
~ archived since 2018 ~


This isn't a post asking how to win a bitch back, but I need some guidance on how to move on with my life. I haven't eaten, slept, gone to the gym or gotten any work done at work in the last 2+ days.

It's a shame because I consider myself a TRP veteran. 4+ years. I have sharply improved my SMV and have been lifting 4+ years.This is a throwaway account. Yet, I let myself get sucked in.

Just had a bitch dump and ghost me out of nowhere. Still don't understand why. For years I simply was a pump and dump/plate person. Never got attached. I finally decide to move toward an LTR and this shit happens. The thing is, I wasn't looking for an LTR. It's simply that this girl had a lot of good qualities. She approached ME. She gave me her number, I didn't ask for it. She asked me out, I didn't ask her out. It was clear she desired me in ways other girls haven't. Always initiating contact with me - I never initiated. Always responded to me immediately and always got the last word in any conversation we had. I didn't even have to try with her. It was clear she valued me and I really appreciated that. And for that I think I took it all for granted.

I feel like I did everything by the book TRP wise. I made sure to not appear needy or thirsty. I carefully rationed my communication and contact with her. I held frame and was stoic. I applied dread by flirting with other girls and maintaining active Tinder/Bumble accounts. I fucked her on the first date. I never paid for her on dates.

Then on Sunday Night we were hanging out at my place like normal on my couch and getting in the mood and before we fuck she abruptly gets up and leaves, saying she was tired and had to go to sleep. I then get a text message the next morning saying its not going to work out, I'm sorry, and then she proceeds to block me on every single communication platform including my phone number. Made no sense, considering the attention she was showering me in all the way up to our date that night. Reading between the lines I believe I ended up failing a massive comfort test. I think she was afraid of me simply using her for sex and not ever giving her the commitment/investment she gave to me and decided to end things before she got emotionally hurt.

It's over and I am just having a hard time moving on. It's one thing to say you will avoid oneitis but its another thing to actually do it because when you meet a woman who truly cares about you and invests in you, your brain gets filled with chemicals that make you feel downright transcendent. In the past its been easier for me to move on because I either deserved it, or the girl truly didn't care about me and treated me like shit. What hurts the most is that while TRP preaches abundance, what are the odds of finding a quality girl again who desires me and invests in me the way this one did?

Regardless of all of that I just need some advice on how to move on. I have no motivation to do anything right now. Any steps I can take to help myself feel better about all of this will be appreciated.

[–]ShouldIJustBeQuiet24 points25 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

I'm going to tell you something that a lot of people here aren't going to want admit to: If you want a girl to be more than a plate, you have to set frame like she is more than a plate.

Women will follow where ever you lead them and if you lead her down a plate path, she's gonna' act like a plate. Which she did. You set frame like you didn't care if she bailed whenever and so she bailed whenever. Probably after the first big test fail. I also suspect she was probably also chatting with other guys as well and probably had a back up in case you didn't work out so she could jump ship at the first sign of trouble (because it's a bit naive to think that you're talking to others and she definitely isn't). If you don't want this to happen, you need to set frame like it shouldn't happen or make yourself the best possible option.

I think people here often forget that frame is not some specific set or rules you have to follow, it is the path you want to walk and lead her down. So set the path you want. You specifically set the wrong frame for what you wanted. That's on you.

You can apply TRP principles when heading towards LTRs you just can't apply them in the same way you'd do it for a plate or you're going to get a plate that just drops whenever.

[–]abdada49 points50 points  (20 children) | Copy Link

Move on because your entire future only gets better while she's taking each step closer to The Wall.

How is your entire future defined by a wet hole?

[–]WolvyLion 1 points1 points [recovered] | Copy Link

When you put it that way, makes total sense. I'm 30 and still have a lot more growing to do. She is 24. 3 pre-wall years left at best.

[–]abdada29 points30 points  (17 children) | Copy Link

Tag me in 1 year when you see her again and her hot body turned into the Cookie Monster's loose wrinkly pleather pouch.

[–]htbf2 points3 points  (16 children) | Copy Link

My dentist is 40 y old. Used to be an international model. Stopped at 24 and started her studies and now owns a very succesful clinic.

