5 children) | Copy Link

I don't disagree with that. The US is way too individualistic though.

[–]Atlas_B_Shruggin✡️🐈✡️ the purring jew0 points1 point  (4 children) | Copy Link

you understand that you are saying that a nation deliberately and literally founded on the philosophy of individual rights, enshrined in the constitution is "too individualistic", yes?

[–]WestsideMoonWalkerChonks Pheel the Phonk1 point2 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Yes. The balance we have now is out of whack imo. Not everyone agrees but there is definitely a better approach on that spectrum in my own opinion. Obviously I know you disagree with me on that

[–][deleted] 2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

The balance we have now is out of whack imo

Next up: someone asks what "out of whack" means. Someone asks, "if something is out of whack, can it be in whack, too?

[–]Cuckleberry-FinnBlue pilled alpha chad0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

Yes the philosophy of individual rights that allowed the founders to own slaves, what a great philosophy we should all try to emulate, good job

[–]Atlas_B_Shruggin✡️🐈✡️ the purring jew0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

which was a bone of contention from day one and culminated in a national Civil war to end the institutional enslavement of another people

where do they still practice human chattel slavery? hmmmm, let me see, oh yes. africa and muslim countries

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

The second option is how it used to be, before welfare reform in 1996. People hated it. Welfare reform probably had more popular approval than any single other thing that Clinton did.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

non starter for obvious reasons?

What’re the reasons?

[–]Eastuss༼ つ ▀̿_▀̿ ༽つ1 point2 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

Yeah the ibdividual responsible is the mother in this case, not the father, this is just some mental fuckery to transfer responsibility from women to men, like in anything.

[–]mareenahBlue Pill1 point2 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

It's the state's way of making both biological parents responsible, in order to decrease the state's burden. The woman's still responsible for raising the kid, too.

[–]Eastuss༼ つ ▀̿_▀̿ ༽つ1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

If they want to decrease the state burden they should stop reward poor women for having children without securing a father.

[–]slipstream8080 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

Luckily men do have the recourse of not paying and going to jail.

[–]Bekiala4 points5 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Or get a vasectomy. It is way cheaper and easier than a woman going through a pregnancy or even a tubal ligation for a woman.

[–]DemonConsulting4" Dragon12 points13 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

There are two different issues at play here.

The first is the right to bodily autonomy which applies to all people. This incluedes being able to terminate or carry on a pregnancy happening on your body since it is a serious medical condition with many possible implications for your health in both scenarios. An Abortion is often an invasive procedure and carries risks, a pregnancy involves major changes to your body and even the risk of death during delivery. Neither decision can be forced without infringing on the woman's right to bodily autonomy.

The second issue is child support and that is much more of a political decision than a natural consequence such as pregnancy happening in women's bodies exclusively.

The general reason for child support is that it is in the state's and society's best interest to make sure children are adequately cared for financially. Basically no starving or otherwise neglected children on the streets are not only a good thing from a humanitarian point of view but also reduce crime and increase the general standard of living.

How the government/ society ensures that children are cared for financially is really the issue here. The way it currently works is that the biological parents are primarily held responsible and only if they are unable to provide does the state step in and foots the bill, potentially takes the child into custody if the parents can't physically care for them either, etc.

The thing is, the state doesn't care about what's “fair“ to the parents at this point, the focus is on making sure the child is financially cared for and that the cost for this ideally does not rest on the taxpayer. Everyone likes to vote for supporting children, noone likes to pay higher taxes, especially to support someone else'd kids when they themselves probably have a family to support and those “deadbeats“ are shrinking their perceived responsibility.

So really there is no natural reason why anyone “should“ pay for anything, this is just the current political solution that ensures both financial support for children at as small a cost for the state as possible.

[–]Bekiala3 points4 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Well said. As much as I don't like paying taxes, state supported medical, food and education for children affects me in the long run. These kids may be the CNA when I'm in a nursing home or the accountant taking care of my retirement account or the surgeon who does my hip replacement.

I absolutely believe that kids are best off supported by good families rather than the state. However, even if every man and woman are as responsible as possible, things happen. Parents die or become disabled. Some kids have parents who live in another country. So we taxpayers have to pitch in. This doesn't even bring into account men who think that if a woman won't have an abortion, than it is on her to provide for the child or women who are happy to be on food stamps and have 5 kids. This is all part of humanity.

[–]Venicedreaming34 points35 points  (132 children) | Copy Link

The state will end up having to care for that child if the woman cannot sufficiently provides for it. Why should the rest of us subsidize you two’s bad decision? Hence the decision of the state to hold you, the sperm donor, responsible. Wrap it up, don’t stick your dick in crazy, select your sexual partner carefully. I don’t care if the woman sabotages her birth control and ends up pregnant. There are effective precautions you could have done for yourself and you didn’t, so that’s on you. For example: bring your own condoms, disposes your condoms yourself, always wear a condom, buy good condoms, inspects your condom every time, have plan B ready and on standby. I never slept with crazy or casual strangers so never had to go that far. But you want your cake so eat it carefully

[–]officerkondoRedder Shade of Purple Man6 points7 points  (12 children) | Copy Link

The state will end up having to care for that child if the woman cannot sufficiently provides for it. Why should the rest of us subsidize you two’s bad decision?

Have you noticed that the invention of a constitutional right to abortion has not eliminated the problem you claim it solves? Thanks to social welfare, I get to subsidize every moron's bad decision.

[–]Venicedreaming0 points1 point  (11 children) | Copy Link

Do you think banning abortion will increase or decrease the money we are all paying for bastards of this nation? I’m all for abortions because that means one less dollar I have to pay for these morons not wrapping it up and choosing to have kid they can’t afford

[–]officerkondoRedder Shade of Purple Man0 points1 point  (4 children) | Copy Link

Do you think banning abortion will increase or decrease the money we are all paying for bastards of this nation?

I am sure it would increase. However, that is not the bargain you proposed. If you want abortion on demand, fine, but then I don't want to spend another dime on someone's bastard.

[–]Venicedreaming0 points1 point  (3 children) | Copy Link

That’s a whole other topic. I don’t want to pay for these moron’s mistakes also, but the kids did not do anything wrong. And what are we supposed to do, watch these kids starve, homeless and die? That’s why these moron parents need to pay before State assistance is required

[–]officerkondoRedder Shade of Purple Man0 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

That’s a whole other topic.

That topic was the predicate of your original comment.

but the kids did not do anything wrong.

So what? Neither did I.

And what are we supposed to do, watch these kids starve, homeless and die?

Yeah. Let that happen and you'll see a lot more people being real careful real quick, either with their birth control, running to the abortion clinic, or dropping the infant at a hospital under a Baby Moses law.

I mean, we already have homeless people starving and dying. Have you ever lost a minute's sleep worrying about them? I haven't.

[–]Venicedreaming0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

If you didn’t wrap up your dick, that’s your fault

[–]officerkondoRedder Shade of Purple Man0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

I agree, which is why I object to subsidizing others' fault.

[–]abaxeron✴️Indian Programmer0 points1 point  (5 children) | Copy Link

[–]Venicedreaming0 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

Now the question is if we ban abortions, will all the deadbeat fathers still complain about child support? That whole “she chose to keep the baby” argument will be moot

[–]abaxeron✴️Indian Programmer0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

Thanks for admitting that right now, this argument is perfectly justified.

[–]Venicedreaming2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Fucking deadbeat fathers will say anything to not pay for their bastards

[–]aznphenix0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

how tf is anyone supposed to read that.

[–]abaxeron✴️Indian Programmer0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Pearson's for single motherhood relative to abortion rates and ratios is on the last line.

[–][deleted] 6 points7 points  (8 children) | Copy Link

I can’t believe this got gilded. We could just as easily place the blame not on man. A woman should pick her partner carefully. If a woman gets pregnant by fraud, she should be held accountable.

As an alternate scenario, the father could pay, but he gets credit for his payments and when the child is eight teen the mother must reimburse the victim father.

[–]Venicedreaming5 points6 points  (7 children) | Copy Link

Oh no, I’m blaming both of the parents here for having the unwanted child out of wedlock. That sets the child so far back in life without the presence of both parents. It’s the 21st Century, it’s not that hard to avoid babies. The woman is already paying for it by pitching in childcare, rearing and whatever resources she has. But if you think we’ll gonna let the dumbass who knocks her up gets off Scott free without paying, think again. No one wants to subsidize two morons’ mistake. Wrap up your dick, stop sticking your dick in crazy, it’s not that hard.

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (6 children) | Copy Link

Once again what about paternity fraud? “Accidents” often happen when the man, in reliance on the assurances from the woman, does not use a condom because she says she is using birth control.

The man was responsible and wanted to use contraceptive. The women lied.

This isn’t about two morons, this is about a deliberate lie.

[–]Venicedreaming1 point2 points  (5 children) | Copy Link

Life lesson here for you: only trust yourself when it comes to contraception. Taking someone else’s word for it is both naive and dumb, especially if you engage in casual flings. Again, still a dumbass making dumb decisions I’m not gonna subsidize for

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (4 children) | Copy Link

Him “I’ll use a condom” and then phantoms: Everyone “oh my god, what a scumbag! I can’t believe he raped you!”

Her “I’m on the pill” but isn’t. Everyone “well, you have to be responsible for your own contraceptive.”

Nice. That’s called the pussy pass and you didn’t even realize it.

[–]Venicedreaming1 point2 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

Sure, but on this particular topic, you’re asking the rest of us to subsidize your bastards. Not gonna happen

[–][deleted] -1 points0 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

So... you don’t care if a woman commits fraud? It’s still the man’s fault too?

[–]Venicedreaming0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

What good is fault here when I would have to subsidize your unwrap dick when your chick can’t pay to feed the kids? You stick your dick in her, you pay for the kid. It’s that simple

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I got you. It’s a simple calculation. Let’s not make it more complicated. Republicans say the same thing about abortion and rape.

“Rape victims should make the best of a bad situation.”

-Rick Santorum (endorsed by /u/Venicedreaming)

[–]Pope_LuciousSeparating the wheat from the hoes2 points3 points  (5 children) | Copy Link

Extend your logic further and it defeats your argument. Why should the man pay for the woman’s bad decision?

[–]Venicedreaming1 point2 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

Because if you don’t pay for your bastards, the rest of us have to. Why should we pay for your dumb ass mistake?

[–]Pope_LuciousSeparating the wheat from the hoes3 points4 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

It’s the woman’s decision. Why shouldn’t she pay for it?

[–]Venicedreaming2 points3 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

She can’t pay for it, she tries to, but she can’t, the stats show, the rest of us already have to subsidize for bunch of bastards them unwrapped dicks created. That’s why the law is the way it is, your kid, your dollars

[–]Pope_LuciousSeparating the wheat from the hoes0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

Her decision, her dollars. Why don’t women move in such a way to avoid giving birth to inevitably starving children?

[–]Venicedreaming2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Why won’t you just wrap your dick so you will stop knocking up random chicks?

