
~ archived since 2018 ~


I'll keep this short.

You do not have to verbally show you're a red-pilled man. (Talking to them, initiating conversations, picking places to go and not leaving them a choice is fine. Telling them what makes you a man, and how a real man should be isn't.)
You do not have to tell women what you'll do in X & Y situation to show how tough you are.
You do not have to verbally put up a front.
Show with your actions, all it takes is one sentence to ruin any chances of fucking a girl. But your behavior can still be redeemed.
Of course, a genuine slut doesn't give a fuck, but any half-brained woman knows about TRP. I would say an equal number of women know about the red pill as men, quit trying to come off as unique by spouting shit from here to women about how enlightened you are on the sexual dynamic.

I know a lot of men on here are bitter as fuck, but do not ever appear to be misogynistic to women if you're trying to get laid. They will take your resources and still be your friend, but they will write you off from the "have sex" list.

Those douches you see who fuck women, treat everyone like shit & not women exclusively so they never leak off as misogynistic, which is why they still get laid.

Women post threads like this on the daily. They talk about TRP, thousands and thousands of women.. hundreds of thousands of women, easily millions know about PUA, MGTOW, TRP. They don't understand our perspective but they at least consciously stay away from anyone associated with this, and even genuine guys get ignored/blocked because they think they're from these groups.

Lesson: Women do not want to have sex with people who they think are from TRP, even if you're not.. if it seems like you are, then they won't fuck you. (Even if they'll be your friend.)

[–]CommanderBlurf 328 points329 points  (10 children) | Copy Link

Law of Power #38: Think as you like, but behave like others.

[–]enteralterego 130 points131 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Another relevant law : Law 9: Win through your actions, never through argument

[–]koolaid_zombie 26 points27 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Was looking for this. Surprised it's so far down.

Condense it, learn it, live it. Posts like OP's are nice for context, but totally useless to someone who's done their required reading.

[–][deleted] 16 points17 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

What do you think of the red pill? Don't know, I'm pretty healthy. Last time I took some meds it was antibiotics, but I don't think they were red.

[–]Prophet6 0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

Commander, where do these set of rules reside. I had a quick look in the sidebar and found only community guidelines. Mustve missed it?

[–]CommanderBlurf 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

A thread discussing The 48 Laws of Power is linked in the sidebar.

[–]tolerantman 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

AKA the most contradictory book ever written?

[–]Wilreadit 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Self proclaimed betas forget that part. Makes it easy for us though.

[–]TRP VanguardArchwinger 314 points315 points  (8 children) | Copy Link

Wait. So we don't call women sluts and stupid cunts to their faces?

We instead say words and do behaviors designed to get laid?

Well hell's bells! Now this Red Pill thing makes sense! I've been running around shooting my mouth off, breathing misogyny at any woman who will listen, and none of them have been sucking my dick! No wonder!

[–][deleted] 69 points70 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

was funny seeing that exchange in PPD.

Totally blown out of the water that you can be a charming, pleasant tactful individual in real life, and be more blunt and honest with anonymity online.

The anger of people, over even entertaining the thought that each and every double XX isn't a fountain of rainbows and sunshine... And to accuse you of ego simultaneously?

Cant make this shit up

[–]cosine88 6 points7 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Got a link to "that exchange in PPD"?

[–]NakedAndBehindYou 11 points12 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

The trick is to only call them a slut once your dick is already inside them.

[–]Forcetobereckonedwit 4 points5 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

"little slut" "dirty slut" "cockwhore"... These are terms of endearment when it's bidniz time.

[–]NaughtyFred 22 points23 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Does this mean I should start using her curtains to clean my cock and not her hair?

[–]allrandomworldnews 21 points22 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

As profassional misogynist you make her swallow and lick you clean afterwards while telling her "that's what good girls do honey"

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Your sarcasm makes you seem like a pussy

[–]Surfincloud9 64 points65 points  (22 children) | Copy Link

Agreed. My girl asked me if she was a plate yesterday. She heard it from one of her girlfriends because her "boyfriend" was actually plating her.

[–]kindaOKbut 52 points53 points  (15 children) | Copy Link

Sounds like a comfort test bro.

"Sure are, I was thinking about eating lunch off of you actually."

How'd you handle it?

[–]Surfincloud9 12 points13 points  (14 children) | Copy Link

I played dumb in a way. She explained it to me and I said I've done it back in college but I'm over that life. I figure it's kind of like dread. I may LTR this one but eh no rush, she is the best out of dozens of plates I've had. Not super high maintainance, submissive and is looking for a red pill man. Low n count cause a 7 year relationship and always needs me to take lead. Korean chick

[–]1Jax77789 28 points29 points  (7 children) | Copy Link

Ha ha ha bro. I thought the same way about a Korean girl. She had a 6 years LTR. Low maintenance and submissive. This girl turned to be the most massive slut I have ever known to date. See my post from 2 days ago " Your Plates Most Likely Plate You as Well". Long story short : she bangs at least 4 different dudes a week.

Their submissive/ shy game is how they rope you in.

[–][deleted] 4 points5 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

A good percentage of Korean and Japanese women will openly acknowledge being naughty sluts on TV, as long as it's not a man asking.

[–]Surfincloud9 1 point2 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

Also, she hangs with all guys really because she was adopted with a Korean guy as babies and she just hung out with guys. She knows how I feel about guy and girls being friends so she never brings it up anymore but I don't know. Her brother asked her if she was sleeping with me yet and her parents asked. I am more sure that she's loyal than a slut but I definitely won't rush into anything. Thanks for getting me on my toes, she's very shy and submissive so maybe she is smarter than I think she is

Also, she was incredibly shy and anxious when we first had sex, saying it was her first time after that 7 year relationship. I'd like to believe her but I am questioning it now. We will see how it goes, I will find out if she is and if so, it's all good. Options my friend. Sweet girl though

[–]cosine88 4 points5 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

You may be getting duped, you may not. As long as you stay on your toes like you say, you shouldn't get too surprised. And if she does turn out well, setting low expectations makes the good ones seem all that much better. You are free to enjoy her company without expecting a lot.

[–]1Jax77789 0 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

Girls hanging out only with guys are usually a red flag because they are just collecting orbiters.

She could be a catcher though.

One surefire way to tell would be for you to access her phone and social media.

[–]Surfincloud9 0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

She lets me go on her phone or social media anytime. I don't do it because I really could care less. And the thing is, I am trying to not get too attached. Its possible she is going out of state for grad school. Just found out recently so I may keep my other plates a spinning

[–]_the_shape_ 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

She lets me go on her phone or social media anytime. I don't do it because I really could care less.

Perfectly executed.

Going through her phone and keeping an eye on her social media are not actions in line with someone who couldn't care less, as you stated above. The more a guy does that, the more he chips away at his frame until he himself makes the relationship implode, usually by massively turning her off through his gradual transformation into an intolerable mess of endless paranoia and insecurity.

Good for you, remaining conscious of the fact that you wish not to get attached. Deep down, women prefer it that way anyway (at least as far as men they're attracted to go).

[–][deleted]  (3 children) | Copy Link

[permanently deleted]

[–][deleted]  (2 children) | Copy Link

[permanently deleted]

[–]qrtrpqrtrpqrtrp 16 points17 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

No reason to stop really, just don't commit.

[–]Mostlyright91 2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Just be aware and in terms of being in the non committing stage, as Billy Madison would say, "Stay as long as you can."

[–]kindaOKbut 1 point2 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Living the dream, champ. Good on ya.

[–]bigcitytruth 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

"You're not a plate, babe. A plate has food, and you don't even know how to cook!"

[–]1nzgs 183 points184 points  (20 children) | Copy Link

Essentially this can be summed up by the 30th Law of Power - hide your efforts. You never heard of the TRP subreddit, you don't talk about MRA (the ultimate pussy drier) or anything related. Whatever problems you've had to overcome: oneitis, beta-traits, depression, illness - they never happened. Your accomplishments must seem effortless.

[–][deleted] 38 points39 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

This realization should also kill the oneitis issue real fast too. They REALLY don't give a fuck about you; in any way,shape, or form. As for misogyny, it's a woman's way of saying, "stop acting like me!"

[–]vagbutters 8 points9 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

All that matters to sluts is what you are, in this moment. If you're good looking, charming, and successful, it'll show subtly. If you're fat/flabby or scrawny, most women will immediately take you out of their "I might/will fuck him tonight" list. Remember that, ground your beliefs, and keep lifting.

[–][deleted] 54 points55 points  (8 children) | Copy Link

I caught some noob over in the short subreddit bitching about how men have it so hard talking about redpill. "Pity on me I'm not a 6'6" greek god"

Super pathetic. This is WHY we say don't talk about fight club. You look like a 10-year-old saying "I'm trying really hard to be a MAN"

[–][deleted] 34 points35 points  (7 children) | Copy Link

To be fair that's the only place a short man can vent about their frustrations and insecurities - would you rather he complained about his height irl?

[–]tsimehC_enitsednalC 32 points33 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

only place a short man can vent about their frustrations and insecurities

Without being callous, no fucking where. That's literally the last fucking thing one can change about themselves, right?

"the best way of getting clean is not to wallow in the mud"

figure it out.

[–]LukesLikeIt 2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Yea I agree. There is literally nothing you can do about your height and women are unattracted to men seeking sympathy.

[–]joh2141 2 points3 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

Depends. Time spent wishing is time spent wasted. So if he's spending time wishing he looked better or things were different when he can work on himself and make progress, then yeah that's wasting time. Complaints are for people who are too weak and/or are forced to be burdened with something.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

I agree with you that complaining about your height isn't a productive activity - but I also see nothing wrong with letting out a little steam every now and then. Not everyone can remain a stoic-like robot 24/7.

[–]joh2141 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

I guess that really depends on the person. Some people feel the need to go through some kind of cathartic moment in order to move on from pressure built up. Others just move on and some just bottle it up. Really can't tell you which one is best because who the fuck really knows? The answer is always going to be subjective. You do you

[–]dotte11 -1 points0 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Hight is not a big deal at all. Those guys are just ugly as shit.

[–]_the_shape_ 12 points13 points  (7 children) | Copy Link

you don't talk about MRA (the ultimate pussy drier)

Can confirm. Saw this in action a few weeks ago at a nearby bar.

I couldn't make out exactly what was being said at a table 30-40 feet away between a young chick (early-mid 20s) and another guy around her age, but I could tell the exchange was getting her riled up until she reached her limit, stood up and shouted: "SO YOU'RE AN MRA!?!? YOU'RE AN MRA!?! IS THAT WHAT YOU'RE SAYING!?! SO YOU'RE A MENINIST!?!?! UN-FUCKING-REAL!!!"

Simply saying that you're not a feminist (as in, you don't support the feminist movement but are not a hater of women) these days is treading over very thin ice. That's the world we presently live in. Deal with it.

Either feign ignorance ("oh wow, there's groups of guys out there bitching about women on the internet? That's pretty sad lol"), or blend in with the crowd ("Me? Feminist? Definitely. This oppressive patriarchy thing has to come to an end #BLM"), close with a fist-bump and a smile.

However you do it, train yourself to fly under the radar

[–]joh2141 9 points10 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

It's just sad you basically are still conforming to another person's belief because you're avoiding confrontation. But this is basically true. If you don't act like a feminist, it triggers a lot of people including guys who never even got time of day from women. I showed this guy who desperately needs TRP because he's a fucking lost cause who needs confirmation to basically go take a piss as a grown man. And all he had to say is "This is really sexist and misogynistic," and talks about buying a motorcycle and getting tatted up because he thinks it'll make him a badass overnight.

[–]_the_shape_ 6 points7 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

It's just sad you basically are still conforming to another person's belief because you're avoiding confrontation.

The bigger of a deal I make it, the more it turns out to be something like being forced to suck a dick. The more I marginalize it, the more insignificant it seems, like playing make-believe with little kids and briefly going along with their little games so they don't lose their shit.

Never leave your safe space home without taking your daily dose of amused mastery.

[–]dotte11 2 points3 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

If you are so ball-less than you cant say feminism is bullshit you either live in canada or you are beta to the bone.

a good 50% of women I meet dont even like feminism.

[–]_the_shape_ 10 points11 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

The day you hit your late-teens/early 20s and enter the work force, you go ahead and tell us how day 1 on the job goes with your "sup! I'm alpha yo! Respekk! Fuck dat feminism bullshit" intro.