My lizard brain would marry her and adopt her kids on the spot. She is already married to a fitness coach/event promoter/real estate investor.

But seriously, she has it all. The incredible looks, the self achievement, the heart melting smile and spark in her eyes, the beautiful kids. I don't know how is her life in the bed as women need those butterflies but I've never seen a girl that defies the odds like her. I could be anything I want and she would still win all the attention in the room.

Her face haunts me, I had to delay my next appointment by another week. It made me regret letting go of my plastic surgeon plate. 18y old pussies are tight but the companionship is dreadful.

[–]abdada8 points9 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Yeah there are outliers, but in OP's case, it's not going to be this one, lol

Your dentist was likely never some random skank with random decisions. She made decisions and reached goals by focusing on them.

[–]dthlist0 points1 point  (5 children) | Copy Link

Does 18 year old fussy feel better than 35 year old pussy?

[–]htbf1 point2 points  (4 children) | Copy Link


[–]dthlist0 points1 point  (3 children) | Copy Link

Is it psychological? Could it be? What is physically different?

[–]htbf0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

On average, they got fucked less and in general, the younger you are, the tighter your skin.

[–]a_desert_creature0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

Definitely not psychological. It's tighter, it's wetter, and it's usually attached to a much more demure personality.

[–]bikermonk1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

It's tighter, it's wetter

How can these two co-exist. Getting it wet compromises the tightness mostly

[–]purplefidgetmidget14 points15 points  (2 children) | Copy Link


1) You're human. It's normal to feel grief after unexpected loss, including loss of routine. Accept that it's normal.

2) Acknowledging 1, force yourself to go and do things. Lean on friends to socialise with and help you out. Now is the time to force yourself to do things you don't want to do.

3) Accept that the reason does not matter, and that any attempts to get back with her are beta behaviour and will sabotage your chances. No, you shouldn't get back with her. Yes, she will definitely realise her fuck up in a few days and text you to get you back. No you shouldn't go back. Yes she probably fucked another guy and broke off because she felt guilty. I doubt it was anything you did, she'd have raised flags before this by becoming emotionally distant or secretive with her phone/actions.

Spend some time evaluating what your purpose in life is. Build a sense of mission. You're a machine, you need to start taking small steps towards fulfilling your function. That means tidying your house, having a shower, getting your shit together, going to the gym, going out for a walk, meeting friends, talking to strangers, shopping for something cool, etc.

[–]WolvyLion 1 points1 points [recovered] | Copy Link

Yes she probably fucked another guy and broke off because she felt guilty. I doubt it was anything you did, she'd have raised flags before this by becoming emotionally distant or secretive with her phone/actions.

Not discounting the fact there was another guy, there probably was. But I saw no warning signs or red flags at all.

[–]purplefidgetmidget8 points9 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

It's possible, but who knows. Could have been one of a million reasons. Could have been nothing.

Pretend you find out the reason. What then? The next move after knowing what the reason is, is to completely ghost her and never talk to her again. You can't rationalise, beg, persuade, convince, or influence her in any way without coming across as a giant beta.

So you just need to move on. Maybe she'll want you back in the future and have some really good explanation. Doesn't matter, she'll do it again further down the line.

It's like having a favourite toy and then one day it doesn't switch on anymore. You can't repair it, so rather than hoping it will come back to life, or putting it next to your bed as a sad reminder, you need to throw it away, then find a new one.

[–]hellprince725 points26 points  (11 children) | Copy Link

You think she cares and desires you. Woman who do care and love you ain’t gonna pull this sort of shit. So clearly something’s up here. And you didn’t notice or you believed her all this time. I was in a similar situation not too long ago. You believe whatever you want to believe. I think you invested way to much into her.

Go get laid with other woman or whores . Will be like therapy for your soul at this point in time.

[–]bcdude21 point2 points  (3 children) | Copy Link

Funny cause she probably thinks the OP doesn't truly care or desire her. Women who truly care and love you can absolutely pull this shit if it wasn't working for them. The love is unconditional but staying with you doesn't have to be.

