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Red Pill TheoryHow to Make it Through Hell (self.TheRedPill)

submitted by [deleted]

"If you're going through hell, keep going." – Winston Churchill


Popular culture (the Blue Pill) is afraid of the darkness. Disciples of the Blue Pill go to great lengths to downplay the inevitability of suffering and decay. Western culture is quite soft now. Instead of dealing with our problems, we self-medicate with drugs and unhealthy food. We distract ourselves with entertainment, often spending hours in Netflix fantasy worlds.

If you are a man who intends to self-actualize, however, you will likely reach a point where these distractions no longer work. A time will come when you have to stare your deepest fears straight in the face day after day, and every cell in your body will be screaming “Run! Crawl into bed! Grab a six-pack!” The truth is that life can be exceedingly difficult for long periods of time. It will put you on your ass again and again, until you become strong enough to stand up and swing back.

Here are some things I've learned in the eye of the storm.

1. Lose the Guilt

First and foremost, you’re here to grow. Period. Your main goal in life shouldn’t be to please your parents, or make your boss more money, or live up to some media fantasy of how life should be.

Growth involves facing and overcoming adversity; therefore, you’re allowed to have a certain amount of pain, darkness, and struggle in your life. All great people do. In our politically correct Blue Pill society, however, most people just want to be "happy." Who cares about testing oneself and pushing past limitations? That’s scary and hard – let’s just Netflix ‘n chill!

I’m here to tell you that it’s 100% acceptable to struggle, even for years on end. Any one who tells you otherwise is a coward, and more often than not has a stake in you sticking to the status quo. The system will go to great lengths - even drugging 10-year-old boys who don’t want to sit in government schools all day - to maintain a honkey-dory façade.

Feeling guilty about encountering adversity makes things twice as hard. If you’re in a dark place, understand that’s not only OK, but is exactly where you need to be. You’re learning, growing, and battling. That’s what living is! The commercial Blue Pill crap they sell you about how you can just sit back on the couch and consume your way to happiness is a total lie.

2. Focus on What You Can Control

Throughout life you will encounter problems that you didn’t directly create. Your neighborhood might experience a crime wave. Your parents might fight a lot and get divorced. Technology may render your industry obsolete. You can’t control these misfortunes, but what you can control is your response to them.

If your job is replaced by technology, you could mope about for years on end and think about the ‘wasted’ time you spent studying for your degree. Or, you could look at it as an opportunity to try something new, and a lesson learned about how you are not entitled to a high paying career.

Ultimately, it’s not your job to fix your mother’s baggage or single-handedly take on massive social problems (leave that to the SJWs.) The best way you can help the world is actually to help yourself. Stay in your lane and take care of your needs first. Once you become strong and effortlessly productive, you will be doing the world a much greater service than some Nice Guy who mopes around feeling sorry for himself and every one else.

3. Rethink Your Values

Blue Pill conditioning gives one no way to navigate adversity (other than numbing it with consumerism.) The ‘nice guy’ worldview is predicated upon resource abundance, equality, and life being easy. So what happens, then, when the Nice Guy finds himself in a not-so-nice situation? Often he will crack and undergo some degree of Red Pill awakening.

The Blue Pill male doesn’t know how to fight and be tough; he was never taught that these things mattered. In fact, school and the media actively tried to subvert and feminize his instincts in these areas. The idea of ‘fighting’ (not just physically, but mentally, spiritually, etc.) was not even part of his worldview, except as it related to Super Smash Brothers. To heal, the blue pill male must use adversity as an impetus to reevaluate his core beliefs. Nietzsche writes in The Gay Science,

“Examine the life of the best and most productive men and nations, and ask yourselves whether a tree which is to grow proudly skywards can dispense with bad weather and storms. Whether misfortune and opposition, and every kind of hatred, jealousy, stubbornness, distrust, severity, greed, and violence do not belong to the favorable conditions without which a great growth of virtue is hardly possible?”

Ease your insistence on having a perfect life as is portrayed on the sitcoms. Stop valuing comfort, and instead accept that a certain amount of conflict in life is natural, and perhaps even good. Indeed, there’s a reason the stories that stir us most deeply often involve great trials and tribulations. The Bible, Shakespeare, and other archetypal narratives are absolutely filled with characters who encounter suffering and loss. Examine your heroes – the ones with whom you most deeply resonate – how many of them struggled, clawed, and fought for every inch in their lives? I look at men like George Washington, Tupac Shakur (not as controversial as you might think, research him), and Theodore Roosevelt and I see straight, old-school warriors!

Question if you ever really wanted creature comfort in the first place. Realize that your old attitude was leading nowhere interesting, and instead start to embrace higher ideals. Strength, service, honor – these things will become real to you in time. Indeed, a full Red Pill awakening involves a literal 180-degree transformation in what you view as “good” and “worthwhile.” Ideally, there will come a point where you couldn’t waste time on the couch if you tried.

4. Take Time to Reflect

Life has seasons. Depression, grief, darkness – these are the winter.

