
~ archived since 2018 ~


This week a 29-year-old aviation bag thrower stole an empty commercial plane, performed a barrel roll before crashing in an apparent suicide. Audio traffic of his conversation with flight control reveals a young man frustrated with the world, but surprisingly relatable to all of us.

Richard Skyking Russel was married, well-liked by his colleagues, and was passionate about aviation and travelling the world.

Many men express a lack of purpose, where one has no choice but to serve the machine and be extracted for their worth before they are discarded. No personal achievement. No fulfilment. No feeling of even being alive. We all suffer under the crushing weight of industrialised life

We are all Richard.

If only for a brief, beautiful moment, Richard truly lived as a free man, living Man's oldest dream, completely, utterly free.

It's important for men to identify our disposable nature in this society, and take mitigated risks towards pursuing our passions.

Find small challenges that can be achieved through discipline and concurrently pursue broader life passions that change one's circumstances. If you are not moving forward, you are moving backwards.

Lessons Learned:

Pursue your passions above all else.

Live a life worth living.

Keep a journal.

Lift. Healthy body, healthy mind.

Talk to your friends, ask if they're okay.

If you're feeling the call of the void, speak to someone, be it a friend, a colleague, a moderator here.

Blue skies and tailwinds, Skyking.

[–]modTheRedPike[M] [score hidden] stickied comment (4 children) | Copy Link

I would like to point out that it's ok to recognize the frustration of this person and how it relates to all of us, while disapproving of what he specifically did. Keep the moralizing finger holstered, please.

EDIT: Ok, I'm done with the race baiting. Knock it the fuck off. Locking this now.

[–]CHAD_J_THUNDERCOCK510 points511 points  (91 children) | Copy Link

NYT cut out audio where he said he couldn't get a job as a pilot since he was a white man (they have tough minority and feminist quotas I've heard)


"Do you think if i land this successfully, uh they'll give me a job as a Pilot?"

"Uh I think they would give you a job doing anything if you can pull this off."

"Yeah right! Nah I'm a White guy."

Meanwhile in the NYT article (google) they completely clipped out the "Nah I'm a White guy" comment from the audio.

"Do you think if i land this successfully, uh they'll give me a job as a Pilot?"

"Uh I think they would give you a job doing anything if you can pull this off."

"Yeah right!"

audio cuts.

[–]1-Fidelio-60 points61 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Fuck. I listened to a 30 minute version of this without that audio cut. Thanks for sharing this.

[–]civilizedfrog369 points370 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Even in the face of death, he gave a parting shot to affirmative action.

He is going heaven. CONFIRMED

[–]DancesWithPugs11 points12 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Well-intentioned doesn't mean good idea.

"Oh hey, that minority person got a prestigious job in the face of adversity! Respect."


"They probably got that job just because they're a minority."

AA= artificial scarcity + divide and rule

[–]1iLLprincipLeS94 points95 points  (21 children) | Copy Link

I remember I read something related:

As if it needed saying, "The Airport Control Tower Is No Place For Racial Redress" but as The Wall Street Journal Editorial Board member Jason Riley exclaimed this week, that is exactly what the Obama administration appears to have done the Obama FAA grounded qualified candidates in the name of social justice.

The FAA seems to believe that having diverse air traffic controllers is more important than having good ones and seems unwilling to defend its hiring practices.

As Fox News reports, the FAA has for decades been one of the most trusted institutions in government and for good reason. Commercial air travel has been the safest in the world in part because of the FAA's high standards. But under the Obama administration that began to change radically without anybody paying attention.

Michael Pearson, an attorney suing the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) told "Tucker Carlson Tonight" host Tucker Carlson that during the Obama administration, the FAA replaced the previous hiring standards with rules designed to increase diversity among air traffic controllers.

“A group within the FAA, including the human resources function within the FAA -- the National Black Coalition of Federal Aviation Employees -- determined that the workforce was too white,” Pearson told Carlson.

“They had a concerted effort through the Department of Transportation in the Obama administration to change that.”

“This is social engineering at its finest,” he added.

The Obama administration pressured the FAA to meet abstract diversity goals. Nobody bothered to explain why diversity is a relevant criterion for air traffic controllers. No one will explain it now.

Fox News reports that, starting in 2014, the FAA added a biographical questionnaire to the application process. Applicants with a lower aptitude in science got preference over applicants who had scored excellent in science. Applicants who had been unemployed for the previous three years got more points than licensed pilots got. In other words, the FAA actively searched for unqualified air traffic controllers.

[–][deleted] 146 points147 points  (19 children) | Copy Link

determined that the workforce was too white

"Too white" is always what "more diversity needed" means. No one calls Japan too Asian, Haiti too black, and Mexico too Hispanic.

[–][deleted] 49 points50 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

damn Scots! They ruined Scotland!

[–]tallwheel14 points15 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Well, none of the true Scots I know are like that...

[–]mrpakalupapito007 1 points [recovered]  (14 children) | Copy Link

And America should just be American. Race-blind not biased, sadly not the case

[–]Seamanteries0 points1 point  (13 children) | Copy Link

Except America is a race, so is Europe, China, Iraq, India, Mexico.

Spez: No responses just downvotes.

I wonder if importing a billion Chinese into America would make it America still? (No.)

[–]Dickinson_Burns16 points17 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

You should see Australia, capital of importing foreigners.

Little to no aussie identity left under all these colours for better or worse

[–]DownyGall11 points12 points  (10 children) | Copy Link

I'm with ya. Americans are an amalgamation of Europeans.

[–]Lightning1410 points11 points  (9 children) | Copy Link

And what about the Native Americans/Mexicans that were here before European settlers? Not to mention all of the slaves brought here. Their descendents are just as American as anyone with the role they played in the formation and development of our nation.

It's ignorant to equate "American" to being strictly of European descent. I grew up in a part of Los Angeles full of 2nd generation immigrants from Iran, Korea, China, Armenia, Philippines, and many other places. I don't see those people as any less American than myself even though I am 100% of European descent tracing immigrant roots to pre-American Revolution New England on one side and 1800s New York on the other. Culturally they would not fit in where their parents emigrated from like they do here - where they were born and raised and produce and consume. They are culturally American.