[–]hellprince74 points5 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

You need to read the article by rollo - the medium is the message.

A quote from it

When a woman goes from hot to cold and back again, THIS IS the message — she’s got buyers remorse, you’re not her first priority, she’s deliberating between you and what she perceives is a better Hypergamous prospect, you were better looking when she was drunk, etc. — the message isn’t the ‘what ifs’, the message IS her own hesitation and how her behavior manifests it. 10 dates before sex? This IS the message. Canceling dates? Flaking? strong interest to weak interest? This IS the message.

Women with high interest level (IL) wont confuse you. When a woman wants to fuck you she’ll find a way to fuck you. If she’s fluctuating between being into you and then not, put her away for a while and spin other plates.

[–]bcdude20 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

Nah I got the message loud and clear already. She doesn't want to be with you anymore . Move the fuck on. Why would I waste my time on an article about the "reasoning" for this could be?

[–]hellprince70 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Not me him. Lol. The guy who posted this question

[–]Hottosmart0 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

You need a woman who will treat you like a piece of garbage. You'll be begging for her not to leave.

[–]hellprince7-1 points0 points  (0 children) | Copy Link


[–]Hottosmart 1 points1 points [recovered] | Copy Link

Men who care and love reciprocate back, not act distant, elusive and not even man up to pay for a single date.

[–]hellprince70 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

No one likes u I guess. Lol

[–]turtlings0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Stop projecting your insecurities and frustration onto other people.

[–]Endorsed ContributorMetalgear2226 points7 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

You forgot to remind yourself that this was inevitable. WHY she left should mean nothing to you. Women are fickle. Don't expect them to be loyal. They are not like men. So your brain is playing tricks on you because of the chemicals as you pointed out. Time will heal you. You've only gave it 2 days. Remind yourself of your mission. Women should not be a part of it. Start plating other girls. You know the game man.

Next time don't forget, she's not yours it's just your turn.

[–]anabolic9212 points13 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

If you've been around TRP for that long we won't tell you anything that you don't know already, you might just need some reminders.

You can be as Red Pilled as you want, but you'll have slipping moments when you can slide into BP mindsets/attitudes.


  • You should at anytime, always keep in mind, that every time you meet a girl/plate it might be the last time, and that's perfectly OK.

  • You are basing your emotional well being on someone else, and a woman lol.

  • You are a male and RP aware, you've to detect when you start being emotional driven and move back to being rational.

  • Fill in your time, you are giving free room to somebody in your head that doesn't care about you. Gym or any other form of sport, hit up old friends, go for a walk, read a book, meditate, create a meal plan, I don't know what you like.

Really hard to believe now that I've finished writing this shit that you've been around for 4 years, you haven't internalized shit then.

[–]AfterC1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Alpha single/beta relationship is the biggest issue across TRP as a whole

[–]Josewasframed8 points9 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

If you have any close guy friends, go talk and hang with them. Just do some bro shit for you and your friends for now. This too shall pass.

[–]JinSantosAndria3 points4 points  (1 child) | Copy Link

You became dependant on the outcome somewhere on the road. You mention the one woman who truly cares about and invests in you, yet this shit happend. Did you understood the place and modus operandi of women if this happens to you after 4 or more years? Please see it as a simple question, not trying to scold your for it.

Did you not go through an anger phase? Did you not see and pass through the shit that leads to TRP in the first place?

This whole thing is depressing and looking at it drains any motivation in the beginning. You need to understand what to be dependant on: You and your goals alone. Nothing else will ever be yours for any prolonged time and even the few parts that you can forge and shape can be bound to spontaneous self combustion.

We also preach outcome independence. If you fail yourself, you have yourself to blame. Whatever others do, stay in tune, have a plan for when it fails because not everyone is as strong or leading as yourself.

Women, and even men, may accompany you on your way you laid out for yourself, but they will get lost eventually.

[–]AncientDragons3 points4 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Give yourself a time limit to wallow in your shock and sadness. I suggest no longer than a week or ten days.