Winter, both metaphorically and in reality, is cold, dark, and makes doing things a lot more difficult. This is OK – these same factors make it the perfect time to slow down and reflect on life. Where could you improve? What’s holding you back? What’s your plan come spring time?

There is great beauty in the depths of Winter. This is the time nature waits and rests, before the frenzied action of Spring. Don’t deny yourself a personal Winter – it is a season and it will eventually pass, but is also valuable in its own right.

5. After Reflecting, Channel the Darkness into Creativity/Action

Why are adversity, and genius so often intertwined? Abraham Lincoln experienced the loss of many loved ones as a young man, and also suffered through debilitating depression for most of his life. Van Gogh’s insanity is well documented. Winston Churchill called depression his ‘black dog’ while FDR had to direct the U.S. war effort from a wheel chair! There are so many other examples, too.

At the risk of sounding too New Agey, darkness and adversity are potential energy. If everything is great in your life, then there’s no reason to change or grow. Without adversity we’d just wheel around on motorized scooters drinking slurpees like the characters in WALL-E.

You can take anything bad that happens in your life and flip it into a positive. This is alchemy. Think about it: without suffering entire genres of music wouldn’t even exist (Blues and Hip Hop come to mind, but almost every genre deals with loss in some way or another.)

Integrate the negative aspects of your life by taking action. That way you’re being positive, while also staying true to yourself. So if you’ve suffered through years of being overweight, start a healthy eating blog. Share your tips and help other people in the same position you are (or once were.) If you were bullied as a kid, volunteer as a mentor for local youth. If you get cut from the Football team, use this experience to motivate you in the weight room. You’ll notice that taking action not only helps you heal, but also will lead to you developing passions, since you’ll be acting in areas that are of great personal significance to you.

6. Find Your Faith

The most important point here, and also the most misunderstood. It doesn’t matter if you’re a Buddhist, Christian, or atheist. Faith is not about hoping you might be saved one day by an external force. It’s about knowing that you have value no matter what. Your voice and your story matter and will be heard – maybe by one person or a million; the numbers don’t matter.

Once you accept that life is a journey – really, a battle – you will gain faith and understand that nothing can ultimately stop you. Dark times and obstacles will start to seem like useful learning experiences instead of scary referendums on your worth as a human being.

Look up, stand tall, and be proud of yourself. Everything in your life so far has lead up to this moment. You’re still here, still breathing, and will live to fight another day. What else can you ask for?

Good luck, and perhaps we’ll meet on the other side (if such a thing exists.)

EDIT: Thanks everyone for the stimulating discussion and encouraging feedback. I've read and truly appreciated every comment!

[–]PetrolFlavored 67 points68 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

Legit post. Every wise man has seen himself through adversity. And Marcus Aurelius said:

"The impediment to action advances action. What stands in the way becomes the way."

OP, if you haven't already, pick up "The Obstacle is the Way". Fantastic book, I'm sure you'll enjoy it.


[–]endogenic 19 points20 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

In math, the problem (question) is the very source of the answer.

[–]cj_aubrey 34 points35 points  (8 children) | Copy Link

Don’t deny yourself a personal Winter – it is a season and it will eventually pass, but is also valuable in its own right.

Anger and fear (primary components of dark times) can be roadmaps to removing weakness if I use them correctly. Both anger and fear are caused by something external threatening something important to me. Around 98% of the time this is caused by me

  • Childishly depending on an external entity to fulfill an important need instead of building abundance, a range of options and fulfilling the need proactively.

  • Adopting a victim mentality where I externalize blame for something I don't like in my life and avoid ownership of my actions or lack thereof.

Both of these are core beta behavior patterns. By analyzing my anger and fear I can come to understand where I am dependent, weak and adopting victimhood. This allows me to own my choices, choose independence and work to build abundance and a range of options in life. This process is a pathway to ceasing these behaviors but is only possible if I first have the anger/fear so that I can see what is really going on in my mind.

A simple example is my anger and fear towards a woman. I was angry that a woman wasn't attracted to me in the past, rejected me and I fear her rejection in the future. I am angry because I depended on that individual woman to sooth my ego and her rejection threatened it. In doing this I adopted a victim mentality where I externalize the blame towards her for my lack of attractiveness, self-validation and sexual options. The anger and fear are distractions which keep me weak. When I see their futility I can understand the stronger path of owning my lack of attractiveness, changing that, building abundance so I don't depend on an individual and proactively building game so I have many options. What I learn from the anger and fear is critical to leaving it behind and finding a strong approach that works.

[–]p3n1x 4 points5 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I am angry because I depended on that individual woman to sooth my ego and her rejection threatened it.

Slapped me in the head, thank you.

[–]thrwwy425 2 points3 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding.

Even as the stone of the fruit must break, that its heart may stand in the sun, so must you know pain.

And could you keep your heart in wonder at the daily miracles of your life, your pain would not seem less wondrous than your joy;

And you would accept the seasons of your heart, even as you have always accepted the seasons that pass over your fields.