[–]SkrattGoddess7 points8 points  (33 children) | Copy Link

EXACTLY, thank you. Taking zero responsibility at all and whining because we have our own agency to keep it or not when they impregnated the girl in the first place. How dare he even ask that.

[–]AngerInducer 1 points [recovered]  (7 children) | Copy Link

The woman chooses if a pregnancy becomes a child. Therefore it's her responsibility. You're the one who wants to have it be 100% your own choice, but 50% a man's responsibility. YOU should take personal responsibility.

[–]SkrattGoddess3 points4 points  (6 children) | Copy Link

If you didn't bust in her, she wouldn't be able to choose if her pregnancy becomes a child in the first place. If you want to not be a supporting parent to a child you created, don't create one. You don't get to choose AFTER it's in her stomach. Too late.

[–]AngerInducer 1 points [recovered]  (5 children) | Copy Link

If you didn't bust in her, she wouldn't be able to choose if her pregnancy becomes a child in the first place. If you want to not be a supporting parent to a child you created, don't create one. You don't get to choose AFTER it's in her stomach. Too late.

Firstly, this isn't about what a hypthetical person "should do". It's about who, in a given scenario, is responsible for the child.

Second, the man isn't choosing anything. He's just simply not responsible.

[–]SkrattGoddess1 point2 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

I didn't say 'should' anywhere. I said you DON'T get to choose after she gets pregnant. You choose beforehand. There's no should anywhere.

BOTH parties created the child -.- You don't have to bring up HITLER to make a point. They both took part in it.

A grown man is very responsible for nutting in a woman and creating a child. And that's why he pays a responsible check for it every month. Point blank.

[–]AngerInducer 1 points [recovered]  (3 children) | Copy Link

BOTH parties created the child

The fact that the woman chooses whether to have the child proves he doesn't create the child in any ethical sense.

Your arguments repeatedly revolve around equating impregnation with creation of a child. The man partly creates an embryo, the woman transforms that embryo into a child. That transformation is not inevitable -- in fact it's 100% within the woman's control.

[–]SkrattGoddess0 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

Oh. Well given the scenario they both are.

A child cannot be created without impregnation. Ok? You can't boil an egg without water.

[–]AngerInducer 1 points [recovered]  (1 child) | Copy Link

Oh. Well given the scenario they both are.

Now you're not even trying to make an argument! :)

A child cannot be created without impregnation. Ok? You can't boil an egg without water.

Impregnation is necessary for pregnancy, but it's not sufficient. You need sufficiency to make your argument work.

[–]Venicedreaming-1 points0 points  (24 children) | Copy Link

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a fan of out of wedlock children. It’s a very irresponsible thing for the mother to bring a child into the world with so much disadvantage from the get go. Sure you can love the child and give it everything you have, but the stats don’t lie. Majority of single mom household end up in poverty, creating a vicious cycle for the children they bring into the world. A family with two happy parents bring so much emotion and financial benefits to the children, that’s the gold standard and why would you not give your children, the ones you love the most, the gold standard? It’s your choice and your choice alone from the beginning to have chosen a man who wants nothing to do with the child you two bring into the world, and to keep it to fulfill your motherhood desires. But it is your choices here that put your children at a great disadvantage in life from the get go. There are a million ways for a woman not to get pregnant also if she so chooses to. If you do adult things then be prepared to make adult sacrifices and decisions

[–]SkrattGoddess1 point2 points  (23 children) | Copy Link

I agree, kids need two parents, and she should consider that, but the topic at hand is if men should have a say in what women do with their bodies. You already had that say when you slept with her bro. You could have worn a condom.

[–]themultipotentialist4 points5 points  (21 children) | Copy Link

You already had that say when you slept with her bro. You could have worn a condom.

This is the exact argument that pro-lifers use to discredit abortions. Your agency over your body is just as important as my agency to my own money. You can't force someone to be a mom. And you can't force someone to donate to a charity.

[–]SkrattGoddess-1 points0 points  (20 children) | Copy Link

If you're referring to a living child as a 'donation to charity', yes you can force men to do it. It's called child support. Whether you want to donate to your living child or not.

[–]themultipotentialist1 point2 points  (19 children) | Copy Link

you can force men to do it

Can I force women to carry babies to term?

[–]SkrattGoddess0 points1 point  (18 children) | Copy Link


[–]themultipotentialist2 points3 points  (17 children) | Copy Link

Exactly. Men should be able to nope the fuck outta paying for a charity that is child support.

[–]SkrattGoddess0 points1 point  (14 children) | Copy Link

Dude we're not arguing should right now. You said you can't force someone to donate to a charity (meaning financially supporting their child) and I told you, yes you can sir.

[–]kandyapplezborn in '91 👸 💅0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

why "should" they

[–]Venicedreaming0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Yep, it’s just callous attitude on sec that the rest of us have to subsidize for everyday. Crimes, poverty, abuse, it all boils down to a vicious family upbringing cycle. Two responsible and happy parents households, one happy family, that’s the cornerstone of a good society

[–]ninjette8472 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Yeah, the whole financial abortion thing might work in countries with already strong social services and social safety nets but asking others to pay for your child because you couldn't be assed to wear a condom is never going to happen in the US, or at least not for a really long time. A lot of people are already mad at poor people having babies they can't support, can you imagine if someone said they can but just don't want to?

[–]AngerInducer 1 points [recovered]  (24 children) | Copy Link

What happens if the woman shakes your hand and uses the DNA to make a child? That will be possible at some point in the future.

You're attempting to equate responsibility of pregnancy with responsibility of a child. The woman chooses if a pregnancy becomes a child. Therefore it's her responsibility.

[–]Venicedreaming4 points5 points  (23 children) | Copy Link

When a woman can shake your hands and get pregnant we will revisit this topic. Right now she’s pregnant because you stuck your dick in her. So both of you need to pay for it before the rest of us have to foot the bill. Wrap it up, and stop sticking your dick in crazy so you don’t knock some random chick up. It’s not that easy for chicks to get pregnant if you wrap up your dick with your own condom

[–]AngerInducer 1 points [recovered]  (22 children) | Copy Link

When a woman can shake your hands and get pregnant we will revisit this topic.

That's intellectually dishonest, the same principles apply now. You're formulating responsibility based on DNA, not on the act of creating the child. Responsibilities should arise from acts.

Right now she’s pregnant because you stuck your dick in her.

Or you were raped as a child. Or she lied about birth control. Etc.

So both of you need to pay for it before the rest of us have to foot the bill.

Whether you or society should pay is a completely separate question being used to distract from the real argument.

[–]Venicedreaming5 points6 points  (21 children) | Copy Link

Yah man, you’re talking about a pig flying future and you’re saying I’m being distracted from the real issue. Real issue is: two morons didn’t wrap it up, have a kid, and one moron decided to not pa for it. Not in this world, the rest of us don’t want to pay for your bastard child, you pay for it, it’s your sperm.

[–]theambivalentroosterLiteral Chad0 points1 point  (19 children) | Copy Link

The bigger and more culpable moron is the one who decides she wants to keep the baby even though she knows the father doesn't want a child.

Why can't she pay for the child by herself? She wanted it. She kept it. Why is the child (really, the mother) entitled to support from an unwilling unmarried father?

Child support should be eliminated outside of divorce settlements. All we are doing is subsidizing women who want to be mommies come hell or high water.

[–]Venicedreaming1 point2 points  (18 children) | Copy Link

It’s really simple, wrap your dick so you don’t knock up a random chick. The rest of us already subsidize for a bunch of bastards in this nation. We will never vote to let dead beat fathers walk off free. You stick your dick unprotected, that’s on you. It’s not easy to get a chick pregnant if you’re careful. Wrap it up and just shut up. I don’t care about what you or that chick you knock up want, I just don’t want to pay for your mistake when your chick can’t pay.

[–]AngerInducer 1 points [recovered]  (17 children) | Copy Link

You keep confusing the question. It's not about what a man "should do". It's irrelevant the implication for society as a whole. And it's also not about what people will vote for.

It's just about who, in a given scenario, is responsible for the child. Unless you're willing to answer that question directly, you're reframing the discussion dishonestly.

You stick your dick unprotected, that’s on you.

True, I've acknowledged that. The man is responsible for pregnancy.

It’s not easy to get a chick pregnant if you’re careful.


Wrap it up and just shut up.

There's no logical reason why a man who doesn't should necessarily be liable.

I don’t care about what you or that chick you knock up want, I just don’t want to pay for your mistake when your chick can’t pay.

Take it up with the mother who is solely responsible.

[–]Venicedreaming0 points1 point  (16 children) | Copy Link

A child cannot form without a sperm. It takes a woman and a man to make a child. That means both needs to pay for that child if both are stupid enough to have unprotected sex

[–]AngerInducer 1 points [recovered]  (15 children) | Copy Link

A man's role is necessary but not sufficient. You need to show sufficiency for your argument to work.

Otherwise arguments like this work also: it's necessary for a knife to stab someone, therefore knife manufacturers are responsible for stabbings.

[–]themultipotentialist0 points1 point  (29 children) | Copy Link

Because body autonomy is more important than financial autonomy. That is moronic.

There are effective precautions you could have done for yourself and you didn’t, so that’s on you

I mean this is the exact argument that pro-lifers use against abortion. Why the fuck should that rule not apply to women then? You get pregnant, you decide whether or not the child exists. But if you decide to give birth and the man is not in agreement with the decision, he shouldn't have to pay a dime (and lose ALL parental rights).

[–]Venicedreaming2 points3 points  (28 children) | Copy Link

No buddy, if you don’t pay then the rest of us have to pay. I’m not interested in paying for your mistake and bad choices, wrap it up, snip it if you have to,and stop sticking your dick in crazy. She didn’t get pregnant on her own, you’re not Jesus. That kid is yours whether you like it or not and you need to pay for it

[–]themultipotentialist2 points3 points  (27 children) | Copy Link

Who the fuck is asking you to pay? The woman made the decision, she should pay for it.

[–]Venicedreaming5 points6 points  (26 children) | Copy Link

It’s a fact that majority of single mom households are in poverty line. Guess what that means? We are all subsidizing for you two bad decisions

[–]themultipotentialist4 points5 points  (25 children) | Copy Link

for you two bad decisions

HER decision. She could have gotten the abortion. She CHOSE TO keep the baby. Not him.

[–]Venicedreaming5 points6 points  (11 children) | Copy Link

It’s still your sperm, the very first bad decision that started the chain, wrap it up or shut up. It’s simple as that. I’m not interested in paying for you two babies. That’s why the law is the way it is. The rest of us don’t want to subsidize your bad decision

[–]themultipotentialist0 points1 point  (10 children) | Copy Link

I’m not interested in paying for you two babies

Who the fuck is asking you to pay for it?

[–]Venicedreaming3 points4 points  (9 children) | Copy Link

When the father can’t pay, the single mom household often falls into poverty line, and the rest of us have to pay for your child. Look up that stat. So again, wrap it up or shut up, no one is interested in paying for your mistake. If you knock a girl up and she keeps it, pony up buddy.

