
~ archived since 2018 ~


Not sure if this is specifically for red pillers, as the red pill concept seems to have changed in recent months and the red pillers I see here generally aren't as outrageous as they used to be. So, basically, this is a general question for anyone who actually believes the issue in the OP title.

What I see often is that it's not only unfair and annoying, but an injustice needing to be fixed/bitched about if women prefer tall/white/wealthy/fit guys because most guys aren't all of the above. I've seen people posting that all baby girls should be blinded at birth, people suggesting bizarro dystopian futures to "solve" this "problem."

However, these same people happily go on about how men only want women under 25 (or is it 20 these days? fucking lol) and how women are only good for their looks (therefore there is no value to average or unattractive women because who cares about personality.) The latter comment is meant to be a sign of how open men are, because they'll date anyone as long as she's hot, but the point is, most women aren't hot. Most women don't have significant T&A at a healthy thin body weight. And as far as "unfair" goes, it's pretty unfair that a 50-year-old man's upper age limit for dating is 25, but apparently that's "just biology" and women don't have the right to be annoyed about it.

Now, cue the 80/20 rule. First off, that's in regards to casual sex, and women want relationships, not casual sex (men are the gatekeepers of commitment, yada yada, one of the only RP philosophies I agree with). So given this, it's ridiculous to judge how "fair" things are for the genders based only on how easy it is to get casual sex and not at all on how easy it is to have a loving and committed relationship. Both genders are being measured against MEN'S ultimate goal, which is absurd. In addition, the goal of having lots and lots of casual sex with super hot women is a real pipe dream for the vast majority of people, whereas the goal of simply getting married and living happily ever after with one person was pretty much the standard for centuries. It's like comparing the goal of winning the lottery to the goal of making $70K by the age of 40.

Anyway, that got a bit off topic, but the point is, why are standards "just biology" when they're men's standards, but a supreme injustice when they're women's standards? It's just as much biology for women to prefer a certain type of man as it is biology for a man to prefer a certain type of woman.

[–]rathyAro19 points20 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

You're just spending too much time on reddit. Some people like to pretend looks don't matter and others are more realistic. What you're describing sounds like some delusional incel shit.

[–][deleted] 5 points6 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

On the internet though, looks are way more overrated then in the real world. I have never had a problem with fat people I knew personally. Only after I stopped going out and started living my life online I became "redpilled", and started to feel that being fat is the worst thing that can happen to someone. Some of the most popular kids in my class in highschool and in college were fat. Same with slut shaming.

[–]buttlollipop 2 points2 points [recovered] | Copy Link

Yep. My fattest friends (male and female) are in very happy relationships. The shortest guy I know (shorter than a lot of women) does great with women (it helps that he's good looking). I know one guy who literally never gets women's attention. He makes good money and is decent looking, but is extremely shallow and terrible at talking to girls.

[–]RPSigmaStigmaRecovering romantic24 points25 points  (32 children) | Copy Link

TRP noobs, incels, "blackpill", etc whine about women's standards. Guys who have been implementing TRP for a while usually don't. Sometimes you'll see posts lamenting women's hypocrisy though. I've seen screenshots of girls on tinder talking about how they only date tall men, and when the guy even hints that he doesn't like fat women she flips out. Wish I could find that post again, it was pretty hilarious.

[–][deleted] 9 points10 points  (28 children) | Copy Link

I am redpill. but you are missing the point. Its not the whinning but the standards itself that is cause for concern.

Sure men can hit the gym, build muscles, get degree, job, etc. And then get laid.

But dont you see, this is virtually lowering your standards. You have to become taller, stronger, more confident, richer, blah blah blah to get a date. On the other hand, cupcake just has to create a tinder account . Some looser will message her, flirt with her and fuck her. And make her the center of his world. Even fatties (no offense to them) who are considered low smv get dates, fucks and messages there. Jus not the high smv men though. That somehow seems to be a problem while men literally never get replies, hardly get to fuck and be in a relationship unless they put a tone of effort into it.

When you say, i have to be more and more and more awesome to get any women at all, you are basically lowering your standards.

we do. We fuck what we get when our smv is low during our youth. I have fucked m2f transgenders f2m transgenders, etc. 3 years ago, if i got a fatty to fuck me, i would have been very happy and would have treated her like a queen. But since then i have imprved my physic, have a masters degree and high paying job. Women (early 30s) just get interested wheb they hear what i work as or where i studied, you should see hiw they reactq when i tell them my salary :D.

But you have to meet older women who virtually have nothing i see any value in, having sky high standards. Like i said, my youth and female hyoergamy has given me the virtue to not have standards. I would be happily be with these old ladies if they stop acting fucking entitled queens.

[–]ppdthrowawaiRed Pill11 points12 points  (12 children) | Copy Link

But dont you see, this is virtually lowering your standards. You have to become taller, stronger, more confident, richer, blah blah blah to get a date. On the other hand, cupcake just has to create a tinder account . Some looser will message her, flirt with her and fuck her.

Lol come on dude, seriously? All you did here was a bunch of mental gymnastics so you could whine about women's standards. We KNOW what women's standards are. You SHOULD know them by now. So get over it and stop talking about how you don't like reality. It will give you a lot more energy to focus on what you should be doing: kicking ass.

[–]RPSigmaStigmaRecovering romantic3 points4 points  (10 children) | Copy Link

Exactly. I mean, it must take a very special kind of victim mentality to equate increasing your own value with lowering your standards. "These two opposite things are actually the same thing!" WTF?

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

If you have it in your mind that you are "perfect just the way you are" its kinda insulting to be told you have to change to have success. I had to get over "being myself" before I could make any progress at all, and that was probably the first real hurdle of MANY to follow.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

Hmm. I never said i am perfect the way i am. Infact even if i am perfect, i will work hard to be even more perfect. i have higher standards on myself, not on other people in my life.

You were a lousy fucker before you took red pill doesnt mean, all are like that. I have always been motivated, determined and hard working.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

You were a lousy fucker before you took red pill doesnt mean, all are like that. I have always been motivated, determined and hard working.

I've never said differently. I'm sure plenty of men "just get it" and are fine without RP. Good for them! Mostly, I'll admit I don't get "motivated" to do much until I see the benefit for me in it, or put another way I'm kinda selfish. However, I'm also more than willing to share my abundance with others, once I have my fill.

So in the past, I didn't understand that working out and being more fit would be directly related to my success with women. And I'll fully admit, I'd rather not work out and spend that time doing something else, but NOW I put in (some) time to stay in "better" shape. I have plenty of room to improve still, but at the moment I'm good where I am, and don't see the need to do more.

Being determined, motivated, and hard working are still a matter of PoV though. Sure, I didn't work out, but I put countless hours into coding, music, and reading. I was MORE than motivated about chasing after things I enjoyed doing, and completely ignored the rest. Hard work? When I first started playing drums I practiced until my arms gave out. (which wasn't always the best thing for my progress actually). I taught myself how to code before the internet existed, by reading books and trying over and over to get it right.

My point being: just because someone looks like a slob does NOT mean they aren't motivated at all, it means they don't see ANY reason to put effort into their appearance. To be frank, if I didn't know that NOT ONLY does my appearance help my success with women, but it helps my success overall? I'd have put the time in years ago. And, I'd say the same for just about everything I had to adjust after I found the 'sphere. It isn't that I wasn't willing, it was that no one showed me where the value was. And please, don't give me that "you should be healthy for you!" stuff. Sure, its probably true, but if the end result is I die sooner, and I'm OK with that? Still no motivation there.

And to your point? Yep, I now know I will never be perfect, but I shouldn't stop trying to get there anyway. In the past? Well I was told I just "had to be myself", and at the time "myself" wasn't so great.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

I agree with all you said mate.

But i would still say do it for yourself. Staying healthy is for you and your future.

There is no excuse to be obese, unhygenic, unmotivated or ambitionless.

Appearance is shite though. I dont give a fuck about that.

About women, "most" of them are going fast on one way road to hit the wall. pussy is of low value later in life. They can have all the standards they want, but eventually they have to bend over to successfull men. Doing anything for them is pointless.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (5 children) | Copy Link

Dude can you read english or do i have to sit you down and teach you shit like you are a little kid?

I am all in for self improvement. Infact i work like a mother fucker both on my physic and carrier and ambitions. and unlike most people, i do that for myself and my own.

Now what i meant was, an average man shouldnt need to put so much effort to just land a pussy or someone to love. it is not in anyway good for the society.

Anyway, you live in whatever bubble you want to live in. It is a lot of hardship for men in their youth because of female hypergamy. This turns a lot of average men like me who would turn up to be perfect mates in later life to check out of society, plate women and hunt younger women. Or just not stick around.

A lot of hypergamous sluts are going to be unhappy in their later lives much to my delight :D.

[–]RPSigmaStigmaRecovering romantic1 point2 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

Dude can you read english or do i have to sit you down and teach you shit like you are a little kid?

Reading and understanding is a two-way street. I understood your comment just fine. I just happen to disagree with it in particular ways. You seem to have difficulty understanding that it's even possible for people to have different ideas without assuming that everyone who doesn't agree with you is an illiterate child; which is frankly a fairly childish perspective, TBH.

Now what i meant was, an average man shouldnt need to put so much effort to just land a pussy or someone to love.

This is a pretty shitty attitude. No one owes you love, and your failure to attract mates and sustain relationships is entirely on you. Blaming society is a victim's game. Get over yourself. Either develop the social skills (in men's dating this is called "game") to get what you want, or quit your bitching.

it is not in anyway good for the society.

"Society better give me what I want or it will suffer for my failures!"

Anyway, you live in whatever bubble you want to live in.


