
~ archived since 2018 ~


The fuck is going on in OYS? It's like every single OYS post is failing at basic frame control. Frame control is the mindset and reference through which you engage the world -- shit outside of your reality and control doesn't matter.

And the overwhelming number of you guys are failing at this TERRIBLY.

Failure 1 :: She statements

It seems like every single post has at least 50% of the post dedicated to some shit or other about your wife. The number of "She...." statements is getting to the point where OYS isn't actually valuable for most of your posts. You are spending waaay too much time and effort focusing on something that is outside of your control. If you want to focus on your wife's perspectives, responses, or thought process -- you're allowed to, but only if you have her write those sections directly.

If you can't get her to write her about her mindset, focus on the shit that you can control, which are your mindset, thoughts, and actions. Because honestly, I don't give a fuck about her -- and I especially don't give a fuck about your mental representation of her. OYS is for you, by you -- but don't waste your own time and the reader's time focusing on 1) shit you can't control, and 2) shit that ultimately doesn't matter.

As a result of this - we now have Rule 9, which states

OYS is about taking ownership of the things YOU control, not about other parties like your wife, dog, boss, etc. The vast majority of the focus should be on your mindset, your thoughts, and your actions. The primary agent for your post is a third party -- and as a result you've wasted your own time. (Standard ban duration :: 10 days.)

Failure 2 :: Your wife's golden pussy, held under lock and key

Common theme 2 is how you guys write about your sex life with your wife. And the way you guys are approaching this is from a scarcity mindset. Many guys as writing as if your wife is the gatekeeper to sex. In a world with 8+ billion people, this is patently not true. Your wife is only the gatekeeper of sex with her.

If you've made the choice that you're only going to have sex with your wife. That's on you. That's your personal decision. You need to very much own it. And as a result, when she doesn't fuck you -- you don't get to complain, because you've put yourself in that position. You don't get to lock yourself in a cage, and complain about being locked in a cage.

If you think that because you're doing all this self improvement, your wife should WANT to fuck you. Again, you're wrong. We've stated repeatedly that MRP has nothing to do with your wife -- and that doing this for your wife to fuck you is the worst covert contract you'll have. You have NO say in what she does or how she reacts. None. She is free to make whatever choice she wants. Just because you do the work, doesn't mean she's going to want to fuck you. All it means that someone will probably fuck you, maybe, but if you're locking yourself in a cage by your own choice, you don't get to bitch.

Again, just so we're very clear, MRP is not a program that will get your wife to fuck you. And this is especially true when you continue to have a shitty mindset.

As a result of this - we now have Rule 10, which states

OYS is about taking ownership of the things YOU control, not about other parties like your wife, dog, boss, etc. The vast majority of the focus should be on your mindset, your thoughts, and your actions. You are complaining about a situation you willingly put yourself into. That's a no go. (Standard ban duration :: 15 days.)

[–]Chump_No_MoreHard Core Nuclear Navy Red 26 points27 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

And as a result, when she doesn't fuck you -- you don't get to complain, because you've put yourself in that position. You don't get to lock yourself in a cage, and complain about being locked in a cage.

This isn't limited to your wife not fucking you. It applies to all aspects of your life.

If you choose a path, you don't bitch about how the path sucks, and you stay on that path until it no longer makes sense to do so. You re-evaluate and course correct.

[–]InChargeManMRP APPROVED 4 points5 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Life is so much easier when you have this mindset. OI at its core. You do you, let others make their choices, adjust accordingly.

[–]SBIIIMRP APPROVED Ballbuster 13 points14 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

I have a disease that makes me incapable of owning my shit and makes me seek attention from the sub while at the same time rendering me free of doing anything about it.

It's called Seasonal Attentional Seeking Disorder.

Known in layman's terms as 'a case of the gays'.

Despite that, I had sex with my wife last night.

[–]part_wolfPotential Wild Card / Dreadful '20 6 points7 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

You forgot to post your lifts and ask for advice on how to raise your bratty kids.

[–]Perfectinmyeyes 10 points11 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Normally I dont like posts that tell others what to do/be ...

But I REALLY like this post.

So take ownership of everything in my life, it was my choice to get married so own it - and if its my choice to stay own it and if its my choice to go own it, my improvement has to do with me - its not I improve me and hope my wife wants too ..., stop spending so much time what the world does and focus on what I do.

