
~ archived since 2018 ~


Red Pill TheoryHow to survive working with women (self.TheRedPill)

submitted by Endorsed Contributorleftajar

A gentleman posted in /r/asktrp with a question -- he is about to begin a new job in which he is the only male in a group of twenty-five females. If that made your asshole pucker in terror, good: you're right to be cautious. This list was written for that man, but the rules apply to any man forced to work alongside women.

Follow these rules to maximize harmony, reduce needless stress, and survive disaster. (6th critical point added by /u/cyralea)

  1. Never, ever, take sides. Women will approach you and complain about each other; it's what they do. Listen, empathize, and never, under any circumstances, take one woman's side.
  2. Get used to refusing requests for help. Every job I've ever had with females, they were constantly trying to offload their basic job description onto the males. In other words, they were always asking for help with shit they should be able to handle. As the lone male, this will be amplified times a hundred for you. Just say no to shit.
  3. Do not fuck any of them. These women are off-limits for fucking. The simple rule, of "don't shit where you eat," is quadruply appropriate for you. Women can't keep secrets. If you bang one of them, the rest will know within a day or two. Guaranteed. Don't do it.
  4. Don't be too effective. Women generally don't work very well, and they constantly require group validation. You put these two things together, and what you get is an environment in which everybody is aware of how hard everybody else is working. The level of work of each woman is well-calibrated to both: not get fired, and not make anyone else look bad. In a male environment, everyone is trying to get ahead. In a female environment, everyone is trying not to piss everyone else off. Figure out how hard the top 5 women work, and work that hard. But NO HARDER! (Edit: Read the culture, go with the flow, and don't make a woman look bad. It comes down to culture. If your female coworkers are effective and low-drama, by all means -- kick ass. Just be wary. Exclusively-female workplaces have a tendency to devolve into... cattiness, which creates loafing. The presence of a single male changes that. If you were to enter a catty, ineffective group of females, bringing a male ass-kicking attitude, it would send shockwaves of surprise and distress through the females. Seriously -- I cannot overstate how nutty it gets without any males. Just read the article Read from halfway.
  5. Don't play favorites; conduct yourself as a loner. Women are hypersensitive to politics. Groups of women will try to enlist you as a beta orbiter constantly. Stay aloof. You're the rooster in the henhouse; you're the adult on the playground. Just hold yourself to a good standard of behavior, and stay out of muck of female relationships. Women don't need a valid reason to hate you. It could be as simple as, "you always sit with those women at lunch, and I don't like them. So I don't like you. No promotion." Sit alone, eat alone, keep to yourself. Better to be the enigmatic loner than Cathy's male bitch for all the other bitches to hate.
  6. Never confide in these women. They will likely question you and pry into your life under the seemingly innocent guise of friendly banter. Don't fall for this. The more they learn about you, the more they have leverage to potentially use against you. Keep your conversations light and professional, but most importantly fact-free as it pertains to any aspect of your personal life. Any given one of them might be friendly today, but maybe tomorrow she is catching a vibe from the other ladies that you're untrustworthy. Her feels won't let her rebuke them. Suddenly all the things you confided to her because she seemed like a decent person go out the window.

That's it; good luck, brothers.

Edit: we're getting some confusion about #4. That advice is for a lone man in an otherwise all-female environment. In that situation, the women's level of effort is calibrated to each other, which is typically way lower than what they're capable of. In that situation, if you did your best, you'd embarrass all the women. In a normal, mixed-gender environment, that's not a concern; just do your best.

2nd edit: for some epic lulz, see what happened to an all-female TV company.]

3rd edit: Fun story in support of #4. In the past, I made acquaintance with a veteran aerobics instructor in her 50's. She was a cool gal, very direct, with an old-school midwestern attitude. She was a great trainer because she was encouraging, but called you on your bullshit.

She invited me to attend her aerobics class for free. So I went. Fun, decent cardio. Interesting thing was, I was the only male in the room. So I fuckin' stepped up and gave it 100%.

Chit-chatting afterwards, she mentioned something to me. "I'm glad you're here. It helps to have a guy here."

Pause. Whoa. Interesting... "What do you mean?"

"Well, if there's no guy in the room, they all slack! And they complain endlessly! GOD.. it's so irritating! .... But with just one guy here, not a peep."

[–][deleted]  (12 children) | Copy Link

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[–]Adolf_ghandi 70 points71 points  (8 children) | Copy Link

6 needs more emphasis. It is not only women doing that. Work environment is a rat race. Be the wolf in the cage not a sheep or you get fucked. I am not even 30 and have seen it more then once.

Pick your topics. Mainstream politic opinion. Popular sports. Etc. Always go with the flow when talking at work. Never ever have a own opinion on work unrelated stuff. That shit is for your friends ONLY.

If ppl try to nail you down on a fishy topic go gtfo with some excuse about stuff that was better already done yesterday.

If you have to talk to the boss about political stuff because he asks and you can not bail be 1000% on guard. It is a most likely a bigger shit test then any bitch could ever pull.

It is actually worth its own post in my opinion.

[–]1beerthroway 12 points13 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Pick your topics. Mainstream politic opinion. Popular sports. Etc. Always go with the flow when talking at work. Never ever have a own opinion on work unrelated stuff. That shit is for your friends ONLY.

It is actually worth its own post in my opinion.

Agreed entirely. I'm not sure what other majors teach, but in education we learn that it is a political position. You keep your god damn mouth shut. If someone corners you use a political response.

This goes for not only when you are in front of students, but also in the lunch room, or dealing with parents. You have to live the political life in public. There is no rest.

[–]Endorsed ContributorStories_of_Red 5 points6 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Mainstream politic opinion.

Never, ever express a political opinion at work. Treat it like a discussion fo sex: absolutely never go there. If other people bring it up, you smile, nod, and then change the topic to a safe one.

As a guy, you will get no points for the "right" attitude--whatever that is--and you will get blackballed for the wrong attitude.

[–]BlackHeart89 1 point2 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

I just roll with it. My direct supervisor is a woman 13 years my senior (I'm 25) and she's a minister (I'm an atheist). If she ever makes a small comment about god or church or whatever it is, I just nod my head and agree if I can't avoid it altogether.

Thank god she's not one of those people who try to force religion down your throat. I didn't even know she was a minister until after 2 months of working with her.

[–]ColdEiric -1 points0 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

And this is why I talk with a pastor. Because they lose their job if they tell.

[–][deleted] 14 points15 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Unless it's child rape. They still get to keep their jobs in that case.

[–]somedude3720 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

That's a priest, not a pastor.

[–]asdfghjkltyu 16 points17 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

The better rule would be 'Don't confide in Women'. In any situation.

Women will stab you in the back the second you're no longer relevant to their life. They're far more interested in their own reputation, so if it comes down to you against her they will drag your name through the dirt.

[–]1dongpal -1 points0 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

ha, mine lastet for 15 months, at least im free

[–][deleted] 85 points86 points  (7 children) | Copy Link

Worked with women, here is a good one as well:

Most women are idiots and will pry into your life about girlfriends, going out, clothes, workouts etc etc etc. Now if a guy asked you, you'd honestly answer and the conversation might be decent, but most women are passively looking for a way to start drama or bust your balls. Keep answers, short, sweet and vague and ALWAYS....ALWAYS


With a guy flipping the script doesn't work, but women are natural followers and if they get in the presence of a dominant man they WILL fall in line aka you WILL lead the conversation (should you want to), so if a question is too personal or you KNOW it's headed towards drama, just flip the script and ask THEM that question. This shit works like magic and bitches are definitely too dumb to notice it and even if they do, like good little followers they fall in line.

[–]southernmost 111 points112 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

Plus it gives them a chance to talk about their favorite topic: THEMSELVES!

[–][deleted] 25 points26 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

This is truth. I was working as an analyst in a call center dominated by women. I was warned going in to watch what I said. I had no issues. I established a strong, no bullshit presence. I listened to their frustrations but never took sides.. I ended up with a raise in 3 months because their collective opinion of me was very high and those words made it to management. Their chattiness can be a positive as long as you control the relationship.

[–]2elysius 5 points6 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

I listened to their frustrations but never took sides

...How? To women, if Jane is talking trash about Janet, even just sitting there listening and not expressing any kind of disapproval (which it would mean you are on Janet's side), no matter how small (such as an unfortunately timed sigh) is construed as taking Jane's side, if she comes out of the interaction with a good impression of you (if she doesn't, you were on Janet's side).

Honest question.

[–]WardlyHasted10 points [recovered] (1 child) | Copy Link

Just give vague, bullshit kind of answers. Platitudes and idioms work great in this circumstance.

"Ya, that's the way it goes sometimes."; "Ah you win some you lose some."; "The grass is always greener on the other side."; "That's the way the cookie crumbles."

What's important, however, is how you say it. Say it with just the right tone of voice so that it doesn't sound like you're giving them the run around, or worse, that you pretty much ignored everything they just said (even if you did). Women will definitely pick up on that.

The key is not to express your actual opinion on the matter (i.e. "Sounds like Janet is being really rude to you."). That will be seen as taking sides. Just remain vague and ambiguous.

Think of a pro athlete's post-game interview after they lost a big game: "Ya you know, our heart just wasn't in it tonight... uhhh... we need to do a better job of executing our game plan and uhhh hopefully the next game we'll get back on the winning side of things." Obviously! What the fuck does that even mean?

Read the sidebar article about "Powertalk" if you haven't already.

[–][deleted] 2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

This is it. Good reply. I empathized but never spoke ill of "Janet", to use the example. I just said stuff like "Sounds like you are having a bad day! Hope it improves for you." Jane and Janet's relationship is nothing I ever needed to involve myself with and I found that women respected me for not getting involved.

[–]shzftw 110 points111 points  (13 children) | Copy Link

Male nurse here, I don't really agree with number 4.

When you start at a new place, make sure to get a good read on who is in charge of management and your options on getting more responsibility / promotion.

If the guy in charge is a BB or man hating woman keep your head low, do the minimum that is required of you and keep looking for a better job.

If the guy in charge is an AF or a woman with Alpha work ethic (very rare), get shit done and make it clear you are not to be fucked with. You will become their go to guy and they will have your back.

[–]dhump 16 points17 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

I recently took a position in an ER (paramedic) as the patient flow manager. It's what you would think it is. With the nurses, it's constant complaining about getting unfair, or too many patient assignments, or rampant bitching about other nurses.

I stay neutral, and quash any assignment complaining flat out. I do it as fair as humanly possible, and never put myself in a position of justifying anything to them. They've grown to see that, and the bitching has subsided a great deal.

It's still a fucking snake pit, though.

[–]shzftw 8 points9 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

A rooster in the hen house. Just keep holding frame buddy.

[–]LateralThinkerer 2 points3 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Get used to refusing requests for help. Get used to refusing requests for help. Every job I've ever had with females, they were constantly trying to offload their basic job description onto the males. In other words, they were always asking for help with shit they should be able to handle. As the lone male, this will be amplified times a hundred for you. Just say no to shit.

Okay, I'm interested in strategies about how to do this when you can't just tell them to fuck off. I work in a mostly-female situation that is politically treacherous, and most of the women are really very professional, but there's one that keeps trying to lay shit off on me. I don't have to "be nice" but I'm open to diplomatic but forceful solutions to this.

Anybody? Bueller?

[–]Endorsed Contributorleftajar[S] 47 points48 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

You make a good point.

Of the six points I made, number 4 was the most specific to an all-female situation. You're absolutely right; in a mixed group, you still want to be awesome. In the OP's situation, which was one man amongst 25 women, if he were to "show them up," it could be bad.

[–]jimmyjoejimbob 6 points7 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Not could be bad, it will be bad.