[–]DownyGall7 points8 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

The Natives that were here before European settlers: Sorry! They lost! Europeans made these two continents into what they are. We fought a number of wars with them and won. They're lucky we're so nice to them. That's how the world works. The English weren't always in Britain. The Romans traveled from somewhere else to settle. The Greeks used to control Asia Minor and the Romans North Africa and the western part of the Middle East. Just as I don't expect Turkey to just give back Constantinople to the Greeks, the Natives should not expect to get anything without fighting.

Before the 1965 Immigration Act, American meant being of strictly European descent. Yes, slaves were obviously here, but they were never meant to stay. Many of the Founding Fathers did not believe that blacks and whites could stay in the same country together. Judging by the way the country and your multicultural hell hole of Los Angeles still has racial strife, maybe they were right. I actually don't have a problem with immigrants from other countries like Iran, Korea, China. My problem is when they became such a significant part of the population. A little variety can be good, but the supermajority of the United States should be European. It is a European country. The colonies were settled by a number of European countries, mainly the English, but also the Dutch, Irish, Swedes, Germans, and Spanish. America has always been a European-diverse country. It was only after the 1965 Immigration Act, which was a bill of goods, that the demographic makeup of the country began to change. It was done on false pretenses and without the consent of the population.

[–]Seamanteries4 points5 points  (6 children) | Copy Link

strictly of European descent

Oh really, so tell me, which nonWhite country (not including Asian) could rival America in all its glory?

Whites created Western Civilization.

I wonder if importing a billion Chinese into America would make it America still? (No.)

[–]Lightning146 points7 points  (5 children) | Copy Link

Blacks were the backbone of America's early money crop boom of cotton and coffee

Chinese immigrants provide a lot of the labor to build the railroad.

Mexicans provided much of the labor for our booming argicultural industry.

Industry and mass production of factories was bolstered by cheap immigrant labor living in crowded dirty city conditions.

Our software and engineering force is now supplemented by immigrant labor from India and China where our own populace is not filling the demand

Do you really think America could have become and remained the economical powerhouse it is without immigration? Of course not. They are an essential component to what has made America great.

Anecdotally, I have seen at least as great a work ethic in the 1st and 2nd generation immigrants that I know than the white Americans. These people aren't just sucking resources. They are pulling their weight and contributing to our society.

[–]ChristianTroyston3 points4 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

Fascinating. How come Brazil and other places in South America with numerous slave populations ever miss out on being a superpower? I mean they had black slaves once. Serious question... also you seem to think 1 rail road built america? Seriously? America is only it’s physical infrastructure? You seem to be missing the point.

[–]Seamanteries2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Which is why minorities vote in large for GibMeDats (Democrats)?

[–]Senior Endorsed Contributormax_peenor0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

They are culturally American.

Some were, but most weren't. This is something almost everyone ignores when talking about this stuff. They get too wrapped up about genetic race of people. No, the reason why they weren't culturally American is because America was a Protestant Christian creation. It was absolutely drenched with everything to do with bring a post-reformation Christian European, which itself was drenched in the ideals of the Enlightenment, which itself was drenched in Greek thought from the golden age. It is inseparable from American culture, until you no longer want American culture, which is what has been happing for decades now.

Sure, Christianity is blue pill as fuck, but it was the bond between man and sky fairy that forged everything that we have now. The bond created the disciplined, motivated forces necessary to build empires. With that bond gone, it will all decay. Enjoy the decline. This story have been written many times; all you need to do is swap out the sky fairy, how they give it offerings and to the degree in which it successful in spreading it's power. No one can argue that Christianity did that exceptionally well.

Now don't fall into the trap of arguing with me about christianity. I'm not even christian. Nor fall into the trap that I think there is anything inherently wrong with other cultures. However it is very clear that some cultures work better than others--and I mean that word literally--work. If you want to see an example, just look how two close cultures faired: Chinese and Japanese. The latter went from horse riding to a blue water navy inside of a decade and a half. The former still can't pull it off, despite stealing as much technology and process as they can and having fuck near ten times the population (not to mention far more resources).

[–]party_dragon8 points9 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Admittedly few whites want to go to Haiti, Mexico or Japan (except to fuck).

[–]turn20left10 points11 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I'm an air traffic controller. Affirmative action is a real thing in the FAA.

[–]UnleashTheWolf 1 points [recovered]  (56 children) | Copy Link

White men are the overwhelming majority of pilots, so Richard was talking some shit.

I don't agree with censorship like that though.

[–]Rian_Stone165 points166 points  (47 children) | Copy Link

Hence why he couldn't get in. Have you been in the job market? Diversity hires are a wall to guys getting in for many industries.

[–]UnleashTheWolf 1 points [recovered]  (23 children) | Copy Link

I'm an Aerospace Engineering student, and one of my friends from my course got onto the Easyjet pilot scheme program last year. In his class of 20, all of them were white men.

There is no requirement for diversity in Pilot jobs; they hire and train the guys that have the skills that they need.

[–]jimboslice2947 points48 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Not to be a dick but it’s probably a good thing that this guy didn’t land a job as a commercial pilot.

[–]TheseNthose60 points61 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

Don't forget airlines aren't going to hire pilots who have suicidal tendencies, are on SSRIs, diagnosed with a depressive disorder or who "have a few screws loose".

[–]PonFarJarJar 1 points [recovered]  (1 child) | Copy Link

nah man. he was just a victim of the PC POLICE /s

[–]Livecrazyjoe6 points7 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I think this is the most important fact here. People are on this I hate affirmative action bs but won't step back and realize he would have been hired because he was a nut job.

[–]and_another_dude8 points9 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Get ready to see forced diversity when you enter the workforce.

Source: Am aerospace engineer.

[–]Rian_Stone36 points37 points  (13 children) | Copy Link

well he perceived that it was... do you think the constant media barrage of diversity above all had nothing to do with it?

Besides, I know your student experience is missing the post education stuff. just had my buddy finally leave the military, and the amount of 'no white guys' jobs he found on his search was staggering.

and this is from a guy with 15 years. military experience, an mba, family of 2 and an impeccable record as both officer and enlisted.

I can only. imagine what a 70% version of him would have to go through..

You might. even say it drove him to desperation, taking control. of the only thing he had left...

[–]UnleashTheWolf 1 points [recovered]  (12 children) | Copy Link

I agree that the media have a ridiculous focus on diversity, but when it comes to high skilled jobs like this, the best candidate is chosen, simple. That's the reality.

