
~ archived since 2018 ~



[–]AuvergnatRed Pill Man29 points30 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

I am a red pill man and I 100% approve of this message.

Example 1: "Women divorce or deadbedroom their husbands because they were never really attracted to him to begin with."

Notice the assumption that the woman's attraction is constant over time. If she isn't attracted now, then she never was attracted to him to begin with. Notice that the alternative, i.e. her attraction changed due to changing circumstances, is never given any consideration.

I don't think I am the only redpill-aware man who believes women often manage to marry a man they are attracted to, who slowly but surely becomes unattractive, principally due to her incessant manipulation at getting him to provide for her only. It's a process we call "betaization" and that's been red pill knowledge for a while. I think your view of "redpill men believe women marry men they were never attracted with" is somehow of a strawman fallacy. Sure there are girls who settle for an unattractive man because they settled too late, but that's definitely not the majority of women and I doubt that's what a majority of redpillers think.

Example 2: "Women fuck hot, sexy men in their youth, then settle for a boring beta."

Notice that again, the assumption is that women's sexual preferences are constant over time. Men are sexually attracted to 20 year old women their whole lives, so they assume that women are also sexually attracted to the same type of man their whole lives. Notice it is never considered that what women are sexually attracted to changes over time.

I don't see how that example illustrates the assumption of constant female sexual preference. About your comment, I must say I never made the assumption that a 17 years old girl crushing on One Direction will become a 47 years old woman crushing on One Direction, and I never saw anyone on TRP making that assumption, and if they do, they're definitely idiots.

Example 3: "Once women sleep with Chad, she will never be satisfied with a different man who is not equally as alpha."

Again, this assumes that her sexual preferences are fixed in time. If she was really into a type of guy once, she will want him for all time. It is not considered that she was attracted to that man in that specific context, but is not attracted to him outside that context. Ancedotally, I know several men who still pine over their ex, but only one woman, and she never even slept with him.

The example is truly what we think but your interpretation of why we think that way is off. We're not assuming female sexual preferences are constant to explain that phenomenon, we invoke her own estimation of her own value. If she's been with a 10 Hot guy, she values herself as a 10 hot babe, and therefore anything below that is unsatisfying. It's a bit simplistic but the gist is hard to deny. And by the way, men work like this too.

Example 4: "Women are all attracted to the top 10% of men."

This one has fallen out of fashion somewhat, but there are still a few stragglers that believe this. Men are almost universally attracted to beautiful women, and the more beautiful the better. In constrast, the type of men a woman likes depends on her social group and situation. She likes the top men, but the top of what depends very much on her particular preferences and situation. Again, the mistake is assuming that female sexuality is as fixed as male sexuality.

This one I like, because it falls right in line with my own comments on TRP about value being context-dependent. Everything but your last sentence I wholly agree with and often encourage on the TRP sub. Men need to find the social context in which they can reach the top 10%. Similarly, that's why I always try to stay in a context that is in my favor, doing activities I excel at, and going out in contexts where I am near the top of the hierarchy.

Overall, I think your post would look great on TRP itself to teach some of the newbies of the subtlety of women's attraction being dependent on context. Although your view of redpillers somehow believing that women's sexual preferences is fixed is a bit unwarranted (at least to my knowledge of the sub).

[–]exit_sandmanstill not the MGTOW sandman FFS12 points13 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Great response.

About your comment, I must say I never made the assumption that a 17 years old girl crushing on One Direction will become a 47 years old woman crushing on One Direction, and I never saw anyone on TRP making that assumption, and if they do, they're definitely idiots.

This is key here.

If a teenager crushes on boygroup guys, this doesn’t mean that her prefered target demographic are “boygroup guys” and always will be, but that they are “successful attractive high status men (possibly older than her)”, and this won’t really change.

Sure, odds are that she’ll “mature” and as a consequence become more realistic and be willing to compromise, and will look out for other traits as well, but this doesn’t mean that what she responds to actually changes; odds are that she’ll go for those men the guys she has always been into might grow up to – minus their negative traits.

For example if she liked to date stereotypical jerk jocks in her teens or early 20s, her going after a tough lawyer (even if he isn’t buff or happy-go-lucky) ten years later wouldn’t be out of character. But if she picked a meek, awkward IT guy instead, that guy better watch out.

[–]nomdplumeFormer Alpha1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

For example if she liked to date stereotypical jerk jocks in her teens or early 20s, her going after a tough lawyer (even if he isn’t buff or happy-go-lucky) ten years later wouldn’t be out of character. But if she picked a meek, awkward IT guy instead, that guy better watch out.

Well stated. Thanks.

[–]FallacyExplnationBot3 points4 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Hi! Here's a summary of what a "Strawman" is:

A straw man is logical fallacy that occurs when a debater intentionally misrepresents their opponent's argument as a weaker version and rebuts that weak & fake version rather than their opponent's genuine argument. Intentional strawmanning usually has the goal of [1] avoiding real debate against their opponent's real argument, because the misrepresenter risks losing in a fair debate, or [2] making the opponent's position appear ridiculous and thus win over bystanders.

Unintentional misrepresentations are also possible, but in this case, the misrepresenter would only be guilty of simple ignorance. While their argument would still be fallacious, they can be at least excused of malice.

[–]nomdplumeFormer Alpha0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Similarly, that's why I always try to stay in a context that is in my favor, doing activities I excel at, and going out in contexts where I am near the top of the hierarchy.

I've never actually articulated it, but this is exactly what I used to do, very intentionally and with great care and planning. And it served me very well, both sexually and socially (which is probably why I made it so central to how I operated).

I started losing the 'game' when circumstances changed and I couldn't adapt and figure out ways to do that as well, if at all. And I remember feeling an acute sense of dread when everything was in flux. I knew I was getting into territory where I wouldn't be able to shine, and that it was going to cost me. And it did. A lot.

Thanks for laying it out so clearly.

[–]Archwinger37 points38 points  (16 children) | Copy Link

This is kind of a half-truth. Partial credit.

The general, overarching idea that women are turned on by the context surrounding a sexual encounter as much or more than the rippling abs is true. But the rationale behind this is way off.

Women aren't a certain way, then they mature, get smarter, and adapt to their changing circumstances which sometimes results in changed sexual attraction.

Women just like a good story. That's the whole point of "game" and the pick-up culture. You can't just walk up to a woman and ask to fuck. Not if you want a good success ratio, anyway. You need to sweep her up into a good story. You need to be a cute/hot guy who starts talking to her about random shit, then hours pass, then she feels like she's known you forever, and there's this spark -- this chemistry -- then sex "just happens". She needs to get swept up in the story. The "context", I guess we're calling it in this post.

The entire pick-up culture is all about using this to get laid.

The Red Pill takes this a step farther. If you are "Chad" -- hot, successful, high-status -- then a woman's mind practically runs laps writing the story for you while you just show up. When you type "hey" on some dating site, it's hot. She hears "hey" in her head in this suave voice. She pictures this confident, nonchalant guy asking her what's up, as he selects her picture from the masses. When you're scrawny and have shit pictures and your dating profile screams "dorky nerd who never gets laid", your "hey" is interpreted as a low-effort entitled neckbeard.

If you want to get laid, you have to give women their story, and you have to be the kind of man she'd want to be in a story with. So yes, "context" matters. But it's a big mistake to attribute this "context" to women getting smarter, more mature, or adapting to changing circumstances just because they find you grabbing their boobs less sexy right after they've changed a diaper.

[–]KrispyMcSockingtonPillar of the community9 points10 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Women just like a good story. That's the whole point of "game" and the pick-up culture.

This is it. Right here. The reason women and bluepillers are annoyed is because some men have distilled it and analysed it. Women don't want you to know. They want you to "know" and just "get it" without them having to say it because it destroys the fantasy. They want and expect their partners to read their minds because it makes for an excellent story. This is why they say women don't love men, they love how men make them feel because they enjoy interpreting the world through said feels. It also means a lot of women who indulge in this can come across as self centred because it is, essentially, all about her.

[–]cxj75% Redpill Core Ideas4 points5 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

great reply to a great post imo

[–]GridReXXit be like that5 points6 points  (7 children) | Copy Link

Most of your posts come off as mansplainy and cringely patronizing.

This one isn't any different.

But for once I agree with you!

Here's a reluctant upvote.

[–]Archwinger7 points8 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

Oddly, most of my patronizing explanations on reddit are dealt to men, not women. Does that still count as mansplaining? Or is it only mansplaining if the recipient of being talked down to like an imbecile is female?

[–]GridReXXit be like that7 points8 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

Hmm lemme think on it.


It's condescending and patronizing still if it's to men.

I guess we can call it dadsplaining when done to them. 😊

[–][deleted] 3 points4 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

I guess we can call it dadsplaining when done to them.

I do an awful lot of that with teenage boys in the house, and now that I think on it, its pretty damn similar! I'm stealing this, but I'll give you credit :P

[–]GridReXXit be like that0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

::tips fedora::

[–]DaThrowaway808<('.'<) (>'.')>0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

I didn't see any puns in the explanation though.

[–]disposable_pants2 points3 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

If you use "mainsplain" unironically, you aren't qualified to determine what is cringeworthy.

[–]GridReXXit be like that1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I've never used it in real life. But I know it's good trigger word round these parts. Just like "feminism." And we'll "trigger"!

[–][deleted] 7 points8 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

I don't disagree, but I also don't think this addresses my criticism. 'Women want a story'. This is just the same as saying women want some context, but doesn't address the question at hand: does the context or story change? Trp generally says that it doesn't. I say that it does. It actually changes. I am not saying it's due to increased maturity or intelligence, just that it isn't fixed like a man's.

The Red Pill takes this a step farther. If you are "Chad" -- hot, successful, high-status -- then a woman's mind practically runs laps writing the story for you while you just show up.

Aka the halo effect. Both sexes fall for this.

[–]theiamsamuraiRavishment Realist3 points4 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

It addresses your criticism, because you basically said TRP doesn't understand context and stories, and a lot of TRP being focused on behavior that yields successful pick-up due to being "interesting" with your stories and context. So that directly disproves your criticism.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

My criticism was that RPillers generally do not accept that female sexual attraction changes depending on the context. The comment above just said that women want some sort of context. I agree with this, but it doesn't touch my argument at all. Look at the examples I gave.

[–]theiamsamuraiRavishment Realist1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I don't think most RPers think that way. It's more like "Her attraction disappears, because she only felt it 'in the moment', and wants the moment, not the guy as a person". That's what they mean by "she never wanted him to begin with".

[–]jackandjill22Red Pill misanthropic, contrarian0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Hm. Interesting.

[–]trpobservereats ass0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Saving this one

[–]fundude112 points13 points  (29 children) | Copy Link

By this logic, men should avoid all financial LTR (ex marriage) with women due to their "changing preferences".

Who is to say she wont divorce you in 10 years due to her changing sexual dynamics?

[–][deleted] 9 points10 points  (15 children) | Copy Link

I wouldn't marry a woman who made significantly less money than yourself.

[–]Offhisgame8 points9 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

Agreed. But wait trp wants women in the home with no job? Seems like a bad idea...

Split shit 50 50 and worry less about that stuff

[–]cxj75% Redpill Core Ideas2 points3 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

yes this is one of trp biggest flaws imo

to their credit, I think they view it as an ideal setup, but it definitely is not actualizable in modern society without severe risk

[–][deleted] 3 points4 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

I think they view it as an ideal setup, but it definitely is not actualizable in modern society without severe risk

Pretty much this. I realize its an extra risk, but I see it as a better setup for a C/Fm marriage, and as I've stated many times here, I kinda need a wife with a flexible(ish) work schedule, because mine is fairly rigid. Most "career" women are in the same pickle I am in that respect.

Also, keep in mind, not every man alive is rolling in circles filled with career women. Most of the women I know have "jobs" more so than "careers", but that's because I don't associate with the types of people I work with outside the office. I don't live near them either.