And you would watch with serenity through the winters of your grief.

An excerpt from one of my favorite poems. Acceptance is the first and last step on the road to self-realization. Most people see pain as their enemy, a cruel bully that keeps them from having what they want. But the wisest men have always seen pain as their mentor and friend. Where our parents failed, where our teachers failed, pain is there to pick up the slack and try to knock some sense into us. Unfortunately, most of us are whiny, resentful babies and just plug our ears and wait for him to go away, dull his words with one addiction or another. Wise men will listen to what he's saying, grow from it, and be grateful for his direct approach.

[–]EmperorAurelius 0 points1 point  (3 children) | Copy Link

What's the name of the poem?

[–]thrwwy425 0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

It's from his book The Prophet. This specific excerpt is from On Pain.

[–]EmperorAurelius 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Oh. I actually have that book lol. I've read it once before. Looks like I'll have to do it again.

[–]EMON87 25 points26 points  (31 children) | Copy Link

I like this.

Awhile ago, all of my shit hit the proverbial fan. I had graduated law school but not taken the BAR, was working a good job...then quit because I was an immature idiot. Was spending money I didn't have without care.

Few months later, all of my mistakes hit me.

And when I say "hit," I mean demolished. The panic attacks kept me from sleeping more than two hours at a time. I couldn't eat, couldn't work out, I was staggered at how much of a mess I had made of my life. I lost 32 pounds that first month. The damage will take years of hard work to undo, if it's capable of being undone at all.

I used the idea of suicide as a coping mechanism. The only time I could relax was when I imagined ending it. I cobbled the money together, and bought a .45 with hollow point rounds. Want a surreal experience? Walk into a gun store and buy the weapon with which you plan on ending your life. It was the first time I'd seen/held/shot a gun. I remember being shocked at just how big a 1911 .45 ACP actually is. How hilarious is that? Shit's dark.

Twice, I put that gun in my mouth. Twice more I put it to the side of my head, an inch or two above my ear. I didn't care about the pain I would cause my family. The pain of my regrets was far deeper, and would last forever. We've all seen that quote that talks about which is worse: the pain you're in right now, or the pain of regret. I really don't think most people can fathom the pain of true regret. I wouldn't wish it on anybody.

A funny thing happens when every second that passes could mean the end of all of the pain you're feeling: you get scared.

Scared of what? My situation really is as dire as I think it to be. If nothing changes in the next few years, I'm genuinely uninterested in the future I've built for myself. I knew I wouldn't feel the end of my life, so it wasn't pain I was afraid of either. I wasn't afraid of hurting others, nor traumatizing some random person who happened across what would be left of my head. I'm not afraid of an afterlife or lack thereof. All of the "near death" experiences you read about are a byproduct of the chemicals released by the brain in the moments leading up to death, they are not death itself.

To be honest, I still can't tell you what I'm afraid of. I still have the gun. I still have the rounds. But whatever that fear is, it has me looking for another way. I have created a few opportunities which would help fix my mistakes, but they are only potential opportunities right now. They are a year away, at least.

Until then? I have to wait. I have to sit with all of the feelings and emotions I just spelled out to you above, every single day. There have been days where I hit bottom and lost the fear I mention above. Thankfully, each time I was 30-40 minutes away from my gun.

I have to hold my feet to the fire and live everything written in this post. And even after all of this waiting, all of the pain, the light at the end of my tunnel stands a very real chance of disappearing thanks to the mistakes of my past. Let me tell you guys, I only thought I knew the definition of "adversity."

I have no idea if this shit is making me stronger. I mean, I'm sitting here having put all of the pieces in place to end my pain instead of accepting it and just enduring until I die naturally. That's not exactly "strong."

I know it has changed so, so much of my personality and who I am. I no longer spend frivolously, I'm forcing myself to work a job I despise in order to obtain the money necessary to make those opportunities a reality, I never would have done this before.

If these opportunities fall through? There may come a day where I hold that gun and no longer feel afraid. I hope that never happens. But in the meantime, reading stuff like this really helps.

[–]NaughtyFred 11 points12 points  (11 children) | Copy Link

I really don't think most people can fathom the pain of true regret.

I agree, as someone who threw away 14 prime years of their life as a worthless drug addict/fiend in the gutter I have true regret that I don't think many could understand.

[–]EMON87 5 points6 points  (9 children) | Copy Link

ADHD medication is a direct cause of my mess. Used to burn through 30 day dosages in a week, never got anything done even with the meds.

I've kicked that addiction, cold turkey. Six months clean. Hardest six months of my life. I respect where you're coming from.

[–]Pornography_saves_li 4 points5 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

Weed works wonders for ADHD. But then, procrastination takes over completely...

[–]nutty_bi 4 points5 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

Weed is a drug. Fuck drugs.

[–]Pornography_saves_li 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Weed is a plant. Its not even processed, other than drying. Tylenol is a 'drug'. Without lab coats, it wouldnt exist.