Since you're curious?, I'm in NYC. I welcome you to come try giving a vocal, chest-thumping anti-feminist speech to basically anyone around here and see where that gets you.

[–]dotte11 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

I'm 23 kid, i'm already in the work-force. And im not an "anti-feminist", I'm an alt-rightwinger, I dont use autistic TRP lingo either, cus I didn't learn how to be a man from this sub. I learned it from my dad.

Feminism is a non-issue to me, but if someone brings up incorrect stats I have no problem telling them it's bullshit. Most people in my area don't even like the shit.

[–]phx-au 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

"Haha yeah I've heard about this! Those guys that do that like... insult women to get laid? How is that even meant to work? Maybe they should just try looking good and being charming. grin"

[–]RPprogress 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Read that book for first time today and instantly thought the same thing

[–]massivewang 168 points169 points  (23 children) | Copy Link

My favorite comment from that thread

I know of only one person who explicitly supported The Red Pill, and unfortunately he was one of my best friends in college. At first it seemed positive as he became more assertive and more fit through healthier hobbies like running and kickboxing, then it became clear that he was into something bad when I realized that he went beyond that and became a condescending, confrontational asshole. Sure he definitely picked up more girls that year (probably more than the other two guys in our social circle), but it came at the cost of my friendship and the friendships of most of our little group that we had since freshman year. I remember the summer after we graduated he took me to our favorite French bakery and we talked about how much he had changed in the past 18 months. I asked him if he was truly happy with the direction that his life had taken after he got into TRP, and without hesitation he said he was infinitely happier. I left that bakery feeling pretty sad for him, and hoping he would reconsider someday. Last I heard he moved to Pittsburgh for a job and he was in an LTR, for that woman's sake I hope he has come to his senses.

She's butt hurt because her "best friend":

  • got fit and pursued hobbies
  • became more assertive
  • worked toward becoming successful
  • goes on dates and has sex with women
  • stopped taking shit from people who were full of it
  • basically made his life better in every way
  • stopped being her spineless orbiter

Some friend eh? lol what a fucking joke.

I think it just reinforces that at the end of the day you need to live your life how you want it, and you need to make your needs a priority. Nobody, especially not a woman who's your "friend" is going to meet your needs.

One of the best lessons I learned from "No More Mr. Nice Guy" is that I have to make decisions that are in my own best interest regardless of how other people will react. It's been life changing. Life your life, fuck the haters.

It's empowering when you realize that you have the ability and the means to meet your needs. I use to be hyper religous in cult like environments and I use to think that I needed the people around me to succeed. At the end of the day I realized that I don't really need most of the people in my life for anything, and that I can get what I want without them. That doesn't mean that I don't have people I love/care about/value, just that most people don't matter in the context of my needs, so they can all fuck off if they don't like how I live my life.

[–]kindaOKbut 83 points84 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

Definitely sounds like she's sad that she lost an orbiter.


That's what what they call a Nice Guy when he stops being a Beta Bitch and starts standing up for himself.

The results don't lie.

[–]vagbutters 25 points26 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

The results are always all you need to see, worth more than an infinite amount of words. I was a beta bitch for a good portion of my youth-- the night and day difference once you put your foot down and make positive changes in your life is something you need to experience firsthand to truly understand it. The world treats you better when you look good and are confident, opportunities with women open up left and right, and you find a happiness in the grind of your life instead of falling into the trap of addictions.

[–]perfectd3 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

It sounds like a person who's sad because her friend set his priorities with himself at the forefront, instead of how his friends' own moral authorities dictate their choices. Take care of yourself, and everything else will benefit. He gained so much more by leaving some haters behind. Bravo

[–][deleted] 42 points43 points  (7 children) | Copy Link

while I think it's dumb to become a douche to your existent friends and act like an asshole, it is hilarious because it seems like that guy is a success because of TRP at the cost of a few friends that he honestly probably doesn't care all that much about anymore. Really bad example to use when talking shit about trp lol. Oh no, you'll fuck a ton of women and then get a good job out of state

[–]massivewang 36 points37 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

I agree at face value that there's something wrong if you truly become an "asshole" to your friends.But I doubt that's what happened. What is likely is that he went from spineless nice guy to a man who set boundaries and learned how to say no. I'm assuming his "friends" started putting him down as he tried to improve himself as well - as noted by this woman who is dismayed by the fact that her former orbiter is now a man with a life of his own.

[–][deleted] 20 points21 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

oh yeah, this is true. If you read a bit between the lines, it does seem like she's overstating his doucheiness and is sore because she lost a friend, or rather, the kind of friend he was to her. For all we know, the personality traits he was exhibiting were perfectly acceptable but it alienated his old group of friends via drastically changing his role and status within the group. I guess for myself, I still like having some older friends and don't bother with frame when i'm around them-it's really nice to be able to dork out and not worry about everything and that's the viewpoint i was coming from

[–]massivewang 15 points16 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I think the part of authentic friendships is that you don't need frame and all that.

I didn't need to discard my most valuable relationships as I TRPED as those closest to me understood and cheered me on. I'm certainly not top alpha male or the most interesting man alive. While I've made strides and have had and will have interesting experiences, I'm still a goofy motherfucker. I still play PC games and make dad jokes etc. My friends don't feel threatened or alienated by my improvements, they cheer me on. At the same time they love the same things they loved about my personality prior to me TRPing.

On the other end my friends from my religious days want nothing to do with me because I walked away from their belief systems. So there was nothing I could have done to salvage those relationships because they labeled me a heretic and unclean. But like I said, fuck em. I DONT NEED them for anything. In fact my life is better than it's ever been precisely because I decided to walk away from those communities and those belief systems, which only ever fucked me over anyway.

A true friend celebrates and encourages your success, even if it costs them something. I moved overseas for work and am far from those dearest to me. All of them acknowledged that they miss me and wish we could spend more time together (I miss them immensely as well). Yet at the same time all of them encouraged me to step out of my comfort zone, take advantage of the opportunity, and continue to celebrate the fact that I'm here growing and experiencing new things. And the truth is living here has changed my life for the better in so many ways.

So to me that's a requirement for being my friend - encourage me and celebrate things that are in my best interest, even if it means that you don't benefit from those things. I do the same. My best bud had an amazing opportunity to move out of state for work. I was selfishly bummed to see him go as we hung out all the time and was going to lose that. But it would've been 100% selfish of me to hate on him or tell him not to go. It was in his best interest for his life, career, and future to take the job, so I encouraged him to do so.

[–][deleted] 11 points12 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Precisely. And what's even more sad is that she still believes her own bullshit instead of saying "welp, he wised up to my bullshit, so time to move on". She's probably also pissed the he didn't fuck her after getting into shape, etc...

[–]bigk12345 4 points5 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Still surprises me to this date how people you call friends pull this kind of shit. Most of the people can't even stand a simple no. I am not even talking about personal boundaries with people.

If someone comes to your work desk and asks your if you can do them a favour and you say "No, I am busy", people will act bewildered , especially women. Afterwards, they will go and talk shit how you are a "jerk" and and an "asshole".

Yes bitch, I ACTUALLY have important work to do. I am sooo sorrry it is more important than what you want me to do.

[–]p00pey 11 points12 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

When you change drastically, especially if its overnight or fairly quickly, society has a hard time handling it. Whether it's women that realize they lost a beta orbiter, or a boss that realizes he lost a bitch boy that'll work 80 hour weeks without blinking an eye, or anyone else on the spectrum of people you are engaged with.

It's human nature, it's our brain, both men and women, that cause us to compartmentalize people. And once people break out of that compartment with ferocity, it throws the people around that person for a loop. Many will adjust to the new you, many won't. It's really about how open minded they are. But if you used to be an orbiter, that woman will not adjust. You just have to cut ties. She will hamster whatever she needs to hamster to pain you a villain. All of it is happening subconsciously really. Even dudes around you will take it hard often. They don't want to see you succeed, have more than them, not be stuck in a rut anymore. Why is he getting laid and I'm playing world of warcraft every night, etc.

Human nature. That's why you have to live for yourself, first and foremost. Fuck the world, fuck what others think. I don't mean that in a 'rape and pillage as you wish' way. There are still laws and societal norms you have to abide by unless you want to end up in jail. But don't ever let others define who you are. Don't let them guilt you for what you are. Don't let them shame you. Just have to train the brain to get rid of that old conditioning...

[–]PoofyPossum666 4 points5 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Yeah, "asshole" can range from a man who is truly heartless and unkind to a man that establishes boundaries and doesn't simply acquiesce to the whims of women.

You can learn a bit about a woman's character from whom she does/doesn't describe an asshole.

[–][deleted] 43 points44 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

He's in better shape, gets more women, and is "infinitely happier." If that's not an endorsement for TRP, what is?

[–]melxer 15 points16 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

At first it seemed positive as he became more assertive and more fit through healthier hobbies like running and kickboxing,

Yeah see this is the scariest part.

And this is the most upvoted answer to your quote. They find it the "scariest" when you finally start living your life. In his stead I'd be so sad if I lost such a beautiful friendship with such a nice girl that clearly have my best interest in mind. Fuck TRP.

With the right approach it's clear that she would be more than willing to be fucked by him now.

[–]joh2141 2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I think the "scariest" is in reference to being more confrontational, assertive, and knowing kickboxing. Some people take these characteristics to mean a guy who picks fights all the time which simply isn't true. You confront if there's an issue to be confronted but if there isn't, you aren't picking fights.

[–]Zerwas 19 points20 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

That is just hilarious. If you break it down like that it is truly amazing how all these truly positive aspects are perceived as something bad.

Also this post made me chuckle:

Any examples in trp are purely emotionally driven and seem absolutely made up (funny for a philosophy that suggests men are naturally logical and non emotional). To be honest, I've found FAR more rational thinking in the women's rp Reddit. FAR more reasonable.

"Reasonable" because they appeal to her emotions, however contradictive that sounds.

[–][deleted] 2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

LOL indeed. Go figure they shame the logics of TRP and paint it in a bad way. Thankfully the orbiters won't come on here and if they do they don't stick around for long since they can't hack it.

[–]TRP VanguardArchwinger 6 points7 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

That comment resonated with me, too.

"My friend got fit, healthy, and hot. He started picking up girls successfully. I asked him if he was happy, and he said yes, much happier than ever before."

"Because I'm such a good friend, I knew better than to be happy for his success and his happiness. I was sad for him instead."

"I didn't like his attitude, and he lost my friendship and that of our little circle of loser friends. He lost meeeee! That's how I know how sad his life is. I'm special and he lost meeee!"

"Last I heard, he got a good job in another city and has a girlfriend! I mean, surely he's changed back to who he was before, because there's no way that fit, healthy, successful college graduate who was good with girls remained on that same path and ended up with a job and a girlfriend. Not when his bad attitude that I didn't like cost him meeee!"

[–]Mohandor 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

The worst thing is that girls really believe what you explained with humor.

[–][deleted] 2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Good ol man improving himself is being painted as negative shit. Even more reason why there are more turds in this society who don't wanna see others improve ala mediocrity mindset from women and men alike. Good thing on that guy.

[–]GenghisKhanSpermShot 3 points4 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Sounds like a reddpiller wrote that.

[–]Noveno 2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Godammit, this could be a sticky in this subreddit, seriously, is there any better field report?

It's really funny how all the women say "oh, I'd never be with a redpilled", "oh, that mentality makes me sick" and still, outside there, they keep dating and getting fucked by that kind of men. 0 rational logic, pure emotion.

Whatever no matter what they say, once you experience the before/after you can only laugh to their emotional speech. This is not "opinion/theory" it's evidence.

[–][deleted] 2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

explicitly supported The Red Pill, and unfortunately he was one of my best friends in college. At first it seemed positive as he became more assertive and more fit through healthier hobbies like running and kickboxing, then it became clear that he was into something bad when I realized that he went beyond that and became a condescending, confrontational asshole.

That's a ringing endorsement of TRP if I've ever heard one.

[–]Alpacash 86 points87 points  (15 children) | Copy Link

From the comment section of the linked post: "They're not worth the time or anxiety (and I'm generally a very anxious person). Plus every guy I know would be head over heels for a financially independent woman with her own interests/career rather than a demure, submissive child-woman."