[–]cxj75% Redpill Core Ideas1 point2 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Lol so true about career women being in the same pickle. It's worse for them because they need a home maker but most won't be attracted to one. Also yes it's not hard to find a stay at home ish wife, usually she'll do it for a while till th kids start school but this puts you at risk of divorce rape.

[–][deleted] 2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

usually she'll do it for a while till th kids start school but this puts you at risk of divorce rape.

So much this!

I'm sure many here consider it mercenary, but before I married a second time I considered all this, in detail. My wife has an established work history. She has worked the entire time I've known her. NONE of our children are so young that we need a full time SAHP. We do NOT have any children together.

If this goes south someday, she will NOT get alimony. She will NOT get child support. (and honestly our youngest will be 18 in 2 years anyway.) At worst? We'd have to split the house, and as far as I'm concerned, she can have it. Once our kids graduate HS, that house has served its purpose in my life, and since I bought it as a foreclosure, I'm only out about 30k. In my mind, that would be a small price to pay for my sanity, and I don't want to live here anyway.

The ability to burn everything a man has built to the ground and walk away is his biggest tool if he intends to marry. If you aren't willing to risk it all. If you can't stand the idea of losing. Don't make that bet. Period.

[–]fundude14 points5 points  (7 children) | Copy Link

Why marry at all?

[–][deleted] 2 points3 points  (6 children) | Copy Link

To keep her from branch swinging easily.

[–]IFuckedZoeQuinn8 points9 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

How does marriage impede branch swinging in the least when divorce courts overwhelmingly favor women?

[–][deleted] 3 points4 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

It's inconvenient at the very least.

[–]cxj75% Redpill Core Ideas2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

courts overwhelmingly favor the lower earner, which is typically women.

[–]DashneDK2King of LBFM3 points4 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

By putting up juridical hurdles? Who wants to be with a woman if the only thing holding her there are juridical difficulties?

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I wouldn't. I was just guessing why a Rpiller might want to. I wasn't speaking for myself.

[–][deleted] 3 points4 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

ROFLMAO! That doesn't work.

[–]the_calibre_cat0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Yeah, I'm not seeing the downsides to this, to be honest. Why shouldn't I?

[–]FairlyNaiveRed Pill Man0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

That leaves some men with very few options.

[–]SmurfESmurferson5 points6 points  (12 children) | Copy Link

We need to take marriage off the pedestal as a culture.

[–][deleted] 11 points12 points  (11 children) | Copy Link

Women want marriage more than men

[–]SmurfESmurferson9 points10 points  (10 children) | Copy Link

As a whole, agreed.

I'm a married woman, and even I don't think it's for everyone. It takes a lot of dedication.

[–][deleted] 2 points3 points  (9 children) | Copy Link

I put it off for years but now I like it and regret putting it off. The second I got engaged the old boys club started giving a shit about me, before I was just a heavily tattooed thug and now I get job offers and opportunities for seemingly no reason.

[–]sublimemongrelBecky, Esq.2 points3 points  (5 children) | Copy Link

You noticed that much of a difference?

[–]SmurfESmurferson3 points4 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

In all fairness, M noticed a marked difference after we got married. He got his marriage raise and all.

[–]sublimemongrelBecky, Esq.3 points4 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

I'm just surprised, I knew this was a thing but I didn't realize it was that substantial.

[–]SmurfESmurferson3 points4 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I'm also in the Land O' Trophy Wives, so it could be local culture

[–]GridReXXit be like that2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

It's definitely a thing.

I have some gay male friends considering marrying a hag as a beard just for the career trajectory.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Its a big change

[–]SmurfESmurferson2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

It's right for some people, I just don't think marriage is right for every couple. I hate seeing couples who shouldn't be married essentially forced into it.

Glad it's right for you

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

The second I got engaged the old boys club started giving a shit about me

Amazing, isn't it? I went from hourly to be full-time salary within six months of getting married. I remember my boss saying something along the lines of "you seem to be taking on more responsibility in stride, and I think you earned this." At the time I assumed it was because of my job performance, but looking back, all us single techs were hourly, but all the "older married" ones were salary.

I don't know if this is still true or not, but when I was under 25 my car insurance was $$. I had a buddy that got married at 23, and his rate dropped! My first thought was "do they REALLY think he drives better because he got married?!" I guess statistics proved that most men did. shrug

[–]jackandjill22Red Pill misanthropic, contrarian-1 points0 points  (0 children) | Copy Link


[–]Industrialbonecraft5 points6 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I just find it amusing that they're so overly concerned by the whole concept of 'alpha' and 'beta'. To me it just reeks of infantile ego. On that basis I'm not sure it has anything to do with men and women, so much as it is simply a juvenile refusal to graduate from the playground and mature. They refuse to stop comparing themselves to everyone and everything around them, so they're trapped in a hollow cycle of peacocking and braggadocio, with little to show for it outside of a series of increasingly fragile ego-defences. They don't care who they're getting attention from, male or female, just so long as they're getting attention.

[–][deleted] 20 points21 points  (35 children) | Copy Link

by images of Chad walking shirtless on the beach (this has no sexual context)

Oh for god's sake, why do girls drool over Calvin Klein models or topless men in ? Are you serious?

Example 2: "Women fuck hot, sexy men in their youth, then settle for a boring beta." Notice that again, the assumption is that women's sexual preferences are constant over time.

Yes and there is a lot of data to support this.

women want casual sex just as much as men

The researchers asked 2,370 adult women to look at photos of two men's faces side by side, with one face having more or less of these three key features than the other. They were then asked to pick which of the faces they found most attractive.

The results showed that most of the participants were attracted to men with strong features associated with psychopathy, Machiavellianism and narcissism, while a smaller minority was not.

UCLA study finds muscular men have more casual partners and flings

Example 4: "Women are all attracted to the top 10% of men."

The vast majority of sexual encounters for women do not end in orgasm. All sexual encounters for men end in an orgasm. Lookat the OKcupid study too.

Again, the mistake is assuming that female sexuality is as fixed as male sexuality.

Look at the American hookup culture. There is no proof it's not fixed.

Your trying to argue females aren't shallow which is an old traditionalist view, and the main reason TRP exists.

[–][deleted] 11 points12 points  (8 children) | Copy Link

Oh for god's sake, why do girls drool over Calvin Klein models or topless men in ? Are you serious?

They don't. Not to the degree men drool over beautiful women at least. Look at how many subreddits are devoted to looking at sexy women vs. sexy men.

Also even with your example, /r/Ladyboners mostly consists of famous men, not models. Fame provides the context (as well as status obviously), because the man appears in a show with a context, like Aaron Paul from Breaking Bad. He has scored high in /r/Ladyboners multiple times, not because he looks like an underwear model, but because girls watch the show and like him in that context.

The results showed that most of the participants were attracted to men with strong features associated with psychopathy, Machiavellianism and narcissism, while a smaller minority was not.

I will have to find the study, but men also rated machiavellians and narcissists more attractive.

Your trying to argue females aren't shallow which is an old traditionalist view, and the main reason TRP exists.

No, I'm saying women's attraction is contextual. Being attracted to status can be equally as shallow depending on the particular case.

[–]sublimemongrelBecky, Esq.6 points7 points  (6 children) | Copy Link

Fame provides the context (as well as status obviously), because the man appears in a show with a context, like Aaron Paul from Breaking Bad. He has scored high in /r/Ladyboners multiple times, not because he looks like an underwear model, but because girls watch the show and like him in that context.

That's a great point -- lots of women are attracted to the character and context rather than just the image. Look at all the ladies who say pudgy, P&R Chris Pratt was just as dreamy as he is now.

[–]lurflyDevil's Advocate2 points3 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

TRPers have shit on chubby Chris Pratt before, they didn't believe me when I said I was into him before. Glad I'm not alone!

[–]GridReXXit be like that1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

He was in 5 Year Engagement as chubbier him and I found him attractive then.

He was never ugly or loserish.

I mean he got super hot after his wife decided to marry him, which means he was always attractive enough to get a woman.

[–]Nik-kik1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Honestly, I'd tap Seth Rogen. He seems like an awesome fun guy.

[–]NowEarDis 1 points1 points [recovered] | Copy Link

Chris Pratt's days are numbered with that fucking hairline of his. Game over for him soon.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

If he stays in shape I don't think he'd look bad with a shaved head.

[–]jackandjill22Red Pill misanthropic, contrarian-1 points0 points  (0 children) | Copy Link


[–]BiggerDthanYouBluetopia3 points4 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Look at the American hookup culture. There is no proof it's not fixed.

Sure if you only look at Chad and Stacey hooking up at frat parties then it might appear fixed, but there's a whole world outside of frat parties as well.

[–]SmurfESmurferson7 points8 points  (22 children) | Copy Link

Oh for god's sake, why do girls drool over Calvin Klein models or topless men in ? Are you serious?

Because they're going to that site with the intention to be turned on - they're in a place they know they will be enjoying those photos.

They're not seeing those pics at work and stopping a meeting to go finger themselves.

Yes and there is a lot of data to support this.

Can you explain what those links have to do with AFBB? I'm only seeing data saying that women want to sleep around, and that they find stereotypically masculine looking men attractive.

I'm not seeing anything about settling.

The vast majority of sexual encounters for women do not end in orgasm. All sexual encounters for men end in an orgasm.

That's because of the way we're built. A lot of women don't receive clitoral stimulation during PIV.

That has nothing to do with being attracted to someone.

Look at the American hookup culture. There is no proof it's not fixed.

You're making a claim that doesn't seem to refute OP's point about TRP not understanding women's sexuality.

Your trying to argue females aren't shallow which is an old traditionalist view, and the main reason TRP exists.

Women are shallow AF.

But our sexuality is still wildly different than men's.

[–][deleted] 8 points9 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

Because they're going to that site with the intention to be turned on - they're in a place they know they will be enjoying those photos. They're not seeing those pics at work and stopping a meeting to go finger themselves.

That's a strawman. The OP said the images have no sexual context, that a topless, muscular man strolling the beach has no sexual connotation.

Women are shallow AF. But our sexuality is still wildly different than men's.

Yes, TRP also believes women's sexuality is different, hence the array of emphasis on confidence, holding frame, IDGAF attitude, status, etc.

However, I feel this poster is attempting to make the claim that female sexuality is inherently unshallow:

They are aroused by situations considered sexy by our culture (women working out) or by sexual situations (monkeys fucking), but not by images of Chad walking shirtless on the beach (this has no sexual context). In comparison, heterosexual male arousal is limited to naked women.


Also, women get pregnant and nurse their kids, so they can't perpetually be in mating mode like men.

[–][deleted] 5 points6 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

However, I feel this poster is attempting to make the claim that female sexuality is inherently unshallow

/u/Tillytwo is this what you're trying to do? To make female sexuality seem 'unshallow'?

It's not what I took from the OP and it's not what I think (this seems to be a thing around here lately - which sex is more shallow etc., not sure why, it seems pretty fucking obvious we're all entirely capable of being shallow as hell).

[–][deleted] 3 points4 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

To make female sexuality seem 'unshallow'?

Of course not. Both men and women can be shallow, just usually in different ways.

[–]SmurfESmurferson5 points6 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

That's a strawman. The OP said the images have no sexual context, that a topless, muscular man strolling the beach has no sexual connotation.

It's not a strawman, the OP specifically sited "situations" as well - specifically, studies that find women getting turned on by monkeys going at it.

Images seen in different situations, have different sexual contexts.

That's a strawman. The OP said the images have no sexual context, that a topless, muscular man strolling the beach has no sexual connotation.

No doubt, but in this aspect (the fluctuating nature of women's sexuality), OP is correct. TRP does fall victim to male solipsism on this.

I feel this poster is attempting to make the claim that female sexuality is inherently unshallow

I read it as an actual description of women's sexuality. It's just a detailed explanation of the old saying "a woman's biggest sex organ is her brain."

[–][deleted] 9 points10 points  (17 children) | Copy Link

They're not seeing those pics at work and stopping a meeting to go finger themselves.