It is a lot of hardship for men in their youth because of female hypergamy.

It's hard for every man in most areas of life. That's what I was taking about. Accept the world for what it is, or be miserable complaining about it. It's your choice.

This turns a lot of average men like me who would turn up to be perfect mates in later life to check out of society, plate women and hunt younger women. Or just not stick around.

"B-b-but I'm such a nice guy!!"

A lot of hypergamous sluts are going to be unhappy in their later lives much to my delight :D.

She's going to get away with whatever she wants. Accept it. Stop caring.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

No. I do understand that people have different views. I encourage it and support it. Its stupid low IQed brains like yours, i am worried about.

You think men have to work their asses off to get anywhere. While women can get all at no cost? Stupid traditional view. No she cant have it all at zero accountability.

This has serious reprecussions. As someone who cares about society and the world in general, i do deeply care about it.

Younger sluts banging alphas and top 20% is going to leave a lot of men desiring younger women. When they grow up, they want to hunt younger women.

Meanwhile older women, who need stable relationships because they are not that hot anymore, are going to be childless or single moms. Never good for the society or for her.

This will cause falling marriage rates, birth raites, social benefits for single moms, etc.

This will lead to higher older population and less working generation. You can see that in most western economies. If its not for the immigrants, a lot of them are already going downwards.

And more importantly, higher iq-ed men are seen as lower smv. This is also genocide or eugenics on intelligence.

Again your stupidity holds its legs wide open exposing your ass to get pounded.

i am a nice guy and i am proud of it. Not just to women but to everybody. I never said i am entitled to anything. Your stupidity made it up. As a nice guy, i always try to see what i can do for others.

I am not entitled to anything and nobody is entitled to anything from me. is what i thought and went my own way. its these sluts that never cared about me a few years ago, who are after my wallet and stability. All i am saying is, if you have higher standards fine. But that affects men. And we are not going to forgive you for this. I see myself as loyal and would have made a great husband and father. But these sluts are not getting any of that. Pump-n-dump until they get my strategy :D. They are not entitled to anything and can work their asses off to please me. They do :D. If you havent gotten that far in life, you will. Keep working hard and building your carrier. Sluts will fall in line. For all their high standards, they have to bend over to successful men eventually.

It's hard for every man in most areas of life. That's what I was taking about. Accept the world for what it is, or be miserable complaining about it. It's your choice.

Fine if you want to believe women can have their cake and eat it, so be it. Just saying that is not how reality works. people remeber, just like the north. men are going to play sansa on women (ramsay bolton).

Men are going to hold women accountable with growing gender equality. Women are going to get lesser and lesser pussy passes.

the link you linked is hilarious :D.

Sure some sluts are going to have the cake, eat it and rub it all over their vaggies. But not all women are going to be this lucky! Please understand for the benefit if society. Men die younger. society will have loads of older women who need relationships.

You seem like you have no idea how bad it is for them. some 50s and 60s women i meet are so desperate for a fucking hug. Really! A freaking fucking hug man. I am 20 to 30 years younger.

older man already have less incentive to be with older women. fenale entitlement and hypergamy is only going to make it worse. Men are going to think, she had her way when she was young. I am going to have mine now.

[–]RPSigmaStigmaRecovering romantic0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

Its stupid low IQed brains like yours, i am worried about. ... And more importantly, higher iq-ed men are seen as lower smv. This is also genocide or eugenics on intelligence.

I don't normally talk about my IQ, but since you think it's a deciding factor here, I'll just say I'm a member of the High IQ Society, and I've been offered an honorary membership in Mensa after I wrote them with a correction on one of Mensa Press' self-scoring IQ tests. If you think high IQ is what's keeping you from getting laid, I have news for you. It's not your IQ, it's your shitty attitude about it. The fact that you go around huffing and bluffing about your IQ is going to be a major turn-off not just for women, but for most people in general. And the fact that you get all defensive and hostile towards people who disagree with you is a huge tell about your attitude towards people in general. This goes back to what I was saying about social skills...

No she cant have it all at zero accountability [...] This has serious reprecussions.[Blah blah blah]

Yeah, I get it, society is falling apart. That may or may not be true, but it has nothing to do with my point. You were saying that women will personally suffer for their poor decisions. My point is, regardless of the long-term social implications, individual women are not going to personally suffer for the current SMP arrangement.

And how do you resolve the cognitive dissonance between these two statements:

I am not entitled to anything and nobody is entitled to anything from me.

All i am saying is, if you have higher standards fine. But that affects men. And we are not going to forgive you for this.

So, you're fine with women having higher standards, but you aren't going to "forgive" them for it? What a mind fuck your twisted layers of rationalizations must be...

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

IQ is going to be a major turn-off not just for women, but for most people in general

Let me tell you a secret, that is a lie. Never works that way. You have to be confident about your abilities. What is wrong is advertise your abilities and not living up to it.

Fucking women aside, holding frame and backing your abilities always works wonderS. You just shouldnt over do it though.

And the fact that you get all defensive and hostile towards people who disagree with you is a huge tell about your attitude towards people in general

Like i said, works for me.

Are you going to get to the point or going to talk more about my character? Seems like you already fallen for it. Get over it :D.

If you think high IQ is what's keeping you from getting laid, I have news for you

Buddy, i have to break it to you. I get laid quiet often. Higher smv women, probably not. But i dont give a fuck. as long as my pepe sliding into a vovo or asas, i am doing great. I have NO standards for apperance.

My point is, regardless of the long-term social implications, individual women are not going to personally suffer for the current SMP arrangement.

Cool. Neither of us are women, why are we even discussing their problems? I am sure they are going to have problems later in life. But i dont have a problem with that.

Hmm. Not so mensa-ish :p, your arguments down there. allow me to take you part.

I am not entitled to anything.

Aka: if you want to fuck me, great. If you dont, good for you i will find another one. But then dont come back for my wallet or love. I only offer it to people who were around when i have/had hard times. No more pussy passes in my town.

I dont see anywhere In there that says i want to forgive and be a good nice boy mangina and marry a std ridden post wall single mom slut. where did you get that?

Let me guess, your hallucinations :D.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

To summarize my other post:

I assume you agree that:

  1. Women seek high smv men when young

  2. Womem hit the wall

  3. Women will need average men later in life

  4. A lot of average men are going to be angry about the injustice done to them

  5. swallow red pill or not. They are going to work hard and achieve smv in 30s

  6. They are going to pull sansa stark on ramsay bolton on women

  7. Meanwhile, western civilization falls

Re western civulization, i am not Conservative but progressive. i am all for female sexual liberation, equality, etc. I just wish they be less hypergamous for the general good of society.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Kissing ass :D. Cupcake, people should be kissing my ass. And sluts already start doing that since last couple of years. I am no more that sorry beta. got a great job, save a lot, working out, working on a tech startup, have great interest, etc. And what more, not going to settle down with a post wall bitch.

[–]bornreddMarried Red Pill Man1 point2 points  (5 children) | Copy Link

You have to become taller, stronger, more confident, richer, blah blah blah to get a date.

How are you getting taller, bro?

Beyond that, I become stronger, richer, and more confident for myself. If you're doing it only for girls, you're doing it wrong.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (4 children) | Copy Link

How are you getting taller, bro?

you think it is not possible? Check out Leg lengthening surgery.

If you're doing it only for girls, you're doing it wrong.

Bro, i am mgtow. I stopped doing shit for others a long long long time ago. I do what is best for me.

[–]bornreddMarried Red Pill Man1 point2 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

Then why complain about doing things to get girls? Clearly those things are done for reasons other than attracting women.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

Ya think? Lol!

what do you expect me to do? Be a slob and die a looser?

i have been brought up to be competitve and be best in whatever i do.

About health and being athletic, it is for a safer future.

Why i pursed tech field is a mix of curiosity, intelligence and ambition.

Has nothing to do with women.

If i was doing things for women, i would have been spending my money and time on them. I saved money and investing it on my startup. i saved time and invested on my health and carrier.

Meanwhile fucked up blue pills been wasting their time and money on women :D.

[–]bornreddMarried Red Pill Man1 point2 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Then why say...

You have to become taller, stronger, more confident, richer, blah blah blah to get a date.


If you're doing it for yourself, you don't need to do it to get a date. You're already doing those things for their inherent benefits. If your'e already doing it, why complain that you need to?

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

What is your cognitive problem, really? I said "you have to" do all this stuff to access her golden vagina. I never said i did those things to get access to her stinky vagina.

I have become what i have become for my benefit. The money i saved, the health i am working on are all for my benefit.

Its hilarious how women feel entitled to what i have worked so hard for. The women i plate are like what do you work as, how much do you earn, etc. As if it is going to belong to them. I laugh to myself and say "cupcake, you are never going to lay your hands in them" :D. They are mine and only mine.

re why complain: These things come with time. I worked hard on them for years. and now women want to cash in on it. The ready made end product. in exchange to what? Her rotten, used by a million vagina and her relationship and baby fever. No thanks.

[–]RPSigmaStigmaRecovering romantic1 point2 points  (8 children) | Copy Link

Idk, bro. Definitely sounds like whining to me. I've fucked my fair share of fatties too. But the world is the way it is and you can either accept it and work within it, or you can make yourself miserable whining about it.

Edit: also, stop talking to women about your job or salary.

[–]buttlollipop 1 points1 points [recovered] | Copy Link

Wow I like you and I normally don't like trp

[–]RPSigmaStigmaRecovering romantic2 points3 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

The content on r/TRP is about 60-80% whining losers who don't know shit about "the red pill".

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

And 40-20% whinning loosers who think they have figured out trp and mgtow :D

Seriously, we dont have to defend trp. It is a philosophy. The people there are from all spectrums. Fucked up trump supporters to progressive intelligent thinkers.