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

Was addicted to adderall for a few years. Good on you, bro.

[–]EMON87 5 points6 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Worst trend in modern psychiatry. Medicating kids and giving them an easy button instead of teaching them work habits.

The meds don't work forever. Nobody tells you that.

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

thats awesome man. just remember you haven't kicked it. it's just at bay.

I was almost 10 months clean and I thought I had beaten it. bought a script from a friend and took them all within 24 hours. the addiction comes roaring back within seconds.

finally got back off it again a few months later. only about 50 days clean right now, but I could be at 14 months right now if i wasn't so arrogant

just remember you're addicted for LIFE, but you cannot tell the difference between a sober recovering addict and a non-addict so long as the addict is not using

[–]EMON87 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

I feel you. The only reason I say I've kicked it is because I genuinely cannot imagine ever taking it again. I'm working to develop the right habits, it's going well so far. I hated how those drugs made me feel. I have no desire to ever take them again, as long as I live.

I like sleeping at night.

[–]trumpisafaggybeta 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

That sucks, but at the same time at least you got out of that tunnel/chasm. How many addicts can say the same? That's probably one of the hardest habits to escape, too.

[–][deleted] 2 points3 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

That's the fear of missing out something you wanted and still could attain in an ( at the time ) unkown way.

Nice post anyway, it resonated with my experience of regrets. Yes regret kills, even more when you didn't sort out how to utilize your bad decisions to take better ones down the road.

I would divide pain and suffering like this: Pain is the bad thing, suffering is knowing the bad thing hadn't any further purpose beyond just being bad. It's the bad being unframeable in positive terms.

But actually you are learning how to cope, how to forget, and how to overcome the downsides of life. I have similar backgrounds without the gun thing, the struggle is hard, but it's all about frame control. When you just endure the bad with frame ( as you would an enemy ) it causes stress and hardens it. Solution is, to me, to reframe it alltogether. Life sucks and we are all going to die anyway. Expect no less and take pride in being fighting the war few have the balls to fight in our time. It may be retarded but when i think of it then i usually recover positive thoughts, much like, when i feel my mood going down ( self consciousness etc ) i just mentally recall the very bottom of existence in general and then i just lose the mental distress and self consciousness return to acceptable levels.

[–]EMON87 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

I appreciate it. I know it's long-winded but I thought putting my situation out there might help make what OP wrote a bit more, "real." In my opinion, this should be stickied.

If things turn around, maybe I'll reference this post in a tell-all about what I learned when I hit literal rock bottom and came back.

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

I see it this way, you can choose suicide any moment you want, but you wont be able to reverse it. I would recommend some books about stoicism, see if that is your cup of tea.

[–]EMON87 0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

I feel you. Right now, the hope that these opportunities give me is a major part of why I haven't gotten it over with.

If they fall through, though? The problem isn't temporary. It's permanent.

Although not directly comparable, it's a lot like an athlete who becomes a paraplegic via a freak accident. You're trapped living a life you have no interest in whatsoever. Why do you stay alive? For other people? That just doesn't matter when you face the idea of 60-70 years of misery.

It's tough to explain. I appreciate the sentiment, but my problems are anything but temporary. Just gotta keep my head up for the time being. Even two months ago I had many, many more opportunities than what I have now. Thanks to mistakes I've made before I knew what I was doing, they've each fallen off. I've got two left. Both a year out.

I'm learning a whole lot about true patience, that's for sure.

[–]thetotalpackage7 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I too have lived with horrible regret. Regret that I ruminated on for years...actually decades. One thing I can tell you is to let it go. It will get better. It WILL pass. Once you stop giving a fuck what anyone thinks about you, you're on your way. Don't let society's collective conscious define you...move on.

Most people in the world are fucked up, phonies, hypocrites and sheep, so who cares what they think. You matter. Believe it, and start living it. Make a plan, judge yourself only to how well you stick to that plan and become the legend. You CAN do it. Will you?

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (12 children) | Copy Link


Why is this in all-caps? Did you really go to law school?

[–]EMON87 0 points1 point  (11 children) | Copy Link

Auto correct, I suppose? I didn't pay attention.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (10 children) | Copy Link

Cool. Sorry, I have to be skeptical on the internet ;)

[–]EMON87 1 point2 points  (9 children) | Copy Link

Haha, no worries. If I could get a refund for the degree I would in a second.

[–][deleted] 3 points4 points  (8 children) | Copy Link

Shit, I'm hearing that from most law students I meet nowadawys

[–]EMON87 1 point2 points  (7 children) | Copy Link

I graduated from one of the best schools in the country, too.

Law school is the biggest lie on earth right now. I'm not the only law/med/optometry/dental student to consider offing myself. We had a med student who failed his step 1's. You fail step 1? Good luck matching into anything other than family or podiatry. Good luck paying back your loans. Kid promptly walked outside, cocked a .38 special and painted the common red.

Law school stress sent me to ADHD medication. I got addicted because I'm weak. Blah blah blah...

Shit is no joke. No joke at all.