After that, get your ass back into the gym, hang out with bros, play video games, buy a motorcycle, start working on finding your way forward again. It's gonna feel weird and lots of things will remind your of her but you have to keep going. Eventually that will fade.

It sucks. You got hurt. That's gonna sting, especially when the relationship made you happy. Sounds like you did all of the right things and she just made another choice. It happens. There's no secret to getting over this, you just have to DO the right things by focusing on yourself, being healthy, busy, and engaged in life. Don't get caught in the "why me" trap because it happens to nearly EVERYONE at least once. Don't let your self-esteem get knocked out by this.

[–]Herdsengineers3 points4 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

I'm reading between the lines of your post, are you sure you weren't on the receiving end of a "narcissistic discard"? In my experience, women that come on real strong like you describe are usually doing it because they value the ego stroking you provide in response. They are doing it only to get something from you. They don't really value "you", they value what they can get from you.

What happens is somewhere along the line, the ego stroking looses it's effect. They no longer value it, and you have no more use to them. So they discard and move on. Ultimately, it's not a sign that anything is wrong with you. It's actually a sign that things are right with you. Only a true narcissist does this kind of thing to another person. Only a disordered person can maintain a relationship with someone like that, it's dysfunctional but that's what feeds the troll, so to speak. A healthy person can't feed the troll long term, if that makes sense, so the troll eventually leaves.

Google "future faking" and read about it as another description of similar phenomena.

If this is anything close to the truth of what really happened in this case, she did you a massive favor. I went through a similar occurrence a few years ago - make yourself hit the gym, hang with friends, and refocus on building yourself and your life.

One other word - it's common for women that do this to try to re-establish contact and suck you back in some time in the future. Do yourself a favor, if she contacts you again, don't block her and all that, just politely decline any invites, minimal emotion displayed, minimal word used. Brief and polite only. No well wishes, no nothing else.

[–]TheRedPillMonkey2 points3 points  (6 children) | Copy Link

Yep. It sucks. It's going to suck. It's normal, natural, and even still within the confines of trp for it to suck.

The good news is it's only going to get better. Something that makes you feel so bad only comes along because it was able to make you feel so good. You'll climb back.

You need to continue the path. You need to make sure the rest of your life is happy and this will come as less of a blow. No single woman, LTR or married, should be the key to your happiness. Get your path sorted, monk mode for awhile, and just do you.

Youll get a lot of advice about lifting, fucking other girls, etc.. they're all true. Listen to them. But don't feel bad when it hasn't quite filled that hole. You tasted a good LTR. You will again.

Just learn from this experience. Figure out where you lost frame and work on it. Keep up abundance mentality. Make sure she knows this isn't going to slow you down. And next time a good LTR pops up, keep abundance mentality, remember AWALT, and remember she's never yours, it's only your turn.

It will always hurt when it ends like this, but you can lessen the blow in the future, and learn from this experience knowing it's only going to make you stronger.

[–]WolvyLion 1 points1 points [recovered] | Copy Link

I think what makes it the most difficult is how abrupt it all happened. No indications or signs she was going to dump me. Literally went from 100 to 0 instantly. It caught me off guard completely and it's difficult to make sense of.

And next time a good LTR pops up, keep abundance mentality,

I can't help but wonder if it was my emphasis on maintaining abundance mentality that ultimately did me in here. Not saying I did the wrong thing but there is probably a better way to do it without making her feel unvalued.

[–]TheRedPillMonkey0 points1 point  (4 children) | Copy Link

Well, keeping abundance mentality is more internal than external. You should think that you can move on real eaisly to a girl equally good or better.

That said, she should still be aware you're a man with options, but you shouldn't constantly and proactively remind her. I'm not saying that's what you did here because you didn't state it, but it sounds like what you may be implying.

What comfort tests was she giving you and what was your response?

[–]WolvyLion 1 points1 points [recovered] | Copy Link

She was one of those "I'm not looking for a hookup" types. Pretty blunt about it. However TRP has taught me that its just a shit test and she will hook up for the right guy. That's how I played it from the get go. And I did fuck her on the first date.

What comfort tests was she giving you and what was your response?