But they ARE noticing those men, are attracted to those men, and get sexually aroused by those men. They don't have to go rub one out every time they see a hot male model in order to have a sexual response. "Sexual response" for women (and men, BTW) doesn't mean "has to go off and get sexual release RIGHT NOW".

[–]SmurfESmurferson10 points11 points  (6 children) | Copy Link

They notice that the guy's attractive, but they're not filing him away in a spank bank the way men are.

An easier way to say it is that women compartmentalize situations - when we're in a situation that isn't sexy, we're not going to be sexually attracted to anyone. We'll notice if they're good looking, but that's it.

IMO, that should be the definition of "desperate" for a woman - being so obsessed with sex/romance that she'll feel sexual attraction in inappropriate situations.


"Sexual response" for women (and men, BTW) doesn't mean "has to go off and get sexual release RIGHT NOW".

That's a great point, and probably an interesting thread idea. I don't think every guy on here understands that.

[–][deleted] 3 points4 points  (5 children) | Copy Link

They notice that the guy's attractive, but they're not filing him away in a spank bank the way men are. An easier way to say it is that women compartmentalize situations - when we're in a situation that isn't sexy, we're not going to be sexually attracted to anyone. We'll notice if they're good looking, but that's it. IMO, that should be the definition of "desperate" for a woman - being so obsessed with sex/romance that she'll feel sexual attraction in inappropriate situations.

I was never desperate, but I often felt like sex in inappropriate situations, thought about sex with a stranger I caught sight of and thought about them sexually later. I still do think about sex inappropriately, but I have a partner and try to erase the thought as soon as it comes rather than keep thinking about it.

All women aren't the same. We can't talk about them as though they are.

[–]SmurfESmurferson1 point2 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

What's your point?

Are you trying to prove that you're the nympho straight chick, or are you trying to prove that you're "desperate" (via my definition)?

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (3 children) | Copy Link

A nympho cannot control who they have sex with. That's not me.

I thought I was normal but hey, maybe I'm desperate!

[–]SmurfESmurferson3 points4 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

Gotcha. The "one of the boys" chick.

[–]lurflyDevil's Advocate1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

You're oddly aggressive in this comment chain

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Ummmm no I would never say that. I have never hung around guys. Their sports talk gets boring. A sex drive doesn't have to mean I'm one of the boys. But I do feel that kind of pressure from certain women not to talk about liking sex so much. Have never been able to work out what that's all about.

[–]GridReXXit be like that15 points16 points  (9 children) | Copy Link

She's right though.

Speaking of me personally, sure I take note that a guy is physically a nice specimen.

But it's just that. A mental note.

I don't get immediately turned on / aroused seeing a hot guy with abs whereas a man's dick probably stands at attention seeing a hot girl in a bikini.

Situations and proximity and intensity and subtle escalation turns me on. However yes , once I'm at that point, I do prefer the guy with the kissable face and nice body to be on the receiving end.

[–]contrasupra5 points6 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

Speaking of me personally, sure I take note that a guy is physically a nice specimen. But it's just that. A mental note.

I can back this up. I see a hot dude and I'll go "oh he's fine" but I don't actually feel any arousal, it's just an observation. I'm not even thinking "I'd like to fuck him." I don't fantasize about fucking him later. I don't try to imagine him naked. It's just not connected to sex in my brain at all unless it's porn or something.

[–][deleted] 5 points6 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Same. I'm a 100% straight lady and seeing a hot guy has the exact same effect as seeing a hot girl. I'm just like, "Hey, a hot person. Nice."

[–]GridReXXit be like that3 points4 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Exactly. Zero arousal happens in that moment.

[–][deleted] 6 points7 points  (5 children) | Copy Link

No, a man's dick doesn't stand at attention seeing a hot girl in a bikini. If that were the case we'd never be able to go out in public. And guys getting public erections stops when they're about 19 and their brains are focused on other things like studying and making money in addition to getting laid.

[–]AnarchkittyBetter dead than Red3 points4 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

I don't know about you, but I just learned to get better at hiding it.

I found switching to boxer briefs was a godsend, and in a pinch I can always mousetrap it.

[–]sublimemongrelBecky, Esq.2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

and in a pinch I can always mousetrap it.

I read this and was like what?? but thinking about it I know exactly what this means and I've seen my husband do it on numerous occasions.

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I just rock it. Feels virile and nice actually.

[–]GridReXXit be like that2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Hyperbole 😑.

But seeing how that's all you focused on in my comment I'm going to say it's because you couldn't refute the rest of it.

[–]ProbablyBelievesIt0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

The researchers asked 2,370 adult women to look at photos of two men's faces side by side, with one face having more or less of these three key features than the other.

Hahahaahaaahaahaahah, wow, that's beautiful. C'mon, justify this superstitious trash. I need to hear it.

Maybe in your home dimension, you can figure out someone in an instant, just by looking at their faces? Is attraction based on a single glance? Do women marry photos?

[–][deleted] 8 points9 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Notice the assumption that the woman's attraction is constant over time. If she isn't attracted now, then she never was attracted to him to begin with. Notice that the alternative, i.e. her attraction changed due to changing circumstances, is never given any consideration.

Honestly, that sounds worse and makes women seem even more fickle when it comes to love.

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Doesn't matter if it's true.

[–]goatismycopilotPurple Pill Woman7 points8 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I think individual men may have some interest in understanding the women they cross paths with once in a while. But TRP is appealing because it is based on the driver that how women think and feel is not important anyway. It is about getting what they want from women sex/validation/ego boost. So they either think they understand women but are actually clueless or they do not seek to understand them.

[–]SilentLurker6663 points4 points  (14 children) | Copy Link

I'm not sure if this is OP's intent, but this post actually confirms a lot of RP's truth:

Notice the assumption that the woman's attraction is constant over time. If she isn't attracted now, then she never was attracted to him to begin with. Notice that the alternative, i.e. her attraction changed due to changing circumstances, is never given any consideration.

For example: What do you think the implication is for a married male who once day faces divorce from his wife who sexual attraction suddenly "changed due to changing circumstances."?

...She likes the top men, but the top of what depends very much on her particular preferences and situation. Again, the mistake is assuming that female sexuality is as fixed as male sexuality.

I think all BP would agree that a women's 'top male' isn't a 400 lb guy living in his parent's basement who's broke and got no social skills.

Notice that again, the assumption is that women's sexual preferences are constant over time. Men are sexually attracted to 20 year old women their whole lives, so they assume that women are also sexually attracted to the same type of man their whole lives. Notice it is never considered that what women are sexually attracted to changes over time.

Actually RP does admit that women's sexual preference changes over time... it's call AF/BB. Or how evolution psychology states that as women age, the preference to finding a provider became more attractive. What I think OP failed was where he/she failed to take account of what the male would and wouldn't want, and in this case, they wouldn't want an older women just for the sake of her being older.

The problem, as OP so eloquently states, is that women's sexual preference changes. Or better yet today's women want it all: They'll find the provider attractive until their needs are met, and then they'll crave for the Alpha again.

In conclusion, I think that the feelings of understanding men get from reading TRP is due to recognizing similarities in their own sexual strategy. The familiarity produces mistaken feelings of understanding. It won't be a true understanding however, until they can accept that female sexuality is changing and contextual. Actually accepting this fact would resolve the majority of the problems with the RP worldview.

In conclusion... the best strategy for male in today's society is to change their women before the women's sexuality changed. As for the contextual part, it's call holding frame. As for OP, his/her analysis is based on the presumption that RP doesn't know women's desire changes... but this argument is really a strawmen and RP's sexual strategy adjust to a women's changing attitude all too well.

[–]AnarchkittyBetter dead than Red5 points6 points  (10 children) | Copy Link

For example: What do you think the implication is for a married male who once day faces divorce from his wife who sexual attraction suddenly "changed due to changing circumstances."?

Well, according to TRP, she was never attracted to him and now he isn't providing enough resources for her to keep pretending.

In reality, there are a hundred different possibilities, including TRP's theory in some cases, but most of them boil down to "her preferences changed over time".

Actually RP does admit that women's sexual preference changes over time... it's call AF/BB.

I'm annoyed that I have to correct someone about this. That's not what AFBB means at all. AFBB is predicated on the idea that all women are attracted to Alphas for their whole lives, but when they realize they can't keep one they "settle" for a beta they aren't attracted to. Their preference doesn't change, they just override it in favor of financial and relationship security which is why they keep seeking Alphas when they are in the BB relationship.

the best strategy for male in today's society is to change their women before the women's sexuality changed.

I'm not entirely sure what you're trying to say here. Are you saying that men should try to force women they are with to change in some specific way to preempt their naturally changing preferences?

As for the contextual part, it's call holding frame.

That's not what "context" means at all in this context.

As for OP, his/her analysis is based on the presumption that RP doesn't know women's desire changes...

I would say "obvious and clearly stated fact" more than "presumption", but potato/putahto.

but this argument is really a strawmen

How so? I don't see it, even assuming you are 100% correct.

RP's sexual strategy adjust to a women's changing attitude all too well.

Yeah, because there are so many more successful RP relationships than non-RP relationships.

[–]SilentLurker6662 points3 points  (9 children) | Copy Link

I'm not entirely sure what you're trying to say here. Are you saying that men should try to force women they are with to change in some specific way to preempt their naturally changing preferences?

Allow me to clarify: Men shouldn't commit to a LTR relationship in this situation. AKA Dump her before she dumps you.

Yeah, because there are so many more successful RP relationships than non-RP relationships.

I think how a RP defines "successful" relationship is different then you. They won't call a LTR "successful"

That's not what "context" means at all in this context.

"context" is based on a women's feels and her perception. A male holding frame and passing shit-test enforced her perception of him to stay positive.

I would say "obvious and clearly stated fact" more than "presumption", but potato/putahto.

Her argument is literally "Redpillers do not understand women. They still think of them as men" because they don't know women's sexual desire changes... that's the point that's up for debate and by assuming that argument as given, you are literally begging the question.

How so? I don't see it, even assuming you are 100% correct.

Allow me to clarify again: OP's premise is that RP thinks women's sexual preference doesn't change. I'm arguing that RP's teaching is very aware of that fact.

I'm annoyed that I have to correct someone about this. That's not what AFBB means at all. AFBB is predicated on the idea that all women are attracted to Alphas for their whole lives, but when they realize they can't keep one they "settle" for a beta they aren't attracted to. Their preference doesn't change, they just override it in favor of financial and relationship security which is why they keep seeking Alphas when they are in the BB relationship.

Again... what do you think happens when her "provider" needs are satisfied and now her sexual preference switches back to wanting the "alpha". I have stated this scenario in my previous statement. The point is, as I've stated before, is women wants it ALL... both the Alpha and Beta at different times, and a man trying to fulfill all her needs at the right time would have to be both a psychic and a schizophrenic.

[–]sublimemongrelBecky, Esq.4 points5 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

is women wants it ALL... both the Alpha and Beta at different times, and a man trying to fulfill all her needs at the right time would have to be both a psychic and a schizophrenic.

That's exactly right and why most women want high beta men. Since men have both beta and alpha traits simultaneously this isn't at all impossible and this is what men should strive to be if they want to be an "ideal man" for a high value woman (assuming they want a LTR, family, etc.)

[–]AnarchkittyBetter dead than Red1 point2 points  (7 children) | Copy Link

Allow me to clarify again: OP's premise is that RP thinks women's sexual preference doesn't change. I'm stating that RP's teaching is very aware of that fact.

Still unclear what fact "RP's teaching" is very aware of.

Is TRP aware that "women's sexual preference doesn't change"? (Which is incorrect.)

Or is TRP aware that OP's premise is that they think that? (Which is correct.)

Or did you mean TRP is aware of something else that I'm entirely missing?

what do you think happens when her "provider" needs are satisfied and now her sexual preference switches back to wanting the "alpha".

The point is that isn't how it works. When her "preference changes", it isn't that she still wants that Alpha but she's ignoring it, it actually changes. It doesn't go back to what it was before when her needs are met because the underlying preference is different from what it was. It might change again, but it probably will change to something completely new and different rather than switching back to her original tastes.