Edit: changed "stage" to "step," been awhile since I thought about him.

[–]throwawaysarenotok 0 points1 point  (6 children) | Copy Link

Step 1 is no joke brother, I'm currently a first year medical student myself.

Any advice you can give me, so I don't end up in that situation, would be greatly appreciated.

[–]EMON87 1 point2 points  (5 children) | Copy Link

I've never taken them as far as prep goes, I've got nothing.

In general, though, I'd imagine they're a lot like our exams. Prepare consistently throughout the year, always keeping an eye on the test. That much you know, I'm sure.

The only REAL advice I can give you is based off of what happened after that guy killed himself. Professors from all professional schools had the audacity to sit us down and tell us to "keep grades in perspective," "keep test results in perspective."

That "perspective?" "Keep paying us tuition so we get to keep our cushy seven figure academic jobs and don't get fired."

Failing step 1 is like getting a C in the first year of law school. In all probability? You're done. You can lie to yourself and keep paying the bill, keep pushing thinking you can redeem yourself...but employers are going to compare you with classmates who didn't fail step 1/get a C. They're going to choose them.

My REAL advice? Work your ass off, try to pass. If you don't pass? Cut your losses. Student debt can ruin your life. $50-$60,000 seems like Mt. Everest, until you think about the guy who kept going when he should have dropped and has to repay $300,000.

[–]throwawaysarenotok 1 point2 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

Bro thank you for your thoughtful response. Med school is a lot to keep up with sometimes, but I am putting an effort to prepare for Step 1 consistently throughout my studies, rather than procrastinating and studying for it at the last moment. It is not a test you can cram for, and that is what I have done most of my life in high school and undergrad. Med school forced me to form proper study habits, because it's very hard to procrastinate here and do well.

The higher your score on Step 1, the better specialty you will land for residency. Not only is failure not an option for me, but I want a top notch specialty as well. That is motivating me.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Professors from all professional schools had the audacity to sit us down and tell us to "keep grades in perspective," "keep test results in perspective."

Yeah, probably the same fucking ones that call upon you randomly in class and ostracize you for not knowing the answer and having the good fortune to have chosen that fucking page (out of the other 400 they assigned the previous day for reading) to spend an hour focusing on.

Fuck them and their whole system. They share the lions share of the blame for the current adderall problem in schools.

[–]1Entropy-7 65 points66 points  (10 children) | Copy Link

Not as a dis, but as an observation: this OP totally smacks of the Serenity Prayer:

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,

Courage to change the things I can,

And wisdom to know the difference.

Good advice overall.

[–]bowie747 26 points27 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

And he disses Super Smash Bros, wth man?!

[–][deleted] 15 points16 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

Quitting gaming was a huge step toward leading a more productive life, for me. Consider it.

[–]Trpidation 5 points6 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Same here, smash bros was actually my game of choice too. Though I love that game I couldn't be happier that I quit gaming. Life is much more beautiful without pixels blinding me.

[–]bowie747 2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Aside from the occasional FIFA session I don't really game anymore. A good percent of my youth was spent getting high and playing Smash Bros with my boys though, very fond memories.

[–]GoldenCocaine 4 points5 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Seriously. I can be RP & play smash

[–]1jcromero 16 points17 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

As a non religious man, I think serenity is an extremely high virtue and a sign of a stable, mature adult. It's weird how religion can be such a great resource for some good life lessons.

[–][deleted] 9 points10 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

The problem with religion is that a few ruin it for the many and discourage still many others from deriving wisdom from it.

[–]looc22 3 points4 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

A lot of people these days have the wrong idea of religion entirely and I have a lot of respect for those that remain religious despite people constantly bashing on their beliefs. I myself am... somewhat religious, but I try my best to learn from my religious text of choice. A lot values that religion preaches are dead now, and that's part of what is wrong with society and why we're seeing the decline.

[–]battmaker 4 points5 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I see religion as the single best way of imparting time tested values that lead to personal and interpersonal prosperity. I look at the origin stories ofmost religions with healthy doubt, but like to attend church for the singing and the disciplined values.

[–]akolyteofthecentury 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Not really if used as intended. Say "religion" started out as some pagan belief about a man in the sky bringing forth bitter winds, heavy rainfalls, hunger, death and all that. How do we please him so that he'll lift our burdens? By telling the individual: "My way or the highway. Pray, work and you will be rewarded. Step out of line and you get the boot."

The catch is that these communities didn't start out with +500 pax. You're going to require more peeps to enforce the narrative, which will add noise to the signal. Someone will eventually use the noise and consequently chaos to further himself - and will succeed.

For the large masses, you need constant indoctrination as you have a far more diversity. Thus, a "one size fits all" solution is required: Enter the Blue Pill.

[–]1StoicCrane 21 points22 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Ventured through a mountainous forest a few months ago. The region was desolate, cold, and serene. Upon reaching the peak a streak of sunlight glimmered through the opaque skyline and caressed my face in a warm embrace. A raven flew above against the wind and upon my musings a thought came to mind:

Just as the the Raven one must glide against the current, not with, to ascend to greater heights.