She seemed to be pretty interested about my online dating, specifically Tinder and Bumble, from the get go. But I treated that like a shit test too and would A&A by exaggerating my responses. For example she asked how many Tinder dates I have been on this week and I would answer something like "13 but I plan to get to 20 by the end of tomorrow". One time we were on the couch and I pulled out Tinder infront of her just to mess around.

She had Tinder/Bumble accounts too but I feel like it was to keep tabs on my profile. I don't think its a coincidence that this breakup was initiated shortly after I updated by Tinder/Bumble profile and pictures. That probably gave her the evidence she needed that I wasn't committed.

[–]TheRedPillMonkey7 points8 points  (2 children) | Copy Link

So this is really confusing and it sounds like you totally misinterpreted advice here. It sounds like you were treating a LTR like a plate. They are 2 totally different things.

Either she was a plate who broke because she didn't get the promotion to LTR, or she was an LTR that you were not treating like an LTR.

Abundance mentality means you know you have options. In an LTR, it doesn't mean proactively persuing them like you would if she was just a plate.

So if she's a plate who wanted the promotion, then this isn't a breakup, it's a broken plate. They break all the time due to not getting that upgrade. This shouldnt be surprising or upsetting as it was your choice.

If she was an LTR, then your treating her like a plate was the problem.

Bottom line: plates and LTRs are not the same thing, and require different approaches.

[–]OracleofFl0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

There ya go...She detected that you updated your Tinder account and her hamster wheel decided to dump you before you could dump her. Chicks use their friend's Tinder accounts to snoop on their boyfriend's activity. Take this as a lesson learned. Don't ever get caught looking at Tinder or Match or Porn. Use stealth mode browsers, etc.

[–]Herdsengineers0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Regardless, an adult can say "hey i don't like that" and not just leave. If she couldn't speak up, then she's not LTR material.

[–]plopliar2 points3 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

How do you consider yourself a TRP veteran and then one girl dumping you makes you think about ending your life?

You put way too much of your own value attached to a girl with a wet hole, just like 90% of all other females. Don't forget your value is not tied to another person, you are worth what you are because of how you are and what you do.

Its normal to feel bad, don't suicide yourself over a vagina.

[–]iLLprincipLeS 1 points1 points [recovered] | Copy Link

what are the odds of finding a quality girl again who desires me and invests in me the way this one did?

You sure she was a quality girl and not a oneitis? She desired and invested so much in you that she dumped you.

Reading between the lines I believe I ended up failing a massive comfort test.

How long the LTR lasted? She had any best female friends she hanged around with? How about male friends?

[–]WolvyLion 1 points1 points [recovered] | Copy Link

You sure she was a quality girl and not a oneitis? She desired and invested so much in you that she dumped you.

Definitely evolved into a oneitis.

How long the LTR lasted? She had any best female friends she hanged around with? How about male friends?

Yes to female friends she hung out with. 4 months.

[–]jeantomic1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

LifE ain't about womEn: as simplE as that.

[–]germancarfan 1 points1 points [recovered] | Copy Link

I went through this once. All the symptoms too. I literally could NOT sleep, skipped gym, cried a lil in the shower (lol).

Anyways, you're gonna be depressed for at least a couple of months. That's just normal. Take it a day at a time.

I have a theory as to what happened (since it happened to me). Is she muslim, mormon, or from some other strict cult-like religion? If not her, than her family? Or is she some type of south asian or middle easterner?

[–]1rad_dynamic1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Try to find validation from other sources than women. When placing your happiness and your feeling of importance in life on external sources, like women, we are often left with huge holes in our lives when the relationship we envisioned doesn't happen.

[–]Ricardo29911 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Is the type of girl who abruptly leaves and blocks you on everything a quality girl. Would you consider a guy friend who did this a stand up guy? Exactly. She isn't. You don't know her as well as you thought you did. She has some shit going on (or that went on) that is affecting her. Be happy she left and did turn you into a beta cuck. She likely ghosted you out of respect so you don't have to deal with her petty problems. Be happy she is gone. Take this as a lesson that not all things are as they first appear. If you're missing the feeling of a woman caring about you, call your mother or some other family member who cares about you.