I have said what I do know of this industry specifically. Other industries I have no idea; there is definitely a big push for diversity in recent years

[–]Rian_Stone35 points36 points  (11 children) | Copy Link

I've seen it in finance, military, public sector,... I don't know aviation but I see the trend.

people don't need the best, they need good enough that's somewhat pleasant to work with or a virtue signal of how progressive one is.

meritocracy stopped being a thing when we took west germany

[–]mattizie8 points9 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

For tech jobs and other things where the responsibility is minimal, sure.

For jobs as a pilot where not only hundreds of lives are on the line, but also millions/billions in settlements, brand reputation, and a licence to even operate... I think it's a bit different. One major crash, and the company is pretty much fucked.

But you can see it in pretty much every company: when you get a job that is crucial (board members etc), the ones that actually count and have power to make decisions are the most qualified, usually older white men. Sure you'll get a few chicks, but they're not making decisions. The drones and workers can be green haired dykes and men that have castrated themselves, as long they do the job satisfactorily, and they'll leverage that "diversity" and virtue signal out their ass; but when it comes to the big boys table: the only thing that matters is how much money you're going to make them.

[–]Rian_Stone17 points18 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

Lives are on the line for the military, diversity gives no fucks about that.

As for billions in brand... Elizabeth Holmes blows that out of the water, as does marissa mayer, Ellen Pao...

need I go on to make the point?

Again, you're holding onto a meritocracy that isn't there anymore. I wish it was, but it's not.

[–]party_dragon-3 points-2 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Lives are on the line for the military

No one really gives a fuck about military lives lost. Just cannon fodder. If they did, US wouldn't be fighting and losing war after war after war... for oil $$$.

[–]planet_caravan 1 points [recovered]  (1 child) | Copy Link

Are you implying that the 3rd Reich was the last place that meritocracy existed, or the last era that America could have been considered a meritocracy?

Regardless, you should check out Dan Carlin's history podcast comparing the military of WW1 Germany vs. WW2 Germany. He makes a compelling case that Hitler's military was weaker than the Kaiser's precisely because Hitler's Germany *wasn't* a meritocracy. Zealous party politics often got in the way of actual military ability. For example, the commander of the Luftewaffe was so bad that Allies were actually told not to kill him if given the chance - his mistakes were more of an asset than he was a threat. Still, Hitler wouldn't demote him for political reasons. Interesting stuff.

[–]Rian_Stone2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Killing the krauts you dumbass. If you want to talk (((juice))) conspiracies, there's other EC's

[–]SlimeyJusticeWarrior-1 points0 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

In his class of 20, all of them were white men.

Haha, strike them with some universal proofs!!

[–]PMnewb23 points24 points  (16 children) | Copy Link

This does not apply to the aviation industry, at all. The vast majority of pilots are white dudes. I'm friends with several airline pilots. They're all white dudes. They never had trouble finding a job. There is no "quota" system.

This guy who committed suicide was making a dark humored joke. The same way he told ATC he'd have no problem landing the plane because he "played some video games". There's no conspiracy here, so lets not make one up.

[–]Rian_Stone12 points13 points  (15 children) | Copy Link

Who said conspiracy? I'm talking trends across industries. Corporate signalling isn't about Dr Strangelove in the warroom

[–]PMnewb17 points18 points  (14 children) | Copy Link

Just because diversity hiring is a trend in other industries doesn't mean you should suggest it's what kept him from following his dreams ("Hence why he couldn't get in." in your words).

The guy didn't become a pilot because becoming a pilot is difficult and expensive. There is no need to spin a narrative about him being held down by diversity quotas, when you have people in the thread telling you that no such quotas exist.

[–]Rian_Stone11 points12 points  (13 children) | Copy Link

Ask any person in the mental health space (or anyone with game in the PUA space) and they all agree, the one thing you DO NOT do is to minimize or disregard someones perceived grievances.

Whether it exists, existed for him, or doesn't exist is irrelevant. The solution is to either remove the actual grievance, or remove the influence that makes people perceive it was a grievance.

It's the same argument for a conflict of interest. You aren't establishing that there is no impropriety, it's that you work to avoid the appearance of impropriety.

Same here. ]Something got into this mans head a grievance only solvable by suicide, who would otherwise have all the markers of a healthy man by society standards]( And I'm sure you think of yourself as a redpilled man, just realize, this is some blue shit you're still holding on to.

The man killed himself just to be heard, unless you want more bodies on the pile, it's best to listen, before people try larger bodycounts to up the volume

[–]HAAK18 points9 points  (5 children) | Copy Link

Do you realize you can use the same argument in support of affirmative action?

[–]Rian_Stone6 points7 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

There's a difference, I'm advocating the best practices from a mental health perspective, not policy decisions or legislation.

I wouldn't then suggest that this guy be given a pilots license and a job because he was having a crisis. Just acknowledge what got him to where he was. People IMHO can survive all manners of bullshit, so long as they think it's consistent, predictable, and they have a chance to overcome it

[–]HAAK10 points1 point  (3 children) | Copy Link

I'm not disagreeing with you I'm just saying

"People IMHO can survive all manners of bullshit, so long as they think it's consistent, predictable, and they have a chance to overcome it" and that's why we needed affirmative action.

[–]PMnewb11 points12 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

You have literally no idea why this guy killed himself. He made a throwaway comment about not getting hired as a pilot because he was a white dude. For all we know, that could have just been a joke. The guy was joking around with ATC throughout the entire ordeal.

If you want to latch onto the idea that this guy killed himself because he thought he was downtrodden as a white man, go ahead. I doubt that was the case, but you do you.

If you want to posit that there IS some diversity quota system in the aviation industry, or that there is some sort of barrier to entry specific to white men that keeps them from becoming pilots, then that's what I'm taking issue with. Because no such quota system or barrier to entry exists.

[–]Rian_Stone11 points12 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I'm not positing anything. I'm saynig he had a grievance, that one shouldn't assume 'mental illness' and handwave it away, as well as divercity signalling exists in a few industries (that I know of anyways).

I'm no more certain of his motives than you seem to be certain.

[–]hovsethland 1 points [recovered]  (2 children) | Copy Link

Damn this subreddit is something else. I've never seen someone with their head so far up their own ass get so many upvotes this far down in a thread.