Silently descended down the barren mountain to reflect on this insight and it remains.

[–]tedcase 18 points19 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Ask not for a lighter burden, but for stronger shoulders.

[–]RP15 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Regardless of your feelings toward religion, this works.

[–]1jcromero 8 points9 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

I think one thing worth emphasizing is that in order to be truly actualized you should fully embrace yourself (this is ALL OVER Nietzsche's corpus). Learn to be constantly struggling to become your own man. Learn to value yourself, this goes hand in hand with changing your values. Don't strive to fulfill some ideal. Strive to become the kind of man that people will surely someday rhapsodize

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

I believe others shouldn't be a factor in what kind of man you become. Both in the positive as the negative sense. Working on who you will be should be an effort that stands on its own.

My philosophy is that because life is a gift, I must respect it to the best of my ability. The only 'problem' is that there is no perspective without the gift of life, which makes it hard to capture its true value, thus putting the task of valuing it into my own hands and making it easy to judge not on its true value, but on my current perceived value. Which in turn makes it important to strive towards fulfilling its true value.

[–]1jcromero 2 points3 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

You bring up a good point: don't rely on the opinions of others. So let me expand. One should strive to be so exemplary that he forges a brand new standard of greatness, creating a NEW perspective for others to aspire towards and thus rhapsodize. These future people are purely hypothetical, shaped by your actions. Admittedly, it's a silly standard but enough to demonstrate my point.

Life is inherently meaningless in itself. It's YOU that attaches meaning to it, make it worthwhile

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

I see what you mean and I agree as to the implications, but it's tricky for beginners to confuse influencing others to be a byproduct of your actions and mindset rather than to be a reason for action.

I agree with you though.

[–]trumpisafaggybeta 10 points11 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Weed, alcohol, porn, junk food, videogames, Netflix... these are all drugs used to sedate the general populace. For women it's not as big a deal-- as long as you're not obese, put on a little makeup, and make your hair nice, you'll get everything you need in the world. For males it's a recipe for disaster. You'll end up being overweight/obese like your average male, with a mediocre job and no real future. At best you'll end up settling for post CC used up pussy via marriage.

[–][deleted]  (1 child) | Copy Link

[permanently deleted]

[–]winterequinox007 4 points5 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

This is an excellent post. It reinforces what is apparent to the RP man, however the reason why we're here is precisely because we aren't RP. Thanks OP.

[–]RedPillHorse 3 points4 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I find that this inadequately explains what I hoped it would.

When you said hell, and I think you sort of meant it this way, it means that people aren't capable of wishing their problems away, only delaying them.

You cannot wish hunger away, when you need to lose that fat it will come back for you. You can't wish poverty away, when the system comes to get its money back, it will come for you. You can't wish education away, when you eventually fail, all of that time you spend doing something other than studying will come for you. You can't wish your addiction away, your withdrawals will come for you.

Nothing is free.

And there comes a time in your life when you realize that all of your problems aren't separate problems caused by separate factors, but one problem caused by your lack of discipline. Your inability to face the problems that are going on right now, and your fear of looking back at all you've accumulated and taking them on.

When I think about the sentence that you will eventually have to make it through hell or perish, I think that eventually you will come to the point when you are forced to realize all the damage you've done to yourself through delaying, and come to the conclusion that nothing will change until you take it on. The safest investments are paying your debts, and the same applies to your debts in life.

Making it through hell means to admit your problems and working through them. Sobering up, paying your loans, working out, changing your diet, putting in the hours et cetera. That is the what I think of when one mentions a hell that most of us have to face.

[–]EdmondDaunts 3 points4 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

As it was explained to me a while ago:

Systems and products that improve your life often engineer in redundancy. Systems and products that have no intention of improving your life engineer in dependency.

The line is often blurred as after all a little dependency is good to get initial interest. It's prolonged dependency that becomes a problem.

[–]redsfan277 2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Loved it great writeup! And if i might add, oftentimes people only look at the finished product -- and thats all they are interested in. You found the gold great they just care about the gold you found. But they dont see the countless hours which involved planning, the countless hours you trained and you dug and you dug some more until you could find your gold.

So i just wanted to add the importance of the actual trip rather than the destination. Grow as a man and once you find gold it will be easy to find again. But dont get lost in with this crowd for as they easily found you once they take your gold they will leave.

[–]alphabeta49 4 points5 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I'm not a religious man, but I was raised on a strict diet of church, worship meetings, and youth groups. While I don't believe 100% in the Bible, you gotta admit it's a pretty powerful book. As I used to read it, certain verses would pop out at me and address a problem I was having at that very moment.

This post is popping out at me right now, just like that.

I'm in a place where my career is shit, I've unknowingly made myself low value as a professional, and I'm stuck at a dead end. It snowballs from there because depression has hit me hard, I don't feel like being strong on the home front or having a social life, my sex life with my wife is dwindling (and I'm ok with it), and suicide has crossed my mind a few times.