[–]SilentLurker6661 point2 points  (6 children) | Copy Link

Still unclear what fact "RP's teaching" is very aware of.

I think I gave you some of RP's example in my first post.

Is TRP aware that "women's sexual preference doesn't change"? (Which is incorrect.)

It's a very popular RP theory that women suddenly want the Beta provider when she's approaching the wall.

Or is TRP aware that OP's premise is that they think that? (Which is correct.)

They are, but they came to a conclusion BPers doesn't like.

Or did you mean TRP is aware of something else that I'm entirely missing?

Please read my post carefully again.

The point is that isn't how it works. When her "preference changes", it isn't that she still wants that Alpha but she's ignoring it, it actually changes. It doesn't go back to what it was before when her needs are met because the underlying preference is different from what it was. It might change again, but it probably will change to something completely new and different rather than switching back to her original tastes.

RPer heard that too often: It's call "She isn't attracted to you anymore." To a man who's committed to a relationship (or even in a marriage with children), the only thing that matters is that she's leaving you because she doesn't find the man attractive anymore, and that's despite anything that the guy does to fix the relationship.

I'm asking you in earnest here: When a guy wakes up one day and his wife "sexually changed her preference", what can/should he do? and that's assuming he's actually aware of the changes in the first place.

[–]AnarchkittyBetter dead than Red3 points4 points  (5 children) | Copy Link

I'm asking you in earnest here: When a guy wakes up one day and his wife "sexually changed her preference", what can/should he do? and that's assuming he's actually aware of the changes in the first place.

I'm not sure if there is anything he can do. People change, her preferences changed or he changed or both, and now they don't match up. In an ideal relationship they grow and change together and her preferences generally match up with her partner, but that doesn't always happen and you can't force it to.

At that point other things can keep a relationship together (love, kids, other shared interests, etc.) and it's possible her preferences will change again to be more in line with who he is. I've found that when you love someone your preferences unconsciously shift towards them over time until they are your "ideal", even if they weren't quite what you considered perfect when you initially got together, or they have changed and aren't what you would normally be attracted to any more. Men and women both do this, and it's a big part of why loving elderly couples still find each other the most attractive people in the world (for example). It's not self-delusion, love changes your preferences.

[–]BPremiumMeh2 points3 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

So, in other words, we are all victims to womens flighty preferences. They can change at any time, cause women dont care about being consistent, only about the feelz

[–]IamTheWalkingMenu 2 points2 points [recovered] | Copy Link

Men are the same way too though if you are honest about the "change at any time" I don't think men are inherently better at keeping their word or honoring their commitments or being consistent.

[–]BPremiumMeh2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Men are different, as their preferences can be whatever they want, but is contingent on being able to obtain said preference. Most men want skinny women, but since its insanely difficult to attract one if youre not Chad, more and more men have to settle for fat chicks. Their preferences are consistent, but they cant acheive it. Men are also great at honoring their word/commitment, when better deals arent on the table. Funny how women are attracted to high status/rich/ good looking assholes when these are the same type of guy whos word/commitment is meaningless.

[–]AnarchkittyBetter dead than Red1 point2 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

I guess that's one way to look at it, but you're misrepresenting it as somehow being a "choice".

It has nothing to do with "caring about being consistent", people don't control what their preferences are or who they change. If feelings change, they change, it happens to men too. If they change the wrong way you have to choose whether to stay in a relationship that no longer makes you happy or move on, just like everyone else.

[–]BPremiumMeh1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

but the difference is that when a woman's preference changes, it usually because she can attain said new preference, relatively easily. Where as with men, the preferences dont matter unless they can acheive it, which most men can't.

So (average) men usually stay in unhappy relationships, because they cant get their preference. Where as when women change, they can get that new preference.

It just sounds way too convenient and its always in womens favor

[–]darla100 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

What do you mean "change their women before the women's sexuality changed."?

[–]SilentLurker6660 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

Dump her before she dumps you. Pump and dump.

[–]darla100 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

That sounds like a wonderful life. Good luck with that.

[–]StudntRdyTeachrApearThug Passion Pill2 points3 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Another poor attempt to deny reality. I'm being honest, I would love an actual refutation of the TRP lens. I want the truth, who the fuck wants to cling to a perspective that is ultimately wrong? At this point, however, and especially with posts like this, I become even more confident that the other side has nothing useful to offer.

[–]DoctorNation1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Yes this thread is beyond the wildest hamster.


[–][deleted] 9 points10 points  (220 children) | Copy Link

Redpillers do not understand women. They still think of them as men.

Not exactly. Redpillers do not understand women because they weren't taught to understand women as men understand women. When they first get to the manosphere or The Red Pill, Redpillers are either extremely male brained (prone to regulation, systematizing, rule making, process-oriented, rigid thinking patterns) or female brained (hyperemotional, easily influenced by others, indecisive, prone to making decisions based on feelings).

but for women sexual interest decreased with age or children, or even birth control.

Not really. Sexual interest in her mate decreases. Her interest in having sex with attractive men does not change. Take that bored housewife and put her next to Chad, and we'll see how fast she revs up.

Example 1: "Women divorce or deadbedroom their husbands because they were never really attracted to him to begin with."

Notice the assumption that the woman's attraction is constant over time. If she isn't attracted now, then she never was attracted to him to begin with. Notice that the alternative, i.e. her attraction changed due to changing circumstances, is never given any consideration.

Except that's not what happened. Her circumstances changed but that had nothing to do with her attraction to him, which was low or nonexistent to begin with. Moreover, a woman's losing attraction to a man she was attracted to enough to marry almost never happens, unless he changes so radically that he's literally not the same person. And that doesn't happen often, because men don't change all that much when they marry.

Example 2: "Women fuck hot, sexy men in their youth, then settle for a boring beta."

Notice that again, the assumption is that women's sexual preferences are constant over time. Men are sexually attracted to 20 year old women their whole lives, so they assume that women are also sexually attracted to the same type of man their whole lives. Notice it is never considered that what women are sexually attracted to changes over time.

Except that's not what happened. She didnt' change the kind of men she was sexually attracted to. She changed her strategy, because the AF strategy wasn't working to get her what she wants. Her attraction is constant. It's her strategy that changed. If she could have locked down a Chad, she would have done so. She couldn't, so she changed strategies. She's still hot for Chads. She just can't have one, so she settles for what she can have.

until they can accept that female sexuality is changing and contextual.

Sexuality and sexual responses change and are contextual. The kinds and types of men they are sexually attracted to doesn't change all that much. What changes in response to the contexts are the strategies and tactics, not her attraction or attraction level to varying types of men.

[–]sublimemongrelBecky, Esq.7 points8 points  (25 children) | Copy Link

Moreover, a woman's losing attraction to a man she was attracted to enough to marry almost never happens, unless he changes so radically that he's literally not the same person.

Disagree. I've lost attraction to men I LTR'd before, like, after a full 2 years of being very passionately attracted to them. I've had other women tell me similar things have happened to them. It's actually really heartbreaking for both parties. It isn't fun to fall out of love/attraction to someone.

[–]nomdplumeFormer Alpha4 points5 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Yeah, I think this happens a lot. Something to do with familiarity vs difference and the burden of performance.

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (23 children) | Copy Link

But WHY did you lose attraction after being "very passionately attracted" to them (forgive me my skepticism)?

[–]sublimemongrelBecky, Esq.8 points9 points  (22 children) | Copy Link

Growing up would be part of it but also both went full doormat. TRP has it right when it says the supplicating beta is unattractive. It was actually really a shitty realization for me too because at that point literally all they want to do is to shower you with love and affection and live their life for you and what you want. Which sounds great on paper but turns out is completely unattractive to me.

[–][deleted] 1 points1 points | Copy Link

[permanently deleted]

[–]sublimemongrelBecky, Esq.6 points7 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

No that's not attractive either. You're assuming that the opposite of one extreme is attractive when the answer is neither extreme is attractive. All bad alpha traits = not attractive just like all bad beta traits = not attractive.

That's why I'm always saying high beta is the most attractive. Good mix of both good alpha and beta traits and low bad alpha and beta traits. Ideal man.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (3 children) | Copy Link

Can you give some examples of what you consider good/bad traits that are alpha/beta?

[–]sublimemongrelBecky, Esq.1 point2 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

Sure, you'll note that, essentially, the basic traits are the same but when you go overboard with them, they become "bad" (or unattractive to most women).

Good alpha: strong, confident, self-assured, passionate Bad alpha: jealous, controlling, violent, aggressive Good beta: compassionate, considerate, supportive, affectionate Bad beta: supplicating, overly emotional, lacking self-respect, doormatting out

These are just a few but do you get the picture?

High beta = good mix of good alpha & beta traits and low levels of bad alpha & beta traits. Perfect man, IMO.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

I would like to pick your brain a little bit. How can confidence as well as controlling and jealous, all be alpha behaviors? Aren't they by nature antagonistic?

[–]sublimemongrelBecky, Esq.0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Sure, but they can still exist in the same person. Controlling and jealousy can also be about viewing your partner as "your property" and you being dominant over them and mate guarding towards others. Alpha doesn't mean "all the good, always attractive traits" and beta doesn't mean "all the bad, always unattractive traits".

[–][deleted] 6 points7 points  (14 children) | Copy Link

this is a terrible way of debating; petty, and not in good faith at all. it's embarrassing and you should be ashamed.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (13 children) | Copy Link

How is this not in good faith? She's just confirmed what TRP points out, and how NOT to conduct a long term relationship -- shower with love, affection, give her what she wants, live their lives for you, etc. That is EXACTLY, almost verbatim, what we tell men NOT to do.

[–]sublimemongrelBecky, Esq.6 points7 points  (12 children) | Copy Link

which isn't the same as being a "selfish asshole who puts her second to all things in his life" and you know that. Having self respect =/= treating other people like shit.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (11 children) | Copy Link

Uh, yeah, it kind of is. In order to have some self respect, a guy has to be a bit of an asshole.

[–]sublimemongrelBecky, Esq.6 points7 points  (5 children) | Copy Link

No he doesn't, although every man can be an asshole every now and then, even the doormat supplicators. But doing it so much that you earn "asshole" as a label, no, a man doesn't need to do that to have some self respect.

[–]AnarchkittyBetter dead than Red4 points5 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

Bullshit. If someone has self respect, they don't feel the need to be an asshole.

The vast majority of assholes lack self-respect and are trying to make up for that by being an asshole. You want to find a person who has real self-respect? Look for the one being respectful and friendly to everyone.

[–]cxj75% Redpill Core Ideas0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

both went full doormat

well this would constitute a major change, like the original commenter said

[–]shogunofsarcasmI do what I want22 points23 points  (167 children) | Copy Link

You basically proved OP right. You don't understand how women think, you are putting your own view on it.

[–][deleted] 7 points8 points  (166 children) | Copy Link

This OP is not about how women THINK. This OP is about women's sexual responses, which has to do with their feelings based on changing context and circumstance, and their responses to those feelings, changes, and circumstances.

It has nothing to do with logic, thinking or rationality.

[–]LSTW12347 points8 points  (19 children) | Copy Link

This OP is about women's sexual responses, which has to do with their feelings

And you also don't understand how women feel...

[–][deleted] -1 points0 points  (18 children) | Copy Link

Sure I can figure it out, based on their responses to circumstance, response to various "stimuli", and their changing strategies and tactics. It's really not that hard to figure out.

[–]sublimemongrelBecky, Esq.7 points8 points  (17 children) | Copy Link

If it was that easy there would be no Red pill!

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (16 children) | Copy Link

I am able to do all this only after having gotten a lot of Red PIll instruction and training.

[–]LSTW12346 points7 points  (15 children) | Copy Link

Men instructing and training other men on how women feel...what could possibly go wrong?!

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (14 children) | Copy Link

Lulz. Men instructing and training other men on how women RESPOND -- and from that discerning their feelings.

It's about observations and reporting accurately what is observed.