Haven't laughed this hard in a while. These women really don't know what men actually want.

Also, judging from the comments, they have no idea what TRP is about or how a RP guy acts so there is nothing to worry about.

[–]Endorsed ContributorBluepillProfessor 21 points22 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

Like OP said, nothing to worry about until you open your mouth.

[–]CQC3 11 points12 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Pretty much this. A lot of guys feel like they want to contribute to help "end" feminism or make people aware of the shit we discuss here, but that's stupid as fuck. People are too hooked into their pretty words and comforting BP ideas, you just have to let it run its course like anything else. People won't learn until they really start getting the short end of the stick and have no choice but to call a spade a spade.

By all means help your closest buddies if they show some vigor to helping themselves, but don't run around popping off about the shit you read here.

[–][deleted] 8 points9 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Unfortunately a lot of guys simply remain stuck in anger phase. I'd bet they're the ones that talk TRP stuff to women.

[–][deleted] 12 points13 points  (5 children) | Copy Link

Plus every guy I know would be head over heels for a financially independent woman with her own interests/career rather than a demure, submissive child-woman.

Use this to your advantage. You'll find that successful women or women who are around successful men, take it for granted that whoever she's dating will be successful. When you're dating the receptionist from a high power law firm, your six figure salary means nothing. She's got partners sneaking glimpses of her ass all day, or just blatantly hitting on her. She expects her men to have a certain level of success, and then she expects him to live up to her physical standards. An average-looking female programmer is taking all your success for granted and thinks that her own success is an attractive, interesting quality. She doesn't realize that she can be educated and successful while simultaneously being the most boring human on the planet with nothing to contribute aside from a mildly saggy pair of tits. Meanwhile, gorgeous women in less successful professions (nurses, healthcare workers, waitresses, teachers, etc...) all tend to make much better, more compliant plates that stick around longer (often they'll put up with more to get your commitment if she sees you as a rare long-term prospect rather than the minimum potential requirement).

[–][deleted]  (4 children) | Copy Link

[permanently deleted]

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

Most nurses are not making bank. Average salary is in the 60K range. You're talking about specialized nurses or maybe NPs. Sure, nurse anesthetists make a killing (average about $170K), but they are doing a 3-4 year program, typically after several years in the field. I don't think I've encountered more than 1 or 2 under 30. Then NPs are paid well (~$100K), but again they are a minority and certainly qualify as part of the "successful" ranks of society. There are also certain parts of the country where nurses are paid more out of necessity, but in general, nurses are clearly middle class and also not lumped in with the successful guys.

Your typical RN did either a BSN or just a regular 2 year RN program. Depending on the program, they were separated from the normal college experience, at least enough that I've found they don't expect a college-educated guy on track to be making close to $200K. It's more about their experience than their salary regardless. Plain RNs tend to be family focused, and they have less of a tendency to gold dig in general. Of course AWALT and "the diversity of the group is greater than the diversity between the groups" both apply here.

[–][deleted]  (2 children) | Copy Link

[permanently deleted]

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

Yeah but most men don't just stop at RN

Man you really missed the whole point of this, didn't you?

[–]joh2141 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

You're right after you posted this I went back to reread that original comment. I had misread some parts of your comment.

[–][deleted]  (3 children) | Copy Link

[permanently deleted]

[–]vagbutters 14 points15 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Women who grew up in RP cultures generally tend to be much more grounded individuals than the average bimbos you find in the west. Not saying that they don't fall into the same habits as most women do, but you'd be surprised at how humble women become when they've had humility inculcated into them growing up in a good culture.

But I guess all of that becomes moot when a society gives women an opportunity to rip and rob a guy (e.g. the west).

[–]Bulk_king11 5 points6 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

So true. My ex was raised in Europe with a great family upbringing with a good father and RP brothers and she is not like any other woman I've been around and I've been around a fucking lot.

Till this day she continues To make me question the AWALT theory. She has showed me different numerous times. Like you said she still falls into a lot of women habits but as far as loyalty, morals, self respect and how she treats a man she has truly been one of a kind

[–]HiGuysiamkewl 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Lmao I just spit all over my keyboard

[–]Senior Endorsed Contributormax_peenor 15 points16 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Also, judging from the comments, they have no idea what TRP is about or how a RP guy acts so there is nothing to worry about.

Basically, to them a TRPer is that greased up retard that hits on them at the club. Before they go home and get pounded by a muscular dude that seems to have his shit together. Yeah, they can spot one of us from a mile away.

[–]Alpacash 15 points16 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

They seem to believe RP means a bitter, misogynist, possibly awkward dude who just can't help but treat women like dirt. While that might apply to newcomers still going through the anger phase, TRP at it's core is just a collection of observations on the human nature.

[–]WillMeatLover 34 points35 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

Agreed. Do not use faggoty internet lingo in real life.

[–]babybopp 11 points12 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

That post was probably written by a dude SJW... not even a girl.

Edit: Turns out she is a lesbian. Just poisoning the well.

[–]Alpacash 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Guess she's mad because she couldn't get the alpha dick as a fat lazy piece of shit.

[–]RobertCarraway 2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

THIS. THIS is the takeaway.

Once you remove all that shit, what can they accuse you of? Preferring traditional relationships? Well they can fuck right off.

I talk about men and women all the time, I just never tie it back to the sub. No-one is going to shame me away from having respectable opinions.

[–]Gardrothard95 points96 points  (22 children) | Copy Link

A woman wants an alpha, but if you're giving that vibe because you're just an asshole or learned it from TRP she's gonna be disgusted because you fooled her. It's the same reaction you'd have if you fucked a 9 and woke up to see that without makeup and everything else she's a 5.

[–][deleted] 5 points6 points  (6 children) | Copy Link

THat's the difference between PUA and TRP. Being Red Pill means you're not "fooling" anyone because your SMV is genuinely as high as it appears. PUAs attempt to artificially inflate their SMV to fool women

[–]1ItsTheHomeWrecker 0 points1 point  (4 children) | Copy Link

deleted What is this?

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (3 children) | Copy Link

Nothing wrong with game, because of course it is part of the SMV equation. The other components being looks, status, and money. TRP is about focusing on all of those aspects instead of just game in order to get laid.

[–][deleted]  (2 children) | Copy Link

[permanently deleted]

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

But what this really is is just another way of knee towing to the feminine imperative.

Bullshit. Not having to pretend that your SMV is higher than it actually is is beneficial primarily to yourself.

[–]bigcitytruth 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

PUA is about tactics, TRP is core strength. Some PUA principles are legit.

[–]badkruka 25 points26 points  (14 children) | Copy Link

Yeah, RP is like plastic surgery for men.

[–]2awalt_cupcake 59 points60 points  (6 children) | Copy Link

PUA is plastic surgery for men. TRP is therapy and bootcamp.

[–]badkruka 9 points10 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

Yes I agree, but I mean that the main reason why women hate TRP (and PUA) is that it can help men who are not born alpha become one, or at least pretend to be alpha. And plastic surgery can make an average girl into a hottie.

I remember reading an article on some chinese guy who sued his wife for not telling him that she had many plastic surgeries before they have met. How did he find out? Well she gave birth to an exceptionally ugly child even though she was beautiful (but was ugly as well before the operations).

So plastic surgery or TRP can help you to improve for your own good but it can't change your genetics. And women are scared of getting pregnant by a guy who might seem to be alpha but who doesn't really have good (alpha) genes.

[–]Joseph_the_Carpenter 11 points12 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Aside from looks and hidden genetic defects there is no evidence for an "alpha gene." The majority of men don't make the genetic dice roll for good looks but plenty exhibit the traits of an alpha because an alpha is made and not born. To a woman - who was born with most of her value in her looks and lives in an "eternal now" of reality filtered through whatever emotion she feels at the moment - the idea is alien that a human being can be made better through effort: the rich man was always that way. The talented musician on stage was born to play the guitar and sing. The strong muscular man should be "naturally" strong. I'm thin because of magic and fast metabolism and my organic kale shakes.

This is why you don't speak of your struggle or efforts to women you are trying to fuck. They don't want to hear it. They want the magic trick; don't you ever fucking dare explain the illusion behind it.

[–][deleted] 4 points5 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Sorry to ruin the party but I've gotta give a public service announcement whenever I come across that story:

basically that whole ugly baby story is totally made up for clickbait

I have seen better sources than this but this sums it up

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

I understand you man. Ignore the male rationalizations here. Top guys (or alphas if you wanna call it that) are born and very good looking and women know because they follow them now on IG. Just check any model such as my fav Jon KortaJarena to see the reality of a born top guy in looks.

Anyone else can be made into a top guy through behavior with at least average looks but don't pretend when one of those top guys comes by your girl isn't watching and inventing shit in her mind.

[–]badkruka 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

And also PUA is not as effective as plastic surgery, it's more like "putting lipstick on a pig" without inner improvement.

[–]Extract 8 points9 points  (5 children) | Copy Link

Bah, there is a fundamental difference.

Plastic surgery changes your appearance, while your genetics stay the same.
TRP changes (in some) your core behavior, your perception of the world, etc, but none of those things remain and pass to your children. All of them are constructs of your own mind, and once you decide - or rather, truly believe - they aren't real, they really stop being real.

Back on topic, if a woman knows you learned this from TRP (or anywhere), it changes her perception of you - it makes it all seem "fake", "unnatural". It doesn't make it any less real though.

[–]badkruka 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Ok, but if you find out that your plate lied to you about her age and she is let's say 35 and not 25 it would also change your perception of her. Not only because she lied but also because her value immediately goes down even if she actually looks 10 years younger.

And also - fake boobs, aren't you dissapointed when you find out that they are not real?

But of course there is a difference because partner's quality is much more important for women than for men, we go for quantity.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (3 children) | Copy Link

TRP changes (in some) your core behavior, your perception of the world, etc, but none of those things remain and pass to your children.

According to epigenetics, this is not the case. I remember reading about an experiment. There were a group of mice. The group was in a cage with an electrified square in the middle of its floor. The mice quickly learnt to stay away from the center of the floor in order to avoid pain. The mice had children and those children were placed in a separate cage from their parents from birth- a cage with a normal floor. In early childhood, the baby mice somehow knew not to go near the center of the cage on the floor. Only in adulthood did they overcome their "conditioning" and feel more comfortable entering the center.

I've seen some arguments that with epigenetics, it's possible that with an authoritarian state, a new kind of man can be made for a communist world. I've seen others argue that when those of aristocratic blood married into a lower caste or those of a lower caste married into a higher, the family never lasts more than two generations and so people should live as their parents did.

[–]Extract 0 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

This is a good argument, but at the same time - If you are the mouse, then TRP is the electrified square keeping you from embracing the inferior traits that are referred to as "blue pill" around here.
So, by your argument, the children will be "conditioned" to behave in a RP way, which only strengthens my point.

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

I think you misunderstood me. I was not trying to use the experiment as any kind of analogy. I was just saying that epigenetics is a real thing. The mice really did inherit the lessons learnt from their parents.

So, by your argument, the children will be "conditioned" to behave in a RP way, which only strengthens my point.

That was my point, actually. That RP men really will have RP children. Or, at least, children with RP inclinations. Sorry about that. I just wanted to talk about epigenetics.

[–]Extract 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

No problem, good point either way. Have an upvote.

[–]Godtiermasturbator 2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

It can be, but properly implemented (internalize the sidebar material) it can enhance your alpha characteristics and weaken the beta ones.

[–]Hypnot0ad 46 points47 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

From the comments there:

I know of only one person who explicitly supported The Red Pill, and unfortunately he was one of my best friends in college. At first it seemed positive as he became more assertive and more fit through healthier hobbies like running and kickboxing, then it became clear that he was into something bad when I realized that he went beyond that and became a condescending, confrontational asshole. Sure he definitely picked up more girls that year (probably more than the other two guys in our social circle), but it came at the cost of my friendship and the friendships of most of our little group that we had since freshman year. I remember the summer after we graduated he took me to our favorite French bakery and we talked about how much he had changed in the past 18 months. I asked him if he was truly happy with the direction that his life had taken after he got into TRP, and without hesitation he said he was infinitely happier. I left that bakery feeling pretty sad for him, and hoping he would reconsider someday. Last I heard he moved to Pittsburgh for a job and he was in an LTR, for that woman's sake I hope he has come to his senses.