[–]redwall92 7 points8 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Check boxes!!! We love check boxes!!!


What's my path to the good life?

I thought the box to check was a happy wife.


What's the next box I have to check?

Hell if I know, weakandsensitive hasn't posted it yet.

[–]NewDouche 4 points5 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

As a new guy to this I gotta internalize that this is to get myself up to par for myself. Not to improve myself to get what I want from my wife.

[–]RuleZeroDADMRP APPROVED 3 points4 points  (5 children) | Copy Link

Spoon feed me AceQueenOfClubs.

Spend five hours and 2,500 words breaking down my situation and building me a personalized strategy to "be the Captain."

If you don't, you're a bad person. If I fail to implement the prescription, it's still your fault, because I am without nuance in my actions with people.

One size doesn't fit all. At least unfuck yourself before thinking about saving your relationship.

[–]johneyapocalypsesad - cares too much and needs to be right 3 points4 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

I'd prefer the implementation-not-required prescription, please.

I only need 2,000 words.

Just don't let me fail.

[–]RStonePTOfficial Counterfeit Goods 2 points3 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

That's twice in as many days I've seen the ghost of jacktenofhearts being hit with a proton pack

[–]RuleZeroDADMRP APPROVED 4 points5 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

We are finding more and more that prescriptive advice is a band-aid.

Without finding the answers yourself, or making concrete choices of action from a series of possible corrections, no growth is made.

No Pollyanna solutions exist, and a guy who recognizes patterns and loves to tell you about it was not destined to save you.

[–]RStonePTOfficial Counterfeit Goods 1 point2 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

That last bit could apply to another guy we know

[–]RuleZeroDADMRP APPROVED 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Go clean your room and ignore the elephant there.

[–]SKRedPill1 points [recovered] (4 children) | Copy Link

Actually there are a lot of posts down there that should be getting honest feedback, but aren't getting any feedback at all.

[–]RStonePTOfficial Counterfeit Goods 9 points10 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

The writing is the feedback.

Every guys who I've talked to who gets it, every one will say a similar thing.

Once I wrote it out I realized I was being a faggot about it.

No one needs feedback, they need to observe from their own frame. The OWS is the feedback, everyone elses comments are so they can articulate concepts to themselves, with the added bonus of occasionally helping someone else with their articulation

Point is, if you need feedback it won't be useful to recieve it anyways. The purpose here isn't sheep in search of a different shepherd, but becoming our own sheoherds

[–]xumjov 1 point2 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Once I wrote it out I realized I was being a faggot about it.

Hmm. That's like composing a question on StackOverflow, and getting the eureka moment before you post or shortly after you post.

[–]RStonePTOfficial Counterfeit Goods 2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Sort of.

By writing it down you can't fudge the facts with feelings, you actually have to think about what you're doing

[–]ImNotSlashGrinding 5 points6 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

So, what are you doing here?

[–][deleted] 2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

“We are men that subscribe to The Red Pill (TRP) philosophy of sexual strategy, and are dedicated to applying it in marriage or in Long Term Relationships. This sub was created independently to address the needs of married men to discuss relationships issues."

Our approach is different from /r/relationships and /r/deadbedrooms because those don't work. Instead, here we focus on how to become stronger men to lead our marriage and LTRs to happiness.”

If I was going to try and fuck someone other than my wife or LTR why would I be here and not TRP? Certainly agree with #1, frame is difficult.

[–]mrpmonkCart before the horse 1 point2 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

doing this for your wife to fuck you is the worst covert contract you'll have.

Damn, isn't doing shit for yourself and only you is the very basic fundamental of the RedPill?!

But we can't repress the majority, can we? How about giving them a safe space and direct their energy to post in a new weekly thread OHS : Own her shit. We can get great materials to cross post in r/niceguys

[–]RStonePTOfficial Counterfeit Goods 0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

They can go to purplepilldebate and pontificate ad nauseum

[–]mrpmonkCart before the horse 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I was sarcastic. But you made a valid point.

[–]felixtc2k 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

This was the most direct and useful post I have read. Obligato!

[–]RedPillGlassesdelusional loser who talks shit and gives bad advice 2 points3 points  (14 children) | Copy Link

Your wife is only the gatekeeper of sex with her.