[–]sweetleef 22 points23 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

If the guy in charge is a BB or man hating woman keep your head low, do the minimum that is required of you and keep looking for a better job.

Particularly the looking for a job part - if you get put under a true, bitter man-hater, it's only a matter of time before she forces you out. Not if, but when. Do it on your terms and get out as soon as you can. You can't deal with or win over that type of woman, you can't appeal to any sense of responsibility as a boss, or please her with your abilities. The best you could hope for is to become a pawn in her games against other men - and when you're no longer useful as a pawn she'll throw you out anyway. Especially watch out for middle-aged childless or divorced female bosses, they are miserable and their primary goal is to exercise some malicious power over men.

[–][deleted]  (2 children) | Copy Link

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[–]PryvateJiggles 10 points11 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I've been an ER RN for 20 years. I've witnessed some of the shittiest human behaviour by female nurses towards one another. I just sit back and watch the soap opera unfold.....I call it "As the Stomach Turns." I have 4 out of a staff of 90 females that I would trust with my life. They have had my back many times, and I theirs, but the other 86 can go fuck themselves. I don't trust them.

[–]shzftw 5 points6 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I don't know what's expected of you at your job, but I never moved a patient that wasn't mine without the physical presence and assistance of the nurse that asked for my help.

From personal experience, a lot of nurses are lazy and make the aides to the dirty/heave jobs while they sit around at the nurses station.

However, often nurses are swamped with work and actually need your help to stay on-time. When ever I was in this situation I always returned the favor to the CNA that helped me out.

[–]jrdnsln 28 points29 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

I am the only male in an office with 25 women. This list is on point.

Before I started the thought was exciting. All those women, most are past the wall, others are very near, some 7 and 8 MILF types, and just me, mid-twenties, fit and intelligent.... could get interesting, right?

Luckily my pals set me straight and I went into my first day committed to at least not fucking any of them. And sure enough that was the best advice I've ever followed. Right away there was the tension from the collective wondering about who I was gonna divulge a little extra attention to and what not. Everyone was extra helpful, came to work extra done up, dropping comments about disliking their husbands into work related conversations. Usual game.

Once it was obvious no one was working her way onto my good side the zeitgeist flipped complete 180. The few females I work closest with leveraged their proximity to me in their twisted, childish, and altogether fiendish ploy to be seen as head bitch. Those that work in other departments either resent the females I work with or, if they can, pass menial tasks onto my desk so I can come deal with them personally.

But I thrive because I follow simple principles similar to what was published in this list. If I can reiterate, do not, do not fuck any of them or take sides. There's no going back once you break that seal.

[–][deleted] 10 points11 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I work in a mostly female office and I've got a similar atmosphere. They are all competing for my attention and the funny thing is, every single one of them is married or has a bf. I befriended one of the older ones who is a 'head betch' of sorts and the rest just fell in line. Every month or so I change who I'm giving my attention to, and it's funny to see how aware they are of who I'm spending time with. Girls are constantly walking over to my desk just to say hello, even though I never return the favor. I'm normally cold and solemn, but every so often I'll show them who I really am: tell jokes, share stories, laugh, etc. But only in small portions. Just enough to give them a taste, because I know that giving too much of myself will give them a reason to hate me. They are constantly poking with questions about my personal life. I only give them scraps. I know too much about the psychology of women to get involved with any of them.

I just realized that there is a small contingency of women at the opposite side of the office that don't like me. Coincidentally, they are the only ones I don't give attention to, purely for logistical reasons (they live on the opposite side of the office). So I think it's a love-hate kind of thing.

I'd like to echo a point already made: NEVER TAKE SIDES. If you start acting like one of them, they will lose all respect for you. Be the adult in the room. Never stoop to their level.

[–]throwy89 12 points13 points  (5 children) | Copy Link

I work in an office filled with women and there are only 2 males here and the other one is my assistant.

I can say this advice is pretty spot on but it is a great place to work. They bend to your needs rather than the needs of the company and are very understanding.

I am a loner because after two christmas parties in a row where rumours were spread that I was fucking people (I wasn't) I just went nah not worth it and kept to myself. I did date one girl from the company for a week and well it wasn't worth it people knew so damn quickly and I just went nah too hard.

Most of the women I was friends with moved on with the company anyway so I just left it at that. The one thing I have become great at is picking women, even though I am fairly unemotional I can spot good catches a mile away now and those to avoid. There are more good catches out there than this place makes out that's for sure. Just a lot of them are already taken. However when trying to find one when single yeah there aren't too many out there since they are already taken.

However having said that my assistant is friends with plenty of the girls and seems to be fairly popular and somehow managed to steer away from rumour territory. Then again I no longer hear the rumours so who knows.

However even with what I mentioned before the job I have now is easily the best place I have ever worked and I have zero intentions of changing.

[–]CockBruises 0 points1 point  (4 children) | Copy Link

Where do you see these good catches, and how do you determine the good from the bad?

[–]throwy89 9 points10 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

You just can, I have always been good at reading people but spending such long periods of time with multiple types has really honed that skill.

It's not exactly a coincidence that all the good ones are taken and all the bad ones are single. Essentially look at there history, if they have cycled through many boyfriends they are bad. If they have poor morals they are bad, if they party every weekend yep they are bad as well. If they do break up with someone they didn't have someone already lined up and they generally don't go out for awhile.

All the good ones are a little bit reserved and aren't out there.

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

[–]CockBruises 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Very helpful, but specific things to look out for are always appreciated; I know of a bunch of indicators, but there's always one I've overlooked.

[–]gt35r 18 points19 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

I am the only inside IT person here, the rest of the techs are gone from 7am till the end of the day and I never see them. 4 out of the 5 women here are overweight, not just a little bit, I mean straight up hambeasts. I get to answer their calling in sick calls, which seem to happen every other day, or because "their back hurts and they've tried all kinds of medicine". I get a salary, I have job security so I just fucking deal with it. Yeah it sucks the most massive cock hearing them gossip/bitch/complain about everything but until they start asking me to work for free, I just ignore it and carry on.

[–][deleted]  (1 child) | Copy Link

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[–]1cover20 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Why pull more than your weight (well, percentage of the population, since his weight is a very small fraction of theirs apparently)? It may be good for everyone else, but then you'll end up helping all the women, not the role you want.

[–][deleted] 28 points29 points  (7 children) | Copy Link

Solid Advice.

Source: A dude who recently started working in an office with 1 other guy and 4 women.

[–]Endorsed ContributorScumbagBillionaire 3 points4 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

Same situation here.

Everything he said is absolutely spot on. I'm still tempted to bang the 18 yr old assistant we have in here though...

[–][deleted] 2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Trust me, dont do it. We have some banging chicks here too, but I like being drama free.

[–]BlackHeart89 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

I already know whats going to happen. If she offers it to you, I know you're going to take it.

But one thing I must say, if you're in a supervisory position and you're not the top boss in your establishment, leave that shit alone. No matter how hard she tries. There will always been more women outside of your job. That shit will get you fired.

My brother was a manager, fucking around with some chick that worked for him. Upper management found out and let him go.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Do it. Life is too short. Do you think you'll regret it when you're old? Work is not life, work is not God. There is nothing wrong with you banging her.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

If you're two guys and four women you are already in the majority.

[–]1aguy01 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

In terms of work completed, yea.

[–]throwingwater 17 points18 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Great stuff.

Most guys who break these rules have no access to women and don't know how to get access outside of school and work or any forced interaction. They have a terrible scarcity mentality that leads them to shitting where you eat, exposing their vulnerabilities to women, and eventually becoming a office pariah.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

This comment is pretty fucking poignant. Seeing as I'm being setup to become that pariah.

[–][deleted] 32 points33 points  (44 children) | Copy Link

I believe you forgot a couple of very important pieces of advice in your list.

  1. ARE YOU FUCKING CRAZY!!! Don't do this man...
  2. See #1.

[–]WasKingWokeUpGiraffe34 points35 points  (18 children) | Copy Link

Male nurse here, kinda hard for me to avoid that type of job environment..

[–][deleted] 26 points27 points  (8 children) | Copy Link

You're the most discriminated worker I know. My salute to you.

[–][deleted]  (7 children) | Copy Link

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[–]DeezMFNuhtz 22 points23 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Male teacher here.

Meh. It's not so bad. Keep the door open and stick to side hugs. NBD

[–]emblasochist 5 points5 points [recovered] | Copy Link

Eh... I had a lot of good male teachers, at least out side of elementary school. In my high school, pretty much the only teachers that were any good were male. They knew that getting teenagers to give a shit about any one topic was all about making the material accessible and interesting. Shit, my 10th grade English teacher was a publicly closeted gay man, but he wasn't afraid to point out the filthy shit that was going on in a lot of Shakespeare's plays and sonnets, among others. Male teachers in primary school, on the other hand, are "out of place" because women are intimidated by men being their peers in the workplace, and they try to cultivate the idea that aside from gym, men will frighten their kids and aren't suitable teachers.

[–]Juffo-WupDeepChild 3 points4 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Yes! Of all my teachers, I really only had one female teacher that I would consider "great." All of my best teachers were men, hands down.

Let's see... In seventh grade, I had a history teacher that would read passages from Beowulf in the original old English. In my sophomore year I had a biology teacher that would always get off topic and tell us some of the most epic stories, which he would somehow manage to tie into the subject he was teaching and give us (or at least me) a much deeper appreciation of the topic.

Most of the female teachers I had barely understood their own subject matter, or just didn't know how to command attention. I feel like the quality of my education would have been much higher were I taught exclusively by men.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

I dunno I had some good female teachers. Red pill as fuck health teacher (where I learned women will hijack your sperm if you aren't careful with the condom), great PE teacher, great math teacher, pretty good English teacher who also worked the robotics club, etc.

[–]trp_angry_dwarf 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Only Primary school. Or whatever it's called overseas. 4-12 year olds.

[–]northsidefugitive 1 point2 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

What kind of facility/department do you work in? Because I've met some male nurses who absolutely love their jobs.

[–]WasKingWokeUpGiraffe 4 points5 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

Hospital, and don't get me wrong I do love my job, just the fact that 95% of coworkers are female is something I can't avoid.

[–]Endorsed ContributorRedBigMan 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Besides following the rules of male-female workplaces... They need you more than you need them. You're probably doing about half of all the heavy lifting on the job both figuratively and literally (with like 400+ pound bedridden fat asses)

[–]deaduponaviral 17 points18 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

lol, women Haaaate each other, especially in the workforce. They are constantly bitching/comparing/sizing up one another. As long as you remain a stone cold emotional tampon for her bitching you can remain on her good side. I swear, most people I work with must think I'm deaf because I barely acknowledge the shit that comes out of their mouths. I've literally had interactions where two girls were talking shit about each other in the same room as I went in between them. Always remain stoic and businesslike in any work related interaction. Water cooler talk should be left to the kool-aid drinkers.

[–]grimreaperx2 10 points11 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Good point however a job is a job and when money is short you gotta suck it up. I would take the job, lay low, and keep looking for other opportunities and bail ship when you lock another position.

[–][deleted]  (18 children) | Copy Link

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[–]gran_helvetia 3 points4 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

Shit, I'm 20 and I can't even imagine making that dough in two years. You sir are a lucky man.

[–]BlackHeart89 -1 points0 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

Go to college. Not a 2 year college. I mean a real university. Graduate with good grades. Boom. The system is geared for college graduates. That doesn't guarantee you a job, but good luck getting anywhere without that degree nowadays. Unless you know some people that can get your foot in the door or lucky enough to have proven experience, you'll be a disadvantage without one.

[–]gran_helvetia1 points [recovered] (1 child) | Copy Link

In 2 years Ill graduate as Bachelor of Biological Sciences, salaries in my country are ridiculously low though, so I'm considering grad school or med school after that

[–]BlackHeart89 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Then you're on the right track. You'll see the pay off soon enough.