So he "he became more assertive and more fit", "he definitely picked up more girls that year", and "he was infinitely happier." It's really a shame that he de-orbited her friend zone though.

[–]MOCKxTHExCROSS 37 points37 points [recovered] | Copy Link

Haha. He says he's infinitely happier, and she's sad for him.

[–][deleted] 2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

It's like if your friend were to convert to Islam and decide that he wants to work for the religious authorities in Saudi Arabia

They've already shown how close-minded they are about any way of life different from theirs. The ignorance in that thread is astounding

[–]Yashugan00 5 points6 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

And ditched all the betas in her social circle. But hey, you know, his loss

[–]G_Petronius 67 points67 points [recovered] | Copy Link

I know a lot of men on here are bitter as fuck, but do not ever appear to be misogynistic to women if you're trying to get laid. They will take your resources and still be your friend, but they will write you off from the "have sex" list.

You're thinking way, way too much about what she'll think of you, whether she'll let you fuck her, whether your resource investment (why the hell are you investing resources, especially into a woman you haven't even fucked?) will pay off. You're thinking inside a frame where she's the prize and you have to check off a list of good behaviours to hopefully win. That's a self-defeating mental model: you're mentally putting yourself in the position of an orbiter trying to transition to fuckbuddy.

Along the same line, don't pay too much mind to what women say to each other about men, players and so on. Don't take dating tips from women. In the thread you linked, the only woman mentioning knowing a "TRPer" IRL met a guy who wrote crazy beta bullshit to her and tried to offer her money for sex. That's the level of understanding that they have of us.

[–]Daniel_Lugo 13 points14 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Very good points. Your post reminded me of "the way of a superior man."

[–][deleted] 37 points38 points  (10 children) | Copy Link

Dude, I don't even talk to GUYS about TheRedPill. Why give away the secret sauce? Honestly, we need less awkward socialtards don't read the sidebar, and ruin things for the rest of us.

My favorite saying here is: Ain't my job to save betas.

My friends know I slay, and every once awhile I get asked a question, and I drop a nugget of TRP truth to them without the PUAy terminology. They accept it, and find that it really works.

That's how the revolution begins folks.

[–]RichKingOfBangmar 8 points8 points [recovered] | Copy Link

Fuck the revolution. We need chumps to marry the girls and pay their bills. Do you know how high taxes will get if the government has to start bailing women out en masse?

The more deer become leopards, the less every leopard gets to eat.

[–][deleted] 7 points8 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

Yep. We need betas to clean up. There's a reason they make up 80% of the male population.

[–]BluestBlackBalls 2 points3 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

That is a funny post, especially when juxtaposed with the typical 'only 20% of men get to fuck HB9's; I am so angry right now' shit that floats in the threads.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Everyone is at different points in their red pill journey. It took me over a year to get out of the anger phase, but every once in a while I will read some nugget of red pill truth that I'd never thought about before and get pissed off

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Isn't this where all the fucked up kids are coming from?

[–]ReddittFeist 14 points15 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

To paraphrase Chuck Palahniuk, 'The first rule of Red Pill is: You don't talk about Red Pill'

[–]JollyJ72 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

This. I'm sure that stated in the side bar. However, it doesn't hurt as a reminder to those following trp.

[–]anonymousapple111 8 points9 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

A lot of women will agree with TRP principles if you use euphemisms. AF = exciting guy. BB = stable, loving guy. Alpha widow-er = one that got away. Besides, ethos matter more than pathos and logos. Who's saying it matters more than what's being said. If someone throws a fit be unapologetic. Just don't go preaching stuff and giving unsolicited advice like a nexkbeard. Talk about this only when others bring up this topic.

[–]Senior EndorsedMattyAnon 59 points60 points  (25 children) | Copy Link

do not ever appear to be misogynistic to women if you're trying to get laid.

Disagree. If you're attractive, "shut up and get in the kitchen and make me a sandwich" is hilarious and she might even do it.

"Single moms make great strippers.... because they need the money so badly" is hilarious if you're attractive.

Point is to be alpha in your misogyny... play it up, laugh about it, never back down, never apologise for your views. Don't even justify them. Certainly don't discuss them.

[–]needsomehelp3211 72 points73 points  (11 children) | Copy Link

is hilarious if you're attractive

This is rule of thumb for pretty much everything. I know Reddit uses the "step 1 and step 2" joke way too often, but there's a reason social commentary jokes become really popular. It's because they're relatable and based in truth.

If you're attractive, the world is your oyster. Imagine Brad, a 6'2" 30-yr old investment banker sharply dressed with a chiseled jaw, six-pack abs, and baritone voice. He starts talking with a girl at the club and jokes "you're going to come home with me tonight and make me a sandwich tomorrow". He then smirks, accentuating his jawline. The girl will probably wet her panties right there because Brad is an attractive guy being a dominant leader, and girls love that.

Now imagine Ramesh, a 5'3" skinny 45-yr old balding Indian with a round cherubic face, no chin, and dressed in a oversized polo. He scoots up to a girl, forces some small talk and says to her in his grunty clipped accented voice "you're going to come home with me tonight and make me a sandwich tomorrow". Tries to smile but his mouth is asymmetrical and his eyebrows are very sharp so it looks like a shark smiling.

Best case scenario, the girl makes a face and hides behind her friends, makes a big scene. Worse case, Ramesh gets his ass beat by nearby white knights or the bouncers. Or maybe even the police if the girl is especially cray.

Now you could say things like "well Ramesh could work out and dress better", but who in their right minds thinks that even if he does all that, he could compete with Brad?

Fact is, the mysterious teasing douche persona only works if you're physically attractive. If you're not, girls will find it creepy and rapey. That's the real, bitter Red Pill that nobody wants to talk about.

[–]getwoke 31 points32 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

What a jerk I am -- just LOL'd so hard at Ramesh that the entire staff of the breakfast joint I'm at must think I'm pretty cray. Sad, but true -- Ramesh is unfortunately the guy that PUA "dating coaches" wil continue to make a living swindling out of thousands of dollars, by spinning a personal narrative of how their Chad T life used to be just as pathetic as theirs.

[–]Senior EndorsedMattyAnon 18 points19 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

Fact is, the mysterious teasing douche persona only works if you're physically attractive. If you're not, girls will find it creepy and rapey. That's the real, bitter Red Pill that nobody wants to talk about.


The reason this stuff isn't stunningly obvious is that girls apply a level of obfuscation to their responses that men take literally (because they fundamentally don't know how the SMP works).

"OMG Ramesh, you can't say that, I AM NOT THAT KIND OF GIRL and what you just said is OFFENSIVE to me".

What does Ramesh think? He thinks that she's actually a really nice girl, that she doesn't have casual sex, and that he's in the wrong for sexually propositioning her. This is what women INTEND Ramesh to think. It is DESIGNED to make guys like Ramesh into beta providers who offer these ho's a retirement plan marriage.

For decades women have persuaded beta males (and society) that this is the one and only reality, specifically because they do not say what's really going on which is "you are not attractive enough to behave like this, you have to pay girls for sex, but Chad could say this and not pay anything and we'll fuck all night long".

And they don't say this in order to protect their retirement plan marriage options.

What I find hilarious is when the SAME GIRL who was last night begging to suck my dick is responding the next day with make-him-wait comments like "oh I'm not that kind of girl, I don't do that kind of thing" to other men. Seeing girls do this finally convinced me that I'm dealing with two different sides of all women (ie AWALT), rather than two different kinds of woman.

[–]RichKingOfBangmar 10 points10 points [recovered] | Copy Link

I agree with you on a behavioral level, but I don't think girls are consciously aware of any of it. They don't think the thoughts or form the intentions. Their instincts are very active in forming their emotions and pulling the strings of their unconscious mind. All they do consciously is follow the trail of bread crumbs laid out for them by their real intelligence.

[–]Senior EndorsedMattyAnon 4 points5 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

I hold them responsible for their dishonesty though. I can't take them seriously as responsible adults when everything out of their mouths is a lie to make them look good. It's like you're always dealing with a politician or a salesman and you can't ever trust a thing they say.

[–]AnnoyingOldGuy 4 points5 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

For some reason Ramesh's voice sounds just like the kwik-e-mart clerk Apu from the Simpsons.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Oh yea. That's the other red pill people on here refuse to listen to LOL! Can't deny genetics man... chicks don't!

Really ugly guys need to get successful or they'll suffer for sure. Average guys will be ok but it won't be the great. Top guys... well if they weren't social tards before or fat to model like some people on bodybuilding before and afters then they can slay anything.

[–]joh2141 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

The step 1 and 2 jokes are funny because it's fucking retardedly ridiculous but still more accurate than any bullshit feel-good moment-impulse inspiring getmotivated quote of the day. Being born into absolute wealth or being attractive isn't going to solve all your problems but it'll make your life that much easier. Like the difference between driving on cruise control with no traffic vs high congestion at rush hour.

[–][deleted] 11 points12 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

Certainly don't discuss them.

that's the problem. AFC's are used to "discussing" as their conversation. Very boring. Then they read all of this stuff, don't internalize it, and choose it as a "discussion" topic. Very boring AND pathetic. Learned the material, but still don't "just get it"

Honestly, I probably still fall into this group. I don't talk about fight club, but I still don't "just get it" either yet. Still working on overt vs. covert communication and playful conversation.

[–]Senior EndorsedMattyAnon 12 points13 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

It takes time to move from "this is happening and I must point it out and discuss it" to "dealing with it without discussing it".

The former as you say looks pathetic and you're better off keeping your mouth shut.... "I don't trust that you won't go off with a hot alpha the second I commit to you" makes you look insecure.

Whereas act-accordingly would be "Sure, I value commitment too, and I'd like to get to know you before jumping into anything too serious or long term" looks like you're almost doing her a favour.

[–]joh2141 0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

Not trying to be that guy who gives out participation trophy but at least you doing something. Miles better than the actual chumps getting the short end of the stick.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

it's a journey. looking forward to taking that next step

[–]Endorsed Contributorvandaalen 4 points5 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Absolutely this.

I'd even extend this to status and frame. Nearly everybody around me thinks that I am a sexist pervert who likes young women and despises post-wall hags, as well as thinks that women are pretty dumb, but sweet.

They think it's hilarious and they cannot stop laughing once i start talking myself into venting until I have a rock-hard rage boner. It's a little bit like when Patrice O'Neal engaged in his holy anger. Always a little bit too much.

The consequence is that I can speak relatively free without putting people off and that people will also speak a little bit more freely around me and admit things that they otherwise wouldn't.

[–]NaughtyFred 2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

If you can say it with humour it works too, but unless you're "hawt" you have to really funny to pull it off. Luckily I am.

[–]Yashugan00 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Agree, it's how you say it. I told a girl who's having voice problems she's gotten more attractive as a women because she can't talk. A joke is not misogyny

[–]One_friendship_plz[S] 2 points3 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

If she genuinely thinks you hate women is what I'm talking about.
you can get away with a lot of things, but the key thing is to not make her think you hate women (whether you do or don't)

The moment she has an image of you hating women, you become repulsive.

The people who say those things come off as misogynistic online, but IRL people immediately assume it's a joke because no way could someone say that IRL! Especially someone as attractive as you.

But no really, things like mentioning how sluts are disgusting around a woman who has been around town, will immediately think you hate women.

Some sluts don't care. But I did get away with saying plenty of misogynistic things, and women still wanted to hang out with me, they felt deep down I don't hate women, which is why it's okay to stay in contact with me.

At the same time, if the first thing that comes out of your mouth when they don't know you, is talking down on women, I know for a fact you can't get away with that shit on many women.

It's not hard for them to find an attractive guy with a good job, and this is something many men on here need to swallow. She probably has multiple Alpha's on her phone and is trying to decide which is the best.

[–][deleted] 20 points21 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

TRP isn't about hating women. The guys in the anger phase here are in a woman hating mode. They need to go into monk mode and self improve before even thinking about interacting with women again.

[–]RobertCarraway 0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

Exactly. I am very fond of my semen receivers.

[–]joh2141 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Cumdragon. I think I got that from Generation Kill.

[–][deleted] 7 points8 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Hate inplies passion. The truth is, if you're fully idealized in what we discuss here, ambivolence is about all they are going to get.

Arch says as much in the 'can women be freinds' PPD post. No, they are generally interchangable, I'm pleasant, generous and kinds when they are around, when they aren't, I have 0 reaction to it.