Stop demeaning others for your own benefit.

Also one lIttle advice, saying what women like and agreeing to their views might get you some up votes and friends, but never their pussies or relationships. Hit the gym and work on your carrier. Cant assert it enough.

[–]RPSigmaStigmaRecovering romantic0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

And 40-20% whinning loosers who think they have figured out trp and mgtow :D

Firstly, there are plenty of guys on the who really do have some shit figured out. Secondly, TRP is not MGTOW, so I don't know why you're equating the two.

Stop demeaning others for your own benefit.

Um... Perhaps you should go back and re-read our conversation. I'm pretty sure 90% of put-downs weren't coming from me.

Also one lIttle advice, saying what women like and agreeing to their views might get you some up votes and friends, but never their pussies or relationships.

Um, I'm not doing any of those things...? Maybe you got the wrong idea, but I am RP, not BP. I'm married, we have an open relationship, and I get plenty of play on the side. My wife and I are going to a Halloween party at the local swingers club. And I never have to tailor my words or beliefs to any woman. In fact, I find that being openly challenging towards women is far more effective than agreeing with them. I see guys just going along with whatever women say and getting nowhere all the time, and I cringe every time I see it. You seriously have no idea who I am. Go check out my top comments and posts, I think you'll quickly realize I'm not whatever stereotype you've projected on to me.

Hit the gym and work on your carrier. Cant assert it enough.

Gee, thanks boss, I really appreciate the advice... eyeroll.gif

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

TRP is not MGTOW, so I don't know why you're equating the two

Mgtow and trp are similar concepts with tiny differences. We have to stand together. Divided we fall, united we stand. We have work through our differences. I am even willing work with "incels with entitlememts" :D.

Perhaps you should go back and re-read our conversation. I'm pretty sure 90% of put-downs weren't coming from me.

Well go back and read them.none of them scream, i agree with you womyn, now fuck me. All are, fuck yourself and fyck offs :D.

In fact, I find that being openly challenging towards women is far more effective than agreeing with them.

Wow finally, some words of wisdom. But fairly, it has nothing to do with women. Everybody likes to be challenged except some circlejerks. Its some stupid pretentious "nice men"tm who think agreeing with women will get them laid. Note: no offence to real nice men

You seriously have no idea who I am. Gee, thanks boss, I really appreciate the advice... eyeroll.gif

Lol. For all your, "the world is the way it is, accept it" bullshit. Lol.

Anyway, this post if yours makes a lot of sense. I agree with most.

Just keep the "the world is the way it is. Men have to suffer and serve women" to yourself. let men work hard for "their" better tomorrow.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

I've fucked my fair share of fatties too

Good for you and good for them. i dont have anything against fatties. I bring them up because they are considered low smv. Honestly i have no low smv in the opposite gender. all of them have a heart, warm bodies and emotions.

But the world is the way it is and you can either accept it and work within it, or you can make yourself miserable whining about it.

You sound like you have given up :p. Good for the rest of us :D.

No, life is not shit. You can work hard and turn it around. and when you do, remeber how people treated you when you were down. And pay them back. And remember how the people who stood there for you when you were down and do something to make their lives happy. Let me guess, most women were in screw them section :D. Basically pay your debts like a lannister (jamie), treat your country men like starcks (jon snow).

Edit: also, stop talking to women about your job or salary

Yeah, thats what i love to do :D. sarcasm. Seriously, how many 30s, 40s and 50s single women have you met? I havent met a single freaking women who dont get into that discussion in the first meeting. First fucking meeting, they have to know. And after they hear, they are like cheesy, smily, flirty and shit. Imlike wtf. my minds gies driiiiiiing AF-fucking-BB. But i use it for my advantage tho.

[–]RPSigmaStigmaRecovering romantic1 point2 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

You sound like you have given up :p. Good for the rest of us :D.

WTF? Where did you even get that from what I said. I just said men have to work to get anywhere in life. I'm glad to do it, and I bust my ass and I don't complain. You're the one whining about it.

Yeah, thats what i love to do :D. sarcasm. Seriously, how many 30s, 40s and 50s single women have you met? I havent met a single freaking women who dont get into that discussion in the first meeting. First fucking meeting, they have to know. And after they hear, they are like cheesy, smily, flirty and shit. Imlike wtf. my minds gies driiiiiiing AF-fucking-BB. But i use it for my advantage tho.

Have you even read the TRP sidebar? This is a classic shit test. If course they bring the subject up, but you fall the test by directly answering their question. In fact, if a girl is even asking you that question, odds are it's because she thinks you're beta and is hoping you're gullible enough to spend money on her.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

I just said men have to work to get anywhere in life. I'm glad to do it, and I bust my ass and I don't complain. You're the one whining about it.

lol. You have given up because you bust your ass off to do what? To support and validate a cc-riding, hypergamous, std ruden slut?

Now i have no problem busting my ass off. In fact, i love busting my ass to achieve success, whatever it is.

but i dont give up and go around saying, hitler rules now, thats the way it is. jews, blacks, etc are going to get burnt. But thats the way it is. Well they are jews, they should work in concentration camps, while nazis can sit and enjoy the world.

Nope! World doesnt work that way.

Be a winston churchill and fuck the nazi ass. fight the injustice, ofcourse, in your own way. Never give up.

is hoping you're gullible enough to spend money on her.

Do i sound like one to you? :D

they can do all the shit tests they want, i am getting what i want :D. I have nothing to loose. I know my mgtow theory well enough.

[–][deleted] 3 points4 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

pretty much every post on /r/choosingbeggars

[–][deleted] 2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Oh great, yet another sub to waste all day going through the top posts off.

[–]Invalidity17 points18 points  (61 children) | Copy Link

Few people would consider a woman's preferences to be an injustice. The problem is not that women have standards, it is that most men are not aware of what is entailed in a woman's standards.

Even at 40 though, a woman who isn't fat is still likely to have many more suitors than the average man. But many women complain that there aren't any good men out there, because they are comparing their current suitors to the men they had when they were younger.

You're pointing out that a lot of men want women much younger than themselves, but you are missing some critical points: (1) most women want older men, (2) most older men were snubbed when they were younger by the same women who want them when they are older, and (3) women are less likely to be as attractive as they were when they were under 25.

The point, "just deal with it", is reiterated because that is simply the reality of it. If a man at 50 can get women that are under 25, why shouldn't he? If there were no women under 25 that he could get, he'd probably be pursuing women closer to his age, but clearly there are women that desire his 50 year old self. If a woman at 40 can't get men older than herself, is that really the fault of men? I know of handfuls of women at 40+ who have men because they were married to their husbands for decades or longer (happily or not). If there are 40 year old women who are still single and unhappy about their relationship prospects, wouldn't that simply be a consequence of being too selective of their partners?

[–]buttlollipop 6 points6 points [recovered] | Copy Link

The problem is not that women have standards, it is that most men are not aware of what is entailed in a woman's standards.

I feel like most men are smart enough to know what a good-looking man looks like. As for social skills, that's another thing that most people generally have a decent understanding of, but I do sympathize with people who are on the spectrum or otherwise socially awkward and can't read cues as well.

Even at 40 though, a woman who isn't fat is still likely to have many more suitors than the average man.

But I thought men peaked at 40? Or at least just peaked later than women or "aged like wine"?

(1) most women want older men

Not really, they want men their age and a few years older:

most older men were snubbed when they were younger by the same women who want them when they are older

So most men are turned down by someone at 18 and are then approached by that exact same woman at 38 who has suddenly regained interest in them? I doubt it.

women are less likely to be as attractive as they were when they were under 25.

Well yeah. And men who aren't tall are less likely to be seen as attractive. That's just as "fair" since you control neither your age nor your height.

If a man at 50 can get women that are under 25, why shouldn't he?

If a woman can get a hot/wealthy/tall guy why shouldn't she?

Also, none of what you say answers my question. You're mostly justifying why a man would go after an attractive woman, and like, duh, of course if a man can get an attractive woman he should. But the thing is, the same thing goes with women and it's a bit crazy for so many people to think this is morally wrong only on one side (not that you think this).

[–]Invalidity10 points11 points  (22 children) | Copy Link

I feel like most men are smart enough to know what a good-looking man looks like. As for social skills, that's another thing that most people generally have a decent understanding of, but I do sympathize with people who are on the spectrum or otherwise socially awkward and can't read cues as well.

It's less about being smart and more of a lack of common sense. Good looking girls go after hot guys... why? Because they are hot! But from an early age, they get girls who complain to them that these hot guys mistreat them. So they are presented with conflicting perspectives. "This girl I like, likes hot guys, but hates them because they are mean." So instead of applying common sense, they take women literally. They think the thing that will win over women for them is to be the opposite of all these "assholes". That is why you end up with such a gap and lapse in understanding of attraction.

But I thought men peaked at 40? Or at least just peaked later than women or "aged like wine"?

I'm not sure how that relates to my comment at all. Men may peak at 40, but that is for men who invest in themselves. Most men are not very savvy in dealing with women. They may end up with high paying salaries, but they are often devoid of any ability to attract women.

Not really, they want men their age and a few years older:

The majority of the women under 30 want men older than themselves. The general consensus from that article seems to be that few if any women find men older than 40 to be attractive.

So most men are turned down by someone at 18 and are then approached by that exact same woman at 38 who has suddenly regained interest in them? I doubt it.

You doubt it but it happens quite frequently. A lot of friends I've known have had women (some exes) try to reconnect with them again just recently. They're about 12-18 years out of high school when they last knew these women.

Well yeah. And men who aren't tall are less likely to be seen as attractive. That's just as "fair" since you control neither your age nor your height.