[–]Endorsed ContributorAFPJ -5 points-4 points  (9 children) | Copy Link

50k/yr job at 22

Most of the guys I coach at my gym are 22 or younger & make more, you can do better.

[–][deleted]  (4 children) | Copy Link

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[–]ROIVeritas 2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Especially right about the NY LA thing. Theyre marrying people to the land in an effort to "reregulate and restabilize" the screwed up mortgage market.

So you work your ass off, but what would normally go to savings in any other normal place goes to humongous rents and mortgages in hole in the wall apartments and 80 yr. old suburban ranches.

[–]Endorsed ContributorAFPJ 0 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

Missed the point: the job you have isn't all that, find a better one that also pays more because you can.

Young people don't realize that if you are in the 80th percentile of income for your age, the only thing holds you back from being in the 95th is looking. You don't get what you're worth, you get what you can bargain for.

...And what you can bargain for is a higher paying job you don't have to "grin and bear" - but that takes work.

Working the hours you're paid earns you salary, working when you're not earns you a good future trajectory.

[–][deleted]  (1 child) | Copy Link

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[–]WoahScienceCool 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

These kids are a figment of his imagination. Dont hold your breath waiting for a response.

[–]WoahScienceCool -1 points0 points  (3 children) | Copy Link


Im willing to bet my entire paycheck that theyre lying/exaggerating and/or trust fund kids, and youre just dumb enough to fall for it.

There is not a single, independent kid below the age of 22 who is pulling in 50k- never mind more than 50k- especially considering they most likely havent even graduated college yet with at least a Bachelors. All this, plus the abysmal employment rates of younger, working age Millenials. Some article came out a year ago or so that said if you make above $70k/year, that you are making more than something like 75% of the people in the country.

Id like to see you back your statement up, but I wont hold my breath.

[–]Endorsed ContributorAFPJ 0 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

A rudimentary fact check, perhaps? Input 70K here - 2% of all earners in the 65000-74999 bracket are under 24. 20% of all earners in that bracket never went to college: 1 in 50 "teenagers" you meet makes over 70K/yr.

[–]WoahScienceCool 0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

Perhaps you missed the very important part where a 70k income beats out almost 70% of the entire nation?

And so then, what do you have to say about your haram of 20 year olds you hang out with that all make over 50k/year?

[–]Endorsed ContributorAFPJ 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

The kids I coach already amount to more in their early 20s than most men in the U.S. ever will - their careers reflecting it shouldn't be surprising. Regardless of how little you accomplished at that age, no need to be snide.

[–][deleted] -2 points-1 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Let us know how that goes then...

[–][deleted] 2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

50K could be a good sum of money in areas with low living costs. 50K in a random town in Alabama is 120K in NY. When people have these sort of conversations, they don't take into consideration the MASSIVE difference in living costs in America.

[–]antihostile 0 points1 point  (3 children) | Copy Link

Listen to this man.

Obviously if you just got the job, you're not going to quit right away, but I very strongly suggest you start looking for another job immediately. The thing about this kind of environment is that it's an emotional minefield and if and when you slip up (and sometimes, it's got nothing to do with you), it can blow up in your face very quickly and very badly. Start looking for another job pronto.

EDIT: Another point that probably should be added: Find out who the Queen Bee is and start kissing her ass. You won't beat her in this kind of environment, so CYA.

[–]Endorsed ContributorStories_of_Red 1 point2 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Find out who the Queen Bee is and start kissing her ass.

Nope, game her, and do your job well, without causing her any headaches professionally. She will adore you. Kiss her ass, and she thinks you weak.

[–]BlackHeart89 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

She can think you're weak as she wants. If you don't plan on sticking around for a promotion, it won't matter anyway. You're just trying to survive long enough to bail.

But if one has the skill to game her, then do so. Sometimes doing your job well isn't enough.

[–]ROIVeritas 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Women instinctively seek out the Alpha, the natural threat to her power or influence in any social dynamic. If you don't seek her out, she'll seek YOU out. In a wolf pack, everyone knows who the Alpha is.

She will either exploit you, or she will submit to your influence, but there IS no avoiding her, not on her stomping grounds.

[–]redgreenyellowblu 6 points7 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Oh, boy, is #1 ever true. Especially don't fall for the woman who comes off like she's tired of all the gossip and bullshit, too, and is "one of the guys". I found out the hard way this kind can be the worst of them all.

Where this not taking sides can be very difficult is when choosing to support or not support policy changes or new programs in the workplace. Because women are constantly coming up with new ways to crack a nut because they are frustrated they don't understand how to get into it in the first place. And they don't want to be the only one to be trying to crack it a new way, so they have to get everyone else to try it the same way and create some time-wasting program of documenting our efforts or reactions to this new nut-cracking method.

And they will remember if you voted for their time-wasting program or not. They don't give you a pass for your logic or reasons.

I worked in a private school overrun by female meddlers and re-inventers of the wheel and this part was the worst. Frankly, I don't know how you stay out of these politics other than try to vote with the biggest group.

[–]copralalic 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

It's about the frame. When they propose this kind of thing they are pulling you in, and you have to resist that. When asked for input it's a good time to try the ol' flip-the-script; "I see both plusses and minuses, but I'd like to hear more about what you think." Never, ever elucidate on your amorphous and completely bullshit plusses-and-minuses, because that puts you on one side or the other. Mentally check out and think about some other shit -- whether to get that radiator new or take a shot on one from the local Pick-a-Part -- and just let bitches be bitches.

[–][deleted]  (3 children) | Copy Link

[permanently deleted]

[–]annuncirith 7 points8 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

But, if they don't like're fucked.

And, this shit is present from top of society all the way to the shit heaps at the fringes. I had a female manager when I worked at McDonald's in high school. The bitch hated me, and I was never anything but respectful. Literally turned everything I said in any situation into a slight against her, a coworker, or the company.

[–]ROIVeritas 3 points4 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Worked at Wendys in high school. This mastodon behemoth passing for a woman used to give free food to her snotty brat kids, all 6 of em, and her BB and I mean she could beat him up then eat him, BB BP husband.

Both of them looked morose, apart and together. I worked the cashier, and it turns out, at the end of the night each week I worked with her, my register is always short 20 bucks here 40 bucks there.

So i reason, BITCH! why would I steal money from the register and then keep right on working?? Turns out the bitch was stealing cash, dropping the wrong amounts in the safe, and making me cover the difference from my pocket. For after all, who would believe that a woman would do some foul shit like that??

When she got caught by the manager, he called me into the office to pretend to scream at me, meanwhile he got her on camera screwing the safe, and he STILL didnt fire her. She finally got bold enough to hit them up for $4,000 all at one time, and being that she was illegal, good luck finding her.

[–]1aguy01 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

When she got caught by the manager, he called me into the office to pretend to scream at me, meanwhile he got her on camera screwing the safe, and he STILL didnt fire her. She finally got bold enough to hit them up for $4,000 all at one time, and being that she was illegal, good luck finding her.

Too bad that guy still won't learn his lesson.

[–][deleted] 8 points9 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

"Well, if there's no guy in the room, they all slack! And they complain endlessly! GOD.. it's so irritating! .... But with just one guy here, not a peep."

I worked in one job where I was the only male in the entire dept. There were a handful elsewhere in the company but I was the only one on that floor. Sometimes they'd forget I was there and talk about the crassest, grossest shit you could imagine. They'd yell across the room talking about how dirty their underwear is, how many people they slept with, etc. It was disgusting. I was in my early twenties and it taught me a lot.

[–]Telochi 10 points11 points  (8 children) | Copy Link

Never, ever, take sides. Women will approach you and complain about each other; it's what they do. Listen, empathize, and never, under any circumstances, take one woman's side.

It's true, they tend to blow things out of proportion and make a big deal out of little microaggressions. Not to mention they hold a grudge rather well. It's best not to get into that whole paradigm.

Get used to refusing requests for help. Every job I've ever had with females, they were constantly trying to offload their basic job description onto the males. In other words, they were always asking for help with shit they should be able to handle. As the lone male, this will be amplified times a hundred for you. Just say no to shit.

I've experienced this firsthand, I've seen women talk about equality and how women can do anything a man can do and yet they'll almost always ask me to do any physical task that involves any form of lifting even if they should be able to do it they'd always try to have me do it even if it would be simpler if they did it. This tip is very accurate, be assertive.

Do not fuck any of them. These women are off-limits for fucking. The simple rule, of "don't shit where you eat," is quadruply appropriate for you. Women can't keep secrets. If you bang one of them, the rest will know within a day or two. Guaranteed. Don't do it.

It's true, they enjoy gossiping and while I'm comfortable with keeping it private they're content to banter on about it the morning after.

These are some very good tips, nicely done.

[–][deleted] 3 points4 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

can do anything a man can do and yet they'll almost always ask me to do any physical task that involves any form of lifting even if they should be able to do it they'd always try to have me do it even if it would be simpler if they did it. This tip is very accurate, be assertive.

Ha ha. In my office women can stay thirsty for hours (i have 40+ on the floor) because no one of them has the gut to ask a guy to change the water in the dispenser. I suppose that's below them. They suck all the water out. When i change the water because i am thirsty they all cheer up like i was their savior...

There is a beta dude in the office: they ask him usually - they rarely use "please" with him...

[–]ROIVeritas 2 points3 points  (5 children) | Copy Link

I've experienced this firsthand, I've seen women talk about equality and how women can do anything a man can do and yet they'll almost always ask me to do any physical task that involves any form of lifting even if they should be able to do it they'd always try to have me do it even if it would be simpler if they did it. This tip is very accurate, be assertive.

Used to work in a retail factory, of course a magnet for teen and tween moms aged a few years but with nothing to show for it but 50 lbs of baby weight sagging past her size extra medium, hanging over her belt.

Her girth was so enormous, she could not climb ladders to get merch for customers, she could not bend without thar she blowing, because she would have to tuck her load back in her triple 18 EEE skinny jeans, so she had NOOO problem asking every passing guy to get some shit for her, do this or do that,

Numerous times she was seen by people, customers, and the store cameras dropping some merch on the floor, looking at it, thinking about picking it up, thinking "better" of it, and then walking past it. Sometimes she just dropped it and just kept on trucking.

Management would walk by and ask who dropped it, and she'd look around all bewildered like: WHOEVER COULD IT BE???

No one ever put her in check because they're an "equal opportunity employer"-- I fucking hate that term. It should be EQUAL FAIRNESS employer, or EQUALLY MORAL employer, but equal opportunity, just means they'll allow anyone to bend the rules within reason, and with their permission and discretion.

They promoted her t soon after to prepping the manifest and planning merch layouts, because picking stuff up she dropped, was just too much for her I guess. Oh yea, and that wasn't in her job description.

When it became evidently clear that I couldn't stand her guts by me blatantly ignoring her presence, she told her plate worthy friend, who was promptly hired. (All fat girls have a friend like this this)

So the friend proceeds to mercilessly pull every guy's attention to her, while I avoided. How incredibly fast these BP BB's were eating out of her hand, the same one she strokes other dudes with. Also, she was involved with a kid to a guy she only does for money, and he wifed her up to get the twat on the regular. Feel bad for the kid.

She was so easy, she was always throwing herself at me, coming to work at 5am with her thong popping out her sweatpants. Course we were looking, I was just not trying to get caught up. She was fucking other dudes, because she "knew her man was cheating , and 2 could play that game". So she tried hard to throw herself at me, and the more I pushed her away, the more she tried.