[–]Morphs_1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

In 2016 I fell in love with a pretty awesome chick I met at wakeboarding. She chased me and we turned into FwBs. We saw each other quite much in hindsight and I fell in love with her, despite her not being fully my type physically nor personality-wise. But she was badass, black belt jui-jitsu, fanatic with physical stuff.

But she wasn't looking for a relationship. Meanwhile I tried to hang on and hoped to make her fall in love with me. The fatal night was when we went out with a bunch of people, everybody got drunk and people we just kissing with each other for shits&giggles. Seeing her act a bit slutty hurt my BP ass, promptly went home.

Tried to get her in the next months, hung out a few times but didn't work. I spiraled into a severe depression, suicidal thoughts and everything. Depression used to come up from time to time in my life, and usually it was related to feeling rejected by a woman.

In 2017 I went to a psychologist and worked on myself. I advice you to do the same. Your emotional reaction to her leaving is more than just sadness, something inside you was triggered, causing the depression. In my case, it was a lack of masculinity that I found in her. So that's a weird mix-up of gender roles I guess.

Things are so different now. Your feelings will subside on their own over time, but also take time for introspection. She was your unicorn because she represented something you needed, that is lacking. Then learn to provide whatever you feel is missing by yourself, so you can actually feel whole by yourself.

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Having sex with other women helps

[–]RedPilledRoaster1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Quit being a little bitch. You’re depressed because you’re unnecessary for the gene pool and your body is trying to self-eliminate.

Go lift and become valuable.

“Your brain is filled with chemicals bla bla bla”

Bullshit. Fuck this victim mentality. If everyone here manages to avoid oneitis when a girl gives them attention you can too (or maybe not... maybe you’ll always be a bitch).

[–]randarrow0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

[–]HelperBot_0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

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[–]Two_kids_in_a_coat0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Been there. Fuck her, block her back and delete everything you’ve got of her. Out of sight, out of mind. When it happened to me I thought I lost the only one like her. Turns out she was just a cheating hoe like the rest and I found quite a few better ones pretty damn quickly one I found myself.

Surround yourself with your best guy friends, brothers, or father. Stay busy with them but avoid drinking. Try to be active with em. Mountain bike, rock climb, play basketball or football, go for a hike and focus on enjoying your time with men who actually matter. You know GFTOW but Don’t try to fuck your way out of it for a week or two. Pussy can wait, enjoy being one of the boys for a bit.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

I finally decide to move toward an LTR and this shit happens.

never seem interested in an LTR, even if you are. wait until they start complaining about it

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Go to the gym and stop faping.

[–]TermiFaptor0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

when you meet a woman who truly cares about you and invests in you, your brain gets filled with chemicals that make you feel downright transcendent.

How are spies treated when they are caught ? They get executed, ideally they should be executed because they caused so much damage.

Same thing with the girl. She was a spy who was sabotaging your frame.

[–]Carbone0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Sun Drink Green Tea ( A lot : Cold or hot but a bag in a glass of water and drink it ) Read Books Cut Internet Fiber / Meat / Veggies and Fruits

Give yourself a week

Fix your sleep even try sleeping outside at least 1 time on a cushioned bench in your backyard.

[–]dzkkne0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

The reason it hurts is because you didn’t get closure. It was unexpected.

You either try get closure if it haunts you too much or forget about it all.

It sounds like you got your hopes high with her without actually testing where you are both at. It’s like you have built all this theory about how she is invested in you without investing in it yourself. You haven’t invested anything to maintain her comfort but tricked yourself in to thinking that she is completely on it...

Basically- you fucked your own mind up. Don’t see her fault apart from ending it so abruptly.