Yes those are fair variables to take into account. But we aren't talking about fairness. It's already accepted that if a guy is short, he's going to be perceived as less attractive.

If a woman can get a hot/wealthy/tall guy why shouldn't she?

No one is disputing this statement whatsoever. If she can, then she should. But realistically speaking, it's not likely to happen. And it's not likely that a woman under 25 will be interested in a guy who's 50.

Also, none of what you say answers my question. You're mostly justifying why a man would go after an attractive woman, and like, duh, of course if a man can get an attractive woman he should. But the thing is, the same thing goes with women and it's a bit crazy for so many people to think this is morally wrong only on one side (not that you think this).

I already answered your question:

Few people would consider a woman's preferences to be an injustice. The problem is not that women have standards, it is that most men are not aware of what is entailed in a woman's standards... The point, "just deal with it", is reiterated because that is simply the reality of it.

[–]buttlollipop 1 points1 points [recovered] | Copy Link

That is why you end up with such a gap and lapse in understanding of attraction.

Okay, that is probably true, but I still feel like most guys are able to understand "the women like these men because they're hot and put up with them being assholes" as opposed to "women don't care about looks and just want someone who is nice" or "women just want you to be an asshole regardless of everything else." But like I said before, I sympathize with the minority of people who have a hard time reading social cues.

I'm not sure how that relates to my comment at all. Men may peak at 40, but that is for men who invest in themselves. Most men are not very savvy in dealing with women. They may end up with high paying salaries, but they are often devoid of any ability to attract women.

Ok, so MOST men do not peak at 40, nor are most men aging like wine. Thus, older age is not inherently a positive in men, it's only something women will look past if he happens to have really invested in being attractive. Similarly, men generally don't go looking for older women but there are a few older women out there who maximize that "cougar" market because they're hot. Not my kinda thing as I really dislike the idea of dating anyone much older/younger, but good for them I guess?

Yes those are fair variables to take into account. But we aren't talking about fairness. It's already accepted that if a guy is short, he's going to be perceived as less attractive.

Ok, dating isn't fair, I agree.

No one is disputing this statement whatsoever. If she can, then she should. But realistically speaking, it's not likely to happen. And it's not likely that a woman under 25 will be interested in a guy who's 50.

Wow, do I really agree with you again? I guess I do!

I already answered your question.

You did, but the point is, "just deal with it" should be the same both ways. Everything men like just "because biology" is mirrored with women liking stuff about men "because biology."

[–]Invalidity2 points3 points  (20 children) | Copy Link

Okay, that is probably true, but I still feel like most guys are able to understand "the women like these men because they're hot and put up with them being assholes" as opposed to "women don't care about looks and just want someone who is nice" or "women just want you to be an asshole regardless of everything else." But like I said before, I sympathize with the minority of people who have a hard time reading social cues.

Most of these men are receiving a significant amount of influence from the women in their lives. It could be mothers, sisters, friends, etc. The relatives especially are NOT likely to say, "If you want girls, you gotta be ripped, you gotta be masculine, etc." Most of the older relatives especially won't really understand what the current landscape is for attraction.

Ok, so MOST men do not peak at 40, nor are most men aging like wine. Thus, older age is not inherently a positive in men, it's only something women will look past if he happens to have really invested in being attractive. Similarly, men generally don't go looking for older women but there are a few older women out there who maximize that "cougar" market because they're hot. Not my kinda thing as I really dislike the idea of dating anyone much older/younger, but good for them I guess?

Most men peak in their 30's. By peaking, it is not referring to their physical qualities, but more so their livelihood (wealth, status, etc.). The whole cougar thing is a fantasy of younger guys, much in the way Asian girls might be a fantasy for guys with yellow fever. It's a limited fantasy; not many guys would be interested in most cougars, and the ones they are looking for are the ones depicted in pornography.

The norm would be girls who like older guys, and guys who like girls that are around 20/21.

You did, but the point is, "just deal with it" should be the same both ways. Everything men like just "because biology" is mirrored with women liking stuff about men "because biology."

The people that are complaining are the most vocal. But they are a vocal minority. "Just deal with it" is widely accepted, and what is even less common is, "There are still things you can do to improve your attractiveness."

[–]buttlollipop 3 points3 points [recovered] | Copy Link

Most of these men are receiving a significant amount of influence from the women in their lives. It could be mothers, sisters, friends, etc. The relatives especially are NOT likely to say, "If you want girls, you gotta be ripped, you gotta be masculine, etc." Most of the older relatives especially won't really understand what the current landscape is for attraction.

Totally true, but I just wonder why women are able to grasp it (usually) while men aren't? Growing up nobody ever told me I had to be hot to attract men, it was just obvious from how other people behaved.

Not sure I believe that men peak in their 30s, though, at least if we're measuring by the age when he will be most attractive to 20-year-olds. Everyone has their outlier stories but most women are attracted to men their age or maybe 1-2 years older, according to that OKC stat thing. Many women on this sub and elsewhere on Reddit agree. The guys who do best with 20 year old girls will usually be attractive 22-23 year old guys. I do think in the 30s is when men's options exceed women's options though, because they technically can date younger (and in their 20s that's illegal at a certain point). Like a 20 year old can't date a 10 year old but a 30 year old can date a 20 year old (although that said..most 20 year old girls want 22 year old guys, but some are open to much older.) 30 year old woman can easily get sex from 20 year old guys but probably not commitment. In today's day and age the wage gap is nearly nonexistent so I don't think that many women care about a man being a "provider" if she isn't as attracted to him. That said there are gold diggers out there.

The "norm" is not girls who like older guys unless by "older" you mean men 1-2 years older. This doesn't mean women will never date older. But it's not their #1 preference for attraction, most of the time. At 18 the hottest guys were 20 or so. Now in my late 20s the hottest guys are in their late 20s and maybe early 30s. This is the same with most women I know, although I suppose some women will sacrifice on attraction for money.

[–]Invalidity2 points3 points  (7 children) | Copy Link

Totally true, but I just wonder why women are able to grasp it (usually) while men aren't? Growing up nobody ever told me I had to be hot to attract men, it was just obvious from how other people behaved.

When you are constantly the center of attention, that is, when guys are consistently approaching you (or not), you get to develop a baseline as to where you stand in terms of attractiveness. Your friend who is hotter, gets more guys approaching her than you do. Hence, you can surmise that your friend is more attractive.

Most guys will NEVER get approached. Even most guys who are considered above average will never be approached. Why? Because men are expected to approach women. In this case, most guys will not ever know where they stand. The problem is that most of these guys CAN approach, but they are unable to do so (afraid of rejection, overthinking on how to do it, second-guessing themselves, etc.).

Even without being told how attractive they are or seeing how successful/unsuccessful their friends are, they already know which ones of their friends are attractive. But because most guys are never approached, they cannot establish a metric for attractiveness.

See this link for a section that references a study indicating that women prefer older men (Buss 1989; Kenrick & Keefe 1992). Your study is based on the findings of the founder of OKCupid. He's likely pulling his data from his website. There may indeed be some validity to it, but in general, women would logically prefer older men because their physical qualities may be comparable to younger men, but they also would be more established financially and career-wise.

[–]buttlollipop 2 points2 points [recovered] | Copy Link

Why would a study from 1992 be more relevant today than a study from the late 2010s?

[–]Invalidity4 points5 points  (5 children) | Copy Link

For starters, these studies were conducted by researchers. The study by the OKCupid CEO is likely using data drawn from OKCupid, which is likely to be skewed by several variables (ie. who is likely to use OKCupid?).

[–][deleted]  (4 children) | Copy Link


[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Totally true, but I just wonder why women are able to grasp it (usually) while men aren't?

There are FAR less women on the spectrum than men. So, I'd assume there are FAR less socially awkward women than men overall, which can easily explain it. Just because guy is high on the spectrum does NOT mean he can't basically function as a normal person. However? His thought processes are anything but common.

[–]lifesbrinkOutside of your boxes0 points1 point  (8 children) | Copy Link

Are you seriously operating on an okcupid statistic like it's gospel?

[–][deleted]  (7 children) | Copy Link


[–]lifesbrinkOutside of your boxes0 points1 point  (6 children) | Copy Link

Two wrongs make a right now?

[–][deleted]  (5 children) | Copy Link


[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

I don't think that anyone really thinks its wrong of them to do that, they are upset that the world doesn't look as shallow as it actually is

They don't want their perception of the world to be sugarcoated. So sometimes people bring it up because they want people to admit it for their own personal reasons which could be anything from eliminating self doubt on the subject to using that view to become more selfish and act in a way that would have previously left them guilty

If nothing was sugarcoated, the average males behavior would become much worse from the eyes of a woman. I think that fact is known by both men and women. That's why woman prefer to protect feelings and men want you to shit on them

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (34 children) | Copy Link

most women want older men

Most want a man that like 2 to 5 years older. Not 10+ older.

most older men were snubbed when they were younger by the same women who want them when they are older

Quite the generalization.

women are less likely to be as attractive as they were when they were under 25.

Not really.

[–][deleted]  (25 children) | Copy Link


[–]Invalidity0 points1 point  (22 children) | Copy Link

If the former selves of these men were uncouth and poorly adjusted, they would be rejected by the young women of today as well. But that's not the point at all.

The women that rejected these men previously in high school and college, as they all (both those women and those men) age, their dating pool changes as well as their opportunities. It is not uncommon for older women (think mid 30s) to try and reconnect with the guys they snubbed in high school and college, whom they have still kept around as "friends".

It makes sense when you think about it. These women are hitting the age where they want to settle down. Most have had their fun in their youth, but now it makes less to continue having fun, because at their age, it's probably not going to be as fun as it used to be. So what's left? These guys that she rejected before, are now more attractive options because they have established careers and look like they will take care of her.