[–]Rian_Stone1 point2 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

You must be new here. Bring something of value. I'd start with reading the sidebar official rules link, the Endorsec contributor link below it is a good read also.

good luck

[–]InconspicuousWand2 points3 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

My buddy is, He’s white. And a pilot and most of his colleges are also white pilots

[–]Rian_Stone-1 points0 points  (0 children) | Copy Link


[–]Luckyluke230 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

hence why I'm still unemployed.

trying to get into the accounting game is tough. especially now they just hire cheap labor from overseas. it's a joke.

[–]lenovoisshit0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

Seriously, what up with the victim mentality?

[–]Rian_Stone1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

It's not a victim mentality, it's reality. doesn't mean you're powerless

[–]CHAD_J_THUNDERCOCK50 points51 points  (5 children) | Copy Link

You seem to have missed the point.

Existing pilots are white men. Which is why the racial and gender quotas that are being applied to all pilots as whole require very strict affirmative action towards new entrants.

Imagine you have 100 pilots and 90 are white men. Then HR and the law says you need to diversify the workforce to be 30% female and 40% minorities. 10 of your pilots are retiring (9 white men, 1 non white male). How many of your next 10 hires will be white men? Zero. How many of the next 10? Zero.

Now apply this at national and international scales. White men cannot enter the field. Or they find some ways in less strict places, but they need to be the absolute top of the class and the odds are stacked against them to the point where their career outlook is not very good. Do you understand?

edit: noticed you've downvoted me. Why? And do you understand what I am saying?

[–]PMnewb13 points14 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

This is 100%, entirely wrong. There is no "quota system" of any sort in the US Aviation industry. There is absolutely no barrier to entry for a white man to train and find employment as a pilot.

You are throwing around conjecture about an industry you know nothing about, just because you want to believe there is some anti-white-male conspiracy out there based on the final words of some scared, mentally ill man.

[–]Dyrdy_Lawx19 points20 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

There is in air traffic control. Look it up.

[–]ssr4021 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

In the US at least the law says no such thing.

[–]global_sak3 points4 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

No such thing as racial or diversity quotas. Dont bring bullshit racial shit into what Richard did. There is a global shortage of pilots. He could have gotten a pilot job in many places and be paid handsomely for it if only he had the balls to keep looking, or move elsewhere. Perhaps he failed his ratings tests or did like shit so he just flunk the recruitment standards. Richard couldnt cope with his own failures and called it quits. No need to blame Hillary or Obama like a little bitch

[–]RangerBass217 points8 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

As a white male in San Francisco, the best way to get the job at the top tech companies is to put African American, female, disability on your application. If you can explain during the interview you’re also gay and transgender, instant hire. Name your salary. If you show up for the in person interview that you’re now guaranteed to get, just tell them you identify as the above. Heads would explode.

[–]WTHub0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Neck beards? What's that have to do with downvoting posts?

[–]1v1crown232 points233 points  (13 children) | Copy Link

We are all Richard.

I am not Richard.

Pay off your loans boys, no debt = freedom.

[–]slumdog-millionaire38 points39 points  (5 children) | Copy Link

Being debt free is a great start, if you can take it a step further and achieve financial independence where you don’t have to work for the sake of surviving then you’ve acheived true freedom. That’s really fucking hard though, make a good living doing something you enjoy and you’ll feel fine.

But yea point is not everyone is Richard. Are a lot of people? Sure, maybe even most but it’s up to the individual to take steps to ensure they’re not just a cog in the machine with no choice of how their life goes, also it doesn’t just apply to men, basically can apply to any adult, that’s just life. These are some important points OP didn’t include.

[–]2CasaDeFranco22 points23 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

I earn more money than I could spend; whilst it has enabled me to do many things it's not a panacea. When you can do anything, one asks yourself; what do I want to do? This is the hardest question of all.

I love my vocation but at times self-actualisation is the most difficult challenge.

You may not be Richard, but all who work to survive certainly share traits that he expressed.

[–]Expectations10 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

Well that takes a lot of undoing because your mind has been conditioned in the system, you cant think about what you want to do whilst your in the system and a job.

If you could do what you wanted to youd have to quit your job but if you could quit your job youd already be doing something else.

[–]Lightning144 points5 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

It's goes deeper into your psyche. We aren't evolved to have all of our needs met with no threat to our survival. Humans are built to work together for surviving against nature today, tomorrow, and next year. When that is gone existential problems arise like /u/CasaDeFranco mentions. As he said, you have to create problems to overcome (goals) that are not inherently there just for your own sanity.

I could go deeper into this topic, but I'll just say that I believe the problem is exacerbated by our fractured society that is no longer built around community but around individual wants/needs.

[–]2CasaDeFranco2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I already quit my job to do what I'm doing. Once you do what you once thought was impossible, you have to find another impossible goal to achieve.

[–]hulk_hogans_alt4 points5 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Also, learn about budgeting and capital gains.

[–]MistahGustitues2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I read this in my mind a la Fight Club.

"I am not Richard. I am not Richard. I am not Richard..."

[–]Kornstar042 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Western world wants you to be Richard and will push you there. As OP says, a few points to ensure we don't have Richards end.

[–]Jscolin1 point2 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

I agree! Just spent a few months to paid off my long due credit card debt!

[–]Andgelyo1 point2 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Fuck, I got debt up to my ass from graduate school. Thinking about it makes me fucking mad as hell.

[–]Bc_Land112 points113 points  (5 children) | Copy Link

I'm 100% on board with helping others in times of need. We all go through hard times and we all need support and we should all be there to support others when necessary. It is out duty as men and leaders. But to approach this like he was some kind of hero is an injustice to those who stay with the struggle until they succeed. And it is a lie.

Richard did not die a free man. He was completely bound to the effects of his conditions and apparently saw no way out. Now that is truly the sad part. His action became those of a man who gave up and you cannot spin that any other way in the RP bottle.

RP is about moving from the effect side of the cause/effect equation over to the cause side. To become "at cause" for your conditions first requires accepting your part in them so that you can realize that you have, and can make other choices. You can set your own outcomes and act accordingly to produce them. If anything, this is a case that perfectly illustrates why that is necessary.

So by all means, remember Richard and mourn him. Use his story to help others understand the need to make their own decisions and take responsibility for their actions. But please don't try to glorify him for stealing someone's property to kill himself, effectively giving up on himself and everybody who he felt the need to apologize to on the audio. Think of the message that he sent to them. Don't glorify him for having nothing of enough value in his life to keep going for. Perhaps the value was there and he was too self-absorbed to either recognize or appreciate it.