[–]themultipotentialist0 points1 point  (8 children) | Copy Link

When the father can’t pay, the single mom household often falls into poverty line

Maybe she should have thought of that before chose to carry it to term. Hell, if she couldn't raise the child, she could very well give it up for adoption if she didn't want to go through abortion.

no one is interested in paying for your mistake

I ask again - who the fuck is asking you to pay?

[–]Bekiala1 point2 points  (12 children) | Copy Link

And he chose to have sex with her. That is on him. Supposedly the father is a big boy capable of making reasonable choices and she didn't rape him. Also vasectomies are one of the simplest cheapest forms of birth control.

[–]themultipotentialist1 point2 points  (11 children) | Copy Link

And he chose to have sex with her

He probably chose to eat a cheeseburger that day. What is your point?

The baby exists not because they had sex. The baby exists because she chose to carry it to term. It's just a bunch of cells, otherwise.

[–]Bekiala0 points1 point  (10 children) | Copy Link

Eating a cheeseburger isn't going to produce a baby. Having sex does. She wouldn't be pregnant with out having sex with someone. Sorry dude. Choosing to have sex and choosing to eat a cheeseburger are just different.

Also I really don't think it is fair that men's choice about having children starts before they unzip their flies. I wish it wasn't this way but it is how it is. It isn't fair that women have to go through pregnancy. It's biology. If you are a guy and really really don't want children, practice celibacy or get a vasectomy. I know I know it isn't fair but that is just reality.

[–]themultipotentialist1 point2 points  (9 children) | Copy Link

Eating a cheeseburger isn't going to produce a baby. Having sex does

You are missing the entire premise of this post in the whole process. The baby doesn't simply exist because the dude has good genetics or the woman is ridiculously fertile. The baby exists because - she chose to carry it to term. Till then, it was just a bunch of cells inside her body.

I really don't think it is fair that men's choice about having children starts before they unzip their flies

Women had the same choice before they fought to get abortion rights. Well, pro-choice also means she has to choose the responsibility that comes with the pro-choice right. That includes taking responsibility for #HER decisions. If that means she has to raise the baby by herself, then so be it. She can't have her cake, eat it, and have the man pay for it.

[–]cxj75% Redpill Core Ideas0 points1 point  (12 children) | Copy Link

The point here is that if the woman wanted the kid and the man didn’t, then it is not “you two” bad decisions as you falsely imply, but hers alone. two people deciding to have the sex is not the same as two people deciding to carry the child to term.

Unilateral power = unilateral responsibility.

Additionally, there is no reason the state “has” to take care of the kids of irresponsible parents. Let the little shits starve in the streets to serve as a warning to moronic would be single mothers who fail to abort after being impregnated by poor idiots. The underlying assumption that we as a society are obligated to subsidize the reproduction of the worst members of society is both false and ridiculous . Not everyone needs to survive, it’s not a “crime” that low FTOs die of natural causes, that’s nature, no problem to solve here.

[–]Venicedreaming0 points1 point  (11 children) | Copy Link

If you think it’s the right thing to let kids starve and rot to death I don’t have any much more to say to you

[–]cxj75% Redpill Core Ideas1 point2 points  (10 children) | Copy Link

You should be against abortion too with your logic

[–]Venicedreaming0 points1 point  (9 children) | Copy Link

And have more bastards my tax dollars need to feed? No thanks

[–]cxj75% Redpill Core Ideas0 points1 point  (8 children) | Copy Link

No your tax dollars don’t need to feed them. We don’t need to arbitrarily decide “right” based on children of morons surviving

[–]Venicedreaming0 points1 point  (7 children) | Copy Link

Ya, good luck convincing the public to let young children die and starve. This is the US, not the third world. Morons may have chosen to have kids, but you think punishing the kids is fair? Well, then we have nothing more to discuss

[–]cxj75% Redpill Core Ideas0 points1 point  (6 children) | Copy Link

Punishing “fathers” for the woman’s failure to abort is fair?

[–]Venicedreaming0 points1 point  (5 children) | Copy Link

Ah let’s see: 1: making you pay some money for 18 years, or 2: let your kids starve and die. Wow, what is the fair and right choice here?

[–]cxj75% Redpill Core Ideas0 points1 point  (4 children) | Copy Link

Pay “some” money is a gratuitous understatement. More like, making women figure it out for themselves and fairly take unilateral responsibility for their unilateral choice. Bring back legal prostitution , that will give them plenty of money to make

[–][deleted] -2 points-1 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Don’t act like people are trying to be malevolent

[–]whichbladeNA Paler Shade of Purple4 points5 points  (7 children) | Copy Link

Women abort children because they don't want to birth them.

Everyone is so fixated on whether or not it's fair, but don't acknowledge that pregnancy itself isn't fair to both of the sexes.

And like other people have said. Ultimately child support is to keep the government from having to pay for children to survive.

[–]Eastuss༼ つ ▀̿_▀̿ ༽つ1 point2 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

If biology and life isn't fair and you gotta pay for it, why are men not getting retired earlier and paid more for working less, considering men's shorter life expectancy?

That's just cherry picked bullshit.

Rewarding poor peoples for having single motherhoods is just going to make it worse.

[–]whichbladeNA Paler Shade of Purple0 points1 point  (3 children) | Copy Link

You can retire whenever you want, you just won't get as much money.

Hey, you won't need as much if you plan on expiring soon after.

[–]Eastuss༼ つ ▀̿_▀̿ ༽つ1 point2 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

Wut, you don't understand basic fairness.

Men die 7 year earlier but have to work the same amount of years to get their full retirement. How do you find that fair?

[–]whichbladeNA Paler Shade of Purple0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

First of all. It's not economical for your employer to give you more money for less work. They want to use you up. Capitalism.

Secondly, men dying younger than women on average is skewed from men dying at ages even before 65.

[–]Eastuss༼ つ ▀̿_▀̿ ༽つ0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

I know how averages work.

I know how capitalist greed works.

But surely, when women bring on the biological unfairness, the main argument is to use life expectancy as a counter biological unfairness, that is my point. If society doesn't put up with the life expectancy gap, it shouldn't put up with the reproductive difference. But it does, and capitalism goes backside to put women on a pedestal.

[–]Willow-girlProud 2 B an American farmer-1 points0 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

"The government" doesn't pay for much of anything. Taxpayers do.

[–]whichbladeNA Paler Shade of Purple0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Yeah. Fair distinction.

[–]WestsideMoonWalkerChonks Pheel the Phonk20 points21 points  (10 children) | Copy Link

The state's interest > any one person's interest. The state wants to make sure kids don't grow up in poverty, at least in theory.

This is a leading question though.

[–]officerkondoRedder Shade of Purple Man3 points4 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

The state's interest > any one person's interest.

This statement shows that you have never read a court’s abortion opinion because every one discusses the state’s interest in the life of the child.

If “The state's interest > any one person's interest”, why do you think an individual right could ever trump the state’s interest?

[–]Atlas_B_Shruggin✡️🐈✡️ the purring jew-1 points0 points  (5 children) | Copy Link

I thought you were in the US? You dont believe this is a US philosophy of government, do you?

[–]WestsideMoonWalkerChonks Pheel the Phonk1 point2 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

I am American. No, but in this case, the American system of governance seems to agree, unless I am totally missing stuff. I guess I can amend what I say to include that the state has more interest in the child than the adult, which would make more sense.

[–]Atlas_B_Shruggin✡️🐈✡️ the purring jew1 point2 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

Yeh, that's better

the idea that the states interests trump the individuals interests is anathema in the US. reading any SC opinion will show you theyre ALWAYS balancing those interests and always TRYING to come down on the side of individual rights when possible.

[–]WestsideMoonWalkerChonks Pheel the Phonk0 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

I'm aware. I've read a decent amount, and generally that is the case when personal and government interests clash. I tend to be messy with my wording and thoughts before I got to bed/when I wake up haha. Either way, I'm so hyped for the Eagles game/I need to go convince my cat to sit with me and watch (yes we got a cat now)

[–]Atlas_B_Shruggin✡️🐈✡️ the purring jew1 point2 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

aw is he a fatty? we got two new fresh kittens, they are angels

[–]WestsideMoonWalkerChonks Pheel the Phonk1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

She is quite large. A 12 lb 9 year old ball of fluff, back and white. She is such a sweetie. My SO loves her because whenever she comes home, the cat (named Inara because Firefly) will come and aggressively snuggle her. It's hilarious to come home to every day. I am allergic a bit but it's getting better by the day as well, and I wanted a cat despite that haha.

[–]Aggressive_BetaBeta Male-1 points0 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

No it doesn’t. The state wants whatever the voters want. The voters may not care if people grow up in poverty.

[–]Eastuss༼ つ ▀̿_▀̿ ༽つ-1 points0 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

the state wants to make sure the dad isn't going into poverty either. The state wants the dad to start a family, not be buried under obligations to an half ass family.

On top of it the state would prefer most kids' wealth and level of life to be equal and not bount to a father.

All this are just excuses to transfer female responsibility onto men.

[–]sublimemongrelBecky, Esq.3 points4 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

There are different rights/obligations involved between the two scenarios. This is just the simplest answer to your question.

[–][deleted] 4 points5 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

cause fuck you, pay me

[–]themultipotentialist2 points3 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

He shouldn't. End of story. But he shouldn't then have any parental rights when he chooses to forego this.

[–]warlords203Purple Pill Man[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

This is perfect I feel. It's fair

[–][deleted] 2 points3 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

Here's how we make it equal.

The current state of things is that a woman can choose to become a parent or not. A man cannot choose.

So to make it equal, we take away the woman's ability to choose.

If a woman decides to get an abortion, fine. She gets to maintain her bodily autonomy. HOWEVER, the state will assign an orphaned child to that couple to raise until adulthood.

Bam! Equality! Women no longer have an out from parenthood, just like men.

Oh, the woman isn't emotionally or financially able to support a child? WELL TOO FUCKING BAD!! Equality sucks, huh?

[–]themultipotentialist1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

This is hilarious!

[–]aznphenix0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

Don't think there would be enough orphaned children for that to work. Are you thinking foster children?

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

There are plenty in Africa.

[–]flamingoinghomeIs three lizards in trench coat10 points11 points  (46 children) | Copy Link

Because that child will grow up to be another citizen, and the state has an interest in seeing them fed, healthy, and decently educated, and less likely to turn to a life of crime. The state COULD (and should) support the child with its own funds, but they're too afraid of riling up the "muh taxes!" crowd.

[–]Atlas_B_Shruggin✡️🐈✡️ the purring jew2 points3 points  (10 children) | Copy Link

Do you know WHY clinton ended federal welfare (afdc) in 1996? Like are you aware of the consequence of welfare, the arguments for reform and the results and how it all happened? I'm going to say the answer is no

[–]flamingoinghomeIs three lizards in trench coat2 points3 points  (9 children) | Copy Link

I mean, yes, but are you aware there are other forms of government-funded child support other than the American welfare program which was reformed/ended in 1996?