[–][deleted]  (11 children) | Copy Link


[–]Invalidity0 points1 point  (6 children) | Copy Link

How old are we talking about here? A woman in her late 30s/40s may use online dating versus reconnecting with guys in high school/college, if she has no means of communicating with them. A lot of people in that age range are unlikely to have Facebook profiles, twitter, tumblr, etc. so online dating is a more effective platform for expanding their dating potential.

[–][deleted]  (5 children) | Copy Link


[–]Invalidity0 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

I wish it was just revenge fantasy. Then I could write it off as a misnomer. Seeing other people's inboxes fill up with messages from old friends, I just laugh. My old self would have just qualified it as, "Oh hey look, an old friend of mine is reaching out to me!"

There's nothing to gain from seeing these things, so it doesn't really serve as revenge, but a lot of it makes sense when my friends are now pharmacists, researchers, doctors, dentists, etc. (high paying careers).

[–][deleted]  (1 child) | Copy Link


[–]Invalidity0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Indeed. I know there are many women who are doing well for themselves that don't need to do that, but for every successful women, there are many more that don't amount to much.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

idk TRP thinks 29 is old

Because TRP is primary made up of early 20 somethings. So to them 29 seems old.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (3 children) | Copy Link

Most older women I know rely on online dating for meeting guys

Stats show the older the woman is the less they use online dating to meet men.

[–][deleted]  (2 children) | Copy Link


[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

No. But what makes you think they are all doing that?

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (9 children) | Copy Link

These women are hitting the age where they want to settle down

A lot of these women, but not all of them. More and more women are choosing to not settle down as much anymore just like men have. And such you have this interesting dynamic going on with women in their 30's. As you have two groups, one that wants to settle down and the other that doesn't. And it seems to be causing some friction.

[–]Invalidity0 points1 point  (8 children) | Copy Link

A primary reason for women to settle down was to increase their income potential. In the past, women weren't making as much as their male counterparts. Nowadays, the income disparity (when all factors are accounted for) is about $0.91 to the dollar.

The women making 20k$ a year in the past would have been delighted to marry a guy making even double what they were making because it would have enabled them more buying power.

Nowadays, you've got women making as much as men do. So in truth, women don't have such a strong need for more buying power as they used to before. Most women will prefer to have men who make much more than them, especially if they aren't really attracted to these men.

... but most of potential men out there are not attractive, nor do they make more than them. Which would explain why there isn't a real need to get married anymore.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (7 children) | Copy Link

A primary reason for women to settle down was to increase their income potential.

More like women are more free of their gender roles and that aren't forced to be dependent on men anymore.

Nowadays, the income disparity (when all factors are accounted for) is about $0.91 to the dollar.

Income disparity is nearly non existent. And women are slated to make more than men as a group because they are more college educated than men now.

[–]Invalidity0 points1 point  (6 children) | Copy Link

More like women are more free of their gender roles and that aren't forced to be dependent on men anymore.

I agree that women aren't required to be as dependent on men as they used to be, but gender roles were never an explicit thing after the women suffrage movement.

Income disparity is nearly non existent. And women are slated to make more than men as a group because they are more college educated than men now.

Which further contributes to the lack of desire for women to settle down. If a woman marries a man who makes less than she does, if she's not really attracted to him, she'll feel like she is supporting him.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (5 children) | Copy Link

gender roles were never an explicit thing after the women suffrage movement.

Even tho they where. It wasn't until after it did it not. Its not something that happened over night.

[–]Invalidity0 points1 point  (4 children) | Copy Link

There was a stigma against women pursuing an education and/or a career back then, but as far as I know, there was nothing legally/physically preventing them from doing so.

And while these changes didn't occur overnight, I would posit that in the past 3 decades or so, it was mostly a non-issue. Black people had far more restrictions on them as a group, what with segregation and all.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

Are they the exact same women or have they sworn off an entire generation because they had shit social skills in college?

I doubt they are the exact same woman, people change. But sworn off an entire generation due to bad social skills in college? I doubt it. Would more cough it up to not wanting to put up with women their own age for one reason or another.

[–]Invalidity0 points1 point  (7 children) | Copy Link

Most want a man that like 2 to 5 years older. Not 10+ older.

Nowhere did I state that older men meant 10+ years. Older men signifies men older than themselves, as compared to younger men.

Quite the generalization.

I'm not quite sure you're at that age yet. It may not be true elsewhere in the world, but where I am at, there are many men who have had old friends from high school try to reconnect with them.

Not really.

Your argument for this is...?

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (6 children) | Copy Link

Nowhere did I state that older men meant 10+ years. Older men signifies men older than themselves, as compared to younger men.

Saying older men implies an actual age gap. Being 5 or less years older doesn't really count as being older man. Its nearly the same age.

where I am at, there are many men who have had old friends from high school try to reconnect with them

Your projecting your reality onto others.

Your argument for this is...?

That women aren't necessary likely to become less attractive as they age........

[–]Invalidity0 points1 point  (5 children) | Copy Link

Saying older men implies an actual age gap. Being 5 or less years older doesn't really count as being older man. Its nearly the same age.

That's highly subjective. If we are looking strictly at the definition, a man who is 5 years older than a woman, is older than she is. There's a significant difference between younger men and older men.

Your projecting your reality onto others.

My experiences are anecdotal, but they are by no means a projection. If this is your only argument, there is no merit to it.

That women aren't necessary likely to become less attractive as they age........

True, women could end up more attractive when they are older than when they are younger... if they didn't put much into their appearance when they were younger.

But assuming that you hold all those factors constant, what's guaranteed is that as you age, your skin and other facial features will show clear signs of aging. For example, wrinkles.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (4 children) | Copy Link

That's highly subjective.

No, you playing semantics here.

If this is your only argument, there is no merit to it.

Because point out your anecdotal evidence is projecting totally lacks merit.

if they didn't put much into their appearance when they were younger.

Or because they grew up ugly but then became attractive overtime. You going to show signs of aging no matter what. By your argument a 20 year old woman is ugly because she aged. And an 15 year old girl is now ugly because she aged. The reality is women over 25 can still be hot despite showing their age. A lot of women over 25 are hot as heck despite their age. Its called treating your body well.

[–]Invalidity0 points1 point  (3 children) | Copy Link

Most of your arguments against me have been along the lines of, "You're wrong." We cannot debate if you are simply going to say that I am wrong without justifying why you believe that I am wrong. I am not going to have this devolve into a Hillary vs. Trump debate.

Or because they grew up ugly but then became attractive overtime. You going to show signs of aging no matter what. By your argument a 20 year old woman is ugly because she aged. And an 15 year old girl is now ugly because she aged. The reality is women over 25 can still be hot despite showing their age. A lot of women over 25 are hot as heck despite their age. Its called treating your body well.

First off, I am not looking at girls under the age of 18 because where I am, that is illegal. Secondly, you're not refuting my point, which is that the same woman is more likely to be attractive at 21 than she is at 25, if we hold most factors equal (her fashion style, hair style, level of fitness, etc.).

You are not wrong that there are a lot of women over 25 who are hot but that doesn't deny the fact that they were likely to be more attractive at the age of 21.

And no, my argument is not that a 20 year old woman is ugly because she aged. My argument is that past her 20s, a woman is going to see clear signs of aging.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

Most of your arguments against me have been along the lines of, "You're wrong."

Even tho it hasn't.

First off, I am not looking at girls under the age of 18 because where I am, that is illegal.

Would hate where you live. I am more using your own logic against you here really.

And no, my argument is not that a 20 year old woman is ugly because she aged. My argument is that past her 20s, a woman is going to see clear signs of aging.

I bolded the parts to show you that you contradicted yourself here.

[–]Invalidity0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

Even tho it hasn't.

Yet again you're simply stating that it isn't without providing any other arguments or support for your claims.

Would hate where you live. I am more using your own logic against you here really.

Your debunking of my arguments is a logical fallacy. You're taking the literal message without understanding any of my points. You're stating that a girl that is 15 is ugly because she aged (per your argument against my reasoning), but you absolutely fail to take into account that there is a bell curve at work when it comes to aging. The peak of the bell curve is around approximately 20-22 years old and then it declines from there.

If you don't take that into account, then of course your argument is simply what you presented.

I bolded the parts to show you that you contradicted yourself here.

That is absolutely not a contradiction. The 20 year old woman is NOT ugly because she aged, because she's at the peak of her physical appearance. Past her 20s, she's going to clearer signs of aging, that make women less appealing (wrinkles, sun spots, crows feet, etc.).

Furthermore, you don't even explain how you think it is a contradiction. If you're going to debate properly here, you're going to have give more descriptive answers.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Yet again you're simply stating that it isn't without providing any other arguments or support for your claims.

Ya I did in a very simplified form. Go back and read it again and think critically about it.

Your debunking of my arguments is a logical fallacy.

lol. Nope. Pointing out the logical flaws in your argument isn't a logical fallacy. You don't seem to get I am litterally using your own argument against you on your aging argument. I mean look at how you rush to say how magically it doesn't apply to a 15 year old but those over 25. Where's the logic in that?

The 20 year old woman is NOT ugly because she aged, because she's at the peak of her physical appearance. Past her 20s, she's going to clearer signs of aging, that make women less appealing

I like how you say its not a contradiction and yet here you do it again. A 20 year old shows signs of aging by simply looking older, which by your own argument and that logic makes her less appealing, which means its on to the teens which shows signs of aging which means on to the kids.

Furthermore, you don't even explain how you think it is a contradiction.

Because I thought you had the ability to think critically. Do I have to spell everything out for you?