Anger is the least of a womans worries, what they don't talk about (but should) is the eventual apathy towards them, directly proportionate with the amount of value a man who would give it.

[–]grass_cutter -1 points0 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Actually no. In Western American society in the 21st Century, this enrages a shit load of women. You will not be sticking your pecker in anything after that.

Now if this were Poland or some country where women are more submissive, it would work fine.

The only scenario where what you are describing works is when you already have a girlfriend/ are fucking her, and then she just bears your 'jokes' out of fear of losing you.

[–][deleted] 17 points18 points  (9 children) | Copy Link

Does anyone here actually actively HATE women?

[–]kindaOKbut 25 points26 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Women see Anger Phase quotes and posts and they feel that we all feel that way all of the time.

What they don't realize is that the Anger Phase isn't that we hate women: it's that we hate that we were lied to about women. That's like when people tell atheists they are just "angry at God."

[–]Red_Brain 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Had a friend who's feminist, but his dad is recent redpill. He always says, red pill is all about hating women. Also, "I just want to love women"

[–][deleted] 5 points6 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

A very small minority of men who come here hate women, but they are either in the anger phase or have already turned into the MGTOW type

[–]BluestBlackBalls 0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

As a self proclaimed MGTOW, I have to chime in:

No hate for woman; simply a case of finding very little value in women when said value is judged on Maslow's Hierarchy of needs.

More specifically, as it pertains to self actualisation, a femme first mental framework is self destructive.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Let me be clear, im not saying that all MGTOW hate women. But men who hate women all end up MGTOW. I myself went MGTOW for about 3 years after I got out of a bad relationship and discovered TRP

[–]No_shelter_here 7 points8 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Just fat, bitchy women that think they deserve a fuck somehow.

[–]joh2141 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

It's always the fat bitchy entitled ones who throw the word misogynistic around too. I remember in my college course, there's this fat chick who just had to give her two cents in every topic and she basically would always end off in a side-track about how it's misogynistic or how it's not fair for women or something retarded. And you know she was trying NOT to mention certain words or topics. The original topic of discussion? Justification of terrorism or justification of a preemptive strike.

[–][deleted] -1 points0 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

It depends how you look at it. Men here genuinely love like a crazy a small part of what a woman is, but on the other hand hate a lot of many, if not most, other things they are and do.

[–][deleted] 7 points8 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Here's the thing though, as long as you're a rational human being who does what TRP actually suggests, you'll be completely fine (that being said, not all of you fit this description, so work on it). Most women agree with me when I drop some TRP truth, but it's always vague, and it's always meant to be seen as knowledge I've picked up simply from being socially astute and having lots of experience with women. A lot of the time women actually feel safer or more comfortable around me because I seem to know the weird behaviors that men often show that makes women uncomfortable.

People think about TRP and think about a cartoonish version of what it really is. They like to think in black and white, so we become a hyperbole of our worst members. Also, they tend to overestimate their own ability to figure these guys out. Here's a few examples from the comments.

There was one guy who I'd been (I thought) pretty good friends with for a YEAR who one day emailed me out of the blue to say basically "I'm sure you're not busy but I am, I'm making tons of money and you're not, so how about you come to my place and I'll give you $40 for a blowjob."

Are you fucking kidding me? If you posted that you did this here everyone would call you an idiot. Not only are you shitting where you eat (I imagine he had other friends and social connections with this girl), but it's a straight power move that immediately reveals your insecurities.

Oh and then guy who I kind of had the hots for until he told me that if he was ever held up at gunpoint, he'd literally rather die than hand over his wallet because "a real man never surrenders."

TRP is all about self-interest. Also, this guy has never had a loaded gun in his face, because you will hand over the wallet. All he's doing is revealing how sheltered his life has been while coming off as dumb.

No, because I find those men don't keep it a secret.

This is the "bad wig fallacy." Basically, people think all wigs look bad. Well, you wouldn't notice a good wig, would you? How many of you widely broadcast your views? Those of us doing this successfully fully integrate into BP society.

[–][deleted] 21 points22 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

I don't really care if a chick I'm dating finds out about TRP. I just say I think race and gender are biological and not social constructs. If she throws a fit about it, I save time. If she agrees with that - things can move in the right direction.

Personally I don't want to date a woman that thinks gender and race are social constructs. I don't have the time or patience for that kind of inanity.

I think if you're worried about TRP "leaking," you have too many feminists on your list as dating options. That's crazy.

[–]Alpacash -1 points0 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

The modern American concept of race has no genetic or biological basis and is an ineffective way of categorizing groups of people.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Good luck with that. You're gonna need it.

[–]IFuckingHateAllergy-2 points-1 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Race is a social construct though. But gender is biological, can't argue that.

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Lol. Good luck, guy. I can argue that. But for the sake of brevity, I won't. The answers are out there if you ever wish to look for them.

[–]ReddittFeist 10 points11 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

Don't use goofy SJW-created words like "misogynistic" to guide your thinking, and you'll be way ahead on your journey to being an RP man.

[–]hahawoooo1 point2 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

SJW-created words like "misogynistic"

kek youre joking right? that word is CENTURIES old

[–]ReddittFeist 1 point2 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Yes, the word misogyny is old, being with examples dating as far back as the 17th century.

They adjective used to be misogynous though.

Misogynistic is a more recently coined neologism that is used by people who like to claim that there is an ideology of hatred for women that is systemic to society.

[–][deleted] 5 points6 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

women saying they won't fuck TRP guys has nothing to do with reality, in which they often knowingly will if the tingles are there.

[–]NeoreactionSafe 24 points25 points  (10 children) | Copy Link


No Longer True


Things are changing.

The days when the Blue Pill had absolute dominance are over.

Women recognize the Alt-Right / Manosphere / Red Pill as coming from a place of authentic truth and deep down they agree with it. (even if on the surface they don't)


Some nutty Feminists are too far gone to be someone you can relate to, but just avoid them.

No one wants to fuck the screwed up girls anyway.


[–]derp_derpington 8 points9 points  (9 children) | Copy Link

I hope you're right. I think a lot of people have their heads so far up their ass that they don't even realize how vagina centric our society is.

[–][deleted] 8 points9 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

To be fair, many women are fed up with society too. Nobody really asked for it. We just happened to be born in this particular place and time, and are just trying to make the best of it.

[–]NeoreactionSafe 17 points18 points  (7 children) | Copy Link

People need to unplug.

What happens is people are being bombarded from all directions with Blue Pill brainwashing and the weak beta boy has no strength to fight it.

You need separation from the herd mind.

Break free of the brainwashing, start lifting and being healthy in body and spirit and your energy will bounce right back.

"Kill the Beta".

We need some sort of "Kill the Beta" ritual or something.

Not sure what it could be...


[–]mummersfarce_is_done 8 points9 points  (5 children) | Copy Link

People usually come here half-broken mostly. They read and re-discover the reality. What's left however is the deep ideal they still desperately cling to. They think they were ignorant before, but now after obtaining the knowledge here; they think now they are truly enlightened so they can revert back to some of their beta ideals comfortably. Because they think have things under control now.

What's probably left is the pedestalisation of a particular woman, their mother. To them after a Red Pill experience most of blue-pill mythology is debunked, save for their mummy dearest. She embodies the precious angel, the unicorn of the fairy land. So they think with pushing the right buttons, they can turn this into reality. They apply game, so they get themselves a sweet girl. Over time they saw that this sweet girl never lets them down. Seems like a worthy candidate for the divine image... She doesn't seem like those other whores who treats him badly after all. And man has been longing for that comfort he had in his mother's clutches. Well... you know how the story ends.

What they need to do is to destroy the sacred idol, kick their mothers off of that pedestal. Until they do so, beta might be in comatouse; yet it still lives. This is my suggestion of a ritual. I don't know how, but until this is achieved one way or another. Beta never dies.

I think this is well worth a read:

[–]NeoreactionSafe 1 point2 points  (3 children) | Copy Link


"Kill the Beta" means you realize women are AWALT.

You may be right that some are "Purple Pill" and not fully realizing that women are not designed to be vey good at objective morality.


[–]mummersfarce_is_done -1 points0 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

It's not solely limited to their capabilities in objective morality. It is this image, in your mother you never see the slutty and immoral side of her that which fuels the NAWALT myth. No matter how many "whores" you encounter, you still have the example of a Unicorn back in your mind.

Unless one dis-proves the validity of that example, will never be able to truly conform to AWALT. It's basically impossible. The problem arises because men mostly always see their mothers as inherently virtuous. Sure they make some mistakes along the way. Some probably do many mistakes along the way. But they still retain their virtuous image. This is the first woman you get to see in your life as a man, and you see her repeatedly and very closely. At the beginning you are easy to be outsmarted by her, which then probably and mostly continues as a habit. Add in the fact that a mother's love is truly resembling the love man naturally can have towards a woman later in his life, an unconditional love. We men naturally create models and use comparisons to form our thoughts. One can not disprove such a theory (NAWALT) with a seemingly valid example that proves it.

Therefore to kill the beta one must first internalise that AWALT principles include his own mother too, no matter how hard it is to accept that. A man must also understand that the love he will recieve from his mother can not be gotten elsewhere (perhaps from a non-biological mother figure, it may be possible but just theorising here). It comes down to three aspects basically:

-Only his mother can love him unconditionally.

-He never or rarely sees the sexual side of his mother.

-He is tricked by his mother's intellectual and/or moral capacity, as his capabilities technically do not surpass hers perhaps until early 20s. I think this is for the simple reason that male body continues to develop further than female mind, but for that he needs time to outgrow a woman's mind. Before he surpassed a woman's latest stage, he can not exactly outsmart her.

I think a good rite of passage would be to make this realisation happen through some form of practice.

Note: This by the way, does not mean to hate your mother. Just see her in it's true form. Appreciate her for what she is. Don't be a momma's boy but don't be a dick either. But this seperation from mother is an important step into becoming a true adult. There are men in their 50s who still did not surpass this stage. It is extra hard for them when that mother dies. I talked with a 50 aged man in the park today, who told me his mother had died and he had no one to talk this to. The guy was probably not even married, though there are many examples where the guy is both married and a momma's boy.

[–]joh2141 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I didn't look at this to think disrespect and hate your mother like a whore. I just took this to think your mother is human, not some superhuman or something that is above it all. Easy ways to start the process is to find flaws about their reasoning/mentality. This way you can grasp that women really do think that way and act that way which will eventually happen. "Parent"-self is not their identity, it's a role they take. if you enlisted in the military, remember your drill sergeant? He was a dick but he fulfilled his role. His actual identity or what he was like as a person is unknown to you. I've noticed as I read your comment I put my mother on a pedestal a bit and felt a bit disheartened to think "My mom is a whore" and suddenly the existence of your mom jokes make sense. Then you begin to wonder if you were a product of an accident :)

[–]NeoreactionSafe 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Yeah I'm 55 years old with a mother of 85 in poor health.

She changed dramatically after my father died who was a rock for her. (40 years ago when I was 15)

At this point we have no agreement on reality, so I don't regard her highly... though on the human level I realize dying is painful.


[–]Arabian_Wolf 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

It is an everyday fight to not let the inner beta overcome you.

[–]joh2141 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Gorilla punching chest gesture?

[–]Slothlemur 4 points5 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

It should be obvious by now, the rule simple: " blue pill in the streets, redpill in the sheets" OR "Blue pill in the public's eye, Red pill when the panties fly" :p

[–][deleted] 2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I know of only one person who explicitly supported The Red Pill, and unfortunately he was one of my best friends in college. At first it seemed positive as he became more assertive and more fit through healthier hobbies like running and kickboxing

Guy gets into good shape and becomes fit thanks to encouraging advice he found at TRP.. How unfortunate.

then it became clear that he was into something bad when I realized that he went beyond that and became a condescending, confrontational asshole.

Oh you mean he actually started sticking up for himself to other jerks or people who treat him like a doormat? It's totally possible the guy was an actual asshole and got emotional, but it's probably from years of pent up aggression from being treated like dirt from others. Something the guy definitely needs to work on, but honestly it's a normal human reaction to years of being treated like shit by some people.

Sure he definitely picked up more girls that year (probably more than the other two guys in our social circle), but it came at the cost of my friendship and the friendships of most of our little group that we had since freshman year.