This is a completely BP story and the effects it can produce, which you illustrate by your list of learning at the end of the post. And I assume all the feel-gooders will line up to to downvote this because their BP conditioning will not be able to accept the harsh truth it contains. I feel sad when I hear these things, but I refuse to glorify the weakness that caused them.

[–]SeedThrownAway7 points8 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

We are all bound by nature, society, and ourselves. We are all empowered by nature, society, and ourselves.

[–]2CasaDeFranco10 points11 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I will concede there is some glorification of this act as a spectacular display of self-destruction. My point was more that everyone can learn what one can do to help their friends or themselves pursue a for meaningful existence where a spectacular display of self-destruction is not considered, or that mental illness is identified and treated.

[–]_quote3 points4 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Damn, always go to the comments for the real post...well said! I’m stealing this!

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

You have a point. He could have quit his job and find his own purpose even if it is tough for a period. But stealing someone else property is a nono. Even so i have more respect for this dude than scums like Elliot Rodger

[–]msarn51501 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

"How we face death is at least as important as how we face life."

[–]zaqwsx69 1 points [recovered]  (3 children) | Copy Link

Hey guys I worked with rich at the port of seattle and I’m a ground service agent at Horizen as he was. I don’t know how to prove this without revealing my identity but if you have any questions regarding the job or him I’ll answer it.

[–]Endorsed ContributorFeralRed19 points20 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

Give us a Rich "book report".

Was he a nut?, a normie?, a powder keg? a retard? Any "not quite right" moments? Or was this "out of the blue"(into an island)?

[–]zaqwsx69 1 points [recovered]  (1 child) | Copy Link

I wanna first start off by saying I have no reason to believe he was mentally ill. When the incident happened there was a lot of names that popped into my head and his was not one of them. There really are some nut jobs at this job which is why the turnover rate is so high. But he was one of the normal ones that I could talk to and crack jokes with. This came as a surprise to every single one of us.

If you listen to the conversation he had with flight control. You could see that He was never out to hurt anyone and he was cracking jokes.

[–]Endorsed ContributorFeralRed5 points6 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Thanks for that. We all have this idea in our heads that we can peg the guys that are going to snap.

This guy was just a guy that decided he had the means and motivation to plan his grand demise. So he did.

[–]spartan133784 points85 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

That loop maneuver he pulled was epic

[–]midnightreider19 points20 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Seriously. Context aside, that’s impressive

[–]Endorsed ContributorFeralRed7 points8 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Can do a lot of shit if you don't care about your life or exceeding the max g loading on the airframe.

[–]explorer13575 points6 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Lmao it was.

[–]MMASpartan77148 points149 points  (41 children) | Copy Link

I’m pretty sure Richard was mentally ill

[–]2CasaDeFranco95 points96 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

I would concur.

Russel states during the flight "I'm just that broken guy, I've got a few screws loose, I guess. I never really knew it .... until now.”

My point is that even he didn't really know.

[–]irate_killah29 points30 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

"What humans describe as sane is a narrow range of behaviors" ...dammit westworld is still giving me tons of existential crises.

I think it's often easier to declare people as insane than to consider or admit that we all have our faults and quirks that could easily be construed as 'abnormal' or 'insane' by some shrink. I think it's important to embrace these things as a part of who we are and to work on them rather than accept a defeatist attitude that you're a victim. I'm not saying that that there wasn't actually something mentally wrong with him...Just my two cents

[–]1-Fidelio-16 points17 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

He was analysing himself and trying to figure out why he was doing what he was doing. For me that's one of the comments that actually signalled that despite what he was doing, he was a pretty balanced guy most likely.

He made a really stupid short term decision. Because if he was thinking long term, he could have experienced the same thing multiple times legally.

It's possible that he was mentally ill, but I'm not too convinced. You don't have to be sick to do something (deeply) stupid.

[–]Senior Endorsed Contributormax_peenor7 points8 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Was he? Unless you are stroking out or something, when does behavior just snap like that unless there is an external motivator? Something else is a factor here, but we probably will never know what.

[–]TavolettaRossa6 points7 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

He spoke about watching the fuel gauge early on, I'd wager he intended to land but was unable to rationalise himself away from a worst case scenario for him if he had landed sucessfully. Arguably the potential effects of the initial stages of hypoxia (from him not being able to pressurise the cabin) turned this from a joyride into a suicide mission.

[–]Senior ContributorNightwingTRP20 points21 points  (13 children) | Copy Link

Insanity is a sane response to an insane world. When you say he was mentally ill, what do you diagnose?

[–]party_dragon 1 points [recovered]  (5 children) | Copy Link

He said as much himself.

“Got a few screws loose, I guess,” he is heard saying in the recording. “Never really knew it until now.”

[–]NightwingTRP 1 points [recovered]  (4 children) | Copy Link

You obviously skipped the follow up point. "Got a few screws loose" adds nothing of value to this discussion. Take some time off and think about what you're actually contributing to this sub. If I see you still posting tomorrow I'll drop the mods a line to get you banned for a bit if you can't control yourself.

[–]party_dragon 1 points [recovered]  (1 child) | Copy Link

adds nothing of value to this discussion

Nor does your reply. Or this whole thread.

I'll drop the mods a line to get you banned for a bit if you can't control yourself.

Please do, maybe your ego will feel better ;) or it already does when you're posting thinly veiled electronic threats :D

Edit: now this reply of yours does add some value, thanks! (Even though it doesn't change my opinion about the whole thread.)

[–][deleted] 35 points36 points  (17 children) | Copy Link

mental ilness is invention of western elites to hide the fact system is inhumane..

[–]1InscrutablePUA72 points73 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

Not onboard with the conspiracy theory but generally agree. Mental illness is not a disease like a cold which is caused by a virus. Maybe what we call 'mental illness' in some forms is a natural response to an inhumane and dehumanizing world

[–]IAmBecomeCaffeine 1 points [recovered]  (1 child) | Copy Link

You're actually not too far off. Check it out. TL;DW Depression could be an evolutionary defense mechanism. If one mental illness is like that, then I wouldn't be surprised if several more are.

[–]1-Fidelio-6 points7 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I haven't checked it out yet, but even if it's an evolutionary defense mechanism, that doesn't necessarily mean mental illness is nonsense. I mean, allergies are a evolutionary defense mechanism and they can kill you.