[–]LUClENSociology of Sex &Courtship0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

I love your username to bits

[–]ForeskinLampRed7 points8 points  (11 children) | Copy Link

It's not the fact that women have standards, it's the fact that men are often lied to about what those standards are. You can't play the game if you don't know the rules.

[–][deleted]  (8 children) | Copy Link


[–]PieceBringerPurple Swag5 points6 points  (6 children) | Copy Link

You're not getting something really simple, men are different than women! I think at this day and age is is pretty much a fact that men are just clueless at taking clues. Society doesn't help either.

Growing up to an African country helps massively tho. Society doesn't have all those layers (politeness and correctness layers) and girls will tell you straight up: "You're cute but to quiet for me", etc

[–]rulenumber3036 points7 points  (5 children) | Copy Link

I think at this day and age is is pretty much a fact that men are just clueless at taking clues.

That's tragic and unfortunate. Maybe we should have a systematic breeding process in place that favors the men who can take a freaking clue. Oh wait.

[–]PieceBringerPurple Swag1 point2 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

The problem is society, reinforcing this idea over and over again.

[–]rulenumber3032 points3 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

Why is that a problem? It is women preserving the future of humanity just like they always have.

Women have to make their choices somehow, and it is clear that what the world needs now in this era when technological change is driving social change faster than ever before is humans who quickly and intuitively understand rules that are new to them.

[–]PieceBringerPurple Swag2 points3 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

That's definitely a problem or you wouldn't have men on forums like this or puas to try to improve themselves.

[–]rulenumber3031 point2 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

There's always going to be guys missing out, because guys focus more strongly on one specific age range than women do. There are always going to be girls missing out or living horrible lives because they weren't attractive enough to attract a decent guy to spend most of their life with or weren't smart enough to tell decent from awful. Sorry. It is built into us. Even in systems where marriage and monogamy and few divorces are the norm, there are guys who miss out for all or a large part of their life and there are definitely guys who will never be with a very attractive young woman. And in every system most women are disadvantaged hugely once they start making children, face a huge risk that a life-wrecking guy will dupe them into committing to him and and are left entirely wanting for about a decade in their old age.

Just deal with it, it is a biological reality. Unfulfilled longings and the possibility of failure are a feature not a bug, they are there to keep us keen, give us an edge, remind us that the game's afoot. Some people working out how to work the rules earlier than others is a feature not a bug, it favors the naturally advantaged and leads to a naturally advantaged species. Nobody giving you a perfect-bound rules manual and instructions to read it carefully is a feature not a bug, it allows for change. That some lose and some win is a feature not a bug because some should lose and some should win.

Sometimes you will be a loser, collect a participation certificate and not a prize ranking, and that's that. You're not entitled to be a winner just because you thought you were going to be in your early teens. There's men and women all over the world dealing with different manifestations of this and you need to realize it is normal, it serves an important function, and is not a sign of anything wrong.

[–]PieceBringerPurple Swag2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I agree what almost everything you saying, but if it's a problem or not it's only a matter of perspective. In a individual eye that's a problem. In a bigger picture as you described not so much. So i don't even know what we're talking about.

[–]bornreddMarried Red Pill Man0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

My mother was very clear with my sister that she had to be pretty. It wasn't in reference to men, just life, but that was the expectation.

Unfortunately for my sister, she looks a lot like my mother, so she had a hard time of that.

Mothers often tell their sons that, "The right girl will come along" or "Get a great job and you'll find the one" or "You're perfect just the way you are" instead of "Quit being fat" or "Get a real haircut". I did get the "Quit dressing like a slob" but my sloppiness in my youth was a method of rebellion against my mother's incessant need for perfection and cleanliness. I'm the sharpest dresser I know now.

[–]BiggerDthanYouBluetopia1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

men are often lied to about what those standards are

Sure because GQ, Men's Health, FHM, Escire and other magazines for men don't exist and because there has never been any alpha protagonist in movies that got the girls.

Just because your parents give you some feel good platitudes to lift you up a bit doesn't mean that there weren't any resources that told you to lift, to dress better, to be more confident,...

How long did you believe in God and Santa Clause?

[–]rulenumber3030 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

"You can't play the game if you don't know the rules."

Working out the details of the rules as you go along is part of the game. The rules can vary from place to place and era to era. For example the standards for appearance change drastically in less than a decade... when I grew up no-one wanted a big butt now getting a big butt seems fully 50% of the reason young women go to the gym. I'm sure my grandmother finding a man in the aftermath of World War 1 had a different set of rules than my daughters do. No-one with any sense is going to say here are the rules this is the way things will always be. And one of the reasons for it is they don't want guys like you coming back to them saying "But you told me the rules and they were wrong!"

And at no stage has it been systematically hidden that being good looking and socially competent is overall best thing for doing well at life. There have always been very strong messages that you need to take care of your body and be social.

[–]prodigy2throw#Transracial6 points7 points  (9 children) | Copy Link

Ironically enough, your post is focussed on the men who are the top 20%. 80% of men are nowhere near as picky as you think. They just don't exist to women.

[–][deleted]  (8 children) | Copy Link


[–]prodigy2throw#Transracial5 points6 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Incels aren't people

[–][deleted] 4 points5 points  (6 children) | Copy Link

Even incels? Maybe some incels? I hear a lot of incels saying i would like to fuck anything but i get nothing. But their standard does go up sometimes because they waited long enough and worked hard on their smv. they deserve better than a rotten 35 year old pussy that virtually had the whole world inside her.

Imo, the whole problem in dating is women have high standards and men have very few. This leads to all women getting validation from all men. and very few getting the same. The fix is encouraging men to have higher standards, so the cupcake can realize her smv and put some work on getting dick.

[–]tallwheelManosphere Unificationist1 point2 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

Imo, the whole problem in dating is women have high standards and men have very few.

I think this really can't be emphasized enough. Just because there are some incels on the Internet banging on about how much they'd love to bone a young virign, it doesn't mean this is the only thing men everywhere are willing to accept. Even the incels posting this shit themselves would probably be happy to bang an overweight 30yr old IRL.

[–][deleted]  (1 child) | Copy Link


[–]tallwheelManosphere Unificationist0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Maybe. I do see plenty of chumps with overweight women though.

[–]EsauTheRed0 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

When we move away from traditional morality men are going to keep the low standards for sex but maintain high standards for relationships

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

only because women act hypergamous.

theoretically, There could be a balance. Women could be less hypergamous and average young men could get their fair share of relationships and pussy. Which might keep them in the plantation for the benefit of women in their later lives.

But it is never going to happen. Women gonna women and be hypergamous and act like all Unicorn-ish and spiritualized in their 30s, but men know it better now and wont fall for this crap again. I expect it to get worse every passing generation.

[–]EsauTheRed1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I agree, these experiences transform boys into men, women should realize that when this happens they are going to act like men and go after younger women, sexual variety, become emotionally disengaged and selfish, and will resist commitment to aging promiscuous women

[–]LUClENSociology of Sex &Courtship3 points4 points  (10 children) | Copy Link

I've really only ever seen the opposite trend. From articles about how hard it is to be a colored woman on tinder to articles about fat women being bothered by their weight and how it affects their romantic prospects.

Outside of the (i assume mostly ignored) manosphere where do you see anyone posting anything like that?

[–]the_calibre_cat5 points6 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

Because articles bemoaning the sexual struggles of men are routinely derided as sexist.

Women's struggles are a matter of societal import. Men's... eh...

[–][deleted] 2 points3 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

Exactly this. Women of color lol. Indian and chinese chicks do way better than respective men in dating market.

Fat women do way better than short or even average men.

Dont trust me? Its simple. create a fake account and test it or go to a nearby event and observe.

[–][deleted]  (2 children) | Copy Link


[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

i think they date and get plenty of dicks. I have dated black women myself.

Now marriage, that is a different story. but dont worry, all races are getting there :D.

[–]swichup0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Uh the majority of black men marry black women, Pew Research Center has it at 75% and that's probably the lowest figure I've comes across. Most men don't marry out, interracial relationships are not the norm (despite the weird internet hype) and this is especially true for wealthy black men. If billionaires like Dangote and "chads" like Obama and Lebron didn't want to deal with black women, it'd be super easy for them not to.

[–][deleted]  (4 children) | Copy Link


[–]LUClENSociology of Sex &Courtship2 points3 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

Where does anyone post anything along the lines of

I've seen people posting that all baby girls should be blinded at birth, people suggesting bizarro dystopian futures to "solve" this "problem."

[–][deleted]  (2 children) | Copy Link


[–]tallwheelManosphere Unificationist0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

You just had to hold up the crazy incel guy as an example though...

[–]trail224 points5 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

As far as age I thinks it's more fair to men then women.

It all balances out in the end because women have an sdvantage when they are you but men gain one when they are older. I personally would love to trade places and have the advantage when they are young.

And honestly men mostly bitch about things out of their control like height and ethnicity. There are way more women saying they should not be treated worse because of their unheLthy bodies then men.

[–][deleted]  (2 children) | Copy Link


[–]trail221 point2 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Absolutely although it's mostly black women. As far as hip to waste ratio well I don't hear many men care about it too much.

I think just as many men want a stick as want a girl with an ass. I don't think an overwhelming my number if guys care as much about hip to waste ratio as women care about dating someone not shorter then them.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Waist to hip ratio is actually the number one predictor of female attractiveness to men.

[–]Entropy-7Old Goat4 points5 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I think you misinterpret TRP.

It is all "just how it is" and TRP accepts that and tries to guide men through that.

Men should have standards and we accept that women have standards. The trick is to work on yourself for your own sake rather than to pander to pussy. When you are at the top of your game then you will exceed any and all standards that some bitch sets for you, and you can have your pick of the crop.