[–]Atlas_B_Shruggin✡️🐈✡️ the purring jew0 points1 point  (8 children) | Copy Link

i am aware there are other countries with alternate welfare schemes, what makes you think american people want those or that they are in keepin gwith the US constitition? we resoundingly rejected welfare once

[–]flamingoinghomeIs three lizards in trench coat2 points3 points  (7 children) | Copy Link

I think the current trend of socialists winning primaries shows we're at least open to the idea. There is nothing in the Constitution that prevents alternate taxation and benefits plans (in fact, one might say they "promote the general welfare").

Also, this is a divergence but it's a pet peeve of mine-- the Constitution was written by human beings. It is not divine prophecy, it's an eighteenth-century legal document. We can change it if we want.

(heck, we have, many times, but shhhh)

[–]Atlas_B_Shruggin✡️🐈✡️ the purring jew-1 points0 points  (6 children) | Copy Link

yeh this is why i oppose womens suffrage. thanks

[–]flamingoinghomeIs three lizards in trench coat0 points1 point  (5 children) | Copy Link

Are you also in favor of owning slaves? Do you think alcohol should have stayed illegal?

[–]Cuckleberry-FinnBlue pilled alpha chad3 points4 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

She is a "race realist" who doesn't believe "society" exists if that helps clear things up as to whether or not this is a person worth engaging with re: legal matters

[–]flamingoinghomeIs three lizards in trench coat0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

That sounds...distinctly antithetical to my ways of thinking, let's say.

[–]Atlas_B_Shruggin✡️🐈✡️ the purring jew2 points3 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

because opposing one constitutional amendment automatically demands you oppose all others, right?

[–]flamingoinghomeIs three lizards in trench coat3 points4 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Surely if women shouldn't be legally enfranchised, you shouldn't have opinions on the Constitution at all, by your lights?

[–]Atlas_B_Shruggin✡️🐈✡️ the purring jew0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

you dont need to be allowed to vote to have opinions. i dont really believe in democracy per se

[–]toasterchild1 point2 points  (11 children) | Copy Link

Then every couple would just say they split up, get the tax money but still live together.

[–]flamingoinghomeIs three lizards in trench coat0 points1 point  (10 children) | Copy Link

I support UBI, including for infants, so this is actually a bit of a moot point for me....

[–]Willow-girlProud 2 B an American farmer2 points3 points  (8 children) | Copy Link

UBI? Cool! Where do I sign up? I'll never work again, lol.

[–]IHeartDay91 point2 points  (7 children) | Copy Link

Really? My experience with people on EI and welfare and such is that unless they're like SAHP's or active artists/musicians/writers, generally people want to work or study. It's not even about the poverty, but the lack of direction, the feeling of leeching off the system, and needing some feeling of accomplishment while everyone around you is doing something with their lives. Lots of people would like to work less than they do, but surprisingly few don't want to work at all.

[–]Willow-girlProud 2 B an American farmer2 points3 points  (6 children) | Copy Link

I'll bet you come from the middle class or above, where the UBI choice comes down to "Do I loafe, or work at some nice, pleasant, mentally-stimulating office job where I never have to get my hands dirty?" In which case, work doesn't seem so bad. But here in the working class, given a choice between loafing and, say, flipping burgers or running a cash register all day, work appears far less attractive.

I could be perfectly content never having to clean another toilet (besides my own, of course).

[–]IHeartDay90 points1 point  (5 children) | Copy Link

No, I grew up dirt poor (though without a lot of the issues associated with poverty), but both my parents were from wealth. I'm not anywhere near middle class now, but I have a great deal more privilege than someone of my income should have. But some of the people I'm talking about were legitimately on welfare and super broke. One of my friends recently went back to work doing housekeeping, literally cleaning toilets and stuff, and she's so much happier than she was staying home on welfare.

I imagine that people on UBI would probably end up doing a lot of volunteer type work, but loafing around at home endlessly gets old fast. I ended up cutting my EI short and going back to school because I couldn't handle how pointless life was just looking after my house and kid.

And I loved working retail, btw. I could never afford to go back to it, but I really had fun with it. I've enjoyed most jobs I've done, honestly. It's all about the mindset and workplace environment. The actual work isn't nearly that important.

[–]Willow-girlProud 2 B an American farmer0 points1 point  (4 children) | Copy Link

I'm glad you seem to find some enjoyment in drudgery but for a lot of us, it's all about getting the money needed for survival. Give me a government check instead and I'd never work again!

[–]IHeartDay90 points1 point  (3 children) | Copy Link

Really? What would you do with your time? Even my friends on disability want to work.

[–]Willow-girlProud 2 B an American farmer0 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

I already operate a large-animal sanctuary, have an insane flower garden and grow most of my own food. I'd have no problem filling my days with more interesting things than cleaning people's toilets ...

[–]toasterchild0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

It could probably be ok after you get that accomplished.

[–][deleted] 3 points4 points  (7 children) | Copy Link

If that was the case then they should repeal no fault divorce since it's"in the best interest of the child"

[–]flamingoinghomeIs three lizards in trench coat4 points5 points  (5 children) | Copy Link

No it's not. Being raised by a single parent is worse than a stable two-parent household, but NOT worse than a high-conflict marriage.

[–][deleted] 3 points4 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

That's not true. Bloops on here seem to have this impression that if a woman leaves her man then she will be a good mom or trade up.

The reality is, if she attracted a loser, then she is most likely a loser who will just attract other losers. But other losers will be less invested in another man's kids then the first guy. Not to mention that she is probably awful herself

[–]flamingoinghomeIs three lizards in trench coat2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

A shitty single mom would have been a shitty married mom. "Better" and "worse" are not actually synonyms for "good" and "bad."

[–][deleted] -3 points-2 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

Being raised by a single parent is worse than a stable two-parent household

Yes, that's a stupid conservative logic and is absolutely false.

[–]TheGreasyPoleObjectively Pro-moderate filth4 points5 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I'm not a conservative, I'm a liberal. Nevertheless I thought this was quite well statistically established. When you measure outcomes, even controlling for things like poverty etc, children of 2 parent households do significantly better than children from single parent households. They're safer, get higher educational attainment, have higher incomes, and generally "do better".

This seems like a decent basic summary, and is written from a viewpoint sympathetic to single-parents, although it too notes the clear difference in outcomes found when comparisons are made.

An excerpt from the article...

My point is not to disparage the brave and resourceful single moms and dads who are raising or have raised children. They deserve our respect and need our support. I also acknowledge that sometimes, one good parent (or grandparent) is better than the alternative. In my nephew’s case, it is better for him to be raised by his single grandmother in a loving home than to live in an unstable family.

Nevertheless, messages like “one parent is just as good as two,” or "married parents aren't necessary" are misleading and harmful. Not only does this view of family discount the experiences of men and women, like me, who grew up in loving but broken unmarried families, it also ignores the social science evidence on the best family structure for child well-being.


In fact, the research is clear on the overwhelming benefits of married parenthood for children, as IFS senior fellow W. Bradford Wilcox pointed out on Twitter in response to DePaulo. He tweeted a quote by Sara McLanahan and Isabel Sawhill from The Future of Children, which states, in part: “most scholars now agree that children raised by two biological parents in a stable marriage do better than children in other family forms across a wide range of outcomes...”

[–]IHeartDay91 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

No, its not. On average, two good parents in a low conflict marriage are better for children than a single good parent. Even without things like the extra income, having two adults available for supervision and emotional support is just better. Or at least that's what was taught in my criminal psych course by a progressive instructor at a liberal school. It's been extensively researched. Are there exceptions? Probably. That's how statistical research works. But as a rule, two parents are better than one.

[–]Eastuss༼ つ ▀̿_▀̿ ༽つ0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

impressive how they makes nonsensical arguments to justify this. "bEsT InTeReSt Of ChIlD". It's that exact same reason why men aren't allowed paternity tests in france and germany: men have to let people disrespect them for the sake of another dude's kid.

the only reason women are allowed abortion is because they would butcher themselves to not have the baby. Maybe men should start butcher women who won't abort.

[–][deleted] 2 points3 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

The state COULD (and should) support the child with its own funds, but they're too afraid of riling up the "muh taxes!" crowd.

If the state starts paying for child support, that will be the end game for beta men. Women will get children from alpha men, state will support these kids and beta men will jerk off to porn sitting in a corner with their tears as lubricant.

(Illiberal Leftists have hard time trying to figure out how there's no difference between sexual freedom and free market.)

[–]flamingoinghomeIs three lizards in trench coat6 points7 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

You know, there are countries that actually do have fairly strong state-funded childcare/school/etc., and yet the majority of men in these countries do manage to find partners and have children.

[–]SkrattGoddess1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Can you imagine waking up and living life with this mentality?

[–]Eastuss༼ つ ▀̿_▀̿ ༽つ0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

if the gov really cares then the gov stops rewarding single motherhood, that will solve the problem long term.

[–]__Some_person__-1 points0 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

Using this logic the man should get some of the taxes the kid pays when they grow up since the state is doing jack shit to help

[–]flamingoinghomeIs three lizards in trench coat8 points9 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

Presumably this guy will be on Medicare and Social Security and stuff when he's older? Old people use WAY more tax money than young.

[–]Atlas_B_Shruggin✡️🐈✡️ the purring jew0 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

you have to pay into medicare and social security by working sufficient time

[–]aznphenix0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

Medicare works that way too?

[–]Atlas_B_Shruggin✡️🐈✡️ the purring jew1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link


[–]NeedingAdvice86-1 points0 points  (5 children) | Copy Link

Just exactly what are these states "own funds"?

Do you even know where government gets their funds\revenue\income from? I hope that you are one of those people dense enough to think they just have it or it is what they print in that big building on the corner.

The "muh taxes" crowd are the one fighting to keep the government from just declaring that all your work and the resultant income is the government's property which they know how to spend better than you can decide.

You should be greatful to those people for keeping the US from becoming Cuba or Venezuela....both former anti-"muh taxes" nirvanas that devolved into socialist hellholes.

[–]flamingoinghomeIs three lizards in trench coat2 points3 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

I do not actually live in the United States, although I am an American. Interestingly, I know EXACTLY where the United States government in particular would get this money and I mention it elsewhere on this thread.

The "muh taxes" crowd is far, far less against rampant government fiscal irresponsibility than they believe themselves to be, in my experience. They just really hate poor people.

[–]NeedingAdvice860 points1 point  (3 children) | Copy Link

Then you have not been paying attention.....

Unfortunately for you, you have two choices in the US...the "muh taxes" crowd who wants to limit the amount of the taxes sent to the federal government and hopefully shrink the size of government control and then the other side of thinks that the government should have most of your money which they know how to spend better than you and secretly believe in 100% taxation. Many of your beloved socialists have admitted that they would love to have 100% taxation on income....but know that in the US, that will result in 0% chance of getting elected so they always rant against the "muh taxes" crowd.