[–]calm_boy0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Exactly.... Same shit happened to me 2 months back... i also thought myself red-pilled... it happened the same way u mentioned and ended in similar fashion... She gave some stupid reason and blocked me.... i was broken... shattered.... thought i will never find someone like her again.... but time heals everything man. .. let time do its work and u do yours... Don't hamster... what went wrong... or how you could have avoided... It's over ... accept that... i know these things are easier to preach but actually following them is different... yes you will feel pain ... soul crippling pain... but it's this pain which will lay foundation of future 'you' .... your better version ... upgraded version... consider this as a upgrade in your TRP journey. . A painful upgrade...... but in few days you will feel this happened for good reason ... like i am feeling now after 2 months.... for that period focus on yourself.... your hobbies.. your aspirations.. your dreams... her memories will come back ... don't run away from them ... face them.... like a man... more you try to run away more they will haunt you.... Man up ...Get up... for a better updated TRP version.. best of luck mate.....

[–]Hottosmart0 points1 point  (3 children) | Copy Link

You treated her like crap and you still expect her to treat you like a king while giving nothing in return? She saw that you were selfish and moved on. You used her. What kind of a man are you? You are not a protector, a rock she cab lean on. Sure, you'll find other hotter women to bang but they won't be there for you in your time of need. They'll dump your ass as soon as you stop filling their carnal desires.

[–]hellprince70 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

Seems like you got ur ass dumped by someone real good. No wonder ur so butthurt. Lol

[–]Hottosmart0 points1 point  (1 child) | Copy Link

is that all you've got? Pathetic.

[–]hellprince70 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

I can see that No one really likes you.

Such a loser.

Your not even welcome here to TRP

[–]zboo1h0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

She went and fucked some other guy when she left your apartment.

She DIDN'T TRULY CARE FOR YOU. WAKE UP. She was temporarily invested until a better opportunity presented itself, and she fooled the shit out of you with her probably nice body and pretty face. WAKE UP. Everyone stumbles sometimes until you get that fucking gene in you that says FUCK THAT, MY HAPPINESS IS PARAMOUNT. WAKE UP.

[–]jb_trp1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

what are the odds of finding a quality girl again who desires me and invests in me the way this one did?

Stop putting this chick on a pedestal. Sure, she probably was good looking and had some cool qualities. So what?

Also, stop letting your sense of self-worth be defined by whether a woman desires you and wants to be with you. Women are like light switches: When the switch is on, you feel the warms and everything is good. When the switch goes off, it's like the light was never on. There is no light and warmth anymore. So she ghosted you.

Nothing about her behavior defines your worth. Nothing about any girl's behavior defines your worth. You define your own self-worth.

Move forward. Life is short, there's plenty of other good things in this world.

[–]cptgoatsack0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

I don't buy this shit about women truly caring about a man she's with. She is making calculated investments with her time/money in the hopes that it will pay off big. You are just a means to and end. This is also why you shouldn't give a fuck about plating any woman.

[–]Zanford0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

She's just one bowling ball - one set of three holes you pick up and play a few rounds with.

Your new mission is

  1. The gym

  2. Whatever your career is

  3. Social circle of bros and other hos

Every day you something towards these three. That is your road. The sexyfun with girls are just the roses along the road.

[–]3chazthundergut0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

It gets easier dude trust me.

Focus on your routine. Fill your day with activity and get your ass back in the gym.

[–]Swoleygrowly0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

TRP is for gaming women not dating them, yes some TRP principals translate but if you strictly follow TRP for a relationship eventually they will get sick of it. Making a relationship last is much more complicated then being stoic, focusing on urself and not being a needy bitch.

[–]forwhitedove0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Are you sure she didn't find out about something you did in the past?

Move on, but reexamine your relationship with the red pill. You said her ghosting you bothered her, but she essentially did to you what you've been doing to dozens of girls for 4+ years.

[–]ioncehadsexinapool0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

There’s nothing you can do to speed up getting over it, but there’s many things you can do to make the pain stay longer. Keep that in mind and just know that it’s normal to feel pain and be sad, for a while. I got oneitis for a plate a few months back and realized that it’s just something you have to go through for a few months until it gets out of your head. You don’t have to ignore it just make sure you don’t dwell on it.

[–]BurnieSlander0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

If you’re “extremely depressed” over a girl, you were never red-pilled to begin with. You were just acting like it.

I didn’t even have to try with her..