Huh.. Funny how that works, women hate red pill men, but this guy is more successful with women than his blue pill friends.

I remember the summer after we graduated he took me to our favorite French bakery and we talked about how much he had changed in the past 18 months. I asked him if he was truly happy with the direction that his life had taken after he got into TRP, and without hesitation he said he was infinitely happier. I left that bakery feeling pretty sad for him, and hoping he would reconsider someday.

So this guy is happy for once. He's learned how to be more confident (despite maybe getting angry easily here and there due to some BP still left in him) And you feel sad for him?

Last I heard he moved to Pittsburgh for a job and he was in an LTR, for that woman's sake I hope he has come to his senses.

Sounds like OP wishes SHE was that woman and their little French bakery date didn't go her way. #friendzonedagain

[–][deleted] 9 points10 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

My wife knows. Followed my comments for months. Has no fucking clue what it is. She said once, Fuzzy, you don't use enough kino.

I ask her what kino means. Silence. You just don't game me enough. I ask her do you know what that means? No. Lol.

It took a good solid 3 months to learn some of this shit. Not many will ever understand. Too much work.

[–]mummersfarce_is_done 2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I have found this.

[–]todayonbloopers 16 points 4 days ago even guys who are just a little into redpill (one guy i know is an anti-feminist who hangs around alt-right subreddits) let it colour every bit of their worldview and CAN NOT shut the fuck up about it. if you're wise to their talking points, they'll be stupid enough to bring it up, guaranteed. they spend their free time in a space where their pet issues are SO fucking important and where they are ''experts'' -- it's impossible for them to not ''Well, actually...'' at some point irl. permalinksaveparentgive goldreply [–]♀fishielicious 2 points 4 days ago if you're wise to their talking points, they'll be stupid enough to bring it up, guaranteed. Right. And they probably underestimate you so much, just because you're a woman, that they'll have no idea you could either A) identify these things as toxic just on their face, or B) be internet savvy enough to what TRP is and recognize their buzzwords and attitudes as coming from there.

I know many here will spill the beans on first false signals, but be careful gents. Keep your mouth shut.

[–][deleted] 2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Be a wolf, or be a sheep - but don't try to be both.

[–]KenshinX90 2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

The first rule of fight club is?

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

That is some delicious butt-hurt in that thread.

I seriously doubt that too many women actually know what TRP is. Maybe most the women who mainly go online for Reddit do, but that isn't that many. Most girls I know only use Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Tinder.

[–]vorverk 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Spending enough time on TRP, and you see those people saying you can spot TRPer from a mile away are right. I bet 90% of TRPers don't ever become real TRPers. They just bitch about life and yell "alpha" and "false rape accusation", but never break out and become independent grown men, which is the cornerstone of what this sub is preaching.

Good post. Stop talking, start doing.

[–]1Jax77789 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

A girl I bang alluded to TRP once. I just frowned and said "TRP?". Forgotten. The 48 bros : "reveal no one your tricks".

[–]red_question 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

The level of projection and shaming in that thread is unlike anything I've ever experienced before.

Anger certainly was a simpler thing to feel...

[–]Mckallidon 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

It's no different than bitches bitching about RP men while fucking them anyways before the Internet, Reddit or the label existed. It's the oldest battle between the sexes. Fuck em and fuck em.

[–]AnOddSeriesOfTubes 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I honestly don't know anyone in person that has ever heard of TRP.

[–]yummyluckycharms 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

but do not ever appear to be misogynistic to women if you're trying to get laid. They will take your resources and still be your friend, but they will write you off from the "have sex" list.

If you are a RP, there will never be a time when a woman will be able to take your resources and not fuck you. If they dont put out, they get shipped out - simple as that.

Also - negging a woman is incredibly attracting to women if done right. Combined with being a quality male, women will often jump in and put down their competition in order to win your favour

[–]kevinfiles 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Sounds like if this is a problem you are over complicating the pickup process. Just be a sex worth guy(the prize) and you'll attract the women. You pursue (start convo) then ask questions. If the women is interested she will do the work. Make shit simple

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Lol that post is fucking pathetic

[–]LeX_Domina 1 point2 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

Honestly ,if you guys stop being betas and accepting bullshit for pussy that would solve half your problems...oh by the way ,I'm female

[–]dotte11 0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

Tell em.

The whole TRP, MRM and manosphere would cease to exist if men weren't so desperate. Desperation is the actual case of all these issues. Desperate men take bullshit, and when you take bullshit people give you bullshit, its a fact of life that guys seem to have forgotten.

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

They don't understand our perspective but they at least consciously stay away from anyone associated with this.

Yes times a million. The thread you linked to has the hamsters giving examples of "red pill" guys, but their examples have absolutely nothing to do with red pill. They don't understand the red pill, nor do they want to. All they know is what they think they know about TRP, and they think it's a huge turnoff for a guy to be consciously associated with it.

Women want guys who "just get it". That means be Redpill without ever talking about the manosphere EVER. Continuously improve your SMV

[–]loyalcitizen 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Have you see this? You are famous now. link

[–]aanarchist 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

they want you to lie to them, most of the ones i've met anyway. i've had women that i've told them how i think men and women should behave and they still wanted the d. they just have to think you're not a faggot. most trps are faggot betas, and frankly still blue pilled, it is what it is.

also if you came to red pill cuz you're a bitch who's salty that women don't like him cuz you're a bitch, then yes women won't like you. there's also the basic bitches who all they care about is clean game which means being as mainstream and watered down as humanly possible

[–]Shieldless_One 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

And yet a lot of the women in that sub were talking about ex boyfriends that were in trp. Proves it at least works.

[–]cs_throwawayyy 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Women want a natural alpha. Concept of improving yourself, trying to be the best version of yourself is beta.

Life is a game boys, play your cards right.

[–]FortunateBum 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

What guys don't get, even here on TRP, is women only care about ONE thing. Status. That is, your access to resources. You can literally beat a woman near to death every fucking day and she'll love you if she thinks she can't get anyone else of higher status.

When it comes to personality, behavior, looks, all it needs to do is signal high status. That's it. Women are simple as fuck. They only care about size ... the size of your wallet. The Borscht Belt tells the simple truth.

You complain about work? You're signaling that you're low on the pecking order at work. That's all she hears. She doesn't give a shit about anything else.

You sick or unhealthy in some way? Signals a lack of nutrition growing up, lack of ancestral nutrition. Height and looks all work the same way.

Your car is shit? Wow, you're shit. In fact, car is the most important thing to women. Want hot women? Get the most expensive car possible. The car is a signal of your status. A marker. Look it up, 99% of people buying Lamborghinis are men. There can be only one reason for that.

Women do not give a shit about companionship, the time they spend with you, how nice you are, if you are violent, if you beat them on the reg, all they care about is if you have lots of money, and access to other resources only high-status people can get, and how much you're willing to share it with them. That's it.

So you're rich. Your family is rich. Your family is royalty going back generations. Everyone is always super healthy. You only buy the best. Everyone loves you. Everyone wants to be your friend. You're famous. You know all the other famous people. All your friends are rich and famous. Now you can be Chris Brown and beat the shit out of a woman and she'll apologize and come crawling back. In fact, display of violence is the ultimate display of high status. This is the nature of woman. We are descended from mothers who, when the Mongols came to kill their husbands and babies, willingly spread their legs and feigned love enough to their rapists to have more babies. Those "nice" women who most men dream about who will be gentle companions and understanding lovers, they long ago killed themselves while the Mongols were camped outside the night before.

I'm not advocating anything except MGTOW, BTW. You want to figure out how to have a fulfilling life with a con-artist/grifter? Be my guest.

[–]Maleden 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

"Maybe it's him, maybe it's TRP." ;)

[–]justmythr0waway 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Enough women and white knights are at least familiar with trp so far as the evil public image it has in many circles that it isn't all that uncommon to have it come up in conversations occasionally. I've had a short conversation with more than one person about trp when it was brought up in a conversation by them with in a group of people. They are always talking about what horrible human beings the men that follow it are. My response has always been along the lines of "I've heard of it before. I agree with the whole bettering yourself for yourself part but there's absolutely no reason to go around being an asshole and expecting that's going to get women to fawn all over you. That's just idiotic."

I've yet to be given a hard time by anyone about it.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

Good luck. I don't know why but most dudes can't keep their mouth shut for anything.

There is always a few to fuck something up for all. You'd be suorused how fast a dude can change into a white suit of armor.

[–]Rhythmic 2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

We men have all a need to brag about something:

'Look at my car!'

'Look at my cash!'

'Look at how smart I am!'

'Look at how talented I am!'

'Look at how humble I am!'

'Look at how RP I am!'

It doesn't matter what you brag about, it seems cute for a while (like 5 seconds) and then you're nexted.

Or - as OP is pointing out - it does. Because there are some mass hysteria triggering topics to absolutely NOT brag about.

Edit: There's something I might as well share with you. This guy is quite awesome. I'm in no way affiliated with him, just impressed.

If you get the 'E' of his E.P.I.C. system handled, you'll never again feel the need to brag. And this is what being cool is all about.

[–]Seddit55 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

I hear ya,the "playing games" aspect of it can get old, even from the male perspective. Like all things, Middle Way is best.

[–]yoloswag560 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

LOL. Reading trough those comments is gonna really fuel my next couple workouts.

[–]Spidertech500 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Copy of post for if when text is deleted so I can come back to it:

I'll keep this short.

You do not have to verbally show you're a red-pilled man. (Talking to them, initiating conversations, picking places to go and not leaving them a choice is fine. Telling them what makes you a man, and how a real man should be isn't.) You do not have to tell women what you'll do in X & Y situation to show how tough you are. You do not have to verbally put up a front. Show with your actions, all it takes is one sentence to ruin any chances of fucking a girl. But your behavior can still be redeemed. Of course, a genuine slut doesn't give a fuck, but any half-brained woman knows about TRP. I would say an equal number of women know about the red pill as men, quit trying to come off as unique by spouting shit from here to women about how enlightened you are on the sexual dynamic.

I know a lot of men on here are bitter as fuck, but do not ever appear to be misogynistic to women if you're trying to get laid. They will take your resources and still be your friend, but they will write you off from the "have sex" list.

Those douches you see who fuck women, treat everyone like shit & not women exclusively so they never leak off as misogynistic, which is why they still get laid.

Women post threads like this on the daily. They talk about TRP, thousands and thousands of women.. hundreds of thousands of women, easily millions know about PUA, MGTOW, TRP. They don't understand our perspective but they at least consciously stay away from anyone associated with this, and even genuine guys get ignored/blocked because they think they're from these groups.

Lesson: Women do not want to have sex with people who they think are from TRP, even if you're not.. if it seems like you are, then they won't fuck you. (Even if they'll be your friend.)

[–]blackedoutfast 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Never talk about TRP or PUA shit directly. but ironically, the guys who study and practice PUA shit obsessively and actually get really good at it are probably the least likely to be accused of doing PUA shit. girls will primarily decide if a guy is attractive or unattractive (not just physical, also based on attitude and behavior) and then judge his actions through that filter.

If you actually living a RP lifestyle and girls think you are an alpha or chad or whatever, you can be misogynistic af and they'll eat it up. I'm always saying ridiculous shit about women having tiny brains and all that. if you're confident and fun, they will just laugh at it because in their heart they know that women do have smaller feet so they can stand closer to the stove. if you neg them, they don't think you are negging, they just think that's how sexy alpha males act.

the flip side, if you are an insecure, depressed, emotionally and physically weak loser, you can't get away with anything. i'm sure there are clueless BP NiceGuys™ who've never even heard of RP who go out and talk to girls who then accuse them of being creepy redpillers. if one of those guys does anything other than being a submissive little orbiter bitch, girls will say he is "negging"

also i think you are vastly overestimating the number of girls who have actually heard of TRP. the vast majority of girls you'll meet in the real world won't really know any details other than a vague idea of negging.

[–]1PantsonFire1234 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

So basically women are even more insane now since they prepare to reject men who exhibit RP values (this could easily be some natural Alpha). Leave it to women to ruin things even more. It's really sad just how much of a shitty time they've given men the last couple of decades.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

This somewhat falls under the premise of treating women like children that a lot of angry mother fuckers cant get. Children can smell a stuck up asshole who doesnt like kids a mile away, and nothing will change that.