Finally when I was leaving for a better job finally whistling at work knowing its my last day, she looked miserable. She started saying in the weeks before, and on the last day "hey if you have any extra employee points you aren't using, you can give them to me.. "--In front of other guys to make them jealous, make them hate me, and to make me seem queer for turning her down.

As my last shift ended, I'm walking to punch out and she's telling guys how I'm bipolar, bisexual..all because I turned her down. And any guy who doesn't play her game must be gay.

Well if we reverse the situation, with the amount of times guys get shot down, it's safe to say there are alot of gay girls out there. And they aren't in the closet either.

"Don't dip your pen in the company inkwell" is an old saying for a reason.

[–]TRP Vanguard: "Dark Triad Expert"IllimitableMan 2 points3 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

She sounds like a real piece of shit.

[–]bluedrygrass 2 points3 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

A big, sagging sack of shit.

[–]ROIVeritas 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

She'd try to bring her kid around so people would forget she was a sideshow. She'd call out for full shifts during the busy holiday weekends, and THEN show up to SHOP!

Bruh's I can't make this shit up. It almost hurts to type it.

[–]ROIVeritas 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Truly. The whale was, for sure, she looked like 220lbs of chewed up bubble gum. Her plate friend had the banging body, but she THOUGHT like a sagging sack of shit, which is all the more dangerous, especially for weak guys who don't know that the hunter has become the hunted.

[–]ROIVeritas 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Not just a piece...a SACK of steaming worthless pile of it. I mean at least manure is useful. Calling her shit is disrespectful to manure, which is actually useful.

[–]deadally 48 points49 points  (37 children) | Copy Link

My company and industry are largely dominated by women (my company has 3 men, the owner, the president, and me). They are all highly educated (MBAs, MDs, and PhDs) and experienced, and none of these pieces of advice are useful for dealing with them.

There's no overt politicking, no clucking about men, no drama. These people are all business, and not a single one of them fits this mold that gets cast. They just want the job done. You should look for a place where the same is true for you.

[–]elevul 46 points47 points  (6 children) | Copy Link

It really depends on the level. OP's suggestions are mostly for low level workplaces. Your experience, on the other side, is at the top level, where everyone, male or female, needs to be extremely competitive to reach, which selects for specific types of personality.

[–]deadally 2 points3 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

You might be right, but it applies to even the lower rungs of the company, like the support staff. I have not run into drama that you would expect, but they are great people in general, not the hyper-competitive harpies you might expect.

I would highly recommend reaching for the echelon to all would-be young men. It's challenging and rewarding, and it's nice not to know the experiences detailed in the opening post.

[–]Endorsed ContributorScumbagBillionaire 19 points20 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

What you're describing however, is an outlier.

You need to recognize that as you're trying to make your point.

[–]deadally 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I can't argue there, what with so many chiming in with their experiences contrary to mine. I was honestly surprised to find it so professional an environment, as in grad school there was a whole lot of the issues being described going on. I found it wasn't limited to the women. You had to be careful around EVERYONE what you said. This job has been great for me.

[–]1User-31f64a4e 3 points4 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

If you're in the upper rungs, you may have a limited understanding of what goes on down below. Each level filters what gets passed up the chain. You won't see the petty bullshit, just what emerges from it all in the annual reviews. I suppose in a very small organization that may not be true; but then, that's where the president is interacting with everyone all the time, and thus setting the tone.

[–]BlackHeart89 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

You're in an exceptional work place. Those aren't easy to find. And its not like people can afford to wait around, not working, in order to find the perfect work place.

[–]southernmost 23 points24 points  (5 children) | Copy Link

Work environments like yours are rare today, and growing increasingly more rare as time goes on.

[–]violent_frame 20 points21 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

Or more likely you are unaware of the subtext

[–]ROIVeritas 3 points4 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

^ this.

The more placid seeming the environment, the more subversive the feminists espionage and hypergamous driven manipulative tactics.

They act like objects, and get upset when they become the study of a subject. They expect people to subject themselves to them.

My female manager, unmarried, stubble chin, looks at me like I'm cooked food. Always invites me out to lunch, offers to pay even though I have my own friends and my own cash, claiming she likes our little talks, although they lead to nowhere but her licking her lips like a dog slobbing a bone. She just likes being seen strolling about with me, by her like minded friends who threaten to beat me up if I don't treat her nicely.

[–]1aguy01 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

The more placid seeming the environment, the more subversive the feminists espionage and hypergamous driven manipulative tactics.

The higher you go, the more sociopaths you get.

[–]Endorsed ContributorStories_of_Red 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Yeah, same thought. I have worked with female MBAs, JDs, and PhDs in corporate environments. They are no different, they just run the same programs in the background that I saw up front with the high school dropouts from my days as a college student working crap jobs.

[–]l0ng_time_lurker 3 points4 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

I would say at least #6 is also valid in your working environment - never deliver free ammunition.

[–]deadally 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

I'd agree, only because it's not particularly professional to spill your guts at work to anyone. They aren't there to be my friends, so I don't talk to them as such.

[–]YourShadowScholar 2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

What kind of company is that?

[–]EveningMind 7 points8 points  (6 children) | Copy Link

Thank you! Where is everyone finding these insanely toxic workplaces? I too work in an field that is dominated by females, and within my department specifically there is one man (who I have been good friends with for years, long before he started here).

Nobody here gives a shit about any of this foolishness related above. There are about 12 of us in the department, I've been here 3.5 years, we work in very close quarters, and I can't tell you the last time I even overheard a conversation about boys or dates, or who's a bitch blah blah blah. The guy here is included just as much in any social activities as anyone else is (e.g. the occasional coffee or lunch run). We all get along.

Point being, y'all are working with miserable people in toxic environments. At least half of what you're describing is because your coworkers hate their lives and are high-school style Mean Girls determined to make everyone else miserable.

[–]copralalic 0 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

Every woman has that one bitch at work she can't stand. Every. Single. One. Chris Rock even has a bit about it. There is no such thing as "drama-free". The only time women stick together is when they feel like they are being attacked for being female, or if there is a strong patriarchal presence to keep them in line.

Don't just believe me -- watch "reality television". Yes, it's scripted, but it is designed to bring out what it naturally there and make it obvious for the 'Mericans at home on the couch.

[–]EveningMind 0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

I agree with you that there's no such thing as drama free. Given enough time and the right circumstances, any individuals in close quarters will have drama, even those who typically get along. I also agree that everyone (myself included) has someone somewhere in their organization at work that they don't like, I just balk at the idea that cat fighting and petty foolishness must inevitably ensue. Although I agree that this is often the case, I think it's just that people are idiots and immature and this is an example of this manifesting.

I also think the issue that often arises in a primarily female environment filled is that women drama more often than not is the slow, simmering, lingering type that can poison the well. In my experience men may posture or peacock or even have it out, but they're pretty straightforward with each other. I have a funny story about that as related to some media consultants I have working for/with me, but that's a whole other tangent.

Related to women sticking together, in my experience, women also stick together when an issue or person they care about is being attacked. Maybe a good example would be related to child rearing - an activity women typically spend more time doing than men. Women often get very involved in issues related to child welfare, although a topic like whether or not to vaccinate a child is not one that attacks them as a woman.

Also as related to women sticking together, I'm not sure I just live in this little idealist bubble or what, but, as I work in the social service field, we are already united against a common goal - we're housing the homeless, bringing healthcare to the sick, helping survivors of torture etc. There's less motivation to infight because we have a higher purpose and are driven to attain it.

I welcome your thoughts all around. Sorry for the slow reply.

[–]Justathrowawayo 1 points1 points [recovered] | Copy Link

girl here and she is totes on the up and up about her work environment

I can't tell you the last time I even overheard a conversation about boys or dates

I just plain do not believe you. There is something about this story we are missing.

[–]EveningMind -1 points0 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

I'm happy to respond to or clarify my statement in any way that's helpful.

Someone up thread mentioned that they also work in such an environment, so I think it's fair to say that this is in fact possible.

Re: boys dates, I'm not really sure why we don't talk about this topic, as the majority of us are single. I'm not sure if most of us just aren't on the dating scene or what. Even things like clothes and shoes aren't a big deal here. Although that can be explained by the fact that we don't make a lot of money and my office is very no frills. Typical banter is around The Walking Dead and American Horror Story.

Maybe it's also worth mentioning that I work in social services, which is notorious for being very "kumbaya everyone sit in a circle and hug and talk about your feelings" so we don't have a lot of conflict because we all are very comfortable clearing the air. We are also all here because we are driven by a higher purpose (to do things like house the homeless, rescue survivors of human trafficking etc). People are dying out there and that is clear and present in our minds. We have bigger concerns.

Is that helpful?

[–]RPSigmaStigma 0 points1 point  (10 children) | Copy Link

This is probably because the male leaders of the company inspire the women to fall in line and behave.

[–]deadally 0 points1 point  (9 children) | Copy Link

The leaders in the company are, in fact, women. They also do all the hardest work. The president is also a hard worker, but it's not because he's a man that they do their jobs.

[–]RPSigmaStigma 8 points9 points  (8 children) | Copy Link

my company has 3 men, the owner, the president, and me


The leaders in the company are, in fact, women.

I mean, I'm not saying there aren't hard working women, it just seems to me, from my experience, and the experience of a lot of men, that women in general are less concerned with productivity for it's own sake, and usually more concerned with social acceptance and maneuvering.

Also, not to poison the well, but from your comment history it seems like your goal here is to debate and question TRP instead of participating in it. I'm honestly curious if you consider yourself RP or just someone who's here to debate it?

[–]Sherlock--Holmes -1 points0 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Most of the women I worked around in the white collar world have been better workers than men. I am solid red-pill man, but this is absolutely the truth. Women are great workers in an office environment.

[–]1iluminatiNYC -2 points-1 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I can confirm about this experience, as I've worked in a very similar situation. Still, this is a rare situation.

[–]Nofappin201517 points [recovered] (23 children) | Copy Link

In my opinion, these rules are all way too cut and dry. I've fucked/dated women that I've worked with at my last 2 jobs, and nothing has happened. I made completely sure that they were sane individuals first, and I gamed them for a long time to build attraction, until we finally went out for drinks innocently together and ended up fucking.

Now I'm in a long-term relationship with a girl at my company, and it's awesome. She works in another department on the other side of the office. We're keeping it secret from everyone, and it's hot. We sneak around and go to my car to hook up in the garage on our breaks. I love it.

I've fucked another girl that I work with at this company too. In fact, she sits 10 feet away from me, but we agreed that it was just for fun, and we stopped once I started dating my current girlfriend.

It's possible to manage these things. Just don't hook up with a psycho, and make sure they know the rules. It could blow up in your face, but it's not always 100% guaranteed to be a mistake... In my opinion.

[–]Endorsed Contributorleftajar[S] 17 points18 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

This is a general list, aimed at newbies. Obviously, if you know what you're doing, it's possible to bang your coworkers and get away with it. Heck, my last GF was a coworker (different location, though!).

It's like "lift weights." Technically, you don't really need to do it, but it's good, brainless, can't-go-wrong advice for the newbs.

[–]Nofappin20151 points [recovered] (1 child) | Copy Link

Solid points. I completely agree. If you follow the rules, then you'll stay out of trouble... Definitely not arguing there!

[–]TRP VanguardCyralea 4 points5 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Every rule, piece of advice, mantra, etc. is understood to not be absolute. Nothing in the world is 100% guaranteed. A bullet-proof vest is a good way to survive being shot, even if it's not guaranteed. Still a good thing to wear if you suspect you might be shot.

You can potentially fuck coworkers and get away with it, but it's generally a poor idea. Very high risk to reward ratio.

[–]shzftw 10 points11 points  (6 children) | Copy Link

but we agreed that it was just for fun...

implying woman+logic

This shit is probably going to blow up in your face the moment the other girl gets wind that you are happy and hooking up with someone else.