Every man should cheat, it's an instant path to realizing your true abundance.

[–]Chump_No_MoreHard Core Nuclear Navy Red 9 points10 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

There is no 'instant' path to internalize an abundance mindset.

Additionally, if you're limiting your metric merely to access to sex, then you don't understand the power of abundance and true outcome independence.

[–]RedPillGlassesdelusional loser who talks shit and gives bad advice -1 points0 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Try it.

And the quote was referring to sex, hence why I referenced it.

[–]SBIIIMRP APPROVED Ballbuster 6 points7 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

Cheating gets you pussy. Cheat a lot and you will have an abundance of pussy.

You can get pussy without cheating. And you have an abundance of pussy without cheating.

Both these things can help you kill a scarcity mindset and help create an abundance mindset.

But neither of them are necessary to create an abundance mindset and neither - in and of themselves - will create an abundance mindset.

Though they will get you more pussy.

[–]RedPillGlassesdelusional loser who talks shit and gives bad advice 4 points5 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Well said.

Although an abundance of pussy to me means fucking 3 different girls on the regular. And they all know about each other.

To some of the faggots on here, it means their wife only said NO 5 times this month.

We all set our own standards.

[–]part_wolfPotential Wild Card / Dreadful '20 2 points3 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

You can get pussy without cheating. And you have an abundance of pussy without cheating.

Come again?

[–]SBIIIMRP APPROVED Ballbuster 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

That's what she said last night.

[–][deleted] 10 points11 points  (5 children) | Copy Link

Is it a path to abundance or validation seeking?


[–]PersaeusMRP APPROVED 2 points3 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

the answer is obviously both, i'm with rpg on this one, thinking you can do a thing is not substitute for actually doing a thing EVER

[–]RedPillGlassesdelusional loser who talks shit and gives bad advice 2 points3 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

Agreed. I don’t care how RP you are, slamming a new piece of strange is always going to feel good, ie give you validation.

[–]RStonePTOfficial Counterfeit Goods 0 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link


[–]RedPillGlassesdelusional loser who talks shit and gives bad advice 0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

Cad (definition) = A man who behaves dishonorably, especially towards a woman.

Are you moralizing? 😆

[–]RStonePTOfficial Counterfeit Goods 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link


Nevermind, he would have never posted that kind of comment

[–]InChargeManMRP APPROVED 2 points3 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Yes, MRP is all about instant rewards.

[–]RedPillGlassesdelusional loser who talks shit and gives bad advice 5 points6 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

An attribute doesn’t have value because of the time invested to achieve it.

If cheating makes you feel like you don’t have to depend on your harpy wife for sex, then you’ve achieved more abundance.

Life doesn’t have to be about battling to the top of some random mountain. The simple path can also be the “correct” choice.

[–]mrpmonk1 points [recovered] (2 children) | Copy Link

OYS #3


29YO, LTR27. RP aware 3 months. HT 5'6" WT 132 BF 14%


I am the leader, the provider, and the protector of my home, who cultivate authority with a powerful, unshakeable, and rock-solid frame. I listen to what I want and do what I please, yet I'm considerate for others and would serve them with no sting attached, after meeting my needs and desires FIRST. I act on a projection matter, not reactive. I am respectful, funny, and humble man, who's also decisive, goal-oriented, and well-determined. I am of high value and share my values to the world and the people around me. I have high standards and integrity. I radiate masculinity and confidence and aspire others to be like me and enjoy being around me. I strive to achieve my goals, obtain wisdom and learn from my mistakes to be a better version of myself everyday. I am the prize.


Started crystallizing my schedule in early morning and making consistent schedule. Enjoying my streghth

I run 10 min day 5/7 for 1.65 miles with 60 push-ups, 60 crunches and 60 squats. The run increase to 6+ miles outdoors in the weekend. Increased the incline to 1.5+ and did 9 miles outdoor shirtless outdoor. Feeling great to be checked out.

Done 8x5x3 modified strong-lifts for 2 weeks. With added biceps and pull-ups on one day, triceps, shoulders and raised legs on the other day. Upper body 60 lbs and lower body 80 lbs.

Goals: Keep correcting my form in lifting, push-ups and squats.


Cutting on food before bed to enhance my stomach function in early morning work out. Enjoying rich breakfast or lunch. Keep up with high fiber diet as my stomach is reacting.