It's the same with women. If you are harbor fear, resentment, or especially hatred they will sniff it out.

You should not be discussing TRP with any women any more than when you're hanging out with your niece/nephew/kids in your family you shouldnt be talking adult shit and asking about their fuckin math class.

Women do not want to see behind the curtain and it is a mistake to let them.

[–]KENKENIFF81 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

It's like a person who thinks they are humble saying I'm the most humble person you know (lol). Some things go without saying if not most. In this day and age when any one is a pockets length away from researching or googling away any given topics c at any given time this should be obvious. Cmon man, It's like the first rule of fight club....

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

You don't just "come off" that way btw

[–]LeX_Domina 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

redpill=beta that wishes he were alpha because of his inability to "get the bitches" or got gamed by a woman(women)

why are you guys all so bitter anyway?I mean,some women are a drag like some men are...but maybe it's your choice in women? Just sayin'

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Top comment in that thread:

No, because I find those men don't keep it a secret.

Good. Morons should be aloud to talk non stop.

[–]Viking_RnP 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

A chick showed me TPR as an example of what she didn't like. Lol

[–]KeithRSRedPill 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Preaching red pill philosophy to a woman would be a mistake and wouldn't do any good anyways. Some red pill actions (not words) are needed in order to strike a balance so that one doesn't get labeled as being a doormat/beta sucker that's to be taken advantage of. It's more important to do the preaching to other males on the red pill in order to try and convert them to reality, but don't be surprised if they also look at you like you're some sort of deviant misogynist. I've occasionally told other men that men need to view relationships similar to the way that women do. This can be misinterpreted as me being some sort of pussy whipped doormat but what I'm actually referring to is that men should be asking themselves: "What can she do for me and how will she enhance my life". If she doesn't enhance my life and make it easier then it's time to next her, which is ultimately how I feel women act when considering a relationship. Men can learn a great deal from women in how to get what is most beneficial to themselves since women have been doing that since they were cave dwellers.

[–]DeManila 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Sounds like a pussy-whipped post.

An easier tip would be to "keep women in the sex only box" as per one of the older posts and spend the rest of your time improving yourself. If that means talking TRP with your unplugged male colleauges, then by all means do so.

It's only a matter of time until TRP becomes mainstream. Just waiting on Rollo's next book and that Red Pill movie documentary before it happens.

[–]1introvertp 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

A lot of times when you're new at something and getting a lot of information you tend to want to verbalize it.

Back in the PUA days this was rule number one; don't verbalize interactions, it doesn't show you're smart, all it does is show you're socially incompetent as a socially-competent person would not do that.

[–]newName543456 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

They're blue pilled in a nutshell. They don't want you to know truth about them, nor they want to know the truth about you. They want to believe in their little matrix, when they think you think and act like everyone else and you believe they are like everyone else, but not in AWALT kind of way.

[–]tolerantman 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

"do not ever appear to be misogynistic to women if you're trying to get laid."

You know, that's the good part about NOT trying to get laid, you can actually say whatever the fuck you want, not giving a shit is more than learning a few pick up lines, not giving a shit is not hiding the bullshit and letting people know about it.

I would never change my behavior to please women, because they don't deserve it.

[–][deleted]  (93 children) | Copy Link

[permanently deleted]

[–]1nzgs 15 points16 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

You don't find TRP men unattractive, you find men who browse TRP unattractive.

[–]1naMlliPdeR 21 points22 points  (5 children) | Copy Link

The issue with your thinking Nicole is that in your mind, men don't change. Men can change, it just takes time. After enough "faking it", he will eventually become that person.

[–]verily_rp 5 points6 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

Doubling up on his.

I ended up not giving a shit, and girls picked up on this. Now I couldn't care less about them but I'm raking in pussy. This is who I am now. Feels pretty good tbh

[–]LeX_Domina 0 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

Nobody likes a sheep--when a woman spots a guy who cares about minute shit,it's a sign of weakness,and evidenced of your clipped balls.Well done,congratulations on manning up.Sad how finding satisfaction requires some level of not giving a fuck

[–]verily_rp 1 point2 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Yeah, if only women could fix up their act and like people for who they are initially. Oh well. I don't give two shits anymore, I'm continually getting what I want. Go ahead and keep making fun of my manhood, it makes me laugh harder when they suck on it. Hahaha

[–]LeX_Domina 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

wasn't meant to be insulting really,I'm just a harsh bitch.It's a good thing you decided to go for your own.When you live for everyone else,it leaves you in shambles.Just make sure what you want out of life is realistic is all

[–]BobbyPeru 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

After enough "faking it", he will eventually become that person.

Perfect- I'm surprised I had to get halfway down the thread to read the "best" comment

[–]Endorsed ContributorJamesSkepp 14 points15 points  (21 children) | Copy Link

I'd rather be with a beta blue pill man, seriously, at least he's being true to himself and I do respect that.

Do that now. Get a beta bf.

[–][deleted]  (3 children) | Copy Link

[permanently deleted]

[–]One_friendship_plz[S] 1 point2 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Many women do actually end up thinking like this.
Go visit deadbedrooms subreddit to see what commonly happens to these relationships.

edit: no one knows I'm talking about a sexless relationship full of hate towards her partner?

[–]Senior Endorsed Contributormax_peenor 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Oh, no. I'm pretty sure she wants to snare a meal ticket that will rub her back and leave sex on her schedule. What she is leaving out is her OTHER wants.

[–]Do not send modmail to my personal inboxCrazyHorseInvincible[M] 4 points5 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Well I find TRP men unattractive

Then allow me to do you a favour. Banned.

[–]squarehead93 7 points8 points  (26 children) | Copy Link

Well I find TRP men unattractive for the same reasons why TRP men find reformed sluts unattractive from reading all these angry posts from them.

I've always thought the same thing. We shame women who are overly promiscuous and men who can't get laid. A man who couldn't get laid faking it till he makes it is a lot like a born-again virgin. It's hiding someone's true past and putting on a veneer of attractiveness.

Still, sexual strategy is amoral and women with promiscuous pasts putting on a good girl act when they want to settle down is a valid sexual strategy, so is faking it till you make it.

Also, a woman will never be able to unfuck all those dicks. A dude who was formerly a loser can start lifting, develop game, get laid, and gain real confidence from that necessary to be a stud. To me that's not much different from a guy who was a late bloomer figuring out on his own and lifting and going out more.

[–]nicoleo2016 0 points1 point  (25 children) | Copy Link

No, you can't un-bluepill your past either. One of the reason of my disgust is actually the fact that you've actually been that way with other women but not with me, and that another woman actually had the best of you and will always have it. It is a mental thing for me as I am extremely loyal but also extremely possessive myself.

[–]Endorsed ContributorBluepillProfessor 8 points9 points  (21 children) | Copy Link

another woman actually had the best of you and will always have it.

"The Best" means a weak, supplicating, pussy begging, whining, out of shape, bitch? Are you serious?

[–]nicoleo2016 0 points1 point  (20 children) | Copy Link

Assuming red pill men are all rich and high status, in shape and interesting, but non-committal... what's in it for me again? Assuming the red pill is the ultimate truth, then there is nothing more important to me than commitment.

[–]Endorsed ContributorBluepillProfessor 4 points5 points  (16 children) | Copy Link

If you want commitment from a high value man you should read "The Surrendered Wife." I really do wish you good luck and happy hunting.

[–]nicoleo2016 0 points1 point  (15 children) | Copy Link

Thank you but I think my point is just that I do not want to work on getting a man's commitment if he used to give it away for free. All else being equal I would rather go with a man who is eager to please than a TRP who demands that I work for his loyalty even though he used to be a doormat for someone else, it just causes a ton of resentment in my head.

Thank you for your suggestion though, luckily I have been quite fortunate in my love life. I literally stumbled across this section of the internet by chance and just decided to share my thoughts on this particular topic.

[–]anonymousapple111 2 points3 points  (8 children) | Copy Link

Not all redpill men are commitment phobic. They just need to know if the woman is reliable and worthy of commitment. Women should show empathy and try to understand that men are getting a raw deal. Besides a lot of us are here because we wanted to know what the fuss is about and found the principles to be true.

[–]nicoleo2016 0 points1 point  (7 children) | Copy Link

I am very much generalizing here but that is all I can speak to - in general terms. I can only speak to what I see the most posted online as I have not had any real life interactions with TRP men.

Coming from a female perspective this is a very raw deal too. These men are mostly hurt and taken advantage of by some woman previously, and basically now all his future women will have to pay for it. Yes maybe they have improved themselves but with the "no fucks given" mentality, I can't help but to wonder if I can ever benefit by having such a man in my life. This is not a forum to help women so this is rightfully so, but this really doesn't sound like something I should be involved in either looking from the outside.

[–][deleted]  (6 children) | Copy Link

[permanently deleted]

[–]Strum_Gewehr 0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

Do you not see the current scenario breeds a lack of trust for both sides ? Why else would divorce rape be a term ?

[–]nicoleo2016 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

The trust issue is mostly with the TRP I'm afraid. I have no trust issues. The "all woman will fuck you over if you let her" belief is uniquely TRP. I never see all men being the same, I never thought all men are looking for and want the same things. Yes I have been cheated on in the past (with an older and less attractive woman may I add) and yes I still believe that not all men will cheat.

[–]1naMlliPdeR 0 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

I get what you're saying. It's a bit sad people tend to downvote without thinking. What you say makes sense. That's why most guys who are/were betas should not talk about their past. Simple as that. If the woman doesn't know he used to be a doormat, she'll get wet for his current self (assuming he's managed to become manly).

There's no reason for her to know you used to be a doormat. Myself personally, I was never a doormat, but if I was, I most definitely would not tell women about it. What better way to get a dry pussy?

[–]nicoleo2016 -1 points0 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Thank you!!! My God and they say women like to hamster.

[–]1naMlliPdeR 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

You have a lot of angry guys on this subreddit. Lots of the new guys tend to hate women. But it is what it is. The advice is spot on for guys looking to get laid easily.

[–][deleted]  (2 children) | Copy Link

[permanently deleted]

[–]nicoleo2016 0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

That's fine, but you're taking what I said out of context. Did you read the OP? I was simply agreeing to that sentiment and a disucsssion on why trp men are unattractive started, I am just explaining my point of view.

[–]squarehead93 1 point2 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

I would understand the "best of him" part if he was taking out other girls to fancy restaurants and telling them sweet things while with you he can barely be bothered to order takeout, pump you snd leave.

But what if he is still a caring and romantic guy with you, he just doesn't say any needless words, takes care of himself, is driven, and knows how to stick up for himself? Being redpilled doesn't necessarily mean you're not getting just as much commitment from him

[–]nicoleo2016 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

That would be wonderful yes, but you realize that's not what's being preached here right? Come to this sub and what do you see? Blame, anger, resentment, bragging, selfishness, hurt, baggage - none of that is high value. My bf makes me feel safe, and is willing to provide. I'm not looking for a man that I have to protect myself from.

And it might come as a shock to you, but women want to make men happy too. When I see this group of men I see a no win situation - they either see me as a piece of meat or something is fundamentally wrong with me, no matter what, everyone's miserable. In fact, one of the things most discussed here is who has it worse, men or women, it really is pathetic.

[–]Strum_Gewehr 2 points3 points  (5 children) | Copy Link

Your comparison between beta blue pill man and a reformed slut is wrong and heres why

A beta blue pill guy is actually a result of misinformation and misguidance. His world view of being nice and getting sex never works. The red pill's main aim to remove a person from this very matrix so he sees things as they are. The bitterness of the pill holds lessons like exercising, being socially assertive, focussing on career and most importantly the nature of women etc. Beyond this the positions of other users on marriage are their own personal views.


Take the example of the army. The army transforms boys to men. Imbues them with discipline, hard work, perseverance, confidence, leadership. Women find these men attractive. The boy may have been rejected by girls in his youth but the man has found a wife. So has the man scammed her by not being a natural ? TRP is a self help group that trains boys. A guy internalizing the RP will mostly display an irreversible positive change and not revert to the beta days. TRP is learned behaviour. This makes men an appreciating asset. Men are judged by their quality. The boy didnt offer the best part of him to the girls he got rejected by. The woman he married to got a fair deal as she now has the best of him.