Yeah.. in LTRs you eventually do have to “try”. You can’t apply Beginner/Intermediate TRP to an LTR and expect it to work for very long.

[–]Schhwing0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

Played with fire and you got burned. If you want to “game” a girl forever, which is manipulation, be prepared for fake or not expected results. You are playing with her emotions and in the end her emotions felt that it wasn’t genuine. So she up and left.

It sounds like you were an emotional suck. If you felt she was special, fucking go for it! It’s at times like these when you need to ditch the script and go with your gut feeling. Even if you might get hurt.

Faking it isn’t announcing your true intention and going with that. Which is what a man should do.

[–]Senior EndorsedMattyAnon0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

I feel like I did everything by the book TRP wise

Except the oneitis.

ging out at my place like normal on my couch and getting in the mood and before we fuck she abruptly gets up and leaves, saying she was tired and had to go to sleep. I then get a text message the next morning saying its not going to work out, I'm sorry, and then she proceeds to block me on every single communication platform including my phone numbe

Wow, weird. No fucking idea on this. Could have gotten a text, could have seen something on your bookshelf. Who knows.

ally do it because when you meet a woman who truly cares about you and invests in you, your brain gets filled with chemicals that make you feel downright transcendent

I hope you see that she doesn't care about you. You see that right?

Regardless of all of that I just need some advice on how to move on. I have no motivation to do anything right now. Any steps I can take to help myself feel better about all of this will be appreciated.

Live YOUR life. Women are an extra, not a foundation.

[–]bob13bob0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

if you want to ltr, then ltr. why be on tinder/bumble while wanting to LTR. find a way to contact her and tell her you want to be in a ltr if thats what you want. yes, being in ltr puts at risk of future heart break, and you give up power in order to do it. it's a trade off, if you dont' bet you can't win. heart wants what it wants.

[–]kylerosa210 points1 point  (2 children) | Copy Link

This looks like the light switch effect in action. Something went bad and she made it seem like everything is bad.

I have found that it’s better to focus on hobbies or some interests and indulge in those (bonus points if they’re social hobbies and interests). Being around people helps distract you and having that added benefit intertwined into your hobbies is really good.

Also, start spinning up plates again. Fuck bitches, work at life.

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

This is a good comment.

Sucks how 1 minor thing can change a woman's perception of literally everything in life, and she takes massive pride in that like as if she has the strongest wisdom in the world.

Or, one of her friends could have that happen and then it affects her in that way.

Never expect commitment from anyone.

[–]PorkNails0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

You are giving too much importance to this event. It sucks right now, doesn't have to suck in the future. Probably won't. Focus, do whats important. It only gets better.

[–]inlovewithyourmother0 points1 point  (0 children) | Copy Link

One thing that stood out to me was that you never paid for her on dates. I think a better approach in the future is to take turns paying.

As far as what to do now, you need to understand that this person had a communication problem. She didn't have the ability to talk to you about what was going on in her head or she felt too intimidated by you. Regardless, she could have done this to you later on in the relationship and that would have stung even worse. Be glad she ended it early.

You need to understand that, as a red pilled man, you will get over her sooner than others. Everyone is different but I think she'll be completely out of your system in a few weeks max. As far as finding quality girls, they are hard to come by but she clearly wasn't the one for you the way she disrespected you like that. She just wasn't as good as you think.

Depending on your SMV, I think high quality men can comfortably find a "perfect" woman for them at least biannually if they're active in the market. Right now, you just need to take a break from everything for a couple days or a week or two. Just take a breather so you can move on. After a week or so, get back to the gym and restart your life.

Edit: Have been in the game for years with a shit ton of success on dating apps. Have a successful 4 year relationship that's going strong. TRP sometimes has a hard time accepting real advice.

[–]Forcetobereckonedwit-1 points0 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Go ride your motorcycle. What? You don't own a motorcycle? Go buy one and ride it. Women are just players in your game. You lost one. So what.

[–]Stonecoldwatcher-1 points0 points  (0 children) | Copy Link

Go to the gym, change ur values, do bloodwork to check ur testosterone.

You can kill a man, but you can't kill an idea.

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