Goals: rewarding myself with home-made smoothies after long successful days.


My LTR left my home in support of my monk mode and I asked her to retun but she declined because she is sunbathing and enjoying life with her visiting aunt, and probably fucking Chad. Since I realized how deep I am in her frame, instead of her pussy, I'm nexting her when she comes back if I don't get the sex I want and kicking her out of my apartment. I started gaming and flirting my neighbors and my colleagues in my graduate school program

Goal: Keeping up my abundance and seduction training


RedPill literature:

  1. NO MORE MR. NICE GUY - in progress

  2. The Book of Pook- in progress

Still Reading:

Reforming marriage by Douglas Wilson.

Goal: Reading more daily in the time wasted commuting.


Restoring my work-study-life balance. Made reasonable daily goals to achieve everyday.

Discussed strategy with our clinic manager to obtain a raise plan in my current role

Also, will work in adding a new part time job that I'm passionate about. Today is my interview


- Make agenda to obtain a raise at my job

- Studying hard to perform well in my school's mid-terms


Monk mode is doing miracles in combination with my meditation 5/a day. I started to restore healthy relationships I had from friends of value and cut on beta friends that encourage me destroying my masculinity. Reflecting on my ambition and status, as well as my history with the knowledge obtained from NMMNG


- Making sure I do ONLY what I want and move things to be in my frame.

- Keep up with Monk-mode in masculine attitude.

[–]redwall921 points [recovered] (1 child) | Copy Link

FYI monkdude .... This is not the OYS thread.

[–]part_wolfPotential Wild Card / Dreadful '20 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Edit: [wrong thread]

[–]TheActionNerd1 points [recovered] (1 child) | Copy Link


29y, 186cm, 81kg, 20% BF, wife 26 married 8 months, together 5 years. 0 kids.

Doing Reddit Fitness' 3x5+ program: Back Squat: 85kg, Deadlift: 80kg, Bench Press: 55kg, Overhead Press: 37.5kg, Barbell rows: 50kg


MMSLP, NMMNGx2, TWOTSMx4, Pookx4, Rational Male, Preventive Medicine, How to Win Friends and Influence People, Models, The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck, Art of Seduction, WISNIFG

Currently reading: Day Bang, Mindful Attraction Plan, Mastery (audio)


Pretty good 2 weeks on the physical front where I feel the most in control. Was on a business trip but got myself to the hotel gym every night (nothing better to do in the remote location). Also went to the sauna after every work out. Ended up not really gaining weight once I weighed in when I got back but ballooned up to almost 82kg before steadying my calorie intake and now at around 81kg. I’m cognizant of gaining weight too quickly as it’s getting a bit of a dirty bulk. Just trying to keep my belly at acceptable levels while I stay at a calorie surplus.

Lifts only went up on squat and deadlift, with the excuse that at the hotel gym, I couldn’t try to continue with a linear progression. I’m close to my limit on both BP and OHP when doing 5 reps. Also bought a weightlifting belt even though I’m lifting at faggot weights still. There didn’t seem to be a specific downside to having it from an earlier stage so I’ve also been getting used to that. Hit the gym 4 times each of the last 2 weeks.

Joined a BJJ class after returning from my trip and went to 2 classes. I’m committed to doing 2 classes a week for the next 6 months at least. Bought a foam roller for home and will generally either foam roll or do some yoga each night. BJJ effectively starts me in dread level 3 but I think I still have time for one more week night commitment.

Goals: Maintain habit of 4x a week gym and 2x a week BJJ class.


Finally recognised the often used “you seem angry” shit test. I’ve gotten this many times in the past and would get agitated over why she thought I was angry, fulfilling the prophecy. This time I AM’d and AA’d through it, effectively passing this shit test for the first time ever it would seem. I didn’t capitalise on the good mood it put her in that night though.

I was also able to call her out 2 times when she used a shitty tone of voice when speaking to me, teasing her about it. I’m not calling out her shit every time yet since I still need to play my beta role until my frame is a lot stronger. STFU’d through a lot of the whining this week. Something really important is for me to get my self-respect back so I will start poking on this front when she is strongly out of line.

I did do some DEERing when some historical topics where my behaviour was apparently bad was brought up. I did do a better job about STFUing initially and also refused to apologise about something I had apologised for before when I was fully blue pilled. Tried to broken record a little bit by maintaining that I wanted to keep the topic to the night of the fight and not on past behaviours.