First of all there is no such thing as a reformed slut. They are simply sluts with no opportunity. These women can in no way go back to the mental state of a virgin. They are damaged in a way that no education can cure. These cannot in any way be compared to my army example above. Women are mainly judged on beauty and attitude. That is why marriages of old had girls marrying young. Reformed sluts give their worst state to the man. This is why women are a depreciating asset in the present scenario.

[–]nicoleo2016 0 points1 point  (4 children) | Copy Link

Ok - forgive my reformed slut analogy.

Doesn't change how I feel about these men being some kind of refurbished goods that I have to pay more for though. I don't want to have to keep repeating myself but I just find TRP men all in all a bad deal for a woman like me who has not really done anything wrong, but it's fine since this is for improving men's life not women's.

I'd like to quote Donald Trump, a well respected man in this demographics, "I like people who weren't captured" (about McCain)

[–]Strum_Gewehr 1 point2 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

TRP branches out on the topic of marriage. Laws are to blame though. This marriage phobia is a result of plenty of n count individuals on both sides. The men here lack the trust in the opposite gender. Response? Be n count yourself and never commit.
Notice how the high value persons of each gender destroy their own gender. You are a victim of other women sleeping around. Your counterparts are the children of single parent household and divorced guys(perhaps).  

TRP is a bad deal to you because it has ended its position at the above response. It has yet to evolve to the sentient stage of understanding that the real enemy is that which destabilizes a family. Hedonism will have to be sacrificed. Give TRP time till it understands that TRP ends with Red Pill fathers.

[–]nicoleo2016 1 point2 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

Perhaps, but they are other women's problem. The amount of resentment and baggage and these men harbor is frightening to me. And honestly "blue pill" guys aren't so bad, my relationship has always been BP by definition and I have never wanted to cheated.

[–]LeX_Domina 0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

The problem I find with a good of TRP dudes is that they are essentially venting betas Their beta type behavior has gotten them nowhere and they are frustrated.Also,it's not a problem of western women per se,it's just many current red pills just have poor choice in mates.There are some shitty women out there,my question Mr.Red Pill ,why did you go after all the sluts,gold-diggers,whores and the like? Because those are the women you are attracted to.

[–]Endorsed ContributorBluepillProfessor 7 points8 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

at least he's being true to himself

No, he is being true to his Beta conditioning from his mother, sister, girlfriends (like you) plus the media, all the magazine, popular books and every single woman in the world who repeats the same coordinated lie to them over and over again.

As 'TRP Men' we "Get It" and we know enough to ignore your uninformed prattling. Unfortunately, the great unwashed masses will listen to bullshit about "authentic" and Ewwy Red Pill guys trying to improve and be less weak.

You SAY you don't want that! YOU want men to passively accept their fate, and then you and your sisters can pick through the scraps and choose a "True Alpha" @TM. Guess what sweetheart- you are totally full of shit just like almost all women on this issue!

News Flash: Men are built, not born as a fully formed "Alphas" the second they crawl out of the bloody sticky, deformed mess of a vagina at the start of his life.

Men CAN learn to be more Alpha. Men CAN learn to be more attractive. You say you don't want that- but your prattling is a Shit Test. Your words are testing for congruence, nothing more. You are incapable of acknowledging male success or even hinting at a path forward for men because your entire sexual strategy- like all women- is based on lies, and deception.

We are no longer being fooled and have figured out your little game.

So go find a nice little Beta pet. Treat him like shit. Deny him sex. Watch him twist and turn as you play him like a puppet.

Because the "Real" Alphas of TRP are no longer interested in buying what you have to offer. Sure we may rent it for a few hours but buying a Western female with her lies and deceptions and her continual attempts to shame men for trying to improve.

No thanks. Enjoy your cats.

[–][deleted] 2 points3 points  (20 children) | Copy Link

You say a lot of things, but then...

Who cares how high status, how much money you make and how good looking you are if I am not going to be a part of that.

So your issue is more to do with the fact that you're used goods and anyone who knows what's best for them would avoid you like AIDS? Kind of silly to compare being a huge slut to simply being a good person, as well.

To be honest this is pretty high quality bait, even as I am responding I can't make up my mind about it's baitiness. You truly are a great craftsman.

[–]nicoleo2016 3 points4 points  (19 children) | Copy Link

First of all, if baiting means starting a discussion then yes I am totally baiting. I thought this is reddit. Anyway, moving on...

Does TRP not advocate men to never commit and never be married or move in with a woman? Does TRP not tell men to never use their resources on a woman? Some go as far as to avoid meeting at restaurants and bars to avoid spending any money at all. What's in it for me, then? Yes I may be emotional or irrational at times but I'm not stupid. To make it worse most of you have once offered your unconditional love to another woman! WTF am I supposed to feel about that?! Don't listen to me if you think a woman's words mean nothing but all I can feel when reading some of TRP posts is disgust and makes me want to run for the hills and become a nun or something.

[–]Endorsed ContributorBluepillProfessor 5 points6 points  (7 children) | Copy Link

Read Married Red Pill for a LTR perspective. The young guys here are often very angry at women.

[–]5whatsthisgarg 0 points1 point  (6 children) | Copy Link

That's not good advice; most of the posters over there are absolutely pathetic losers married to complete bitches. A casual reader is going to get an awful perspective from that.

Maybe what you mean is read the COMMENTS for the LTR perspective, but even that? It's the same guys wasting untold hours on the internet giving advice to strangers. That's your LTR life?

[–]Endorsed ContributorBluepillProfessor 2 points3 points  (5 children) | Copy Link

Hmm are they all pathetic losers or are they positioned to advise other men. Can't be both.

[–]5whatsthisgarg 0 points1 point  (4 children) | Copy Link

Sounds like you did not take offense, and that's good. I'm 100% on board with the mission, but shit, I don't have to tell you how shocking some of conditions are over there. So it wouldn't be a good perspective for a hostile outsider to take.

Also I was distinguishing between the POSTERS and the COMMENTERS to the posts. And I said "most" not "all". Carry on.

[–]Endorsed ContributorBluepillProfessor 0 points1 point  (3 children) | Copy Link

Any suggestions? We created AskMRP to funnel the more pathetic new guys but there is no doubt you are correct. Some of these guys have not seen their testicles since they handed them to their wife before the wedding.

In other news I understand what you are saying about suggesting a woman read MRP and it is a good call. I think most woman who read Married Red Pill become physically ill. Thus the cries of "fake" and "Pretend Alpha." They can't process it. Does not compute. I was trying to counter the myth-ogeny argument and kind of threw out the baby with the bathwater.

[–]5whatsthisgarg 0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

I do not understand: I replied to this, and yet my reply doesn't show up when I am not logged in.

If this shows up, I said keep doing what you're doing and ignore the trolls. And I totally agreed with you about

I think most woman who read Married Red Pill become physically ill.

One of the first TRP truths I learned, years ago (right before you started--I remember your first posts!) male vulnerability is disgusting to women.

[–]adam_varg 1 point2 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

TRP is toolkit how to get what you want, really want not just would like, in most effective way possible.

Which information you choose to apply and how is up to you.

Its not religion, its not dogma. You can treat it that way and lots of morons actually do that, but its not fail of redpill but personal choice.

The sub has huge user base, is mostly unmoderated and its nature is catnip for angry, bitter broken man who can freely post and do so. Hence all the "all women are totally stupid and the worst, reeee" posts. So being disgusted with most/lot of content isnt surprising for me, personally i just skip that shit. And then when you get to quality stuff you have to look past offensive language, funny lingo. Then you have to be able to see through generalizations and intentionally over the top writing style. Most people, "redpillers" or outsiders arent able or willing to do all that.

See for example i can write, actually i think there is already one, post how its effective and easy to train woman like a dog. Sounds offensive, manipulating, mysoginist, etc? Well the truth is you can train all people like a dog up to some level, imho it will work better on women and children (in general) since they are less individualistic than men (in general). Leaving that out of post isnt mysoginistic and doesnt make reader manipulator. What makes such post nauseating is you focusing on form not content/point of post.

I found redpill some time before this sub existed, use that knowledge to my advantage for years, to be better man and get more of my life. And yet i havent changed my opinion on commited relationships (vetting much more thoroughly though), manipulated, negged, treated like shit any girl or whatever "redpillers" are being accused of. If i feel a need for some shortcut, which usually comes in form of some manipulation and alike, i improve myself so i dont need shortcut. I am happier, girls i spend time with are happier.

[–]nicoleo2016 2 points3 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

I am not criticizing the theories, I do not know enough to criticize them. All I am saying is these men all come across as the "reformed slut" equivalent of women to me, and that is why they are not attractive. It is like if a women has slept around in her past, no matter how beautiful or young or loyal or feminine she is, you won't accept it if you know about it.

So my point is, HIDE THAT HISTORY FOREVER, hide that part of you FOREVER for it will not be loved or accepted, you are going to lose a lot of respect if she knows, especially if you behave differently now. It is highly unattractive for a woman to even know that you CAN be that weak, that you are capable of it. That's all.

[–]adam_varg 2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link


Thats why number one rule is 'dont talk about redpill', rule number two is dont talk about redpill.

Those guys in 'anger phase' sounds pathetic too me. But we call it 'phase' because it usually ends, when it ends they get it. Those who dont get over it smell so rancid to every girl with atleast bit of self esteem so much she will run for the hills before they can finish first sentence.

[–]spaseur 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Please don't read all the posts from angry dudes like "lift, fuck bitches, don't commit, get a vasectomy, kids are useless" and think this is TRP lol :/

[–][deleted] 6 points7 points  (5 children) | Copy Link

Don't listen to me if you think a woman's words mean nothing

I'd like to but this is a discussion now. I was fairly certain this was reddit.

Anyway, you are looking at things only superficially. None of that is meant for long-term relationships. That's meant for hookups. You don't waste unnecessary effort nor resources into the trash which you'll throw away in the morning and never think about ever again.

A lot of the information commonly called "The Red Pill" is about women's behaviors, which are still pretty important if one is looking to get married (though that is pretty much not recommended unless you have enough money to get an iron-clad pre-nup or live in some place where there's not a whole industry devoted to divorce).

Do you ever think? I know you're a woman and so it's kind of hard for you, but do you honestly believe one could be in a long-term relationship in which no sharing at all would happen?

That said, if you're a low quality woman, you'll never get into a long-term relationship with any man who's not making a huge mistake. Therefore, you will never marry a quality man nor would anyone following TRP try to maintain LTR with you. Accepting that and going for "betas", like you said in your first post, is actually quite smart of you, if we think about it this way, since it's not like you can "afford" something better.

[–]nicoleo2016 1 point2 points  (4 children) | Copy Link

Of course I do not honestly believe you can be in a long term relationship with no sharing whatsoever, and that is my primary issue with TRP. Like I said before and you have not even addressed any of that - the TRP advocates non-commitment - which is clearly an issue for me. And to know that these very men have at some point of their lives offered their unconditional love to some bunch of women makes it even more revolting. I do NOT chase men, never have and never will, and if that makes me low value then so be it. If you're going to have to "plate" me and make me "work" for a "promotion" to "ltr" status.... I MIGHT consider if you have a few million dollar net worth but even then I'm not sure. Thanks but no thanks. If any women are willing to work that hard for it they must be pretty darn desperate for the alpha cock and good luck keeping up the "alpha-ness". I pick from men who wants to be with me in the first place, so yes, I guess I am quite smart.

[–]verily_rp 18 points19 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

I MIGHT consider if you have a few million dollar net worth but even then I'm not sure.

...and here we have it, folks! Straight from the horses mouth. Have enough money or enough alpha and EVERY skeptic will reconsider. Hah, like clockwork

[–]Miguelx74 4 points5 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

You have to be trolling right?

[–]nicoleo2016 -3 points-2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Yes - yes I am. I'm done trolling now, good bye.

[–]Senior Endorsed Contributormax_peenor 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

TRP men find reformed sluts unattractive

False premise. I find many reformed sluts attractive. I gleefully put my dick in them. I just wouldn't get in a relationship with one.

Read the sidebar. You will realize that attraction creates lust, not the desire to pick coordinated furniture for your apartment together.

[–][deleted] -2 points-1 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I think people react this way to that information because you guys are tremendous losers.

[–][deleted]  (2 children) | Copy Link

[permanently deleted]

[–]tallwheel 2 points3 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

Nah. That title would have to go to yours.

You can kill a man, but you can't kill an idea.

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