I think that mental illness is a legitimate thing, but probably about 15% of those that get diagnosed with them. There's a whole business as well as politics that thrive on inflating mental illness.

[–]P4_Brotagonist[🍰] 8 points9 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

Oh is that all it is? Damn if only we were in different times my schizophrenia would have never developed! Glad I knew that.

[–]wordsoundpower1 point2 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

They would call it 'ascension'.

[–]planet_caravan 1 points [recovered]  (1 child) | Copy Link

You're getting downvoted but there's a kernel of truth to what you're saying. There's real evidence that treating schizophrenia like a freak disease actually makes the symptoms worse, whereas schizophrenics in other cultures who treat the visions like spiritual experiences generally end up living happier lives and their symptoms aren't as bad.

[–]wordsoundpower1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Thanks for getting it. It was taken the wrong way. Reddit has thickened my skin. It's dumb to always have to put an /s after the obvious for fear of being downvoted. What are they anyway save for a way of shutting you out of a discussion? I put 'ascension' in quotes, for crying out loud.

Thank you for actually reading the comment with open eyes.

[–]MMASpartan776 points7 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

In some cases maybe - it most cases no

[–]DroppingJailSoap4 points5 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

Depression is caused by our unnnatural life. Living a good live in kature, eating healthy foods and beeing active will cure depression easily.

[–]CyranicSeer 1 points [recovered]  (2 children) | Copy Link

It's a nice idea, wishful thinking, but unfortunately a very toxic ideology in practice that denies mentally ill people the help they actually need for the sake of arguing they just need to eat more vegetables and take a walk around the neighborhood

[–]planet_caravan 1 points [recovered]  (1 child) | Copy Link

I get what you're saying but schizophrenia is some real shit. Not all of it is nonsense to sell therapy sessions.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

The point is - when you create broken families in broken society, everyone is sick.

[–]xnesteax0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

I agree it's fucking obvious how they are trying hard to make people depressed.

[–]gbdoragnic1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Broken and abused is more like it, seeing how little humanity society gives you in general but you are expected to give the world. Male suicide is considerably higher than female, but no one is asking why anymore they are just blaming blame on societal structures

[–][deleted] -1 points0 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Agree. Likely something like Bipolar, but not that serious. A symptom of Bipolar (manic-depressive) is impulsivity. So you have an ongoing depression or some sort of trigger, you need a serotonin boost and then you do something completely impulsive to fill that void. He likely didn't even consider how it would end. He just wanted something novel and a huge surge of adrenaline.

[–]Arbiterjim15 points16 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Interesting mesh of brotherhood and a dark overindulgence in individualism and lack of empathy in this thread. I agree that we must be self sufficient and this guy took the easy way out, but still... should we not mourn a guy who was victim of the world we escaped? A free man can still mourn the plight of the slave.

I for one think this is a tragedy. One that I hope we can all avoid, but know that not all of us will.

[–]HIJKelemenoP30 points31 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

What a fuckin way to go out.

[–][deleted] 10 points11 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Reminds me of shawshank redemption. The opera music heplayed over theP.A. as well as the old librarian.
"Brooks was here"

[–]macheagle12 points13 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Pilot here. Not that much older than him at all either. I will toast to the fallen brother today.

[–]Endorsed ContributorFeralRed52 points53 points  (16 children) | Copy Link

Simple, likeable, not very smart 30yo married guy making less than minimum wage decides to kill himself. Even in the last moments, he was concerned more about the welfare of others than his own death.

That's how deep the blue pill indoctrination runs.

His answer was to opt out. "Wasn't really planning on landing."

That was his choice.

Just a long-premeditated workerbee suicide. Nothing beautiful about that.

[–][deleted] 10 points11 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

He did have the balls to steal the plane thought

[–]Senior Endorsed Contributormax_peenor8 points9 points  (6 children) | Copy Link

OP and you are making the same point.

[–]Endorsed ContributorFeralRed8 points9 points  (5 children) | Copy Link

Richard truly lived as a free man, living Man's oldest dream, completely, utterly free.

This is the issue I had. I disagree. Just another poor blooper caught in the grinder.

[–]2CasaDeFranco13 points14 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

That was my point, you miss the entire crux of my message. It was, escape the grinder, but make sure it's not a Faustian exchange where one loses everything.

He was a simple guy but he demonstrated he could have certainly done more with his life, a few pilots I know were shocked at his ability to perform this manoeuvre.

[–]1Revo_Luzione13 points14 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

The guy was broken. Word is, he was divorced or in the process of getting one. We cannot rule out cripping one-itis. God knows that kind of destruction caused me to find the red pill.

In his state of brokenness he mustered the pure courage to create one final act of beauty. His final act of courage took less than an hour, and ended, as he said, going nose down & calling it a night.

His example is that he put his life on the line for an act of courage that ended up creating an iconic event.

The true message, to me, is this: He finally decided to live life on his own terms, and to do something that only he really wanted. We can all create this, but our final flight might take 5 years or a lifetime, and our barrel roll might be mastering a difficult skill or market, creating fantastic art, literature, music, or something amazing that may not be recognized until after we're dead. No matter. Create, we must. And every act of creation may be your last. Living that way has power. Dying that way has immense power. Build your dream, create your art. Just do it on a very long timeline, unlike Beebo's all-too-short final mission.

[–]2CasaDeFranco0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Beautifully put.

[–]Garathon4 points5 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

It sure has a poetic beauty. I can very well see this being the ending scene of a well-reviewed movie.

[–]Garathon2 points3 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

It sure has a poetic beauty. I can very well see this being the ending scene of a well-reviewed movie.

[–]Senior Endorsed ContributorVasiliyZaitzev7 points8 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

If only for a brief, beautiful moment, Richard truly lived as a free man, living Man's oldest dream, completely, utterly free.

Richard was approximately as free as Spinoza's Rock, to wit: until he hit the ground.

Live a life worth living.

Lives worth living don't generally end in desperation, Grand Theft Aircraft, and botched crash landings.

Whatever an RP man sets out to do in life, it shouldn't end this way.

[–]iLoveReddit327 points8 points  (0 children) | Copy Link


[–]MAGA1774926 points7 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I like a lot of the philosophies on this sub, but I feel that it would be unwise to glorify this man.

[–]trele_morele12 points13 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

You motherfuckers made me cry at work..

[–]Senior ContributorMentORPHEUS9 points10 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

We are all Richard.

You got the translation wrong. Richard is a jelly donut.