[–]Nofappin20150 points [recovered] (5 children) | Copy Link

No, she's well aware of my current relationship. That's why we stopped fucking. She's in her late 30's and divorced, not looking for anything serious. I'm in my late 20's, single, looking for a wife and kids. She understood that, so we were just having fun.

[–]sweetleef 7 points8 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

She understood that,

Famous last words. Be careful - maybe you found the unicorn, but the safer bet is to assume you didn't.

[–]BlackHeart89 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Some women are fine with just fucking. If she's alright with them not fucking anymore, it probably means she found another (better?) alpha cock and "thinks" (knows?) she can have NoFappin anytime she wants.

Still, NoFappin better maintain frame when she comes around. Women are known to start drama out of nowhere. I had chick that had been an ex for over a 1 year, attempt to start drama and spread rumors when I ignored her advances, which only started after realizing I had a new girlfriend.

[–]shzftw 4 points5 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Unless you are in here brain you can never be 100% sure she really understood.

Still, I wish all the best with your current LTR.

[–]Newdist2 2 points3 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

In my opinion, these rules are all way too cut and dry. I've fucked/dated women that I've worked with at my last 2 jobs, and nothing has happened.

These rules are specific to an all-female workplace.

Like he said, you bang one girl, everyone in the company will know about it in a few days.

[–]1cover20 1 point2 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

But nofappin describes fucking at least two girls at work who knew of each other's existence at work, but they probably never found out that the other fucked him.

Does female behavior change somehow when the estrogen percentage in the office gets above 90%?

[–]BlackHeart89 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Yeah. With other worthwhile men around, they want to look good. So they keep the bullshit to a minimum.

[–]BlackHeart89 1 point2 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Are you in a supervisory position, fucking your subordinates? Just curious. Thats something I'm pretty afraid to mess with. For a lot of jobs, thats grounds for immediate termination.

[–][deleted]  (4 children) | Copy Link

[permanently deleted]

[–]copralalic 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Agreed. This shit could easily go thermonuclear. But there's no changing it now... might as well ride it out and hope for the best.

[–]Nofappin20151 points [recovered] (2 children) | Copy Link

Haha I feel you, but I'm keeping it very under control. The chick I used to bang is 39 now, and she just got out of a 20-year marriage right before we hooked up. She never got to be a slut and she was only with her husband her entire life, so she was ready to get fucked by someone else. I obliged her, and she was very, very thankful. She was also really understanding when I told her that I had to stop, because I'm looking for something long-term.

The girl I'm dating needs this job badly and she's extremely rational.. (for a woman...). There's no way she would jeopardize her paycheck by telling anyone about us.

Hope this put you at ease man hahaha. I understand it could all go to shit, but I like to live life on the edge a bit sometimes...

[–]Limekill 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

jeopardize her paycheck

Until she gets fired and then alleges sexual harassment = $$$.

There is no rational; And you can become then enemy when it suits her.

[–]RedHeimdall 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

+1. I have hooked up with female coworkers many, many times at many different jobs, and never had a problem. If anything, the result was positive in that a couple times other girls wanted to hookup once they knew about the first one.

[–]Endorsed ContributorRedBigMan 4 points5 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

How to survive working with women?

Make sure the boss and as many women as possible are post-menopausal. Post-menopausal women reason and act more like men than other women do according to studies.

Also... dont shit where you eat is the biggest most important advice though... unless it's a burger flipping job that you don't give a shit about losing.

[–][deleted] 4 points5 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

The simple rule, of "don't shit where you eat," is quadruply appropriate for you. Women can't keep secrets. If you bang one of them, the rest will know within a day or two.

That's why you have to bang all of them.

[–]OakTr3E 0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

Lol. Please elaborate. I don't think I get what you mean by that :P

[–]BlackHeart89 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

I'm sure it was a joke. Lol

[–]52576078 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

I actually worked with a guy who did that. They were practically lining up for their turn, saying "what's wrong with me? Why haven't you fucked me yet?". They're all gone and he's still there, so clearly he knew what he was doing.

[–][deleted] 7 points8 points  (10 children) | Copy Link

Avoiding this situation is one of the reason I bounced around so many fields after graduating. nuclear->aerospoace->sales->software. I have finally found an industry where my skills are so in demand, that I can do whatever I want as long as I stay talented and hard working. If a girl wants to complain, company B will pay me 20K more a year.

[–]ROIVeritas 5 points6 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

Also would like to know, how you avoid a tech field dominated by effeminate men, effeminate foreign men, puppets propped up by feminazi managing directors, and PMO's.

No man in my office dare stand up to these corporate gangsters, not even the former linebacker from college , 6'3" 300lbs, near her rank in the org chart.

I play it safe as hell. I don't talk to them. They sigh as they walk past, they think I'm crazy sure. But to quote Durden in fight club,

"We're a generation of men raised by women. I'm wondering if another woman's what we need"

[–]Anderfail 1 point2 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Oil and gas, chemical, and petrochemical are probably the most masculine work environments in the world. HR shuts the fuck up, does what they need to do and stays the hell out of the way because the only thing that anyone gives a shit about is production because more production = more profits. Outside of a few departments, these companies are like 90% male. I can't tell you how refreshing it is to be able to speak openly with my boss and fellow coworkers. The women who work there tend to be way more laid back because they won't make it otherwise so outside of HR, there are rarely any issues with drama.

[–]ROIVeritas 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Oil and gas, chemical, and petrochemical

Thanks for this man. Currently in transition mode, and this just shot to the top of the list, easily.

[–]CockBruises 0 points1 point  (6 children) | Copy Link

What, specifically, do you do? Low-level programming, UI web dev-type stuff, IT admin..?

[–]ROIVeritas 0 points1 point  (4 children) | Copy Link

All the tech roles in big corps are hybrid roles now, but it's mostly software testing, black box, UAT, regressions, very little dev work although I work with them closely, and I try to sharpen my own coding skills once in awhile.

Lots of admin work, emailing, chasing, following up, scrums, meetings etc. Did not aspire to this, kinda fell into it. Current plate is in IT, she's teaching me some things, and helps me without me having to ask, and I'm grateful. Go figure. Yourself?

[–]CockBruises 0 points1 point  (3 children) | Copy Link

A good amount of programming, lots of sysadmin experience, both for personal projects. Minor Internet things. Having trouble with the monetization portion--the most important part. I'm curious, how did you get your start?

[–]ROIVeritas 0 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

Off an internship in a techincal school funded by several Fortune 500s and retired wall street tycoons.

They rarely hire to stay on for long term due to outsourcing. Nearly everything is contractual nowadays.

Yourself? I've recently been offered a 75k testing analyst postion but its far from home.

[–]CockBruises 0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

I don't blame them for outsourcing labor, really. It seems to me that there's a mind-boggling amount of wealth to be captured if you can effectively arbitrage labor in the way that these men are doing. Did you learn much about the process while at the internship?

[–]ROIVeritas 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Absolutely agree. Why hire over qualified needy americans who know their worth, when you can hire illegals or degree holders from overseas who will take half or less than half of the avg starting salaries, minus benefits?

Learned a lot about office politics, corporate culture, and generalized accepted widespread corruption during the internship.

Interns aren't supposed to make suggestions, because efficiency is a paradox. Every time I tried to find a faster way to automate something or augment a workflow, I was shunned and scolded by my managers.

There is a fine line they tread between working just fast enough, but not too slow that it seems you're stalling on purpose. Much of the corruption and madness is what sent me lurking until I stumbled onto TRP.

I figure I'll go into IT now. I don't play well with others, and I'd much rather setup computers all day instead of having to play 20 questions with bearded corrupt women.

[–][deleted] 5 points6 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

Thanks man ! I really appreciate your post. It serves as a reminder and i am always having problems with no.5 (as if i give one some attention, the rest get angry and so on)... no. 4 can be done, if they accept you as a lead and if you are separate enough from the group (hard as well).

i am currently in a very female environment. Had to learn everything on my own skin. As a group women can be extremely harsh and irrational. They can gang up on you for even a small thing you said and they will remember it for a long long time.

I will add some from my exp:

Never get angry or pay attention to whatever they say. Once they feel that you have a reaction they'll act by instinct and the situation will get quickly out of hand. Angry means weak, don't be weak, be zen as a mountain in the storm.

Always smile, just not too much, be reserved yet friendly. Stand your ground but do it with calm and easiness. Women shit test to see if they can anger you, that is the whole deal. When you understand that.

Learn to differentiate between help as colleagues (work related stuff that they can't do etc.) and shit-test-help ( this is hard ! as each of them will approach this differently).

some examples:

  1. female boss wants attention and validation and comes up with some unimportant shit that needs to be done pronto (situation caused by her lack of actually managing the team... but that's for other discussion). She is angry and spits fire. Every woman is silent and they all become serious and i feel the tension rising. I turn the thing around by smiling making a joke and calming everyone. I propose a solution calmly and with a bit of joking tone (i joke yet i resolve the issue ;) ). Just joking works only once and may fail. They all start to discuss and joke and everyone is happy. Boss got her validation and is happy she managed the issue. Ladies all are happy now. I am happy cuz i don't have to manage them for half a day.

  2. Remarks like: you are bald, or other personal shit they managed to snap along my work there (and they know how to put the words so that it's insulting yet not directly). golden rule: agree and escalate to the absurd. They can call me bald, and i may say it's a disease and they'll get it too or i can say: yes, but i will out-swim you in case of shark attack etc..

(just imagine if you call any of them fat or such)

TLDR: Never ever get angry.

[–]ROIVeritas -1 points0 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

(and they know how to put the words so that it's insulting yet not directly)

Holy friggin crap. This is one of the few times women can be crafty, they take shots this way because they are butthurt in some way.

Temp girl at my warehouse was feeling me. The feeling wasn't mutual. I was focused on money at the time, $$$ and lifting, and I was o the verge of being promoted, by the managers' call and decision so my life was good at the time.

Girls sends BP "fughazi alpha" to ask me what I think about her, and whether or not I'd do her. I go she's ok, but she has a kid. This was me, pre TRP. BIIGG MISTAKE.

Fughazi runs back to tell girl, I imagine she was butthurt. Girl begins getting aggressive, propositions me in front of my boys numerous times. I respectfully decline. Don't need the whole store knowing I'm doing a bitch before I actually do her.

Long story short, I figure what the hell, I'll do her and shut her up. My boys think I did her already anyway so I might as well cash in. She had a nice tight body, it was good fun while it lasted, a young dumb milf, remember. So after a few fun sessions with her, heavy groping / making out, she had a nice body, but I was getting bored.

I told her, I only like girls who give blow jobs. (She was an ass girl, women loves their asses to be worshipped, and she had a nice one so whatever) She told me, she doesn't give blow jobs, I told her, that's exactly why your "hubbie" is out getting head RIGHT NOW.She comes back to work and blabs her fat mouth to all the guys, she was the only girl to work with us early in the morning.

She goes, guys who only like blow jobs??? Ewww like that's gross. I just ignore the hell out of her. She was trying to rile me, guess it turned her on. It was only after she quit that I confided to the BP betas that she was a mega slut, as if they didn't know already. I could've said what kind of girl does a guy from work in the same bed she sleeps in with her kid? with her babies father?

[–][deleted] -2 points-1 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

I dont't mean to be rude or something i just want to tell you how i see the situation. You wanted to have BJ and you showed that to her. Beeing needy makes vagina dry, dude. She should want to give BJ without you asking. I don't know more details about your situation so i could be wrong, but you should learn on your mistakes.

They act as they do so they can assert what kind of man you are. They need to know that you can deal with a situation without gettinv aggressive. Because on an instinctual level they imagine how would you treat her children if they make problems.