Do you think that I know better how to spend your income than you know how to spend it for your own needs? The socialists surely do as do most of the Democrats in 2018.

The worst economic model of the last 2 centuries has been the Lenin\Trotsky\Maoist\communist\socialist model...yet we still have idiots and morons advocating for it today.... surely you don't still believe in such nonsense after so much repeated failure and misery in places like Soviet Russia, Maoist China, Castro Cuba, Chavez Venezuela, and a litany of other unfortunate places.

[–]flamingoinghomeIs three lizards in trench coat4 points5 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

I have yet to see someone who whines about (a tiny proportion of) taxes going to food assistance support scaling back the military. We HAVE the money. We are ALREADY taking it. And I do not see American socialists advocating for "most of" anyone's money (except maybe the inordinately wealthy) going to anyone but them.

Heck, Universal Healthcare, often touted as a socialist nightmare by libertarians, is CHEAPER for everyone than the current American model, and that's not because the government "knows how to spend money better than the people" it's because the government can cut a better deal, especially for a market like healthcare, where demand is SO inelastic.

To say that the only options are "infinitely less" and "infinitely more" is stupid--it's like saying that because dousing your house in gasoline and setting it on fire would be bad, you shouldn't make a fire in the fireplace. Budgets can be reworked and tweaked without descending into madness--almost everyone does so on an individual level all the time. And given that I live in Western Europe, where taxes on the wealthiest are higher, social safety nets are stronger, but communism has certainly not taken over, this seems like this is a plausible option.

[–]NeedingAdvice860 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

"often touted as a socialist nightmare by libertarians, is CHEAPER for everyone than the current American model "

That would be FALSE and nothing but propaganda....

"I live in Western Europe........but communism has certainly not taken over, "

Bhahhahahahhahah, I mean just damn.......Bhahahahahahahahahahahha......I mean come on, I have to point out the obvious......bhahhahahahahhah.

Hint: Do YOU have any idea why communists did NOT take over your little socialist nirvana, Western Europe? I mean if you think real, real hard I think you can figure it out. If you need an additional clue.....think Ramstein Air Base and a host of other US bases across Germany and Europe.

Of course if most of the countries in Western Europe had to pay for their own national security instead of living under the protection and blanket of the mean old evil military complex scary US Armed Forces then they would never have nearly enough funds for your "free healthcare" with it's substandard care which you seem to you love. So in a very real sense, the US taxpayer is already paying a significant portion of all your lovely "free" things with their taxes. You are welcome.

But you do provide a good example...if for whatever reason don't like the US model everyone is free to move to a place they love. I know that millions of Venezuelans are fleeing from the last hero of the American Left's latest socialist hero's, Chavez, nirvana in that poor, unfortunate country. I love it because it brought a very special girl into my life but the destruction to her family and its way of life is terribly sad and horrific. Something which I think she would like to have avoided regardless of our fun. Just a word of warning...don't make the mistake of talking about the glories of "socialism" in her presence, Latinas are pretty emotional and she is liable to claw your eyes out instead of rationally explaining its consequences.

No thanks.....the American model is 100000000x better than that.

[–]flamingoinghomeIs three lizards in trench coat1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link understand that I'm an American born and raised in the United States? It's not like America is this mysterious place to me--heck I still pay US taxes. I'm an expat. And....yeah, the European systems seem to work pretty well. Incidentally, our healthcare is not "substandard" unless you mean that antibiotics are only given out when strictly necessary, so there are fewer resistant strains of various diseases....

And yes, nationalized healthcare would be cheaper. This has been proven time and again. The money you'd spend in taxes would be less than the cost of even lowest-tier health insurance, even if you chose to supplement with private healthcare as well, which many Europeans do.

The British social welfare system, to give an example of European social safety nets, was started by Clement Atlee of the Labour Party after the Second World War--it had nothing to do with communism. Like, you do realize that when communism took over Eastern Europe, it was a complex process that had a lot to do with the fact that people were starving and stupid enough to vote the communists in? They didn't come in with tanks? In South America, yes, military coups were popular, but that came from the right as well as the left--Peron was hardly a leftist.

I live in a country with a fairly significant military, but that said, you seem to be forgetting that I support scaling back the US military to a fairly large degree. Conventional warfare is changing, a LOT, and the US military is a bloated mess. There is absolutely no reason for US troops to be stationed in Germany, and a few tactically-placed missiles plus a mutual defense pact could get the job of defense done just fine for a fraction of the cost (where the defense money really SHOULD be going is into automated surveillance and espionage, but nobody likes to talk about that). This WOULD mean fewer needless adventures in the Middle East, but we must all make sacrifices in these trying times.

[–]MySweetBitch5 points6 points  (24 children) | Copy Link

The man has all the power to not ejaculate inside of the woman in the first place.

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (18 children) | Copy Link

And when she tricks him?

[–]kandyapplezborn in '91 👸 💅0 points1 point  (16 children) | Copy Link

Lol what

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (15 children) | Copy Link

What has you so bizarrely confused?

[–]kandyapplezborn in '91 👸 💅-1 points0 points  (14 children) | Copy Link

how do women trick men into ejaculating inside of them

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (13 children) | Copy Link

“Don’t worry, I’m on the pill. No one likes condoms”

“I’m infertile, and it makes me sad all the time.”

“You didn’t need a condom. I have an iud”

Take your pick. Now you know that women are capable of lying. I know two men personally who were tricked.

[–]kandyapplezborn in '91 👸 💅0 points1 point  (12 children) | Copy Link

all of these scenarios involve him still choosing to and consenting to ejaculate inside of her, everyone knows the risks involved in that. you should never rely on someone else for your own birth control, that is your responsibility.

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (11 children) | Copy Link

Would you say the same if a guy stealthed the condom off?

[–]kandyapplezborn in '91 👸 💅-1 points0 points  (10 children) | Copy Link

no, because that is tricking.

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (8 children) | Copy Link

And telling him he she is on the pill isn’t tricking him? This is A+ mental gymnastics.

[–]themultipotentialist0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Sure! It's not bad when a woman does it. What a bunch of hypocrites.

[–]eyewant😋 grape suppository1 point2 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

Condoms fail.

[–]gamermama0 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

He could just keep it in his pants. No... grown-up boys want "muh sexual freedom" with zero responsibilities. Real men accept the consequences of their actions.

[–]eyewant😋 grape suppository0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

I agree. And that's why I don't do intercourse. Only oral. Also because I think abortion is wrong, and traumatic for both people involved.

[–]gamermama0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

It is.

[–]Eastuss༼ つ ▀̿_▀̿ ༽つ0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

the woman has all the power to not get pregnant, why do women have so many fail safes and alternatives and men don't?

[–]ifelsedowhilelocal cop - cherry top8 points9 points  (20 children) | Copy Link

Blue Pillers and leftists seem to ignore that there's a number of ways a woman can trick a man into an unwanted pregnancy and good luck trying to prove her malicious intent. That's the reason why a man shouldn't be forced to financially support an unwanted child. If women had by default all the financial responsibility for a child, they would be more responsible and take precautions to avoid unplanned pregnancies.

[–]hiilive11 points12 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

If women had by default all the financial responsibility for a child, they would be more responsible and take precautions to avoid unplanned pregnancies.

Like men who now, by default, have half the responsibility? That seems super fool-proof.

[–]OfSpock16 points17 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

It's not that we ignore it, it's that trying to differentiate between an accidental pregnancy and a deliberate one is an almost useless exercise. Also, reproductive coercion is as common the other way, men doing it to women.

[–]SilentLurker6660 points1 point  (3 children) | Copy Link

Also, reproductive coercion is as common the other way, men doing it to women.

Common doesn't equal always. As long as there is paternity fraud and other ways for women to cheat the system; men should be protected.

it's that trying to differentiate between an accidental pregnancy and a deliberate one is an almost useless exercise.

Protecting a person's property, integrity, and not saddle him with financial burden should never be a useless exercise.

[–]idhavetocharge5 points6 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

How do we protect women from coersion? How do you prevent a man from sabotaging a pack of pills or taking off a condom halfway through?

Why is this always a conversation about 'protecting the man' when women get deceived even MORE often than men?

Taking off a condom without consent happens so often that we have a catchy new name for it. They are calling it 'Stealthing'.

[–]mrcs84usnFatty Fat Neck Beard1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

women get deceived even MORE often than men

What kind of data do you have to support THAT claim?

How do we protect women from coersion? How do you prevent a man from sabotaging a pack of pills or taking off a condom halfway through?

Women actually have recourse when it comes to unwanted pregnancy. Abortion, adoption, morning after pill, baby safe havens. So the ways to prevent the pregnancy happening in the first place may be inadequate in your eyes, but women certainly do have options that don't involve a court-sanctioned ass raping while being told to "woman up."

[–]OfSpock0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

I'm quite for men being allowed to do paternity tests.

Okay, what do you do if a woman insists she took the pill but ends up pregnant anyway? How do you tell if that is true or she deliberately got pregnant.

[–]frogsgoribbit73713 points14 points  (7 children) | Copy Link

Women do take precautions to avoid unplanned pregnancies. Fact is thar birth control sometimes fails. More often than you think. The fail rate on birth control is PER YEAR not per lifetime.

Sure, there are scummy people out there that are tricking men into pregnancies, but there are also scummy people out there tricking women into pregnancies. Its not a one gender thing.

And don't even get me started on men who won't wear condoms and then complain about having financial responsibilty and how women should take more precautions.

It takes two to create a baby. No one parent should be solely responsible.

[–]ifelsedowhilelocal cop - cherry top4 points5 points  (5 children) | Copy Link

The woman can still opt out through abortion or adoption while men don't have these options, that's the difference that justifies default financial non responsibility for men unless the two are married. Women have all the rights given that they bear the burden of pregnancy but they should also have all the responsibilities.

[–]idhavetocharge9 points10 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

Abortion may be legal but it is still far from ACCESSIBLE for a lot of women. My nearest clinic is a seven hour drive. They have a two day wait, you have to make an appointment to discuss abortion, then come back two days later for the procedure, which you are not allowed to drive yourself home from.

This makes it impossible for the vast majority of low income women. Very few women could make that drive, spend the money on hotel rooms, miss days of work ( hahaha I would lose my job if I took a week off, which is what this requires)

And are you really that delusional? Adoption requires BOTH parents consent. You would be shocked how many guys don't want the kid, don't want to be a parent, don't want to pay a single penny for the child... but absolutely refuse to sign adoption papers. Mostly because of religious pressure from family.

[–]ifelsedowhilelocal cop - cherry top0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

Not in all states the father's consent is required.

As for abortion being difficult, that's because women who make 51% of the electorate, vote for politicians who legislate against it. If women were unanimously pro-choice, that would change things but you can't just blame society, you need to take responsibility for your voting choices.

[–]aznphenix2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

you need to take responsibility for your voting choices.

How should a woman take responsibility for other women's voting choices?

[–]SkrattGoddess7 points8 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Why should a man have 'these options' over another human's body? I don't understand your point.