So much ersatz philosophy and misplaced heroism over this guy. I feel worse for the $32 million aircraft he wasted.

Richard gained nothing, but now thousands of hard, low paying airport jobs will evermore be an even bigger pain in the ass to endure with more stringent layers of security rules, with untold thousands of man-hours wasted probably before the workers can even clock in, every day forever.

Next time you're grinding your way through airport security, why not use the copious lost time to remember Richard and ponder the choices of who becomes elevated as some kind of hero.

[–][deleted] 3 points4 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Yes fuck that guy he caused me an inconvenience what a selfish asshole killing himself in such a way instead of silently doing it so nobody else knew. You seem to lack empathy my friend

[–]Senior ContributorMentORPHEUS3 points4 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Every arcane rule and tedious required procedure exists because somebody did that.

Thanks to Richard, untold millions of man-hours will be wasted under new procedures, and perfectly good people will find a higher bar to gainful employment. Every purchaser of air travel, and probably other travel modalities, will now pay more and probably find security even slower.

Go ahead though and dismiss condemning this asshole's self-indulgent grand exit as something petty like an inconvenience.

[–]Atheist_Utopia4 points5 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

I have an alternative perspective. People in general want to feel important. He was working as a bagage handler. In social status, that is not too far off from a waste handler.

It is very simple, he wanted to feel important, so he took the plane and crashed it without casualties apart from himself. He's being regarded as a hero for that, so I guess mission accomplished.

[–]drbldmny1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

except a "waste handler" can easily make 6 figures

[–]DownyGall15 points16 points  (6 children) | Copy Link

Say what you will about the pre-modern world (men were also disposable then), but at least it gave us a clear defined purpose: Fighting for The West.

[–]tuyguy2 points3 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

On the one hand I agree with you. On the other, isn't it true freedom to be able to define your own purpose? I guess most men are too absent-minded to do that themselves.

[–]DownyGall5 points6 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Freedom is slavery. It's not a case of absent mindedness or that the people in the past didn't have any choice. It's that there was a brotherhood you could lose yourself in and fight with. You were fighting for something.

And look what this true freedom has gotten us. Losers who chase skirt and losers who chase money. Who cares?

[–]mattizie6 points7 points  (6 children) | Copy Link

You know what, I've always wanted to be the captain of a ship. I've never sailed before but I've played bloodwake before, so I think I know what I'm doing.

I think I'm going to go steal an empty cargo ship, go around in a few circles and sink it on some rocks near the coast. I can swim, but I don't really have any plans on going back to land, if I die, do you think they'll call me the Seaking

[–]Endorsed ContributorFeralRed5 points6 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

My buddies and I planned this too... we want to be called the seamen.

[–]mattizie1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I was trying to work that in somehow, but couldn't find a way that didn't seem forced and went with a pokemon instead: traded humor for stupidity.

Great delivery.

[–]Rian_Stone2 points3 points  (2 children) | Copy Link


the CF in me laughs, the Seaking is the workhorse helicopter in canada, notorious for needing 10 hours of maintenance for each hour of flight, and dropping out of the fucking sky.

[–]Senior Endorsed Contributormax_peenor0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

The chans have a whole meme around him as the SkyKing.

[–]mattizie0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Thanks for the article mate, it was an interesting read.

> In more recent years, the vintage helicopters have run into a series of mechanical problems, some of which forced landings in schoolyards and parking lots.

Haha. I can just picture it now; would have made the kids’ day.

[–]modTheRedPike1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I laughed

[–]JP1165 points6 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

At the risk of stating the obvious, this guy was deeply troubled. I am not Richard. May he find the peace he was looking for.

[–]Prophets_Prey18 points19 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

He went out on his terms and took to the skies for the last time. F sky king.

[–]portofseatacgsa2 points3 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

Hey guys I worked with rich at the port of Seattle, and I’m also a ground service agent I don’t know how I can prove this without revealing my identity but if you guys have any questions about him or the job I’d be more then glad to answer

[–]modTheRedPike3 points4 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

PM me an imgur of your badge with identifying info washed out and a date/name stamp.

[–]Endorsed ContributorFeralRed0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Same question I posed to u/zaqwsx69 above, who also worked with Rich. You guys should PM each other. Red bag throwers unite!


Give us a Rich "book report".

Was he a nut?, a normie?, a powder keg? a retard? Any "not quite right" moments? Or was this "out of the blue"(into an island)?

[–][deleted] 2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

This is one of the most beautiful things I've ever read

[–]ChipsAhLoy2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Nah I just went to flight school instead, became a pilot just fine that way.

[–]BostonPillParty2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Posts like this make me remember why I love TRP.

Be it GayLubeOil’s funny yet truthful posts, or using a piece from a field report successfully in real life, there is a lot of good things in this sub.

But reminders of the empathetic struggle we are all going through fire me up like no other post on this sub. The world is changing and it’s getting tougher for men in the West. We can’t succumb to the pressure around us, no. We need to be as prepared as possible to participate in 2018, and the years to come.

RIP RR, wish you found and voluntarily ingested TRP before you decided to jack that plane...

[–]ImNotGabriel2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

He didn’t shoot up a school. He didn’t run around the street stabbing people. He didn’t try to make a bomb and detonate in a public place. He stole a plane and flew in the air peacefully. It’s tragic that he died in the end, yes, but it’s good that he didn’t take anyone with him.

[–]JeepAtWork 1 points [recovered]  (2 children) | Copy Link

Why isn’t “get therapy” one of your suggestions?

[–]2CasaDeFranco1 point2 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

I've updated the post.

I find that speaking to friends and family is an easier first step but a professional is absolutely great advice; especially for those without that support structure.

[–]redvelvet_oreo7 points8 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Sorry my glass is not being raised to this guy. We all struggle. We all go through dark times. We all need help in some point of our lives. How you go about that is your own choice. Taken your own life IMO is the easy way out. Never Quit.

My glass goes to the people here actually trying to make a difference in their lives and the ones actually making progress.

[–]Senior Endorsed Contributormax_peenor1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

^ My favorite comments are from people that understand the point but don't think they do.

[–]PranksterLad6 points7 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

I don't understand, am I missing something here. We are celebrating this guy like a hero. He quit - he quit on his wife, his kids, his life, his everything he had. His family and all the people he cared about. It's sad. And we celebrate it.

I don't understand.