[–]anitapkcsarlbmed ggse4 points5 points  (17 children) | Copy Link

Because they are both responses given by men? Each side gives their own DUH responses and some are more bitter about it. Manosphere is more loud on the Internet so you'll read more about that.

[–][deleted]  (16 children) | Copy Link


[–]anitapkcsarlbmed ggse1 point2 points  (15 children) | Copy Link

No, they are telling you their point of view which only serves their side of things which Is quite coherent.

[–][deleted]  (14 children) | Copy Link


[–]anitapkcsarlbmed ggse4 points5 points  (13 children) | Copy Link

Because if someone else does it it goes against their interest. They aren't advocating for someone in their position to act differently.

Only a 0.005% of guys actually apply top men standards to women and reject a non-mother 25 year old

[–][deleted]  (12 children) | Copy Link


[–]anitapkcsarlbmed ggse5 points6 points  (10 children) | Copy Link

No they don't and the few who do are full of shit

Unless a girl is fat, god I've seen so many people call women with a bmi of 28 "not even fat"

[–][deleted]  (9 children) | Copy Link


[–]anitapkcsarlbmed ggse1 point2 points  (8 children) | Copy Link

You got pics? I'm curious. I see the opposite of the bmi 28 problem going on where a girl with a perfectly healthy thin bmi is called a stick by many guys who have never even been around her bmi

[–][deleted]  (7 children) | Copy Link


[–]ProbablyBelievesIt2 points3 points  (6 children) | Copy Link

Most people aren't actually the ridiculous hypocrites you see throwing tantrums on the internet. It's just that sometimes, it feels good to be allowed to vent, and part of that is being unreasonable, sometimes.

Of course, then the rest of it is learning the best way deal with it all, then moving on, and actually living your life. Most adults do this, eventually. And when the redpill is used as originally intended, this is one of its most important steps.

How much of TRP is using the redpill as intended, is of course, another matter completely.

[–][deleted]  (5 children) | Copy Link


[–]ProbablyBelievesIt2 points3 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

Which women? This doesn't actually sound like any women I've ever met.

Did he lead her to believe there was a relationship, just so he could fuck her, and then immediately bail out? Because I've seen dudes pull that shit on the downlow.

They deserve to have their reputation go to shit, wherever people still care about taking relationships seriously.

And is she just venting, or is she about to dedicate her life to teaching other lonely women to behave more like the dark triad?

[–][deleted]  (3 children) | Copy Link


[–]ProbablyBelievesIt0 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

So, someone who's not even ready for a relationship? It sounds like she's still seeing everything only in terms of what she gets out of it, with little consideration for what she's willing to give, other than just being her present herself.

That's not love. That's infatuation.

How long does infatuation last?

Sure, there are relationships where one partner is way more attractive than the other, but even then, it's not a charity - not unless something went horribly wrong.

Hopefully, she's matured a little, since then.

[–][deleted]  (1 child) | Copy Link


[–]ProbablyBelievesIt1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I hope your feelings would be the same if she were a man.

The basic rules of a healthy relationship don't change, either way. I mean, the importance of good chemistry is kind of literal, and that includes the need for some kind of mutual attraction.

[–]ifelsedowhilelocal cop - cherry top3 points4 points  (7 children) | Copy Link

men have lower standards at least as long as women are reasonably young.

[–][deleted]  (6 children) | Copy Link


[–]ifelsedowhilelocal cop - cherry top0 points1 point  (5 children) | Copy Link

if the man is an alpha yes, if he's not he has to make do with older women.

[–][deleted]  (4 children) | Copy Link


[–]ifelsedowhilelocal cop - cherry top1 point2 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

women, alphas or betas, have more options than men as long as they are not too old. the vast majority of men have a limited number of options for their whole lifetime. that's the fundamental difference. I bet you don't see this because like many other women you only see top tier men and naively assume the majority of men are like that.

[–][deleted]  (1 child) | Copy Link


[–]ifelsedowhilelocal cop - cherry top0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

not for me, but depends on the woman. looks like you're still basing your opinion on top tier men.

[–]anitapkcsarlbmed ggse0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

You shouldn't look for approval from men to apply whatever strategy you want. They'll consider it evil just like fat chicks consider it evil to lust for girls with abs

[–]prodigy2throw#Transracial4 points5 points  (5 children) | Copy Link

Men have standards like "no fat chicks" which can be controlled by women with some work.

Women have standards like "be over 6'. Which cannot be controlled.

[–][deleted]  (4 children) | Copy Link


[–]prodigy2throw#Transracial3 points4 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

I feel like most of those standards you listed are in your head. I have never once heard any man notice a "loose" pussy not have I ever even taken that into consideration.

The other ones you listed, most can be controlled by women (having a fit body, nice ass). Tits can be fixed with implants although most men are okay if your ass is fire.

Pretty face can be fixed with surgery too or just losing fat and taking care of your skin. Unless you were born without an asshole, you can do anal.

[–][deleted]  (2 children) | Copy Link


[–][deleted]  (1 child) | Copy Link


[–]winterriderPurple Pill Man1 point2 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Good points. Many men and women both have unrealistic standards.

[–][deleted] -1 points0 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Yeah. Women have inrealstically high and men have unrealistically low standards. You are a genious for making that statement sound PC though! Thanks.

[–]disposable_pants1 point2 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

That's not how the real world works.

In the real world, women regularly make laundry lists of what they want in a partner and are given support and encouragement for knowing what they want and having standards. But when men say they don't want a woman who has an unhealthy amount of body fat he's called an entitled pig.

What you're describing simply isn't remotely common.

[–][deleted]  (2 children) | Copy Link


[–]disposable_pants0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

That's not a common sentiment in this thread or elsewhere. You have a warped view of reality.

[–][deleted]  (5 children) | Copy Link


[–]the_calibre_cat4 points5 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

Meanwhile, men who prefer something more niche like chubby women are far and few in between.

I've met... far more attractive men dating chubby women than I've seen attractive women dating lower SMV men.

[–][deleted]  (2 children) | Copy Link


[–]the_calibre_cat1 point2 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

I don't think this is just my experience, and the sub as a whole seems to agree that, broadly speaking, women of SMV=x can pull down men of SMV=x+2. I'll agree that my experience is anecdotal, and I probably live in a city that isn't precisely teeming with sexy women, but that anecdote seems to be strongly shared asking others here, across the sexual ideological aisle.

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

how men only want women under 25

a lot of men would want to marry women their own age. But not anymore because:

1) 80-20 rule. a lot of young men dont get laid when they are younger and starve for sex. When they are older and established, they take their chances. This lust for younger women is brought upon by women on themselves. When women are younger, they fuck alphas and older men.

2) most men get more sexual oppurtunitues or any at all when they are post 30s. Younger women had infinite chances during their 20s, tried it all and are less experimentative. A lot of men who are in their late 20s and 30s are just starting theur sexual journey. They want to be around more experimentive and sexual younger women.

3) older women have kids. Kids are yuck when they are not yours and you are expected to rise them.

4) those women would have rejected these men when they were younger. You usually have less sympathy for people who werent around when you were in trouble.

they'll date anyone as long as she's hot, but the point is, most women aren't hot

to a lot of men, anything that has pussy and breaths is hot enough. If you have doubt on this, look at who your bf checks out when you arent around or not noticing. it usually will be every walking woman :D.

First off, that's in regards to casual sex, and women want relationships, not casual sex

Thats the whole problem right there. Men want sexual relationship. Women fuck alphas and give all sexual attention and pleasure to only alphas during their prime time and expect average men to offer them boring sexless childful responsible relationships to post wall women. Screw women :P. i might have fucked a billion men but you are the one i chose to marry, is never a complement. never ever say it to a man :p. It sounds like i gave all the alphas my preciois youth and pussy. Now you poor ass looser beta pay for me.

In addition, the goal of having lots and lots of casual sex with super hot women is a real pipe dream for the vast majority of people, whereas the goal of simply getting married and living happily ever after with one person was pretty much the standard for centuries.

Fucking hypocracy! AFBB at play! we dont want to have lots and lots of sex with hot women. We just want average or any decent women to like us and love us. but as you heard, most men are forced to he incels or get very less sexual satisfaction at younger ages.

What enraged me is your suggestion about happily married ever after. So what you are saying is women should ride cock carousal in their youth. Young men shouod stay celibate. And then men and women shouod get married. And the man should fuck that only used ridden pussy of hers and shouldn't explore his sexuality?

Anyway, i was just responding to your other statemenrs. But lets get to the real question.

I and many men dont see any problem with women having higher standards. They should. But they should think about the consequences. I usually try to look at the problem from the prespective of everybody involved. So i will give you an answer from bith women and men's prespective.


Seriously what the heck are they thinking. Hypergamy is more dangerous to women than men. Despite all fish and bycycle bullshit, women need relationships and a father to take care of her kids and you know yada yada during youth, they go for alphas because they can and betray average men. This will come to bite their ass when they grow older and needs a beta provider. If you lowered your standards and gave beta providers some chance, they would stay in the plantation. But it is not going to happen. Every younger generation of girls are only getting more entitled.


in current sexual market, there is less we can do. We have no say and very less power when we are younger. Have to stay involuntarily celibate and go through hardship. the best we can do is improve ourselves and establish a good carrier. When older, dont marry and explore the world, sexuality, etc. And importantly dont fall for afbb or single moms. Enjoy your life. There is no need to get married. a women can and will take care of herself. You take care if yours.

There is your answer. Women start the standards thing. Men are forced to deal with it. its time men have their own standards.!