[–]LSTW12347 points8 points  (13 children) | Copy Link

Men instructing and training other men on how women RESPOND -- and from that discerning their feelings.

And that's where you go wrong - discerning their feelings.

The fact that you are literally arguing with people here about the way their own attraction works is just bizarre. As if the "training and instruction" you received from men somehow makes you more knowledgeable than women about the way women's attraction works.

[–]shogunofsarcasmI do what I want8 points9 points  (145 children) | Copy Link

Ok well replace think with feel and my point remains the same. Op makes a good point about how women deal with and feel about attraction and the comment above me basically says exactly what OP says RP thinks and RP is wrong

[–][deleted] 7 points8 points  (144 children) | Copy Link

I do understand very well (too well ) how women feel. OP doesn't make a good point about women's feelings or attraction. OP doesn't understand what AFBB is - it's not "growth" or "maturity" or "her attraction changed" or "she's not attracted to those kinds of alpha dickbags anymore". Her strategy changed, not her sexual attraction. In the first example, her circumstances changed; her attraction level didn't.

You're just not getting it. "RP is wrong" without an explanation isn't persuasive, so you'll have to do better than that.

[–]shogunofsarcasmI do what I want8 points9 points  (143 children) | Copy Link

Except her sexual attraction can and does change. Mine did and I am pretty sure I am not the only one. I can't say all women do, but it definitely happens

[–]SmurfESmurferson7 points8 points  (72 children) | Copy Link

Mine did, too.

One example: I went from finding Jordan Catalano knee-meltingly hot in my teens, to finding Jared Leto to be one of the most sexually unappealing men on the planet.

[–]shogunofsarcasmI do what I want3 points4 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

You are right. Jared Leto just doesn't do it for me like he used to. Though really I truly only loved him because he referenced the shining lol

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (70 children) | Copy Link

Why? What happened to cause it to change?

[–]SmurfESmurferson8 points9 points  (69 children) | Copy Link

What I found attractive and was attracted to changed.

In my teens, I was immature so a young, hot, celebrity Jared Leto was all I needed to get my motor revving.

That started to change in my early 20s, as I got into the real world. I stopped valuing the surface-level looks, and placed a huge amount of emphasis on men who could make sparks fly with well timed jokes.

As I got older, I started finding as much sexual value in interpersonal chemistry as I do in looks. That's probably why male celebrities in general don't do it for me, unless they have a sense of humor similar to my own (the playfulness of Chris Pratt or George Clooney; it's also the reason I will never find Brad Pitt attractive).

20 years after having a major crush on Jared Leto (and I'm talking he-helped-awaken-my-sexuality levels of teenage horniness), I now find the exact same guy repellent. His personality (from the pranks on movie sets to his insufferable disdain for humor), his weird band, the fact that he looks like he'd be sticky if you touched him, the gross man bun ...

Just, no thanks. I don't know what the opposite of a panty dropper is, but that's what he is to me now.

15 year old Smurf wouldn't have believed it though.

[–][deleted] 2 points3 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

Scribbles down notes on SMP notebook

Fascinating, absolutely fascinating.

As I got older, I started finding as much sexual value in interpersonal chemistry as I do in looks.

I believe you, but I can't really see valuing chemistry and humor in a girl as much as her looks, if I'm being absolutely honest. Like, obviously a 7/10 girl who's got humor and looks is better than an 8/10 girl that's got only looks, but I don't think I'd ever be in a situation where humor would overrule looks.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (63 children) | Copy Link

That started to change in my early 20s, as I got into the real world. I stopped valuing the surface-level looks, and placed a huge amount of emphasis on men who could make sparks fly with well timed jokes.

That's part of it right there. The real world, and real world demands -- including the real fact that most women cannot lock down the hot men they used to fuck. Do you think that another part of it was the fact that you couldn't make relationships work with the attractive men you were dating/having sex with?

As I got older, I started finding as much sexual value in interpersonal chemistry as I do in looks.

This just sounds to me like "changing strategy".

[–]contrasupra0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

I started finding as much sexual value in interpersonal chemistry as I do in looks. That's probably why male celebrities in general don't do it for me, unless they have a sense of humor similar to my own (the playfulness of Chris Pratt or George Clooney

Jon Hamm is the gold standard IMO. I think I fell in love with him listening to his episodes on Comedy Bang Bang, lol

[–]sublimemongrelBecky, Esq.5 points6 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

Mine too u/shogunofsarcasm -- happened twice in two different LTRs. Lost attraction to someone I was very much attracted to for years. It sucked :(

[–]shogunofsarcasmI do what I want2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

That does really suck :(

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Why did it change? What happened to make it change?

[–][deleted] -1 points0 points  (66 children) | Copy Link

No, it doesn't change. What happens is that the girls aren't able to get the hot guy; so they rationalize that inability into

"my attraction levels are changing. I'm not really attracted to those guys anymore. I'm growing and maturing. My attraction to those guys was because I was young, shallow and stupid. I was a bad person. But I'm not that anymore. I'm a Good Person. I am older, wiser, deeper and more forward thinking. I don't really want them anymore. What I really want are accountants and IT stemlords. Guys with steady jobs and Toyota Camrys and mortgages. Yeah. That's hot."

[–]shogunofsarcasmI do what I want6 points7 points  (19 children) | Copy Link really does change. If I was attracted to the same guys now as I was in my late teens it'd be ridiculous.

The guys in IT are actually more my style because I am in IT. We have something in common. Something the potheads I used to want to date didn't have. If I was still wet for emos, I would probably still be an emo. Which I am not. I grew up and tastes changed. You can deny it all you want but I am definitely not attracted to the guys I used to love

[–][deleted] -1 points0 points  (18 children) | Copy Link

No, it really doesn't change. It's rationalizing and hamstering.

If women couldn't do that, they'd all go absolutely batshit insane.

So no, I don't believe what women are sexually attracted to changes. What changes are strategies and tactics in response to changing conditions on the ground. Not attraction.

[–]shogunofsarcasmI do what I want9 points10 points  (9 children) | Copy Link

All you are doing is rationalizing and hamstering so it fits what you want it to.

Attraction can change. What can't is your willingness to admit it

[–][deleted] 5 points6 points  (6 children) | Copy Link

I am married to a guy who is objectively hotter in every way than any other guy I knew, Biblically or non-Biblically, before. And yet the kind of guy I found hot as a teenager is completely different from the kind of guy I find hot now. Will wonders never cease?

[–]SetConsumesAlways Becoming1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

There's no difference between how she feels and what she thinks.

What she feels is what she thinks. Don't give a shit how more "logically" developed the whore is, same God damn behavior.

No I'm not angry /s

[–]sublimemongrelBecky, Esq.4 points5 points  (20 children) | Copy Link

No, you're just rationalizing something you don't want to accept. She said her attraction changed and you're heading straight to "nah you're lying to yourself."

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (9 children) | Copy Link

If her attraction levels "changed", it's quite curious that that tends to happen only after she dates lots of hawt men, gets burned a couple of times, and only THEN decides that hawt dudes aren't for her, innit?

[–]sublimemongrelBecky, Esq.3 points4 points  (8 children) | Copy Link

That's not what happened to me. First BF ever -- my first "love" and the guy who was my first everything sexual, hell he was even my second kiss, I lost attraction to. And then my 3rd BF who would have been my 4th sexual partner, same thing with him. Not after dating "lots of hawt men and getting burned."

[–]fundude10 points1 point  (9 children) | Copy Link

If women's preferences change so readily, then whats the point of marriage with women?

Not logical to marry for a male if women are so "emotional" and "changing" in preference.

[–]sublimemongrelBecky, Esq.3 points4 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Honestly I think you should wait a few years before you get married to see if it can be maintained. Personally when I've lost attraction it happened both times around the 2 year mark. Don't ask me why 2 years I don't know.

[–]BiggerDthanYouBluetopia2 points3 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

If women's preferences change so readily, then whats the point of marriage with women?

They change a lot while they are still in mental development, but after a certain age it's rather stable.

The CC happens in their teens. That's when they go from alpha bad boy to high beta local musician to athlete to whatever else.

TRP is truly the only place on earth where people think that women want the same type of man at 14, 25 and 40. And where women changing their taste from 14-24 is ruining marriage.

The solution is pretty easy. Just stop slut shaming and don't marry at 18. The modern SMP and RMP work pretty well for this.

Let teens sleep around, have short flings and go wild so that they can find themselves. The existence of the CC helps them to find out what they truly want in a partner and they can begin to look for real relationships once they can handle them, know what they want and are mature enough.

And a lot of it doesn't really change. It's just what they expect to be good in theory isn't all that great in reality.

Like she might be attracted to guys that dress like her favorite singer, but then realizes that they don't have the personality she projected on that style. Or she might expect to like a certain type of personality, but a few months in a relationship gets bored by it or she might think looks don't matter or looks are all that matters and then realizes that you need a baseline and that everything above that baseline looks the same while you are in love and once the novelty of good looks is gone and you are used to their perfection.

You can't know what you truly want unless you've tried it out.

[–]SmurfESmurferson5 points6 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

In all fairness, you could flip the question for women - why marry a man when you know you're going to age, and they'll always find 20 year olds attractive?

[–][deleted] 3 points4 points  (12 children) | Copy Link

"my attraction levels are changing. I'm not really attracted to those guys anymore. I'm growing and maturing. My attraction to those guys was because I was young, shallow and stupid. I was a bad person. But I'm not that anymore. I'm a Good Person. I am older, wiser, deeper and more forward thinking. I don't really want them anymore. What I really want are accountants and IT stemlords. Guys with steady jobs and Toyota Camrys and mortgages. Yeah. That's hot."

you're really digging yourself into a hole here, making up what you believe women think. i don't think i was a bad person or stupid or shallow for who i used to find attractive. i grew older, i got some experience, and my tastes and needs changed (along with trends, which likely had some sort of an influence too). i also used to love mayo on my sandwiches and could eat basically whatever i wanted without thinking about my waistline (ah, those were the days). things change over time; why is this so hard for some people to understand?

[–]wattwattyOld and reddish1 point2 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

i also used to love mayo on my sandwiches and could eat basically whatever i wanted without thinking about my waistline (ah, those were the days). things change over time; why is this so hard for some people to understand?

How can you not see that this is precisely the heart of the argument? It's "what I really want" vs. "what I must do to be `healthy.'"

[–][deleted] 2 points3 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

i was pointing out other things that change over time, like my metabolism. although mayo, mayo is just gross.

[–][deleted] -1 points0 points  (7 children) | Copy Link

I'm not making up anything. I'm observing what women DO and RESPOND TO, in certain places and circumstances and contexts, and assigning to those things a thought/rationalization process that is supported by said actions, responses and contexts.

i grew older, i got some experience, and my tastes and needs changed (along with trends, which likely had some sort of an influence too).

Translation: you failed at relationships and couldn't lock down the more attractive men you were with. So you changed your strategies and looked for less attractive, more pliable, more compliant, more beta men who would give you what you want sooner, with less effort, and with less drama.

why is this so hard for some people to understand?

Because it's nonsense. If women could lock down the alpha dickbags they used to fuck, they'd have done it. If women could have the alpha looks and the beta comfort all rolled into one, they'd commit to it in a heartbeat. But they can't. Almost all of them have to compromise and settle, sometimes quite heavily.

Your claims are also difficult for me to accept because ive seen it work out so differently for most women. Most women I know go through the exact things and processes I just set out repeatedly here and in this thread.

[–][deleted] 5 points6 points  (5 children) | Copy Link

Translation: you failed at relationships and couldn't lock down the more attractive men you were with. So you changed your strategies and looked for less attractive, more pliable, more compliant, more beta men who would give you what you want sooner, with less effort, and with less drama.

oh, stop, haha. 17 year old me was not trying to "lock anyone down"; i was too busy with school to even think about getting married or whatever. and who didn't have failed relationships in their youth? who didn't hope for situations that were easier with less drama? the point of dating and being with people is to learn what is or isn't what you want, and what you're compatible with. naturally, some relationships will fail, and you'll learn that some of the things you thought were great at first, weren't. stop trying to turn normal dating into this great tragic conspiracy, it's absurd.