So i think learning not to be angry is the best skill you might learn. Then women stop being dumb because they show no interest in you.

[–]ROIVeritas 0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

Valid point, I see where you're coming from.

This was 2 yrs ago, I was still plugged in, very little working knowledge of HB's and spinning plates etc.

She WANTED to go down for me, but she was trying to embarass me because I had in her eyes, insulted her whale of a DUFF (designated ugly fat friend).

The girl actually wanted to blow me, and did! She just wanted to play me in front of the guys at work to make me seem like a loser / desperate and needy.

My birthday came around, and she did all the stuff that comes with the territory. When I met her, I broached the topic of sex preference and bjs, because I like to make my intentions clear, and I know lots of HBs have issues with that shit. They either think their too good to stoop, or they only do that for the guy who's paying for their lavish shit (car, house, etc).

And that certainly was not me.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

ha ha don't get me wrong i got burned as well, big time. I learned my lesson, no physically fucking coworkers ! You have to see them every day, all kinds of bad joojoo and unpleasant things happen afterwards. Almost got myself fired, got problems, got angry etc. So yeah, now i am calm as a dead whale on the beach. Whatever happens i can deal with it :D

(I get constant advances like touches out of the blue, all kinds of strange flirting, weirdest and naughtiest jokes, some of them act like they haven't seen a dick from high-school. It's hard cuz from time to time my dick tries to take the helm. Not gonna happen. Oh feminism you lie to these poor women... )

Cheers mate and good luck with your endeavors !

[–]2Overkillengine 6 points7 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

I currently work two jobs both in majority female populated offices; and I'd like to add:

They are not your friends, they are coworkers. Don't confuse the two. Expect good odds of them acting friendly to your face one minute and then turning around and trying to throw you under the bus the next, if they can somehow profit from it or at least keep you from advancing past them. Or just because they can.

[–]ROIVeritas 5 points6 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Expect good odds of them acting friendly to your face one minute and then turning around and trying to throw you under the bus the next, if they can somehow profit from it or at least keep you from advancing past them. Or just because they can.


  1. Work in tech

  2. Opening comes up for qualified business admin / software engineer

  3. Hiring Woman manager passes up qualified male intern of 6 months of impeccable work, claims they dont have the budget to bring him on

  4. Hires a women's studies major from off a referral by a (i don't even have to say) less than a month later

  5. Heard about the dept's reputation before I got there

  6. Bitches thought I was fresh meat when I got there. Im a friggin research scientist. and I pulled the file on their modus operandi

  7. The sighing ensued, the eye rolling, the flirting, the gossiping, the supershort skirts in 10 degrees etc.

[–]_BurritoWarrior_ 7 points8 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

This article has been posted before, but I think it's relevant here.

[–]Endorsed Contributorleftajar[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Well-linked. That article definitely informed this post. That and the Dutch Survivor post.

[–]macguffin22 2 points3 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

I'd like to add two things to this list. 1st keep your opinions to yourself. And 2nd don't share anything with them about your personal life.

[–]ROIVeritas 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I agree, but when they see this is your way, they see it as a game. If you give them none of the above, they go fishing for both. Childish yes, but I've been on stressful projects where these women could still find time to shoulder surf my PC while I'm working or sighing when they walk past to verbally relate their opinion of me not talking to them.

[–]jimcozad 2 points3 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

what if the cunts talk LOUDLY all day and hr is useless?

[–]copralalic 5 points6 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

When is HR ever not useless? Fireworks, jackhammers and women make noise... just gotta suck it up.

[–]jimcozad 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

true, thansk for the reality check bro. I'm gonna go jerk off now and get ready to deal with cunts,

[–]JablesRadio 2 points3 points  (5 children) | Copy Link

Number 3 is pretty damn hard to do in the restaurant industry.

Any tips on this specific workplace?

[–][deleted] 4 points5 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Dude, the restaurant industry? Fuck those girls, who cares

[–]JablesRadio 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

We can't all be lawyers with degrees from Duke, can we?

[–]Endorsed Contributorleftajar[S] 1 point2 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Just don't man. It's not worth it. Bang your customers if you must, but not the staff.

[–]swan1114 3 points4 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Everybody fucks in the service industry. If you follow this you will miss out on a lot of fun. Be a man, do what you want.

[–]copralalic 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

The good news is that restaurant jobs are plentiful. Out one place? You can have another job inside a week if you work your connections. So, keep those connections.

[–]Youbetripping 3 points4 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

I was assistant manager for a retail company that had 40 staff members, 3 were men, two were gay. I thought I lucked out!

Nope. Boss was also a woman. Only lasted a month. Don't do it.

[–]ROIVeritas 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Gays run the retail world man. Fashion too. C'mon, theyre phallus obssesed. Plus the gays get special priviledge like breaking dress code and etc. I was desperate at the time and neede money, but I wouldn't recommned retail to anyone.

It's like flipping a coin and getting tails over and over, with nothing to show for it.

The GAP = GAY AND PROUD - dont work here if youre not 17 in high school, or a straight grown male

Banana Republic = Need I say more?

[–][deleted] 4 points5 points  (17 children) | Copy Link

I'm having a hard time following these rules where I work. Just about every woman hired here is beautiful and I banter with almost every one each day... It's fun to attract but I do realize #3 is very important because it would cause a drama fest when I got back to work. Ever since I started reading this stuff my interpersonal relationships have went through the roof but I still find myself attracted to the women at work for some reason... It's hard not to be distracted at times.

[–]Endorsed Contributorleftajar[S] 17 points18 points  (7 children) | Copy Link

I totally get you, and please consider this -- it only takes ONE sexual harassment charge to get you fired.

Women will cry false rape to punish an ex-lover... how easy do you think a sexual harassment charge is, by comparison?

[–]TRP VanguardCyralea 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Sexual harassment charges are taken very seriously by HR departments. Unless you have ironclad evidence to the contrary, your ass is done.

Don't do anything at all to risk it, not worth it.

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (5 children) | Copy Link

Ugh that sucks, It sounds like this has happened to you already?

I'm sorry to hear that if it has :/

[–][deleted] 14 points15 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

This happened to me, so I can vouch for it.

It didn't matter how many women had sexual conversations in the workplace, how many of them overtly asked me if my dick was as large as rumors claimed or how many of them straight-up propositioned me. All it took was one crotchety bitch to overhear my sex-oriented conversation with someone else and she marched up to HR and threatened to bring a lawyer into it. I was painted as a hostile, legal liability because she overheard a conversation she chose to be offended by and I'm out of a job.

Never, under any circumstances, discuss sex at work. Just don't do it.

[–]machimus 2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I only came here to add one thing, and this was it. In a professional environment, it behooves you to never, EVER engage in sexual conversation or jokes. By far the easiest way to be fired over a misunderstanding. Over to you if you think you've got a good handle on the dynamic, but it's risky.

[–]BlackHeart89 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Thats ridiculous. So fucking ridiculous.

[–]copralalic 2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Happened to me... twice. Man, I'm a fuckin' idiot.

[–]Endorsed Contributorleftajar[S] 3 points4 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

No, thank god. I had my fair share of coworker relationships before I found this sub. Luckily, none of them were psycho.

[–]CockBruises 1 point2 points  (8 children) | Copy Link

What sort of place do you work in where just every woman is beautiful?

[–][deleted] -1 points0 points  (7 children) | Copy Link

Software engineering. It's like a diamond in the rough.

[–]CockBruises 5 points6 points  (6 children) | Copy Link

Software engineering?! Are you fucking with me?

[–]ROIVeritas 3 points4 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

No he isn't. Im in software, and only the western women tend to be feminazi whales or cows.

The eastern women coming from countries that the firms have offshored or outsourced to are extremely beautiful. Japanese, Chinese, Indian, Russian, South American, Arab. And I mean model type and friendly for the most part. My pal works on the trading floor, there are droves of beautiful women, and they are intelligent, they actually work. Many of them have their degrees by the time they move over here from wherever.

Best part is they know they're gorgeous, but they come from a place where beauty is commonplace so they don't have the scumbag eliteist, princess of entitlement complex that most western women have. And I see how the western women react to these attractive foreigners, and it is a look of utter disdain, contempt, and disgust.

[–]CockBruises 0 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

What software, specifically? Google-esque consumer-facing high technology? Backend IT department stuff for a major company? A company that provides outsourcing software? Finance?

[–]ROIVeritas 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Backend IT finance in the big banks. Glad it's over. TOO much corruption in the feminazi bureacracy. Moving on to bigger and better things. UX/UI perhaps.

[–]t21spectre 1 point2 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

By "software engineering" he probably mean the Apple Store in the mall.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

.net mvc C#, javascript, jquery, mssql, and the numerous client/backend frameworks required by a modern day web application.

[–]AnarchyBurger101 2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I worked in a place that would be a true hell on earth for an RPer. 95% women on the day shift. The section supervisor hired me because, I think he'd have rather have put a bullet in his brain rather than hire another female. Yeah, I had the skills, so he wasn't gonna grill me for the interview. If I ran away screaming like 9 out of 10 applicants to that factory after a week, oh well! Next!

The first day, no biggie, do some standard assembly line BS, solder things, test things, pass em down the line to the next section.

Of course the week after, they handed me off to the designated trainer, who had been on vacation the week day I was there. and OMFG, she was pissed, at EVERYONE! She was snappy, bitter, and proceeded to tell me everything that everyone there had done wrong for the last 35 years that she'd been there.

After those two weeks, people were surprised I was still there, but whatever. I get moved to an assembly area where most of the women could not handle it. Hands were not big enough, not enough strength, whatever. No problem for me though.

The lady I was partnered with was laid back, and knew more about football that I ever will, she was from Minnesota, had no kids, but was pretty well granny age. Her husband was slowly dying, but given the age, understandable. She was probably employee number 60 in the history of the company. She knew plenty of dirt on the company, but wasn't blurting it out all at once.

A few weeks after, another section. First day, I worked as a third in a 2 person cell, just prepping assemblies, and getting used to some of the more fiddly assemblies. This section was hell because there were about 300 different assemblies, and all of them had their oddities. Day after, the Queen Bee of the company, she'd been a cell lead, section manager, in calibration, various other jobs in the company, and was back to assembly since she was on the retirement track. One husband divorced, perpetually single after that, kind of a swinger on the down low. She trained me on various boards, and was a woman of few words. I found out the most about her from her friends. She'd been with the company 42 years, was one of the first 3-4 dozen employees, and was one of the fasted damned soldering/assembly workers I've seen to date.

A perfect co-worker, she left me alone, and rarely said more than a dozen words in a day. Course, if she was talking to someone in depth, shit was going DOWN, and HARD. She did a lot of work with an asian lady, call her Millie, who was the second fastest assembler.

I worked directly with at least a dozen different women on a regular basis. Usually lower priority work got the newbies, but I quickly ended up working with the top half dozen on a regular basis. Freaky because most people there had over 10 years of experience, and I was a newbie. I guess soldering was not everyone's bag there or something.

So, I end up doing a lot of work with Ms Complains Nonstop, because most women refused to work with her. Also because I'm a guy, and can work the pneumatic part smosher without ripping my arm to pieces.

To my horror, Ms Complains Nonstop decided I was "her's", and that sort of turf war in a factory full of women is going to lead to bad times. If she was bottom dog of the heap, she got it worst after that. Only the fact that she was best friends with the Queen Bee had kept her from getting booted out onto the street for various "problems" in the past.

So how does such a turf war happen? Well, the younger Queen Bees, or section leads decided that. Which meant I was very very often in the section run by Mrs Giggles. Mostly for practical reasons, because for small to average women, the work I did would usually lead to wearing carpel tunnel braces, and bad times. And also to make Ms Complains Nonstop miserable, because she really only got along with the oldest Queen Bee, and Millie. When she wasn't with those two, she was dragging along like someone who'd had a bucket of water dumped on em.