[–][deleted]  (1 child) | Copy Link


[–][deleted] 3 points4 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

hmm promiscuity, i dont know. But i support serial monogamy, one night stands and short term relations.

You sound like religious or tradcon. Are you?

Like i tried to highlight, we average men have no option. If i find the right person, i would have loved to be in a monogamous relationship. But we are forced to be incel when women have their times of their lives. Then we are expected to marry and support a post wall slut who would have been disgusted by us few years ago. now she opens her mouth (and legs) wide open when she hears about our salary. Dont we think we deserve some fun time too? Why should we redeam these post wall carousal riders? Why get into a sexless marriage with kids with a woman who has seen it all with literally tens or men while you are just starting your sexual adventure? I think we should just go out and explore now that we have gained some smv.

This whole marriage thing is what motivates these women to be hypergamous afbb sluts. They are like men have to marry anyway. No we dont. Its annoying when they say nice guy is some who you eventually settle with. Nope. Nice guys these days know enough to not buy into this bullshit. Expect blue pill simps. But they will come around when they get divorce raped.

[–]daveofmarsFor Martian Independence1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Did I step into bizzaro world this morning?

Last I checked, men get shamed for having preferences and it's women who say "that's just how it is".

[–]AutoModeratorBiased against humans[M] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link


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[–]the_calibre_cat0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Because women are wonderful, shitlord.

[–]Ultramegasaurus0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

You've gotta be kidding. Rejecting women is literally news-worthy nowadays.

More examples:

Women are allowed to shit their sexual entitlement and frustration into news outlets everyday. "Where have all the good men gone" constitutes an entire subgenre of articles.

[–]mcmur0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link don't have standards that cut out the vast majority of women. Period.

[–]darksoldierkPurple Pill0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

I would argue that it's the other way around these days. And the sexual market supports it. Even fat girls can get boyfriends a lot easier than fat men. Ugly women often get married. Men love women, they love the idea of the perfect woman. And let me tell you, for most guys, the perfect woman isn't a goddess. For most guys, at least those that I've met, the perfect woman is someone who logical and who acts like a human being, not an entitled bitch. Believe it or not, "acting like a human being" is defined very differently by men and women. And yes, of course, they want a woman who isn't fat because the inability to control one's weight indicates one's lack of discipline. If she can't control what she eats, then she likely can't control how much she spends. In most cases, it's discipline that men want.

Men are the ones doing the dance, all women have to do is stand there and not be fat. We have to be wealthy because women want a man who has money and a career. Our hobbies have to be interesting. I used to like stamp collecting, but I dropped it because it wasn't an attractive hobby. I have always loved playing guitar, and that is something that women love, so I focused on that. I don't tell women that I enjoy playing video games every once in a while, or that I enjoy trying to solve mathematical problems in my spare time. Instead, I talk to them about all the places that I've traveled to, the things that I've seen. I don't even like to travel, but I do it because it makes it easier for me to be social. When I was decorating my condo, I wanted to to buy Legolas' (LOTR) knives, and put it on my wall, but then I thought that it would make it harder for me to seem interesting when I brought people over. Yes, I'm a geek, but I have to hide it because for most women, geeks aren't attractive. Men are basically not allowed to be themselves, at least, not if they want to make it easy for themselves to find women.

Also, lets not forget, a woman's demands are biology based, a man's are not. A man cannot control his height, skin color, he can't control how much hair he has on his head. All women are under 25 at a point in their lives. If they choose to waste that time, it's their choice. All women can be hot, all they have to do is not get fat.Honestly, I don't like fit women and I've never thought of being in a serious relationship with a women who wakes up at 4 am to go to the gym. In my eyes, she's very high maintenance. Most men I know only think of very fit women as things to fuck, not people to get to know. What men like are women who are normal. Every man I know says "I can't stand a woman who sits there and orders a salad". Every man I know are annoyed by women who choose going to the gym instead of a social gathering.

For men to be attractive, they have to be, at the very least, toned. For men, getting toned is not easy. We have to hit the gym for years. I'm white, but I honestly like all types of women. Asian, Indian, Irish, English, Australian, African, you give me a nationality, or a skin color and I can tell you what makes them physically beautiful. Wealth is attractive to women, and I wouldn't have had a problem with that. However, the issue occurs when the legal system gives a woman the right to steal my wealth away from me. Divorce laws and separation laws are unfairly tipped towards women to the point where it is now beginning to deprive women of their right to want a wealthy man. Depending on how far we take sexual assault laws, I wouldn't be surprised if our daughters complain about why men of their time turn to prostitutes, porn, and virtual reality to fulfill their need for sex as opposed to women.

[–]ThorLivesSkeptical Purple Pill Man0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Honestly, when I quickly glanced at the title, I thought you were saying the exact opposite: i.e.

"Why is it "just how it is, deal with it" when women have standards that cut out the vast majority of men (which is why people say things like "lift and improve yourself"; i.e. instead of trying to change women, men should change themselves into the people that women want, into the top 20%), but a major social injustice when men have standards that cut out the vast majority of women (which is why the 'fat acceptance' and anti-beauty standards movements exist in feminism; I've even seen women wishing we could return to the days when artists considered plump women beautiful)?"

Honestly, I think someone could've easily posted that on this subreddit, too.

[–]ThrowawayCactus60120 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

why are standards "just biology" when they're men's standards, but a supreme injustice when they're women's standards? It's just as much biology for women to prefer a certain type of man as it is biology for a man to prefer a certain type of woman.

I think it's more a matter of context, since "body acceptance" has been a major theme among women/feminists for several decades. Men were also routinely told that "women don't care about looks" and that their attractions are based more on emotion than biology.

If it's true that women are driven by biology just as much as men, then I wouldn't consider it to be a social injustice. But to routinely lie about it and make it appear that women's motivations are driven by something other than biology could be considered intentionally deceptive.

I think the difference here is that, by and large, men are far more honest and open about it, whereas women tend to be more cagey, secretive, and deceptive about it.

[–]mc0079Non-Red Pill0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

If you get your information from tumblr then expect your results to be skewed, if you go to the bodybuilding forums expect your results to be skewed.

People with this rage of injustice are just going to seek out the extremes to collaborate their world view. And usually only think of selfish solutions that address their specific needs at the expense of everyone else.

I tend to ignore these views and hold pity for those who have them. They tend not to be able to interact well with the outside world and thus get a very warped sense of reality based on reddit, the internet and extreme examples.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Because Red Pill is first and foremost SEXIST. They believe men are superior to women and all of their "theories" are in support of that one point of faith.

Pretty easy to understand.

[–]Fatpantsmcfee0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

You just need to have a big penis and wear tight pants... Then wink when you catch them looking at your penis. That's the trick.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

I admittedly don't know that much about the male psyche, but when I hear my male friends talking to each other about women they say things like (talking about a really beautiful woman) "She is pretty but she has no tits man"

Once I embarrassed myself by saying "Oh shutup you would die to fuck her if you had the chance" and the guy was very insulted that I would assume he doesn`t have high standards. To be fair these are 20-25 year old guys.

Is this just an act? Are these guys the exception?

[–]AutoModeratorBiased against humans[M] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link


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[–]DarkLord0chinChin1 point2 points  (11 children) | Copy Link

No, most young women are actually sexually attractive to most men. Unlike most young men, who are not all tall dark and handsome.

The "problem" you perceive is really just specific to the American society with its hilarious obesity problem. AMERICAN WOMEN ARE FAT. But it's not how it should normally be. Normally, women would not be all fat (and thus all fuckable), while only some of the men would be tall / alpha, etc.

Because fat is what you become, and tall is what you are born.

[–][deleted]  (10 children) | Copy Link


[–]DarkLord0chinChin-1 points0 points  (9 children) | Copy Link

Not as much (because testosterone makes getting fat harder) and it is not as important. A tall guy with some weight is still better than a short lean guy. Which is very different with women.

[–][deleted]  (7 children) | Copy Link


[–]the_calibre_cat1 point2 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

EDIT: I'm sorry, I was reading your links, God social "science" is a shitshow. So, men (no qualifier on that?), as a whole, on average, overrate their own attractiveness based on this? Let's have a look:

To come to this conclusion, researchers led by Stacy Yen-Lim Sim of Bowling Green State University surveyed 161 university undergraduates.


bigger sample size or gtfo

Your NBC link is better, I like especially that it contains this gem:

Or perhaps it’s that men have internalized the messages in the popular media: movies like "Knocked Up," where the slacker hero lands a beautiful babe, or TV shows like "According to Jim," in which a difficult, slobby guy is coupled with a gorgeous wife.

[–]curunirMy Pill Wore Off1 point2 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

Using this data, they determined that the physical attractiveness of a potential mate was more important to men than women.

Right, it's just biology.

and how women are only good for their looks

As above, biology. Men are attracted to women based almost almost exclusively based on looks.

As an older man, I have no problem dating women my age. When I put myself back on the market, I discovered that this was extremely difficult. I've had more success with younger women (in their 20's). I'm a little surprised by that. It's not like they're misjudging my age - I clearly look older than them. Maybe the women my age are all looking for younger men? IDK.

[–][deleted]  (2 children) | Copy Link


[–]curunirMy Pill Wore Off0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

Well, right, I didn't say it's only one way. Women like taller guys (biology), and wealthy guys (biology), so, yea, it's certainly both ways. Women are looking for different attributes than men, it's all normal and nothing to bitch about.

As far as lifestyle, it's not that, because I can't even find women my age that could get to know my lifestyle. Maybe it's just where I'm looking. I don't do any online dating, so I mostly go to bars / clubs / festivals and the like looking. All the women my age are attached or uninterested in even having a conversation with me. Maybe it's only the younger girls going there looking to meet men.

You can kill a man, but you can't kill an idea.

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