Because it's nonsense. If women could lock down the alpha dickbags they used to fuck, they'd have done it. If women could have the alpha looks and the beta comfort all rolled into one, they'd commit to it in a heartbeat. But they can't. Almost all of them have to compromise and settle, sometimes quite heavily.

it's not nonsense. do you have the exact same tastes in everything that you had when you were a teen? can you honestly say that you haven't changed at all, that your experiences have had no effect on you? everything you're saying just sounds like a self-comforting fantasy, and shows a lack of knowledge. unsurprisingly, the particular statements above sound not unlike the complaints of a lot of red/incel men here (i couldn't get what i wanted, so i had to compromise and settle, sometimes quite heavily).

Your claims are also difficult for me to accept because ive seen it work out so differently for most women. Most women I know go through the exact things and processes I just set out repeatedly here and in this thread.

you have seen whatever you wanted to see. some people on this sub never change.

[–]BiggerDthanYouBluetopia1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Because it's nonsense. If women could lock down the alpha dickbags they used to fuck, they'd have done it.

Lewis, are you arguing based on outliers again? Which women even wants one of those to commit? He's good for a fuck, but not even good enough to watch movies together. They are happy if he's gone in the morning.

[–]BiggerDthanYouBluetopia2 points3 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

No, it doesn't change. What happens is that the girls aren't able to get the hot guy; so they rationalize that inability into

But why shouldn't it change?

The CC is filled with teens. Most are 12-21.

Why shouldn't they still undergo mental development? Do you still find the same things cool as you did at 14?

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

Women do undergo mental development. But their dramatic shift from alpha fuckbois to beta stemlords is not "mental development". It's a strategic change, not a feelings change, not an attraction level change, not a "growth and development" change.

[–]SetConsumesAlways Becoming1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

A woman's feelings changing is seen as growth and development to her.

There is little else growth and development that women go through.

What, her skills in X are going to significantly increase? Maybe for one or two things, which gets compartmentalized, and then the rest of her growth is the mentioned.

[–]BiggerDthanYouBluetopia2 points3 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

But their dramatic shift from alpha fuckbois to beta stemlords is not "mental development".

Isn't that a outlier case? Shouldn't we concern ourselves with averages?

I'm talking about normal, regular women that hook up with alphas. They have a few short flings and casual sex with exciting bad boys in their teens, but then take a guy that won't end up in jail as a long term partner and potential father of her children once she no longer parties every weekend and starts to think about actual relationships.

In that case it's a gradual change. She might date the hot guy from the football team at 16, but then realizes that looks aren't everything and gets bored with him. Then she dates the hot musician at 18 and realizes that drugs and partying aren't everything. Then at 20 she's dating the guy from her history class she's been going to the movies with.

The more relationships you have and the more men you casually sleep with the more you realize what your preferences actually are.

Perfect looks might be great to create initial attraction, but it doesn't matter if 6 months into a relationship looks don't matter anymore. And being a musician might be attractive as a teen, but you get used to that as well. A drug dealer might be exciting, but only a few times. An athlete might have special value in college, but then you realize that it doesn't make him a better person.

You seem to expect women to have the same taste in men at 14 as at 24 although this just isn't the case. They might think that they are attracted to those guys at 14, but they start to sleep with them and at 18 their tastes have already changed a lot and at 24 they've had all kinds of guys and know what they really want.

They aren't settling for a beta because they can't get any better. They take that guy because he's the best choice right now.

It's a strategic change, not a feelings change, not an attraction level change, not a "growth and development" change.

We have to break this down in at least two categories.

  1. The Gold Digger

That's what you are talking about.

Hot chick sleeps with hot guys and then picks a rich guy that supports her financially.

Of course this is strategic. Everyone and their grandparents know that (except of course the STEMlords because they don't know anything that isn't in a textbook)

  1. All the others.

They also do sleep with the hot guys (among others), but then pick a more stable guy to settle down.

And for the biggest part this is due to lifestyles. The things she found exciting as a teen are no longer exciting and things she found boring are interesting now.

If you actually knew women you would have noticed this slow gradual change because even the guys they have casual flings with change over the years.

[–][deleted] 2 points3 points  (5 children) | Copy Link

No, it doesn't change. What happens is that the girls aren't able to get the hot guy

You're wrong. As an example of your wrongness, the type of man I was sexually attracted to changed wildly upon losing my virginity. As a virgin I liked popstar type pretty-boys with an edge of femininity. As a non-virgin I developed a strong taste for big/muscular/square-headed-and-jawed men. That was a drastic change in what attracted me sexually and it wasn't due to my not being able to get the femme-y boys I'd liked before.

[–][deleted] 2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I went through the exact same trajectory, although it wasn't losing my virginity that did it, it happened later for me. But in my teens and early twenties I liked "pretty boys" and effeminate hipsters in skinny jeans. Around 22 or so my tastes started to shift more toward the masculine.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (3 children) | Copy Link

I find that hard to believe.

Flesh it out. What happened after you lost your virginity to cause you to change from popstar pretty boys to jockdude/jarheads? Something happened. Some event or circumstance. What was it?

[–][deleted] 4 points5 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

I find that hard to believe.

I'm shocked!

Something happened. Some event or circumstance. What was it?

It was almost certainly losing my virginity to a huge human slab of beef. It broadened my horizons re: what I found sexually attractive in men. In my 20s I was in a 5+ year LTR with a much older guy and the same thing happened - I started to find myself attracted to older men in a way I hadn't been before. Not as strongly as to the muscley ones, but it still happened.

And at this point, aren't you basically agreeing with the OP? That women's tastes CAN and DO change? You're very wedded to it being a negative thing (for women - they only change because given woman X was too fug to get who she really wanted) but do you at this point concede that they can/do change? And even if, for example, my tastes changed due to my not being able to land a pretty-boy, they still changed. I'm not faking attraction to the muscleheads. I really feel it.

[–]BiggerDthanYouBluetopia2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

What happens is that the girls aren't able to get the hot guy

What about all the times where they got him and the hot guy turned out to be not so hot after all? Or when they had him for some time and then developed in different directions?

Think back about what songs and movies you liked years ago, as a teen and now. Tastes and preferences can change over time.

[–][deleted] 3 points4 points  (15 children) | Copy Link

You're assuming that all women thought that "locking down Chad" was possible and had her heart set on that. Most likely, she knew that Chad would be a short term thing and her attraction to him was within that context.

I don't know any women who chased "bad boys" when young and realistically thought these men would make STABLE relationship partners.

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (13 children) | Copy Link

If it were the case that she thought Chads were short term things, then why are we constantly readiing about alpha widows (some of whom have admitted to this right here on this subreddit)? Why are we constantly hearing bitching and moaning about "where are all the good (i.e. hot, attractive, commitment-minded) men?" Why are we constantly hearing pissing and moaning about women married to beta bitchboys who can't stand up for themselves for anything and who have no self respect and who command no respect?

These women are marrying men they're not really all that hot for because they could not get attractive men to marry them, and could not find attractive men who were also commitment minded.

[–][deleted] 4 points5 points  (7 children) | Copy Link

We aren't. You read about them on RedPill from anonymous dudes who have every reason to be bitter. I never heard of "alpha widow" until RP and don't believe it exists outside of a few cases of unstable women.

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (6 children) | Copy Link

No, I read about them from women who write about it and talk about it. There are two alpha widows or former alpha widows who have posted here. There is constant bitching and complaining from women literally EVERYWHERE about the dearth of good, commitment minded, attractive men available for marriage. In the MSM, on the blogosphere, EVERYWHERE.

[–][deleted] 6 points7 points  (5 children) | Copy Link

Two! Wow. How overwhelming!

I have never asked where all the "good" men have gone. There are tons of them!

[–][deleted] -1 points0 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

When it comes to discussing sexual dynamics in online forums, two in the hand is worth at least 20 in the bush.

[–]SmurfESmurferson6 points7 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

So you're extrapolating the experiences of two women onto all other women?

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

No, not just them.

I've been participating in the manosphere for over 5 years. I've been alive for 48. My experience with alpha widows is more extensive than two women on this board.

[–]SmurfESmurferson3 points4 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

It was a joke about something you posted to sublime earlier. Should've made that clear.

[–][deleted] 4 points5 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

You have to agree that 2 is not all women.

[–][deleted] 3 points4 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

These "attractive men" you were referring to have nothing to offers relationship. The point is that they have no long term prospects.

[–]BPremiumMeh0 points1 point  (3 children) | Copy Link

but they still got her when shes younger and most likely hotter. They got to have fun while the relationship guy has to deal with all her baggage and bullshit

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

I am actually better looking in my 30s than my 20s (I didn't lift then, had an awful haircut and was very shy). I don't disagree that most women are better looking younger, but to think of that as automatically her "best" is really just shallow. I keep in extremely good shape, but my "best" isn't just my body.

As for baggage and bullshit, I hear you on that. That isn't strictly reserved for females though. As a late bloomer / introvert, I think I escaped without either of those!

[–]BPremiumMeh0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

Its super shallow, agreed, but nonetheless correct outside of outliers like jennifer aniston

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

I'm content to be an outlier ;).

[–]cxj75% Redpill Core Ideas0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

I don't know any women who chased "bad boys" when young and realistically thought these men would make STABLE relationship partners.

I know tons of such women lol. But there were also lots who just wanted something casual and didn't think it would lead to an ltr, and also some who didn't want to ltr them, I think because they valued having control over the relationship more than being attracted to their partner.

[–]nomdplumeFormer Alpha1 point2 points  (9 children) | Copy Link

Moreover, a woman's losing attraction to a man she was attracted to enough to marry almost never happens, unless he changes so radically that he's literally not the same person.


I'm not sure this is true, based both on my own experience and on the experience of other guys I know. My wife fucked me like an alpha for the first few years, but over a long period of time, the passion and interest slowly waned (she could and would still fuck me like an alpha, but doing so was highly dependent on outside forces) until the shit hit the fan and our sex life became a dead bedroom.

I also just posted (again) the link to the research that describes why women lose interest in sex and men don't.

I don't think that women can lose what they never really had to begin with...

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (8 children) | Copy Link

My wife fucked me like an alpha for the first few years, but over a long period of time, the passion and interest slowly waned

Why? Why do you believe this happened?

I also just posted (again) the link to the research that describes why women lose interest in sex and men don't.

OK, but... Tough shit. I lose interest in working my ass off to support an ungrateful wife; but I'm still expected to do it. My "loss of interest" in no way, shape, manner or form justifies my refusal to do it.

So it is with a wife losing interest in sex. She's still expected to do it. Her loss of interest in no way, shape, manner or form justifies her refusal to do it.

[–]nomdplumeFormer Alpha1 point2 points  (7 children) | Copy Link

Why do you believe this happened?

Because domesticity, betaness, and the resulting boredom.

OK, but... Tough shit.

Well, yeah, I tend to agree. But I wasn't trying to get into moral judgement or subjective arguments - just describing the dynamic.

None of this shit is fair.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (6 children) | Copy Link

Because domesticity, betaness, and the resulting boredom.

Therefore, like I told u/sublimemongrel:

Assholes finish first, nice guys finish last. Don't ever be a nice guy. Put yourself first, your job, your hobbies and shit you want and need to do comes first, before she does. Get a little asshole in your hearts, men. Treat em mean to keep em keen.

[–]sublimemongrelBecky, Esq.5 points6 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

No that would be even a bigger turn off than doormat beta to me. Maybe other women might be into that but yuck. Selfish asshole isn't anymore attractive than supplicating doormat to me.

[–]darla104 points5 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

Treat em mean and they'll jump on chad's peen. Even faster than if you were beta queen.