When she was with me, she was energetic as a black lab on amphetamines. Because then she would have a new listener, and she could smack talk about every woman in the place. And this was BAD because there were no walls, and people can still hear!

There was one male cell lead, and she pestered him to have me work with her because I could carry loaded totes, and her arm wouldn't fall off. She had rheumatoid arthritis pretty bad.

Or she would pester the female cell leads, because she could precision solder, and I could handle the part smasher, and eventually because I was one of the top ones at flat pack solder, and doing work under a magnifier.

Now, she'd tried and tried to get a rise out of me since I'd started, about 7-8 months later, she said something rotten, and I'd gotten a little short with her. Nothing overly offensive, or even that rude, but the comment went deep, and she sort of fell apart. Everyone was like, WTF?

Eventually things got to the section supervisor, he got to the bottom of things, and was PISSED. Once again she'd been harassing and badgering co-workers, and got written up. The head Queen Bee was pissed at me, at least until she'd repaired the ego of her friend, and if we had to work together the section leads were watching us like hawks.

The ripple effect of this little tiff was immediate, and people were very quiet around the both of us for a few weeks.

So, once again, I ended up in Mrs Giggle's section. And bounced back and forth between another section, then they tried me on SMT and low temp lines when things were slow.

The tension eased when they hired the asian dude who was used to working on shit they implanted into people for 10 years. He drove the factory problem woman nuts because he said like maybe 2 dozen words in a day. 2 months later, he was out, went to work for an aerospace company. I think I'd mentioned it to him a few times because the pay was $4 an hour better, but doomed to layoffs because it was defense budget tied.

So, a few more shifts in personnel, and I was working with, call her Ramona, but her name has like 5 syllables. Now, she was fun to work with, chat with, etc. And she was WAY into me. Problem was, the hubby worked in that factory, so, nah, not gonna hit on her, no way, no how. It got to sort of crazy obsessive level, and they had to park me in a different section, like it or not, even if I was doing stuff there was no demand for.

End of the quarter, and I find myself transfered to another factory. $2 pay raise, but, no overtime. Was on a better shift, but OMG, boring, boring, boring. Super cool tech toys, different group of crabby people, and daffy duck feet because I was standing all day.

Was looking to change jobs constantly toward the last two months, figured on cutting and running but then they said I had to take a month "break" for every six I worked. Was about 6 days before the enforced break, and the orders drop off to nothing. 2 days later, company stock price dropped to a third, and everyone but long timers got laid off.

Did two different 1 year contracts at other tech companies, got a call from from the old one, interviewed there, and recognized NOBODY! They had a paper pusher engineer running a repair and calibration shop, and a TON of GREEN talent.

Still, proof that for 45 years, women were the bulk of the labor force of a company that was at the head of its market, and still more or less is. The engineers, techs, and other guys, mostly they HID at final assembly, calibration, and repairs. Company execs, even better hidden. :D

[–]AnotherLostCause 3 points4 points  (6 children) | Copy Link

Great advice. I would add: Avoid all post work social gatherings. Dinners, drinks, whatever. You'd like to go but you can't because blah blah blah.

[–]ROIVeritas 2 points3 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

Yup. Avoid holiday parties. Show face, get complimentary pizza, smile, slice and drink. Then ghost from the premises. These are a woman's talk show. Only now there's cheap booze involved.

[–]through_a_ways 1 point2 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

get complimentary pizza

Ever since reading that post about "red hoodoo sauce", no

[–]ROIVeritas 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

"red hoodoo sauce",

Agreed ^

If it's catered, get there early, ghost early.

If it's bring your own dish, fill up on beer.

[–][deleted]  (1 child) | Copy Link

[permanently deleted]

[–]ROIVeritas 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

This is not universal. If the party vibe is cool, hang around the stockings and the chimney with care.

If it's full of lurking gestapo feminazi's, hiding behind sweet huge eyes and a pretty face, and men who are softer than mothers milk out the bosom... then GHOST EARLY!!

Like I did.

[–]ModAerobus 3 points4 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

I have a question for you OP or for /u/cyralea regarding point #4

Don't be too effective. Women generally don't work very well, and they constantly require group validation. You put these two things together, and what you get is an environment in which everybody is aware of how hard everybody else is working. The level of work of each woman is well-calibrated to both: not get fired, and not make anyone else look bad. In a male environment, everyone is trying to get ahead. In a female environment, everyone is trying not to piss everyone else off. Figure out how hard the top 5 women work, and work that hard. But NO HARDER!

This makes sense, but it begs the question, how do you get ahead? The classic notion is that by working harder and smarter you can get ahead, but by doing so in a female-dominated environment, you're bound to become a pariah.

[–]TRP VanguardCyralea 5 points6 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

It's...harder. In all honesty, unless your entire industry is female-centric, you ought to be sizing up alternate job opportunities in a few years.

If I had to offer advice to some poor schmuck stuck forever working with only women, it would be to play female game. Learn how to get in the good books with the ones in charge. Manipulate them to improve your status at the expense of your colleagues. Sling mud if you have to. Sounds harsh, but guess what? That's exactly what will happen to you. When the time comes ideally the ones in charge see you as being part of the Trusted Coven.

Can't guarantee it'd work. Honestly, I can't see myself working in an environment without men. How would you ever get shit done?

[–]1GreenPiller 2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I am a cashier and I usually work in the mornings with 2 ir 3 cashier women, ( the rest of my coworkers usually arrive in the afternoon) and the amount of shit they throw at other coworkers when they are not around is amamazing, and the sad part is that almost every woman loves to talk shit about other women, I try to keep my guard up but every now and then I slip up and give them reasons to spit their venom on me, being surrounded by snakes in a workplace always takes its toll...

[–][deleted]  (1 child) | Copy Link

[permanently deleted]

[–]ROIVeritas 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Ultimately, I'm there to work, and they know it and seem to generally respect the fact that I play in my own sandbox.

^ This. Some women don't want to talk to a guy, they just want to open him so they can look at him. Girls doesn't talk to guys on her own team, but the first day I met her, she was entirely too thrilled to meet me, a perfect friggin stranger. Flag on the play, right there.

Begins sing-songing my name off the nameplate on my cubicle. I replied to her greeting in a dry, uninterested way, but I never initiated. From 4 cubes away, I can here her echoing: but my boyfriend, my bf, my bf from cali.

[–]loin_fruit 2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Wish I would have been a member here before I fucked up and fucked a couple girls from work. One worked out well and is still a plate to this day and she no longer works with me. But the other one works in a different department which is nice, but because of us dating, everyone heard about our business and us fucking.

I have to see her all the time and it's awkward. Girls in her department are looking at me with evil eyes. Of course she told them worse things than what actually happened, I can only imagine.

It wasn't worth it. No matter how hot you think the girl is or how bad you want to fuck or date her, don't do it. There are hotter girls with less baggage and less risk out there.

[–]Tqbfjotlds 2 points2 points [recovered] | Copy Link

2nd edit: for some epic lulz, see what happened to an all-female TV company.

That is so typical of women. Even though the entire article describes how women cannot get along with each other and are petty, this lady still blames men, when they are around

"Working in TV is notoriously difficult for women. There is a powerful old boys' network, robust glass ceiling and the majority of bosses are misogynistic males."

Perhaps that glass ceiling exists because people who are neurotic and petty don't get promoted.

[–]saibot83 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I briefly worked in tv. Women had a much easier ride so her statement is bullshit.

[–]Involution88 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Rule 3 should be the first.

Never EVER dip your pen in company ink, under ANY circumstance.

[–]CosbyTeamTriosby 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I work at a large tech company in a Finance/HR related field where 50%+ are women. They are skilled businesswomen and their acumen is pretty much on par with the guys.

If you're working with 25 women and it's a pain because you work the floor at Nordstroms, get a better job.

[–]TRP VanguardHumanSockPuppet 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Relevant post from a year ago. Relates to this exactly.

[–]LateralThinkerer 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

This should be posted in all workplaces, right next to the harassment posters.

[–]watersign 0 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

Try to avoid working with or for women at all costs. Seriously.

[–]LifeAtPeace 1 point2 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Try to avoid working with or for women at all costs. Seriously.

I would say nothing better than this. You neither grow nor learn anything from working with women. You just get overburdened with all their work while they sit behind the veil of team work and take credit.

[–]watersign 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

indeed, it is rare to find a truly competent woman you can learn anything from.

[–]thederpist666 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

I agree with most of it. I'm not sure about number 4. I work with children and my job is probably about 95 percent women co workers. The boss of everyone definitely likes to make it known that she's best at the job and she seems extremely hard to please as she wants to maintain dominance. I usually just avoid her as much as possible and only talk to her if there is a meeting or if it is absolutely necessary. I'm not sure how she would take super hard work. I feel like if she were to believe her power was threatened she would go into a super critical ape shit mode, but at the same time it's hard to get fired for hard work.

[–]lolfunctionspace 0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

I work as a chemist in a laboratory with 2 females who I would consider to have "alpha" personalities and work ethics. They are incredibly anal and controlling, and they have tons of pull with management. They exude power, people listen when they speak, etc etc. Most importantly, they get shit done.

The funny thing about women like this though, is that they find things to complain about and will do it non-stop. They'll stop by and vent to me about an "idiot" in the lab for 2 minutes at least twice a day. I'm not exaggerating either. I literally listen to 5 minutes of bitching every single day. Every. Single. Day.

In my experience, the women of the lab tend to have equal work ethics in terms of output as the men. The difference is some women have such strong and hostile personalities that they create awkward rifts within the workplace that can damage morale and productivity.

The men tend to be more calm, stoic, and robust.

[–]LifeAtPeace 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

The men tend to be more calm, stoic, and robust.

That is true. No matter what level women get, they never mature.

[–]Nebulose11 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Set them against each other constantly. Learn to bake and bake constantly. Bring in extremely unhealthy but amazing tasting baked goods every chance you get. Make Friday baked good day or something. Make them fat. Once you have them separated into distinct groups cause chaos within those groups. Every situation is going to change how you go about doing this. Sabotage...especially anonymously and sow doubt about everyone you can. Don't allow them to form long lasting alliances. This is long game warfare so that you can get the promotions and hire more hard working men.

[–]AzureCuzYeah 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

As a male looking for my first job as an RN... This is going to be my bible.

[–]denialoftheobvious 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

I work managing 15 women and my boss is female. This advice is gold. ESPECIALLY DO NOT EVER TAKE SIDES!!!! Also it's alright to play dumb or pretend to be ignorant of the schemes/alliances that form in any female dominated work place. Never answer a question of "So what do you think of person X?" at first they hated me because everyone thought I was taking the opposition's side. Once they realized I was legit and just wanted to get work done they respected me and the atmosphere improved.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Best post in a while, I salute you sir. Thoroughly enjoyed it. You are on the mark on all accounts especially No. 4. I have worked male jobs and gender neutral jobs, there is a huge difference in what is asked of men and what is asked of "people".

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Why the "Don't fuck them" part?

If it's a one-night stand I don't see the problem. So what if she tells the other women that you banged her? If you start with one of the hotter girls in the office it's probably even gonna increase your SMV/reputation with the other girls. Remember; Women don't have a problem with sharing top 20% men.

As long as you manage to stay on a friendly level with the guys you should be just fine.

[–]token_stache 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

There are two types of jobs in the modern world. Ones where if you're a man you need to act like a woman, and ones where if you are a woman you need to act like a man.

Emergency services, police, fire departments, parts of the armed forces, finance, STEM. If you're a woman you are expected more or less to adjust to a male culture.