[–]ifelsedowhilelocal cop - cherry top2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Men should have the option of financial abort.

[–]SkrattGoddess9 points10 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

And men with brain cells can avoid this 'trick' by wrapping it up. It takes little to no IQ points to do that.

[–]ifelsedowhilelocal cop - cherry top2 points3 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

She can poke holes in a condom. I wonder whether you're just clueless or you actually hate men to the point of having zero empathy towards them.

[–]SkrattGoddess1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

XD Poke holes? You're purposely choosing worst case scenarios

[–]SilentLurker6662 points3 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

I'll say there's a slight improvement in the States regarding this situation, but the Laws are still bias against men in this regard. For example if a man was already "acting in the father role" but then found out that he's not the biological father... he cannot bail out of Child support. Also paternity test is outright illegal in the EU.

[–]sublimemongrelBecky, Esq.1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

You are talking about imputed paternity statutes I believe. There are various ways, it depends on the state. But essentially yes there is a statute of limitations - as with many other laws - for which he can contest paternity. Which is why I always say there should be a discovery rule (although that would still come with a host of problems).

As to European paternity testing I thought that was just France but the last time I said that on this sub like some European person told me that’s not true - they aren’t illegal - just harder to obtain or something.

[–]idhavetocharge2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Its not only women that decieve in order to have a pregnancy. I think most women run into 'that guy' that 'can't have kids due to an accident' that also refuses to wear condoms. Its pretty damn common. As a matter of fact, here on reddit, every person uses condoms religiously. Out in the real world I haven't yet found any guys that are willing to use condoms. I have had to walk away from lots of people that completely refused protection.

And lets not forget, pills fail. You can take them on a strict schedule and not miss a single one... and still pregnancy happens. No birth control is 100% effective. Condoms tear, IUD's fall out, they ALL have failure rates.

No matter what, accidental pregnancy happens and men need to also take responsibility.

[–]azngirl76897 points8 points  (13 children) | Copy Link

It takes two to make a baby. Wear a condom if you do not want children. Sorry I’m being harsh but I find attempts to dodge child support so distasteful. You broke it? You buy it.

[–]warlords203Purple Pill Man[S] 7 points8 points  (11 children) | Copy Link

What does that mean exactly. That women are products on a she where they don't have a responsibility . If that's the mentality that people have why even bother having a discussion when people are going to say "it's your fault"

[–]azngirl76898 points9 points  (10 children) | Copy Link

It’s both the peoples fault. She is responsible too but I’m sick of manosphere guys who want to fuck lots of women and also not pay child support for the women they inevitably impregnate. News flash- sex makes babies! When you fuck someone you agree to possibly have a baby. End of story. Birth control isn’t and will never be perfect.

[–]warlords203Purple Pill Man[S] 5 points6 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

That's not true. When you have sex with someone it can be simply for the sex . I'm saying that if two people need to make a baby and the lady says I want to keep it . Why should the man pay for it . He has no control on whether the baby will be born if the lady insists on it . If a man doesn't want a baby and the lady insists on it out of her own needs . Why should another person have to bear that burden when a lady wants it

[–]Willow-girlProud 2 B an American farmer7 points8 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

When you have sex with someone it can be simply for the sex .

Biology says otherwise. Sperm + egg = baby if the timing is right. Most of us learned this around fifth grade.

[–]GridReXXit be like that7 points8 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Wow. Men actually think that.

Maybe it’s because since puberty I’ve been acutely Aware that I could get pregnant.

Or even that sex could bring disease.

But I’ve never ever in my life believed that sex was this risk-free entitlement.

Men actually think it is. Crazy.

[–]SkookumTreeRomantic relationships aren't necessary for happiness!7 points8 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I think it’s because men aren’t read the riot act early and often about the risks of sex and the responsibility fathers bear. In fact, we sort of lionize casual sex. If fathers found out their 16 year old sons were having sex and then went ballistic because there’s no way he could support a child? Said that condoms could break and 16 year old girls might forget their birth control? Shit would be different.

[–]slipstream8081 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Sure but by that logic if someone gets into a car accident that wasn't their fault they can't complain because "that was the risk of getting into their car that day"?

[–]themultipotentialist1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

When you fuck someone you agree to possibly have a baby.

By this principle, we should terminate all access to abortion.

[–][deleted] -2 points-1 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

If you are a women if you get pregnant that’s on you don’t let him fuck you raw

[–]bluepy672 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

You do understand not all birth control is 100%, right? Not any birth control, even surgical sterilization. I suppose a hysterectomy is 100%, but that's it.

[–]azngirl76893 points4 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

What about the guys who whine but baaaaaaaabe condoms are sooooo uncomfortable and too small for my monster dong. I’ll pull out I promise!

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

I’m saying if they act like that don’t fuck em

[–]SkrattGoddess1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

You don't have to apologize.

[–]AutoModeratorMarried to MRS_DRgree[M] 1 point2 points  (3 children) | Copy Link


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[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

ITT: Lots of people who don't know the entire purpose of Clinton's welfare reform.

[–]Atlas_B_Shruggin✡️🐈✡️ the purring jew2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

yeh lol its actually cute. i just commented something to this effect

[–]killallthenarcs0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

why should a man pay child support for a decision of a woman?

Well, I don't particularly feel like debating abortion or child support right now, but I do think it does take pointing out that when unwanted conception has occurred, the result of TAKING NO DECISION AT ALL is a baby as is the result of JUST NOT NOTICING WHAT IS GOING ON UNTIL TOO LATE.

[–]Willow-girlProud 2 B an American farmer5 points6 points  (21 children) | Copy Link

He decided to make a baby when he blew a load into a fertile woman.

Next question?

[–]themultipotentialist5 points6 points  (12 children) | Copy Link

He decided to make a baby when he blew a load into a fertile woman.

She decided to make a baby when she had sex. Terminate abortion rights?

[–]azngirl76893 points4 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

All I’m hearing is: waaaaaaaah i hate consequences I wannna nut wherever I want! AMALT.....

[–]themultipotentialist0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

"Waaaah! I want to work peacefully at my work but all these men want to keep hitting on me and I'm traumatized!"

EDIT: Don't shame someone for having sex.

[–]Willow-girlProud 2 B an American farmer2 points3 points  (8 children) | Copy Link

The man's decision can't be undone -- he can't put the baby batter back in his ballsack! -- but the woman's can; she can choose to terminate the pregnancy. Perhaps that isn't "fair," but biology isn't concerned with fairness. (If life were "fair," each partner would carry the fetus for 4-1/2 months, and get an equivalent amount of morning sickness and stretch marks. Perhaps they could flip a coin to determine who has to undergo childbirth?)

[–]themultipotentialist1 point2 points  (7 children) | Copy Link

The man's decision can't be undone -- he can't put the baby batter back in his ballsack! -- but the woman's can

Wrong. It can. If she terminates the pregnancy.

Perhaps that isn't "fair,"

Yes. It isn't air-quotes fair. Which is why the woman gets to decide whether or not there exists a baby. So when a man really wants the kid to exist, he has absolutely no chance of having it if she chooses to terminate. I have no problem with this part of unfairness.

What's wrong is that a woman can choose to have the baby against the man's wishes and then expect him to pay for HER decision. She wants the right to choose to be a parent or not, but when it comes to the responsibility, all of a sudden she's helpless and needs money. Fucking hypocrites.

[–]Willow-girlProud 2 B an American farmer1 point2 points  (6 children) | Copy Link

Wrong. It can. If she terminates the pregnancy.

I meant that he can't undo his decision. (I do not think men should be able to force a woman to undergo an abortion against her will.)

Look, guys, just use a condom, OK? And/or have sex in some way that doesn't involve ejaculation near the vagina. It's really not that difficult to prevent pregnancy; I've been doing it for 35+ years now, lol.

[–]themultipotentialist0 points1 point  (5 children) | Copy Link

It's really not that difficult to prevent pregnancy; I've been doing it for 35+ years now, lol.

It's really not difficult to not get sexually harassed; I've never been harassed for a few years now.

I do not think men should be able to force a woman to undergo an abortion against her will

But you're perfectly okay to extort money from unwilling men.

[–]Willow-girlProud 2 B an American farmer-1 points0 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

A man expresses his willingness to be a father when he has PIV sex with a fertile woman. Don't want to take the risk? Don't ejaculate in/near a vagina. (Take note that no one is saying you can't engage in sexual activity; just keep the baby batter away from the oven. Seems simple enough, eh?)

[–]themultipotentialist1 point2 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

A man expresses his willingness to be a father when he has PIV sex with a fertile woman. Don't want to take the risk? Don't ejaculate in/near a vagina.

A woman expresses her willingness to be a mother when she has PIV sex with a man with good swimmers. Let's abolish abortion?

[–]Willow-girlProud 2 B an American farmer0 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

Just because a man can't undo his decision, we should take away a woman's ability to do so? Why? To make it "fair"? In that case it's only fair that we should expect the man to gestate the fetus for 4-1/2 months and chestfeed it half the time. Right? (Which is to say ... sometimes biology simply isn't "fair.")

[–]themultipotentialist0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

Just because a man can't undo his decision

He can. By not paying for a decision that he didn't make (which is "carrying the bunch of cells in her body to term")

[–]genethedog0 points1 point  (7 children) | Copy Link

Even of this "he was 50/50 in the making" doesn't explain how he then gets to pay way more than 50/50 to her to raise it for 18 years where she has full control and he has none.

If the roles were reversed women would understand that making an orgasm cost a man 100k when there's a great change she tricked him or never used any of the dozens of birth control options available to her.

[–]Willow-girlProud 2 B an American farmer1 point2 points  (6 children) | Copy Link

I believe the average child support payment in the U.S. is around $400 a month, so I seriously doubt most men are paying "way more than 50/50." That amount wouldn't even cover daycare in most places!

[–]genethedog-1 points0 points  (5 children) | Copy Link

Ok fine. How about paying $400/month and still never getting to see them (unless she needs something: more money) or make any decisions? That make the deal any more bitter for ya? What about the smear campaign she engaged in and the lies she told the court to have it arranged like this?

This isn't new. It always sounds so cut and dry in court, but this is the standard move, not the exception.

[–]Willow-girlProud 2 B an American farmer0 points1 point  (4 children) | Copy Link

I believe something like half the states now have laws that assume joint custody unless there are mitigating factors (and that's a good thing, IMO). As far as the "smear campaign and lies" -- that's pretty good incentive to be very careful about who you have sex with. That doesn't mean that you can't have some fun, but if you don't know a girl well enough to trust her, don't put the baby batter in the oven, eh?

[–]genethedog0 points1 point  (3 children) | Copy Link

I really wish this was as simple sounding as you write it. I really do. But there are a LOT of great actresses out there, I'm sure you must realize that. And even if you trust her all to hell and she's using birth control (which is so virtually 100% that I would believe a miracle pregnancy even less than the Jesus story.)