I'm printing this out and posting it by my nightstand. Thanks for taking the time to write this up.

[–]RayK47MDK 2 points3 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Enjoy the gold. This is a well written post, and I have recently been through some hard times. I have approached everything thrown my way as a learning experience, I reflected, found faith, and strived to reach my own personal goals. My fall was the greatest thing that has ever happened to me, and although I don't have much I feel like I have everything.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Thank you sir :) Gold was a pleasant surprise. I'm glad to hear that your personal Fall ended up being so profound. Keep the faith!

[–]theredpilluminati 2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Great post until the part about faith. Knowledge and truth should be the keys to spiritual growth...not blind obedience. A self actualized being has no need for overt messages of slavery and will seek the truth over all.

[–][deleted] 2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

"If you can’t walk, you crawl. If you can’t crawl, you squirm. If you can’t move, you blink. If you can’t blink, you think." -Mike Cernovich

[–]alkme_ 2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Seriously needed this today. This is why I visit this sub. Thanks.

[–]swedsson 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

So that's where it's from.

[–]TermsOfColors 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

“When you’re going through hell, keep on going.” — Winston Churchill

[–]Dr_Acu1a 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Solid post. I got hit in the face with adversity yesterday during medical residency match, so this resonates well. A little bit of hardship is no excuse to cower, roll over, and die like some bitch!

[–]LabyrinthineDreamer 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Thanks, man. I needed this right now. Lately I've been suffering with ED, seemingly caused by low T. (Slacked on exercise a few weeks, high work stress, sleeping poorly.)

It feels like hell right now, and it scares me: my libido is nearly gone, and I'm not getting morning wood anymore.

But, I'm not the first man to get and overcome such a situation, or a worse situation. I will take action on what I can control to overcome it, and be stronger on the other side. No such obstacle can ever permanently stop me from enjoying my life, achieving my goals, and gaining greater mastery over the world, starting with my own body, mind, and emotions.

This reminder helped a lot; those great men overcame way greater adversity than me to achieve their legendary status. This is a bump in the road.

[–]Stythe 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I like these inspiring posts. They ring true. Everyone I've dealt with "depression" it's simply been me shedding an old mentality and dealing with the loss of the old me. It's a shift in mindset, and it's scary and uncertain.

Every time I've had to struggle it's ended up pushing me to become a better person.

Every time I've felt alone I've filled my loneliness with something personally fulfilling.

Life isn't about being comfortable. Some fort breeds boredom. If you had all the money in the world, you'd be incredibly bored sitting around watching TV. Better to spend it travelling, trying new hobbies, investing in education and actually living a full life. Lots of new age trash talks about living life for others. That's half correct. What they should say is that you live your life for you, by helping and growing through the adventures of others. These are connections. It fulfills the social need while simultaneously giving you personal skills that can be continuously honed. That's what it's all about. Not sitting on a couch watching TV while your annoying wife nags you and your kids run around being stupid and a laugh track mocks your circumstances.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

I'm reminded of the lyrics from this Bruce Cockburn song called "Pacing the Cage."

Sometimes the best map will not guide you

You can't see what's round the bend

Sometimes the road leads through dark places

Sometimes the darkness is your friend

Today these eyes scan bleached-out land

For the coming of the outbound stage

Pacing the cage

Pacing the cage

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

If everything is great in your life, then there’s reason to change or grow.

You missed a "no" I'm assuming.

[–]chocobaby 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Great stuff. Thanks for taking the time.

[–]bdfitzg412 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

This is awesome. Well written and inspiring. Nice job.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

I needed to hear this after applying for multiple jobs. Rejections are coming? Bring it on.

[–]LearningAboutStuff 0 points1 point  (3 children) | Copy Link

The part about Faith is good. And I like that you mentioned about the depression and darkness. But to me it just seems so much harder.

What about being overwhelmed, scattered and anxious, with what seems like never enough time? Meditation doesn't seem to be working. Even if you were to choose to focus and be in the moment, and practice nonstop.

Between work and travel (12-14 hours per day), sleep, cooking, bathroom, appointments, there's almost no time at all. I took the week off just to catch my breath and (hopefully) temporarily ease the suffering - and can't even afford a vacation. The only thing I can cut from is probably time with the girlfriend, which is out of the question because sex and physical affection seem to be the only things keeping me struggling on right now - keeping me moving, even if not climbing.

How does anyone do it? I almost feel like giving up, but I'm too scared to even do that.

This was a great post, but have no clue how I could apply it to my own life; just feel so stuck.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

9-5 isn't the only career path

[–]LearningAboutStuff 0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

Wish I had time and guidance to figure out other career paths.

What would you suggest?

[–]p3n1x 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Write about your experiences. Like a really good waiter, explain the entire dish. Not just what is in it, but how to eat it, savor it, where it came from, why the chef chose it, etc...