How about: don't be a doormat, lead by example, be a captain. Lewis you're advice is wack. Smells like angry bunny advice.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (3 children) | Copy Link

See, here's the thing. Nonchads, like those who make their way to TRP, are seen by women as not having the "right" to not be a doormat; cannot lead by example, and have no right to be a captain. According to women, nonchads don't have a right to act like that, because they're not attractive enough. So they have to work some asshole into their lives just to avoid being treated like shit.

[–]darla101 point2 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

Having healthy boundaries and self respect is very different from being an asshole. But maybe we are just arguing about words here. Maybe we are talking about the same thing. If that's the case, stop using the word asshole. It makes you sound silly. Assholes are not sexy. They are angry little boys. Men with boundaries are sexy.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

Pffft. Good looking, dominant, badass men who have status and money, and who have boundaries, are sexy.

Average looking, not so dominant, underconfident men who work at WalMart, and who have boundaries, are not sexy.

[–]darla101 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Pfft.Having boundaries will make you confident. Being mean will only make you more sad.

[–]despisedlove2Reality Pill Tradcon RP9 points10 points  (23 children) | Copy Link

It would be more correct to say that RP didn't understand women until they turned RP.

[–][deleted] 14 points15 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

Did you read my post or are you just commenting to comment?

[–][deleted] 2 points2 points | Copy Link

[permanently deleted]

[–]sublimemongrelBecky, Esq.3 points4 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Don't be rude. What is "drivel" about it -- the fact you don't like it?

[–]despisedlove2Reality Pill Tradcon RP1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

You have cause and effect reversed.

[–]shogunofsarcasmI do what I want5 points6 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

So you agree with everything OP says here?

[–][deleted] 3 points3 points | Copy Link

[permanently deleted]

[–]shogunofsarcasmI do what I want2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

It is a comic book reference. I am asking a question. Do you think the things OP says about RP are true?

Because if you think the things OP says about women are untrue, at least in how they deal with attraction and how it can change, you might be part of the problem

[–]BiggerDthanYouBluetopia5 points6 points  (15 children) | Copy Link

Nah. Now they think they understand women, but still don't.

[–]AnarchkittyBetter dead than Red3 points4 points  (10 children) | Copy Link

If anything, they probably understand women less than before they started reading RP.

[–]the_calibre_cat13 points14 points  (9 children) | Copy Link

I'd disagree with that sentiment. T.R.P. isn't measured by Blue Pilled opinions of it, it's measured by how many women you can get down to fuck. One way or another, I would expect that almost any guy that even begins to implement T.R.P. principles, like a white belt, is having more success than he was beforehand.

Not every guy is a natural at it. For those guys, a male approach is valid. T.R.P. is a systematic male approach. There's a lot of truth to it, and a lot of that truth reveals less-than-flattering behaviors of women, who of course frantically try to deny or soften that in order to maintain "women are wonderful." Some of it is just unnecessary, rampant, misogynist bullshit, too - no question, but that's hardly significant.

Anyone who questions leftist/blue pill thinking anywhere will be judged by the handful of extremists who make politically incorrect commentary - this is leftist/blue pill S.O.P. of poisoning the well through guilt by association. The only winning move is not to play that game, so we're not.

No male movement will ever truly understand women, that's just a fact. Women are people. How can one truly understand any other people, least of all people who are physically and mentally different and who undergo a different lived experience? One cannot. I think most men are more than happy to admit this. It'd be nice if women stopped telling men how and why they feel and act the way that they do, though (lookin' at you, feminism).

[–]BiggerDthanYouBluetopia4 points5 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I'd disagree with that sentiment. T.R.P. isn't measured by Blue Pilled opinions of it, it's measured by how many women you can get down to fuck.

Hypothetical example: "women believe that space fairies exist but don't want men to know therefore you shouldn't ever talk about space faeries with women"

This advice works, but that doesn't mean that women actually believe in extraterrestrial/mythological beings.

And this example may sound weird, but that's how TRP is all the time.

One way or another, I would expect that almost any guy that even begins to implement T.R.P. principles, like a white belt, is having more success than he was beforehand.

If that guy is completely clueless to begin with.

If he's a normal guy it can actually hurt his chances as well.

Unless of course you'd say taking a shower, putting effort into your presentation, not sperging out and leaving your basement to talk to women is a TRP principle in which case we are talking about completely clueless guys again and "it works" fails yet again as an argument.

And yeah, duh, anything can be better than nothing at all. Eating old pizza crusts is also better than eating nothing, but that doesn't mean that they are a good meal.

[–]AnarchkittyBetter dead than Red3 points4 points  (7 children) | Copy Link

That's a fine generic defense of TRP, but none of it has to do with the topic at hand.

[–]the_calibre_cat4 points5 points  (6 children) | Copy Link

Last paragraph. The idea of one group of humans "understanding" another group is, frankly, preposterous. Anyone who claims to understand other groups is selling snake oil.

[–]AnarchkittyBetter dead than Red3 points4 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

There are dozens of women on this topic explaining, over and over in great detail exactly what their experiences and observations are, and in every case multiple (male) TRPers are telling them they are wrong because they do think they understand women.

The idea of one group of humans "understanding" another group is, frankly, preposterous.

TRP is entirely predicated on the idea that they understand women.

[–]the_calibre_cat3 points4 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

There are dozens of women on this topic explaining, over and over in great detail exactly what their experiences and observations are...

Words do not convey lived experience. They help, but they cannot produce for one human what another human is going through, or why. I would even go so far as to argue that humans themselves don't know why they feel the way that they do - some days I am irrationally irate at feminists, other days I'm just mildly opposed. I have no idea why.

...and in every case multiple (male) TRPers are telling them they are wrong because they do think they understand women.

In one sense, I think the T.R.P.ers are idiots for doing that, in another sense, I think they're wise to. Do you think men are completely forthright in explaining experiences to women? Because that's stupid. We're not, in fear of judgment, even in an online anonymous forum (though, obviously, the presence of alt-right internet tough guys online but not in real life suggests that the shield of anonymity stunts the power of social shaming).

Having no reason to believe women are divinely perfect people, I suspect they lie, too. They, like men, almost certainly omit aspects of their intentions that would not be received well, even on an anonymous forum.

Or hey, maybe I'm just a horrible misogynist for assuming women are anything less than perfect.

TRP is entirely predicated on the idea that they understand women.

T.R.P. attempts to collect and systemize male observations of success with women. It is rife with some bitterness, yes, it's the plight of anyone reading that to sift through it and sort out the bad from the good - but I'm not under any impression that women assume the best out of men, either. They're just given the benefit of the doubt by the prevailing media, whereas men aren't - hence "don't judge us by the extremists" applies to feminism, but not T.R.P.

[–]sublimemongrelBecky, Esq.0 points1 point  (3 children) | Copy Link

Great point in that last paragraph. You should write a post.

[–]the_calibre_cat0 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

But I am lazy.

[–]sublimemongrelBecky, Esq.1 point2 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Impossible, you're a man all men are workhorses. Men don't know the definition of the word "lazy."

[–]the_calibre_cat0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Well, I dunno. Anger seems to compel me to write out long screeds and say shit I don't really mean, mainly to get a rise out of people on the internet (Trevor's Axiom!), and I don't really like doing that.

I'd rather work on stuff that's, you know, actually pertinent and meaningful to my life while taking some wisdom from my own deeply-held beliefs and those who think and feel differently from me.

And, composing a post about this stuff just... doesn't... seem to have much of a payoff to me. So it's really more of an economic transaction that I don't see much gain to - but it's true, everything you know about us is a lie, I am, at times, lazy. Shit. Sorry T.R.P, better put me in a camp.

[–]SetConsumesAlways Becoming1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

In what way do they not? By overgeneralizations? Or anything else conceptually wrong with rp to you?

[–]darksoldierkPurple Pill0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

Even women don't understand women. Women are just random variables, too illogical understand. That isn't an insult, it's a fact.

[–]BPremiumMeh0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

I have said this exact same thing

[–]despisedlove2Reality Pill Tradcon RP0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

As long as they understand enough to protect themselves, it is fine.

[–]ContrarianZRealist1 point2 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

Yes I agree with 90% of what you're saying, female sexuality (on average) is definitely more fluid than male sexuality, and changes over time.

I disagree that by simply understanding this resolves the majority of the problems in the RP worldview. None of these points are going to change how RP feels about being left out during youth, or being second choice for marriage, or being unexpectedly divorced.

If male sexuality is more constant, then they are going to be unhappy when things don't stay the way they want.

[–]sublimemongrelBecky, Esq.5 points6 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

If male sexuality is more constant, then they are going to be unhappy when things don't stay the way they want.

Well things will never remain perfectly the same. Women age. I met my husband at 19 and am now 31. The idea that he could loose attraction to me because I'm not that 19 year old anymore is a bit frightening too.

[–]ContrarianZRealist1 point2 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

So goes the old saying, women marry hoping their man changes and men marry hoping their women stays the same, and the opposite happens.

In a perfect world women world always stay young and attractive and men will always be new and exciting. But we don't live in a perfect world so we learn to compromise.

If your husband is a decent guy then he'll learn over time to be more attracted your personality and your experiences together more so than physical beauty.

[–]sublimemongrelBecky, Esq.3 points4 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

I mean I was planning on remaining physically beautiful forever. Don't shatter my dream.

[–]ContrarianZRealist0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Hey, with the right surgeon you could be the next Carmen dell'Orefice. Dream on.

[–]_primeZ1 point2 points  (6 children) | Copy Link

Ok what about those who prefer milfs?

[–]AnarchkittyBetter dead than Red1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

They always will, I guess?

[–]blametheboogiefresh dressed with the fly green socks0 points1 point  (4 children) | Copy Link

When you are 40 are you going to want 60 year old women or still 36 year old women?

[–]_primeZ1 point2 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

So you do agree 20 year olds aren't always the absolutely most preferred age group.

[–]blametheboogiefresh dressed with the fly green socks0 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

I think that 20 year old women are ideal for men in their early 20s for relationships, if you're older than that you would likely be happier with a woman who is closer to your own maturity and life experience level.

I've seen friends in their 30s try to have relationships with 20-22 year olds and they were disasters.

For non relationship sex like fwbs and such if you can get a 20 year old more power to you no matter what age you are.

If 35 is your 20 and you are swimming in 35 year olds more power to you.

You still haven't answered my original question.

[–]_primeZ1 point2 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Yes, I agree with your thoughts on the ideal ages simply because at a glance, statistics show that marriages tend to last longer when the age gaps are smaller and intuitively, your succint summary of the situation makes sense.

As for your original question, apologies for not answering it at first. With reddit being what it is, I wanted to find out the intent behind the question before possibly having to respond to many aggressive comments so please understand. The answer is I don't know yet as I'm not that old yet. I also don't have a strict preference in age group (contrary to what my original comment might have suggested). However, I have noticed that my preferences have changed greatly over time and it still doesn't have a one-dimensional bias in age group exactly due to the reasons you mentioned.

[–]blametheboogiefresh dressed with the fly green socks1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I get it, you're still finding out what works for you.

I have seen marriages with large age gaps work but usually when the woman is close to or over 30 already. My observation is that most people's personalities and preferences change a lot between 20 and 30 but stay reasonably stable after that unless they go through a lot of bad experiences. This is why marrying an early 20s woman is a bad idea for 30+ men in my opinion.

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

So then if your attraction changes over time just lemme have a mistress and we're gucci.

[–][deleted] 3 points4 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

If I'm not attracted to you anymore, I don't give a fuck if you have a mistress.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Unfortunately a lot of chicks just want to control you even if they hate you

[–]YetAnotherCommenterPurple Pill Man, Sexual Economics Theory1 point2 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

This entire post is "but women are special! We aren't animalistic fuck-apes like you menz! Our sexuality is wholesome and pure and more mental and spiritual than your debased throbbing biological urges!"

Tell us more how you wish to be treated equally. Because clearly what you want is special treatment.

No, you don't have a better nature than us. You're just as much of a biological creature.

For that matter though, sexuality can be fluid. This actually includes male sexuality too. The idea of rigid male sexuality/fluid female sexuality is a product of the female privilege of "bisexuality is okay in women but men who are bi are just gay-and-in-denial."