[–]2CasaDeFranco4 points5 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

We mourn those so hopelessly lost that they quit on fighting the good fight. It's not a celebration of the act but the intent of the act; to disconnect from the endless loop her was in, wake, work, eat, sleep, repeat.

[–]untitled563 points4 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Live a life of passion? That's a recipe for disaster. Passion is whatever makes you feel good in the moment. What happens when you feel bad? You crash a plane. That's what you do when you live a life of passion, basing your existence on how you feel at the moment.

What is needed is a purpose. Most people on here are nihilistic, and disregard the necessity of purpose.

As a recent redpill from blue, my purpose has been lost, and no one here is offering any suggestions on how to replace it. "Make up your own purpose," people say. "Pursue your passions," others say.

The suggestions you give, OP, aren't meaningful, nor do they provide a purpose.

[–]2CasaDeFranco0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Passion and purpose should not be mutually exclusive.

[–]free_impregnations3 points4 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

Dude was a baggage slinger, he probably had all the exercise he needed. Suicidal thoughts can’t all be exercised away. Not saying don’t do it, just saying temper your expectations

[–]humanoid123450 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

Well said - the 'Lifting cures everything Bro' crowd don't like to hear this, though.

[–]Brickles090 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Not only lifting, cardio too. He was fatty, very likely had a dead bedroom, wife was probably wanting to divorce him. That coupled with his frustration with his career made him a ticking bomb. So, yeah, a gym membership/TRP could have defused the bomb.

[–]BlackVale1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Thank you for this message. Although for me finding friends and a passion is a great challenge.

[–]Skywave281 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Out of all the people who were told to do a barrel roll, he actually did it. Good on you comrade

[–]tuyguy1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Lengthier transcript I found

Holy shit this is moving. I saw his picture everywhere but didn't know what he did.

[–]BlackFallout1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I watched the Video. And it fucken hit me hard. Eyes teared up. Same fucken age. I'm in a much better position in life. In tech school for HVAC. Looking forward to making 40$ an hour in a few years. I wanted to be a pilot when I was younger too.

[–]fischbrot1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

full raw audio with subtitles CC

[–]TehJimmyy1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Do you consider pussy/relationships part of the system?Cuz i see a lot of people here with multiple plates feeling empty.

[–]Casd122 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Yeah we're all like Richard in a way, but there's a key difference that you fail to note. Instead of "giving up" and taking the easy route of becoming a victim like Richard, you can instead work hard to become the criminal.

Life is nothing but a competition with yourself to see if you'll become the criminal instead of the victim.

[–]jpc4901 1 points [recovered]  (1 child) | Copy Link

Why is this being glorified?

[–]Senior Endorsed Contributormax_peenor0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

It isn't. Stop reading things literally.

[–]humanoid123450 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Anyone got a link to a transcript of the full audio from his dialogue with ATC?

[–]PranksterLad0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

How do we know though that was his struggle. I don’t see any struggle from him or messages left behind?

Wife and kids left behind... I think about ending the cycle all the time. Honestly.

[–]DirtyBastard130 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

What a waste. Yet another example of how Our failed society turns out broken men who end like this. This is another Elliot Rodgers or that guy who wanted to crash into the IRS building.

Had there been a purpose to his life or someone to point him in a healthy and productive direction perhaps these tragedies would not happen. Just goes to show that men are the disposable ones, and for what exactly?

[–]victor_knight0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

It's truly unfortunate that when a man dies the world silently celebrates simply because it's one less dick to compete against for pussy. We are our DNA.

[–]fischbrot0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Many men express a lack of purpose, where one has no choice but to serve the machine and be extracted for their worth before they are discarded.

wise words , wiiiseee words! well put! thanks!

[–]EscortSportage0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

He was so calm and collected, and quite humorous during the entire ordeal.

[–]Heathcliff-- 1 points [recovered]  (4 children) | Copy Link

Or you could be more cynical and of the opinion that this was all some false flag/distraction psy op and the real motives behind sending that plane up (unmanned) and causing a spectacle won't be known until we get some more clues and piece together the mystery.

Smells fishy to me.

[–]Rian_Stone8 points9 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

[user was deplatformed for this post]

[–]BillyRedRocks4 points5 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

The plane was actually full of gay frogs. They were getting rid of the evidence.

[–]magx014 points5 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

interdimensional child molesters.

Look into it.

[–]poohead3-1 points0 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I'd wager that the long nose tribe is at fault for this.

[–]flownthedark0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Damned good pilot,turbo prop sound and his barrel roll are bad ass. Cheers sir. Too many haters for brotherhood on the ground.

[–]frooschnate0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

What was the point of this post? Honest question.

[–]StrikePrice-2 points-1 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Pfft. I’m not Richard. Not even close. You check out like that, you’re a pussy nothing more. Sorry to ruin your fantasy. Nothing honorable or inspirational in what he did.

[–]Aurora921 1 points [recovered]  (1 child) | Copy Link

Even though I had a very tough childhood by any standards I can't relate to this or any of the recent suicides. Probably because it has to do with mental illness and not an "insane" world.

Everyday I wake up, glad that I am alive. Even of I spent the next 50 years just waking up, working out and eating I would still be relatively happy. Just the joy and sensation of living in a relatively peaceful time, where most of the world is open and accessible, is enough to bring tears of joy to my eyes. Sex is just icing on the cake :) Be grateful, don't get phased by stuff you have no control over and give less shit about most things and you should see the light amidst the darkness.

[–]FPSM4N-1 points0 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Sorry.. But he was a weak one. Took his life for nothing. Condolences for his family.

[–]party_dragon-2 points-1 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I’m not sure it’s reasonable or effective to admire a (likely) mentality ill person.

“Got a few screws loose, I guess,” he is heard saying in the recording. “Never really knew it until now.”

[–]dancainmed 1 points [recovered]  (1 child) | Copy Link

Good Lord. Have some self respect. This is cringe worthy.

And the whole" boohoo I'm an oppressed white man" schtick is laughable. Nobody's ever told me I couldn't do something because I'm white. No crowd ever tried to keep me out of a school building because I'm white. The fact that you believe our kind is oppressed shows how little you know about what true oppression is really like.

Go find yourself a safe space and a therapy dog or whatever it a your generation uses when mommy's hugs are not enough anymore and don't post again until all that whining is out of your system. You'll be doing yourself a favor.

You can kill a man, but you can't kill an idea.

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