The thing about your take on this is that you're not wrong. You are looking at it from a high level just like a court would. In the circumstances in my example above, the court has no other choice. The judge would have a guy and a girl before the court. Both could testify that birth control was taken properly. Girl wants to keep baby. Guy doesn't. It could be that the judge believes them that the birth control was taken properly so they both had the reasonable expectation that it was going to work. The judge may also be content that both parties had discussed the matter of birth control and therefore were acting in a responsible manner.

In such a case, very few couples would have the 'what if she still gets pregnant' conversation because both had more than a reasonable expectation that the pill would perform as expected. However, even if they did and she said she'd abort/adopt, that doesn't preclude her from changing her mind except that now the guy has absolutely no control and neither does the court. Neither the court or the guy can force her to do anything at this point.

However, at this point, there's no going back... there's still the 'problem' that there is a baby to take care of.

The 'argument' then becomes "well, you both knew there was a small (very small) risk that this might happen and decided to fuck anyway." It's not even like the judge likes it but the judge can only deal with the existing problem and must wrap this up because it's not like the judge is then going to make a judgement against the birth control company. So they only thing he can do is make a judgement that both parties are going to have to handle the responsibility or raising the baby and so a judgement for child support is made.

Did she 'plan' it that way? We can't say and the guy can't prove it. Even if they wrote down in a contract that she would abort/adopt if she got pregnant, the judge still can't make her do that. And perhaps the judge would think 'damn, they really did take every precaution, but i can't force an abortion, and although there was only a tiny chance of this happening, it did and there's no going back... so should I dismiss her claim of child support from the father?"

Well that's interesting too because, let's face it, most people are broke. It's not as if she's some rich CEO. If she doesn't get the support, life for her and child would be very difficult and maybe even dangerous so I'm still going to make this guy pay something"

And there you have it?

I understand making the argument short and sweet like Judge Judy "It takes 2 to tango!" but it does always sound like the guy is trying to have his cake and eat it too, when really it's the other way around.

Women have at least a dozen options for birth control. Men have a condom or abstinence. So it's quite reasonable for the woman to assume the responsibility for birth control. The whole "he shouldn't be fucking if he doesn't want a baby" is a shaming tactic and it works because there's a nugget of truth there. But even after covering all the bases, he can still get burned by an irresponsible women that doesn't do what she says she's going to do. And let's not pretend that women have ever been particularly strong in the 'honour' department. Especially once the situation changes and her body is screaming at her to have a baby.

Tyranny is the deliberate removal of nuance. All of these situations have nuance and context that, although mitigating, can't erase the problem at hand. The problem being that, no matter what she said, she's changed her mind and there's nothing anyone can do about it. And it's THAT that isn't fair to the man.

[–]Willow-girlProud 2 B an American farmer0 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

Everyone knows the risks, though. If you absolutely DO NOT WANT, under any circumstances, to be a father, don't ejaculate via PIV sex. I'm not saying don't have sex altogether; just enjoy some variation that doesn't come with the possibility of pregnancy.

[–]genethedog0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

LOL Willow-girl goes there!

[–]Willow-girlProud 2 B an American farmer0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Well, it just makes sense. No?

BTW, this also applies to women -- if you definitely don't want to be a mother and aren't comfortable with the thought of having an abortion, don't allow any baby batter in your oven. Seems simple enough!

[–]TheMedsPedsBlue Pill Woman1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Should abortion be legal? Uh yeah, of course.

Should men have to pay child support? Depends. I think a man should be able to file legal papers during the pregnancy if he has no wish to be a father, surrendering any paternal rights and responsibilities. So if a man that is married or domestically living with the mother of his child and when the kid is 2 he decides: you know what? This sucks, I am going get a bachelor pad and fuck 19-year-olds and act like this whole "family" thing never happened, he doesn't get a get-out-of-jail-free card. He still has to pay the chid support.

The difference is a woman can opt out of pregnancy and motherhood before the fetus is born and granted personhood, the man should be able to as well. He's got 9 months to ponder if he wants to be a dad, that's plenty time.

[–]SkrattGoddess2 points3 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

It was his decision to sleep with her. She didn't just spit out a baby. He gave it to her. Next question?

[–]warlords203Purple Pill Man[S] 3 points4 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

So you're saying theres equal responsibility then that should mean that the men has an equal vote on whether the baby should be born

[–]SkrattGoddess7 points8 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

No. Your time's already over, buddy! The responsibility for men is in the beginning when they either get a vasectomy or wear a condom. After that it's up to us. So if the woman decides to have the baby, it's your responsibility to hand over the funds. Sorry!

[–]Willow-girlProud 2 B an American farmer2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Yup! And it's not like this is a secret, either.

[–]entertainerthird0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

This isnt an argument it's just laying out the current reality of things, which everyone already knows

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

I think a man should be able to opt out especially if he voiced he did want a kid early in their pregnancy or relationship

[–]wtknightGen X Slacker0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Because much of society think that it's a greater harm for children once they are born to only be supported on one income and not two.

[–]Aggressive_BetaBeta Male0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

He doesn’t unless he signs the birth certificate agreeing to be the legal parent

[–]genethedog0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

All she needs is a name. Worst case, a DNA test. Signing or not signing doesn't change that.

[–]pentakiller190 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

He shouldn't.

[–]Transmigratory0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

That's interesting. Morally it makes no sense, especially if the man doesn't want the child.

[–]RcktDoctor0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

It's the law's underhanded way of not admitting women can't be held responsible for their actions. That's the job of men, to protect civilization from the feral, savage nature of female pride and selfishness. Also, they have an insane addiction to buying shoes. It is well documented that the Roman empire fell due to the female shoe fetish. Prove me wrong!

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

This has nothing to do with PPD.

[–]sublimemongrelBecky, Esq.0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

It’s nevertheless a common topic here but yeah it feels more political, MRA-y.

[–]YaAmar-4 points-3 points  (32 children) | Copy Link

because as soon as his genetic material enters her body it becomes her propety, and as such she can expect to get paid for it. In any case, guys should get their sperm frozen in their early 20s and then get a vasectomy, for maximum safety. Of course if the guy is a red piller there is no need to keep himself from getting a woman pregnant because there's no chance of that happening.

[–]grimsolem4 points5 points  (11 children) | Copy Link

it becomes her propety, and as such she can expect to get paid for it.

This makes no sense; she should be paid because she his genetic material becomes her property? That's not how a monetary exchange normally works.

Personally, I support the state argument... Not that I think it's ideal, either. But often, men will promise to help take care of a child before/during the pregnancy (and thus convince the woman to keep it), then bail on their responsibility. How can the legal system know?

[–]YaAmar-2 points-1 points  (10 children) | Copy Link

Do people have a right to shoot those who trespass their property?

Yes. Do women have the right to do with whatever enters their property, which is what their body is, their own propety? Yes.

Honestly, I find the whole woman and man get together and have a baby to be outdated and dumb as shit. Give women enough money to support a baby on her own, take her to the finest sperm bank in the world -> have her get pregnant with some high quality sperm, and bam, guys are free of having to pay child-support.

[–]grimsolem3 points4 points  (9 children) | Copy Link

Do people have a right to shoot those who trespass their property?



No, they don't; that's murder, FYI. Honestly, you're so nonsensical that I fear I've engaged a troll. This will be my last reply.

Give women enough money to support a baby on her own

Having a child is voluntary. Reasonable social welfare is one thing, but in reality we can't just give free money to people because they decided to not use birth control and bring a child they can't care for into this world instead of being a responsible human being.

And what if the man can't afford to have this money taken (re: stolen) from him for this baby? Does the government pay for it? When you graduate high school in a few years and hopefully start paying taxes, your opinions on all this might change.

[–]jax006Wants to bang ~20% of PPD chicks2 points3 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

I fear I've engaged a troll

Ding ding ding!

[–]YaAmar-2 points-1 points  (6 children) | Copy Link


That's how it works. People who own property are legally free to shoot to death those who enter their lands without an invitation, as it should be. In the same vein, any genetic material that enters a woman becomes part of her ownership. If she wants to give birth to the baby, that's her right. If she wants to give the baby for adoption, that's only on her aswell.

And what if the man can't afford to have this money taken (re: stolen) from him for this baby? Does the government pay for it? When you graduate high school in a few years and hopefully start paying taxes, your opinions on all this might change.

Was he raped? Did someone force him to have sex? Men know there's always risk involved in having sex. If they want to have sex they have to be ready to pay up for a least 18 years. Or they can go to a brothel, or hire an escort, or hit up a local camigrl who fucks for money. OH, RIGHT. AMERICA LAND OF THE FREE.

When you graduate high school in a few years and hopefully start paying taxes, your opinions on all this might change.

I'm an old man. I'm 28 years old. And I'm not American so what American taxpayers are paying is of no concern to me LOL. Men who can't afford having children shouldn't be having sex at all. Make it that only rich men can have sex and all of your taxpaying money doesn't go to single mothers


[–]PlzSavePolarBears 1 points [recovered]  (5 children) | Copy Link

28 is old?????? Yikes

[–]YaAmar-1 points0 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

Yes. Men hit their sexual peak, they achieve the highest mountains in their natural beauty at the age of 21. Then it's all downhill from there, and women are the same way. They are at their most sexually attractive when they are 15 to 19.

[–]PlzSavePolarBears 1 points [recovered]  (3 children) | Copy Link

You still have a solid 50 years of life left haha 28 isn't old.

[–]YaAmar-1 points0 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

Living like a moving mummy is not living at all. It's death. Slow, terrible death. When you can no longer attract attractive 18 year old girls - that's death, and you can only do that for as long as you remain young, or youthful, or lucky as shit.

Ideally, I would like to go back to being 18 years old, and I would trade a life expectancy of say 90 years, to spend at least 40 years looking and feeling and being as healthy as only a 18 year old man can be.

[–]PlzSavePolarBears 1 points [recovered]  (1 child) | Copy Link

Ahh. Troll. Got it.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (10 children) | Copy Link

If I enter a house of my friend it becomes my property. Makes sense

[–]YaAmar1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

How about reading what I wrote? WITHOUT AN INVITATION. And there's a world of difference between a guy you go out with to wingman for, and some random dude you have never seen before in your life, no?

[–]fashi0n4ble0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

No, no, if you enter your friend's house YOU become THEIR property.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

technicalities, but yeah, equally insane premise

[–]SkrattGoddess0 points1 point  (6 children) | Copy Link


[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (5 children) | Copy Link

as soon as his genetic material enters her body it becomes her propety

Obviously logic isn't strong woman's trait

[–]SkrattGoddess0 points1 point  (4 children) | Copy Link

You seriously can't see the difference between walking in somebody's house and claiming it, and two consenting adults having sex and one getting pregnant?

You seriously don't see a difference??? And talking to me about LOGIC?

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (3 children) | Copy Link

you seriously can't comprehend analogies, that's one thing for sure

[–]SkrattGoddess0 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

No, YOU can't comprehend them. There's a difference and you know it. You're just trying to make it more dramatic on our end. YOUR analogy describes a woman raping a man and asking for child support. That's what 'walking in someone's house' entails.