Started bringing in a lot more playfulness in my interactions with my wife again. I make sexual jokes all the time around my friends and that had really left my relationship the last few years since I’d get frustrated about the lack of response. Just started bulldozing it in to some good reactions.

Goal: Continue unashamedly speaking my mind to game. STFU when shit tested.


Have a decent understanding of where my money is/is going but I won’t be able to progress my financial situation until I start spending money to make money. I don’t believe I can do much about my career or start a side job so realistically, I should try to learn to invest so that I don’t have so much cash just sitting in the bank doing nothing. I’m spending a lot of time researching physical stuff since now it’s more in my comfort zone but I need to switch that time investment into this.

Regarding the above, I have a steady job. I’m pretty much locked into my role for the next year and a half due to my relocation. Aside from pushing for a decent raise in a few months, I don’t think I have much opportunities in this front. Spoke to a mentor at work recently and I will really try to put my head down to get as much recognition as possible. I am the most competent in my team and an important part of the team, but he rightly pointed out that I’m not even close to irreplaceable to the company. I have a few people in the company invested in helping me succeed and I need to actually put in the work to benefit from that. I have been pretty distracted by consuming a lot of MRP but over-researching has also been a form of procrastination for me so I need to spend more time just doing.

Goal: Research about investment topics and put 2k into investments by the end of the year. Actually start working hard again and bring a more positive and engaging energy to work.


Adding this section now. It’s my other biggest weakness which I’m not doing much about. After relocating half way around the world to the UK, I don’t have any friends here except for 1 friend who moved recently as well. I’ve started BJJ classes and my gym schedule is consistent so I can continue to branch out.

Because of my need for validation/sex, I would try to keep as much time available as I could at home, in my mind to increase the chance of sex. But realistically, my wife doesn’t want to have sex after work so all weeknights should be fair game for me to go out and do actually meaningful activities. I know this will rile my wife up though. I still have this anxiety and walk on egg shells especially around my availability. On weekends, I spend the entire days (outside of gym) with my wife. I need to fix my mindsets around this and not be so available all the time. I think this is a little bit of a chicken and egg scenario where I just have to go out. I have been going out at times but mostly when my wife is away or on night shift, giving myself an easy excuse.

I am prepping myself to at least add some casual day game in the next month. I did some approaches just to show my friend but I want to be able to do it without a wing (historically difficult for me). I met my wife through day-game so although it is a higher dread level than where I am at, it is something I should be able to apply without too much difficulty. And I need to fix my scarcity mindset.

Goal: Find 1 social activity to do per week. Do it even if I believe my wife will be unhappy about it. Provide myself opportunities to be outside and able to do some day-game.

[–]part_wolfPotential Wild Card / Dreadful '20 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Edit: [wrong thread again]

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Week 1 on MRP

Age: 39 (M), 39(F), Married 3.5 years (been in a committed relationship for 6.5 years), one 9-month-old daughter

HT: 6’1”, WT: 205 lbs. Diet: low-carb

Workout: bodyweight HIIT exercises 3x a week

Reading: The Five Love Languages

Sidebar: Listening to the BP Professor’s free audio and visual class on marriage and sexual attraction, listening to the Book of Pook on YouTube, and reading posts on r/marriedredpill.

This week:

I am new to the journey. I’ve been listening the materials about and frame seems like the first thing I need to work on. I smoke pot regularly. I don’t have a problem with it because I am a successful person. I’ve quit when I’ve needed to and I don’t see how it is an issue for anyone other than my wife, who just don’t like it.

Twice this week my wife asked if I smoked pot and twice I lied. I lied because I was afraid to stand up to her and for myself. This is probably one of the reasons we don’t have sex frequently.

Regardless of whether it is or isn’t harmful to smoke pot regularly, if I think it’s fine then it shouldn’t matter what my wife thinks. She can accept that I’m an adult and I don’t need her managing my life like she’s the CEO, or she can get angry. Regardless of her choice I need to tell the truth and show some moral courage.

Lastly, lying in general is bad. It’s a bad habit to keep reinforcing. Whether you lie or tell the truth, either way there are always consequences.

You can kill a man, but you can't kill an idea.

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