On the other side; academia if in social sciences/humanties, teaching k-12, administrative and human resources, most non technical office work, retail etc...

If you are a man avoid choosing a field where you have to be effeminate, non confrontational to move up and get along.

[–][deleted]  (2 children) | Copy Link

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[–]Endorsed Contributorleftajar[S] 0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

Does she have the power to get you fired for harassment?

[–][deleted]  (2 children) | Copy Link

[permanently deleted]

[–]Endorsed Contributorleftajar[S] 0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

Is she your supervisor? Or similar rank?

[–]BearDownBoilerUpFTP 0 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

I disagree with the "don't work too hard" portion. I will work my ass off and if it gets me in trouble, so be it. They can deal with the issue of cutting loose their best worker because their little feelings are hurt.

[–]copralalic 1 point2 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

You're not wrong, why dim your star for the sake of some dumbshits? Absolutely within your rights.

You will suffer for being right, but, hey, if you understand that going in, you won't be surprised when life dings up that shiny armor you're riding around in. Best of luck, maybe it won't happen to you, but... best of luck.

[–]BearDownBoilerUpFTP 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Yep. At the end of the day I can only be the best I can be. If I'm actively dumbing that down for women's sake, then I'm not doing that. I'll take the knocks. That's not to say I won't be humble or will question superiors. I will do my job the right way and give it my all no matter what.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

My wife works in a large business that's 80% female and you described her field reports.

[–]redblue25 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Should be in the sidebar.Solid Points.

Fat slob lady at small office is trying to turn once cool female coworkers.

  1. Always trying to divide office with drama ( boss is an asshole, right.etc etc.)

  2. reading her job description to get out of others tasks.

  3. Constantly flirting with guys and if she gets a response immediately tells everyone she comes in contact with. Literally. Literally telling vendors she does not know through the phone.

  4. Will not acknowledge any ones success but her own.

  5. Again tries to divide office trying to recruit me in her side.

  6. Word by word.


[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

This article is relevant. It doesn't pull punches, and it is from Huffpo. Even a stopped watch is right twice a day.

[–]copralalic 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

You have to read this stuff with the following in mind: why are they saying this? And the answer is... they are bitch-shaming. They are letting women know that it's okay to criticize their women co-workers. No woman will read this and say, "Oh, I do that too." They will read it and say, "Fuckin' Sheila." This is not them admitting their nature (something they will never do), it is giving them cover for the way they already feel. Remember: women suffocate in a validation vaccuum, even if that validation is a random Internet article.

[–]Purple-Is-Delicious 0 points1 point  (3 children) | Copy Link

Edit: we're getting some confusion about #4. That advice is for a lone man in an otherwise all-female environment. In that situation, the women's level of effort is calibrated to each other, which is typically way lower than what they're capable of. In that situation, if you did your best, you'd embarrass all the women. In a normal, mixed-gender environment, that's not a concern; just do your best.

why not just do your best, blow them all out of the water, then sigh in relief when they hire men to replace them.

[–]copralalic -1 points0 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

What flavor?

I mean, in your magical little fantasy land, where unicorns fart cotton candy and leprechauns shit ice cream, what flavor is the ice cream?

[–]Purple-Is-Delicious 0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

The ice cream here is black cherry, where men work hard to get ahead and aren't stuck working a woman's job... Where the highlight of our day doesn't revolve around counting minutes in the hen house till its time to go home and bitch to our "oppressed" men's support group. Keep swallowing the bitter pill every night, seems like it's working out well for you.

[–]copralalic 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

I don't understand you. I understand what you said, but not you. Whatever works, though!

[–]danweL 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

i also am a male working among all women most days in healthcare. I agree with all but 4 and to an extent 5.

I will not reduce my effectiveness to spare anyone's feelings, I've only seen an increase in the level of respect i receive for excellent work seeming effortless. I treat everyone the same (frequent teasing), converse with all, and have never had an issue with showing anyone up or a particular clique not liking me. As expected, I've been the recipient of a roomful of women shit testing me, but holding frame against a whole room of women's shit and turning it into something funny for all of them raises your respect level among the group. Recent example: a short Asian girl kept repeatedly calling me "boy" to discredit me in front of 5 other women waiting to see how I would respond. I patted her on the head and said "Now now, out of the two of us, who really looks like a boy?" "OH SHIT that was fucked up" with laughter throughout the room. That same girl I patted on the head was trying to qualify herself to me for the rest of the day and ended up driving down the road to get me a milkshake because I said I wanted one. And she bought it.

One guy who works about once a month operates as a loner, is very quiet, and not one of the girls feels comfortable around him.

In other words--just be fun while holding frame and don't give a shit.

[–]BlackHeart89 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

I'm 25 and work in an office full of women. The youngest woman here is 38 and has about 10+ years of work experience on me.

To make matters worse, I work in the same office as my direct supervisor. 10 ft away. She's rather nice. But I don't let that lower my guard.

So far, I've been here for 8 months. Wish me luck you guys. I'm aiming for a year before I jump ship. I don't have much valuable work experience, so I got this job off of good references and a great interview.

These rules are on point. Once you've swallowed the RP, most of these rules will come natural to you. They did for me anyway.

EDIT: Definitely never take sides. The women around don't get along with some of the others and my supervisor keeps trying to get me to join in on the trash talk. I just laugh, nod, and give the generic "yeahhh. lol".

[–]rabidrabbity -1 points0 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

There is no easy way to work with women. Never. Ever. Ever.

[–]Tqbfjotlds 3 points3 points [recovered] | Copy Link

This is why women want to work in places where there are mostly men. They don't want to be the single woman there, because there are not enough votes to get things in their favour, but they thrive in an environment that is around 30% female. That way there are enough men to do the actual work and they get to have enough focus on female prerogatives.

[–]rabidrabbity -1 points0 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Reminds me of a youtube where some guy told a drunk girl she could slap him in the face as hard as she wanted and she did. The guy returned the slap and the woman was insulted that a man would hit a women. That pretty much sums up working with women.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

He asked for a slap, she didn't...

[–]Dubiousxy -1 points0 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Fuck that noise.

1) don't work with women.

Get a trade, work in consulting/contracting or startups.

[–][deleted] -1 points0 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

i work only with guys, and is no different.

i mean i don't know what the fuck is up with these guys but they usually try to overload you with work that they should be doing. so if you have any job just do the bare minimum hands down. unless your supervisor tells you to step it up then you do that but if not then no.

i thought working with ONLY guys was going to be effective and shit, but the gossiping and the fucking bitching and moaning by some of them they just shit themselves.

i personally think a lot of them are 'nice guys' at least two of them come of as strong 'nice guys'. they complain and bitch and moan and all this shit, meanwhile i am thinking "bitch just shit the fuck up and fucking do the work is not even that hard!!" this fucking nice guy, who is like late 40s he bitches and moans is your typical person that talks talks talks but doesn't do shit. there is also another guy around early 20s and he is just a fucking pussy. i mean what the fuck!. one of the things i noticed is that although he is a really muscular dude body builder and everything, he always talks about how many bitches he has banged and how this one hoe he was banging was so hot, and bla bla bla, yet he still is a 'momy's boy'.his mom works in the same company just in the different position and we ocasionally get to see her in our work place, i know this because he talks a lot about game but he is a fucking pussy, i swear of god that if he wasn't muscular, people would push him so fucking easyly. he complains about the people in the work place like a massive pussy, he talks great of himself like 'i used to be talented in school' and 'these people don't have anywhere to go and bla bla bla' by the way this is a blue collar work so this fucking guy is just shitting on these guys for 'being stuck' on the job yet to my knowledge he is a college dropout who used to party all the time and is an alcoholic, i know because he said once that 'once the first swallow of alcohol he can't control himself until he is passed out' what a massive pussy. i swear of god, this work place is fucking toxic and full of shit and nice guys. although i've gotten some life experience feedback from them, and i greatly appreciate them for that but anything else the work is just fucking unbearable at times because of the guy's shittying and moaning.

tldr. just don't be too reliable in any workplace just do your part, which is the bare minimum, try always to keep people happy but don't kiss anyone's ass, actually you should be a little bit hostile at times. i don't give a shit about what is on your pants, a pussy or a dick the same bullshit happens one way or another. too much envy and jelousy.just fucking don't gossip, and don't bitch about work. in fact don't even socialize with co-workers beyond the 'small talk' and working conversations or ask for help type of convos. and yeah working with women is the same thing i don't get what is the deal with this post men are the same asshole in workplaces.

learn that regardless of whatever you are doing, everybody isn't nesesarily there to help you or assist you in the best intrests, they are just for themselves.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Feminization is so deep in some societies that men have internalized it completely. I see it with men in their early 20s in Scandinavia. While guys in the past would put on a nice guy facade when around girls, these guys coming up actually believe it hardcore. Older generations didn't tell what is true and what is game and it ended like this.

[–]PlanB_pedofile -1 points0 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

This is why I enjoy my job as factory IT. We are all men, 10 guys, management, men, team lead, men. We have 1 female employee and she's lesbian and she's butch enough to work like one of the guys.

[–]Adolf_ghandi -1 points0 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

About #4.

Let's say you work in a open room office with a few people. Some of them happen to be women for some reason. You work is entirely different but you are in that area for faster communication and lack of other space.

Does it matter as much how hard you work if you do different stuff were the amount of work done is barely comparable for other people that barely have q clue what you are actually doing?

[–]Ulquiorra_Schiffer -1 points0 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

My mother had these problems you outline in point 4.

She was fucking awesome at her job. 5 times as much work got done by her alone as compared to any individual person, easily. Carried the department, constantly got awards and shit for how well she did. They treated her like shit for it though.

[–]NaughtyFred -1 points0 points  (0 children) | Copy Link


That all-female TV company story should be a bookmark in every mans browser so he can show it to women who talk about how great an all female environment would be.

Although most likely they'd just hamster it into him being a pig.

[–]saibot83 -4 points-3 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

I've worked as the only other male (my boss was male but almost never around on the floor with the rest of us, mostly holed up in his office) in the midst of maybe 15 women. Not a single problem what so ever in the entire 6 years I was there. We had a constantly very hectic job so there was no time for bullshit to kick off. I miss that place actually. Had some cool chicks for colleagues.

[–]copralalic 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

I don't know why people pay for McDonald's food. One time I went in there and they were about to close and they just handed me a huge thing of fries and three apple pies, just because I ordered a drink.

(See how useful that anecdote is? That's what you just did.)

[–][deleted] -2 points-1 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

If you are in a situation where this advice applies, you've already lost.

These are all defensive measures and defense without offense will not work for you in the long run, because sooner or later they'll find out some way to get to you that you can't handle, because all you can do is wait for it to come.

"1. Never take sides" Yes, this applies, but it does so in all constellations of men and women. A man doesn't take sides, he is his own being and not part of a group.

"3. Don't fuck any of them" Disagree. Nothing wrong with fucking them. If you can't handle them after you've fucked them you can't, but a lot of us can. Life in its entirety is a game to fuck women, including especially work. Why the fuck would you even work if you don't fuck? You work to get money so you can live, but why do you live if you don't fuck? Don't confuse the means and the ends. There is a limit on how much you should adapt yourself to keep a job. If the requirements are to refrain from feeding, breathing or fucking then you should get out of there.

The other points are all true.

[–]1Revo_Luzione -3 points-2 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

These rules are all different, and mosty useless, when you're the business owner.

If you're gonna tap the help, you must be discreet, careful, kind, and maintain frame totally.

Lots of dames have fantasies of fucking their boss, or other authority figures. Help a girl out! Haha.

[–]copralalic 1 point2 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

Why risk your business for some tail? That's fuckin' stupid. Abundance mentality.

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

In what way would he be risking his business?

You can kill a man, but you can't kill an idea.

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