[–]AdonisHera 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

I've had two uncles pass away. One this morning and one about a month ago. Each taught me valuable lessons, but I for some reason seemed unmoved. Idk if it's because I faced adversity at such a young age or because of TRP. All I know is I truly believe in if there's a will there's a way. I believe is taking a positive out of every situation. Great post. Ironic I read this today, given the circumstances

[–]SirCockburn 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

"You can’t control these misfortunes, but what you can control is your response to them."

Stoicism 101. Love it.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Great post with some very good points, thank you for taking your time to write it down

[–]Luckyluke23 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Find Your Faith

The most important point here, and also the most misunderstood. It doesn’t matter if you’re a Buddhist, Christian, or atheist.

or dudeist!

great post man. Defo going to keep refrencing this!

[–]CQC3 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

True, but I think everyone has different problems. Self reflection and reevaluation of values can be damaging if you did it as intensely as I did, to where days of culling my own thoughts and taking myself apart with analysis left me incredibly drained and gave me an upset stomach and a bad headache...but I came to some great conclusions too, guess there's also a trade off.

The way I like to see it, always leave room for improvement, but other than that, you're gonna fuck up. You are you, regardless of how you choose to arrange your beliefs and personality, you are awareness. What I mean by that is that there is a utility to reflecting on your humanity and beliefs, and experiences, but to become too self absorbed and not comfortable in your own skin will make your external efforts less effective.

Off topic but reminded me of that Gojira song Born in Winter. Badass.

[–]Mamluke1 points [recovered] (1 child) | Copy Link

I really hope you see this OP: Thank you so much for this; I really, really really needed this.

I have been going though the hardest months of my life; I have hardly been able to perform basic tasks or leave my bed. I have constantly been asking 'Does God Exist?', 'Is there life after Death?', 'Do I have free will, or is the future already set?', 'Do I have a Soul?', 'What is Time?', 'What is the point of doing anything or having children if the extinction of the human race is inevitable?', 'What is the meaning of life?', 'What caused the Big Bang?', 'Why is there Something rather than Nothing?'

And I have ended up exhausted. Although I disagree with a lot of what theredpill says, I really needed to read this post, I have felt much better after reading it.

I have recently tried to forge meaning in my life with my own sheer willpower, and using Religion too. I know my religion may not be true, but there is no harm believing it is true, and if it makes me happier, then I might as well believe in it. I have come to the conclusion that without Faith, then life is meaningless from an objective standpoint, and there is no objective morality. So my Faith helps me in that regard.

Though I disagree with the redpill on many points, I also agree with some, including the hypergamous nature of women and the fact that men have so many pressures hoisted on them that women will never ever know. Thanks again for this post, I really needed to read something like this.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Keep going! Even if you're suffering, it's not in vain. Someday you may look back on this period as one of the most important of your life. How often do you think people who are 'happy' but just going through the motions reflect on if they have a soul or not?

Glad my post was of help to you, and feel free to PM me if you want to talk.

[–]OnlyMyOpinionMatters 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

This hits home as I am facing a career crisis, wondering if I am ever gonna be good enough for a programming position.

[–][deleted]  (1 child) | Copy Link

[permanently deleted]

[–]NeoreactionSafe 0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link


Destroy the Blue Pill emotional indoctrination system.

"Kill the Beta."

...somehow I'm more motivated when I'm actively going after something that needs removing. By attacking the root causes of the Blue Pill (since most of it is driven by globalist $$$) it makes the whole thing more real and the battle more fun.

Gain a bloodthirsty attitude about killing the Blue Pill... or maybe I'm extreme...

No Slave

No Fool

No Globalist

I'll take the Mark Passio observation about the New Age that without an active mindset your "self centered journey" becomes just another distraction. Action is the key, not just mental adjustment. Desire to have an effect no matter how small. Start with yourself.

"Enjoy the Destruction."

And our goal is to simply return to the Natural Laws which harmonize with the universe. We must erase the Blue Pill system... and it is an actual system... in order to get to the point where people can fully realize their potential. The removal of the Blue Pill requires internal action in the form of waking up and realizing what is happening. The Red Pill unblocks the consciousness suppression of the Blue Pill so that natural polarities of masculine and feminine are allowed to manifest themselves. Androgyny is being a child and the Blue Pill seeks to trap us as weak willed unpolarized Nice Guys™ so that needs to end.


[–]RP15 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Gain a bloodthirsty attitude about killing the Blue Pill

Act with the intensity and urgency as if you were in a war...because you are.

[–]rundownweather 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Finding faith is probably the most important thing on the list. There is probably no other force in the universe that is more overlooked and easily discredited than faith, but finding a reason to live and strength for your actions is a very important rite of passage in the life of a man.

In fact, i would even go as far as to say that faith is what separates the boy from the man. I remember that outgrowing my teenage angst and nihilism to realize I had found something worth living for (myself, my friends, and my community) helped me tremendously to grow.

[–]APotter12 -1 points0 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Well, if Trump ends up winning, we only have 10 more months of Hell left.

You can kill a man, but you can't kill an idea.

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