And what does that 'strong woman' part mean? I skipped over it.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

One time I used to believe in conspiracy theories about Moon landing being fake. I came home from school and my mom said "Jimmy, where have you been?" and I said "well, my teacher Ms. Carol said that taxes are the price we pay for society". And then I look through window and saw huge snowball in a parking lot and somehow Evolution was proven to be not just hypothesis but a fact. Weird, I tell ya!

[–]SkrattGoddess0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link


[–]SkrattGoddess0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

LOL the roast in that last sentence!

[–]YaAmar0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Just tell Gordon Ramsay to hire me when Thanksgiving season comes aight.

[–]darksoldierkPurple Pill0 points1 point  (6 children) | Copy Link

because as soon as his genetic material enters her body it becomes her propety, and as such she can expect to get paid for it.

How exactly do you think business transactions work? Do you think that because you own something, you are entitled to money? How old are you? DO you own a house? Let me ask you, how many people do you know that own a house where the house pays them because they own it. In 99% of cases, people pay to own the house. By your logic, if the sperm becomes her property, then SHE should pay HIM.

Also, when someone gets money, they have to provide something. Child support is closer to charity than any other transaction in the world. The man pays and he gets nothing in return. The women gets money, and gives nothing back to the man. At least charity is by choice, but with child support the man is being forced to give his resources to the woman. So I guess child support is closer to slavery in today's world than anything else.

[–]YaAmar0 points1 point  (5 children) | Copy Link

How exactly do you think business transactions work? Do you think that because you own something, you are entitled to money?

Yes, if I own a house and I'm renting it - I'm owned money. Men want sex.

Well, pussy is the most valuable asset on this earth, it has infinite value. She's owned money for access to it. The guy wants to have sex?

He has to pay. Either in the time he spends talking to the girl charming her and making her want to sleep with him, the money and effort he puts on his wardrobe, shoes, hair, grooming, and body, or in the amount of money he spends on a prostitute when he visits a brothel.

So, if a man is having sex there's always the risk that he's going to end up paying 18 years old child-support. Maybe she's not on the pill. Maybe the condom broke.

Maybe she's fertile as fuck and it doesn't matter how many precautions they took. His genetic material is inside of her? It's hers now, it belongs to her.

She has the right to abort if she so wishes to. She has the right to give birth to the kid and raise it and expect 18 years of child-support(and I hope she sues him for college money) and she has the right to give the baby u up for adoption.

He has absolutely no right to tell her what she should do, what she must do with the baby. Women must have the freedom to do whatever they want.

DO you own a house?

Yes, I inherited a house mortgage-free at the age of 18 from a great-uncle who died without children.

How old are you?

I'm a very old man. I'm twenty-eight years old.

Let me ask you, how many people do you know that own a house where the house pays them because they own it. In 99% of cases, people pay to own the house. By your logic, if the sperm becomes her property, then SHE should pay HIM.

hahahahaha, that's not how it works. Houses can last for centuries, they pay for themselves because they are going to harbor many, many human lives, sheltering them and providing for them a comfortable and safe life from the harshness of the elements, and from other men. my great grandmother's house is eight hundred years old. The house payed for itself the work and the money it took for my ancestors to buy the land and to build the house.

A man paying 18 years of child-support is a drop in the water. It's money very well spent. It's far better to spend it on the raising of a new human life than in say, wasting it on tobacco or video games or cars.

Don't you people care about the survival of your civilization? Demographics is king, without it civilizations die. Think of it, think of men paying child-support for the babies that they didn't want, as an extremely important contribut to the continuous survival of a thousand years old civilization +

And men should pay more and more taxes to help support single mothers, and they should be proud of that, because they do want their culture and history and traditions to survive another century and another century, and another century, no?

By your logic, if the sperm becomes her property, then SHE should pay HIM.

A woman should never pay a man for anything. It runs against biology. Lemme see. Do women pay for dates? Do women pay for condoms? Do women pay for sex? Do women pay to flirt with you? Do women pay to buy a ring to propose to you? Do women pay for the wedding? Do women pay for the house? Do women pay to make babies with you? Do women pay to pursue men?

Who pays? That's right.

Pay-up, because that's what men are born to do, as women are infinitely more important than men are. I have no idea why men would complain about paying, it's like a race horse complaining that his masters expect him to race. Men should pay just for the honour and privilege of being near women, even if those women are not family ,friends or wives of them. That's how it was for most of the time mankind has been alive, and that's how it still is in many, many regions of this earth.

Also, when someone gets money, they have to provide something. Child support is closer to charity than any other transaction in the world. The man pays and he gets nothing in return.

Seriously? The vast majority of the men who've ever lived did not get to reproduce. How is he not being provided with something by paying child-support?

He is given the opportunity to have his bloodline live forever by having a child. Who knows, maybe his son will become the next Cristiano Ronaldo. What man wouldn't be thrilled to be given the opportunity ot create a Chad? An Apex King Chad?

Doesn't matter if he never gets to see the kid. What's important is that he has one shot, one opportunity to make it all count, to make all of the countless millions of men who died without children to weep in envy.

At least charity is by choice, but with child support the man is being forced to give his resources to the woman. So I guess child support is closer to slavery in today's world than anything else.

Try being a woman in Sharia Law Egypt and then come back at me and say child support is closer to slavery in today's world lmao.

Anyway, that's how it works, yes. Men are meant and expected to give their resources to women. That's how it's been since the first Homo sapiens walked this earth. If you guys don't like the natural order of life, there's always pornography, your hands, and a lot of fucking lube. Women create and nurture and give birth to life. Men are easily replaceable.

[–]darksoldierkPurple Pill0 points1 point  (4 children) | Copy Link

You know, I was going to respond to this, but I"m pretty sure you posted this as a joke. No one is this moronic.

[–]YaAmar0 points1 point  (3 children) | Copy Link

No one is this moronic.

It seems you aren't aware of the red pill men and women and the purple budget red pillers, if you believe that.

In any case, yes. Men have always had to pay for women. Free Pussy ain't free, so, get ready to pay child-support if a woman gets pregnant. Don't want to risk it? Keep it in yer pants.

[–]darksoldierkPurple Pill0 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

I don't have to pay shit. I have a list of countries where where marital law doesn't have jurisdiction. I have enough savings to live like a king for the rest of my life in those countries. The minute she says "I'm pregnant" is the minute I buy a plane ticket and disappear. I imagine if your mentality is the norm, many more men will take the same avenue.

And yeah, egypt is definitely one of the contenders. If women's mentality is "fuck men" then men's mentality is going to shift to "Fuck women".

[–]YaAmar0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

What a lovely human being. Getting women pregnant if it happens and then running away because for ''men'' paying for their own kids is the same as modern slavery. Muh masculinity wants to have fun and not take responsability, but it's women who are childish and the oldest teenager in the house.

Someone should tell the Chinese children who're stuck working 12+ hours a day in a factory for pennies that they are living in a land of freedom and peace, because they aren't paying child-support.

No wonder the red pill is met with disgust and contempt whenever it's mentioned outside of the PPD or TRP. Most people on reddit have at least some common decency and humanity, both which TRP and the purple pill and the black pill lack.

You wouldn't last a day in Egypt. Muslim men like white men as much as red pillers and company like women.

[–]darksoldierkPurple Pill0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

I'm behaving in the way that women behave when they force men to pay without giving them equal custody and choice to abort. If I am not given the choice to abort in the proper way, I'll make a way.

Someone should tell the Chinese children who're stuck working 12+ hours a day in a factory for pennies that they are living in a land of freedom and peace, because they aren't paying child-support.

That's not men's problem, it stopped becoming men's problem when abortion became a thing. If there are children around the world that are suffering, it isn't because men aren't paying, it's because women are choosing to bring children that they can't support into this world.

You wouldn't last a day in Egypt. Muslim men like white men as much as red pillers and company like women.

Buddy, I lived 4 years in iraq, 2 years in syria, a year in lebonan and a year in dubai. I've also lived in london, germany, canada and the US, the arabic countries are perfect countries for white men to escape the bias in "civilized" countries' marital law. Those countries are like a second home to me. Arabic people LOVE white people, I know so many white men there, and so many muslims too. I had no problems getting laid there, by both married and single "Muslim" women.

Ps. by the way, I'm not against paying for child support, I'm just saying that child support needs to be capped at the average cost of raising a child and needs to be prorated by the number of days that each parent gets to be with their children. If average cost of raising a child is $1,200 a month, and I only get custody of the kids every other weakends, then my payments should never exceed 1200 * (2 days/weekend*26 biweekends/year)/365 days per year= $170/month. Give me the same rights as the mother (right to abort, equal time with the child) and I'll pay the child support. Equality's equality, right?

[–]RockinSocksII25F poiple INTP - Not single, Eastuss needs to know this-1 points0 points  (5 children) | Copy Link

He shouldn't have to if he was against it from the get go and truly wants nothing to do with the kid..

But the usual argument is that the kid didn't choose to be born or something.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (4 children) | Copy Link

But the mom chose definitely

[–]RockinSocksII25F poiple INTP - Not single, Eastuss needs to know this1 point2 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

Right, but child support is meant to be for the child, not the mom.

[–]darksoldierkPurple Pill0 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

Okay, I urge you to compare the average child support payments with the cost of raising the average child. The last time I compare, there was a difference of about $200 per month. That $200 per month, over 18 years, at an ROI of about 3% works out to be over 180k. If the average cost of raising a child is $600 per month per parent, and child support is $800 per month, the extra $200 is going to the mom. Child support is modern day's reallocation of income from men to women. It's men being forced into their traditional roles of giving women their resources.

[–]RockinSocksII25F poiple INTP - Not single, Eastuss needs to know this0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

I don't disagree with you. I was just pointing out that is often the justification used.

To pick your brain though, would it be okay in your book to give the $600 a month directly to the mom to be used on behalf of the kid and then the extra $200 be placed in a college fund / trust fund that could only be used by the kid?

[–]darksoldierkPurple Pill0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

No, I wouldn't be okay with that. First of all, for that to happen, then the mother would also have to contribute $200 a month into the trust/college fund for a total of $400/month in order for it to be fair. Second, parents aren't obligated to pay for their children's education. What I mean by that is, the law doesn't force non-divorced couples to save for their children's education, so why should it forced divorced couples to? And third, the logistics of forced educational funds would be very complex that an disproportional amount of the money would be spent on trustees and lawyers. What would happen if the child chooses to not go to university? Would the child get the money outright? If that's the case, then the fund wouldn't be for education, it would be a reallocation of income within our society between two adults (the parents and the adult child). I generally think that it's wrong to force someone to pay someone else without also forcing the existence of consideration.

[–]warlords203Purple Pill Man[S] -5 points-4 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

My belief is that if a man has no say in whether a woman can terminate or keep it. Why should the women be allowed to have a descision over his finance. If a woman wants the child it's a shared responsibility but if she doesn't want to it's her choice. Seems kind of hypocritical don't you think

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