[–][deleted] 4 points5 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Nah bud. You said all that. Not me.

[–]kick6Red Pill Man1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Example 1: "Women divorce or deadbedroom their husbands because they were never really attracted to him to begin with." Notice the assumption that the woman's attraction is constant over time.

I've never heard it stated that way. Normally it's stated that she slowly lost attraction for him as he doubled-down on betatude. So, her attraction IS constant...he's just slowly become less attractive.

Example 2: "Women fuck hot, sexy men in their youth, then settle for a boring beta." Notice that again, the assumption is that women's sexual preferences are constant over time.

Here's the thing: women's sexual preferences haven't changed in this scenario, what has changed is their ability to capitalize on said preferences. Let me give you a counter example.

Let's say I'm a big-shot investment banker making $1 million a year. I drive a brand spanking new $100,000 porsche.

The financial crisis hits, I lose my job. I now work as a CPA making $60,000. I drive a $15,0000 corolla.

Has my preference changed? Fuck no, I'd much rather drive a porsche. I just can't afford the porsche anymore.

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

100% agree with this. Upvoted.

[–]AutoModeratorBiased against humans[M] 0 points1 point  (8 children) | Copy Link


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[–]sublimemongrelBecky, Esq.7 points8 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Spot on OP. Have been saying this for a year (not quite as eloquently) myself.

[–]wattwattyOld and reddish1 point2 points  (5 children) | Copy Link

...and the more beautiful the better.

This one clause betrays that the OP thinks men think like women (to turn the tables a bit). To put a fine point to it: This statement just is not true in any real sense.

[–]sublimemongrelBecky, Esq.3 points4 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

Really? You don't think most men go for the best looking woman they can find? Men care way more about looks, IME.

[–]wattwattyOld and reddish1 point2 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

But men aren't tortured if they see another woman who is better looking than their mate. Now, of course, men cheat (people cheat), but the cheating is not driven by a need to be with the best looking woman they see. If they were driven by that, they could be classified as hypergamous.

[–]sublimemongrelBecky, Esq.2 points3 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

But men aren't tortured if they see another woman who is better looking than their mate.

You think women are? That's insane.

Now, of course, men cheat (people cheat), but the cheating is not driven by a need to be with the best looking woman they see. If they were driven by that, they could be classified as hypergamous.

Hypergamy in women (assuming you believe it exists) isn't actually all that much about looks, IME. Men date "up" wrt looks way more than women do.

[–]wattwattyOld and reddish0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

You think women are?


That's insane.


[–]sublimemongrelBecky, Esq.5 points6 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

As a woman I can tell you I have never once experienced what you're describing. Not once.

[–]Princeso_Bubblegum☭ The real red pill ☭0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

only submissive blue pillers can understand a woman's feminine wiles

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

The biggest practical difference between male and female sexuality is that for women, sexual arousal and interest is fluid, contextual, and changing

Only in the sense that women's sexual arousal and interest depends on the men who approach them, and on the men who are around them. Women will always flock to the alpha. Chad will always take preference over any other man. There might be 50 girls and 5 guys but only 2 of the guys will sleep with 50 of the girls or close to it because women only want the chads of the group of men.

And as soon as the women meet guys who are more chad, their former liasons are forgotten with the other men.

A few studies on sexual arousal have found that women can be aroused by a larger variety of stimuli. They are aroused by situations considered sexy by our culture (women working out) or by sexual situations (monkeys fucking)

Most women are bisexual, indeed. They evolved that way due to a lack of chads around them. They wanted sexual release and emotional bonding, which caused women's sexual preferences to involve a dual sexual strategy: have sex with chads and other women, marry a beta.

but not by images of Chad walking shirtless

Those women are gay, totally. They don't get aroused by Chad walking shirtless? What? What do they get aroused by? Seeing Chad being good with kids? O.o

of Chad walking shirtless on the beach

How is this not sexual in context? lol. If I see an attractive girl walking around with her bikini top I'm going to find her arousing.

heterosexual male arousal is limited to naked women.

No? Dude, I've legit popped boners in the library over seeing girls who were fashionably dressed, with the right earings, make-up, shoes and so forth. What can I say? My dick knows what it likes, lol.

Also, women find older men more attractive as they themselves grow older,

So women in their 30s find men in their 30s to be attractive. What does that matter? Its natural.

but men always find 20 year old women the most attractive.

Ehhh, I actually find women in their 30s to late 30s to be more attractive lol. Those women are sexy af, have seen and been to places, have had a lot of sexual experiences, lots of sexual partners which really turns me on. Virgin women and women with low N numbers have never appealed me. I get aroused by the possibility of being taught stuff, of being show things I never thought were real, like extreme stuff that older women are into and want to do instead of the vanilla sex young women prefer because they are insecure or lack experience.

Notice that again, the assumption is that women's sexual preferences are constant over time. Men are sexually attracted to 20 year old women their whole lives, so they assume that women are also sexually attracted to the same type of man their whole lives. Notice it is never considered that what women are sexually attracted to changes over time.

hahaha, honestly? Are you excusing women for fucking chads in their youth and then wanting a beta? What is the point then for older men to get married? As soon as a man turns 25+ his sex life is dead because women are now looking for a beta bux and that means sex once a month, lukewarm starfish sex?

I guess guys should just accept it. If you didn't get with her at 20, be ready for that dead bedroom because she changed and has other priorities. Like having you raise kids that might not even be yours.

Again, this assumes that her sexual preferences are fixed in time. If she was really into a type of guy once, she will want him for all time. It is not considered that she was attracted to that man in that specific context, but is not attracted to him outside that context. Ancedotally, I know several men who still pine over their ex, but only one woman, and she never even slept with him.

Usually, women only stop pinning for chad after chad tires of them and goes for younger women. Around that time women go trough a transformation and suddenly claim to have been manipulated by men, used, or pumped and dumped ;D

This one has fallen out of fashion somewhat, but there are still a few stragglers that believe this. Men are almost universally attracted to beautiful women, and the more beautiful the better. In constrast, the type of men a woman likes depends on her social group and situation. She likes the top men, but the top of what depends very much on her particular preferences and situation. Again, the mistake is assuming that female sexuality is as fixed as male sexuality.

LOL. Female sexuality is as fixed as male sexuality is. Women want men with perfect aesthetics. She likes the top men but the top odepends of what are particular preferences or situation are? Like what? She likes man buns?



until they can accept that female sexuality is changing and contextual. Actually accepting this fact would resolve the majority of the problems with the RP worldview

Men should accept that women don't really mean what they say.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (3 children) | Copy Link

Do you believe alpha widows are a thing?

If so, what traits causes women to pine over the one that got away?

[–][deleted] 2 points3 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

Men and women initially create a romantic fantasy in their head surrounding the person they are lusting after. In this fantasy, the object of their affection is transformed into an idealized version. It's my theory that the love lasts as long as this idealized vision lasts. The love fades as reality slowly replaces fantasy with disappointment. If somehow the relationship ends before the fantasy has sufficiently dissolved, the man or woman will pine after their lost idealized love, which never actually existed outside of their heads.

So I think alpha widows or the male equivalents occur due to the desirer's characteristics, rather than the characteristics of the desired. The more a person is inclined to idealize their romantic partners, the more likely they are to become an alpha widow or widower.

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Ya know, I have to agree with you.

Well stated.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

That is by far the best description of the possible mechanics behind the "alpha widow". I always understood it on some level, but kudos for putting that into words so well. Or, maybe not since I understand it. LOL

I used to say its essentially competing with the ghost of an ex, because she isn't really comparing you to the actual man, she's comparing you to her MEMORY of the man.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Female attraction over time is only constant in terms of male height.

[–]Transmigratory0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

I'd like to ask how much of TRP text have you actually read?

Have you read it? Like some posters here have you simply claimed you've read it? Have you read it only till something bugged you then you stopped?

A lot of the time people don't get it so they think they've disproved it till they've unwittedly supported what TRP says like you've done.

[–]Up2Eleven0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

This is actually a good explanation for fickleness.

[–]HumanSockPuppetEqual-Opportunity Oppressor0 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

Which "Red Pillers" are you referring to? The ones teaching, or the ones learning?

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

The ones that post here on PPD.

[–]HumanSockPuppetEqual-Opportunity Oppressor0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

There's a mix of teachers and students among RPers who post here.

In general, newcomers (students) haven't fully accepted women's nature, and veterans (teachers) have.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (4 children) | Copy Link

I both agree and disagree.

Popular culture/entertainment tells us that women remain attracted to very young men all their lives. (Many/most women, not all women)

I don't need any context to find an image of a man sexually arousing. I've been like this since I was 16. I can look at a photograph of just his face and feel the same.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (3 children) | Copy Link

A man you know or a complete stranger?

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

Complete stranger.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

Wow. I am surprised. What does he have to look like? Will just any attractive man do?

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

No, not just anyone. Has to be what attracts me specifically.

[–]cxj75% Redpill Core Ideas0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

This post reminds me of one I wrote a while back elaborating on hypergamy, the 80/20 rule and "like attracts like."

I touched on a lot of the same ideas here, especially women's attraction changing with her environment and how this can lead to dead bedrooms.

[–]DarkLord0chinChin0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Studies didn't prove female sexual attraction changed over time. They only proved that women want a story to be a part of, not just a hunk of meat.

Female sexuality is not as rigid as male sexuality, but you gonna have to prove that it "changes over time". Because it doesn't really

[–]Gobiel0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

So basically you're saying that TRP is not misogynist enough ? Fuck yeah.

[–]BPremiumMeh0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Still, her attraction to the bad boy douche bag usually peaks at 16-24 ish, which happens to be when a woman is the most physically attractive. I dont want that guys leftovers after she aged and he doesnt want her anymore

[–]bigmfkrNo pills, injectables only0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

I can only agree with the first sentence of the title.

Redpillers do not understand women. Neither they want or need to understand them. You don't need to understand how a car or a computer works inside in order to operate it in an efficient way and take good care of it. You only need the manuals and someone to teach you how to do it. Understanding the inner kitchen might help juuuust a tiny bit, yes, but it is absolutely not necessary.

I only care about getting practical results. Attraction, first and foremost – it makes me happy. Keeping her happy if she's my LTR. I do not need to understand her for that. Her thought process is waaaay different than mine, and I'd have to spend my whole life studying psychology to understand it. For a marginal improvement. Nope, thanks. I'd rather take the practical advice that works, and works well.

That's for "Redpillers do not understand women." The rest is, as usual, pointless debate about how to interpret something on the internet.

[–]Rollo-TomassiRollo Tomassi0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Your presumptions of what Red Pill men believe in this respect is entirely based on your preconceptions.

In fact I wrote a book about exactly how women's sexual prioritizations change over various phases of their maturity:

Preventive Medicine

You can also read it for free here:

[–]circlhat0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

"Women divorce or deadbedroom their husbands because they were never really attracted to him to begin with."

Yes and no, TRP never stated this as a 100% but simply as a scenario, it seems women generally only accept 1 scenario , while you accused TRP of treating women as a singularity entity this is what society and women tend to do themselves.

Some women aren't attracted to their husbands from day one, some women lose attraction because they gain weight, some lose attractions because they become different people.

This one has fallen out of fashion somewhat, but there are still a few stragglers that believe this.

But you just confirmed it

Men are almost universally attracted to beautiful women, and the more beautiful the better.

Typical shaming technique used by women, You make a argument than say , "Hey look at you guys and what you are doing" , This is completely irrelevant, and here is the kicker

Again, the mistake is assuming that female sexuality is as fixed as male sexuality.

and here you have it, male sexuality is stagnate, one dimensional but women are multi-dimensional creatures , notice how you didn't justify mens sexual attraction which you act as if you are a expert in, but went though hoops to convince us that

She likes the top men, but the top of what depends very much on her particular preferences and situation.

top 10% is still top 10%, you aren't even disagreeing with the statement, but just wanted to talk I guess.

You can kill a man, but you can't kill an idea.

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